#arthur (jugdral)
jadesnapart · 1 year
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they finally added Fee to FEH so I wanted to revisit this comique to see how much I'd grown!
the original
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salt-n-eve · 8 months
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Arthur/Fee art I drew for a friend
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mrmissmrsrandom · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu | Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Asaa | Arthur/Hawk (Fire Emblem), Celice | Seliph/Teeny | Tine Characters: Hawk (Fire Emblem), Asaa | Arthur, Teeny | Tine, Azelle (Fire Emblem) Additional Tags: Curses, Awkward Family Reunions, Meeting the in-laws, Bonding through horticulture Series: Part 8 of Wrath and Rage Summary:
Arthur receives a letter with unexpected news from Tine.
(Part of the Wrath and Rage series: highly recommended that you read the previous stories in this continuity before this one!)
Thank you so much again @charisu for this opportunity! 
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yeyayeya · 5 months
I was talking to someone about Scárthur and this is basically how I view them (I wanted to share) cause why not
My reason for shipping them was primarily because of their fathers, but I later thought about shipping them. I like to think that someone like Arthur, whose mind is constantly filled with revenge, would let loose around someone as calm as Scáthach. Also, they would help each other in battle, with one of them being a sword fighter and the other being a mage, they would cover each others weaknesses. They’re also older brothers, so they would understand the need to protect their younger sisters (tho they have very different dynamics with them). Scáthach would always remind Arthur to take care of himself, and Scáthach can even break from the facade of being mature to being silly with Arthur. They would balance each other out
I love my rarepair so much I need to write about them (I should finish that fic I was working on lol)
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fe-smashorpass · 6 months
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a-day-in-the-life-feh · 8 months
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Installment 020: Axes of the empire featuring Osian, Bartre, Arthur, Anna, Edelgard, Hubert
Artist: Hayase Reku
Released: March 11 2020
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theofficersacademy · 7 months
hi this is leon i need to reserve arthur fe4 please thank you!!! ^_^
Arthur has been reserved!
You have one week (3/5) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
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wofemblem · 2 years
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Tailtiu x Azelle <3
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thatratgo · 2 years
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More Genealogy fire emblem au!
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markinuka · 2 years
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I made this drew this Jojo X FE4 art after seeing this post and loved the meme
go check out @skelezomperman
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skelezomperman · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu | Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Asaa | Arthur, Teeny | Tine Additional Tags: Family, Arguing Summary:
Tine and Arthur argue over whether it's worth it to help with the poor.
Author’s Notes
As some of you are aware, I was on a break from social media and the FE community for most of this week. I tried to not work on any projects during that break but my mind was drawn to the Friegian siblings while browsing art on Pixiv. I thought about the big rift between them, that being that Arthur was a feral kid for much of his life while Tine was a noble. I wanted to write a conflict between them. Then I had the moment of inspiration: what if the conflict was over feeding the destitute? You would think that it’s the noble-birth one who is skeptical, but Tine’s personality would fit with wanting to help the poor. Meanwhile, Arthur who literally lived on the streets can be coming from the real-life perspective of “why bother, it’s their fault” - not in an inherently callous sense but being colored by bad experiences. I also wanted to make the oneshot show some character growth on Tine’s part. In the first scene she’s submissive to Arthur, whereas in the second one she has more of a backbone (partially due to his encouragement). 
Fee was there more to be a “third character” than anything else though I suppose some Arthur/Fee leaked out. Also, it was pointed out to me that Erinys adopting Arthur was from A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights. I didn’t intend to have this fic be set in that universe but it still bled into the fic. 
Anyways that was that. I do wonder what other Jugdral ideas are in store for me in the future.
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randomnameless · 6 months
If we ever get Genealogy remakes (fingers crossed), are there any things you would like the remake to do differently from the original?
Based on your profile pic, I figured you might appreciate a Judgral ask
You can always send me jugdral asks anon ! Party!Julia's from 2014 iirc, when I fell in Jugdral hell and she remained there since then.
As for different things from Fe4...
Well, add more convos between characters, like support convos especially with characters who "are/became" married !
And maybe... Make fire tomes not so damn heavy to the point they're not garbage anymore, ditto with giving one or two more point of weight to wind tomes, jugdral really needs some balancing (but it shouldn't balance the general unfairness that is HB and the associated HW).
