electricea-archive · 2 years
I feel like coming after such a vile starter villain as Kamoshida may have contributed to that - Madarame’s abuse isn’t as overt as Kamoshida was, he doesn’t hit or beat up or sexually harass his students - but what he does is emotionally and mentally and financially abuse them.  Madarame himself is an interesting example of how abuse can come in many forms and can be a lot more subtle and difficult to notice - and that all forms of abuse are still horrible and valid, even if someone may not be overtly hitting you or doing anything to physical to you.
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akirathief · 4 months
how do you tragically die?
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Betrayed in the Plot Twist
That shady ally you and your buddies have turned out to be a rotten egg after all, and you're their victim. The audience saw it before you did. Being stabbed in the back hurts like a bitch; I don't envy you, but take solace knowing your death was the single most pivotal moment in the entire story.
Tagged by: @artfulfox (another from years ago) Tagging: Whoever would like! say I tagged you
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thelotusthief · 3 years
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He blames the hormones, Yusuke.  Don’t worry about it.
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arcanalight · 3 years
@artfulfox​ | continued [☆]
     Not getting an answer from one of his friends for a day wasn’t so strange, but when a week passed? And more? Akira had begun to worry, fretting that something might have happened while his attention was focused elsewhere.  If he was going to be honest, it wasn’t entirely outside the realm of possibility that Yusuke was just busy, likely staring at a canvas or seeking out inspiration anywhere and everywhere. But ten days was too much; when Yusuke had finally shown up at Leblanc he almost felt weak with relief.
     A heaviness weighed on his chest once he was finally able to get a good look at his friend, Yusuke’s exhaustion as evident on his face as though fatigue were his mask, rather than the face of the classic kitsune. Akira was more than willing to bet he wasn’t eating well either, but it was sort of ironic for him to preach the benefits of both resting and eating well when he couldn’t follow his own advice. If it weren’t for Sojiro forcing him to eat a decent meal every now and again he probably would find himself subsisting on quick snacks and the occasional diner meal. There just never seemed to be enough time to cook for himself, despite his abilities.
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     “--You don’t look fine.” And that would be it, his only comment on Yusuke’s appearance, no matter how heartbreaking he might be. Of course, that wouldn’t stop him from dishing up some of the curry bubbling away on the stove and setting it in front of Yusuke. Steady rains had kept customers off the streets and out of the café, allowing them access not only to the entire building, but to plenty to eat as well. At least he could offer that much, if nothing else.
     Taking a seat at the counter, Akira turned his gaze down to his own plate rather than look at his companion, the faint beginnings of a wry smile tugging at his lips. Now it was his turn to outright lie, the words spilling out of him even as he considered just how foolish they were. 
     “I’m okay. It was just something stupid anyway; I forgot I’d even sent you a message.” Or had it been Ryuji, worried about Akira one late night after the trains had stopped running? The next morning he had woken up to several encouraging messages from other members of the Phantom Thieves, each of them offering the stock response of ‘I’m here if you need to talk’ among other, genuinely heart-felt words. Sequestered or not, Yusuke had probably received a heads up as well.
     “...Did you want some coffee? I didn’t think to ask.”
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socialdefy · 3 years
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@artfulfox​​ asked : 🤝   for   your   character   to   brush    their     hand    against    my    muse’s    hand
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       It was times like this that Akira was glad Yusuke went to Kosei rather than Shujin, because when most of the group came together for a study session, Yusuke didn’t really have the need to study with them, even if he could.
      As he was writing with his right hand, his left hand rested next to his thigh, messing with the ends of his own shirt from time to time. In the middle of solving a math equation, he felt a soft, slightly cold hand quickly brush against his own, nearly making his writing go off the page. Akira glances down at his left hand, then up at Yusuke--would it be okay to hold his hand right now? He doesn’t think Ryuuji or Ann could look that far over the table, and Haru and Makoto were studying in the other booth.
