#artful Dodger
The scene where Jack comforts Belle when they can't get the surgery to work on the cadaver kills me everytime like he's just hugging her as she falls on the floor realizing she might actually die and the denial starts to fade WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DO THAT TO ME😭
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And he just falls with her never letting go and never losing his grip on her *CRYING*
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conceptualkaleb · 10 months
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Soulmatism if you ask me.
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bellzsad · 10 months
jack and belle falling asleep next to each other literally had me kicking my feet and giggling because it was so fucking adorable
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myladyofmercy · 9 months
sexiest dodgerfox moments:
1. pls take off your dress so i can listen to your heartbeat i swear this is the only reason
2. dabbing some balm on the acid burn on your upper leg (after asking for consent)
3. let's cut open a dead body together while i gently guide your hand
4. hey let's kiss over the unconscious body of my colleague with a bullet in his leg who is laying on the operating table after i offered you to make the first incision
5. every make out scene in ep 6-8
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muchcelebrated · 10 months
The first time we see them interact after their first kiss in episode 6 will never not make me feral. Like the way his expression softens and the almost shy way he says “Lady Belle”.
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Like he’s a doctor that’s just come from a brutal attack but at his core he is also a boy with a crush™️
Credit to @myladyofmercy for the gif
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chemical-killjoy · 5 months
Healing Kiss
Jack Dawson x Female Reader
Summary: y/n is Struggling™ and in hospital, can her best friend and doctor heal her?
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of self harm, suicide attempt, sexual and physical abuse, blood and bruises, semi smut. If any of this gets to you, please don't read, it is a STRONG theme. Stay safe <3
Author's Note: ... I got issues, m'kay? Anyway this fic is a little old but I'm finally publishing it. As always if you like it, please reblog, and if you want to be tagged in my fics please click here!! Thank you <3
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Jack had never been so terrified in his life. It was just another Thursday night, when the blond man walked up to Y/N's door and knocked, grateful to have a moment free for his best friend. But instead of her bright face opening the door, Jack was greeted by an eerie silence. After waiting for a few minutes and eternity, dread filled his chest. He knew that Y/N was going to be home, the plan was for Jack to come over so you could get his opinion on your latest poem. Y/N doesn't back out of plans.
Jack called out, and for a moment he calmed down, tried to rationalize. Maybe Y/N had lost track of the days again, as often happens when she's writing. But instead of silence, this time he heard a small voice through the walls, calling his name like a question. Without hesitation, Jack broke through the door and ran to Y/N's room.
He'd never been scared of blood before.
The carriage jostled as the horses sped towards the hospital, and a groan escaped your lips at the movement. You kept hearing Jack whispering to you.
“Eyes open, Y/N, do you hear me? Keep your eyes open, please. Please.” His voice broke on the last word. You wanted to answer, to keep your eyes open, but you were so tired, and sleep was so welcoming. You wanted to slip into that abyss, the nothingness of the black ink behind your eyes. Maybe, if you just let the pain go, you could sleep forever. That was the latest plan. But the carriage jostled and bruises collided with floor and you whimpered. There was no rest. But by the time you got to the hospital, you were unconscious.
You woke up with a headache. Such was expected, after the night you had had. The night before came crashing back into your mind, five times worse than the headache. Tom. The fight. Hiding in your bedroom. Tears streaming down your face and a hollow ache of numbness settling over you.
You raised a hand to rub your head when you noticed the bandages. Shame settled deep into your bones and tears sprang to your eyes. What had you done? You took a bad situation and made it so much worse. You shouldn't have fought back. No, you shouldn't blame yourself. Both thoughts spun around in equal measure, making you feel dizzy. What would your family think? What will happen when Tom finds out? Who found you?
Oh no, not Jack, you thought. The tears came harder, dehydration be damned, you couldn't stop. The nastiness of your mind started up again. He hates you now, he feels sorry for you, he's going to leave you, you've disappointed him, he doesn't care about you like that and you know it, and he never will now. You started to gasp for air when you heard the door creak open just enough to see Jack's eyes peer through, not wanting to disturb you if you were asleep. You couldn't fake it fast enough.
The door opened wider as Jack walked inside. In just a few strides, he was at your bedside, and for a second you thought you saw him hesitate to come closer.
“How are you this morning?” Jack voice was steel as he clenched his jaw and looked to the ceiling, playing the clinical doctor, not the terrified friend.