Oh, and of course, correct Hilda's major Dain blood lol, and give the ish sibs minor Fala blood (but still nothing for scipio he'll forever remain a joke !).
As for the plot...
It's opening another can, rather, super container of worms anon !
In a nutshell, give more plot importance to Julia so she's not in her own tier anymore, maybe have Tine not join if Arthur is the one who killed Ishtore (give him more relevance damn, Tine is supposed to like/love her cousins but dgaf, after crying for his death for 3 seconds, when the LA wants to recruit her ?), kinslaying being so vile in Jugdral verse, Johan/lva doesn't die when the other is picked up, let's have them maybe be a green unit sometimes met in a castle, or have him lead off screen armies (like they're sent to meet with Leif before Seliph officially rescues him in Fe4) etc...
Oh and unless it's a pure Fe4 remake, incluses elements from Fe5 (with Fe5 remake proper being another game), like the feud between Galzus and Shanan (resolve it ffs, let us have the reason why Shanan's dad slaughtered one of his sisters and threw his nephew in exile, but didn't want the same fate for his other sister), Faerghus shenanigans and, of course, Saias stuff (him joining Julius' side and picking Valflame in the last map, only being recruitable by Julia).
Edit bcs I forgot :
Give Julia the Lord status, aka when she dies it's game over because she's the only one who can use Naga to defeat Loptyr !
For all of the narrative integration in its gameplay, Fe4 really dropped the Ball with having Seliph and pals be able to defeat Julius once he's fully Loptyr'd
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anruraiocht · 8 months
miranda and her friege-isms
We know precious little about Ulster!! It's fine though!! I'm the only person alive who cares, but I care quite a bit!!
What we do know is that anywhere from 762 (765 if we think kaga is insane for thinking a two year old and three year old had enough developed long term memory to be able to recognize each other a decade later. Engage confirms this later timeline, more or less.) House Friege executes the king of Ulster and then Bloom moves right into his house.
Where does that leave the princess of Ulster, who was taken hostage?
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Mental illness.
Whether she likes it or not, Miranda was more or less raised by House Friege (and Conomor) from age 2~5 to age 13~14* and this has irreversibly changed her as a person, reflected through gameplay.
Mage Knight
Miranda's promoted class, Mage Knight, is overwhelmingly associated with House Friege. As in, almost every other named Mage Knight throughout both Jugdral games belongs to House Friege, with the sole exceptions of Azelle and Miranda.
I stress the named part because one of Conomor's NPC bozos (Ulster aligned) in chapter 19 is a Mage Knight. He has Tornado and a Great Sword, if you're curious. The Mage Knight (Friege aligned) associated with Amalda in chapter 19 has Thoron instead, consistent with most of the other Friege aligned Mage Knights.
...Of course, we must remember that Ulster has been under Friege control for 13 years at this point, which muddies the waters on whether we can consider this sufficient evidence that Mage Knights are also common in Ulster or if this too is another case of adapting to the environment.
At most, we can prooooobably assume that one or both of her parents were a magic user in some way? Just due to the way class inheritance tends to happen between parents and children in Jugdral.
While in her native FE5, Wrath as a personal skill is kind of just handed out to whoever (Miranda and Sara are the only two girls in FE5 who have Wrath as a personal skill, fun fact), in FE4, Wrath is locked to the playable members of House Friege minus Amid, plus Julius... who is neither playable nor a member of House Friege, betrothal aside, but I thought it was funny to bring up. Two ships passing in the night.
The Ethnia Issue
I just think Umemura made a really poor choice in reusing names here lmfao. Miranda has no Holy Blood to speak of, is unable to wield the Bragi Sword, and the timelines simply just don't line up. We know that Miranda was in Ulster at the time of the assassination attempt because that's how she knows Leif and co. This would have required Ethnia(F) to abandon Miranda by herself in Ulster to run away with Linda and Amid to Silesse and then be dragged back to Ulster with Linda anyway.
This also would create an awkward situation where Linda, who would also be one of Ulster's heirs, is able to act freely (I use this term very loosely lol) while Miranda is treated fully as a hostage which ?????????
