jupiter-dromaeos · 2 years
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Parsec, Arkaal, Brigali, and Jupiter pose for a photo
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velocijupiter · 2 years
group photo... from the future
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Going clockwise, starting at the top, we have:
Parsec, posthuman UFO
Jupiter, posthuman velociraptor
Brigali, holographic hayebasca
Arkaal, floral aeritt
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zizygy · 7 years
Writing Challenge Day 6
Kill off a character (OC of fandom) using this generator: http://www.springhole.net/writing_roleplaying_randomators/causeofdeath.htm
Death: Loss of blood due to limb loss
"How do you keep getting yourself in these situations?" Priza asked as she did her best to stay calm and rational despite the rapidly bleeding out elf on her floor.
"We needed the stone..." Alisian murmured.
"Not that badly! Sweet Arkaal Alisian, you're missing an arm! I-I don't have the tools to do anything, it's still bleeding!" She gestured frantically at the soaked through fabric tied around what had been his arm.
Alisian's voice was little more than a ragged whisper. "I think the blade was cursed."
"Cursed, of course the blade is cursed! Because it would be too easy otherwise, right?" she said as she ran around her lab, gathering the ingredients of a poison that might just help stop the bleeding. She hoped it stopped the bleeding.
"Drink this," she said, tilting Alisian's head up when he didn't do it himself. "Please." His forehead was cold and clammy, and despite the bandages, his blood had begun to pool on the floor.
"'s okay," he said, after making the obligatory faces at the potion, "'m expendable."
And then he closed his eyes.
He didn't die until later that night, but that was the last thing he said. And when it was over? He just dissolved into ashes, nothing but the blood on the floor and the cloak he was wearing leaving any indication that he'd been there at all.
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zoneofzhobby · 12 years
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Bureau au matin et bureau ce soir! Le mardi, c'est Zhobby! Du WIP de décors jouable selon le GBV, avec notamment le champs de force et le dépôt de Carburant en cours. :) Par Arkaal
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jupiter-dromaeos · 2 years
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Visual guide to the species of the interstellar community, ca. 2175
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zoneofzhobby · 12 years
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Du décors encore en vert, cette fois ci des armes, et un cadeau d'anniversaire que je dois peindre et socler!
Par Arkaal
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zoneofzhobby · 12 years
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Décors, décors, en style victorien svp! Par Arkaal
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