#Aricka and Will
The wedding of Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper
(Jim x Joyce, Aricka Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, Jane Ellie/Eleven Hopper)
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August 13 1987
Aricka stands in front of the mirror, her purple bridesmaid dress making her look like a cupcake. Her short cropped hair was curled and pinned away from her face, and she wore white sandals with buckles on them.
Someone knocks on the door and it opens to reveal- “Jonathan,” she says softly. Her new big brother opens the door all the way.
“May I come in? I have something for you that I want you to have before the wedding.” He holds out a wrapped gift.
“I wasn’t gonna give you yours til after but I can-,” Aricka starts but he stops her.
“No no, no, it’s fine. I just- I just want you to know I’m really, really happy that this is happening. I’m glad you’re gonna be my little-by- two-months sister.” The words almost make her tear up but she unwraps the gift and sees-
A brown leather bound book that says “Aricka, Will, Jane and Jon’s Adventure Book.” Carefully she opens it- and then the tears come. The book was FILLED with pictures Jonathan had taken of the four of them-
One at Aricka and Will’s first theater performance together. One of Aricka and Jane the day they officially adopted her- Jane had jumped into Aricka’s arms and cried. Aricka had a huge proud smile on her face. One of Aricka and Jonathan on graduation day- Aricka’s arms wrapped carefreely around his neck and his chin leaning against her forehead. One of them after the battle of Starcourt- Jane asleep in Aricka’s arms, Will leaned over against her. Aricka had a bloody lip and cuts on her forehead; and she looked exhausted, but this was the moment Aricka and Jonathan really leaned on each other for the first time. Clinging to their new sibling status. One of them and Argyle at the pizza place- Argyle holding up bunny ears behind Jon’s head.
So many memories. Will and Aricka on the closing night of her senior year musical. Jon and Aricka hugging in the reception line for that same musical. Aricka and her dad on graduation, then Joyce and Aricka and Jon together.
The last page didn’t have any pictures, but a quote instead: “A picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is priceless.”
~ Jonathan and William Hopper-Byers
She looks up, tears dribbling down her cheeks as she sets the book down and walks over to hug him. Jon’s hug was as comfortable as ever, her chin on his shoulder, his temple pressed against hers, his arms around her back with hers around his neck. “I love you Jonathan Hopper-Byers,” she whispered.
“I love you too, Aricka Hopper-Byers. Now let’s go watch mom and dad get married.”
Aricka and Jon stood at the back of the chapel together, watching as Holly and Mike Wheeler walked down the aisle as the flower girl and ring bearer, and both stood with the bridal and groom parties when they finished. Next was Jane and Will, who linked arms and skipped down the aisle to the altar, the wonder twins making the audience chuckle fondly.
Then it was their turn. Jon offered his arm to Aricka. “Shall we; sis?” He asks softly. Aricka smiles, loops her hand through his arm; and pats his shoulder.
“Let’s go, big bro.” He smiles, a rare Jonathan Byers smile, and together they walk to the future.
“Do you, Jim Hopper; take Joyce Byers to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Aricka was crying as she watched her dad get married, and Chrissy hands her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away.
“I do,” he says.
“And do you Joyce Byers take Jim Hopper to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Joyce smiled up at Hop and says as softly as Aricka had ever heard her,
“I do.”
“By the power vested in me; I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Aricka and Jonathan beam at each other before bursting into cheers as their parents kiss.
“Hi; I’m Aricka, and I had the honor of being the matron of honor for my mama Joyce’s wedding. I was struggling to write a speech for today, and my big brother Jonathan said that I should do what I do best- write a song. So that’s what I did. Chrissy-?” The girl moves to the piano in the room, and Aricka moves to the sole mic stand. “This song is dedicated to my parents, my three siblings, and my husband. I love all of you guys so much. I’m feeling the love right now.”
Chrissy begins to play; and Aricka begins to sing;
“You don't know you've been looking 'til you find it
Don't know what you've been missing 'til it's there
It's stronger than a spell, it's magic in itself
It's an ever after like you've never felt…” she motions for her dad and mom to take the dance floor, and they do, gently swaying to the music.
