#arr kuro x reader
dotster001 · 2 years
Day 23: person a is trying to find a loved one who went missing and not daring to ask person b for help
Summary: Kuro x gn! Reader.
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You had brought Yura and Gaku with you to Kuro's troupe's performance. They had remained in their child forms, so when you met up with Kuro after the show, people kept assuming you were a happy little family. 
Kuro wasn't going to correct them. He hadn't felt this loved in a long time, and his heart was so full he thought it might explode.
The reason you'd brought the twins was because the performance was one event of many at a festival. After his performance, you all walked together from booth to booth, looking at all the cool exhibits and wares.
At some point, you tapped Kuro's shoulder, and said, "Gaku wants to look at that contraption over there, but you and Yura can go ahead, we'll catch up."
Kuro gave you a happy hug, then pushed the both of you on your way. When he turned around Yura was gone.
The first thing he did was panic. He lost his son two seconds after you left them alone! He was a terrible dad! 
The second thing he did was scold himself for role playing so hard that he forgot that Yura was not his son, and that Yura was 1000 years old and could probably take care of himself.
But you had tasked him to look after him! And in his child form he could get swept up in the crowd! 
He searched from booth to booth with no success, until eventually, he knew he had to give in and find you. You always knew how to solve problems! Especially ones that revolved around the twins! He totally knew how to explain why he didn't ask for your help in the first place.
He found you and Gaku at a stall, where you were getting Gaku some form of roasted meat. He ran at you and took you by the shoulders, and shouted, "I'm a terrible dad and I lost Yura, please help me find him!"
You looked startled at first, but then you and Gaku made eye contact, and gave each other a nod.
"I think I know where he might be," you said with a laugh.
After some traveling, you approached a dessert stall, and found Yura happily eating pastries while the stall owners fawned over how adorable he was.
Kuro ran over to Yura, and wrapped his arms tightly around him.
"You scared me! Never run off like that again!"
Yura gave a fond laugh, saying, "My nose picked up the aroma of tasty sweets, and I could not resist. I apologize for worrying thee."
"Some things never change," Gaku rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the fond smile on his face.
The stall owner didn't charge for the sweets since Yura was "such an adorable, well behaved boy". Yura didn't feel the need to correct them.
The twins went off on their way after the festival, and Kuro wrapped his arms around you from behind with a pout. 
"Kuro," you hummed, "are you still upset because you lost our non-existent son?" You giggled, which made his pout even bigger.
"Non-existent for now, but what if someday we do have a family? Or even just a pet! What if we get a fish, and I lose it?"
"You're overthinking it," you turned around in his grip, and nuzzled your nose against his fondly. "When you're dealing with someone who isn't 1000 years old, I'm certain you will be more aware. And besides, when you were with the "kids" today, you were so good. They had a lot of fun with you."
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah," you gave him a peck on the cheek, but when you started to pull away, he pulled you back to him.
"I'm still sad," he said, now exaggerating his pout, despite the twinkle in his eye. He pressed you even closer to him, and kissed you deeply, before saying, "Maybe I should lose the twins more often." 
You playfully mussed his hair, then pulled away. "Don't press your luck, Kuro."
He giggled, and wrapped an arm around your waist, as he began to escort you home. 
"You're right, next time I'll lose Nachi."
Maybe he'd been hanging out with Toichiro too much. You'd have to cut him off before you got that non-existent fish Kuro was talking about.
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Hi! Since requests are open, can I ask for headcanons on how Ginnojo, Akiyasu, Kuro, Aoi, and Nachi would help warm up their s/o on a cold winter night? (It can be in any setting, like outside in the street on a snowy morning or just at home in front of a fireplace, whichever you prefer for the characters!) Thank you! (Sorry if I put too much… ^^;)
No need to apologize, my dear!~ I hope that you like it and have a great day💕
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🌊 It was a cold night. You were sitting next to Ginnojo, reading a book as he glanced a couple of times at you, noticing that you shivered a little bit.
🌊 He puts away his own book and gets a pillow and fluffy blanket, putting the pillow next to you and the blanket over your body.
🌊 You looked up, raising your eyebrow at your boyfriend, who smiled at you softly.
🌊 “I don’t want you to freeze. Please, stay warm, so you won’t catch a cold.” He sat himself next to you, as you put half of your blanket over him. This small gesture made his cheeks turn slightly red, while you two read in comfortable silence your books.
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🔮 Aoi was very busy with his work and his studies, but when he stared at you and noticed that you shivered, the ayakashi sighed.