“Jack. I'm so sorry.” You said, softly, scarcely concealing the hurt in your heart. You didn't want the voices inside to be true.
Jack nodded once. Twice. And then he kept nodding, as if the more he nodded, the more sense it would make. The nodding turned into a shake and he looked at you with fierce eyes.
“Why?” he asked, anger covering fear as well as a band-aid covers a bullet hole. “Dear God, why?! What happened?” Hesitation gone as he sat down on your bed, taking one hand in his. “Y/N, please, tell me what's going on. You haven't been yourself for months now and I didn't know what to think, and now this?” He took a breath, and shamed still prevented you from looking at his face. “Please, tell me what brought you such pain that you thought death would be better. I'll take care of it, please, just-” You'd never heard the self proclaimed artful dodger's voice break before. “Just don't leave me.” He pressed your knuckled to his forehead, and for a second, the pain of the night before didn't seem to hurt.
You didn't see a way around it. You had to tell someone the truth or you'd burst, and you trusted Jack more than you trusted yourself. After a moment, you took a breath and began to speak.
“Tom. He-” Jack's face hardened immediately at the name of your fiance. He'd never liked the man, half because his gut told him he couldn't be trusted, and half because he was betrothed to the woman he loved. “He attacked me. When I told him the wedding was off. He- he pushed me against the wall, said that I had just been leading him on, that he could make me his wife one way or another, a- a- and and then-” your breathing was coming fast and you could feel a panic attack coming on.
It took Jack a moment to realize what was going on, as he was lost in his confusion. Since when was the wedding off? Who would be dumb enough to attack high nobility such as yourself? What did he mean- oh hell no. The rage came quickly and diminished just as fast when he saw you gasping for breath.
“Y/N/N, breath, everything is alright, calm down. Breath with me. You are safe, you are here with me.” You had told Jack once about the panic attacks, the way it felt like you where drowning in air, anxiety rising over and killing you. You'd explained what helped you through them, even though medically speaking, you sounded crazy. But Jack trusted you, would never think you crazy and would do anything to see you smile.
Jack repositioned himself to hold you against his chest, too scared to squeeze hard, even if that's what you'd previously instructed him to do. The sound of his heartbeat and movement of his chest under you calmed you down a bit, and the hysterical crying and panic dulled to simple tears. You continued talking.
“I was so scared. So I ran into my bedroom, and locked the door. But I could hear him screaming and feel him slamming against the door against my back. And it occurred to me that I can't run from him, Jack. He was right, I'm going to be his one way or another. I just couldn't do it, I couldn't take it. He repulses me, I just...” you stopped talking for a moment in the hopes the tremble in your voice would calm. It didn't. “I just feel like the only way to be free of him is...” you trailed off, leaving Jack to fill in the blank.
Jack pulled back and looked you in the eye.
“No. No, your death is not the answer. Tom, on the other hand...” Jack trailed off. You wanted to be scared but couldn't find the sympathy within you, drained of emotions from the panic attack. “There'll be a way. We will find one. Just don't leave. I cannot fathom a life without you.”
The tears in Jack's eyes only furthered those in yours, until the pair of you were holding each other and sobbing. Jack held you tighter, and for a moment it was comforting, until you breathed in and the pressure hurt the bruises on your waist and hip, making you gasp.
“What's wrong?” Jack asked, immediately springing to his feet and checking both your bandages, but no blood seeped through.
“Nothing, just a bruise, I think.” You said. Only it wasn't just a bruise, it was the mother of all bruises, and you were scared to think of how bad the damage would have been had you not been wearing a full skirt and corset.
“Where.” Jack's question was more of a statement, doctor mode activated.
“My waist and hip.”
You weren't expecting a small blush to appear on Jack's cheeks, but the sight made your heart leap. How could the smallest flush of colour be so adorable and attractive in equal measure?
“Is it alright if I take a look?”
You hated the thought of anyone seeing your body, let alone the person you loved seeing the markings of the man who hurt you, but you also knew you were in hospital and this was your doctor concerned for your health. You pushed down the blankets, and Jack gave you the slightest nod to double check if it was OK. When you nodded back, Jack took the edges of your nightie and slowly and gently pulled it up, fingers softly grazing your skin.
Jack sharply gasped when he saw the bruises, a deep blue and black spreading from your just below your waistline across most of your right hip, and a smaller purple bruise on your lower ribcage. He lightly touched the skin around the bruising on your hip.
