janeyjhoward · 4 months
@armageddonpitchman: pre-planned trauma.
It wasn't easy to not be afraid. Janey kept to herself, away from the bigger kids and adults alike, because they always told her not to talk to strangers. She knew Miss Betty wouldn't have brought her here to get hurt, but she was well and truly alone. She'd just have to be brave and take it as it comes. That's the cowpoke way. At least she was actually seven now, and she didn't have to wait for the clock to catch up anymore. She'd counted the days between waking up and now herself.
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She found a hiding spot when the man with the guns came in, safe from bullets and able to see. She'd never seen a man who looked like him, and it fascinated the little girl. She waited to come out until she was sure the shooting was over, wanting a better look at the man. He was dressed like a cowboy, too. If she didn't know any better she'd pass him off for her daddy, but she knew as sure as her last name was Howard, her daddy would come for her.
It didn't stop her from getting as close as she could to the stranger with his ropes and guns. She'd only ever met the one cowboy in her life, her dad, so to meet another was the best thing to happen to her since she woke up.
"Excuse me, mister." She called after him, not wanting to miss her chance to meet a fellow cowpoke. "Are you a real life cowboy?" She was too far away. He couldn't hear her.
It's what he'd said that clicked everything into place. Why this man looked so familiar. Why she felt drawn to him.
He could scold her for interrupting an adult conversation later, she was much too busy tearing away from the adults who spotted her to get to the man so close she could jump for him. They didn't understand. She needed to know for sure that this man was who she thought it was. "Let go! That's my daddy!" She pleaded frantically, yelling after him so he'd just stop. So he wouldn't leave without her again. "Daddy, come back!"
They wouldn't let go. They grabbed and held tight. She just needed to get to him. "Daddy!"
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vaulttecexec · 4 months
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another irradiated dust storm. another group of faces coming to collect. barb should be used to the transient life by now. her doors open with the sun and close with it, too. she just can't shake that feeling of something is going to happen here. one of the kids get hurt? she finds some answer to what drives her guilt?
something was going to happen.
she set up shop in novac this time, her office nothing more than two chairs at a round table. when there's a bounty, they'll come. the job is advertisement for itself. normally one of her own takes it; caps are kept in the misfit family she's created. that was another sign of her guilt, too. but, that wasn't what to rest on right now.
she stays open later than she intended to. a younger girl she'd taken a shining to hadn't shown back up, and barb was willing to keep the doors open til she did. didn't need any more guilt of something happening to one of hers out there in the desert hellscape they'd found themselves in. it took months, no, years to get there in the first place.
she'd stay open; she had to come home.
she heard the door open, but she isn't looking up from the books. numbers ease the constant what-if's if she let them, and she was keen on doing just that.
"you're late." she calls out.
those boots were too heavy to be nadia's. it was someone else who got this bounty, then. she'll just have to stay open all night. she lifts her gaze enough to gauge a figure. a fine choice of outfit, she guesses. she never reached his face. she's closing her book before pulling out her active bounty list.
"drop your proof on the table. we only deal in caps here, so if you came looking for something else, someone else is probably selling but it's not me." she drawls through the spiel. every newcomer gets the same one. "and i need initials of the bounty hunter who broug-"
she looked up. she looked up and choked. she had to be too tired for her own good. his face was different, but that damned hat. that hat was custom made for the man who wore it many years ago- centuries if the calendar didn't lie. what the hell was it doing here?
roosevelt perked at her feet; never a fan of newcomers. this one seems to get the dog into a rather playful mood just by being there. the dog wiggles in excitement, sniffing away at a leg as his owner sits dumbfounded.
"where'd you get that hat?" she ventures carefully, looking closer at the wearer. "there's no way in hell that-"
she pauses again. her mind races to fill in every potential outcome she wouldn't let herself hold onto in these last few years.
"if you're not cooper howard, you have a very similar shaped head." she breathes. "if you are cooper howard, and please tell me you're not even if you are, you have decades centuries of explaining to do."
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@armageddonpitchman ⇒ helping me give them the reunion they deserve.
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caterva · 4 months
@armageddonpitchman || ask
"You sure about that pal?"