🔮 With a cup full of warm milk, he walks to you, putting it in front of you to nag, that you should go home, but when you explained to him, that you will wait for him, he will get flustered and puff his cheeks.
🔮 A few minutes later, he will sat himself next to you, pressing his arm against yours, while you leaned on him, drinking your milk.
🔮 “Drink faster… I finished my work now. I will bring you home, so you can warm yourself up there.” – “Will you cuddle with me?” You asked him with your big doe eyes, while Aoi jumped a little bit. “Huh!? What!?” He scratched his cheek, turning away from you to hide his burning cheeks. “I-If you want to…”
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🎪 “I got these sweets!” Kuro smiled, running to you, while you were sitting in front of the warm fireplace and held up a bag of so-called marshmallows, that he got from some place you’ve never ever been. “What is this?” You asked him, only to get a small explanation that they were marshmallows and tasty, just like mochi were.
🎪 “Let’s warm them up! I heard that they will be tasty if we eat them warm.” He hummed, holding them near the fire, before he put his arm over your shoulder, leaning onto you.
🎪 He chuckled, telling you that he loved to hold you in his arms, because you not always warmed up his heart, but also his body with just a mere and lovely hug.
🎪 “If you are getting colder, let’s go back inside, alright? I don’t want you to freeze, (y/n)!”
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🐈 Nachi would always warm you up with his hugs! He is a big fan of cuddles and showing you his affection and love by giving you heartwarming hugs
🐈 So, every time if it was just a little bit cold, he will pull you into his arms, trying to warm you up like this.
🐈 “I can’t walk like this, Nachi!” You laughed, while your boyfriend was clinging on your back on this cold night, refusing to let you go.
🐈 “Fine!~ Then I will just cuddle you like this!” He turned into his other form, cuddling you with his little soft paws
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⛩️ Akiyasu walks you home, hand in hand, while you two talked about a few things that happened on the day.
⛩️ The wind kissed your skin, making you shiver slightly, but you told your boyfriend that you weren’t feeling cold, so he won’t worry about you.
⛩️ Silently, Akiyasu puts his jacket over you, telling you that he doesn’t feel cold, even if it’s snowing on this cold, dark winter day. Thanking him, you cuddled yourself into his big jacket, making him smile at you.
⛩️ “I am so sorry that you got a cold!” You apologized, bringing your now sick boyfriend tea, as he lied with fever in bed. “It’s alright… As long as you are alright, I’m alright.”
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ilikecutecat · 2 years
“I’m coming home”
Pairings  ❥❥ Kuro  x  gender neutral
Fandom  ❥❥ ARR ( Ayakashi romance reborn)
Genre     ❥❥    Self Aware AU!   fluff
note        ❥❥ so kuro came home to me 2 time and i love him so much so i decided to make a self aware AU. Again English suck
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So while grinding too level up some more card, you suddenly got kick out of the game
“what not again!! is my wifi that bad?!?”
you decided to check your wifi but it still very powerful, then a friend who also play the game text you:
heyyyy bestie guess what??
there is a new updated in ARR! i heard shizuki and kuro is geting a SRR card!!!
ohh that nice i do like shizuki and ...
uhhh bestie? y/n?
yeah he is and OUCH even if i’m not there i can still feel you screaming at my ears T.T 
You can’t believe it! Kuro is geting a new SRR card! 
“can’t wait to get his card! and also skizuki too if i have enough diamond but mostly it al for Kuro <333″
“wait! what is the card theme this time? i should ask my friend”
the kuro and shizuki new SRR card, what is the theme about?
 w h a t?!?!?!?
wait so does that mean that i can feel what is it like to mary kuro?!?! you scream with joy.
“ahhhh can’t wait too see what is it likeeee!!! >/////<”
Few days later
so you have save up 1000 diamond from the past few days and unread story event. 