“It's the sum of the times of your life…” Steve walks over to stand by her: and she grins as she sings to him,
“It's the person you're standing beside
And it's the pride that you're feeling inside
For who you are, you've come so far…” she takes the mic off the stand and starts jumping and spinning,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny…” Chrissy joins Aricka, adding a beautiful harmony to the song;
“I'm feeling that dream come true
Here with you
And love is around us too
Ooh, and I feel the love (I'm feeling the)
(Ooh, make you feel alive)…”
Aricka and Billy start singing together, sharing a mic as they dance, and Aricka Harrington’s siblings join her on the floor,
“The journey might not always be that easy
Twist and turns can take you anywhere
Together or apart, you gotta trust your heart 'cause
The power of true love will get you there
Yeah, it's the sum of the times of your life (Your life)
And it's the person you're standing beside (Oh)
Yeah, it's the pride that you're feeling inside (Yeah)
From where you are
And it's just the start…”
Will and Jane take turns spinning each other around, their laughter filling the room with love and warmth, and Aricka Harrington takes the chorus,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny
I'm feeling that dream come true
Here with you
And love is around us too
Ooh, and I feel the love (I'm feeling the)
(You make me feel alive)
(I'm feeling the)
(You make me feel alive)…”
Aricka and Steve are in their own little world; gazing into each other’s eyes and singing,
“For good and for better I found my forever
I can't wait to know where our story goes
This moment, this feeling is one you can't measure
I'm feelin' it
I'm feelin' it
Are you feeling it-?” And then Eddie Munson and Dori Henderson take their solo, hands clasped as they sing, (Eddie in parentheses)
“I'm feeling the la-la-love (I'm feeling the love)
You make me feel alive
True love you can't deny
I'm feeling that dream come true (Dream come true)
Here with you
And love is around us too (Love, love, love)
Ooh, and I feel the love-!”
The entirety of the Hawkins/Upsidedown gang were on the floor; the love they shared on full display, and Aricka finished the song she wrote with a soft,
“I'm feeling the la-la-love
I'm feeling the la-la-love…” and then her siblings- all three of them- run over to hug her.
Will was first - no longer the little boy who would press his face into her stomach, but now he would rest his head on her shoulder, one arm around her neck the other arm around her back, both of hers around his middle- and he was crying. “I love you Aricka,” he said. “I’m glad we’re actually siblings now. This is gonna be so great-!”
Jane was next. “Sisters always,” she whispered, as they had ever since El first showed up in Hawkins. Jane wrapped her arms around Aricka’s middle; and Aricka had one arm around her back, the other hand cradled her head to Aricka’s shoulder.
Jonathan waited patiently for his chance, and they hugged just as they had before the wedding. “Love ya sis. You did great,” he said.
Joyce and Jim follow them; Jim cupping Aricka’s cheeks and kissing her forehead as he had since she was a child, Joyce hugging Aricka and cradling the back of her head against her shoulder. “Thank you, baby,” Joyce whispers.
“I love you mom,” Aricka whispered back. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too, baby girl.” Pride was not the adequate word Jim was looking for when he looked down at his firstborn- the little girl who had once been his only reason for living. He had done everything he could do so his daughter would be happy and be able to do whatever she wanted to do.
Now they both had the happy ending they deserved.
And Aricka couldn’t wait to see what the next chapter brought.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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inhernature · 1 year
Monologues in Bars By White People With Good Intentions
I love your hair You always wear such interesting things What did you do before this Wow are you from Detroit What was that like Tell me what your thesis is about That sounds really powerful Your poem tonight was really intense You’ll appreciate this, you know, since you’re kind of ghetto You worked so hard you made it So what did you think about that Junot essay I’m suspicious of poems with an agenda, that have a certain aboutness Explain what you mean when you say risk I’m really uncomfortable I went to Detroit, well Dearborn, and it’s amazing how cheap the houses are No, it’s a really cool town Are you a Tigers fan That city is having a hard time, for sure I lived there once when I worked for Teach for America How do you feel about people who claim Detroit but aren’t really from there I really love your hair Is your work always so intense That line is a little melodramatic I’m not as smart as you but I thought rape was about sex What do you mean it’s hard to date I mean you’re here Rap is about music let’s not make it about race Oh come on, I only call people I love my nigger I don’t mean this to sound racist but You don’t seem like you date white guys but I love how our skin looks when I hold your hand and I like women who live a natural lifestyle and You’re so well spoken Wow you’ve really read a lot Ithaca must be way different than what you’re used to You can breathe now, you made it
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rosieshipper · 2 months
Hi Rosie! It’s Aricka! ( @arickaandherfictionalothers )
One thing that helps me get back into writing after a block is listening to music about that fandom/character-!
Like, if it’s not a character or fandom I have a playlist for already I go to Spotify and scroll and find a playlist that matches the theme I wanna write about.
Or I watch the source material and see if I get inspired that way
Hope this helps 💕
This really helps a lot and I really appreciate it, I’m gonna go do that right now! Thanks aricka! @arickaandherfictionalothers
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hyperionshipping · 11 months
Two questions:
What’s little ones name 👀
Grace wants to know if she can come have a tea party with your little one 👀🥺
OKAYYY okay so. She's technically like... Not a True fankid. She's more so just like... An idea in my head I toss around sometimes. But I can answer these 8)!
