inbtswethrrust · 7 years
Be Your Forever, Be Your Fling by seikou [Taekook, M, 40k]
Country Mouse, City Mouse by Chlexcer [Vmin, T, 3k]
Can’t Help Myself by lilacflowers [Taegi, G, 2k]
These are the only ones I know~
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loveandlucky · 8 years
Pardon me, but how old are you?
16 going on 17~ 
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inbtswethrrust · 7 years
Um do either of you remember the vampire pic where the ship was yoonmin and yoongi was a vamp who aired jungkook and jungkook liked grape popsicles and jimin was not a vampire and went to university and tae was his roommate and tae was an artist???
I do know what fic you’re talking about I just need to find it! Wish me luck~
Strawberry Sweet by embryonicgrip
!!! its that one^, or well im pretty sure it is
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inbtswethrrust · 7 years
I asked something a while ago but I don't remember what it was about? I'm sure it had to do with sugakookie. Could you link me the post again please?
hmm let’s see, the only ask i can think of is this one, but that one isnt a sugakookie ask, more like fics similar to first and last, i think or simething like that, yeah!
-Admin Nana
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