#arthur shelby x joey
padfootdaredmetoo · 9 months
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Romance, fluff, hurt/comfort, and the occasional heartbreak.
Peaky Blinders, Sherlock, Tangerine, Wade Wilson, Peter Parker, Marauders
Peaky Blinders
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Kidnapped - Tommy Shelby X Reader - Pt. 2
Reader gets taken and Tommy does everything he can to get her back - kidnapping, torture / hurt /comfort confession of feelings
Arthur Shelby X OC Joey Request - Catching feelings / hurt / comfort
Falling Hard - Tommy Shelby X Pregnant Reader
She falls off the horse - Rated G, Cute fluffiness, Worried Tommy
Meet Cute - Tommy Shelby X Reader
 Proper courting, Rated G, Tommy falls for reader at a party
Domestic - Tommy Shelby X Wife Reader
 Cooking, Baking, Slight hurt comfort, Tommy being a good dad, kids being little, just lots of fluffy goodness
Self-Defense - Tommy Shelby X Reader
He defends her but she can defend herself - Teen for violence Hurt / Comfort
Girls Outing - Tommy X Wife Reader
Attempted Murder, mild description of attempted sexual assault, Murder, Tommy Comforts reader, Hurt / Comfort
Time Travel - Tommy Shelby x X-Men Reader
 Rated Teen for extreme heart break, time travel, romance, X-Men themes
The One That Got Away - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Hurt and pain. Charlie gets kidnapped and Reader has to make a difficult choice
Campbell - Tommy X Reader Wife - Pt 2.
She’s beaten by Campbell and eventually talks - Mature content - Reader is beaten badly and miscarries. Tommy comforts her.
Stay Home - Tommy X Wife Reader
He doesn’t want her to work while pregnant.
Heart Broken - Tommy Shelby X Reader
You just got broken up with - Fluff, Comfort Tommy
First Wizarding War - Tommy Shelby X Reader (HP crossover)
Reader gets attacked, falling in love, pre war, then post war follow up
Protecting What's His - Tommy Shelby X Pregnant Wife Reader
When someone breaks into the house Tommy has to protect what’s his - violence, shock / panic is described. Fluff at the end & kissing
Scarlet Witch - Tommy X Magic Reader
She has kept her powers hidden but Tommy and the family find out! Reader saves the day with her magical abilities.
Sold Down the River - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Reader gets sold to Tommy Shelby by her fiancé. Her and her baby have to adjust to arrow house
Animal Shelter - Tommy Shelby X Reader -- Pt.2
When Tommy gets Charlie a dog from the pound he doesn’t expect to take the bubbly worker home as well.
The One That Almost Got Away - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Tommy and the reader play hard to get until Polly puts and end to things. Drama, trust issues, happy ending, Polly to the rescue.
The Doctor - Shelby Sister X Alfie Solomons
he reader is underappreciated so she leaves and begins her own life. After becoming a doctor she falls back to her family and finds out that not all things are lost. Mending her heart she also finds her way back to a long lost love…..
Kisses - Finn Shelby X Reader
The one where the reader ends up with a marked up neck, the family is determined to find the culprit only to find out it was one of their own.
The Witch - Tommy Shelby X Reader
 The reader is a witch who can tell the future but she definitely did not see him coming.
Childhood Bestie - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Even though he married Grace true love never dies - even when you almost do 
Mean Boyfriend - Finn Shelby X Orphaned Reader
The Reader happens to have a mean boyfriend. Good thing the Shelby’s have a strict *no mean boyfriends allowed* rule at the garrison.
The Smallest Blinder - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The boys hate having to watch over her, but more often than not she’s the one that saves the day 
Quiet Working Girl - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Reader is hired on to work at the Garrison, and Tommy takes an interest in her. When things start to fall apart, she’s the first person he suspects. He makes a right mess of things again, but this time he’s not so sure if he can fix it.
Cold - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Head cannons about a woman who never smiles and how the Shelby family would interact with her.
Ambition - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The reader always wanted a big life and so did Tommy. Promises were made and the reader comes to cash in
Sickness - Tommy Shelby X Lizzie Shelby
Lizzie makes a difficult decision to hide her diagnosis from Tommy. She goes off on her own much like he does, when word reaches him of Lizzie’s illness he has to find a way to make peace with her before it’s too late.
Spellbound - Marauders Reader X Tommy Shelby - Series
The reader leaves the magical world - not knowing what else to do she sees an advert for a bartender. Having worked at Three Broom Sticks she figured it couldn’t be that different. Falling for her boss and getting sucked into the complicated crime underworld of Birmingham was not a part of her plan
I Can Fight - John Shelby X Reader
Having been in a toxic relationship she learns what it means to be with John Shelby.
