#ari watches ds9
hawkp · 10 months
Do you think we’re best friends in every universe?
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philippageorgiou · 4 years
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writingpostmidnight · 4 years
i’m scared that upon rewatching voyager my 12 yr old confused gay thirst for tom will return and i’m simply not equip to deal with that rn
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yamoksauceforsale · 4 years
i’m curious, reblog with your sun sign, your favorite star trek character, what series you watched first, and what made you get into trek?
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
1) Who is your favorite Ferengi if I didn’t already ask?
2) Favorite episode from each Trek you’ve watched?
3) Catagorize all the Cardassians (with names) as FMKH (kiss or kill, depending on the situation, and hug).
-Horta-in Charge
Ooooh, v good questions, friend! Thank you!!
1.) You asked about favorite Ferengi episodes, not which Ferengi specifically is my favorite. I’d have to say...either Nog (from DS9) or Krem (from Enterprise).
2.) Favorite episodes. Ooooh, yes! TOS: “Amok Time” (because Spirk fight) TNG: “The Wounded” (because Cardassians) DS9: This changes a lot, but atm it’s “To The Death” VOY: “Eye Of The Needle” (because Telek R’Mor) ENT: “The Andorian Incident” (because Shran and his step-on-me boots)
3.) Oh fuck yes! This seems so fun! If I forget anyone, lmk and I’ll add them to the list! Some of these are questionable decisions, but hey, it’s all fiction, so it’s fine! And if you want an explanation for my reasoning on placing people in their respective categories, feel free to ask, bc I do have reasons for every single one! Fuck: Garak, Dukat, Madred Marry: Macet, Daro, Damar, Tekeny Ghemor Kiss: Telle, Boheeka, Ari, Entek Hug: Mavek Alternately, Kill: Evek, Danar
I feel like I’m missing several Cardassians?? So definitely feel free to shout some more names at me and I’ll categorize them too lol.
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chicago-geniza · 4 years
showering was as bad as anticipated but we got it over with. now:
- lie down w/ feet elevated, wait for zofran & antihistamines to work. monitor kidney pain & hives. use heating pad to raise core body temperature. watch one ds9 episode.
- rsvp to ari's zoom seder
- take out recycling & room trash
- look up how to get to vaccine site tomorrow - judging by the address, it should be on the same block as the neurology building, so at least familiar territory lol
- german cinema paper; you're going to be sick from the vaccine & need to finish it NOW
- email yr mom back
- wash dishes, put dishes away
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futurepresentashes · 3 years
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𝟎𝟏 .    𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒  /  𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄   :   Col, Spades 𝟎𝟐 .    𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘   :    March 28th 𝟎𝟑 .    𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍   :      Aries 𝟎𝟒 .    𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓   :    5′6 𝟎𝟓 .    𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒   :    Writing, video games, sleeping, reading 𝟎𝟔 .    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄  𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑 :  Burgundy 𝟎𝟕 .    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄  𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊   :  Anything by Tess Gerritsen, really 𝟎𝟖 .    𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 :  Tangerine by Glass Animals 𝟎𝟗 .    𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌  /  𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖  :  Star Trek: DS9 𝟏𝟎 .    𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 :   watched Deadpool 2 and talked to @tragicblood​ and decided to make a blog for Cable since he’s the type of character I like to play 𝟏𝟏 .    𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘  𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃  𝐔𝐑𝐋 :  Word salad three-word urls have been my deal for forever. He’s from the future, comes to the present, and the Ashes is a good movie song. Account names aren’t my forte lmfao
TAGGED BY: @illfatedpartners​ @hopeslastchxnce TAGGING: If you wanna do this, you’re tagged by me!
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Tagging Game
Rules: Answer 21 questions about yourself and tag 21 people whom you want to get to know better :)  
Tagged by both @sparkly-things AND @slstarrycity <3
Nickname/Pet name: Don’t really have one. Whatever my partner has decided to refer to me as in a given span of time, I guess. Common fallbacks for that include “clumsy baby giraffe” and “monster”.
Zodiac: Aries/Snake, though I don’t subscribe to astrology of either kind.