“Y/N/N,” Jack said softly, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
You took that the wrong way.
“I know. Alright? I know, it's ugly, I'm ugly, and I'm scarred, I'm damaged.” Jack looked up at you with those big eyes that you loved, care and concern brimming his eyes as the words you'd been keeping flowed out. “I hate this all so much. I hate the bruises, the scars, I hate how I feel unsafe in my own mind, that I am unsafe in my own home. I hate how one minute we're all children, safe and adored, and bruises can be solved with a quick kiss better, and the next we're adults, the bruises last and kisses complicate.” You sniffled. “I wish all this could be healed so simply as a kiss better.” You went to wipe your eyes, but Jack beat you too it, quick as a flash, drying your tears and looking into your eyes with a playful smirk. Though he was too scared to let it show, his heart was nearly beating out of his chest as he spoke.
“I'm not magic, but as your doctor, I'd like to give it a shot.”
“What?” you asked, heart caught in your throat, assuming he was kidding or just about to kiss your cheek.
“A kiss.” You looked at each other for a moment. “To stop the pain.” Jack clarified, backtracking with fear. You merely nodded.
The hand that was cupping your cheeks after drying your tears softly trailed down your arm, turning it over so the bandage covering the cut was facing him. Jack raised your arm to his lips, and though you couldn't feel it past the bandage, you fought yourself to maintain composure. Jack turned your arm back and held your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. He looked into your eyes as he brushed his lips against your knuckles. His lips were soft as they touched your fingers, and you were speechless. A small shiver worked it's way down your spine.
You mistakenly thought Jack would stop there, but Dodger was nothing if not bold as he shimmed back to kiss around your bruised waist. Feather-light fingers gently touched you before settling on your waist, as he lowered his mouth to the top of your bruise, just under your ribs. Small pecks peppered all around your bruise, inching lower, until the kisses became more. More sure, more of a kiss than a peck, but light enough to leaving you longing. By the time Jack had gotten to the base of your bruise, you were breathing hard and suppressing a moan by biting your lip as one of his hands was on your inner knee, the other near your bruise, partly on your hip, partly on your ass. He slowed down slightly, looking up at you with what could only be described as hunger and desperation, as though he'd been wanting you for so long that he could barely contain himself.
“Jack-” you whispered.
There was a knock on the front door and Jack barely had time to pull your nightgown back over your legs and sit up when Hetty came in.
“Sir, we've got-” Hetty faltered for only a moment upon seeing your flushed cheeks and Jack's red lips and ruffled shirt. “Ah, we've got three new patients for you to see before midday, if you're free soon?”
You were mad at Hetty for interrupting, but grateful for her grace and tact.
“Yes, yes of course, I was almost on my way out, just give me one moment with Miss Y/L/N, please.”
Hetty lowered her head and closed the door behind her.
For a minute, neither of you could look each other in the eye, too scared of what you'd show and what you would or wouldn't see back. Jack broke the silence.
“So,” he cleared his throat. “Er, if you need anything, at anytime, call the nurses and ask for me, alright? Even if you start to feel distressed for only a moment, even from your own mind, call for me. I don't want you to be alone right now. I-I can't let you get hurt, Y/N. You're-” he stopped himself before he could say 'my world', adding instead “you mean too much to me.”
And with that, Jack slipped out of the room, leaving you to analyze the kisses. You already felt better.
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reneeluv154 · 9 months
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Hope you enjoy🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine Newt finds out you have frostbite and takes care of you.
(More on my profile if you like this.)🫶🏼🫶🏼
I was cold, so cold but I wouldn’t let the others know, we had been walking in the scorch for weeks, although I wouldn’t call it the scorch anymore. It was cold, cold enough to make your lips blue and your skin crack and bleed. Newt tried to offer me his gloves when it first started getting cold two days ago but I denied them, instead wrapping them up in my sock’s.
Now the sock’s were just to hide my gruesome frostbite rather than keep them warm. “Guys, let’s stop here, we’ve been waking for far too long.” I couldn’t agree with Minho more, the blisters on the back of my heels and my toes making it to where I could barely walk.