“updated fasterrrrr!! come one quickerrr!!!!!!”
you are lying on you bed waiting for the updated so you can get your sweet beautiful hands on kuro SRR card
                                   [][loading░■■■■■■■■■_ 99%][]
                                   [][loading░■■■■■■■■■_ 100%][]
there is a lot of event going on like the become a  bride(?) ( idk i haven’t read the story yet)
You will do those event later now on to the main course. You click on the draw and there you see Kuro and Shizuki looking beautiful! well mostly kuro but shizuki is fine too ( shizuki simp don’t kill me pls i have so much to live for )
then you click the draw 10 card more faster then the flash himself lol
well first 10 draw... that fine! you don’t got kuro but at least you got yakumo better then noting and beside his birthday event is coming up you might need him
second 10 draw ... well you can do 2 more 10 draws it fine! you will get kuro card... right?
third time the charm anddddd nope just yakumo and shizuki, welll shizuki came home and his card look nice too...
last time pls pls pls kuro came home!!
why :(((
aweeee only 40 diamond left, don’t think you can make it
*sighs* “guess i have to wait untill it on sale again which gonna be quite long”
sad and tired you decided to take a sleep, you just left the phone there forget to turn it off
you close your eyes and begin to sleep...
while you are sleeping, kuro is on your home screen because you are a simp 
his voice line is happy but his face my the opposite, a frown appear on his face, your phone begin to glitch then it turn off...
The next morning 
you wake ups from a good sleep and you just remember that you didn’t shut down you phone! now it gonna run out of battery but it still the same % the last time you left it
“huh? how? ... well good for me i guess”
you open up some other game to play then a notification 
today you will be lucky! roll 2 more time to got your hand on kuro SRR card!
oh well since you still have 40 diamond left why not?
you open the shop to buy event ticket and you are left with 25 diamond, enough to roll 2 more
“pls kuro i love you pls come home!”
you click the draws.. the bell is yellow! wait don’t be happy yet what happen if it a yakumo card again 
insert kuro voice line because i forgot
huhh huh what? kuro is that you??
“AHHHHHHHH Kuro had come homeeee yeahhhh!!!”
congratulations! kuro has come home and now your room is flooded with tears of happiness. Good jobs :D 
“ let roll 1 more since i have enough!”
insert kuro voice line again because yes
congratulations again! you got another kuro SRR card! i’m so happy for you... WHY IS THE TOWN FLOODED WITH TEARS?!?!
anyway yes   now you have 2 kuro SRR card!
after leveling and getting his story, you take out some tea and sit down like a lady, enjoys the last moment being alive after kuro kill you.
before the story end he said :”next time i will come home to you so don’t be sad! you look more beautiful with a smile on!”
“huh huh what?!?!” you feel like he is talking to you! not the mc what how??
you are so confused then he said “don’t think too much about it ok?” he smile before the story end...
now he made you even more confused.
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lost-khione · 4 years
Some Notes~
Hi, there!
I created this tumblr so I can have a space where I can share my writings ++ a space where I can fangirl over lovebrush chronicles, ayakoi and some titles from love 365 😍
Previously, I post all my poems, thoughts etc. at my personal blog: write.as/khione
I post randomly and whenever I have the chance to work on my WIPs 💕
SFW blog, I don't reblog NSFW works although I do read them :3
Tags I use for reference:
#khione’s poetry - all of my poetry pieces
#khione quoted - lines that I love quoted from fiction (books, webtoon, otome, etc.)
#ayakoi poetry - poems I wrote as I fangirl over ayakoi 💙
#arr fanfic | #arr headcanon
Might add more tags later for personal reference~
Masterlist under the cut. I only write for ARR for now
[Fics without pairing labels are always x Futaba]
Until We Meet Again
Making Up for Lost Time (cont. of Until We Meet Again - MC remembers)
Her Promise (alternative cont. of Until We Meet Again - MC forgets)
Yura & Gaku ( Hansel and Gretel fairy tale AU)
First Shrine Visit
Dinner with Gin (Gin x OC)
Ginnojo’s Scarf
His Clingy Side (School AU, Gin x OC)
Comforting You (Modern AU, Gin x OC)
You Came Along on a Rainy Day (Modern AU, Gin x OC)
Where’s Kuro?
Watching Her Sleep
Portrait of You
Sweet Drink (Koga x MC)
Morning With You (Modern AU)
Kuya IRL (Kuya x Reader)
Like You as You Are (Modern AU)
When We Met (HS AU)
Tired (School AU)
Ugly Insecurities (Aki x OC, School AU)
Akiyasu’s Blunder
Supporting You (Aki x OC, Modern AU)
Midnight Tryst
If the ayakashi were reborn as cats
Dawn faction: Futaba getting lost / Outstretched hand pose
Twilight faction: Futaba getting lost / Outstretched hand pose
Kuya’s birthday
Yura’s honey
AU Where Aoi is a Girl
Ayakashi lines when they didn't come home in your pulls
If the Ayakashi were to write Futaba a love letter in free verse:
Koga | Kuya | Gin | Aoi | Yura
Updated: December 3, 2023
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