#around like a beltloop or a collar. you choose
ftmsimonriley · 8 months
hc that after nearly giving price a heartattack for the umpteenth time, ghost is now required to wear a cat bell around base so he stops sneaking up on people.
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seasonofthegeek · 5 years
To Save and To Sacrifice, Part 2
This is dedicated to the lovely @dreamwreaver to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY month, friend! I wish you all the best things in the world! 
Parts 1, 2:
“I’ve decided to go out,” Nathalie announced as soon as she saw Gabriel raise his mug for a sip of morning coffee. She caught the widening of his eyes and the slight shake of the cup before he hid it all behind a pleasantly blank gaze. She expected the look; it was his default when he was trying to figure her out. She’d begun enjoying finding ways to cause him to produce that expression daily when she could. It alleviated the boredom at times and she couldn’t deny the slight thrill it gave her.
“Yes. I’d like to go choose my new bed in person. I’ve picked a few options I like but I want to get a feel for them. I’ll need a new mattress too, of course, so I’ll do that while I’m out. Perhaps I’ll shop for bedding as well to be efficient. I want to support the local economy, after all.” She speared a chunk of pineapple onto her fork and took a bite. It was juicy and just the right amount of sweet. The fruit here was always wonderful.
“Nathalie, there is no reason for you to go out for those things. I can have them all brought here.”
“I’m aware of that but I don’t think it’s a productive use of anyone’s time or energy. Bed frames aren’t small, mattresses either. And perhaps I’ll see something more fitting while I’m out. My suite is beautiful but it would be nice to make it more mine.”
“Yes, but—”
She raised an eyebrow. “I am allowed to leave the castle, aren’t I?”
Gabriel cleared his throat and nodded. He finally lowered his mug back to the table. “Of course, but it would be best if you stayed here, at least for the time being.”
“And why is that?”
“For your safety.”
“I’m plenty capable of taking care of myself.” Nathalie felt herself bristle. “If you’ll remember, Gabriel, I took care of myself and my people for over a decade before you came along.”
“I’m aware of that.”
“And I didn’t agree to this union so I could be treated like a kept woman.”
“I wouldn’t have agreed to it either if I thought you had.”
Something about his tone paused her anger and Nathalie studied him. “There’s something you aren’t telling me.”
“Do you really want to know?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Do you really not know me well enough yet?”
He reluctantly nodded. “There have been reports of hostility among some in the lower class and I’m not sure it would be wise for you to be out among the masses right now.”
“That’s very diplomatic but I’d rather know the details.”
Gabriel’s expression soured. “While the merger has been successful for the most part, some of our…less fortunate citizens are finding the influx of more people into already crowded areas not ideal.”
“Why is this the first I’m hearing about the situation?”
“Because I’m taking care of it.”
Her anger flared back up like a familiar warmth and she wrapped herself in it as she pushed back from the table and stood. “I agreed to this for my people. If there is a problem with them, I should’ve been the first to know and I should have a say in it.”
“They’re our people now and these things happen. I have experience with it and thought it best to handle it as quietly as possible while you’re still settling in.”
“I don’t need to be coddled,” she spat. “And what experience could you have with it?”
Gabriel eyed her curiously. “And here I thought you’d done your research on me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shook his head. “Nevermind. I will see what can be done about scouting the areas you would like to visit for possible threats and then we can revisit the issue.”
“Or I could simply walk out the front door now,” Nathalie countered. “I have no issue with taking guards with me. I’ve been in a leadership role for most of my life, and I know what dangers that can entail. I won’t be held here indefinitely though so you can show your power.”
“That isn’t what this is about.” Gabriel stood halfway between the table and large dining room entryway. “Please just let me have the day to get a report in on the situation.”
“I think you’ve left me out of more than enough. I’ll be taking care of it from here.” Nathalie stormed past him and was slightly relieved when he didn’t reach out to stop her when she was within arm’s length. She let her indignation take her all the way up to her suite before it left her in a hollow rush.
