#arjun thakhar
yaltonrp-blog · 8 years
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Arjun Thakhar ▪ 28 ▪ Cis Male ▪ He/Him/His ▪ Aditya Roy Kapur ▪ Film Studies Graduate Student ▪ Taken
Movie Buff. Coffee Addict. Cynical. If you were looking for someone with these traits, then look no more, Arjun is your man. He may have a pessimistic outlook on life, but it only shows when he hasn’t had his morning coffee.
Arjun was an average kid. He wasn’t a star pupil, nor was he a gifted musician like his sister, Arjun was just Arjun. A quiet, lanky kid with a creative mind. Growing up, his parents knew academics were not his strong point, he only put in enough effort to pass, but as long as he didn’t fail, his parents were okay for him discover other things. And discover he did. Growing up in a city like Mumbai, it was hard not to find inspiration. It was the city of dreams, and Arjun had big dreams. He dabbled in everything that held his attention for more than 5 seconds; music, sports, art, you name it he tried it. But nothing sparked an interest in him, and just as he was about to lose hope in trying to find the one thing he could excel in, it seemed like Mumbai lost hope in him instead. Of course, it wasn’t as dramatic as he thought, they were just moving countries. His parents had applied for a green card to the US and after one year they had gotten it.
Saying goodbye to the city that was his muse throughout his childhood was more difficult than he imagined, but after a lot of convincing, ultimatums and compromises later, it was official. They were moving to the States. Landing in New York was a major culture shock, to Arjun especially, he didn’t know what he was expecting but this wasn’t it. He didn’t feel the love in it like he did Mumbai, and decided to hate it right away.
He started off as a Sophomore high school, and definitely felt like a fish out of water. He tried hard to fit in, but only made him feel lonelier and he came to resent the city more. Even his parents tried to help him, but they were also in the process of adjusting, it was a hard couple of years for all of them. In a very unfamiliar place, the only thing that felt familiar was movie nights. Every Sunday without fail, his parents would put on a movie and the family came together to watch it. They did this in India and he was extremely glad they kept it up in New York. It reminded him of home and made him feel less alone. It was then he discovered movies had always been a constant in him life, all other interests came and went but movies stayed. And apparently, it was obvious to everyone but him. When he found that his school had a film club, he immediately joined and finally found his niche. Arjun felt that spark he had been waiting for, and knew films had a strong place in his future.  
Now his dilemma was to decide if he wanted to be in movies, or make them. It didn’t take him to long to decide to go with that latter option. Screenwriting wasn’t his first option, he wanted to direct movies, but that he realised involved a lot of decision making. Arjun was the type of person that spent weeks making a single decision, being a director would’ve been impossible for him. Besides, becoming a screenwriter combined two of his favourite things; writing and movies. So when he went down this path, no one was really surprised. His parents wanted him to take something more practical and something that paid well, but how could they say no to his son wanting to follow his dreams, when they defied their parents to follow theirs?
He found out about Yalton while he was studying at NYU. His parents, as a way of supporting him, handed him the Yalton pamphlet with Film Studies highlighted. Arjun spent weeks researching about the school and their program. In the end, Yalton was too good to pass up. Applying for a transfer for the very next semester, Arjun began his Yalton journey with a smile. Graduating with a Film Studies, he extended his stay at Yalton by heading into their graduate program in Screenwriting.
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yaltonrp-blog · 8 years
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Congratulations Pace! You have been accepted for the role of Arjun Thakhar  with the FC of Aditya Roy Kapur. We appreciated Arjun’s passion and drive. Please send us an account within the next 24 hours with the ask and submit boxes open.
Welcome to Yalton! We look forward to roleplaying with you.
Name/Alias: pace
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 23
Timezone: gmt +12
Activity Level: I say 6 to 7. I work full time but I finish early so I’m usually on every day or at least every 2 days.