Languages Expert - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The boys assume Tommy only keeps the reader around because she’s pretty to look at. when a deal starts to go sideways they quickly learn the importance of having a language expert
Lunch Dates - Tommy Shelby X Reader
with limited time and lots of stress you decide to take a breath and get some lunch with your husband.
Rejected - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The reader isn’t interested in what Tommy has going on
The Kindest Blinder - Tommy Shelby X Reader Wife
Tommy’s wife isn’t what people expect. Her soft kindness is visible to anyone that see’s her. She’d do anything for her family, but when she’s pushed to the limit a different side of her shows.
Grace - Tommy Shelby x Reader
When she showed up to reclaim the love of her life, she wasn’t expecting you to be there.
Pregnant? - Tommy X Reader
The reader doesn’t realize she’s pregnant and a big surprise awaits the family 
Mr. Brightside - Tommy X Reader
Tommy realizes his feelings for you, too bad he’s too late and you’ve already found a guy.
Bad Habits - Tommy Shelby X Lizzie Shelby
Tommy struggles with his drinking thankfully Lizzie is always around to help.
The Mark of a Kiss - Sherlock's Sister X Tommy Shelby
Sherlock's other sister solves a mystery involving the notorious Tommy Shelby
Come on Barbie - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Thomas sits back and wonders how his girl manages her crazy lifestyle.
I've Got My Eye on You - Tommy Shelby X Reader
A traumatic event has left the reader with one eye and an emotionless appearance. Captivated by her beauty and voice Tommy tries to get to know her better
Sherlock - Enola Holmes
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The Mystery of the Shelby Sister - Sherlock X Peaky Sister Reader
Sherlock tries his best to ignore his neighbor but when Enola gets attached it becomes increasingly difficult.  Extras - Big Kiss
Tangerine - Bullet Train
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Angst - Tan X Reader
Things go from bad to worse leaving you two very far apart…
Geralt of Rivia
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Surprises - Geralt X Reader
Geralt of Riva finds out you are pregnant with his baby 
Wade Wilson & Peter Parker
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Tired - Hurt & Comfort
Trusted - Hurt & Comfort / Seeing his face for the first time
No Powers - SpideyPool
The Amazing Panic Attack - SpideyPool
Peter has a panic attack after saving someone that looks like Gwen. After being MIA Wade comes to find him, and after a whole lot of comfort, their relationship takes a new direction.
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Head Cannons
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
Where’s my love?
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x OC(Joey)
warnings: angst, mentions of a dead body
summary:(as stated below in the request)
 Request: Ok sweet I have a plot for an oc X canon where my oc is paired with one of the peaky Blinders characters Arthur I guess. My oc is a maid so say they've been having an affair for quite some time and it gets angsty realizing he's married she decided to leave or fake her death since I picture angst😅. She's alot older now and realized she made a mistake and goes back to him. And they reunite after some time she realizes that she loves him.
A/n: I think I made Linda out to be bitchier than she is....yikes
Thank you so much for requesting @abitofloveaintweird​, so sorry that this kind of short.
As always, feedback is welcome, it really helps us writers. Thank you for reading ❤ 
"because you have a wife, Arthur" Joey hissed.
"right, and what's your bloody point?" Arthur held her shoulders. His hands felt warm on her bare shoulders. Her dress hung off of her shoulders untied.
"my point is, it's not right for me to sleep with a man who's married" she didn't look at him, she couldn't" and it's not right for you to sleep with another woman when you're married”
"and I'm not sure it's right for Linda to be married, yet here I fookin' am" Arthur snorted.
"you don't bloody get it" she rolled her eyes, standing up to fix her dress and get back to work. But she knew in her heart that she wouldn't be here the next morning.
Arthur didn’t pay any mind, assuming she’d be there the next day as usual. But he didn’t hear her slipping out that night. 
She’d known better than to just up and leave. So she made a short detour to the waters before she finally slipped away quietly.
When he awoke the next morning with Linda next to him, Arthur was already irritated and wanted nothing more than to hold his beloved Joey in his arms. But that would have to wait till Linda left.
5 years later and Arthur still thought of her. The feeling of her skin under the soft caress of his calloused fingers. The glimmer in her eyes when she looked at him.
Arthur Shelby remembered that wretched morning from 5 years ago like it was yesterday. He’d noticed something was wrong when it was Bertha who placed his breakfast before him and not Joey. 
But he hadn’t too much time to think over it since Tommy had called him for some business dealing and that's where Arthur had been the entire day. 