She felt foolish for not realizing there were issues with her people but on the other hand, she was angry Gabriel hadn’t told her about any of it. She’d trusted he would, and she had a right to know. She sat down heavily on the fainting couch and ran her hand along the thick, expensive fabric covering it. Perhaps she’d gotten too accustomed to the nicer things in her time in the Agreste castle and forgotten how hard it could be for those with less. She wanted to argue with herself, but she had given into the pampering without too much thought after things seemed to be going so well. She needed to remind herself of who she was and why she’d entered into this marriage in the first place.
With new purpose, she went to her closet and dug out the old trunk she’d brought with her in the move. Gabriel had taken it upon himself to have many new dresses and outfits created especially for her and she’d packed away her old things for a time when she needed them. That time was now.
She dressed as casually as she could in jeans and a large sweatshirt and pulled her hair up in a messy ponytail. She cleaned the makeup from her face and traded the delicate frames she’d been wearing for an older pair of sturdy glasses. She took in a deep breath and felt calm. This was the Nathalie who’d worked alongside her people to build homes for those in need. This was the woman who brought her citizens into her humble castle when there was no heat in too many homes and shared her food and blankets with any who were in need. Guilt trickled in between the memories and she pushed it all away.
She had a mission.
“I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine.”
At the sound of the voice, Nathalie jumped a little from her hiding place in the back of the large garage where she’d ducked behind a car while a guard moved through his route. Adrien grinned at her from behind another car across the way and she took in his leather jacket and ripped jeans, a far cry from the suits she’d seen him in more often around the castle.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. She stood and tried to regain her composure, but it was a lost cause. The knowing glint in Adrien’s eyes told her the prince was more than she’d given him credit for.
“Same thing as you, I’d guess.” He stood and stretched, and she saw a length of looped black rope dangle from a beltloop at the back of his pants. “Escaping for a bit.”
“I’m not escaping.”
“Sure, neither am I.” Adrien grinned again and pulled a dark hood up over his head from beneath the collar of the jacket. “And I didn’t see you and you didn’t see me.”
Nathalie shifted her weight. Technically, she was his stepmother now but seeing as how the young man was in his early twenties, she felt she had little responsibility in the matter. “That seems fair enough.”
His grin faded slightly. “Is this just for the night or more?”
“I heard things aren’t going well with some people in the poorer district. I want to check in.”
“That’s good.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Is it?”
He shrugged. “Tensions are high. I’ve been doing what I can but I’m not always out there. It’d be nice to have more authority in the matter and Father tends to work his way from the top down so it can be slow.”
“What do you mean, doing what you can?”
His smile widened back to its original width and he tugged the hood a little lower so his eyes were cast in shadow. “You’ll want to get out of here within the next few minutes. Arthur will be back through to do a second check soon since he heard something. He always does.” He gave her a small wave and jogged to the exit of the garage.
Nathalie watched Adrien duck into a dark corner and after a few seconds, he appeared again and guided a beaten motorcycle to the small door instead of opening the hangar. He wasted one more smile on her before exiting through the door and the low rumble of the bike could be heard in the distance soon after.
She hadn’t thought about transportation, but she would do what she could once she was off the grounds. Perhaps she could ask the prince where she might find a motorcycle like his. It’d been far too long since she’d ridden one. ___
Gabriel watched the security feed of Nathalie sneaking out of the garage after Adrien and couldn’t decide if he felt more proud or irritated. He knew she was a strong and capable woman and that had been what called him to her, but she was being reckless and he couldn’t have that. He’d lost too much already.
If he’d known for sure that she’d gone with Adrien, he would’ve felt a little more at ease, but his son left the grounds before she had. The prince had no idea his father knew of his nightly activities, but Gabriel had seen first-hand what his son had been getting up to and felt it was okay to allow it for the time. Young love made fools of everyone after all. He’d grow out of his childish games eventually.
With a reluctant sigh, Gabriel went to his closet to dress for the occasion. He’d hidden himself in public more than a few times, but he wanted his identity to be even more secret tonight. He wouldn’t intervene unless he needed to, but he wouldn’t let anything happen to Nathalie. Of that much he was certain.
Buy me a cherry coke?
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