Height: Just shy of 6’ tall (182 cm).
Last Movie: Into the Spider-Verse. Highly recommended!
Last Thing Googled: “Shai Utoh shrine treasure” >> clearly a sign I’ve been doing nothing while sick except playing Breath of the Wild. Because I was having a frustrating time reaching the final treasure chest in that shrine and wanted to know what it had in it so I wasn’t needlessly beating my head against my controller over a shitty boomerang or something. Spoiler alert, it had an ancient core in it so I continued to struggle with the challenge of figuring out how to properly launch Link into the air at the correct height to paraglide onto the ledge containing it. But I succeeded in the end! [insert triumphant emoji here]
Favorite Musician: Single musician rather than group? Probably one of the greats from the jazz era. Count Basie or Duke Ellington or Django Reinhardt or Artie Shaw, perhaps.
Song Stuck in Head: Most recently Gaston’s song, but with the lyrics changed to fit Prince Sidon from BOTW (I fell down a YouTube hole of crack, don’t judge me), some of which I couldn’t remember so I just started making up new ones as I hummed it. I’m most proud of “No one thinks like Sidon / No one winks like Sidon / No one lusts after Hylian twinks like Sidon”. (Okay, you can totally judge me and my complete lack of musical talent).
Other Blogs: Nope, I just shove everything onto this one like the heathen I am. Sorry to anyone who follows me for/knows me from a fandom that I don’t post enough about (looking at you lovelies from the DS9 community – sorry y’all, I still love seeing your content, though).
Do I Get Asks: Usually only if I do an Ask Meme. Which I should do again sometime because they’re fun.
Following: 196. Wow, how did that get so large? I should probably go through and thin that out a bit…
Dream Trip: Travelling across Asia. I’ve never been to that part of the world but would love to go some day when I have enough money. I want to see the cultural sights, the natural sights, and eat lots of delicious street food!
Amount of Sleep: I miss being young and not needing it, but these days I do best with 6-9 hours. And then another hour or two lazing around in bed, if possible XD
Lucky Number: I’m super skeptical and don’t believe in the concept of “luck” per se…. but I’ll go with 38 (the number of my favourite Pokemon, and therefore near and dear to my nostalgic heart).
What I am Wearing: A green and blue plaid cotton house dress from the late ‘60s or ‘70s, a rainbow striped sweater, and black fleece-lined tights (because it’s winter, so fashion must also be at least somewhat practical.
Dream Job: Botanic garden curator. Or mad scientist.
Fave Food: All of them? It’s difficult to pick because I love eating. It’s hard to beat freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies, though. For savoury food, maybe dumplings (though that encompasses so many different types it’s almost cheating…  but I love them all!)
Play Any Instruments: Nope, never really had the talent for that.
Languages: English. Un peu (tres petit peu) de Français.
Fave Songs: Going by how frequently I’ve listened to them over the past little while:
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monae – Probably my song of 2018, and a fabulous video to boot.
Wild West by Lissie – First heard while watching the new season of Twin Peaks, but listened to incessantly while driving over the summer. Anyone who rode in my truck probably heard it at least once.
Thin Blue Flame by Josh Ritter – A rediscovered old favourite. So fucking powerful and it builds from such a quiet, unassuming start.
House by Patrick Wolf – Inspired by Liz’s inclusion of a Patrick Wolf song! I’ve been listening to his stuff for over 10 years now (wow, how time flies!) and love everything from his dark, emo-inspired phase to the happy, upbeat, ‘80s-influenced pop numbers. Putting this song in because the music video is just, so aesthetic.
Random Fact: I’m secretly a bit of a hoarder but I’m also fairly organized—as well as good at using available space and tidying up—so it doesn’t really look like I am.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Vintage dresses soaking in a handwash basin, the commingling scents of a glass of scotch and a cup of tea sitting on the side table together, the way a book’s deckled edges feel against your fingers, creamy lace paired with worn leather, the flickering of a neon sign with blackened burn out marks in the corners, that indescribable feeling of standing alone in the forest after the rain, an overflowing box of costume jewellery, the dull sheen of light reflecting off snake scales ready to shed, dirt clinging to the smooth metal spokes of a bicycle wheel.
