#arr... forget my signature .___.
darkkurenai · 6 years
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Repair all the things!
The lovely Wisteria from Aerial Magic by @walkingnorth ! If you love magic, cute storys and beatiful artwork go and check her out! (Season 2 has just started!)
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minirokushi · 4 years
The Burdens of a Hero
Sometimes the Warrior of Light needs saving too. (Haurchefant x Female! WoL. ARR Spoilers. SFW)
“What a horrendously long day.”
With his work behind him, Haurchefant steps out into the cold Coerthas night. A strong chill sweeps through the air as Haurchefant tugs on the cape he wore during these exceptionally cold times. At such a late hour, the usual hustle and bustle at Camp Dragonhead seemed like a distant memory. Any sound made by the few remaining guards was blanketed by the deep layers of snow.
Haurchefant closed his eyes, recalling the troubling events of the day: Mistress Tataru’s teary and panicked arrival, his immediate worry for his dear friend’s safety. Master Alphinaud’s despondent exterior as the events of Ul’dah were conveyed to him. How it struck him that it wasn’t until he was listening to his dear friend explain the situation that he realized: he had never seen her so truly distraught. Haurchefant wished nothing more than to comfort her in that very moment. But ensuring the safety of the Scions required immediate action and no time for further conversation.
Haurchefant sighed and looked up to peer at the moon. And as if Halone, herself, heard his earlier plea, a small red figure appeared in his line of sight. Above him, on the ledge of the Aetheryte bridge sat the very woman who plagued his thoughts: his dear friend, Kiana Kia. Reflexively, he smiled in her direction, before noticing her lack of outerwear. Surely, even the Warrior of Light could stand to catch cold in this weather. With a frown on his face, Haurchefant swiftly made his way onto the bridge.
As his footsteps neared, Kiana did not stir. Unusual behavior, Haurchefant thought, as she was usually incredibly perceptive of her surroundings being the hardened warrior she was. Upon closer inspection, Kiana’s expression appeared taut, her gaze unfocused, lost in thought. Dim feelings of pain and frustration tugged at Haurchefant’s heart as he removed his cape, draping it over Kiana’s shoulders. With this, Kiana came to, looking up at the Elezen standing beside her, clear shock on her face.
“So this is how the mighty Warrior of Light spends her nights: Stargazing.” Haurchefant says as he leans against the bridge staring up at the stars.
“Haurchefant?” Kiana asks, examining the large cape around her.
“Good Evening dear friend” Haurchefant replies. “Pray, keep my cape round you. It would not do to have you take ill now. Do not worry, I am much accustomed to the chill of the Coerthas air, I assure you.”
Kiana nods, pulling the cape around her further. Haurchefant cannot help but notice how it seemingly engulfed her small stature. An adorable sight.
“You were still awake?” Kiana asks. “At such a late hour?”
Haurchefant nods. “Yes, well upon Mistress Tataru’s arrival, I did my utmost to create a haven for you and the remaining Scions here at Camp Dragonhead. By prioritizing your safety it seems I mayhap neglected most of the daily duties in my care.” Haurchefant rubs the back of neck, suddenly feeling the fatigue from the day. “As such, I just finished reviewing the last of the reports regarding the situation in Ishgard.”
“I do apologize for our intrusion here” Kiana laments. “Were that I could do more to thank you.”
Haurchefant shakes his head. “With all due respect my friend,” he says. “Your apologies are not necessary. With all that you’ve done for my House and the whole of the realm, I am truly upset I cannot whisk you all away to Ishgard sooner.”
“Still,” says Kiana. “Thank you.”
A deep silence lands between them. They both stare into the night sky for several moments before Haurchefant’s lips form his signature grin. “Actually I do know of a way you can repay me at this very moment.”
Kiana perks up. “And what’s that?”
“Tell me what ails you” Haurchefant says meeting her eyes.
Kiana looks away. She remains silent for a few seconds before sighing and lowering her head. “I was thinking,” she begins. “About the Banquet, the Scions, everything...How the peace crumbled so quickly. And how I stood by and did naught to stop it.”