Marnie! Though I'm toying with Marlowe as well. But Marnie was her original name when I first started stuff for her in my head
Of course!! I'd set 'em up, let them have fun in the playroom. I think I'd have a whole play kitchen for her 'cause she'd help me cook suppers and so, a lot of her pretend play would be cooking. Amongst the very real pirate journeys in her cardboard pirate ship, or, her boat shaped bed!
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defaultchaos1 · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People (IDK 15 ppl on here but this looks fun 😅) I was tagged by @schmem14
1. Are you named after anyone? I guess technically. My bio dads name is Eric and mine is Aricka so eh.
2. When was the last time you cried? Hmm 🤔 probably a few days ago. I was listening to iris and was in my feels 🤷🏻‍♀️
3. Do you have kids? I don’t have kids I have monsters. 2 of them.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? My husband seems to think so.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I guess their eye color. The eyes are the first thing you look at when you meet someone.
6. What’s your eye color? Brown but according to my husband, ‘a light chocolate brown’ wtvr that means. 😅
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Oooo that depends. Not a fan of scary movies unless they’re old slasher films. But can’t go wrong with a happy ending 🙂
8. Any special talents? I doubt it.
9. Where were you born? The middle of nowhere in California.
10. What are your hobbies? It’s a bit cliche, but I’m a mom so I don’t have time or money for any of my hobbies. But I enjoy working with my hands.
11. Do you have any pets? I have a fish named Missy. But my roommate has 2 cats that I like to cuddle with despite my allergies
12. What sports do you play/have you played? In middle school and high school I played volleyball. And last summer I played soccer with my sons tot league 🤣
13. How tall are you? 5’3
14. Favorite subject at school? History! I loved history and still do. Currently taking a few history course at my local college.
15. Dream job? Hmm 🤔 archeologist, historian, museum curator, or a history teacher could be fun.
@catmintandthyme @colubrina @ibuzoo @rzzmg @rizzlewrites
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Parent’s Day
This is a fic that takes place in @arickaandherfictionalothers‘ Rise of The Descendants AU. Since this fic is my character’s perspective in this scenario, I’ve used/edited some of the dialogue from her original fic, which you can read here. Hope you enjoy!
It was parents day at Auradon Prep, and the students and parents alike were dressed up and enjoying themselves. Friends and acquaintances were chatting, a wide variety of food was spread, and croquet hoops were scattered around the fields. 
Needless to say, the VKs were hesitant about an event like this. Formal gatherings, manners, and pleasantries weren’t things they were familiar with; much less anything related to family. However, as the day went on, they actually found themselves having a fairly good time. Evie found herself right at home in the midst of the higher ups, aiding Mal in many a conversation she found herself roped into. Aricka stayed by Evie’s side as well, providing her own insight into the upper class discussions. Uma was keeping an eye on Harry- not necessarily for his own sake, but just to make sure he wouldn’t mess with anyone (too much). Carlos had his hands full with Dude, but Gil seemed happy to help look after the pup. 
Jay and Azalea were no exception either. After helping themselves to some food, Jay particularly enjoying the chocolate fountain, he agreed to a game of croquet with Ben. Azalea watched from the sidelines, smiling as xyr boyfriend learned the ways of the game.
“Hey, nice shot!” Ben exclaimed after a clean stroke by Jay. 
“Heh, thanks.” The two high fived.
“Looks like you're getting the hang of it, Jay-Jay.” Azalea called with a teasingly smug tone. 
“Well, had a good enough teacher to show me the ropes.” He shrugged, gesturing to the prince. 
“Thank you! My parents taught me since I was young.”
“No problem, man.” 
The boys eventually finished their game, and Ben left to overview the festivities. The two took the time to enjoy each other’s company. 
“Never thought I’d say this, but this hasn’t been too bad of a shindig.” Jay commented, looking over the crowd. 
“Yeah. Glad to see everyone’s having fun.” Xe turned to him. “Guess we ought to give the Auradon Kids some credit, huh?” 
“With the way things are going, I’d say so. Never figured some rich-kid gathering could be this fun.” 
“Even if we did have to get prim and proper for it.” 
“Well, I think you look very handsome when you’re prim and proper.” He grinned. 
Azalea chuckled. “Same to you, pretty boy-
Jay and Azalea froze at the voice, turning to the scene along with the rest of the crows. In the middle of the field, Mal was confronted by Queen Leah and Ella; and Leah seemed none too pleased upon learning who her mother was. Glancing at each other, the two hurried over, figuring that this couldn’t be good. Upon further inspection, the other VKs seemed to have the same idea, circling behind Mal with Aricka by her side. 
