starshinesoldier · 1 year
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dyggot · 1 year
worstshippoll armorshipping propaganda: it personally annoyed me
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wrightfamily · 1 year
Fellow armorship hater hiii
hiii i never watched pkmn xy anime but my friend on twitter has shown me enough of the armor reddit to make me hate it
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helmarok · 2 years
IM going to beat a wasps nest. i HATE armorshipping. i dont even know how to spell it. its not my thing it will never be my thing and i can and will make fun of it because my god the kiss scene was hysterical. hate me beat me up kill me (you cant) but i am forever and always a serash hater. serena is great and amazing and i think bisexual but ash is just aroace so it cant work sorry. also i was lying i really dislike anime serena because generally xy sucks at writing women and is extremely heterosexual in every way but thats just my opinion i mean come ON that running gag of bonnie looking for a wife for clemont like COME ON the most het pokeani seasons
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dumb-dumb-mander · 26 days
I need so much Gold god─
I'm almost finished with Ad Infinitum but I need a Gift of Wood and I have no Huntsman so need Gold to level up Jaal
I got a Dragon's Bite with a contest a while back to do a leggy greatsword (I wiiiissshhhhh to do the same over my NA too)
Would like to do the armor too
The leggy Relic would be interesting too because I'm a hoarder and I keep all the ones I got
I always forget leggy sigil exist too─
I would like to finish to level up Armorship too
Should I join random people to do Fractals ? Yes.
Should I join friends to do Raids/Strike ? Yes.
Will I do any of that and say "fuck you" to my fear of being a dead weight ? No.
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heat--end · 11 months
i dont think akari/irida has a "name" like most pokemon ships (stuff like. armorshipping or whatever.) but i feel like if it was going to, "shiningpearlshipping" would actually *work*
akari's name is closely related with light/shining (both in japanese and english), and irida's as well is related to iridescence/pearl oysters (as well as just. pearl clan, yknow)
so like, it'd work. i dont think i'd try to push it but like. hey. its something
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protomario · 7 years
Pokemon WHAT IF - Ash Proposed to Misty (Season 2 Episode 3)(Feat BlackTarzan)
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comiiical · 2 years
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Aric Barrett
Uncountable age.
God of the War, masculinity, virility, dogs, blood, violence, brutality, destruction.
Near omnipotence. Invisibility, intangibility, blood manipulation, emotion manipulation, weather manipulation, energy manipulation, animal manipulation and portal opening. Only son of Zeus capable of yielding his thunders and thus, electrokinesis, is among his powers, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, plant manipulation, molecular acceleration, geokinesis (through emotion infection), telumkinesis (the ability to manipulate weapons, whether by conjuring them, using them, creating them or stripping others of weaponry and armorship, including those inherently connected to mutations and powers such as Wolverine’s claws or Colossus armor), telekinesis, teleportation, desire manipulation (lust inducement), resurrection adn healing. In general abilities connected to his topics, but as a god he can just do what he wants with the right intention.
HE is a writer and TV producer, makes products to continue the need for at least some minimal strife in the lives of humans. Unlike most depictions of the character he is not a villain or evil, neither a hero as said below, but he is not antagonistic. War is necessary for peace to even exist as a concept. Darkness is necessary for light to be appreciated. And that’s what he does.
He is divorced, at least on paper.
Neither a hero nor a villain, he would stand out as a protector if necessary. And would hav efought Thanos if he hadn’t been too bore of that idiot (and ready to cast him out to his uncle’s hell).
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drewxmay · 7 years
Contestshipping Masterpost Part 12 and a half,12 and a whole, and 13 - Something I don’t know the name of, Odd Pokemon Out, and Spontanios Cumbuskin
The next episode is a Harley episode, but Bulbapedia says somthing about the ending in which May recives a letter and a rose from Drew (even though he was not seen in the episode) imforming her of another contest she can enter, so I'm thinking of skipping this one, and maybe the next one.
Also I'm mad at Bulbapedia for this incorrect entree on "odd pokemon out".
May is holding the rose and the letter she receives in the previous episode while on a boat. She apparently considers these two items as sentimental to her. As May already knows quite well what Drew means with the roses at this point in time now, her keeping and looking at Drew's romantic token that appeared in a prior episode is quite significant. However this is not necessarily a romantic hint, since there is a possibility that May is just taking "Drew's" entry in the next contest as a serious rivalry.
Bulbapedia your wrong. She still hasn't even thought about having a romantic relationship with drew and the following and past episodes show that she hasn't thought about it, and doesn't know what the roses mean. T.T
AND THEN WE HAVE SPONTANIOS CUMBUSKIN. this episode inspired me to make this masterpost so I'm just going to copy and paste, so it won't fit in as well as the past summaries I gave to episodes, which is why under each of the thinsg that I had said before I knew as much about contestshipping, I'll put a new comment, explaining what I think of it now.
