#aron trevelyan
bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Rescue Me, Won’t You?
For Day 9 of @scharoux’s 14 Days of DA Lovers’ Prompts!
Day 9: Bee (Mine)
Pairing: Teddy Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford, Aron Trevelyan x Dorian Pavus, Owain Bonneville x The Iron Bull
“And, that’s checkmate for you. You are getting better at this.” Cullen smirked across the board at the mage.
Teddy raised an eyebrow. “Sure, I’ll take it. We’ll just pretend you didn’t let me win.”
Cullen chuckled. “You are kind, Ted, but this was completely your win.”
Teddy’s mouth dropped open, and then he cracked a grin. “You called me Ted.”
Cullen frowned. “Should I not have?”
Teddy reached out to grasp Cullen’s hand before he could pull away. “No -er, yes -er... It’s just... nobody’s called me that before. It feels... special. I like it. But only from you.”
Cullen smiled softly. “Maker’s breath, you worried me a bit there. But... I do enjoy the idea of being the only one to use that name.”
Teddy leaned forward. “Well, it comes at a cost. I believe I will require a kiss.”
Cullen blushed, glancing around at the gardens, which were particularly inhabited today, but then shrugged off his hesitation and leaned forward to meet Teddy in a sweet kiss.
Which was promptly interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream.
“BEEEEEE-EEEEEEEE-EEEEEEEES!” came the voice of the young Inquisitor, who came running pell-mell into the garden, only to scream in fear at the sight of all the flowering plants the bees were sure to be drawn to and Fade Step away, melting to white fog and zipping off. 
“Sera.” Cullen surmised, before grabbing Teddy’s arm and pulling him up out of his chair, quickly guiding him away to the nearest door inside as a harsh buzzing sounded and enough bees to form a black cloud came swarming into the garden..
It turned out to be a rather small storage room. Cullen sat with Teddy, looking him over for stings.
“My hero,” Teddy smiled. “I think I ought to reward you for rescuing me.”
Cullen smirked as Teddy leaned in to kiss him, reaching up to tangle his fingers in the mage’s curly hair, feeling the man’s dexterous fingers creeping up his thigh -
The door opened, and Teddy’s eyes widened. He pulled back, and Cullen turned, quite annoyed at the intrusion. His mood did not improve upon seeing that it was Dorian and Teddy’s brother Aron. Aron glanced at them suspiciously.
“Commander. Teddy. What exactly were you-?”
Dorian patted his shoulder. “Come now, Captain. We all know you’re creative enough to come up with a use for an intimate little nook like-”
“Nope. Sorry, nope, I’d rather not think about my brother and intimate nooks in the same context, if you don’t mind.” Aron huffed.
Cullen and Teddy were a pair of tomatoes in the corner. Dorian seemed particularly disappointed that the potential of the storage space was not being realized.
“We could set up a partition or something...” he suggested. “I could throw up a barrier.”
Aron gave him an interested look. “Naughty thing. I shall have to take you to my quarters and punish you for such thoughts.”
Dorian chuckled. “Oh-ho! Well, in that case, I was reading a particularly awful novel in the library, and-”
Thankfully enough for Cullen and Teddy, who were about to combust from embarrassment and discomfort, the door opened yet again, and the small space became even smaller as the Iron Bull swooped in, cradling Owain in his arms. Owain’s shirt was hanging open, and it appeared to Cullen that he had been badly stung - or - no, wait, that was the Bull’s doing. 
Dorian looked fascinated. “Lord Bonneville, were you having a tryst in the garden, of all places? Where the Chantry Mothers pray?”
Owain went bright red, but made no move to leave Bull’s arms, nor did the Qunari attempt to set him down. “Shove it, Pavus. You were acquainting yourself with my cousin behind the bookshelves yesterday.”
Aron made an indignant noise. “You were watching, Owain?”
“More like being assaulted with the sound of it while I was looking for a book. ‘Maker, please, right there, more-’“
Teddy groaned loudly. “Stop! Anyone here who is related to me, stop talking about your love life right now!”
The Iron Bull grinned. “So... you and the Commander thought you’d take advantage of the bee swarm, huh?”
Teddy shot Bull a murderous look.
“Ah, never mind. I’ve got stings all over my back, and all on my -”
“No!” Cullen yelped, trying to save them all from yet another moment of oversharing. “Why don’t we all just sit here silently while we wait for the bees to lose interest, hmm?”