      No one, as far as he’s aware, was sitting next to him, so he believes it’s okay.
      When Yusuke is done taking a sip of coffee, Akira sneakily grabs hold of his hand, before starting to write again. If someone asks about why he’s trying (and failing) to hold back a grin, he’ll say it’s because he solved a math problem.
      ( Which, funnily enough, he did manage to solve the equations faster once he started holding Yusuke’s hand. )
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
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@artfulfox​ || This is Halloween!
‘If it’s any consolation, I promise not to ghost you when the season’s over.’
          A minuscule twitch of the eye is the immediate response Goro gives to the terrible pun. The desire to stop whatever they were doing and leave the artist was all too tempting. Of course he expected such things from Kitagawa. He’s heard from the others that he can make puns at inappropriate times. Still, it doesn’t prepare Goro for being on the receiving end of them.
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          So he resorts to glaring at him even if his tone lacks any true threat. “Someone’s about to become an actual ghost if they try making that joke again.”
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jesterofinaba · 3 years
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes! - No Longer Accepting
in addition, i may also add how much it would heal my muse depending on their relationship with yours!
Adachi was busy reading a newspaper, and doesn't notice a mug near Yusuke's half-finished painting, near identical to the one he was supposed to drink. He grabs one without looking away from his reading and takes a drink...
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-and immediately chokes. He'd grabbed the wrong one and accidentally taken a gulp of paint water instead.
[-15 HP.]
Once he grabs the right cup, though, the tea inside helps cleanse his palate.
The slightly cloudy tea inside was immediately recognizable by both sight and taste: sakurayu. Fancy, something Adachi had always considered to be too elaborate, but this cup was actually pretty decent. A little sweet, but a little salty. He sets the cup down and watches as the cherry blossoms that the tea had been infused with slowly unfurl in the hot, cloudy water.
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[+70 HP, + 70 SP.]
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fatexbound · 3 years
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@artfulfox​ said:  [ 📲 • sms ] —— do you wanna come over? (Ryuji!)
Text messages | Accepting
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[sms -- Yusuke]: hell yeah i do!! how’d u know i was bored?
[sms -- Yusuke]: i guess it’s more like... i wanted to see u idk
[sms -- Yusuke]: anyway u live in the dorms, right? tell me where it is!
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stellatenuem · 3 years
starter for @artfulfox​
When Yusuke came over with his suitcase, Ren knew there was going to be no arguing over who was taking the couch. It would be a case of unstoppable force meets immovable object. The smartest thing Ren could do was secede, but still... it wasn’t going to stop them from hanging on the sofa with their friend until sleep (Morgana) dragged them to bed (bit his feet through his socks.)
What else could one expect from a sleepover? That’s... kind of what this is, right? Sure, it’s not exactly the normal circumstances of one, but... Wow, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Having a sleepover with someone that wasn’t your cousin... That hasn’t been a thing since, like, second grade? Maybe third? A fat minute, essentially. 
And teens their age don’t usually get up to the same shit nine year old's do at sleepovers... No, the nine year old's are far more chaotic. Those little fucks can sure throw a party, and talk some mad shit, even if someone’s mom makes them turn lights out by eight thirty.
❝ Yanno, Yusuke, it wouldn’t be a sleepover without deep midnight conversations about the meaning of life and the various horrors of existence... ❞ A tiny pause, possibly for dramatics, or perhaps Ren felt that was awkward. They smile into their next words anyway. Gotta roll with it.
❝ Or we can just talk about the kind of people we like... No pressure. ❞
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During the latest session of psychological therapy,  Shiho’s therapist recommended that she get in touch with her friends and maybe even meet new people through them. At first, Shiho wasn’t sure on how to start with that. She finally settled with texting Ann about her other friends; Ann made the effort in-between therapy sessions and the other girl mentioned friends she made.
There was the new transfer student Akira; Shiho does remember him. There was also the student council president Makoto, the artist Yusuke, and Ryuji - someone Ann knew since middle school. After inputting everyone’s numbers into her contacts, Shiho pondered over which number to text first.