MY BLUSHING CHART I SPENT A FULL HOUR ON THIS PLEASE OH PLEASE JUST READ IT (or maybe it is an episode review that older me is reviewing? this is not a bluching chart)
0:00 (now me) and we begin the episode with no Drew, and May is happy. Great. 1:22 (now me) well I thought that you already knew 1:34 (now me) no he did not send that. and he just told you. Wait why am I tagging this? 1:40 Well that was quick... (now me) well yes if you don't count the time that drew was off screen and the theme song, then it only took 30 or so seconds!
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1:54 (now me) or you just followed May. Becuase you do that.
now me :skips team rocket:
2:49 (now me) DIIIEEEEEEE
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3:00 (now me) Naw I'm fine
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3:31 (now me) Munchlax: Well that rose isn't from Drew so it isn't for you! It's me me!
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3:45 (now me) May did you forget that Drew has fangirls?
3:58 (now me) I'm pretty sure most of Drew's fangirls woul kill to see him in a swimsuit. Also artists whoa re drawing this give Drew a towl ebcuase they refuse to draw nipples.
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4:03 Okay, this is was Drew normally thinks of people like this. They are fangirls and that is cool. He doesn't care that much, and really, she doesn't mean barely anything to him. Also, I'm not counting her blushings anymore, just saying. (now me) I am though!
4:21  (now me) Drew is acting how most people react after I draw them art.
4:34 (now me) People ask why he is mean to May but nice to her. I already said this before but I guess I'll just copy and paste a post.   Everybody seems to misunderstand Drew’s character, thinking that he is trying to make may upset, but he really isn’t. Let me explain.  Drew tries to make May want to learn more, For example, let’s take the episode where Drew was introduced. In that episode he was definitely watching her before they noticed him, so he had seen May training on the beach and decided to follow her, seeing that she could improve, and he knew how to improve. At the beginning Drew seems to be poking fun of how little ability she has, but this was actually so that she wanted to become better, and it works! For example: Who What When Where Wynuat. During the episode, they find Leechy berries, and because May didn’t know what they were, Drew tried mocking her of not knowing what they were so that she wanted to learn, and by the end of the episode… it worked! Many of the things that May knows is because Drew taught her. May would be too stubborn to really just take advice, and here is another reason why he does it. In “Three Sides to Every Story” (an episode that I believe to be referencing Contestshipping) an Electikid is making fun of (a Pokemon I don’t know how to spell’s name but it is something like Merrow) Merrow and Piplup thinks that he is just being mean, but during the episode we find out that Electikid is attacking her because he has a crush on her. Brock says, “Sometimes when a boy likes a girl, they will go out of their way to make fun of them” This is why Drew makes fun of May. He likes her, and it seems to be a great way to teach her to be a better coordinator. I have recently watched through a bit more of the episodes. At the first grand festival, Harley tells May to go through the entire Appeal round and then battling rounds with just silver wind. Drew knows that Harley is just trying to make may loose, and his first attempt to convince her not to do so was him just telling her it was a bad idea. He could’ve easily made fun of her for doing that and it would have definitely worked, but he decided not to and it didn’t work.   Drew was nice to briana becuase he didn't need to make fun of her in order for him to teach her, nor did he like her. He also didn't find her that interesting so he barley even tried to teach her during the episode. Now you know. 4:42 Drew you blushed at her bad pun. This is what happens when you like somebody. WHATS GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO? T^T
(now me) finally! we have the 3rd nickname. We have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose! (also thank you roserade)
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4:56 OKAY JUST. THIS IS SO OUT OF CONTEXT. JUST THIS LOOKS LIKE IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. WHAT WOULD YOU THINK IF YOU HEARD TWO PEOPLE SAY THIS? JUST. OMG. WOW. (me now) same reaction. It was so out of context, the writers just wanted to proove how canon it is.
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5:09 (now me) Suuuuure he is Max. He also likes your sister.
5:16 I'm talking about this at the end, if you want to know why this is so important, read the rest and read the end. (now me) older me you forgot to discuss this scene at the end. I guess I have to. She's a noob.
There done.
okay but seriosly, nothing really needs to be said about this scene, there are a few others we need to mention later though.
5:53 Max was the best in this episode
:skips the part without may:
7:13 This has nothing to do with what I was saying buuuut... Wow this show sure does love to milk that Rocketshipping (James x Jessie) meme XDDDD (me now) James: looks at what seems to be Jessie with hearts for eyes: GROOVE MIME.JR!
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7:57 (me now) Drew say that to May so that she can learn... or can she hear you? nah.
8:12 (me now) You beleive in your crush.
9:23 (me now) sirkit evolves into Masqurain. Briana is obsessed.
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11:02 (me now)  Max why you askin?
11:22 Brock ships it. (me now) yes he does. Mr.Flirt finally gets it.
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11:40 And this scene. As I said, I will explain why it is so important at the end. (me now) fine, I'll explain.
May has actually never thought about her and Drew being together before, right now she is finally considering it, but she had just started thinking baout it so we havn't notten that much development on it yet.