“I don’t know... we could always compete for who gets to stay in the storage room afterwards.” Dorian said, smirking, earning himself a lethal look from Teddy.
The mage leaned over to Cullen. “I don’t care if the bees are still there. Just get me out of here.”
Cullen nodded. “I have a plan.”
And a few shushes, a mantle wrapped around two heads, and a sprint from the gardens later, Cullen and Teddy were standing in the main area, smiling.
Teddy grinned. “My hero. Seriously, you saved my life from death by embarrassment.”
Cullen smirked. “Does that mean I get rewarded?”
Teddy blushed. “Why don’t you take me to your quarters and find out?”
Needless to say, all thoughts of the prior embarrassment were forgotten.
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
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Well good news, I’m still writing. 
Bad news, I’m still writing. 
Thank you to the darlings who’ve tagged me today - @noire-pandora, @ashalle-art, @elveny, @kunstpause, @hobo-apostate, @musetta3 and @in-arlathan! I’m still working on getting prompts together for @14daysdalovers, which starts soon, so have a snippet of @tightassets‘ Lilitu Lavellan appreciating Keaton Hawke’s assets. 
“Bed first,” she decreed, “but bring the berries.”
Keaton’s low rumble of laughter sent sparks flying up her spine. He sauntered away towards the grandiose bed, bounty in his hands, while Lilitu unlaced her breeches. 
What happened next was purely Keaton’s fault. Her bear cub knew what he was doing as he walked. Her eyes dropped to his fine, firm Ferelden ass and Lilitu had two brief flashes of thought. 
The first, of course, was that they just didn’t make them like that in Orlais.
The second was the irresistible urge to smack it. 
She flung herself at Keaton’s back with almost enough force to make him drop her requested fruits. He made a soft sound of protest, but wasn’t quick enough to stop her from clambering up his back, wrapping her legs around his waist, and sinking her teeth into his shoulder. 
He hissed, body jerking, but the sound quickly trained off into a moan. “Lilitu, kitten, you’re killing me.” 
“Good,” she muttered as she pulled away, soothing the marks her teeth left. “Isalan alas’nira aron fen’en.” 
“We have to get to a bed first,” Keaton protested while her arms snuck around his chest and began to deftly unbutton his own silk shirt.
Lilitu snorted. “You know we do not.” 
Fine Firm Ferelden Peaches from Pornzammar? 
ANYWAY here have some tags. If I’m tagging you it’s because I like you and your work and I am not requiring you to participate at all <3 NO PRESSURE. 
@hollyand-writes, @musetta3, @corylion, @another-rogue-trevelyan, @jellydishes, @starsandskies, @jennserr, @kunstpause, @charlatron, @pikapeppa,  @kemvee, @heroofshield, @thefoxinboots, @sunspott, @enigmalea, @tessa1972, @wizardofozymandias, @goblin-tea, @jacklyn-flynn, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @ladynorbert, @pookydraws, @noire-pandora, @queen-kass-the-writer, @visceralcoma, @lavellanvibes, @tightassets  @schoute, @serial-chillr, @wardenari, @resjade, @barbex, @solas-disapproves, @blarfkey, @scharoux, @shadowcrow, @curiousthimble, @midnightprelude, @zuendwinkel, @padme4000, @alyssalenko, @biowarejnky, @jarakrisafis, @lauraemoriarty, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul, @tevivinter, @lucyrne, @fasterpuddytat, @lethendralis-paints, @coffeebird-eccentric @criticallyours @ashalle-art, @elveny, @rpgwrites, @imakemywings, @tuffypelly, @varghaxa, @fandomn00blr, @in-arlathan, @paramorphic-zuul-jar @laraslandlockedblues, @paisleybees, @nug-juggler, @acrononymous, @lavalampelfchild, @jentrevellan, @a-shakespearean-in-paris @hobo-apostate, @theharlotofferelden
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
A Waste of Good Music
For @scharoux and @spring-into-love March Spring Into Love Prompts!
Prompt: Pastels and Pinot Pairing: Aron Trevelyan x Dorian Pavus
Dorian sniffed for what must have been the thirtieth time in that hour. 
“You can’t be enjoying yourself that much, Dorian.” Aron said, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. “One might think you’ve acclimated to our Southern bumpkin lifestyle.”
“Hardly,” Dorian sniffed - thirty-one times now - and upended his wine goblet, tapping the glass irritably for a refill and glaring when the enchanted cup only made a pleasant tinkling noise and cheerfully refracted the light from the glowing lanterns all around. “Bad enough we have to endure more of this wretched holiday our young Inquisitor made up. But then I find I am forced to drink only this... swill and - horror of horrors - wear... pastels.”