Haurchefant frowns. “With all that you have told me, I say you were put in an impossible predicament with which you could do naught by design.”
“Still I-“ Kiana balls her hands into fists. “I’m supposed to be the Warrior of Light! The Eikon Slayer! Defender of Eorzea! And I couldn’t even defend those I held dear. I just...fled and left them all behind.”
For the first time in quite a while, Haurchefant was at a loss for words. The desire to protect, to fight, to save those in need and those you loved, he understood those emotions all too well. He had suffered his fair share of losses and pain. He understood the frustrations and pangs of guilt that came with an inability to do naught else but stand aside and watch injustices take place. As a bastard son and a knight both he understood all too well. Haurchefant could not help but reach out his hand to cover Kiana’s fist. Slowly, she released them and looked up to show her friend a small smile as if to assure him that all was well. Kiana continued.
“I’ve spoken with Minfilia often. About what the legend of the Warrior of Light means to Eorzea. How the position is one that acts as a beacon of hope and thereby encourages a rise in strength and conviction across the realm. And while I have never asked for this title, I do my best to play the part well.” Kiana’s gaze drifts down to the Intercessory. “However sometimes I recognize that even the Scions are in need of the Eorzea’s Hero. Alphinaud and Tataru for instance. They need that hope, that strength, to carry on. So I didn’t think it proper to drop the facade in front of them now. They need the Warrior of Light and if I wish to be Kiana Kia and wallow in my pity I thought it best to come out here.”
With this Haurchefant felt frustrations rising in him. How silly of this young women to thrust so much responsibility and pain onto her own shoulders. How foolish. And to prevent herself from relying on her companions for counsel in times like these? Why, he had half a mind to reprimand her. But he knew she had no need for more anger. So he took a moment to compose himself before opening his mouth.
“So that is why you decided to stargaze tonight?” He asked.
Kiana nods.
“Well, with all do respect, my dear friend, might I say,” Haurchefant turns to look at her. “How foolish of a reason.”
Kiana is taken aback. She would be offended if she weren’t already confused by Haurchefant’s uncharacteristic harsh tone. But Haurchefant continues.
“I understand the need to be alone with your thoughts,” he continues. “But to do so because you do not wish to burden your allies with your troubles? Incredibly foolish.”
Kiana, still confused, stares at Haurchefant.
“They are your friends, Kiana, as am I. Your closest allies. Your worries are not burdens to us. And while I am sure Master Alphinaud and Mistress Tataru appreciate your strength, they must worry over your well being as well. Lest you forget,” Haurchefant turns to smile at her. “Before you are the Warrior of Light, before you are a Scion, you are Kiana Kia, a friend to many throughout the realm.”
Kiana blinks back tears as she smiles back at her dear friend. When the night began, she did not know what it would take to soothe the pain she felt, but somehow Haurchefant’s words found a way. Like a hearth burning bright in the cold Coerthas snow, Haurchefant’s presence warmed her completely. “Thank you, Haurchefant” Kiana responds.
Haurchefant laughs. “By the Fury, I do not believe I have done anything worthy of the immense gratitude I have received from the Warrior of Light today.”
Kiana laughs with him. “Oh, you have done more than enough” she says.
Again, silence drops between them but this time, there is a sense of levity. Of comfort. Haurchefant stares at the brave young woman before him.
“The temperature seems to be dropping rather quickly now” he says, a smiling growing on his face. “Would you care to finish this conversation somewhere warmer? My personal quarters perhaps?”
Kiana laughs. Ordinarily she would refuse Haurchefant’s advances. Either because she was too flustered to respond or otherwise preoccupied with various adventurer duties. Or both. But today, she felt no reason to refuse. Still, she thought she’d have a little fun.
“If I say yes,” Kiana begins “Will I be able to get another cup of hot chocolate?”
Haurchefant laughs. “Of course!” He exclaims. “I’ll make as much as you’d like!”
Kiana hops down from the side of the bridge and the two begin walking towards Haurchefant’s chambers, the bright light from the moon illuminating their path.
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