#artashi get behind me !
vadergf · 4 months
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Also if u think this scene is tashi being disgusted with art, then you didn't get this scene LIKE SHE IS UPSET HERE she doesn't want the marriage to end AND she doesn't want art to quit like the next scene is her calling patrick who she asks to lose because she doesn't want to leave this marriage. Like she loves art in her own way, that's her boy!! she's just upset at that moment bc he needs that incentive to play better bc art always plays better with incentive (even when he played for her number and stuff, when Patrick shows up to their practice arts serve gets better bc he wants to prove something) and this is that incentive but doesn't mean that she wants the consequence of it which is leaving art and the life she has with him and their daughter which she definitely loves even if she's not so in love with art
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hyperballart · 1 month
artashi inviting you for a friendly movie night at their place and you innocently agree because tashi is someone you consider a friend and art is just her sweet doting boyfriend—totally harmless. you’re settled on the couch between the pair, which again you find a bit off, but don’t question. tashi sends art to make drinks and that’s when you become a bit dubious, how will you drive home? but then tashi reassures you they have a spare bedroom for you to sleep in. while her boyfriend moves around the kitchen she turns to face you. she starts fixating her pretty brown eyes on you while her hand lightly brushes against the side of your neck. you know it’s wrong—you can hear the clinking of glasses and sloshing of liquids merely feet away from you both—but her attention feels too good.
when art gets back you’re surprisingly disappointed and the sudden absence of affection but you quickly snap back into reality. she’s just a friend to you, they both are, stop being a pervert. you try to keep that thought in your head but after one drink turns to two and two turns to three, the couple starts crossing that friendly line the night had started with. kisses pressed to your neck on both sides—tashi licks and sucks under your jaw with raw hunger, her manicured hand gripping your thigh. art is more calculated, small nips and peppered kisses trailing down your neck.
the kissing morphs into something much more intense, clothes come off then you’re moved to their bed. tashi has you pinned down on the mattress, her long curls enveloping you while she starts grinding against your cunt. you’re both so wet, the sound of the creamy glide making its way to your ears and you whine her name so pretty she just wants to devour you. her hands play with your soft tits while she calls out, “see, i told you she’d be a good girl. such a sweet little thing, aren’t you baby?” and for a second you’re confused as to who she is speaking to but a reminder is slapped to your face when you suddenly feel a thick cock slide in between where you and tashi are tribbing each other. art lets out a moan of relief, “fuck me, yeah—you’re always right. it’s so wet, nghhh,” and suddenly you feel yourself gush more.
they’re speaking of you as if you weren’t even there, tashi humping erratically against your cunt and art’s cock all you can do is hang your mouth open and mewl. she spreads your pretty lips out so art’s tip bumps against your swollen clit and you scream, she giggles at you. then she speaks again, “don’t we feel good art, hm?” the man can’t even speak, his dick can feel everything. the small bumps of both of your clits have him reeling and drooling like a fucking idiot. he nods behind tashi as if she can’t see him, but she smiles knowingly. your hips start twitching upwards in search of release and she encourages you by starting to hump down harder.
in an abrupt moment, art’s head slides down and accidentally notches against your hole and that’s what does it. your legs are twitching and shaking while you drip down the bedding, tashi doesn’t stop her swiveling and you can tell art is almost at his end when his eyes start tearing up and his grip on his girlfriend’s waist tightens. he shoots his cum between both of you, most of it landing on your tits. tashi cums at the sight and rides out her high dropping down to kiss your mouth. once you’re all cleaned up, they tuck you in for bed and lazily take turns making out with your neck again until you fall asleep. you’ll have to hang out with them more often.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
i got a new vibrator and all i can think about is artashi making me have it in during one of arts matches- tashi giving you a glare if you get too squirmy but you can help it with art moaning and groaning while playing
shes so mean :(( you keep crossing and uncrossing your legs and tashi has a hand gripped on your thigh, and you want to complain and be a brat so bad but you know tashis punishments venture more into denial - and you don't think you can take anymore edging than this. art looks so fucking good. he's like a god on the court, slender and fit and fluid, he moves like water - his hits are precise and the grunts he lets out whenever he slams the ball with his racket - you're sticky between your thighs - just imagining that toned adonis's body pressing between your thighs, broad marble chest hovering above yours - that beautiful cock pressing and pushing into you - you're so puffy and raw and the low buzzing of the vibrator isn't helping at all. you're digging your nails into your palms. feel your clit throbbing so hard it's like it has a pulse all on its own. he's so aggressive on the court - dominant - you need him inside you - you need him fucking you with all that sweat drenching his body, you need all that energy buzzing in him right now put into pounding his cock into you.