And...to be quite honest, I think Miranda's base E rank for thunder magic just does not track with having Thrud blood. Tine and Linda start at B and A respectively, while Arthur starts at B and Amid.......who mysteriously only has access to thunder magic on promotion, will then get it at rank A. Miranda does get thunder magic weapon experience on promotion (along with fire magic weapon experience, which she already has a head start in), but it's certainly not enough to take her from E to B.
It's an interesting hc for sure, but I think it's genuinely more impactful for Miranda to not be related to House Friege in any way. I am much more invested in Miranda's relationship to her captors being based in nurture rather than nature and the stress of turning out more like the people who raised you than your actual parents.
*Did you know that promotional material lists Miranda as 14 but in 16A Conomor explicitly refers to her as "only 15" implying her birthday happened sometime after the start of the game but before May (17B)? I think that's so funny way to continuously kick her down the stairs kaga. you can only find out her birthday passed if you leave her to rot isnt that so foul
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yeyayeya · 1 year
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My ultimate rarepair
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louvay · 8 months
Gen II invites Gen I to hotpot! Who likely makes the savory broth as spicy as possible? Who casually nearly shoves a Gen I's face to the pot? Who refuses to eat vegetables? Who makes the strangest sauce? Who pours the first tea and for whom?
Parents and kids of Jugdral, welcome to a one in a lifetime chance to rekindle bonds you thought were long gone and start new familial disputes over who gets to have the last red beans dumpling! It’s time for the Crusaders’ Hotpot Bout 778 festival!
Over at the soup kitchen, Scathach tries to dissuade Larcei from dumping a whole container of hot chili into the pot, insisting that their mother cannot in fact handle that much spice. Of course, it was already too late for negotiations and Larcei presents a bowl to Ayra in which she thanks her daughter earnestly and then proceeds to tell Shannan to try it out first “for auntie’s sake”.
And oh! It seems House Dozel has garnered quite the infamy in recent times as Lex is forced face first into a boiling pot by Ares, Leif, Lester, Arthur and Fee after one too many “your mother” jokes were flung around by the blue blooded brute.
But a hotpot is incomplete without a healthy batch of lovely greens boiled to perfection yet discarded by the ever so mighty Brigid whom insists that though she may catch scurvy, it would take her being knocked out of her memories to even put any of them near her mouth. Febail tries to reprimand her on having such a poor diet yet Patty has never felt more vindicated than before.
Keep your nostrils closed for this next scene as Coirpre mixes and matches an assortment of ingredients such as lemon slices, pink salt and live lizard into a pot to create the most bizarre sauce these lands have ever seen. Though the others stay far away from him due to the scent, his father Hannibal awaits for his son’s concoction to be finished, proud that he remembered the old Thracian recipe for Revival Soup, a broth described as so potent it can bring the dead back to life.
And finally, as the teapots are finally ready to be served, Tine unexpectedly rushed in to pour the first teacup for her mother. As she presented the cup to Tailtiu with excess courtesy, her mother could only smile and laugh nervously, not wishing to tell her daughter that the cup is far too hot for her to even take a sip from.
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sukimas · 1 year
Bouncing slightly off of the current dialogue @phantasyhalation is having, I think there are a couple of things that people seem to have misconceptions about WRT FE4's worldbuilding. One of these things is the status of women in regards to inheritance in Jugdral.
As we begin the game with no women in positions of power whatsoever and the prioritization of male over female children in the epilogue in terms of inheritance, one might argue that women in Jugdral are socially and legally barred from rule in the continent. This is a reasonable assumption to make; however, I argue that this is an artifact of Doylist narrative choices rather than a Watsonian prohibition on the concept in-universe.
You see, there are exactly two instances in the game where a woman is barred from rulership with no other explanation besides the fact that she is a woman, and only one of these is stated explicitly.
One of these is Altena; she's Quan's older child, the inheritor of major Njorun blood, and generally seems to fit the part of ruling a united Thracia fine. However, one could conceivably argue that her association with Travant makes her a less-than-ideal ruler for the purpose of uniting the nation, even though this is not spelled out explicitly as a reason for abdication.