“Y/n are you okay?” Thomas asked wearily before watching me stumble to the ground. “Woah hey.” Thomas tried to catch me but I hit the ground with him and Newt on either side of me. I began to weep which then turned into sob’s of anger. I punched the ground, “I’m fucking done! Do you hear me!” I screamed out as loud as I could, causing a vicious pain to shoot through my head. Everyone was crouched down forming a circle around me, fear and worry plastered on their faces.
“Hey, take a breath Y/n.” Newt was calm with a comforting hand on my back, the other on the sand, trying to keep from slipping. I violently sucked in air never fully finishing a breath. I truly couldn’t breathe. I looked at him with panic in my eyes as I tried to breathe, tears still rolling down my cheeks. “Okay, everyone back up.” His voice was stern enough so they understood but calm enough to not scare me. He gently grabbed my face.
“You’re gonna be okay. Focus on my heartbeat alright?” He grabbed my hand, placing it on his chest gently, leaving me to feel the calm, steady beating of his heart. After a few minutes, my breathing slowed, and my tears were gently wiped by his simple calloused hands. “You're okay.” He whispered, bringing me into a tight hug. I believe more for him than for me. He knew I never liked hugs. Although I had always wanted one from him, I hugged him back knowing that’s what he needed at the moment. I didn’t want to let go but loosened my grip leaving him to let go.
“Thomas, help me walk her over to that building.” He nodded over to what was more like a small shack a few feet away. So with Thomas on my left and Newt on my right we carefully walked over to the shack, taking a few minutes to settle down. I sat on a small crate while the others cleared spots to sit and sleep for the night. I was staring at the ground when Newt came, sitting down beside me, offering me a cup with something in it. Not bothering to zone back in, I shook my head.
“It’ll warm you up.” He said, setting it by my foot on the ground and kneeling in front of me. “Can you take these off for me?” He asked gently, laying a hand on top of mine. I finally zoned back in still not looking directly at him but carefully taking the socks off my hands trying not to let the fabric pull on the cracked skin.
His eyes widened when he saw the purple and blue, bloody knuckles and fingertips. ‘Fry, can you make a fire real quick?” He asked, not taking his focus off of my hands. “Already on it, Newt.”
“Why didn’t you tell someone Y/n?” He asked gently, trying to warm my hands with his own as well as blowing on them.”I don’t know.” I was quiet, barely even audible. “My feet are pretty bad too.” The look he gave me was the sweetest yet saddest thing I had ever seen. “They don’t have frostbite, just lots of blisters.” He nodded. “Go ahead and take your shoes off, the cold should make them feel a little better.”
I nodded, taking my shoes off while he went and grabbed a thin blanket we had stolen from W.I.C.K.E.D. wrapping it around my shoulders. He was right, the cold felt good on my hot blistered feet. “Here, let’s go sit by the fire.” He handed me the hot cup making my hands sting but I knew that meant it was helping. I was caught slightly off guard when he picked me up and carried me to another crate, this one close by the fire, my feet still being cooled off by the patch of cement underneath me.
I decided to sit on the ground closer to the fire. Newt came and sat on the crate behind me, his legs on either side of me. “Newt?” I asked and received a small hum while he set down his cup which I learned was just hot water, and started to play with some strands of my hair. “Is it okay if I just give up?”
“Give up?” He questioned. “Yeah, If I just quit trying to make it out alive.” I was ashamed of asking such a question but I knew he wouldn’t judge me. He grabbed both my shoulders leaning in close to my ear. “Y/n you can not give up, I won’t for one second let you believe that you can give up because I would never let you do such a thing.” And for the first time in a long time, a small smile made its way onto my lips. It felt so good to smile, especially with someone like Newt.
Around an hour later he had braided my hair and wrapped up my hands now everyone was getting ready for sleep. “Where are you sleeping, love?” He hadn’t called me that since the first time I came to the glade but it made me feel special.
“Can I…sleep next to you tonight?” He nodded, “Of course, c’mon.” He laid out some clothes on the ground and used a jacket as a pillow. “Go on, I'll tuck you in.” He smiled, so I laid down letting him lay two blankets overtop of me, given that was all we could spare. He then laid down, a small bit of space between us. “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Blondie.”
I woke up a tad bit cold and a bit scared. There was thunder and rain all around us. The small shack was the only thing keeping us safe and that wasn’t promising. I moved over to where Newt was lying and rested my head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. “Are you okay?” He whispered, his voice still sleepy making me blush. “Yeah, I’m a little cold but more scared than anything.” Just then lightning struck close making me jump. “Shhh it’s okay. I’m here, I’ll keep you safe I promise.” He rubbed my back and gave me a small kiss on the head now wrapping both arms tightly around me. Humming a small song, which soon put me to sleep.
