#ulster fire emblem
yeyayeya · 7 months
I’d been so long this I’ve last seen the FEH manga and I saw a video on YouTube with a specific thumbnail, and wanna know what I did? I immediately searched it up and found this absolute gem
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elquiu · 9 months
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holiday delmulster chibis for rarepair week!
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spectacledraws · 6 months
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Sketch comm of Scáthach/Ulster for @/LizSbbp on twitter!!
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asphodelis · 9 months
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procs astra procs astra procs astra procs astra pr
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jadesnapart · 11 months
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"My dear Julius... Is there nothing left of my gentle brother?"
A commissioned piece for @whitebloodgames on Twitter! Based on the fic, Her Shadowy Protector. I tried my best to get all the little elements of this huge piece just right and I hope you enjoy how it's turned out! In this scene Scáthach is contemplating how he will save Julia from Loptous' grasp during the events of the game.
I will be reopening for commissions soon (and this would be the time for holiday comms), so keep an eye out on my socials or sign up for my mailing list.
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ayumitsuu · 9 months
[ Character Impressions 6 (Gen 2) - moar siblings]
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- Julia sleepy, Lana sheepy 🐑 they would be the first to fall asleep at a slumber party 😴
- a bit lacklester… 😅 love the hairstyle, we’ll work on personality, and character…
- my Diarmud was… decent. He doesn’t really get to shine as a unit or as a character amidst the other mounted sword wielders.
- love Lachesis -> love Nanna 💘 the bob haircut, the feather accent… SO CUTE!!! 🥰 I wish she promoted to master knight tho (such a cool class)
- I like the way Patty talks and her energy (reminds me of Dew), but some of the things she says are like, “Whoa, gurl. Too far. Back it up or pack it up.” 🙅‍♀️
- ngl, I was a bit disappointed when I saw Febail for the first time, as Brigid’s son I was expecting… I dunno, blinding beauty. I guess Patty doesn’t have her elegant look either.
When you meet them for the first time, I thought Scáthach was the calm, reasonable, more timid (possibly nerdy) twin, and Larcei the feral twin. But then it’s revealed that Scáthach is also a spicy boi, itching to fight, but he’s holding back because of Oifey’s orders. 🥺😩💕
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h-worksrambles · 5 months
I kinda think Shannan, Larcei and Scáthach should have gotten a triangle attack together in gen 2 of Genealogy.
Usually when Fire Emblem games have a triangle attack, it’s between three units who all share either a class or a weapon, and are usually related. Be it the Pegasus Knight sisters, the three bow-wielding brothers in Path of Radiance. Since gen 2 gives you three Myrmidon/Swordmasters early on and all of them are related, I think it would have been neat to give them the series’ recurring team attack.
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enkisstories · 9 months
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Playing since 2018 and finally pulled my first Larcei from an Arena ticket - the family is complete now :-)
Now what to do with them... Much as I love them as a family, individually each one ranks only mid on my favorites list, so the motivation to give them premium skills is only mid, too. And them all being swordies isn't making things easier (never managed to pull Scion!Larcei and my alternate ship for Ayra, Dew, isn't in Heroes).
Forging bonds duty, I guess?
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skelezomperman · 10 months
Comparing the First and Second Generation Trios of FE4
One of the themes of Genealogy of the Holy War is the juxtaposition of the actions and behaviors of the second generation characters against that of their parents. The child characters inherit the traits of their parents not just physically but also in terms of behavior. Yet in many ways, they end up doing better in the areas that their parents failed in; for example, Seliph does not rush into a relationship like Sigurd did. In this essay I will discuss this juxtaposition that occurs. 
Seliph vs Sigurd
Seliph and his father despite being related are rather different people. We see the contrast between Sigurd and Seliph on several different levels. Sigurd is the bold Holy Knight who never shirks away from the opportunity to correct a perceived wrong; Seliph is a nervous teenager who reluctantly assumes the role of Jugdral’s messiah. Sigurd is prone to immediately rushing to fight to correct an injustice as seen in his intervention in Verdane to rescue Edain; Seliph is reluctant to fight at times as seen when he needed to be coaxed by Lewyn to continue the Thracian campaign. Sigurd shows little reflective thought until he is prompted by external forces to think while Seliph oftentimes questions himself and his leadership as his story presses onwards.