The other is Deirdre- King Azmur states quite explicitly that Arvis's son is to be king, not a potential daughter. This is extremely difficult to pass off as a simple choice of words, or something related to Deirdre's circumstances (though she's an amnesiac teenager, her children would presumably be raised to understand what rulership was). However, I think it's instrumental to note that prior to Deirdre, all the Major Naga bearers in Jugdral were men- it's possible (though not likely) that Azmur thinks that Deirdre is an anomaly, and in general only men inherit the full breadth of Naga's power. Not that this wouldn't be misogyny, but it would be a different type.
Either way, you may be banging your fist against the window and shouting at me right about now. "Well, what about the epilogue? Why do only men inherit land there?"
Well, conveniently, in every single duo of children except for two (one of which has already been addressed), the male sibling is older. Therefore, if we go by absolute primogeniture rules, the male sibling would inherit the throne. This includes Seliph and Julia, for example; as seen in Agustria to dramatic effect, major holy blood does not preempt primogeniture. The only exception not already addressed is Lene and Coirpre; however, Lene does not know that she and Coirpre are siblings until the epilogue itself, and there would be issues with her inheriting a throne unrelated to her gender (namely, her former societal position.)
In fact, it's not even the case that no female children will inherit rulerships in Generation 2. It's easily demonstrated using a very popular pairing from this game- Tailtiu and Azelle. If the two marry, Arthur will inherit Velthomer, while Tine will inherit Friege. There is no mention of gender whatsoever upon Tine's inheritance, which one would expect if it was an ironclad rule in politics.
"All right," you say. "Gen 2 women can inherit thrones if no male heir is available. Fine. However, what about Gen 1 women? Specifically, the Yngvi twins? Why does Andrey have the dukedom of Yngvi at the end of gen 1?"
Well, at the beginning of gen 1, Duke Ring was still alive and ruling Yngvi. There's no strict indication that Edain or Andrey is the heir to the house at this point, but notably, Edain remains home to guard Yngvi while her father is fighting on the Isaachian front- just as Sigurd does while his own father, Duke Byron, did the same. It's generally a poor move to take one's heir along into battle with oneself- if you both die, then who takes over the house? With this in mind, it's quite odd that Andrey was allowed along to Isaach if he was said heir. (Of course, as for Brigid, she was quite occupied with piracy at the time.)
At the end of gen 1, both Edain and Brigid are part of Sigurd's army- he has been branded a traitor at this point, so it's quite easy for Andrey, after murdering Duke Ring, to say that they have functionally abandoned their rights to the throne.
The two of them having no right to the position of duchess would be an ESPECIALLY odd bit of worldbuilding, considering Jugdral's recent history. Their very house was founded and ruled by a woman less than 125 years ago! I cannot imagine that the continent backslid far enough, culturally, that Ullr's legacy would be forgotten that swiftly.
Fjalar and Njorun as well ruled their own kingdoms, though Njorun alongside her brother as a co-sovereign.
So, while misogyny is present in Jugdral in many ways, we only get one explicit statement that it's in the way of rulership for women. Everything else is an implication that could be explained by other means; while this says interesting things about the writing itself- making every woman younger or creating a plausible excuse for her not to rule is not exactly feminist- it doesn't allow us to come to a hard conclusion on what the potential for power is for female nobles of the continent. (That is to say, those who were born into noble families, not those who marry into them).
A final aside: The continent's past involves what is essentially the Roman Empire in Switzerland. With this in mind, one could come to the conclusion that Jugdral's pervasive misogyny is simply intending to mirror that in Roman society. However, I don't think this makes much sense; though the Roman Empire in the real world hated women professionally to a degree not seen before or since, the Empire in Jugdral doesn't have much reason to have the same social roles. Its warriors generally dominated the continent through magic, not physical might, due to the fact that prior to its rise Jugdral lacked magic entirely. Therefore, the idea of women generally being worse fighters in a society focused on war leading to their value in the eyes of said society being lowered (suspected cause for Rome's place in the argument) doesn't make much sense. In addition, as Emperors had to be selected based on their Holy Blood, rather than primogeniture et cetera, they needs must have been both men and women- unless you're of the opinion that being born with Major Loptous guarantees that you'll be a man, which is an interesting proposal. Also, they're a dragon; a member of a species where, as far as we can tell, gender has no meaning. All of them bearing the name Emperor is no different from Naga bearing the name King.
Thank you for reading to the end! Jugdral sucks to live in as a woman, especially as a commoner, but it doesn't suck in precisely the ways that it's assumed to.
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