I thought that last question would be harder, honestly, but once I had one or two, the rest just started to flow. Not sure how accurate they are as descriptors, but read into them what you will. I suppose…
Tagging: As per usual, do it if you’d like to, because I enjoy reading them, but I’m not gonna bother tagging anyone specifically.
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hawkp · 10 months
Dude, I fucking LOVE the silly moments in DS9. I just started this episode and Sisko having to suffer through Jake unintentionally sabotaging their trip is sending meeee.
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Tagged by: @adhds9
Nicknames: I usually go by my full name, Angelina, but a lot of people also call me Angie. I also occasionally get called Ang or just A.
Gender: female
Star Sign: I’m an Aries
Height: I’m actually 177cm tall and I don’t know imperial measurements. Is it 5′9″?? What does that mean??
Time: Is time even meaningful when you think about the vast expanse of the universe? What IS time? It’s a human concept that is different for many people around the globe..... it’s 5.45pm.
Favourite Band: My Chemical Romance
Favourite Artist: Does this mean music artists? Or traditional artists? Or meme creators? I’m gonna say Becky Cloonan. She draws cool things.
Song Stuck In My Head: Mamma Mia by ABBA.
Last Movie I Watched: High School Musical!
Last Show I Watched: Probably Star Trek Voyager.
When Did I Make This Blog? postlimit.com says Sun, 12 Oct 2014 - about 4 years ago. It has changed a lot over the years and I imagine the stuff from 2014 is super cringey. But hey, the stuff from now is super cringey too.
What Do I Post? I mainly post Star Trek content, and because this is my main blog I also just post random content here too. Memes and me being gay mostly.
Last Things I Googled: ‘how to find the date of creation of your tumblr account’, ‘brendon urie pansexual’ , and ‘mamma mia lyrics’
Do I Have Other Blogs? Yes, I have 2 side blogs. @keepitlo-ki, where I post MCU and comics, mostly about Loki and other Asgardians. And @gerardxway, where I post band stuff.
Do I Get Asks? Not often, but they are open if anyone wants to submit one!
Why Did I Choose My URL? (Currently, it is prettylittlelifeforms) I chose it because of Data’s life forms song in Star Trek Generations. He actually says precious little life forms but i think that was taken.
Following: I mainly follow Star Trek blogs, marvel, and a few band themed ones.
Average Hours Of Sleep: At the moment I’ve been either getting 3 hours or 12 hours. Not healthy.
Lucky Number: I haven’t had one for a long time. But in order I like the numbers: 69, 666, 420, and 10. (10 was my basketball number when I played and it was my actual lucky number as a kid.)
Instruments: I’m bad at them all but I have a ukulele and a keyboard piano in my room that I enjoy playing.
What am I wearing: just underwear and a t-shirt please don’t judge.
Dream Job: I’m currently studying to be an actor as one of my school subjects. I would love that or to be an astrophysicist. (or both. who doesn’t love overachieving)
Dream Trip: I want to go to Italy and stay with my family for at least a month.
Favourite Food: Honestly, if it doesn’t have meat in it, I’ll probably eat and enjoy it.
Nationality: Born and raised in Australia but I am half Italian.
Favourite Song: Currently ‘I Want It That Way’ by the Backstreet Boys.
Last Book I Read: If comics count it was Angela Agent Of Asgard Issue #6 but the last novel was Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.
Top 3 Fictional Universes I Want To Join: I’m gonna go and be basic and say, in no particular order: 
1. soulmate AUs (soul-mate identifying marks, yes I used to read way too much fanfiction) 
2. The Star Trek universe, Next Gen or DS9 era.
3. Marvel Comics. Asgard.
Tagging: Anyone who reads this and wants to, i’m too nervous to tag actual blogs.
Thankyou again to @adhds9 for tagging me.