An interesting contrast to look at would be the contrast between Sigurd’s relationship with Deirdre and Seliph’s possible relationships. Sigurd falls madly in love with Deirdre and the two marry very quickly after they first meet. Some people argue that this led to Deirdre’s location and abduction by Manfroy. (1) On the other hand, Seliph’s relationships proceed at a slower pace than Sigurd’s relationship with Deirdre. In his lover conversations with Larcei and Tine, Seliph directs his partner to fight by his side rather than Sigurd directing Deirdre to be behind him, while his conversation with Lana highlights a relationship where Seliph chooses to wait for Lana rather than jumping at anyone new (i.e., Julia). This shows a capability to stop and think that Sigurd did not show with Deirdre.
Seliph has a conversation directly with Sigurd at the end of Chapter 10 of Genealogy. Sigurd teaches Seliph the valuable lesson to learn the sorrow of the common people. This is what Sigurd failed to do: he failed to consider what regular people went through in Agustria and other lands where his actions had a direct impact. In other words, Sigurd was an excellent warrior but a poor ruler. Seliph learns from Sigurd and others that he must be compassionate and considerate to others; by doing this, he avoids repeating the mistakes of his father. In my opinion, this conversation showcases the theme of children learning from their parents’ mistakes more than any other scene in the game.
Leif vs Quan
Quan’s flaw is his inability to be aware of his surroundings. His famous lack of situational awareness contributes to his demise at the Aed Massacre. There, he thought that Thracia would attack Leonster in his absence rather than attack him directly. He somehow did not realize that cavalry is weak in the desert, a fact that any seasoned player of the Fire Emblem series could say. Some would also point to Quan’s involvement in the embargoes placed on Southern Thracia, claiming that this made the Aed Massacre deserved, though I would note that this policy predates Quan. Ethlyn has her shortcomings too; she is prone to throw herself into situations to follow her loved ones as seen when she rushed to Sigurd’s aid at the beginning of Genealogy.
Leif actually has similar shortcomings to his parents. In Thracia 776, he ordered his forces to support Ulster which resulted in the loss of much of his strength and the death of his key advisor in Dryas. This led to the siege of Leonster which Leif and friends barely survive. However, he has the luck of being in good hands - under the mentorship of August and Finn, he is able to learn both from his own mistakes and the mistakes of his father. Perhaps this is best seen later in the Thracia arc of Genealogy where Leif is able to recognize his long-lost sister and set the path for her recruitment. This eventually helps Leif accomplish the dream of unifying the Thracian peninsula under one rule – not just a pro-North rule but a rule that benefits all Thracians. And we see at least that the people like it, given Leif’s eventual title as “Sage-Lord.” (2)
Ares vs Eldigan
Both Eldigan and Ares are stuck in prickly situations for their first real appearances in the plot. Eldigan tries to negotiate with Chagall to prevent him from attacking the Grannvalians only for Chagall to imprison him. Meanwhile, Ares goes on a mission with Javarro to attack Seliph’s army only to realize that Lene was being taken in his absence. Their reactions are what makes the difference. Eldigan gives Chagall chance after chance to improve even though he literally killed his own father to begin the Agustrian arc. Even at the end where he is convinced by Lachesis to break off the attack against Sigurd, Eldigan does not outright break from Chagall. Ares, meanwhile, deserts Javarro when the latter taunts him over Lene. He is willing to even join his mortal enemy in Seliph if it means he can defeat Bramsel and save Lene. Ares’ willingness to change sides allowed him to not only survive but to save Lene whereas Eldigan’s stubborn stance led to his death and the occupation of Agustria. (3)
Perhaps the contrast expresses itself best in Agustria’s state under the care of each one. Agustria is totally occupied by Grannvale after Eldigan’s death. He tried to preserve Chagall since he saw him as the leader of Agustria but his efforts in standing by such a cruel man were in vain; they did nothing to save Agustria from its fate. Ares fixes the mess left behind by his father’s generation by unifying Agustria under his rule after the events of Genealogy. He even enlists the help of Leif in this campaign; he does not try to “go it alone” so to speak as Eldigan did. (4)
Tying in between it all
One could, perhaps, compare other children with their (possible) parents as well. For example, Ced has the interesting twist of outright repeating the mistake of his father Lewyn. He leaves his mother behind to try to search for Lewyn only to be distracted by the strife within Thracia. Nanna mirrors her mother just as Ares mirrors his father, except that she is able to convince Ares to directly make amends with Seliph in a way that Eldigan did not with Sigurd. I did not cover these cases in detail because I wished to limit the scope to Seliph, Leif, and Ares, but they do offer fodder for discussion. (5) So we return to our comparison of our trios. Sigurd, Eldigan, and Quan were not without their good qualities; they all had good hearts and genuinely cared for the people around them as well as for each other. But it turned out that Sigurd was too rash, Eldigan was too rigid, and Quan was too ignorant for the world that they lived in. Seliph, Leif, and Ares were not without their faults either; sometimes their faults caused problems as seen in the siege of Leonster. But each of them still improved on the faults of their parents and this helped them successfully defeat the Empire and become a well-loved leader in their native countries. But perhaps one fact that I cannot omit is how their fathers did assist in their growth. Quan somehow was wise enough to leave Finn behind with Leif and that choice, chance as it was, paved the way for Leif to lead a successful rebellion against the Empire. Ares was able to come around on Seliph because of a letter that Eldigan wrote. (6) And of course, Seliph was directly told by Sigurd to pay more attention to the common people. As much as one can malign the first generation trio, I must acknowledge how they provided for their children.
