#asteroid eris
sunkissedchld · 27 days
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asteroid eris is named after the greek goddess of discord and strife. eris is known to be a troublemaker and is often credited with starting and sustaining the trojan war. although eris is often associated with creating problems for people, liana miate asserts that hesiod (an ancient greek poet) splits eris into two: a younger version who aligns with sowing discord for no reason and an older version who intends to bring about competition and push people to go beyond their set limits. 
in astrology, eris follows her mythological roots and represents areas of life where we can encounter disruptions, major losses, and chaos. eris can also tell of where we face injustices and where we need to learn to stand up for ourselves.
asteroid eris mainly makes itself known as it moves and creates transiting aspects, but for this post i will be focusing on how it functions in one’s birth chart. (if you do want me to analyze how it may work as it makes aspects to planets and other object - let me know).
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asteroid eris has an orbital period of about 560 years, so it moves through the signs really slowly. this asteroid has been in the sign of aries since the mid-1920s and won’t be in taurus until 2048 where it will stay until around 2146. with this in mind, i will only explain the way the signs aries and taurus will influence the way asteroid eris can function.
eris in aries could be tumultuous. there could be more of an emphasis on literal war and combat which makes sense in my opinion given the world wars were in and around the time period of this asteroid being in aries. i also see eris in aries being more likely to fight back against the chaos the asteroid can bring; if older eris wants people to learn to stand up for themselves, then aries is the perfect sign for that to occur. again, we can look back in history to see revolutions like the civil rights movement, the vietnam war protests, the breaking up of the british empire and more occur while this asteroid was in aries. of course, these things happen all throughout history, but i want to specify how often this seems to happen while in the specific period of eris in aries. asteroid eris in aries seems to function as dealing with catastrophes head-on with the idea of pushing through the tough times instead of succumbing to them. while discord may hit hard; the collective will rise back with more strength than what was had before.
eris in taurus could bring about a sort of predictable chaos. build ups to conflict may be obvious, but when it occurs it could destroy people’s comfortability and especially bring havoc to finances. conflicts could last for long periods of time, and people overall could fall into a “woe is me” attitude when it comes to figuring out how to move past catastrophes; instead of figuring out how to advocate for one’s self or the collective when facing injustices - those born under eris in taurus could try to wait things out. the idea of fighting back or advocating for oneself could take a while to be viable, but once it becomes an option i could see people putting up a hard fight.  asteroid eris in taurus could be reluctant to face conflict head on, but once decided to it will be obstinate on its course. i’m reminded of the phrase “when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object”.
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you could go through drastic physical changes. if you were to get into plastic surgery, fillers, botox, etc. it may not bode well for you; your body could react negatively to the treatments and/or you may not look as well as you wanted to. you could also struggle with your identity or feeling like you don't truly know yourself or what you want to do in life. you could go through "phases" or looking and/or dressing a certain way. you could feel as if no one understands you, or as if the way you view yourself is vastly different from how others see and understand you. people may not be able to come to a consensus about who they think you are as a person. it could take you a while to find out "who you are", and your body may change often throughout your life. those with eris in the first house probably need to come to terms with the way they look instead of trying to constantly change their appearance, and they also likely need to learn how to settle down with one way of living or learn to embrace that vastness of who they want to be instead of trying to put themselves into a box.
money and other financial successes could easily come and go out of your life. you may be the type of person who loses things more easily than the average person, and you may find it hard to retain money and possessions. during tense transits, you could have items repossessed or even stolen from you. your routines could be hard to maintain, or you could find random incidents keep you from being able to have one. it could be easy for you to break bad habits (but again, could be hard for you to maintain good ones). you could find yourself struggling to keep jobs or find that you're drawn to jobs where every day is different and unpredictable. you may need to learn how to stay on top of what it is you want and need to do (ie. writing down a schedule, having someone hold you accountable, etc.). you may need to learn how to say no to yourself when it comes to spending money and work on having a savings account you can't touch at all. it may be better for you to make large purchases with cash instead of setting up payments, so you can keep possessions long-term.
you could find yourself being ghosted often and/or you could have trouble maintaining contact with others. you could be "horrible with communication" or even technology to an extent. you could find that people misunderstand you or they think you're more harsh in your words than you intend to be. you could also have a tumultuous relationship with your siblings - maybe you've always found it hard to connect with them, or you go long periods of time without talking. your early education may have been interrupted in some way (having to move away, change schools, etc.). you could also have issues with transportation more often than others like your car breaking down randomly or always being late to events due to unreliability. learning how to advocate for yourself will be a major key to dealing with this eris placement. there's a need to learn how to "speak up" and deal with confrontation without running away and also without arguing. you may find it better to try leaving early to account for possible transportation issues. there's a need to learn to set boundaries with your siblings also in order to maintain the connection.
you could have an unstable home life. maybe you had (or you do) change living situations often, or your relationship with your family might not be the best. your childhood might’ve been fractured as a result of family issues. people, areas, or things you find comfort in may seem like they always get “ruined” at some point (ie. if you have a comfort show it gets canceled or the writing starts going downhill, a celebrity you like ends up being very problematic, etc.). you may feel as if you have no control over your emotions, or whenever you try to control your emotions you end up breaking down anyways. you may even find it hard to trust your instincts. you may also find it hard to create and maintain relationships with women - especially your mother. you may need to learn how to come to terms with the fact your childhood wasn’t as good as you wanted (or as good as it should’ve been); you might even have to realize you need to put yourself and your needs above your family due to their issues. you may need to learn to step back when it comes to parasocial relationships; figuring out it’s okay to find comfort in things or people, but not putting them on a pedestal anymore.
eris in the fifth house is also a contender for having an unstable childhood. maybe you weren’t allowed to behave like a child, or your childhood abruptly ended due to unforeseen circumstances. when engaging in creative avenues, you may encounter blocks often - in terms of imagination, originality, or physical blocks. you might even find that the art you create gets messed up in some way (ie. you delete a song or a section of a song you were making, you mix the wrong paints together, etc.). you may spontaneously lose interest in hobbies, or you’re prevented from being able to do them (ie. it rains on a day you planned to golf, you run out of yarn when you were planning to knit, etc.). with this placement, it may also seem like your romantic life is never going anywhere; this is another house that may see people ghosting them, or when you go out on dates they could be horrendous. you may need to learn how to create things out of your messes when it comes to creative endeavors; there’s a need to learn how to “roll with the punches” so to speak. you may find it best to engage in multiple hobbies instead of just one or finding a way to have someone hold you accountable for the creative work you want to create. there’s a need to allow yourself to go back to being the child you never got to be at some points.