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oneneatcat · 6 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better (or don’t it’s up to you!) Tagged by @should-be-sleeping Nickname(s): Li, Leelee, honey (from husband) Gender: Female Sign: Aries Height: 5’3 Time: 7:24 pm EST
Fav band(s): The Bangles, Cibo Matto, Dixie Chicks, The Pierces
Fav solo artist(s): Aimee Mann, Dar Williams, Sia, P!nk, Ingrid Michaelson
Song stuck in my head: "Exile, Vilify" by The National (due to someone playing Portal)
Last show I watched: Legends of Tomorrow (same as the person who tagged me, which is funny)  I love Sara Lance, Time Bisexual. 
When did I create my blog:  2013, i think?
What do I post: cats, memes, video game stuff
Last thing I Googled: What “Poisson d'Avril“ means- it’s an April Fools day thing, which is MY BIRTHDAY.
Do I have any other blogs: Yes Do I get asks: Not often, but when i do it’s nice.
Why did I chose my URL: Had this handle since high school. Following: Not sure how i found some of you?  Some I found because of a post about depression that Wil Wheaton posted, and met some very kind people because of it.  Some are in the BioWare fandom.  Some, I just like the general attitude and the memes.   Followed by: awesome peeps and blocked porn bots
Average hours of Sleep: varies between 5-9 hours
Lucky number: 12
Instruments: I used to play piano and bass clarinet.
What I am wearing: pajama top and underwears and no pants, because who has time for that?
Dream job: Something where i can feel useful, but safe. Dream trip: I’m a Disney nerd.  Give me all the Disney. Fav food: just carbs, like all of them. Nationality: American- half Irish, half Polish Fav song: Right now?  “Elastic Heart” by Sia  (I dig the piano version here):
Last book I read: It’s been so long since I read a book...but I think it was “Lock In” by John Scalzi. Top 3 fictional universes : Star Trek (esp DS9), Middle Earth (I’d be a great Hobbit), and I guess Harry Potter as the world is cool.
Tagging: oh geeze.  I know people just run out of spoons for these.  Lets try @kinlochhold, @whiterosemarie, @xray-angel, @dungeonnerd, and @sugar-peanut-cat
No worries if you can’t do it, and i’m sorry if i didn’t tag- no malice intended!
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julianbashir · 6 years
tagged by @pilfre!
rules: answer and then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
nicknames: everett, ev
gender: agender
sign: aries
height: 5′6″
time: 8:57 pm
birthday: march 22
favorite band/artists: idk whatever video game music im into at the moment. and caravan palace. also cheesy 80s stuff
song stuck in my head: i can’t go for that (no can do)
last movie I watched: prince of egypt
last tv show I watched: ds9 .... finished the finale and cried
what do I post: jun.o....steel...........and ds9 and video games 
do I get asks: not really
url meaning: it’s julian bashir babeyyy
average hours of sleep: 6-10, it really depends on the day
nationality: american i guess
tagging: anyone who wants to do this rly . go for it
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adrawrable · 7 years
Tagged by @fakegamerboi
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink - Water lol.
2. Phone call - An appointment reminder called me.
3. Text message - "I have to b there at 1400" -Mom
4. Song you listened to - "Steel For Humans" from The Witcher 3 soundtrack.
5. Time you cried - Probably within the past few days over something I wanted to eat.
6. Dated someone twice? - Sorta yes?
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - I don't think so.
8. Been cheated on - I'll never know.
9. Lost someone special - Really close family friend. I still wear all or mostly black every April 18th.
10. Been depressed - Diagnosed lmao.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Nope!
Fave colours…
12.) Dusty Rose
13.) Lavender
14.) Peaches/off whites
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yeah?
16. Fallen out of love - Nope!
17. Laughed until you cried - Probably over some memes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Nope
19. Met someone who changed you - ???
20. Found out who your friends are - Idk mby
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Yes!
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I have no idea. Most of them I should know in person. I have a lot of family members added that I've never met lol.
23. Do you have any pets - Lexi, my pitlabrachow!
24. Do you want to change your name - I am literally the only person on this earth with my name. Hell no!
25. What did you do for your last birthday - Probably eat tbh.
26. What time did you wake up today - 7ish in the morning.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Probably laying in bed on tumblr or sleeping.