Aron shrugged, glancing around at the courtyard of Skyhold. Tash and Josephine had gone all out, with Tash and the mages charming the lanterns to periodically change colors, and the light suffusing Skyhold to shine brightly or lowly depending on whether more people were eating or dancing. Even the flatware and drink glasses were temporarily enchanted not to break, and to emit musical notes rather than clatters when struck. And, of course, by some flight of fancy, the Ambassador had insisted that the required attire be something in a bright pastel color. “You’re just mad because it taste more like fruit than alcohol. And I quite like the pastels, actually.”
Dorian looked at him in betrayal. “It’s fine for you.” he practically growled, gesturing at Aron’s silk doublet, with its soft minty green tone. “I, on the other hand, did not expect to be wearing something that lacks the sophistication even of plaidweave.” 
He wore a Tevinter-style outfit, consisting of the usual far-too-many buckles, in a shade of lavender that Aron found quite becoming, but that Dorian bemoaned made him look like a scarecrow. “You didn’t have to attend. In fact, you had that outfit made specially for this.” Aron reminded him. It appeared that the fact was unwelcome, and Dorian scoffed.
“Only because I refused to be outdone by Vivienne and her ridiculous outfits.”
Aron smirked. “Even Solas looks smart tonight.”
“Not you too!” Dorian groaned. “Everyone today has been commenting on my appearance, their needling little jabs. ‘Dorian darling, you must have had a hand in Sera’s wardrobe for the evening.’ ‘Wow, Sparkler, you look fancier than usual.’ ‘Looking good, ‘Vint. You should wear pink more often.’ Agh!”
“Incredible impressions aside, have you considered that everyone is complimenting you?” Aron suggested. “Apart from Madame de Fer, of course.”
“Right.” Dorian raised an eyebrow as a grinning server refilled their glasses, causing the drinkware to give an ascending scale as the liquid struck it. “About as much as I have considered all this to be a trick of the Fade, or that I could possibly be a figment of some celestial author’s imagination.”
“It’s never easy with you, is it?” Aron chuckled.
Dorian gave him an insincere smile. “I forget, you enjoy seeing me annoyed.”
“What’s the real problem, Dorian?” Aron asked. He looked around before slipping out of his chair, grabbing his wine goblet, and plopping himself down on the floor, his head resting on Dorian’s thigh.
“Now, really? This is how you’re going to cheer me up?”
Aron turned and laid a kiss on the lavender-swathed leg. “Yes. I’m going to sit in your lap until you tell me how I can make you feel better.”
Dorian waggled his eyebrows. “There’s always-”
“Besides that.”
Dorian sighed. “Besides the lack of drinkable liquor and the utterly childish dress requirement, the party isn’t all that bad. I suppose something can be said for the music.”
“What would you like, Lord Pavus?” Aron said softly, taking a swig of the fruity wine. “Would you like me to steal some food and abscond with you to my chambers as though we were in one of Varric’s novels? Feed you grapes while you lounge on a chaise and we listen to the music drift in through the window on the sultry night air?”
“Throw in you being bare-chested, and it almost reminds me of home. Minus the scent of blood magic and abundance of backstabbing relatives, of course.”
Aron smirked. “Well, even I can’t make everything perfect.”
Dorian chuckled.
“Well, I doubt we’ll be able to sneak out without putting in at least one dance.”
Dorian choked and spluttered as Aron stood. “What? You can’t be serious.”
Aron held out his hand. “Come on. One dance with me, Lord Pavus, and all your troubles shall melt away. You might even, dare I say it, have fun?”
Dorian gave an exaggerated sigh and another sniff. Thirty-two. But he slipped his hand into Aron’s with a sly smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “This wine may not be so bad. I must be more drunk than I assumed.”
“Lucky me.” Aron grinned, drawing Dorian into his arms, only for Dorian to change their stance.
“Ah, not a chance, Lord Trevelyan. I let you lead, you’re more than likely to try and steal a kiss while I’m distracted.”
“Would that be so bad?”
Dorian practically purred; as it was, he leaned in close, his mustache tickling Aron’s cheek. “You had better hope this is a fast song. I intend to take you to my quarters directly after and not let you leave all night.”
Aron grinned as the band struck up a feisty Free Marcher jig. “Well then, I look forward to the end of our dance.”