For me, Genealogy and Thracia fundamentally are not just stories about struggling with an evil mastermind. They showcase many problems in the world which the characters must also pay heed to. With the first part of Genealogy, I find it enthralling that the main characters not only have flaws on display but that their flaws directly lead to their downfall. It is certainly a draw, too, that the characters in the second part of Genealogy and in Thracia are confronted with the flaws of the earlier generations: the inability to pay attention to the needs of the people, the ongoing blood feud between North and South in Thracia, among other things. Of course, the children aren’t perfect either. Leif especially is still prone to making rash decisions even with good advisors around him. But isn’t that what usually happens in real life: each generation makes their own mistakes which must be fixed by later generations.
I subscribe to the line of thinking that the Loptrians were on the verge of finding Deirdre in any case. Sigurd’s encounter with her at least led to the birth of Seliph.
Thracia 776 Leif ending
Of course as seen in Eldigan between a Rock and a Hard Place, the option of joining Sigurd wasn’t inherently desirable either. But I point out that for Ares, joining Seliph ran the risk of joining the losing side too. Ares had a lot to lose still.
Thracia 776 Nanna ending: “Following their victory at Belhalla, Nanna devoted herself to helping Leif liberate Agustria.”
The original draft of this piece actually included Ced and Nanna among others, but I felt that an in-depth discussion would be distracting to the main point.
I am assuming that the letter which Nanna gave to Ares was not a forgery. Genealogy does not give any direct reasons to doubt the letter’s authenticity.
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Naoise / ノイッシュ, Arden / アーダン, and Alec / アレク
Naoise (JP: ノイッシュ; rōmaji: noisshu; romanization: Noish) is a knight of the Grünritter who joins Sigurd in his journey in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He is named after the character of Naisi, called Naoise in modern Irish, from the Tragic Tale of the Sons of Uisnech, a section of the Táin Bó Cúailnge. He became the lover of Deirdre, a woman who already promised to wed Conchobar mac Nessa—the king of Ulster. They fled to Alba, that is, Scotland, to escape Conchobar's wrath, and later hid on an adjacent isle upon the Alban king learned of Deirdre's beauty. The people of Ulster dearly missed Naoise, and Conchobar gave into the populace's desires, sending Fergus mac Róich as an envoy to bring the couple back. This plan was sowed with evil from the start; soon after Naoise and Deirdre meet Conchobar, battle breaks out. By the conclusion, Naoise is dead, and Conchobar takes Deirdre to be his wife.
The character of Sigurd, being the husband of Genealogy's Deirdre, has a handful of parallels with Naoise, from his exile from Grannvale to his wife being taken by the one who plots against him. This connection is made even more direct by naming his knights after the sons of Uisnech.
That's right: Naoise had two brothers with minor roles in the story, serving as the namesakes of Sigurd's two other knights. Arden (JP: アーダン; rōmaji: Ādan) is named after the youngest of the three brothers, Ardan. That leaves Alec (JP: アレク; rōmaji: areku) to be the middle child, Ainle. Even if you don't understand Japanese, you probably can tell something is off here. And you're right: Ainle is supposed to be rendered as アンリ (rōmaji: anri)—the same name as the legendary wielder of Falchion, Anri. Likely to avoid stepping on the toes of another continent's lore, the name was changed. I do wonder why such a drastic change was made; I don't think something like アンレ (rōmaji: anre) would have been problematic.
The sons of Uisnech all fell in that conflict against Conchobar; some tellings claim they were killed simultaneously, decapitated with Naoise's sword, granted to him by the god Manannán mac Lir, or run through by a single pike. Of course, all three of these Grünritter were slain in the Battle of Belhalla.