“Your majesty Queen Leah,” she said, “Princess Aricka of Olympus, we’ve met before. May I present my sister Mal Page?”
“How are you so young?!” The queen exclaimed.
“Grammy, this isn’t Maleficent, this is her daughter, Mal. She’s one of the Isle children we brought over for our Reformation Proclamation,”’Audrey tried to explain.
“Audrey- you LET her over?!” Leah gasped. “After what her mother did to your- did to my DAUGHTER?!”
“Yes, Grammy, Maleficent did that to my mother. Mal has done nothing to me,” Audrey said, grabbing Mal’s hand. “She is my friend.”
Mal seemed thunderstruck by Audrey’s claim, but Aricka Page seemed to have taken over speaking for her twin. “Queen Leah, my twin is more our father’s daughter than she ever was our mother’s. Mal is innocent and has done nothing to deserve your prejudice or hatred.”
“Are you so sure of that? How can we trust you? Any of you?” Ella spoke. 
Aricka Charming paled at the words that came from her own mother’s mouth. 
“How do we know you haven’t spelled our children to say whatever makes you look good?”
“Mother?!” Aricka and Chad exclaimed.
She laughed in a condescending manner. “I mean, look at them. The daughter of the mistress of all evil, who cursed a baby to die before she was even truly alive.” 
Mal’s eyes glowed a dangerous shade of green, only to calm when her sister gripped her hand. 
“The son of Jafar who tried to take over an entire kingdom because the sultan wouldn’t let him marry the Princess- not to mention the no-name sorcerer that he decided to drag along.” 
Immediately, Jay’s hand hovered in front of Azalea protectively; but xe wasn’t about to let what she said about him slip either, made evident by xyr subtly glowing pendant.
“And if that wasn’t bad enough, the daughter of the evil queen who is surely nothing more than a gold digger and a cheat.” Aricka and Harry reached to soothe the now crying bluenette, anger burning Aricka’s skin. “The son of Cruella who is surely just as crazy as she was. The voice stealing daughter of Ursula and to make everything WORSE you invited Gaston’s spawn over-?! Belle and Adam’s worst ENEMY?!”
“H-Hey, that’s not very nice…” Gil protested softly, only for Ella to speak over him.
“And don’t get me started on your so-called boyfriend, daughter of mine. The son of Captain Hook? Really?! The man who tried to kill innocent children if they didn’t join his crew? I bet he was just as evil as his father, he should’ve been left there just like the rest of them!”
“ENOUGH MOTHER!” Aricka yells, pushing Harry behind her and staring Ella down. “I am sick and tired of this. Ever since we started the proclamation you’ve been against it. Saying the VKs are dangerous and evil and twisted. What about my cousins, huh? Do the names Diana and Anthony mean nothing to you?! And don’t even think about hurting my friends- my chosen family. If you tried to get to know them you’d realize how very wrong your judgments of them are. Mal is so talented and creative, she just wanted to go to school and get more kids safe and off the Isle. Jay is strong and athletic, he’s a great dancer and an even more loyal bodyguard and friend. Azalea is protective and resourceful, and is so talented with jewelry. Evie is beautiful, smart and kind and has a great fashion sense. In fact, she made the dress that I’m wearing today.”
“Aricka, enough of this-”
“And furthermore, Uma is not her mother. She is an amazing chef, navigator and storyteller. And don’t get me started on Gil LeGume. He’s so good and he just keeps trying to do better, to learn everything he can, to enjoy all the little things in Auradon. Gil, I still wanna cry thinking about you experiencing grapes for the first time.” 
The blonde VK who looked too much like her and Chad smiled. “Aw, thanks Aricka, I like you too!” Aricka couldn’t help but laugh, the traits she had listed evident even now.
“And finally, we come to Harry. And I could write a whole book on how he has changed me for the better. Harry showed me that I have worth simply because I am a good ally and friend to everyone I meet, that my beauty is from within; and that my power comes from the knowledge of those who have my back. Harry, I am forever grateful that we met and know each other. And Harry,” she takes a deep breath, “I know we’ve only known each other for a short time but I love you, plain and simple. I don’t care what anyone says or thinks, I’m yours. I’d give up being a princess if it meant I could be your girlfriend. Plain and simple.” 
And there, in front of everyone, she stood on tiptoes and kissed him, only to be jerked toward her mother.
“How DARE YOU!” Ella hissed. 
Aricka wrenched away from her mother’s grip. “I dare because Harry is my boyfriend.” She retorted. “You can’t tell me who or how to love-!” 
A stinging sensation filled her cheek and Aricka recoiled from the feeling of being slapped.
Her mother hit her. Actually hit her. 