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"Oh, yeah. I call it like I see it and you, Coop..." His eyes dragged from boot to hat. Down to belt, up to face. He purred, listing against the bar top. "You are one hot fuckin' man."
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elyrianinspo · 4 months
Izzy in the fallout universe
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maeve063haggard · 5 months
The Gunslinger and the Wanderer
It was a dark and quiet evening, steady winds blowing about the desert sands that almost seemed to glow from the moonlight above. A quiet sigh made its way past a pair of soft pink lips, as a short statured woman made her way through the dunes. Honestly, she was thankful for the silent reprieve. It was certainly better than running and fighting off bounty hunters out for her head, that was for damn sure.
The top of her vault jumpsuit hung around her waist, dirty and just slightly tattered from her ongoing journey across the wastelands. She probably should have ditched the damn suit forever ago, but it fit. Besides, it was a pain in the butt trying to find any other clothes in her size. She wore a simple black tank top, Pip-Boy on her left wrist, and carried a worn leather bag on her back. As well as a makeshift blade on her hip that looked as if it were made from an old chainsaw. Her short black hair was an utter mess as always, speckled with dirt and sand.
Fuck, what she would give for a shower, or even a soak in a river. Either one sounded like heaven.
Maeve really wasn’t all that picky.
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rasafcrged · 3 months
@armageddonpitchman sent a meme.
“Mind if I keep this?”.
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. "Not at all." She had quite a few supplies stashed away in her pack -- she didn't have need of most of it, to be honest, but she kept things tucked away to give out to those that needed it, or had something to trade for that she wanted, or to simply keep out of the hands of those that would only take advantage of others' needs. She wasn't entirely certain what category he fell into just yet, but she knew without the three vials she'd offered exactly what he would become. "I certainly have no need for them," she added, with a small smile. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to point me in the direction of the nearest place that passes for civilization, in exchange, maybe?"
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protectxthem · 4 months
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@armageddonpitchman asked: “I just want you” for Nate.
Send  “I just want you” for my muse’s reaction. | Accepting
Nate blinks a bit, looking over the fire at the other man, before scooting closer to Cooper. "You have me, Coop. I'm not going anywhere." He whispers, pressing his forehead against Cooper's.
He cups the other's face, rubbing his thumbs against the scarred skin on Cooper's cheeks. He smiles softly, pressing a gentle kiss to one of his cheeks.
He moves one hand and puts it on the back of Cooper's neck before giving a gentle and comforting squeeze. "We found each other again. I'm not letting anything or anyone tear us apart."
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okiedokiegoosey · 4 months
@armageddonpitchman → ✮
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she'd spent the last hour trying to sort through the cacophy of emotions in her head. she did what she's always done when her feelings were too big- started rambling about any and everything. She's been this way for two days.
today's topic of conversation was her little brother, telling the ghoul everything there was to know about him and how proud she was to be his big sister. he hadn't told her to shut the fuck up, so she just kept filling the space to think with her own thoughts allowed.
she's running run out of stories about her and norm in the vault. she missed him terribly, but it was what it was. lucy startled at the first time she'd heard him join the conversation in days. she went back to her tale of bravery he brother made up for the second time.
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when she couldn't find anything else to fill the space, she frown, still walking but slowing as she went," I didn't ask for this." she concludes, and finally, she let the emotions brim to the surface sending tears ricocheting to the sand below.
someone was an angry crier.
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@armageddonpitchman said: “This is madness.”
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        “No, it's manners,” Lucy says, idly counting the caps they just made. The trader gave them an excellent deal on the tech they found. She tucks the caps away and arcs a brow at him. “You could try it sometime.” 
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nukaknight · 4 months
@armageddonpitchman replied to your post “”:
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canary-in-a-vault · 5 months
"can't sleep?"
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Eyes wide. Staring towards him. No. Of course not. Who could sleep after all of that? The hole in Lucy’s stomach grew as the ghoul questioned her ability to rest. Everytime her eyes shut- she stood there, glowing. And if Lucy rested long in that perfect fantasy? It all became rotting. Rotting and horrible. She couldn’t sleep with that image of her mother in her mind, even if Dogmeat had curled up within the curve that Lucy had become on the floor, she didn’t feel safe. Nowhere did.