you may be the type of person who always has health issues or some sort of injury. when you try to create good health habits you may find it hard to stay on track, and there may even be instances where you unintentionally break your habits (ie. you’re counting calories and want to stay under a certain amount but by day three you’ve forgotten you were dieting this way, you’re forced to work overtime one night and it just happens to be one of the days you’ve set aside for weight training, etc.). you may lose items easily, and when you try to help others you may have a way of making things worse (ie. you tried to help someone cook, but you burned part of the meal). you may need to advocate for and pay attention to your health and your body more than the average person. similar to other placements, having other people hold you accountable may be helpful for you to maintain habits you want to implement.  you may find it best to keep items in the same place each time you don’t have them in your hand, so you don’t lose things as often. when helping others, try to have someone check your work to be sure you’re providing aid the right way.
you could find yourself entering toxic relationships often or at least relationships that often never go anywhere. you might find yourself being ghosted by people for seemingly no reason or drama arising out of relationships you have from out of nowhere. contracts you write up or engage in could fall apart easily (ie. you receive a job offer, but it’s randomly rescinded for no reason; you have everything in order to move to a new apartment, but you get rejected out of nowhere), or they could cause more headaches than they’re worth. you might find people often don’t give enough in their relationships with you - like you’re the one running the show, making all the plans to be together, spending all the money, and they’re only along for the ride, or they only focus on what they can gain from you. you may need to learn how to have respect for yourself when it comes to relationships of all kinds. learning to not set yourself on fire in order to keep someone else from being cold, demanding equality in partnerships, etc. with this placement in aries i could even see a need to step back from relationships in some way - to allow or force others to pull their weight instead of making everything happen on your own. there’s a need to learn how to advocate for yourself and your needs in partnerships and contracts.
you could feel as if you’re always going through some sort of transformation - almost as if your life itself or life circumstances are always unstable. when you try to share with others you could find your kindness is not appreciated, so you may feel reluctant to give people money or take money from others for seemingly no reason. whenever you try to create deep connections with people it could feel like things never work out or always fall through (ie. you want to have a business partner, but the person backs out at the last minute, you need someone to cosign on a loan for you, but no one is willing). also, with this placement you may feel as if people leave randomly; this could range from being ghosted, them not putting in effort to maintain a relationship with you, conversations going stale to literal death taking people away from you without warning. additionally, your long term assets may be unstable. there could be a need to learn how to let go of things and people once they’ve served their purpose in your life; some people are meant to be present for only moments or periods of time in your life as opposed to throughout the whole journey. there’s also a need to stay on top of contracts and long-term investments; you could find that lower risk investments work best for you. there’s also a need to learn how to share yourself with others and allow others to do the same with you even through times where you may have been betrayed - learning from your mistakes is important in this area.
this is another placement that could encounter issues with transportation since the ninth house deals with travel. going further though, you could often experience disruptions when going on trips or vacations (ie. forgetting your passport, wallet, or other important item; flights being canceled or delayed for no reason, having “bad” experiences when you visit other areas). this could also be an indicator of struggling in areas of higher academia; this could be in regards to the material feeling overwhelming to learn or things always going wrong during the school year (ie. experiencing life changing events that make it hard for you to attend class, having to drop classes or finding it hard to create a schedule that works, etc.). connections to religion could also be unstable; you could feel uncomfortable with the idea of religion because of issues with religious institutions. you may find that people often try to suppress your culture or way of living, or you could find it hard to connect with your culture because people push you away from it in some way. there’s a need to be proactive when it comes to the way you travel – opting to leave too early instead of even on time, checking your luggage twice and three times over, etc. you may need to advocate for yourself more when interacting with higher institutions like college or religious places, and there’s also a need to be proud of your culture and views despite people’s attempts to erase them.
when it comes to receiving recognition for your achievements you could find that you’re often looked over. your career path may be hard for you to narrow down, or you could find you’re let go from jobs without warning when everything seems to be fine from your point of view. you may jump from job to job or be promoted and demoted to certain positions for no reason. you could encounter extreme highs and lows when it comes to your reputation; it might even be possible that your reputation is not consistent amongst people, and it could be hard for you to control it. when you’re in positions of power you may find that people often undermine you or refuse to take you seriously - especially men. on that note, you may find it hard to create and maintain relationships with men (especially your father). you could find people always find a way to criticize you or tell you all the work you do is wrong no matter what you do. there’s a need to possibly embrace whatever reputation people assign to you instead of trying to control the narrative or change who you are to appease everyone. there is also a need to demand recognition and praise when you know you deserve it - possibly even walking away from job opportunities when you know you’re being lowballed. there’s a need to maintain your sense of self trusting that the truth of who you are will guide you towards those who will appreciate you.
it could be hard for you to maintain friendships and connections with the collective and other groups in general. you could find yourself being iced out or being the “odd one out” when you try to fit in. technology may fail on your frequently, or you may feel like it doesn’t like you (ie. you find it hard to connect to wifi, you always have phone or computer issues, etc.). you may feel as if (or told) that you’re not as helpful as you think you are when it comes to collective situations (ie. group projects). you could find your ideas and dreams for the future often don’t work out, or you find them hard to maintain. there’s partially a need to embrace your individuality - to come to terms with the fact that you will eventually find a group that aligns with you and won’t push you out or make you feel othered. there’s a need to keep putting yourself out there even when you feel like it never works out. there’s also a need to maintain hope – for the future, for connecting with others, and when it comes to interacting with technology.
this is another placement that would indicate feeling as if you’re always going through some sort of transformation or ending in life. you could feel as if your spiritual life is in constant chaos (ie. having times where you’re clear on what your journey is and then suddenly feeling like you have no clue what you’re doing; being able to communicate with your guides clearly and then suddenly hearing radio silence, etc.). you could feel as if you don’t “truly” or “intimately” know yourself. you could find that your subconscious activates at random times and could cause trouble when you least expect it. you could feel as if your fate changes quickly going from having great luck to none at all. when it’s time to end certain cycles in your life you may find it hard to let go, or you may feel as if things end abruptly leaving little space for you to accept these endings. there’s a need to learn to be okay with abrupt endings or the idea of never receiving closure – finding a way to maintain peace even if this doesn’t happen. there’s also a need to take fate into your own hands instead of always being passive (or learning to be passive when it’s necessary). there’s a need to be open to ambiguity as opposed to running away from it.
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Goddess Eris in Your Astrology Chart: Goddess of Discord and Strife.[Asteroid]
In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess of discord, strife, and chaos. She was often depicted as a troublemaker, sowing seeds of conflict wherever she went. One of the most famous stories involving Eris is the myth of the Apple of Discord.
The tale begins with the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, to which all the gods and goddesses were invited except for Eris, who was known for her disruptive nature. Feeling slighted, Eris decided to crash the party anyway and wreak havoc. She tossed a golden apple inscribed with the words "To the fairest" into the midst of the assembled deities, sparking an immediate dispute.
Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each claimed the apple for themselves, believing they were the rightful recipient of the title "fairest." Zeus, unwilling to arbitrate the matter himself, deferred to Paris, a mortal prince of Troy, to decide. Each goddess attempted to sway Paris with promises of wealth, wisdom, or love. Ultimately, Paris chose Aphrodite as the fairest, swayed by her offer of the most beautiful mortal woman in the world, Helen of Sparta. This decision led to the abduction of Helen by Paris, triggering the Trojan War. Thus, Eris's act of tossing the apple ignited a chain of events that resulted in immense strife and suffering for mortals and gods alike. Eris embodies the concept that even the smallest act of discord can have far-reaching consequences, highlighting the unpredictable and chaotic nature of existence.
In astrology, Eris is a relatively new addition to the cosmic lineup. Discovered in 2005, it's often associated with disruption, discord, and the exposing of hidden truths. However, its interpretation within the context of astrology houses can vary, as its influence is still being explored and understood. Here's a general overview of how Eris might manifest in each house:
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1st House: Eris in the 1st house could suggest that the individual's sense of self is strongly influenced by the need to challenge norms and disrupt the status quo. They may be perceived as rebellious or iconoclastic.
2nd House: Eris in the 2nd house may indicate disruptions or unexpected changes in matters related to finances, possessions, and self-worth. The individual might have unconventional attitudes towards money and material possessions.
3rd House: Eris in the 3rd house could manifest as disruptions in communication, intellectual pursuits, or short journeys. The person may have a penchant for stirring up controversy through their words or ideas.
4th House: Eris in the 4th house might bring upheaval or discord within the family or domestic sphere. There could be a tendency to challenge familial traditions or deeply ingrained beliefs.
5th House: Eris in the 5th house may indicate disruptions in creative expression, romance, or activities related to leisure and entertainment. The individual might be drawn to unconventional forms of self-expression or have a rebellious streak in matters of the heart.
6th House: Eris in the 6th house could suggest disruptions in the realm of work, health, and daily routines. The person may challenge conventional approaches to these areas or encounter unexpected changes in their day-to-day life.
7th House: Eris in the 7th house may bring disruptions or conflicts in relationships, partnerships, and alliances. The individual may be drawn to unconventional or non-traditional partnerships, or they may encounter challenges in maintaining harmony within their relationships.
8th House: Eris in the 8th house could indicate disruptions or revelations in matters related to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. There may be a tendency to uncover hidden truths or challenge power dynamics within intimate relationships or financial arrangements.
9th House: Eris in the 9th house may bring disruptions or conflicts in matters related to beliefs, higher education, travel, and philosophical pursuits. The individual may challenge established ideologies or encounter unexpected obstacles in their quest for knowledge and understanding.
10th House: Eris in the 10th house could suggest disruptions or challenges in the individual's career, public image, and reputation. They may be drawn to unconventional career paths or encounter obstacles in achieving recognition and success in their chosen field.
11th House: Eris in the 11th house may indicate disruptions or conflicts within social circles, group affiliations, and humanitarian endeavors. The individual may challenge the status quo within their communities or encounter resistance when advocating for social change.
12th House: Eris in the 12th house could bring disruptions or hidden conflicts that affect the individual's inner world, subconscious mind, and spiritual journey. They may confront deeply buried psychological issues or encounter challenges in accessing their spiritual truth.
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astrologged · 1 year
Retrograde asteroids in the birth chart
Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Eris aren't planets, they're asteroids. When they go retrograde in someone's birth chart, they can offer extra information about that person's character and life events.
Ceres Retrograde: Ceres is associated with nurturing, motherhood, and the cycle of life and death. When Ceres is retrograde, they have experienced challenges or difficulties related to nurturing, either in their early upbringing or as a parent themselves. They need to work on issues related to self-care and providing care to others.
Pallas Retrograde: Pallas is associated with wisdom, strategy, and problem-solving. In retrograde, Pallas indicates that someone's analytical and strategic abilities are turned inward. They might struggle with decision-making or find it challenging to express their wisdom to others. Self-reflection and introspection can help them access their inner wisdom.
Juno Retrograde: Juno represents partnership and commitment, particularly in marriage. When Juno is retrograde, someone faces challenges related to forming and maintaining partnerships. They have a more internalized approach to their relationships, making it essential for them to work on understanding their own needs and expectations in partnerships.
Vesta Retrograde: Vesta is associated with devotion, focus, and commitment to a particular cause or mission. In retrograde, someone struggles with finding a sense of purpose or may have difficulty fully committing to a specific path. They need to explore their inner motivations and passions more deeply.
Eris Retrograde: Eris is associated with discord, chaos, and transformation. In retrograde, someone's experiences of conflict or disruption are more internalized. They struggle with their own inner demons or hidden conflicts, and the process of transformation is more personal and introspective.
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calg64 · 2 years
What do the Dwarf Planets mean?
I've been using many of the dwarf planets (trans-Neptunian objects) in all the personal and celebrity charts I've looked at for some months now, and I feel like I have a pretty decent grasp of the planetary archetypes. I'm gonna write some information about each planet to kind of summarise what they represent in astrology
I'm also grouping these planets by their orbital periods, as they seem to be in groups in their orbital period around the sun. The groups seem to carry similar themes too
Also, since there are a lot of these planets, I'll just say quickly which ones are the most important in a chart: Eris and Haumea are the most important from what I've seen (they are also the biggest planets). After that, I'd say that Makemake, Quaoar, and Orcus also play a big role
These planets are related to our need to protect ourselves
Eris: 558 yr orbit. This is the planet that urges you to speak out and fight against anything that you consider to go against your beliefs. It gives you the drive to fight for what you believe in. It also has quite a political nature in it. It is what gives you strong moral convictions and makes you want to voice your opinion loud and clear. It is also related to your ability to stand up for yourself when you or others are being violated, such as when you see someone being rude to a waiter. Eris energy makes you want to speak up against that person
Gonggong: 554 yr orbit. This planet encourages us to see the cause and effect of our actions. This energy is very future-oriented, it wants us to think about what we can do better to have things work in our own favour. Without this energy well-integrated we lack foresight and we feel like we are walking blindly with no direction
These planets are related to our perspective on the world
Quaoar: 286yr orbit. This planet represents the need for us to have dramatic shifts in awareness. Because many people have this planet conjunct Pluto (1993-2004 roughly), it can feel especially difficult for these people to change their mindsets, it can feel like something is preventing this from occurring. But if you can use this energy well, you will feel that you have a fresh perspective on the world and your place in it
Haumea: 284 yr orbit. This planet represents the extent to which you feel connected to the world around you. It inspires you to have faith that things will all work out in the end, because you have faith in the world. Very spiritual energy, it connects you to nature and inspires you to surrender to believe in the natural process of life
Haumea actually enters Scorpio 2 hours from when I'm writing this!! Leaving Libra for the first time since 1994
These planets are kind natured, they are what pull us towards the 'light side' of life
Makemake: 306 yr orbit. This one is bigger than the others (similar in size to Haumea and Gonggong), but smaller than Pluto and Eris. Makemake represents a way of thinking that splits us into a more civilised and a wild self, and assumes the more civilised self is the better of the two (It basically represents our morals). It is associated with self-improvement, and the desire to make oneself more refined in behaviour. It is a very charitable planet, but it can also make someone quite sure of their inherent goodness, despite the fact that their actions show something different (a certain guy from Germany had this conjunct his Sun)
Varda: 313 yr orbit. This Dwarf Planet is associated with our desire to compromise and adjust our behaviour to take into account other people’s needs. It is where we are initially self-effacing and too selfless, leaving us feeling used by others. In healthy expression, self-effacing tendencies turn into compassionate understanding from a place of respect and sympathy for others
Plutino planets deal with taboo topics, and feelings of restriction, they share orbital resonance with Pluto
Orcus: 247 yr orbit.  Orcus' objective is to find (or deny) the truth of any situation. Someone with Orcus integrated well is going to be someone who is self-aware and strongly against lying, both to themselves and others. This planet in hard aspects deals with issues of denial, and it can show hypocrisy too, where someone likes to bring the truth out of others, but fails to live by what they preach
If you made it this far, thank you! I hope this inspires you to try and learn about these planets, they are very useful for understanding yourself and others
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sun-in-retrograde · 11 months
Outer Planet Astrology 6 November Week
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I’m going to try doing this again - it’s nice to do a bit of writing and follow the aspects of my favourite dwarf planets. 