Both Jay and Azalea saw red. Even her comments from earlier had left their mind; their friend had been hurt right in front of them. The two stormed forward, an emerald-colored flurry surrounding them as Azalea's rage seeped into xyr pendant. This caused the crowd to flee, Leah stepping back in fear while Ella barely registered them outside of her own fury towards her daughter. From there it was a blur, it seemed like Jay had his hands on Ella for a split second, but Azalea’s flames were doused by a blue powder. Evie had intervened with a potion, and in the confusion, used her mirror to cast a sleeping spell on Ella. 
“You two! Back off!!” She cried, a mix of fear and anger in her voice. 
Both of them came to their senses at her words. What struck Jay even more than what Ella had just done was the realization that overtook Azalea’s eyes when xe seen what xe did, blinded by xyr anger.
“Aricka! Come on!” He heard Harry shout, taking Aricka by the hand. 
Jay fully realized the situation, and ran to Azalea, putting his arm on xyr shoulder. 
“C’mon, we gotta go find the others.” 
Snapping out of xyr internal dilemma for a moment, xe nodded, following him out of the sapphire smokescreen. 
Together, hero and Isle child alike ran to the safety of their dorms to regroup.
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kittyandco · 2 years
If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
For any one you want to answer for-! ( @aricka-and-her-fictional-others )
thank you!!! 🥺
so my mind goes to my frozen s/i immediately! she was born a princess, but like hans she never had much actual power. she's always seen her role as pretty useless, so she would abandon her responsibilities pretty often. but she wanted to keep her family satisfied enough with her... it wasn't until she got older and was ready to leave it all behind that she began to really speak her mind and act on her own accord. (at the expense of her betrothal to hans, too.)
eventually she's promoted to queen thanks to hans, but again... this is his operation, not hers. all she wanted was a life with him, everything else was secondary. she wants to be a good leader, she cares about others generally (unlike hans) but her desires aren't so selfless... like hans, she's in it for personal satisfaction, which is a lasting love with hans. it doesn't benefit their people at all. i don't think hans is like some cartoonishly tyrannical king, but his moral compass is a bit wonky, and his only example was his father, who oversaw a lot of questionable operations in the southern isles. like in canon, his schemes are just that: sly and underhanded. bring his victims in, gain their trust, and pull the rug out from under them (hot 😻)
still, i believe that hans swore long ago that he would never become like his father or his brothers; he wanted to be better. in his mind, this doesn't mean ethically better, but doing the exact same things his father would do is in bad taste to him. reminds him too much of that era of his life, and i remind him of that. i don't want to be reminded of it either
UNLESS he legitimately believes it's justified. and again, he mainly wanted this position because of the pain related to his family. he wants to upstage them, he wants to overcome them. so i think he makes very brash decisions toward the southern isles to punish them. he also finesses other kingdoms that we make alliances with to build our wealth and influence (mostly as an ego trip).
on the other hand, kitty is fine with her royalty now because she has hans, no strings attached, no gods or masters. she just wanted him... and a little bit of freedom. i'm sure she would try to guide hans' decisions, and he does respect her perspective. but he's had this grand idea in his head for years. it will take a bit of convincing.
anyway, the people of arendelle like me a lot! they see me as quiet, but intelligent. "lovely" is the word they usually use. and that i'm a great fit for hans. very loyal to him. also, they are fully convinced that hans did the right thing, given that he bolstered the idea of elsa's malevolent witchcraft being a lasting threat to them. she wasn't fit to be their queen, and he had already gained their trust while anna went to look for her before. he's charming and attentive to everyone (except perhaps certain officials where he has to stand his ground and maintain a stoic character). they remember him out there helping them while their kingdom froze, and now, likely forever grateful and seeing him as a legendary figure, they believe that he saved them from an eternal winter --
༓・*.☽25 OC QUESTIONS☾.*・༓
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tsundere-selfship · 1 year
Shoutout to my friend Aricka she has amazing taste and she’s a great friend and she’s a real one
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faithhopeandlove · 3 months
Aricka’s escapes through the Chosen Series
Note: I am in no way, shape or form trying to add to the Bible. I am simply working my way through my personal trauma by adding a version of myself to a TV show about Jesus and the 12 Disciples.
The premise is similar to the old kid’s show Superbook- Aricka falls into a Bible, and while only a minute passes in our time, she spends three years in The Chosen universe.
Aricka still couldn’t believe it. When she’d woke up that morning; she’d had two things on her mind- well- actually three.
1- survive work.
2- watch her current favorite comfort show, the Chosen.
3- read her Bible. Her favorite book.
Now, she was standing, clad in a billowing, purple garment, with matching headscarf, sandals and -luckily -her Jeremiah 29:11 necklace, looking into the eyes of Jesus Himself.