28. What is something you can’t wait for - To eat regular foods!!!
30. What are you listening to right now - My computer fan.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - Yeah, there's one in my ASL class.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - Not being able to eat fried foods!
33. Most visited website - Tumblr
34. Hair color - Black. Some bleached ends leftover from before.
35. Long or short hair - I like long hair because it's pretty and fun to play with, but I'm having fun with cutting my hair shorter than usual!
36. Do you have a crush on someone - My boyfriend!
37. What do you like about yourself - Me leggy
38. Want any piercings? - Regular ear piercings would be cool, but I am irresponsible lol.
39. Blood type - Holy shit I don't remember.
40. Nicknames - Teddy, Ann Ann
41. Relationship status - Happily taken!
42. Zodiac - Tropical: Aries sun, Sidereal: Pisces sun.
43. Pronouns - She/her; They/them
44. Fave tv shows - Right now I guess, Pop Team Epic, Sweetness and Lightning, The Wire, and Star Trek (DS9/TNG)
45. Tattoos - I'll probably never get one tbh.
46. Right or left handed - Righty.
47. Ever had surgery - I got a bone anchored hearing aid. Literally a screw in my head.
48. Piercings - None.
49. Sport - I actually really love kayaking.
50. Vacation - I don't remember my last big vacation? But I'd like to visit my friends back in D/M/V or do a West Coast drive.
51. Trainers - What... are those?
More General…
52. Eating - Nothing right now, but I had an HMR penne pasta with an HMR 70+ chocolate shake for dinner.
53. Drinking - Water...
54. I’m about to watch - Nothing! I should be getting ready for bed.
55. Waiting for - My birthday!! (4/17)
56. Want - FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!
57. Get married - I hope he proposes by the time one of us hits 30.
58. Career - Working on being an occupational therapy assistant right now.
Which is better…
59. Hugs or kisses - Hugs maybe?
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes!
61. Shorter or taller - I like being the shorter one :b
62. Older or younger - I prefer being the younger one.
63. Nice arms or stomach - Arms?
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship!
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - Veering towards troublemaker :b
Have you ever…
66. Kissed a stranger - No!
67. Drank hard liquor - Yes.
68. Lost glasses - Yeah...
69. Turned someone down - Yes, oddly enough.
70. Sex on first date - No.
71. Broken someones heart - Yes...
72. Had your heart broken - Yes.
73. Been arrested - Nope.
74. Cried when someone died - Oh god yeah.
75. Fallen for a friend - Lmao.
Do you believe in…
76. Yourself - I try to.
77. Miracles - Hmmmm. idk?
78. Love at first sight - Nah.
79. Santa clause - No????
80. Kiss on a first date - Maybe?
81. Angels - Maybe??????
82. Best friend’s name - Nike, Elijah, Lex, Lulu
83. Eye color - Dark brown
84. Fave movie - Life is Beautiful
85. Fave actor -  Idris Elba is my celebrity husband actually :^)
I tag: @partnerkiller @elaxisfae @vinorusso @bubblebunnywitch @etched-in-black-ink @bishoujolei @m0thmana @mokuurenn @fancynancy1698 @lizardsister @summonerbaiheqipian @smol-bara and anyone else who’d like to try!
Sorry this is late! Too difficult to try on mobile tbh.
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cosaimai · 7 years
I was tagged by @im-invisible-erased (thank you! ♥)
Gender: Nonbinary 
Star sign: Aries
Height: 5′1.5″
Time: 9:20pm
Favorite bands: Mindless Self Indulgence, FIDLAR, Mother Mother, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hall and Oates (not really a band maybe idk? but w/e), The Fratellis
Favorite solo artists: Shiina Ringo
Song stuck in my head: Rocky Mountain Way - Joe Walsh
Last movie I watched: The Ritual
Last tv show I watched: Star Trek: DS9
When did I create this blog: 2015 
What do I post: Aesthetic stuff + some fandom stuff ever now and then
Last thing I googled: Fire Emblem If
Do I have other blogs: I have three active side blogs
Do I get asks: Not usually 
Why did I choose my url: cosmic+mai=cosai and then i added mai back onto the end bc it was name I used to go by (still kinda do ig)
Following: 888
Followers: 402
Favorite colors: Ocean Blue, Red
Average hours of sleep: like 6 i guess
Lucky numbers: i don’t really have any, maybe 7 or 9 ?