by the time the match is over - he's won, no suprise - you're embarrassed to even stand up. so soaked you leave a residue behind on your seat. tashi notices and bites her lip to hide her triumphant smirk. she guides you by the elbow down the stairs, closer to art, who's shouldering his tennis bag, uncapping a water bottle to gulp it down. even the line of his throat as he swallows has you horny, the bob of his adams apple, the slick beads of sweat making a trail down his throat. he's in the middle of unsticking his shirt from his body, fanning it a little - the sight of the strip of his bare stomach makes your throat dry - when you approach him with tashi.
he looks at you and he smiles. and your cunt weeps for how fucking beautiful he is. all golden and powerful and pumped after his win. he flashes his white teeth at you and ducks in to wrap his arms around you, he knows you don't mind the sweat - tashi would knee him in the balls.
you inhale his scent- sunscreen and sweat and your eyes nearly roll back. the vibrations pick up intensity and you flinch, knees buckling. art pulls back, "you okay?" he asks, oblivious.
tashi, with her hand in her purse, finger on the control to the vibrator, smiles herself. "she's just a little excited." she tells art. steps forward to put a hand at the small of your back. you tremble. you want to wrap your legs and arms around art like a koala and be swept away somewhere to be fucked. tashi tugs her free hand from her bag, so art can glimpse what she has her finger pressed against. "she's been worked up watching her daddy win."
you whine softly. shuffle closer to art, just wanting him to touch you.
he inhales sharply and his hands come up to your elbows - he wants to put them at your waist, but there are too many people around. he's high off his win. absolutely buzzing still. "you're the devil." he tells his wife, but his eyes are shining.
tashi scoffs. "please." she waves her hand. "take her with you to the locker room, the private one - you've both earned yourself an extra treat today."
also, she was pretty sure if you didn't have art inside you soon, you might die.
as it is, you're visibly trembling with desire as art nods and reaches down to take your hand - leading you away. she wishes she could slip away with you too to watch. she loves watching how arts body works fresh off a match - the intensity of which he fucks you - hard and almost violent - every muscle used to slide in and out of you. but that would look suspicious, so she hangs back.
she'll have the opportunity to see it again tonight. you both deserved more than just one reward tonight, after all.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
also…. begging vampire artashi to take your virginity. it’s his, you don’t want to give it to anyone but him and tashi, can’t imagine being without him after the seductive haze of the past two weeks. you start polite. please art, please tashi. i’m ready. as you remember and forget and remember and forget, the feelings remain, you know time has passed and you know the feeling of being in their arms and having them talk to you in such a way that everything feels ok. and you want that. more time passes, you become restless. god please. i want it. i wanna feel you, this isn’t enough. i feel so empty inside. i want you to fill me. please. art can hardly take it, and as he drinks from you he asks tashi to hold his wrists behind his back to stop him from touching you, because he can’t. he still clings to his humanity, he can’t take from you without your knowledge, knowing you would forget, knowing that it was heighten, you were vulnerable, you had lost all inhibition because of what he and his wife were doing to you. it’s so hard though, he’s so hard. he doesn’t even want to touch himself he feels so bad, but he’s losing his mind, humping his clothed cock over your pliant little body each time he drinks from you and you plead with him and tashi. the sound of your voice is too much. art, art, art, you never stop whimpering, fuck me, just fuck my pussy. i know you want it. just fuck me. has tashi cover your mouth too, gag you so you can’t torture him like this anymore. tashi suggests, being the thoughtful wife she is, they simply dispose of you. if you’re causing this much strife, surely you aren’t worth it, and if it’s too hard to resist maybe that was the end of your holiday in their eternity. you could die unsoiled, didn’t that make him feel better. no, he snapped immediately. no. fixing tashi with a look of utter disdain, bordering on aggression. that’s when tashi knew she was in trouble. oh well, they would have to keep you then.