“Why do you care? I doubt my sleep is your concern…”
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janeyjhoward · 4 months
@armageddonpitchman replied:
Cooper is going to turn into the Ghoul just from stress of being Janey's father, not even due to radiation poisoning lol
​GOALS. New canon: Janey's nonsense turned her dad. No one can interfere.
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vaulttecexec · 4 months
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@armageddonpitchman ⇒ "i know you."
she tries so hard to not need anyone; tries even harder to not rely on anyone, too. she knows it's a poor way to manage, but she can't seem to shake the habits of her youth. she doesn't mean to shut people out, either, and people tend to forgive her later- once the stress has passed, and boy, is she stressed.
and stress is bitter on the tongue, swelling to overwhelm an entire being until they can't recognize themselves in the mirror. stress weighs on the best of them until they don't know who they truly are under it.
that's where she is, because she always does her best work under pressure. she always shines before combustion. it's a delicate exchange, and she has a knack for keeping that balance in line.
she reaches up to touch the hand on her shoulder, half smile tugging at her lips. of course he knew her. some would argue he knew her better than she knew herself, and that was fine with her. she never had to say when it was all too much or when she needed help. he just knew, because he knew her.
"somedays, coop." she sighs, leaning her cheek against his knuckles. "somedays, i'm glad you do, because i don't think i know myself right now."
she takes the moment to breathe and just exist, tethered again though the world seemed intent on tossing her out of orbit. he knows her, and that would be enough as she navigates the new issue.
she won't tell him what it is. she won't ask for help. she won't rely on him to fix it for her, but she'll depend on him knowing her, in moments like these when she doesn't know herself.
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[meme, accepting]
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caterva · 5 months
@armageddonpitchman || plotted The steady, incessant dripping of water echoed in the small chamber. Drip, drip, drip... Slowly but surely filling the bottle Bezi had placed beneath the leak. The sound was maddening but he had to remind himself that he was grateful for it; without the leak, he would be maddeningly thirsty. He had long ago stripped out of his armor, setting it aside in a heap, so that he could change into more comfortable clothes; pants and a short sleeved shirt. His linen cloak was folded into a neat little pillow and rested beneath his head as he lie on the floor, studying the familiar patterns of rust on the ceiling.
Gods above, was he ever bored! Sighing, Bezi turned his head to the grimy window in his little room, seeking stimulation. None, of course, presented itself. Sitting up, he pulled his messenger bag over and fished out the baseball he kept inside. He palmed it as he scooted against one of the walls of his cage. Once situated, he tossed the ball at the floor near the base of the wall opposite himself. The leather-wrapped ball of cork hit the floor, bounced to the wall, then to the ceiling, and finally into his waiting hand. He threw it again. Bounce, bounce, bounce, catch. Bounce, bounce, bounce, catch. He lost count of how many times the ball returned to his hand, his thoughts fading into fuzz as he emptied his mind. Eventually, though, a sound drew his attention. The grating of a door came from somewhere outside his room. Almost missing the ball, his head turned, listening, listening. Surely not, right? He was about to give the sound up for his imagination when he heard the faint, clinical voice of the Vault's PA system, activated by the motion of some large creature somewhere in the maze of rusted halls. A person, perhaps? Abandoning the ball just as it bounced towards the wall, Bezi rushed to his feet and stood at the window, hunching down so that he could look outside. "Hello?" he called, raising his thunder-like voice so that it could pass further into the Vault. "Is someone there?"
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vezhave · 4 months
WHAT KIND OF TRAGEDY ARE YOU — doomed from the start
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there was no way of winning, and you knew it too. but you still tried. you tried again and again and again to change it. you fought tooth and claw to change your fate, but she cannot be easily manipulated. it’s not your fault. the game was always rigged against you. from the moment you entered the narrative, your fate was sealed. you didn’t stand a chance.
tagged by: stolen
tagging: @zhavorsamayes, @ratherxintense, @pearloflannisport, @armageddonpitchman, @vaulttecexec, @ruinouss, @ofyorkshire, @immortalled, and you! you beautiful son of a gun, whoever u are reading this
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thomashxmilton · 5 months
Don't have a promo yet but if you dig Fallout and Ghoul's check out my new page at @armageddonpitchman :D
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