I don’t follow Pluto because while it’s pretty much the same as Eris in size - it’s covered by a lot more people. However it’s really active in the energies of other Dwarf planets this week. It’s a very Plutonian battle for survival kind of week, so lets get into it. 
Eris is very much in its retrograde and this is interesting because it’s also conjunct the North Node - the speed of the two points are roughly the same and they’ve been within a 1 degree conjunction since 29 August and will remain so until 14 December. The way these two points have lined up to keep this going is pretty rare - the closest I can see to this was in 1968. 
Eris can often be about standing your ground and fighting for your space, and conjunct the North Node it will be aiming for that survival. This time round that came to a fore when Mars opposed Eris and Hamas attacked Israel sparking off Israel’s brutal reprisals. Last time round, when Mars trined Eris the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia.
So we have real fight or die energy present and on Saturday the Moon will oppose this. We may be looking at emotional exhaustion and an attempt to balance the high energies we’ve had over the past month.  
Sedna is on a slow retrograde. It starts the week just ten minutes into Gemini and by the end, it’s 6 minutes into Gemini.Sedna will re-enter Taurus this month - a sign it’s been in since 1965 and only just left. 
On Wednesday, Sedna will have an exact trine with Venus. There’s also a less exact trine to Pluto, making this a grand trine. This feels to me like an opportunity to interrogate values - why you hold them and whether they serve you. Added to all this, there’s a close square between Saturn and Sedna. Which makes me think we’re not just interrogating our values, we’re jettisoning some of them. The bad end of this could be getting rid of your moral code. The positive is very similar - how many scruples do we hold that aren’t healthy? Can we get rid of them?
On Thursday the Moon will meet Venus. This could make things more emotional, if this whole thing shows up in your chart. This could be a useful time to consider things but on Friday Mercury is opposite Sedna. This could create a situation where people let their ethics get in the way of doing the right thing. Excluding people for being immoral when they might need us. Offering the enemy no quarter when we may actually need to come to a compromise.
Orcus is sextile the Sun for the end of the week, becoming exact next Sunday. The Sun is at 16 degrees of Virgo. This may be a time to get lost in your thoughts and interests, if you’re susceptible to this aspect and feel like indulging. Or if you can’t avoid doing so. 
Gonggong closely opposes Lilith all week. Lilith in Virgo is such an odd symbol - the Virgo is the Virgin, and Lilith is the OG monster fucker. I feel that Lilith in Virgo is Lilith throwing itself into doing the right thing so deeply that it loses itself a bit. Or rejects it entirely. This may be morals, but it could also be self care: having a twenty part skin care regime or saying fuck it and buying some cigarettes. 
Gonggong is a planet of revelations currently swimming in emotional Pisces at 4 degrees. If this interacts with your chart it may emerge as a realisation on what you can and can’t manage. It may be a time when you flip between too much dieting and self-care, and not enough. Or vice versa. 
Haumea is trine Saturn within 1 degree - Haumea, an egg shaped world of growth and expansion, is at zero degrees of Capricorn. On Saturday, it trines Saturn in Pisces. This sounds quite nice, a chance to reduce your expectations for growth and live within your means. Something we maybe need at the moment. Haumea is square to Pluto all of this time, which feels honestly awkward because that means it’s semisextile Saturn. Haumea may have a sense of expand or die, while Pluto absolutely can’t see why Saturn is trying to put on the breaks. 
The Outer Planets Weather
The key concept for the week seems to be values - are they good? Even if they are, can we afford them? Eris and the North Node gives us a sense that now is the time to push forward if we want to be able to hold our ground. However, this has been going on for an age and this week offers some chances to step back and reconsider. Or be exhausted and give up. Consider your options carefully
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asteroidgalore · 1 year
Whereas Eris (136199) is the lower self, Nemesis (128) is the higher self!
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Think of Eris, goddess of strife and discord as the lower vibrational. This one can always transcend to the higher vibrational Nemesis, restoring Justice and peace. Nemesis is the goddess of Vengeance, retributive Justice.
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mthomasapple · 7 months
Bringer of Light available for pre-order!
#BringerOfLight #SciFi #ebook now ready for pre-order!
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is nearly here! Bringer of Light is finally set to be released on March 15, 2024! (Click the link to see a book synopsis and two brief excerpts; Smashwords also has an excerpt from the beginning chapters.) Stop by Draft2Digital to see links to your favorite bookstore online! (Some stores are still “publishing,” but should be ready by the drop date.)
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harmoonix · 1 year
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Iconic Astrology Notes Part II
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✵ - The ascendant in your ascendant persona chart shows how you are inside, how you act more Inside while your natal ascendant shows how you are on the outside ( it works for me so much🌃)
✵ - Eris asteroid (136199) aspecting ascendant SHOWS big power for standing up for yourself, no one can tell you what to do honestly
✵ - Also Eris asteroid aspecting the Venus cannot stand when someone messes up with their partners, like they are top biggest defenders of their lovers
✵ - Eris aspecting Mercury can tend to cuss people off and to end them with words because they can really be aggresive verbally, like starting a fight with them is like being in the middle of a hurricane
✵ - Eris aspecting Moon can have chaotic feelings and feel multiple things at once but these aspects are also very strong for defending what they love and what they want to achieve
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✵ - Lilith aspecting Moon can be intense, especially if you have mommy issues but is more than that, this is powerful, you are able to control your feelings very well and to manage to not show your emotions
✵ - Lilith - Mars aspects are soo good at attracting the opposite sex to them, especially if you are attracted to men with this aspect you drain them into you
✵ - Have you ever been to a party with someone who has a Sagittarius or Leo Moon? Or someone who has Moon in the 5th or 9th house? These people really know how to party like, partying and their socializing time is everything "If you see us on the floor you'll be watching all night"
✵ - Saturn/Venus/Sun or Moon in the 7th house = GURL you know you're getting the hottest thing called spouse ever on this earth right??