Things you aren’t willing to write: smut, body horror, gore
Biography Info:
Character Name: Arjun Thakhar
Pronouns: he/him/his
Gender: cis male
Age: 28
Major/Position: Graduate – Film Studies Major. Currently a Teaching Assistant while pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Screenwriting.
FC: Aditya Roy Kapur, Manish Dayal, Dev Patel
Movie Buff. Coffee Addict. Cynical. If you were looking for someone with these traits, then look no more, Arjun is your man. He may have a pessimistic outlook on life, but it only shows when he hasn’t had his morning coffee.
Arjun was an average kid. He wasn’t a star pupil, nor was he a gifted musician like his sister, Arjun was just Arjun. A quiet, lanky kid with a creative mind. Growing up, his parents knew academics were not his strong point, he only put in enough effort to pass, but as long as he didn’t fail, his parents were okay for him discover other things. And discover he did. Growing up in a city like Mumbai, it was hard not to find inspiration. It was the city of dreams, and Arjun had big dreams. He dabbled in everything that held his attention for more than 5 seconds; music, sports, art, you name it he tried it. But nothing sparked an interest in him, and just as he was about to lose hope in trying to find the one thing he could excel in, it seemed like Mumbai lost hope in him instead. Of course, it wasn’t as dramatic as he thought, they were just moving countries. His parents had applied for a green card to the US and after one year they had gotten it.
Saying goodbye to the city that was his muse throughout his childhood was more difficult than he imagined, but after a lot of convincing, ultimatums and compromises later, it was official. They were moving to the States. Landing in New York was a major culture shock, to Arjun especially, he didn’t know what he was expecting but this wasn’t it. He didn’t feel the love in it like he did Mumbai, and decided to hate it right away.
He started off as a Sophomore high school, and definitely felt like a fish out of water. He tried hard to fit in, but only made him feel lonelier and he came to resent the city more. Even his parents tried to help him, but they were also in the process of adjusting, it was a hard couple of years for all of them. In a very unfamiliar place, the only thing that felt familiar was movie nights. Every Sunday without fail, his parents would put on a movie and the family came together to watch it. They did this in India and he was extremely glad they kept it up in New York. It reminded him of home and made him feel less alone. It was then he discovered movies had always been a constant in him life, all other interests came and went but movies stayed. And apparently, it was obvious to everyone but him. When he found that his school had a film club, he immediately joined and finally found his niche. Arjun felt that spark he had been waiting for, and knew films had a strong place in his future.  
Now his dilemma was to decide if he wanted to be in movies, or make them. It didn’t take him to long to decide to go with that latter option. Screenwriting wasn’t his first option, he wanted to direct movies, but that he realised involved a lot of decision making. Arjun was the type of person that spent weeks making a single decision, being a director would’ve been impossible for him. Besides, becoming a screenwriter combined two of his favourite things; writing and movies. So when he went down this path, no one was really surprised. His parents wanted him to take something more practical and something that paid well, but how could they say no to his son wanting to follow his dreams, when they defied their parents to follow theirs?
He found out about Yalton while he was studying at NYU. His parents, as a way of supporting him, handed him the Yalton pamphlet with Film Studies highlighted. Arjun spent weeks researching about the school and their program. In the end, Yalton was too good to pass up. Applying for a transfer for the very next semester, Arjun began his Yalton journey with a smile. Graduating with a Film Studies, he extended his stay at Yalton by heading into their graduate program in Screenwriting.
State at least one headcanon about the character:
Arjun’s been struggling with insomnia for a long time now. He’s tried everything from herbal teas to sleeping pills, but nothing seemed to work so he just gave up and let nature take its course. Sleep came when it came, and when it didn’t movies filled that void.
He has a twin sister that’s older than him by 2 minutes and she never lets him forget about it.
When he was trying out different hobbies, Arjun actually fell in love with writing stories and wanted to become an author but his love for movies was too strong. That’s another reason why he picked screenwriting.
He doesn’t like to party but if there’s free drinks, he’ll show up.
His favourite genre is action/comedy.
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