“Welcome. I trust your journey was swift?” He asks, and she nods, swallowing anxiety as she speaks up,
“Yes. I’m Aricka. You are Jesus. Aren’t You.”
“I Am.” The words send a chill down her spine and she swallows again, only this time a lump of emotion was pushed down. “Come. You must be tired. My followers and I are headed to Capernaum for the evening, and we welcome newcomers.” He wraps an arm around her shoulders, drawing her to His side. “We have much to discuss. I know the nature of your being here isn’t the most conventional, but do you trust My plan?”
“Of course,” she answered, without a trace of doubt in her voice. “It’s You. I just- why me? I’m honored of course, but-?”
Jesus laughs, and simply squeezes her shoulder assuredly. “The answers will come as you observe My followers and Myself. I’m sure you’ll befriend them all quickly- some more quickly than others.”
“… will they really like me?” She asks quietly.
“I know they will. Some of them have siblings, you know.” And she did- two sibling pairs made up part of the 12 Disciples; and she couldn’t wait to meet them.
“… I get to meet Peter and Matthew and John and Thomas and- all of them-?”
“All of them,” he confirmed. “In fact, here we are.” She looks up and sure enough- they’d caught up to the motley crew of men and women who followed Jesus. “I’d like you all to welcome our newest member to our group. This is Aricka, and I’m sure she’d like to say a few things to you all.”
The first disciple to meet her gaze made her heart squeeze and she felt like she could barely breathe- it was Peter. The disciple she always felt she related to the most. “Uh, hi,” she waves. “I’m Aricka, like Jesus said, and I’m not from around here- I came a great way to see Jesus and join your cause. It’s an honor to be here and I can’t wait to see what I can see and how I can help you all.”
The first disciple to greet her wasn’t Peter, but was Matthew- the new disciple she felt closest to. “Shalom, Aricka,” he said softly. “Welcome to the group. I know how it feels being new. If you have any questions please let me know and I’ll do my best to help you.”
She smiles and holds her hand out to shake- and her eyes mist over as he takes it, shaking her hand firmly but gently. “Sh-Shalom,” she echoes, looking at Jesus. “Did I pronounce it correctly-?”
“You said it beautifully,” he confirms with a smile and a nod.
The next to offer a welcome was Andrew; and she felt her face heat up as he smiled at her. “Welcome, Aricka; I look forward to getting to know you better.”
“You as well,” she replied sweetly, and she looks around. Mary Magdalene made her way forward, and she wrapped her arms around Aricka; making the girl gasp before she hugged back.
“We’re all so glad you’re here,” she said warmly. “We can definitely catch you up on what’s been happening.”
“Thank you,” Aricka says, feeling safe and at home amongst her Biblical heroes.
She couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
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Dear Elvis
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Oh, you beautiful boy. Wonderful man. It is with a heavy heart I type these words. You’ve been dead almost 50 years now, and every year it gets harder. You should be here, hugging your granddaughter and her baby, little Tupelo; you should be driving your golf cart around Graceland showing it off to all your adoring fans still.
You should be here, being asked if retirement is in the works or if you’re going to keep performing. Your light should still be shining, here on earth. Oh darling. You were taken far too soon.
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You are so missed, honey. You left such a hole behind you. Ain’t nobody come close to taking your place.
I wish I could’ve met you just once. Just to hug your neck and thank you for your music- particularly “Love me Tender” and “Suspicious Minds.” Those two songs are such comfort songs.
Thank you for making me continue to fall in love with music and singing.
Thank you for being an inspiration.
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Oh my darling, I love you. And I always will.
Aricka 💕
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ok ok I have got to ask lol….
😌 4. What do you and your f/o do together to relax or unwind?
for Mavdad???!!!
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I recently got mavdad into self care items so sometimes we’ll get ice cream; face masks and a comfort movie and just do some hardcore Relaxing and talking together.
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rustbeltjessie · 2 years
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Aricka Foreman, “Hungover Aubade” (from Dream with a Glass Chamber)
O eight empty ale bottles, empty pint of whiskey, half-empty water glass, still so much thirst. The day warm with this morning’s coffee, the porch bursting red with fauna, acorns fire against wood slats, roll away undetonated. See two men in the toggled fishing boat cast their lines into the glass lake, silence between them reeled in slow then flicked out again. The sun too bright for sleeping, having given the night before over to drown and burn instead of dreams of a body colding over, a body done with blood blossomed at its mouth, wrapped in its white sheet on the floor of a cheap motel. His leaving split open every blue and yellow pill just the same, salting the wound until it seared and then seared no more. Even the trees move on, the old oak’s leaves know the coming season is for dying and falling away: every goddamned bird in chorus, ushering new through their small eager beaks. Throb and throttle of temple against the light twirling as a glass chime in the water, against the wind, against these men waiting to hook one wet gill, against the steady rush of the gorge behind one leg dangling from the hammock, against the smoking cigarette, dragging in each and every way to slowly enjoy the killing of what kills.