When he returned in the dead of night, it was strange that Joey wasn’t there to see him. She always was.
Her absence had started to become more apparent. He’d questioned Linda the following morning, but the self-absorbed woman didn't even know Joey by name.
When the coppers showed up at his door a week later, informing Arthur and Linda that their maid, whom Arthur had asked the cops of Birmingham to keep a lookout for since she’d gone missing, had been found; Arthur didn’t let himself feel joyous because the look on the copper's face was enough to tell him it wasn’t good.
Joey thought she’d figured it out in London. Working in a club that paid exceedingly well, she kept to herself.
Nobody really ever bothered her, except the occasional drunk men.
When she wasn’t at the club working, Joey would be home. She preferred the warmth and safety of the small house she could afford rather than the uncertainty that floated within the streets.
It’d be a lie had she said she didn't occasionally think of Arthur. If occasionally meant all the time.
She thought of him all day. Having worked as a maid prior to her job as a barmaid, she’d learned to skillfully multitask. 
She thought of Arthur as she served the drinks, she thought of him whilst wiping down tables and she thought of him when she was home. Everything reminded her of him.
Joey missed his loud laughter and his quips. She missed the feeling of his hands around her shoulders, the warmth of his body against hers. His fingers lingering on her palms.
She often wondered whether Arthur had been affected in the slightest by her alleged death. Had he wept for her? Did he mourn or did he carry on unaffected?
The one person she tried not to think about too much was Linda. Despite the years that passed, there was an ever sense of guilt that lingered in her heart.
 Joey didn’t regret Arthur, but that she fell for him and acted on her feelings when he was already married. Why couldn’t it have been before he married Linda?
Often, Joey laid awake imagining herself returning to small heath. To Arthur. She’d imagine Arthurs face, which she imagined was joyous. She pictured being close to him, holding him. she imagined Arthurs fingers soothing her dark brown hair back as the two of them swayed back and forth in his dim-lit room.
She missed him. The way he spoke to her, the smile she’d receive in return when she helped him with something, the laughter that was infectious and never failed to bring a smile to her lips. She missed the calming words he’d whisper to her in the early hours of the morning when Linda had left the house.
Arthur never stopped thinking of her. Linda wasn’t half the woman Joey was.
She wasn’t half as kind nor thoughtful, she didn’t care for anyone besides herself. 
Arthur and Linda knew the only thing holding their marriage together was the conversation they were avoiding. They knew that their marriage would be over the moment they spoke of it. But as long Linda stayed out Arthur’s way and Arthur out of Linda’s, neither were getting any closer to sorting out their marriage.
It became increasingly difficult to focus on anything for Arthur. Tommy and the rest of the Shelby’s noticed. 
The usually easy-to-read Arthur had now become someone they didn’t quite understand. 
But Aunt Pol and Tommy were the first to realize that the change in Arthurs behavior was connected to his maid’s death 5 years ago.
“I know your grieving, but you can’t fucking let it interfere with your handling the fucking business Arthur!" Tommy was an exceptional bookkeeper, he handled numbers well, his memory was exceptional, but even he lost count over the number of times he snapped at Arthur about the same thing in 5 years.
Arthurs temper got more out of hand each day, without Joey. And it started to affect the business, he'd punch without reason, shoot and blind anyone he wanted. He didn't think he had anything to lose.
Sometimes he tried to pretend Linda was Joey. Just to get through the night. He pretended it was Joey’s fingers laced within his. Her breath on his neck, and her head on his heart.
But even he never truly believed those pretenses.
It didn't take long for Linda to realize her husband had feelings for Joey. She wasn't sure if she was hurt or not. She only ever married Arthur for security. For the roof over her head, he had promised.
In January shortly after Tommy wed Grace, Arthur stumbled through the streets of small heath. It was in the early hours of the morning, a time when only the workers would wake.
He had one reason for being awake at that hour. That cold, misty, and foggy morning marked 5 years since Joey’s death. Since the last time, he saw her.
Arthur sat under the bridge, the one at the edge of small heath. The one where they found her clothes. Her belongings; shoes, purse, coat but not her body. They never did find her body. 
The police declared the water to be far too cold to send copper's searching for her body, at best they'd have to wait for her body to float to the surface. 5 years later, and it still never did.
And once again, they assumed it was the large overgrown weeds and shrubbery at the very bottom of the river, where her body had been entangled and stuck. Hence never resurfacing.
Arthur remembered screaming at the cops to find her body, but because Joey had no known family nobody ever insisted on her being found or the river being searched. And she remained at the bottom of the river.