✵ - Sun aspecting Chiron be like "People will never feel how I feel and will never understand what I feel and why I feel some things,I guess i have to not tell my pain to anyone" - They are def some of the strongest people born
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✵ - Ascendant sextile/trine/conjunct Pluto are too iconic for this world to have, so many celebrities have these in their birthcharts
✵ - Nobody but nobody ever can tell someone with Libra or Leo Rising that they look bad because they will embarras themselves, like you tell the beauty icon that they look bad? BFR
✵ - Aquarius Placements wil always be the definition of uniqueness in your birth chart and shows what makes you unique, they aret the salvation
✵ - Aquarius Risings are rare at personality. Notice how is always something unique with the celebrities who have this specific rising sign? They are natural rarities and people don't appreciate them enough
✵ - Capricorn Risings have the same effect because of their authenticity. They keep it authentic and creative, do not be afraid to show your true colors to people
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✵ - Gemini/Virgo Risings look more young than they actually are, this thing can make them more attractive because it will be hard to guess your age. Also don't tell your age let people guess your age for more mystery
✵ - Sagittarius Risingsss and their appealllll like gurlll you are magnetic, your ruler Jupiter grants you luck for your whole life since your birth and until your death you have luck written in stars, I love ittt
✵ - I should give a raise to Moon - Pluto aspects for being so misterious and hypnotizing, they are like a shadow who follows around but you never know where it is, also their eyes are extremely beautiful
✵ - Sagittarius Placements are so Iconic for being this honest,I mean you don't want honesty in your life and you choose to be Delulu? Good, always be friends with Sagittarius Placements cause they will spill the tea
✵ - Capricorn Sun/Rising/Moon and the dark femme fatale aesthetic fits so good together like gurlll, black is definitely theirs, they dominate when they wear black (Even Saturn approves)
✵ - Get yourself a bestie with Leo placements so you can talk hours about fashion and gloss, trust the process they have so many good points
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✵ - Asteroid Sirene (1009) in Gemini/Virgo will use their enchanting voice to charm the people they want to attract, the native has such an enchanting voice
✵ - Asteroid Sirene (1009) in Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces and GURLLL you really give off Sirene vibes, your eyes, your appearance are enchanting (I imagine them being Vanessa from the little mermaid)
✵ - Juno sextile/trine/conjunct Midheaven and the way they will show off to everyone what a lovely relationship they have will be EPIC, these people have the relationship everyone dreams
✵ - Juno at 5°, 17°, 29° degrees.. Who's gonna tell her?? HOW iconic your spouse can be?? LIKE they will be there for everything at the right moment
✵ - Lilith aspecting Mars (all aspects) often can find the men to be more attracted to them, like a magnet, even the men you don't want to have around you
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✵ - Ascendant aspecting Venus (all aspects) are extremely pretty, they are all blessed by Venus in different ways to express their beautiful nature and their gifts
✵ - Hurting someone with heavy Capricorn/Aquarius placements = Karma coming for you when you don't expect it, is like something that never stops until you acknowledge you hurt these people
✵ - Venus at 10°,11°, 22°, 23° degrees can get vey good looking spouses, also mature aswell and veryyy serious about their relationships, they are the type of people " We don't break up we fix it together" (Saturn rules these degrees)
✵ - For those interested in men...Jupiter at 5°, 17°, or 29° degrees can have the same effect, meeting that partner who is extremely hot and smart in the same time, (they will have a good personality)
✵ - Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising and their mystery is something else, they are remarcabile at hiding secrets and they are extremely loyal to their lovers
✵- Lilith or True Lilith in Leo/Libra/Scorpio/Aquarius are so mesmerizing , when you encounter them you be have this energy of wanting to talk with them and make a contact
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✵ - Venus aspecting Mercury, CAN I tell how iconic your voice is??? Everyone is always so impressed by your voice and the way you talk is so gracious
✵ - Venus in Capricorn/Taurus/Virgo and LET IT flow with money, Venus is these signs feels like a "Material Girl" they are having money, style, everything
✵ - Lilith or True Lilith in the 7th house and their mesmerizing power to attract people is INSANE, I tell you is insane how many people can be interested in them
✵ - Air Moons and their style in music is everything, music is bounded to them fr. Highly artisans natives, they can even be good compositors at making and writing music
✵ - Juno at Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) will most likely meet their true soulmate in this life and create a bound with them. Is written in your destiny and these degrees confirm it
✵ - North Node in 7th house in your Chiron Persona Chart indicates your destiny in order to heal is to have an healthy relationship and an healthy partner
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✨ ICONIC placements post for y'all 😍🤞🏼 enjoyyyy ✨
💥💋 Everyone is iconic in different ways but with same knowledge 💋💥
💥💋 I hope you all have a good day full of good moments with the people you love 💋💥
With love, Harmoonix 💋
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the-aspec-country · 3 months
I exist now!