Instruments: I used to play guitar and I guess I technically still kind of can
What am I wearing: shorts and a t-shirt
How many blankets I sleep with: it varies but usually 1-2
Dream job: uhh idk maybe lets player since i wouldn't really mind just playing video games and editing videos and all
Dream trip: Definitely Japan !!
Favorite food: I mean I like chicken a lot I guess
Nationality: American
Favorite song right now: Honnou (本能 ) - Shiina Ringo
i’ll tag @lauren-pc, @jessmcbitchboi & @bitterssweet-downfall
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returnofahsoka · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @calmtolkienreader! Thank you so much, my sweetheart.
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (?) people.
I tag @ihamtmus @trekking-through-life @aquamanisnotuseless @merlebae @itsvalidtohatestartrek @vintageandroid @hawkeye-is-my-wife @maknaepowa3 @mccoy-and-langdon sorry I know it’s not 20
1. Drink: Fanta 2. Phone call: my dad 3. Text message: my friend Sophie 4. Song you listened to: Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters 5. Time you cried: about 20 minutes ago while I watched GotG vol2 6. Dated someone twice?: I haven’t even got to dating anyone once so no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: same, I have never kissed anyone 8. Been cheated on: nah 9. Lost someone special: my grandpa 10. Been depressed: uhm yesterday, I think? 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never ever
Fave colours;
12. dark blue 13. yellow 14. turquoise
In the last year have you
15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: haven’t fallen in at the first place 17. Laughed until you cried: a lot of times 18. Found out someone was talking about you: what kinda question is this? 19. Met someone who changed you: absolutely 20. Found out who your friends are: yeah  21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: I know them all and there are only a few of them that I haven’t met in real life 23. Do you have any pets: a dog called Indy 24. Do you want to change your name: I love my name so nope 25. What did you do for your last birthday: watched a movie and had my fave foods 26. What time did you wake up today: around 10 I guess 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping hahahha 28. What is something you cant wait for: graduating highschool 30. What are you listening to right now: the sound of my brother playing on his ps4 31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: does Thomas count? I know a Thomas, he was the funniest guy in our Dutch exchange programme. 32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: school 33. Most visited website: tumblr 34. Hair colour: kind of brown, kind of blonde 35. Long or short hair: it’s been short for 6 years now 36. Do you have a crush on someone: more crushes simoultaneously 37. What do you like about yourself: my sunshine personality, I guess 38. Want any piercings?: not my kinda thing 39. Blood type: I don’t know 40. Nicknames: let’s stick with Kam, okay? 41. Relationship status: single and hoping university will change this 42. Zodiac: aries 43. Pronouns: she/her 44. Fave tv shows: Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Star Trek DS9, just catching up on Star Wars Rebels 45. Tattoos: one day, yes 46. Right or left handed: Right 47. Ever had surgery: in my right knee 48. Piercings: nope 49. Sport: I (kind of) do aikido and I want to do yoga 50. Vacation: Réunion Island!!!  ( @maknaepowa3 hear me?) 51. Trainers: is this important? they are black and comfy
More general;
52. Eating: ice cream 53. Drinking: tea 54. I’m about to watch: nothing, I just finished GotG vol2 55. Waiting for: dinner 56. Want: some peace 57. Get married: definitely one day, except my country doesn’t have same-sex marrige so this is a huge ? 58. Career: archaeology
Which is better;
59. Hugs or kisses: both is good 60. Lips or eye: eyes are the best! 61. Shorter or taller: doesn’t matter 62. Older or younger: again, doesn’t matter as long as it’s not much older or mch younger 63. Nice arms or stomach: hmmmm arms maybe 64. Hookup or relationship: relationship, definitely! 65. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
Have you ever;