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hosannan · 2 years
it never gets easier — nanna on sociability;
"It feels a bit strange to suddenly be surrounded by so many people... I should be happy about it, shouldn't I?" — Nanna (Nordion Princess)
Now, that's an odd thing to say when your game ending, base skill (Charisma), and every subsequent descriptor of you subscribes to:
Lachesis's daughter. A charismatic young lady, she has her mother's graceful bearing. Appears in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. — (Nanna: Nordion Princess) Daughter of Lachesis, the princess of Nordion. Known for her grace, charm, and kindness. Appears in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. — (Nanna: Beloved Princess)
Which substantiates that while Nanna is capable of inspiring devotion and compelling those around her with emotionally-intelligent leadership skills, in reality, she struggles to adapt around new places with plenty of strangers. It's a nice dichotomy, I think, that she personally brings it upon herself to put her best foot forward despite feeling at odds, socially. I've always considered the talks from FEH, especially between Kiran and Nanna, to be more character detailing rather than something she'd ever profess to publicly, so it's like a nicely kept secret between her and the audience playing. So, in the same way, this is a secret she won't ever divulge to anyone but you! (points through the screen 💖—)
I find it refreshing that she actually has private reservations in new places around new people, since her publicized character is built on connection and natural grace. And to top it all off, she's got a breadth of experience when it comes to being dropped into a new crowd, given that she and Leif converged with Seliph's Salvation Army after essentially losing a majority of their own army in an attempt to liberate Ulster. I can't imagine it being painless, but in her own way, Nanna makes it look easy. Girl has the tendency to put her all into getting to know people and subsequently holding those people close, even if she feels frankly out of place doing it.
I indulge in the idea that Nanna couldn't help but feel othered in these situations. On top of the Salvation Army or even being summoned into FEH, she also had to move countless times (Ulster Capital, Hrest, Tahra and ultimately Fiana), so that probably magnified the feeling of being out of place. And yet she pulls away from this natural wariness because she always has been the type to overcome her base self. There's something inside her that demands mastery and self improvement, and yearns deeply for bonds despite herself. She wants fellowship, she wants commitment, she wants to swear by the growing amount of friends and family she's made. She wants to be more than herself, in order to belong. With her people and for her people.
I can only imagine she's still striving to better herself even now in the academy.
It's never easy, even if she makes it look that way, but to her, the friends she's made and the friends she has yet to come across are more than worthwhile.
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yeyayeya · 5 months
I was talking to someone about Scárthur and this is basically how I view them (I wanted to share) cause why not
My reason for shipping them was primarily because of their fathers, but I later thought about shipping them. I like to think that someone like Arthur, whose mind is constantly filled with revenge, would let loose around someone as calm as Scáthach. Also, they would help each other in battle, with one of them being a sword fighter and the other being a mage, they would cover each others weaknesses. They’re also older brothers, so they would understand the need to protect their younger sisters (tho they have very different dynamics with them). Scáthach would always remind Arthur to take care of himself, and Scáthach can even break from the facade of being mature to being silly with Arthur. They would balance each other out
I love my rarepair so much I need to write about them (I should finish that fic I was working on lol)
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ofglories · 1 year
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Incoming changes to the muse roster under the cut as well as a list of upcoming new tags. Please give this a readthrough since it's going to reflect in the updated doc for this blog once I get it finished and linked and I don't want to surprise anyone.
Muses to be added: Elouan Bellegarde, Taliesin penn Baird, Naoise of Ulster, Seliph of Chalphy.
Muses to be removed: Leofard, Jacke, X'rhun, Zephirin, Ayaka
Muses that are still being debated on: Alfred (fire emblem engage), Marth (fire emblem), Guydelot (ffxiv), Seox (gbf), Palamedes (fate),
a song that echoes upon time; taliesin
to you who will crown a king; elouan
walk on and carry the shadow of betrayal; naoise
oh scion of light the liberator; seliph
Additional changes to the tags will be my future attempts to mark who the headcanon, aesthetic, whatever tags will be for in the tag itself. For example instead of just going "an endless tale; headcanon" i'll endeavor to include the muse's name in the headcanon tag at the end. This will hopefully clean things up especially as I'll be making more longform posts about the various muses here in the future.
All of these changes will take effect once I finish the updated doc and make a new pinned post linking it.
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anruraiocht · 1 year
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closed miranda from fire emblem: thracia 776. blue lions student affiliated with the officer's academy . written by limit (they/them)
miranda is written post-fe5 and post-fe4, although prior to her disappearance (read: elopement). she is currently still the princess of ulster
i cherry pick certain characterization details from the umemura novelization, mostly pertaining to miranda's childhood, but otherwise fe5 canon takes precedence
my sincerest apologies to all leifs and leif adjacents
mobile links: dossier / stats / headcanons
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elquiu · 2 years
the him
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my son 😭 he finally came to feh
here's another version xp
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which do you like the most 🤭
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rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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Full art for Scáthach - Astra's Wake!
Artist: Melon Kyuba
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