hi Tumblr! I am the Aspec Country! I don't know how else to introduce myself so I'll just tag some people
(sorry if I double tag you)
@aro-sp-ace-force @big-fucking-sagittarius-astar @bisexual-navy @canadian-hellbird @france-unofficial
@gimmickverse-weekly @god-of-death-official @gimmick-swag @genderfluid-marine-corp @i-say-bean
@i-am-the-milky-way-galaxy @its-target-official @libra-the-scales-offical @literally-leo @literally-luxembourg
@might-be-capricorn @moongate-keepers-official @non-tyrannical-usa @official-god-of-order @officially-new-zealand
@official-draco-constellation @officially-capricorn @the-missiles-guy @totally-neptune-official @totally-oregon
@totally-ikea @ursa-minor-probably @ursa-major-actually @walmart-the-official
@youraveragemagicalthief@yahooo-official @duothelingo @i-say-bean @corvus-the-constellation
@and-cassiopeia @officially-taurus @the-official-god-of-chaos @the-real-illinois @the-principality-of-sealand
@the-red-planet-mars @its-target-official @guatemala-official @the-gimmick-authority @thestateoflouisiana
@amul-unofficial @official-the-united-states @official-denmark @denmark-forreal @denmark-official
@denmarklandia-official @actually-danish-denmark @official-hongkong @official-ireland @definitelytherepublicofireland
@actually-literally-ireland @forever-scotland @totally-france @france-unofficial @russia-totallyofficial
@germany-official @totally-germany @genuinely-germany @definitely-britain
@definitely-canada @official-new-zealand @india-official @yugoslavia-official @wales-official
@the-offical-roman-empire @the-official-italy @guatemala-official @totally-italy @the-principality-of-sealand
@definitely-brasil @holy-roman-empire-revived @spain-unofficial @very-real-australia @antiquitian-empire
@literally-luxembourg @100-percent-real-official-malta @totally-japan @therealrepublicofkorea @pakistan-official
@i-am-poland @kingdom-of-asgardia-real @very-much-mexico @republic-of-molossia @the-kingdom-of-norway
@sweden-official @non-tyrannical-usa @the-entire-country-of-sweden @greenland-offical @the-state-of-michigan
@state-of-0hio-official @cape-breton-island-itself @state-of-florida-official @state-of-connecticut-official @the-us-navy-offical
@the-us-navy @the-real-illinois @the-state-of-georgia-official @mhm-wisconsin @rejasthanofficial
@stateofuttarpradeshindiaofficial @the-only-ontario @actually-alberta @newjersey-official @new-york-for-real
@definitely-indiana @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real @femboy-state-of-florida-official @the-republic-of-texas
@new-hampshire-real @unofficial-illinois @newhampshireofficial @saskatchewan-real @quebec-official
@texas-real @rhode-island-real @we-are-not-the-feds @totally-texas @telangana-official
@sovereign-state-of-alaska @tamil-nadu-official @west-bengal-official @this-is-goa @totally-oregon
@buffalony-official @maharashtra-official @kolkatabbg @gujarat-official @axom-miss
@karnatakaofficial @canadian-tire-real @tamilnadu-official @bihar-official @mumbai-official
@communist-usa-real @officially-gay-va @definitely-north-america @antarcitica-official @official-the-pacific-ocean
@the-real-atlantic-ocean @bangladesh-official @hyderabad-unofficial @delhi-the-capital @the-lovely-planet-earth
@totally-italy @france-unofficial @totally-france @the-official-italy @the-wonderful-jupiter
@speckled-callisto @deimos-moon-of-terror @moon-of-fear-phobos @decafcatfeen @the-real-eris
@the-real-illinois @the-official-goose-god @india-official @pakistan-official @asteroid-belt-resident-ceres
@genuinely-germany @antiquitian-empire @actually-mtn-dew @spain-unofficial @definitely-brasil
@definitely-britain @definitely-canada @very-real-australia @zoozve-official @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real
@the-problemo @unusuallyy @concrete-the-cat @official-denmark @official-hongkong
@official-planet-pluto @truly-pluto @truly-the-sun @its-target-official @i-am-poland
@ruhrpott-i-guess @non-tyrannical-usa @the-gimmick-authority @realsafari @official-new-zealand
@google-news-official @guatemala-official @forever-scotland @definitely-waste-management
221 notes · View notes
astrologged · 2 years
Eris in the signs and houses
Eris (10) is a recently discovered dwarf planet in our solar system, its about one's approach to conflict and disruption. 
Eris in Aries/1st house: The energy of Eris is amplified in Aries, emphasizing the need to stand up for oneself and to fight for what one believes in. There's a tendency towards impulsive actions and a need to assert oneself, sometimes at the expense of others.
Eris in Taurus/2nd house: Can manifest as a deep resistance to change, a stubbornness that can lead to conflict with others. There may also be a strong desire for material security and a fear of scarcity that can lead to hoarding.
Eris in Gemini/3rd house: Creates a highly curious and communicative personality, but there's also be a tendency to provoke others or to create chaos through verbal manipulation. There may also be a deep skepticism of authority.
Eris in Cancer/4th house: Has a strong need for emotional security, which can sometimes lead to overprotectiveness and defensiveness. There's also be a strong attachment to family and tradition.
Eris in Leo/5th house: Can create a highly individualistic and creative personality, but there's also be a tendency towards self-centeredness and a need for attention and validation. There may also be a strong desire to challenge authority figures.
Eris in Virgo/6th house: Can indicate a strong need for perfectionism and control, which can lead to conflict with others who don’t meet the same standards. There’s also be a tendency towards critical thinking and analysis.
Eris in Libra/7th house: Manifests as a desire for fairness and justice, but there may also be a tendency towards conflict avoidance or a need to keep the peace at all costs. There may also be a strong attachment to relationships and partnerships.
Eris in Scorpio/8th house: Can indicate a deep passion and intensity, but there's also a tendency towards vindictiveness and a desire for revenge and there can be a strong interest in taboo subjects and a desire to uncover hidden truths.
Eris in Sagittarius/9th house: Can create a highly adventurous and optimistic personality, but there may also be a tendency towards recklessness and a disregard for consequences and they have a strong interest in philosophy and spirituality.
Eris in Capricorn/10th house: Indicates a strong desire for power and success, but there’s also be a tendency towards authoritarianism and a disregard for others, and a strong attachment to tradition and a resistance to change.
Eris in Aquarius/11th house: Can create a highly rebellious and unconventional personality, but there's also a tendency towards isolationism and a disregard for social norms, and a strong interest in science and technology.
Eris in Pisces/12th house: Indicates a highly intuitive and sensitive personality, but there may also be a tendency towards escapism and avoidance of reality, and they may have a strong interest in spirituality and mysticism.
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Jupiter's Blessings / Where Fortune Smiles According to Your Sign" ✨🌟
Jupiter's placement in your birth chart influences where you experience natural luck and expansion. Here's a journey through Jupiter's influence across the signs
♈ Aries: "Energetic Endeavors" 🚀🍀
♉ Taurus: "Material Abundance" 🌱💰
♊ Gemini: "Intellectual Adventures" 📚✈️
♋ Cancer: "Emotional Enrichment" 💖🏠
♌ Leo: "Creative Crescendo" 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: "Organized Opportunities" 📊🔍
♎ Libra: "Harmonious Connections" 🤝💫
♏ Scorpio: "Deep Transformations" 💎🔮
♐ Sagittarius: "Expansive Horizons" 🌄🌠
♑ Capricorn: "Structured Success" 🏆🏢
♒ Aquarius: "Innovative Insights" 💡🌐
♓ Pisces: "Intuitive Blessings" 🌊🌈
Main Asteroids
Jupiter with Ceres: Nurturing Abundance 🌱🍀
Jupiter with Pallas Athena: Wisdom Expansion 📚💡
Jupiter with Juno: Partnership Prosperity 💑💰
Jupiter with Vesta: Devotion and Expansion 🕯️🌄
Jupiter with Hygieia: Healing Abundance 🌿🌈
Jupiter with Astraea: Justice and Blessings ⚖️🌠
Jupiter with Eris: Transformative Expansion 💥🌀
Jupiter with Sedna: Wisdom of the Depths 🌊🌟
Jupiter's influence expands further as it moves through the houses of your birth chart, bringing luck and abundance to different areas of your life:
Jupiter in 1st House: "Radiant Self" 🌟🎉
Jupiter in 2nd House: "Material Flow" 💰🛍️
Jupiter in 3rd House: "Intellectual Exploration" 📚✉️
Jupiter in 4th House: "Home Harmony" 🏠🌼
Jupiter in 5th House: "Creative Joy" 🎨🎭
Jupiter in 6th House: "Health and Growth" 🌿💪
Jupiter in 7th House: "Partnership Prosperity" 💑🤝
Jupiter in 8th House: "Transformative Abundance" 💎🔮
Jupiter in 9th House: "Expanding Horizons" ✈️🌄
Jupiter in 10th House: "Professional Triumph" 🏆🏢
Jupiter in 11th House: "Friendship Fortune" 👥🌠
Jupiter in 12th House: "Spiritual Blessings" 🌌🙏
Jupiter Conjunction: When Jupiter is conjunct (close to) another planet, its energy merges, amplifying the qualities of that planet. This can bring heightened opportunities, growth, and luck related to the specific planet's traits. For example, a Jupiter-Sun conjunction can enhance your self-confidence and attract positive experiences into your life.
