#aricka’s supergirl
The wedding of Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper
(Jim x Joyce, Aricka Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, Jane Ellie/Eleven Hopper)
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August 13 1987
Aricka stands in front of the mirror, her purple bridesmaid dress making her look like a cupcake. Her short cropped hair was curled and pinned away from her face, and she wore white sandals with buckles on them.
Someone knocks on the door and it opens to reveal- “Jonathan,” she says softly. Her new big brother opens the door all the way.
“May I come in? I have something for you that I want you to have before the wedding.” He holds out a wrapped gift.
“I wasn’t gonna give you yours til after but I can-,” Aricka starts but he stops her.
“No no, no, it’s fine. I just- I just want you to know I’m really, really happy that this is happening. I’m glad you’re gonna be my little-by- two-months sister.” The words almost make her tear up but she unwraps the gift and sees-
A brown leather bound book that says “Aricka, Will, Jane and Jon’s Adventure Book.” Carefully she opens it- and then the tears come. The book was FILLED with pictures Jonathan had taken of the four of them-
One at Aricka and Will’s first theater performance together. One of Aricka and Jane the day they officially adopted her- Jane had jumped into Aricka’s arms and cried. Aricka had a huge proud smile on her face. One of Aricka and Jonathan on graduation day- Aricka’s arms wrapped carefreely around his neck and his chin leaning against her forehead. One of them after the battle of Starcourt- Jane asleep in Aricka’s arms, Will leaned over against her. Aricka had a bloody lip and cuts on her forehead; and she looked exhausted, but this was the moment Aricka and Jonathan really leaned on each other for the first time. Clinging to their new sibling status. One of them and Argyle at the pizza place- Argyle holding up bunny ears behind Jon’s head.
So many memories. Will and Aricka on the closing night of her senior year musical. Jon and Aricka hugging in the reception line for that same musical. Aricka and her dad on graduation, then Joyce and Aricka and Jon together.
The last page didn’t have any pictures, but a quote instead: “A picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is priceless.”
~ Jonathan and William Hopper-Byers
She looks up, tears dribbling down her cheeks as she sets the book down and walks over to hug him. Jon’s hug was as comfortable as ever, her chin on his shoulder, his temple pressed against hers, his arms around her back with hers around his neck. “I love you Jonathan Hopper-Byers,” she whispered.
“I love you too, Aricka Hopper-Byers. Now let’s go watch mom and dad get married.”
Aricka and Jon stood at the back of the chapel together, watching as Holly and Mike Wheeler walked down the aisle as the flower girl and ring bearer, and both stood with the bridal and groom parties when they finished. Next was Jane and Will, who linked arms and skipped down the aisle to the altar, the wonder twins making the audience chuckle fondly.
Then it was their turn. Jon offered his arm to Aricka. “Shall we; sis?” He asks softly. Aricka smiles, loops her hand through his arm; and pats his shoulder.
“Let’s go, big bro.” He smiles, a rare Jonathan Byers smile, and together they walk to the future.
“Do you, Jim Hopper; take Joyce Byers to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Aricka was crying as she watched her dad get married, and Chrissy hands her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away.
“I do,” he says.
“And do you Joyce Byers take Jim Hopper to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Joyce smiled up at Hop and says as softly as Aricka had ever heard her,
“I do.”
“By the power vested in me; I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Aricka and Jonathan beam at each other before bursting into cheers as their parents kiss.
“Hi; I’m Aricka, and I had the honor of being the matron of honor for my mama Joyce’s wedding. I was struggling to write a speech for today, and my big brother Jonathan said that I should do what I do best- write a song. So that’s what I did. Chrissy-?” The girl moves to the piano in the room, and Aricka moves to the sole mic stand. “This song is dedicated to my parents, my three siblings, and my husband. I love all of you guys so much. I’m feeling the love right now.”
Chrissy begins to play; and Aricka begins to sing;
“You don't know you've been looking 'til you find it
Don't know what you've been missing 'til it's there
It's stronger than a spell, it's magic in itself
It's an ever after like you've never felt…” she motions for her dad and mom to take the dance floor, and they do, gently swaying to the music.
“It's the sum of the times of your life…” Steve walks over to stand by her: and she grins as she sings to him,
“It's the person you're standing beside
And it's the pride that you're feeling inside
For who you are, you've come so far…” she takes the mic off the stand and starts jumping and spinning,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny…” Chrissy joins Aricka, adding a beautiful harmony to the song;
“I'm feeling that dream come true
Here with you
And love is around us too
Ooh, and I feel the love (I'm feeling the)
(Ooh, make you feel alive)…”
Aricka and Billy start singing together, sharing a mic as they dance, and Aricka Harrington’s siblings join her on the floor,
“The journey might not always be that easy
Twist and turns can take you anywhere
Together or apart, you gotta trust your heart 'cause
The power of true love will get you there
Yeah, it's the sum of the times of your life (Your life)
And it's the person you're standing beside (Oh)
Yeah, it's the pride that you're feeling inside (Yeah)
From where you are
And it's just the start…”
Will and Jane take turns spinning each other around, their laughter filling the room with love and warmth, and Aricka Harrington takes the chorus,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny
I'm feeling that dream come true
Here with you
And love is around us too
Ooh, and I feel the love (I'm feeling the)
(You make me feel alive)
(I'm feeling the)
(You make me feel alive)…”
Aricka and Steve are in their own little world; gazing into each other’s eyes and singing,
“For good and for better I found my forever
I can't wait to know where our story goes
This moment, this feeling is one you can't measure
I'm feelin' it
I'm feelin' it
Are you feeling it-?” And then Eddie Munson and Dori Henderson take their solo, hands clasped as they sing, (Eddie in parentheses)
“I'm feeling the la-la-love (I'm feeling the love)
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny
I'm feeling that dream come true (Dream come true)
Here with you
And love is around us too (Love, love, love)
Ooh, and I feel the love-!”
The entirety of the Hawkins/Upsidedown gang were on the floor; the love they shared on full display, and Aricka finished the song she wrote with a soft,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
I'm feeling the la-la-love…” and then her siblings- all three of them- run over to hug her.
Will was first - no longer the little boy who would press his face into her stomach, but now he would rest his head on her shoulder, one arm around her neck the other arm around her back, both of hers around his middle- and he was crying. “I love you Aricka,” he said. “I’m glad we’re actually siblings now. This is gonna be so great-!”
Jane was next. “Sisters always,” she whispered, as they had ever since El first showed up in Hawkins. Jane wrapped her arms around Aricka’s middle; and Aricka had one arm around her back, the other hand cradled her head to Aricka’s shoulder.
Jonathan waited patiently for his chance, and they hugged just as they had before the wedding. “Love ya sis. You did great,” he said.
Joyce and Jim follow them; Jim cupping Aricka’s cheeks and kissing her forehead as he had since she was a child, Joyce hugging Aricka and cradling the back of her head against her shoulder. “Thank you, baby,” Joyce whispers.
“I love you mom,” Aricka whispered back. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too, baby girl.” Pride was not the adequate word Jim was looking for when he looked down at his firstborn- the little girl who had once been his only reason for living. He had done everything he could do so his daughter would be happy and be able to do whatever she wanted to do.
Now they both had the happy ending they deserved.
And Aricka couldn’t wait to see what the next chapter brought.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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