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rosieshipper · 2 years
This is your free pass to gush about your parental f/os if you have any!
Just reblog this post with a pic of your parental f/o and just go ham with the gushing! I wanna see your guys moms, dads, parents, the whole shabang
Parental f/os deserve so much more recognition! So please tell me all about your parental f/os!
I’ll go first!
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This is Hopper, he’s my dad! He loves Jim Croce, puzzles, watching westerns late at night, coffee, cigarettes and most importantly me and my little sister El
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @magicalpuppyprincess @recordplayershipping @wolfofthedead
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
Since I’m back we should plan Aricka and Tricks related shenanigans for OUAT or SPN👀👀👀👀
Yeah!! I should add OUAT to my rewatch list honestly
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elizabethanism · 3 years
"I take my father's nose and shove it in a box.
My mother's mouth lays claim to the vowels.
of my making. I learned to tend and till and dig
and there is something like a hole where a good
family should be but instead I have the good people"
--Aricka Foreman
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Cinderella Snapped (Alt Version)
This is an alternate version of the fic I wrote that takes place in @arickaandherfictionalothers‘s Reverse!Descendants au, specifically my version that includes Azalea. This version doesn’t include the song, so here’s the link to the og if you want to read it. That being said, hope you enjoy!
Upon cresting the stairs, Aricka peered around the corner cautiously. A dark, decrepit hallway expanded before her, the wallpaper peeling and floorboards splitting. A musty scent lingered in the air, as many of the windows had been boarded up in a crude fashion. The only light that entered was through small cracks that were scattered along the walls and ceiling. 
Aricka stepped into the hall, wincing as the floor creaked under her feet. Aricka treaded carefully along the hall, unable to shake the uneasy feeling welling in her stomach. Her eyes darted around, scanning her surroundings for any sign of danger. The silence was almost deafening, her own heart and stuttering breaths ringing in her ears. Eventually, she approached the door at the end of the hall. Stopping in front of it, she paused before she entered. Debating with herself at this final passage, only her own speculation aiding her at what awaited her on the other side. Taking a breath and gathering her courage, Aricka placed her hand on the knob, opening the door. 
She was greeted with a somewhat small room, a table with three banged up chairs on her left, and what appeared to be the remains of a counter and some cabinets on her right. On the far side of the room was a dingy coffee table, above it an open window. Next to it was a couch, threadbare and stained; with Azalea lounging on it. 
“‘Bout time you got here.” Xe said.
“Azalea, what is this place?” Aricka asked. 
Xe took a drag of the cigarette in xyr hand, the sunlight illuminating the smoke. “It’s my own little corner of town. Place’s been run down for years, so I figured it was a perfect spot.” 
“But… Mal lets you live in the castle, why would you want to come here?” 
“Sometimes a guy just wants to smoke a cig in peace.” Xe shrugged. “Look, I know it's a bit different than the luxury rooms and king sized beds you bunch are used to, but having a hidey hole can be beneficial in more ways than you think.” 
“Okay…” she stepped closer to xem, taking in the room. “So then, why did you ask me to come here?” 
“As you might’ve guessed, I don’t bring people up here too often.” Azalea flicked xyr cigarette into the ashtray sitting on the coffee table. “But, I figured this would be a good place to talk.” 
“Talk?” Aricka turned to xem. “I thought you were going to teach me more about how to be a villain?” 
“Oh, I still intend to teach you. But you’re already familiar with what I have in mind.” Xe rose from the couch, slowly approaching her. 
She raised a brow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The thing is Aricka, you’ve done well in our time together. You don’t learn the ways of these streets overnight, but you’ve picked it up fast enough. However, you still have one flaw.” 
Xe was a few feet away from her, emerald eyes glaring daggers. 
“You still hold back. You’ve yet to truly break free” 
“What? But, I’ve done everything you’ve told me- you said yourself that I’ve been doing well!” 
“And you have been. But you ever stop and wonder why I’m doing this for you? Why Mal brought you all to the Kingdom of Malice?” 
Aricka couldn’t bring herself to answer, almost dreading what Azalea was to say. 
“Because the world that your parents made isn’t the happily ever after they had you think it was.” 
“It’s not- What are you talking about?” 
“Your gaggle may not realize it, but we’re doing you all a favor. We’re helping you see the potential that your parents locked away in a golden prison.”
“But your parents were the villains, they were the ones to take over!” 