 As far as anyone cared to know.
So he sat there, his feet hanging over the edge. His face red, as he sat on the banks of the river, the bridge overhead.
The river flowed making noises while crashing against the rocks, the birds chirping in a distance, and the rustling of a few leaves in a distance. He heard leaves breaking, as the wind grew stronger.
He didn’t realize how long he’d sat there staring at the water till he noticed his surroundings darkening. 
Rubbing his hand over his face with a sigh, Arthur got up with a grunt, stumbling for a second before walking back towards his now empty home.
Linda surely must have left by then, she’d told him she was leaving and would be gone by sundown.
Arthur didn’t have a reaction to Linda telling him she was leaving him. He didn’t care. He didn’t love her. She meant nothing to him.
By the time Arthur had reached his door, the sky had darkened completely. But time was of no essence to Arthur. Not when he didn't have anything else to lose.
But before Arthur could open his door and walk in, the leaves rustled a little behind him. He heard the swift movement of someone's feet on the ground behind him. 
So he did what he knew best.
He pulled out his gun and turned around, finger on the trigger, ready to shoot whoever was behind him.
But the gun clattered to the ground, the noise resonating in Arthurs's ears, like the sound of her voice greeting him.
“Why the fuck are you playing with my head? It’s already fucked up there” He sounded like a madman. He felt like one.
“What?” he expected her to chuckle, the way she did for five years, in his head. The way she taunted him as a figment of his imagination he couldn't get away from.
“I FOOKIN KNOW I DIDN’T BLOODY SAVE YOU” his face red, his eye streaming with tears. 
She’d only ever seen him this broken once. 
“Arthur I’m here” 
“No you're bloody not, you're in me head” he stumbled and sat down on the front stairs. His head hurting from how hard he was crying.
“No, No, Arthur,  Arthur I'm truly here” He felt her slide her hand around his shoulders.  
Her ocean-blue eyes searched his features. Not sure what she was looking for.
“What the fuck?” Arthur seemed to realize now. That Joey was there. Next to him. Not taunting him in his head from across the divide. She was in front of him. Holding him. She was alive.
“Where the fook have you been? You were fookin dead?”That's when it sunk in completely and Arthur realized that she'd faked her death "Why would you lie about being dead?!"
Arthur was angry. He was angry and heartbroken.
“Because I had to,” she said softly.
She managed to get him inside. She couldn’t help but feel curious as to why Linda wasn’t home. But she needed to focus on Arthur first.
“I left because I thought that I’d made a mistake. I thought getting away from here, I could have started a new life. One where I didn't wreck someone's marriage” She tried explaining, but now that she explained it to the man she’d run from, suddenly she didn't think her reasons made sense.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“because I knew you wouldn’t let me go”
“You didn’t wreck my marriage, you wrecked me” His hands were shaking now.
 The tears she’d tried to hold back were now flowing down her cheeks.
“Five years, Five fookin’ years I thought you was dead” his voice shaking, Arthur slowly looked up at her. She looked just as breathtaking as she did all those years ago.
There was the silence that lingered, eventually, Arthur stood up, his chair scraping the ground. Walking to Joey’s side of the table, he hugged her. He held her tight as though he were afraid that if he didn’t hold her tight enough, she’d turn out to be a figment of his imagination.
And Arthur knew he couldn’t ever take that. It ruined him the first time, losing her. And it would kill him if he ever lost her again.
So he held her, shaking.
"where's Li-"
"She left. Hopefully never coming back" Arthur didn't have a care in the world for anyone else at that point. The woman he truly loved was in his arms, he couldn't find it in himself to be outraged any further, afraid that he might lose her again.
 He had a hundred questions for, but they'd have to wait for later. He just wanted to remain in her arms, through the night. Holding her, running his hand through her hair, rubbing soothing circles on her palms, kissing her forehead, watching her fall asleep. It's all he wanted.
“I realized I made a stupid mistake Arthur. I'm sorry. I truly am” She mumbled against his chest.
“Why’d you come back?”
“For you”
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A Gangster and a Gentleman
parings: Tommy Shelby x Reader
fandoms: Peak Blinders/1917
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“You don’t think think that you’ve made enough eyes at my sister in law enough?”
Joseph woke up from his daydream once Arthur interrupted it, the eldest Shelby couldn’t help but notice that one of his employees and a valuable foot soldier would get distracted by his brothers wife. He couldn’t say that he blamed him, as much as he had respect for Tommy’s marriage, he wasn’t blind, any fool could see how much of a looker you were, a smart man would keep his infatuation at bay but an idiot would occasionally try his luck at attempting to seduce you into an affair, and even your pleads couldn’t hold Tommy back from putting them in their places, he couldn’t stop them from looking and admiring from afar, but the least they could do was to save themselves from a broken nose and not get handsy with you.