tashi starts to get interested in you too, then. she doesn't get why art won't just fuck you - they've fucked humans together before, but art tells her it's different with you. "I want her to remember." and tashi just looks at him. you know that can't happen, in her eyes. he looks away.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
been thinking a lot about groveling for patrick after artashi kick him out after ur shutdown in bed
you start to realize you want him around... but you have to find a way to tell him that
and part of it is the very reason u were hurt in the first place. bc u like seeing the way patrick makes art and tashi happy. u just... need to trust that you make them happy too.
thinking a big realization comes when something big happens in ur personal life - good or bad - and you realize that more than anything, you want patrick.
tashi would be too clinical. art would be too soft. patrick wouldn't try to make anything better. he'd just let you... feel.
you start seeing where he's missing. the spot he should be occupying. and u decide that u have to get patrick. and u have to do it on ur own.
bc it was ur silence that shoved him out. it has to be ur voice that brings him back.
so u go to him. u consider bringing flowers - feels emasculating. consider buying new lingerie - feels like ur expecting too much. u find urself outside his door, a crumpled paper in ur hands, way too disheveled for what should be a formal affair, knocking on his door.
"ah. did tashi send u?"
an awkward silence. "no. i ... came on my own. can i... can we talk?"
I love love love this concept I love the thought of being forced to come forward with your feelings especially to someone like patrick who's so honest - feels shameful like you're a little kid apologizing after doing something wrong and you can't stop looking at your feet but he makes you look at him and oh. he's so beautiful. something in his chaos makes him so lovely. wild dark curls. flushed tan face with a smattering of freckles. his sometimes blue sometimes green eyes. they're green now. you recognize they get that way when he's serious - angry or sad or amped up or contemplative. you think he might be all of them combined. to him, you're nothing but the little brat who got him kicked out because your say is apparently more important than his.
he allows you in, thinks about throwing you out and slamming the door in your face but he's just not that kind of guy. plus you look so miserable it's kind of funny. he wants to hear what you have to say. cracks open a beer and doesn't offer you one, and leans against his kitchen counter as you settle into his worn fraying couch. he thinks you look too pristine to be in his bumass apartment but something about it, he likes. you could use a little dirtying up.
"art and tashi want you to come back. so, um. you should. I know things got complicated and intense and things were said that were mean, um. but they really miss you - I know if you just came back you could work things out and - "
"what do you want?" he cuts the bullshit. points at you with his beer bottle. he won't let you pussyfoot around. he's not in the mood, honestly, for games. the week has been miserable enough.
you look down at your hands. "it doesn't matter what I want. I was selfish before, and I'm sorry. I won't be going forward."
he looks at you. he'd laugh if he wasn't in such a shit mood. he licks his teeth and sucks in a breath. drains the rest of his beer and approaches you on the couch. it nearly swallows you - and he comes close enough until his knees are brushing the arm. leans down until your eyes are level, on of his hands resting behind your head for balance.
his breath fans across your face. beer and cigarettes and something minty. it shouldn't smell appeasing, but your mouth fills with spit, and you swallow. he's so in your space - always invading boundaries.