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captofthelaney · 8 months
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belle & jack the artful dodger | 01.08 | untapped potential
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Doctor Jack Dawkins Masterlist No.1
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Little Vampire - Smut
Not On Your Life - Cute
Not Now - Cute
What - Sweet
Secret - Sad
Hysteria - Smut
Hysteria p2 - Smut
Wicked - Smut
Scrubber Girl - Flirty
Morning Maid - Flirty
Thunderstorm - Sweet
My Turn - Smut
Morning - Flirty
I Can Explain - Cute
Someone Who Loves You - Sweet
Hypothetically - Smutty Discussions
Hopelessly - Smut
Hopelessly P2 - Flirty
Hopelessly P3 - Smut
Y/n! - Flirty
Breathless - Flirty
Breathless P2 - Sweet
Breathless P3 - Sweet
Gentlemen - Smut
Just For A Moment - Smutty
I'm Gonna Kill Him - Smut
Bump - Sweet
Bump P2 - Dark
Bump P3 - Sweet
Pouty - Smut
Right Right - Flirty
Song Of The Sea - Spooky
Song Of The Sea P2 - Smut
Wakey Wakey - Smut
... Because He Knows I Love You - Flirty
Just To Spite You - Flirty
Good News - Flirty
The Mademoiselle - Smut
The Mademoiselle P2 - Smutty
The Mademoiselle P3 - Adorable
Just The Three Of Us - Smut
Idiot - Adorable
Just Breathe With Me - Sweet
The Best Way To Start The Day - Smut
Favourite Patient - Sweet
What Are You Doing Here!? - Sweet
Please - Sad
It's Dr Dawkins - Sweet
The Event - Smut
Married Woman - Flirty
I'm Listening - Sweet
Britches - Flirty
I Dare You - Funny
I Date You P2 - Smut
I Dare You P3 - Smut
The Magic Of Men - Smutty
Book Dragon - Sweet
Young Love - Sweet
Young Love P2 - Smut
Young Love P3 - Smut
Sugar - Sweet
Little Sister - Sweet
Little Sister P2 - Sweet
Worship My God - SMUT
Future - Sad
Future P2 - Dark
What Is The Meaning Of This! - Smutty
My Mistake To Make - Angry
Blue Bow - Smut
Battle Scars - Sweet
Doctor! Doctor! - Flirty
Doctor! Doctor! P2 - Smut
Kitten - Cute
Words Swirl On The Page - Sweet
Across The Courtyard - Smut
Good Morning - Smut
Charming - Sexy
Commission Page
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francesderwent · 8 months
no do you get it. he cuts her open and ties a noose around her heart. the death that has been haunting him all along giving him a reason to run is what saves her from the death hanging over her head. you get it right
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Hear me out, I've had a realization.
I entered my soft boy area.
I watched Bridgerton season 3, My Lady Jane, The Artful Dodger, Normal People (and you cannot get sick of the We Live In Time trailer) and have fallen in love with these cutie pies.
I'm tired of macho James Bondes and Mr Greys.
I want to watch early love confessions, consent kings, meet cutes, grooms crying at their wedding, vulnerability, awkward conversations, raw sex scenes, men babygirling so hard, men going to therapy, husbands, making mistakes and owning up to them, good communication, etc.
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dodgerfoxes · 8 months
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"it's hopeless, isn't it?"
"oh yes. we are completely unsuited."
"we should really never see eachother, socially."
"no, that wouldn't be right."
jack and belle in episode 6 of the artful dodger
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bellzsad · 9 months
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lina-lovebug · 7 months
The fact that Jack Dawkins would talk you through it
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muchcelebrated · 3 months
Crying because Disney+/Hulu did The Artful Dodger so dirty by not marketing it properly and it could and should be getting the same amount of praise and love as Bridgerton or My Lady Jane, but instead they were stupid and most people don’t even realize it exists.
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Belle walks in on Jack and Sneed arguing.
Belle: What’s the matter now?
Sneed: Jack always thinks he’s the smartest person in the room!
Jack: No, I don’t.
Sneed: You don’t?
Jack: Belle’s here now.
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