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
🖊 with OC of your choice
I thought I’d go with some of my OCs who haven’t gotten as much creative love, you know?
Ser Jesse [Jared Padalecki]
Former Templar who betrayed Meredith to join the Hawkes in Kirkwall. Captain of Inquisitor Tash’s honor guard and later serves as his chief bodyguard post-Trespasser. Has a rich singing voice and is Fourth Tenor in the Sing-quisition. He is a Starkhaven native and does, in fact, wear a kilt on occasion.
Aura Ghilain [Caty Lotz]
Inventor and artificer acting as the Inquisition’s representative from Clans Lavellan and Ghilain. Romances Sera. She is excited to learn from Dagna and helps Harrit with his work, fashioning weapons and armor as well as traps and useful devices. She crafts an automated puppet show for the children at Skyhold.
Innes Cousland [Richard Madden]
Lord of Highever and the youngest Cousland child, Innes is a trained bard and a total softie. He serves as Alistair’s royal retainer and knight, and joins the Inquisition with his lover/bodyguard Ser Gilmore to help train the troops and assist Josephine. He also joins the Sing-quisition as first tenor. He likes playing the lute for people and occasionally holds impromptu concerts in the lighted gardens of Skyhold, much to Maryden’s chagrin.
Mikhail Surana [Grant Gustin]
General of the Rebel Mages, who left when Fiona decided to seek shelter with the Tevinters. He stayed in Blackwall’s cabin after being injured by some stray Templars who ambushed him, and the two ended up romanced. Born in Jader to city elves. He and Rainier elope before Trespasser (Tash pouts that he didn’t get to go to the wedding) and they each wear a green band on their ring fingers. He serves as Ser Rainier’s aide and advisor after Tash steps down and appoints him as his successor.
Teddy and Aron Trevelyan [Marlon Teixeira and Henry Cavill]
Close half-brothers (Teddy’s mother is Antivan and Aron’s deceased mother was from the Anderfels). Teddy is a mage at Ostwick and becomes Tash’s Knight-Enchanter instructor after Helaine shouts at him and calls him an oxboy. Potential love interest for Cullen, and they are sweet together. Aron became a Templar hoping to protect his brother, but was instead sent to the Gallows and became disillusioned, quitting the Order forever. Romances Dorian, but they break up when Dorian returns to Tevinter. Loves tea and drinks it religiously.
Vili Baldursen [Tyler Hoechlin]
An Avvar warrior, Vili has always had the unique ability to see and speak to spirits, despite not being a mage. He earned the legend-mark “Sun Speaker” after convincing the spirits to help his hold through a particularly rough winter. He goes wherever the spirits take him, first to Kirkwall to stop the spread of Red Lyrium, and then to the Inquisition to protect the Outworlder Henry Lucas from Corypheus. Ends up in a relationship with Henry and Cole. Is surprisingly delighted by the taste of cheese and fruit.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Spring Into Love Schedule
Varric Tethras x Cal Hawke - Heavy Head - March 2nd
Josephine Montilyet x Gale Lavellan - Your Lips Are Sweet - March 4th
Carver Hawke x Destan Zale (x Merrill x Zevran) - Just - March 6th
Dorian Pavus x Aron Trevelyan - A Waste of Good Music - March 8th
Thom Rainier x Mikhail Surana - Through These Bars - March 10th
Solas x Lottie Gamez - The Truth - March 12th
Alistair Theirin x Aster Amell - Never Leave - March 14th
Cullen Rutherford x Teddy Trevelyan - Do Me the Honor - March 16th
Morrigan x Morgan Walker feat. Kieran - New Life - March 18th
Sebastian Vael x Ava Hawke (Past Fenris/Ava) - Coronation - March 20th
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
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The Protector of the Mages
Ser Aron Trevelyan of Ostwick, Former Templar, and Captain of the Inquisition [face claim Henry Cavill]
“You have never needed my protection, Dorian. I swore to protect my brother and the mages of the Inquisition, but now those days are done. I thought I had to fulfill my family duty and return to take over House Trevelyan. But... I learned that there is yet another way you are better than I am. I could not forsake my love for duty. So, I’m here. In Minrathous. Take me as your Southern lover, take me as your bodyguard, servant. Maker, you can take me as your pleasure slave! Just take me. Let me be with you, Dorian. Let me be your shield just this once.“
-Aron to Dorian after traveling all the way from Ostwick to the Pavus Estate in Tevinter.
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