Jupiter Sextile or Trine: Harmonious aspects between Jupiter and other planets indicate ease in harnessing Jupiter's blessings. These aspects encourage positive growth, expansion, and the ability to seize opportunities with relative ease. A Jupiter-Moon trine may enhance your emotional well-being and bring support from family or women.
Jupiter Square or Opposition: Challenging aspects between Jupiter and other planets may require extra effort to tap into its positive energy. These aspects can bring growth through overcoming obstacles and learning valuable lessons. A Jupiter-Mercury square might indicate a need to balance optimism with practicality in communication and decision-making.
Jupiter and Outer Planets: Aspects with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can signify transformative and profound experiences. A Jupiter-Neptune trine could enhance your spiritual journey and creative pursuits, while a Jupiter-Pluto opposition may involve intense personal growth through confronting power dynamics.
Multiple Aspects: When Jupiter forms multiple aspects, its influence becomes multi-faceted. A Jupiter with a mix of harmonious and challenging aspects can create a balanced interplay of growth, challenges, and opportunities.
Remember, Jupiter's influence is unique to your birth chart. The aspects it forms with other planets provide a dynamic interplay that shapes your life journey. Consult an astrologer to gain deeper insights into how Jupiter's energy interacts with the rest of your chart and discover the keys to unlocking its full potential. Embrace Jupiter's blessings and navigate your path to prosperity! 🌈🔑
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cupidlovesastro · 1 year
✨⭐️asteroids in astrology & their meaning⭐️✨
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20 asteroids (not in a particular order).
💫these are just the general ideas for each asteroid 💫
☆juno- marriage, what kind of partner you are, what you’re looking for in a partnership
☆eros- sexual desires, passion, turn ons, attractions, erotic love
☆ceres- parenting, fertility, reproduction,nourishment , agriculture , womanhood
☆pallas- strength, courage, intelligence, wisdom, victory
☆sappho- romance, art, bonding, aesthetics, friendships, emotions in love, same sex love
☆vesta- goals, aspirations, devotion, what keeps you going, things that are most important to you
☆psyche- psychology, your soul, where you can find yourself, the mind
☆eris- standing for what you believe, rebellion, bravery, prevailing
☆hygeia- medicine, health, cleansing, healer/ healing, self care
☆makemake- care for the environment, environmental health/ protection, activism for the environment
☆sedna- isolation , rebellion, separation, abandonment, war, betrayal, rejecting growth, arrogance
☆pholus- turning points, changes, catalyst, curing addiction, things being out of reach
☆chariklo- miracle, destiny, compassion, spiritual awakening, astral travel, self care, self respect
☆haumea- connection to the world around you, trust in the universe
☆spirit- your spirit/ spirituality, spirit guides, your psychic abilities
☆cupido- how you fall in love, how fast you fall in love, the type of people we crush on, why we crush on them
☆alma- positive look on romance and love, expanding your heart, soulmate connections
☆amor- affection, intimacy, love lives, ideal love, relationships
☆metis- wisdom, practicality, issuing your intelligence to master skills, strategy, problem solving
☆valentine- sacrificial kind of love, deep bonding, love language
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leiloc · 1 year
💣Astrology observations #7💣
DISCLAIMER : All the observations written below are from my research and DO NOT copy my work
I am apologizing for my absence so y'all are getting an observation now ♥❗❗
💥I noticed that a lot of people with taurus moon have most normal parents like I would sell my soul for that kind 👀
💥12th house can really tell about past life dominant sign. Ex. Taurus 12th house can mean that you were possessive of your belongings (either Taurus, 2nd house, Venus or 2nd house ruler dominant in past life)
💥Meeting people with sun in your 12th house reflects the person you were back in the past life. That's why you can find them either similar or you feel the energy A LOT
This can also mean that you might have had past life connections with them
💥Eris (136199) asteroid is where you feel lack of a specific aspect in your life depending on which house it lays and asteroid Sedna (90377) is betrayal from men (all depends from house to house)
💥Eris in 11th house means lack of social life, in 10th house little to no reputation, 7th house lack of partnerships (either love, coworkers, etc.)
💥Sedna in 7th house can mean betrayal from men who are your lover, coworker or smth like that, in 8th house they can betray your trust and your hidden self, in 2nd house it can mean loss of property because of them
I reccomend reading the stories about the name of those asteroids, it can make a lot of sense.
💥South node conjunct uranus can mean that the person can predict the things going on and they can be all random. It depends on house placement and aspects to those how is it performed
💥South node conjunct Neptune/SN in 12th house... That must be pain dreaming a lot about your past life or living in it still. Same for Uranus - SN, you SEE things happening
💥I don't know if i have written this before but asteroid Eros (433) conjunct personal placements in synastry can result in instant attraction
💥6th house indicates daily routine, medical problems and pets bur for now I will focus on medical problems. Having a sign in that house can indicate a problem with specific body part.
The list of body parts associated with zodiac signs will be posted soon and a lot of astrology - medicine associations will be posted
For now that's it and I hope you enjoyed this post and stay safe y'all ♥
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sun-in-retrograde · 6 months
Eris Conjunct Mercury - In your heart you know what's true
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On Tuesday 26 March at 9:12 AM British time, Eris and Mercury will come in a conjunction at 24°35 Aries. Mercury is very fast moving. Usually this conjunction passes and is gone in just three days. The last one, in March last year, lasted just 81 hours. This time we’re living with this energy until the 18th May.