“And your parents force you to be their prim, proper puppets.” Azalea almost snarled the last word. “They dress you up in what they want you to wear, and marry you off to whoever would benefit them.” 
Aricka froze. What xe described, this fake fantasy that everyone was happy after the fairy tale, but was just propping up a ruse to save face, 
That was her life back home.
“How… How could you know what life was like for us?” 
“Because it's the same story every time. The guy gets the girl, all the problems fade away, and they ride off into the sunset together.” Xe began pacing around the room, hands gesturing to his description. “Sounds nice for the ending of a storybook, but if you want anything outside of this ‘perfect’ little status quo they invented, it's out of the question.” 
“The isle may have been stifling, but it was safe. We had no other choice.” 
"Maybe so. But has it ever occurred to you that the ones keeping you safe weren't so perfect themselves? Have you ever truly taken a look in that mirror you praise, to see the ruse your parents puppet you with? They don’t consider anything beyond their fairytale happy endings that they’ve been blinded by, because to them, that’s all there is. To them, that’s all your life ever will be.” 
“But… Why would you care what happens to us? Why go through all this trouble just for the AKs?” 
Azalea turned to her. “Because we’re not like our parents.”
Confusion returned to Aricka’s face. “But- you still have the barrier up around the isle.” 
“I can’t control what Mal does; but I can control what I do. I can control what I wear, who I love, what I do. I can control my life, Aricka, and so can everyone else. That’s what we claimed for ourselves, that’s what this kingdom stands for. Our lives aren’t defined by a storybook, and yours shouldn’t be either.”
Aricka’s mind was racing, everything Azalea said made sense, but how could it be true?
“It’s just… My life used to seem so perfect when I was younger… We were the heroes of the story, we were supposed to be the ones with the happy ending!” 
"Don't you get it Clarice?” Xe raised xyr voice. “This is why we brought you here, to free you from their grip. In this town, we can be whoever we want to be, and it starts by stepping out of the image our parents forced us into. It starts with us!"
“But why us? Why bother with me? What is this worth to you?!”
"It's worth your future, my future, the future for all of us! Your parents kept you in a prison, but you didn't notice ‘cause it was plated in gold- just like all their other trinkets."
Clarice stared blankly, trying to process the whirlwind of thoughts in her head. Azalea watched her. 
“We brought you here to free you. We brought you here to reinvent who you are, outside of their untouchable image."
She bites her lip, hard enough to bleed. “I still have a sister back on the isle. Alexandra. She needs us. Chad and I. Otherwise she’s doomed. I can’t let my mother-!” 
Aricka seemed in disbelief of the words coming from her own mouth, heart sinking upon the realization.
“Azalea, I can’t let Alexa be trapped in that stuffy life.”
Xyr lips curved into the hint of a smirk. “Exactly.”
“But I can’t- I can’t be evil. I can’t kill someone. I can’t make- I can’t purposely hurt someone.” She sputtered. “That’s not who I am.”
"Then don't be. We're trying to break you out of a death grip that's been around your neck your whole life, not force you into another one."
This seemed to puzzle Aricka. “Isn’t that what villains do? Hurt people, take what they want without caring about anyone else?”
“Well, not all of us. Like I said earlier, we’re not like our parents. Yes, our kingdom has a scary name and we’re not as strict about… Much of anything, but we’re not truly evil. We just value self autonomy in a way that makes people like your parents mad. Makes ‘em feel threatened, realizing we've wormed our way out of their grip.” Xe looked out the window. “Admittedly, the shoddy infrastructure is a byproduct of Maleficent’s rule.” 
She pondered xyr words, looking back at xem with wide eyes. “You… You really are trying to help us.” 
“That’s the idea. But we can’t help you if you don’t accept it.” 
She stood in silence for a few moments. “... I want to talk to Mal. I want her to know I chose being a VK over being some perfect prissy princess.”
A pleased smile spread across Azalea’s face, eyes slightly narrowed. "That's all I needed to hear. I'll let her know to expect you."
Xe returned to the couch, plunking down as xe retrieved another cigarette.
“So, what am I supposed to do now?” 
"You, my dear, can do whatever you like. Go, stay, it's up to you. But remember, in the Kingdom of Malice, one's fate is up to the individual, not anyone else."
Azalea lit the cigarette in xyr hand, studying the sunset as he put it to xyr lips. Aricka just stood for a moment, contemplating what she had learned. Turning to leave, the new perspective of her childhood was unfurling in her mind, memories replaying as she pieced together the reality of it all. 
Perhaps those in the Kingdom of Malice weren’t so malicious after all. 
Perhaps those on the Isle of The Fallen, the ones who were framed as the benevolent heroes, weren’t as picture perfect as they made themselves out to be.
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