11:53 Blushing May. She has never thought about it. This is also what I will talk about at the end. this is about as important as the last one I will point out before explaining. (me now) but I JUST explained.
12:07 You kicked Harley out rewrote the script and made it your own Jessie. Change the words but some of the meaning still lies in there that Harley would say.
:skips the battle:
15:00 (me now) Oh look she also has a vibrava that evolves into flygon. Are you seriosly telling me that she isn't obsessed?
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17:19 (me now) Drew hopes that May will win becuase he likes her
19:00 This scene. I will make more time frames on it just pay attention. (me now) No I will delete them off of this post so that I can.
19:14 (me now, the rest is me now) Teaching and crushing on May
19:25 And people got confused as to why is is nice to Briana
19:43 Ecxuse me Mr.Flirt?
19:47 This scene is so important.
Imma explain it right now
“I’m hoping to see you back here next year too May.” - Rhapsody in Drew  in Advance Battle “Hey May, just two more ribbons.” - Spontaneous Combusken in Battle  Frontier.   May never forgot what Drew said after the Grad Fesival. She never forgot how kiindly he had said that to her. Right now she is blushing like "oh my god am I falling in love" blushing. She had been thinking about what Briana had said and hen Drew spoke to her again like this she was reminded of both what briana had said about them having feelings for eachother, and what'd happened after the grand fesival. She is legitimatly starting to fall in love with Drew. Drew didn't forget what'd happened after the grand Fesivle either. He actually reminded her that she needed two mroe ribbons before the next grand festival, the one he was talking about when he had said "I'm hoping to see you here next year" (he ment another grand fesival not the hoen one) Their first serios romantic moment was on the beach after the grad fesivle, and now we are here again with a completly new revelation on May's part. Instead of being mystified at Drew's sudden kinda words she is sitting their, legitimatly like a schoolgirl in love with her crush standing in front of her. Compare the first scene from Advanced battle to this scene. There has been character development, and there will be more. Actually to be completly honest no other ship in pokemon has even come close to being as canon as this. Not Pokeshipping, not irakishipping, and not even armorshipping where they actually kissed. Pokeshipping came close, but it was more of a joke to the show, and I did see them try on irakishipping but it still didn't come close to contestshipping. Also before all of you aurmorshippers say that it was canon, just compare which one was better written. armoreshipping was just serena having a cruch on ash. That is poor writing. Contestshipping through actually has aspects of real life relationships, and it developed so damn well. If they brought these two characters back, either they would have completly ruined Drew's complex personality and just make him a jerk, or lets say that they actually wrote him the way that he is. They would have needed contestshipping. Okay that is all. the next episode is
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starshinesoldier · 1 year
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playing with my very neglected mermaid markers.
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starshinesoldier · 5 years
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#ink #penandink #dippen #indiaink #proartindiaink #malchiorofnol #malchiordreaddragon #malchior #dragon #dreaddragon #blackfire #komandr #teentitans #fanart #armorshipping I know they've never met... but they still look awesome together. #myart #starshinesoldier https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv2cl05F_JU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n2u1xeus26tf
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drewxmay · 7 years
I try not to spoil too much of the Masterpsotbut I just made the spontanios cumbusine one, and what I said at the end is worth sharing.
19:47 This scene is so important. Imma explain it right now “I’m hoping to see you back here next year to May.” - Rhapsody in Drew  in Advance Battle “Hey, May, just two more ribbons.” - Spontaneous Combusken in Battle  Frontier.   May never forgot what Drew said after the Grad Festival. She never forgot how kindly he had said that to her. Right now she is blushing like "oh my god am I falling in love" blushing. She had been thinking about what Briana had said and hen Drew spoke to her again like this she was reminded of both what Briana had said about them having feelings for each other, and what'd happened after the grand festival. She is legitimately starting to fall in love with Drew. Drew didn't forget what'd happened after the grand Festive either. He actually reminded her that she needed two more ribbons before the next grand festival, the one he was talking about when he had said "I'm hoping to see you here next year" (he meant another grand fesival, not the hoen one) Their first serious romantic moment was on the beach after the grand festival, and now we are here again with a completely new revelation on May's part. Instead of being mystified at Drew's sudden kinda words she is sitting there, legitimately like a schoolgirl in love with her crush standing in front of her. Compare the first scene from Advanced battle to this scene. There has been character development, and there will be more.
Actually, to be completely honest no other ship in pokemon has even come close to being as canon as this. Not Pokeshipping, not irakishipping, and not even armorshipping where they actually kissed. Pokeshipping came close, but it was more of a joke to the show, and I did see them try on irakishipping but it still didn't come close to contestshipping. Also before all of you aurmorshippers say that it was canon, just compare which one was better written. armoreshipping was just Serena having a crush on ash. That is poor writing. Contestshipping through actually has aspects of real life relationships, and it developed so damn well. If they brought these two characters back, either they would have completely ruined Drew's complex personality and just make him a jerk or let’s say that they actually wrote him the way that he is. They would have needed contestshipping.
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