The basic timeline is this:
26 March: 1st Conjunction
8 April: Mercury retrogrades back and has another conjunction
11 April Sun conjunct Mercury
12 April Mercury goes back beyond 3 degrees of its conjunction 
14 April: Sun Conjunct Eris
15 April: Mercury conjunct Chiron
19 April: Mercury conjunct Venus
25 April: Venus conjunct Eris
7 May: Mercury conjunct Chiron
8 May: Mercury and Eris are within a 3 degree conjunction again
11 May: Mercury conjunct Eris
14 May: The conjunction comes beyond the 3 degree conjunction
So basically, this time around Mercury and Eris are going to be in conjunction for an exceptionally long time, with an exceptionally large amount of other planets coming into conjunction with them. There’s a lot to do, and a long time where it’s happening. 
Eris is often associated with chaos and discord and transformation. But I think a good general rule of thumb is that Eris is a defensive planet. Eris travels slow and defends the ground that’s under it. Eris generally rewards fixed ideas and fixed thinking. In this transit, on a basic level, it’s possible that fixed ideas will be strengthened and getting people to see outside of their usual ideas will be a bit harder. 
But there’s another form of fixed thinking and that’s what you know in your heart. When people reluctantly acknowledge what they know to be true - Eris becomes chaotic and destabilising. Humans are very good at doublethink. Have you ever watched someone do it? It’s fascinating to observe. People have this way of acting when they encounter something that they realise will invalidate something they need to believe. They immediately disengage, process, and when they come back they refuse to acknowledge some of the things that happened or some of the information they received. There’s no point pushing from there. When you hit that point, it’s done.
I’d like to put it to you that Eris conjunct Mercury is a pretty good time to face up to this because Mercurial thoughts and feelings under Eris’ influence won’t simply go away. Mercury, Venus, and Chiron will all be under Eris’ influence at once. 
The risk here is that it will be easy to go on the defensive, reject new information, stick to your fixed ideas, feel attacked, feel triggered, and resist. The challenge, though, is to feel your feelings and allow yourself to explore thoughts. This is not an easy thing to do. It’s painful. It’s dangerous. You might not like the conclusions you reach. Some things you just have to allow yourself to work through. Some ideas need to be thought through and dismissed. One of the things about Eris, in my opinion, is that it brings to the surface things that are core for you. An Erisian thought won’t go away because you simply refuse to think it. If you can face it you have the chance to finally move forward. And as Mercury moves back, we have a few opportunities to work on that.
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asteroidgalore · 1 year
Okay my predatory creatures!
There’s this Asteroid called Prey, number 6157.
If you can find someone the moon conjunct to another’s Prey it is a SURE FIRE way to enter and repossess anyone, dragging them back into slavery when you feel fit and ready to really be the inescapable agent of someone’s downfall!
For more on the Asteroid Prey see this page
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obsidian-pages777 · 3 months
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Free Readings
Here is the list Guys. I won't waste your time. Tarot or astrology is not at all a definitive answer to your future life. Timelines change, cause and effect could change circumstances, so you could end up anywhere. All these readings are for fun only. This Blog is also mainly dedicated to those who aren't very comfortable or are new with the subject of tarot or astrology. Enjoy!
P.s: If you guys have some strong held opinion about the use of AI for these readings, best not to checkout this Blog. AI often provides accurate information when it comes to metaphysical subjects. In terms of tarot and astrology its much easier to use it since it tallies with the tarot card pulls and generic interpretations. So don't torture yourselves and make sure to drink a hot cup of coffee and take care!
Tarot Pick a Cards
Messages from your inner parent and inner child. [Sailor Moon Theme]
Messages for More Peace and Well-being. [Goddess Salus][Butterfly Theme]
Career Guidance [Ideal Careers]
Your Future Aesthetic.[Your Fashion sense and House Aesthetic]
Your Future House and Mansion Aesthetic.
What do you need to know about your most recent or current relationship.[ Sabrina Carpenter and Taylor Swift Theme]
Whats Next in your Love Life?[Alt-Rock Guitarist and Bonus: Keanu Reeves Theme]
Messages for Heart Break from God Anteros. Pick a Billie Eilish Image
Reading for Healing Family Issues: Messages from Chiron
Your family's & your view of your future spouse [Fae Realm]
Future Friend/partner/Spouse Reading Message from Goddess Hera
Goddess Sedna 's Healing Messages. [Mermaid Theme]
Message from Goddess Circe for Confidence and Shadow Work [Revenge Dress Theme]
Career Guidance from Pallas Athena
Aphrodite Messages to your love life
Pick a Card: What does your Future lover love about you?[+more deets] Old Hollywood Theme
Your Future Lover: Pick a date outfit theme
Pick a Card: For Introverts
Where should you travel to next to have your next breakthrough
Pick a Card: What lessons have you learnt as a lover? Who are you becoming as a Lover?
Your Wedding Vibes
Pick a card: Your own Persephone and Hades Love story.
Your Revenge Arc. Jennifers Body Theme
What lessons have your Opps learnt by messing with you. [Eve K-drama Themed]
A love letter for an Introvert
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Asteroid Readings [Greek/Roman Gods and Goddesses]
Astrology Chart Interpretation [Asteroid]
Persophone in your Astrology chart.[transformation, love, captivity]
SEDNA IN YOUR ASTROLOGY CHART. Where is your Transformation and Sensitivity?
Aphrodite in your astrology chart. Where is your Beauty and Love?
CHIRON IN YOUR ASTROLOGY CHART. Where is your Wisdom from Wounds?
Circe in your Astrology Chart. Where is your Magic and Personal Power?
Pluto in your Astrology Chart
Astarte in your Astrology Chart. Where are you Assertive and Alluring?
Asteroid Hephaestus in your astrology chart. Where are you Creative and Hard working?
Asteroid Pallas Athena in your Astrology Chart. How are you wise?
Asteroid Eros:God of Love in your Astrology Chart
Goddess Eris in Your Astrology Chart: Goddess of Discord and Strife.[Asteroid]
Phaethon Asteroid in your Astrology Chart. Where have you been humbled?
God of Heatbreak, Avenger of Unrequited Love: Anteros [ Asteroid] in your chart.
Dionysus in your astrology chart. Where do you receive Revelry, Pleasure and transformation?
Penelope in your Astrology Chart. Where are you Patient and Loyal?
Asteroid Juno in your Astrological Chart. Who is your Ideal Partner?
Asteroid Vesta in your Astrological Chart. Where are you Dedicated?
Asteroid Frigga in your Astrology Chart. Where will you go above and beyond for?
Lachesis in your astrology Chart. Goddess of fate and destiny. What are you fated to have?
Asteroid Boda and Groom in your astrology chart
Asteroid Hermes: God of Travel, Intellect and cunning
Asteroid Abundantia: Goddess of wealth
Asteroid Bella: Your Beauty and Grace
Asteroid Midas: Your Golden Touch
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