"so you're okay with me fucking them whenever and however I want."
you look away. "if that's what you want."
he huffs a laugh that isn't humorous. it's mean. he decides to bully you a little - you deserve it, anyway. "what if I want you to watch."
your lips purse then. displeasure. something curls in patricks chest. amusement and satisfaction. he likes pushing you more than he should. he knows you'd hate it, watching. feeling left out is what got you into this mess.
"I don't have to be involved." you tell him lightly. demure. soft. he wants to pull your bottom lip between his teeth and bite until he tastes blood on his tongue.
"I want you to be." he tells you. "you're a spoiled fucking brat and you pissed me off and if you really want me back then I want you to sit in your little time out corner while I fuck your mommy and daddy and I watch how fucking good I make them feel without you there."
your bottom lip wobbles. he expects you to tap put, call it quits, say no way. but you just nod.
"if that's what'll bring you back. I- I can take it." even if you don't want to. you know it isn't just about you. even if you like being the center of attention. "I said I was sorry. I mean it. I-"
I want you back too, you think but don't say.
you don't know how to bring that up to him when you've been nothing but a lousy brat.
"you what?" patrick prods anyway. curious.
you shake your head. "just come back. I'll do whatever you want if you will."
patrick straightens and looks down at you with a kind of predatory glaze in his eyes. his lips quirk. you're such a little bunny. hopping around in front of him when he's hungry. he wants to fuck you. badly. he wants to assert his dominance over you.
he wants you to want him.
and when you watch him fuck tashi and art - you do. you find yourself jealous - not of him taking them away from you - but of them for getting to feel him. you find yourself thinking you'd be the best out of all of them at taking his dick - you know it. and when you touch your pussy to the sight of him pounding tashi into the mattress it's because you want it to be you instead. and when you cum later with arts tongue on your clit - and patrick watching you from his place next to tashi, it's because his eyes are on you that you shudder apart so cataclysmically.
you've managed to fix things. everyone is content, you think. but you aren't. how. how do you admit to wanting patrick when you've put this wall between you. when you've made the distinction that you're dating art and tashi separate from eachother. that patrick has his own place that he sleeps and tashi bought you an apartment - so that things are more equal and fair and everyone is happy.
how do you admit to wanting patrick when you've kept the ruse up this long. when you alternate days. you spend the weekends with art and tashi and he spends monday through wednesday. you've dug a hole. how do you tell tashi and art who have already made so many compromises for you to feel happy and loved- that you want even more. that you want patrick too. that you take back everything you said at the beginning and want all four of you to be together, in one place.
they'll all hate you for being so fucking dramatic. maybe you should end things. let them be together without the complication of you there.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
Omg !!! Admitting to artashi that you want that kind of degradation is one thing. But admitting to Patrick he was right... You know you have to do it. And you know you have to get the emotional shit out right away - because you know he'll have you on your knees by the end but you need him to know!! Before you have his cock in your mouth, before he's got his fingers in your hair and his scent all around you and-
You write it down. You know he's gonna laugh at you but you're more scared you'll forget something. Leaving things unsaid keeps getting you into trouble.
"Did you script your apology to me? Bunny, that's uptight, even for you." You roll your eyes but you're smiling this time - less malice behind it than there used to be.
"I just don't want to forget anything." You take a deep breath.
"I don't know how much they told you but I told them not to tell you anything because I have to actually talk about shit instead of just letting it swirl in my brain and drive me insane."
He gives you that look of 'took you long enough' but he has enough restraint not to say it.
"You were right. About everything. Well, almost everything."
im simply obsessed with the idea of working for patricks forgiveness/affection like hes treated the WORST in the polycule he deserves to see you on your knees clinging to his leg and begging him to come back home. deserves to be a little (alot) mean and do all kinds of things to your body - although as soon as you start blubbering and admitting things like how much you like him i think he folds. hes a big softie after all and a loverboy at his core - probably makes you cry and then wraps you in a big bear hug as he forces his dick inside you <3
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