66. Kissed a stranger: nope 67. Drank hard liquor: yes 68. Lost glasses: I don’t own glasses 69. Turned someone down: nope 70. Sex on first date: nope 71. Broken someones heart: don’t think so 72. Had your heart broken: ugh kinda 73. Been arrested: no 74. Cried when someone died: yes. 75. Fallen for a friend: yep
Do you believe in;
76. Yourself: I really try to but not always manage 77. Miracles: definitely 78. Love at first sight: not really 79. Santa claus: not anymore 80. Kiss on a first date: I kinda hope 81. Angels: nah
82. Best friend’s name: uhm Doroshi for now 83. Eye colour: blue-ish and grey-ish 84. Fave movie: rn? GotG vol2!!! 85. Fave actor: Natalie Dormer
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chronotopes · 7 years
memed by @bajroan tysm
rules: answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs. (spoiler alert boy howdy am i not doing that)
nicknames: eugene calls me a different mangled version of my name every time he sees me (“kantinatio” etc) but that’s more of an inside joke than a nickname. other than that uh not really
gender: grace i don’t want 2 rip off your reply but “girl i guess” really is The Mood Constantly
sign: leo!! (with a moon in uhh aries i believe)
height: 5′4″ :/ 
time: 1:19 pm est
birthday: august 18 2000
favourite bands: uh the mountain goats obviously. also it’s Been stars and the decemberists for like two years but sometimes a girl has just got to accept her basic-in-certain-circles music taste and move on. oh also i like the shins not that this improves things. ooh and fleetwood mac. 
favourite solo artists: carly rae jepsen, phil ochs (grace i know philliam is not particularly niche but i’m still always excited when i meet people who like him), connie converse (*blows a kiss to the open road* for connie), and ani difranco. 
song stuck in my head: the loamlands cover of ‘fall of the high school star running back’ because i’ve been catching up on i only listen to the mountain goats 
last movie i saw: i think it was star wars the last jedi; i RLLY don’t see a lot of movies lmao
last show i watched: black mirror
when did i create my blog: july of 2013 :/
what do i post: whatever i am currently thinking too hard about . at the moment that’s mainly sad thoughts about julian bashir’s character arc
last thing i googled: “frost at midnight” because gotta love coleridge
do i have any other blogs: yyyyeah most of them totally inactive. where’s that one post about Leo Culture being having fifty sideblogs
do i get asks: moderately often, generally either for memes or more rarely “what’s wrong with x” after i make a post about not liking x. (i actually.... really like answering those lmao)
why did i choose my url: i got into les mis back in 2015 and couldn’t think of any good les mis urls that weren’t taken, so instead i took the end off the 93 quote “whatever creates night in our souls may leave stars”. 93 is not a book i have read or plan on reading in the future
following: 194, which is rlly weird ; it always feels like more :/
followed by: exactly 666 actually 
average hours of sleep: seven if we are being optimistic
lucky number: 27
instruments: i took piano as a kid but boy howdy is that not a thing anymore
dream job: secondary or post-secondary education; post-secondary is The Dream but uhh a phd in english rlly doesn’t land you many good places so i’ve been increasingly fond of the former option conceptually. assuming of course that the school system will not have collapsed by then. also being A Writer but like :/
favourite food: this is genuinely impossible to answer but i WOULD die for any goat cheese/tomato combination, or any variation on the theme of ‘eggplant-based foods’ (caponata >>>>>> ratatouille tho. italians know what they’re doing)
nationality: russian
favourite song: i always answer “cry for judas” by tmg but maybe “jenny” has surpassed it who knows. 
last book i read: i’m reading mark twain’s personal recollections of joan of arc for my honors project 
top 3 fictional universes i want to join: star trek or bust (probably the ent-d because even though ds9 is miles and miles better i don’t want 2 die.) uh aside from that.. discworld, probably, and maybe series nine from diana wynne jones’s related worlds. as in in the chrestomanci novels. (series nine is the one the protagonists live in right. i have the book sitting on my shelf but i am too lazy to check)
i’m tagging anyone who wants to do it as i am wont to
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