One person that did pique her interest a little bit was Yusuke. He attends an entirely different school - never attended Shujin Academy or with any of them in the past for that matter - and the way they all met was a curious question indeed.
So, wasting no time, Shiho sent a text:
[TEXT] Hello, is this Yusuke Kitagawa?
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akirathief · 2 months
𝐢.   𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄.
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name:  Akira Kurusu
nickname / alias:  Joker, Inmate, The Phantom, Trickster, etc
zodiac sign: Virgo
gender:  Masculine-leaning gender fluid.
favourite colour:  red & black
any pets: morgana (cat)
height:  5′9″
𝐢𝐢.   𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍.
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name:  (don't feel comfortable giving my real first name lmao)
nickname / alias:  avi
zodiac sign: Libra
gender: agender
favourite colour: purple
any pets:  a cat named luna and a dog named ophie
height:  5'8”
tagged by: @artfulfox tagging: whoever would like!
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electricea-archive · 3 years
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@artfulfox​​ sent - Trick or Treat! 🎃 ( Trick or Treat - Accepting Until Halloween! )
Under the cut, you will find 33 icons of Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5 the Animation, Persona 5 Daybreakers and the Persona 5 game.  For @artfulfox​​’s use only.
Happy Halloween! 🎃
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thelotusthief · 3 years
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“...you hungry?” Had he maybe purposefully packed up curry he’d made after the store closed and put it in his bag for the others?  Yes, absolutely.
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arcanalight · 3 years
artfulfox said: ...will there be snacks..?
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     “--This is a Yusuke fan club, so we have to live like you. So there won’t be any snacks. We’re currently taking donations to buy our first strawberry Hello Panda. Donate today to save a starving artist and his entourage.”
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kingspuppet-a · 3 years
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@artfulfox​ || Secret Injury
"hey, wait a minute, you're hurt... how long have you been hiding this?! "
          At this point in his life, Goro has become accustomed to injuries. No matter their varying degrees he always took them in stride. Panicking and getting worked up over it had never solved anything. It also did little good in terms of gaining any sort of sympathy from kids that had been his own age, rotten adults, and most certainly he didn’t get any from Shido. Cracked ribs, horrible bruising, and even self-stitched wounds weren’t enough for him to tap out.
          So Goro wasn’t really sure why this situation was any different. He wasn’t sure why Kitagawa cared so much about the deep bruises running across his ribs accompanied by the flare of pain every time he took a breath. Even lifting his arm was painful. But it wasn’t something new to Goro. It wasn’t something anyone ever worried about for him. So why?
          "It happened this morning.” Admitting it was...embarrassing, to put it lightly. Instinctually, he wraps his arm around himself as if it would hide the injury, or ––– best case scenario ––– Kitagawa would just forget about it.
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          Goro turns away from him as he says, “it’s nothing more than a scratch.”
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jesterofinaba · 3 years
Hierophant!Arcana Verse Starter for @artfulfox​
It had been a little while since he’d been able to get off work long enough to travel to the big city, but now that Adachi was here, he was glad to be back in a place with some hustle and bustle. Not that Inaba was that bad of a place once you got used to it, for a hick town, anyway, but he always liked cities more.
A barstool in LeBlanc is where he ended up while he waited for his daughter to meet him. The coffee was actually pretty good, and he decides to eye his surroundings, and a person a few seats down catches his eye. After a second of looking at what they were doing, he decides to speak up.
“You’re an artist, right?” Or maybe he just wanted a chance to show off his detective skills a little. “You’ve got a little dried paint around your nails and on the bottoms of your shoes, and it’s too many shades to be painting a room. Plus, it looks like you’ve got calluses on your hand from holding a paintbrush, one of the thin ones.”
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There’s a slightly smug, but mostly good-natured, grin behind the spatter of old scars on his face.
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