“I’m not looking at her, I’m looking at Ada”
“You wanna take a chance of not only fighting off my brother but also Freddie as well? Good luck”
“I didn’t mean it like that, I-“
“You were looking at YN...it’s fine, I can’t fault you for that and I’m certainly not gonna go tattletale to him, just remember to look but don’t touch”
“What am I an imbecile? I know better not to cross that kind of line Arthur”
“I sure hope so mate, because the last man to try something...”
He paused as he took a sip of his drink, it made Joe more anxious than he already was and it was getting on his nerves.
“What, what happened?”
“Don’t tell anyone else that I told you this, it’s only a conspiracy theory around town since no one has been able to prove it but...YN was volunteering at one of them women’s shelters last year, and a there was this vicar who was visiting from Ireland, even a man of god couldn’t resist the beauty of YN Shelby, well anyway let’s just say that he said some not so gentlemanly things to her and a nun had heard it, she even said that he touched YN even though she herself denied it, still Tommy didn’t care-fuck why am I telling you this, I really need to slow down on the bloody whiskey”
“It’s fine Arthur, look I don’t see any fault in that, any good husband is within his rights to defend his wife’s honor”
“Yeah but, fuck...when Tom was done with him, you couldn’t even recognize the poor bastard, looked as though a wild animal mauled him”
At the description of the fate of the vicar, Joe had gagged on the bile that threatened to rise from his throat, the liquor did enough damage to his stomach, but mixing it with the visual of a disfigured man didn’t help keep it down.
“Sorry bout that Joey boy, me and my big mouth got a little carried away there, don’t worry though, Tom didn’t kill him, but I know the poor bastard wishes he did”
He let out a roar of laughter at his own joke which earned some stares from other patrons, one of them being you, you shook your head and chuckled from your brother in laws drunken stupor before turning your attention back to Ada going on and on about whatever political cause she was passionate about during these times, Tommy had caught the sight of Joseph almost vomiting all over his nicest suit, he gave him a knowing look, guessing correctly that Arthur spilled his guts about personal business that went down way before he arrived in Birmingham.
Tommy knew of Joe’s many glances at you ever since he was hired and did a pretty good job of not having to have a serious talk with him, but that was because the man didn’t give him any reason to do it, and for Joe’s sake it would be kept that way.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Writing Challenge #1 Masterlist
below are the submissions that followed the rules of this writing challenge! (listed in alphabetical order by general fandom -> character)
Shattered - Arthur Curry x reader by @locke-writes
“My Clumsy Darling.” - Edward Nygma x reader by @imaginesbymk
“Can we get some food?” (Gif) - Joey Tribbiani x reader by @writerdream22
Bullying no bullying - Peter Parker x sibling!reader by @frostedimagines
Surprise? (HCs) - Peter Parker x reader by @ofthedewthesunlight
Father Figure - Tony Stark x adoptive daughter!reader by @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
Finally Okay (1) (2) - Wanda Maximoff x reader by @emcon-imagines
Peaky Blinders
Break-up - John Shelby x fem!reader by @isaiahdurag
Lucky - Thomas Shelby x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Not Meant To Be - Betty Cooper x reader by @thereagles
Star Wars
Mission Gone...Wrong? - Cal Kestis x reader by @vansmaybeonthewall
Easy - Qi’ra x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Stranger Things
Roadside - Robin Buckley x reader by @myriadimagines
Can’t Wait - Steve Harrington x reader by @wolfish-willow
The 100
About time - Octavia Blake x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Sleep - Raven Reyes x reader by @dannyboy-writes
Umbrella Academy
Say Yes - Diego Hargreeves x reader by @thereagles
Surprise - Diego Hargreeves x reader by @alwritey-aphrodite
to my lovely participants: you all did spectacular, but there was never any doubt! seeing the way that you all took your prompts and build a wonderful story around them was such a pleasure to experience. each of your unique takes and writing styles kept me on the edge of my seat, i seriously can’t wait to do this again!
to the readers: you have got to check these writers out if you can! they work so hard to create amazing works, you’re missing out if you haven’t taken a gander at their personal libraries! also, thank you for taking the time to read any of our stuff, it means so much to us.
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locke-writes · 7 years
The requested rebloggable version of my masterlist under the cut.
Remember that my motto is “If I know it well enough I can write for it” so questions about fandoms and characters are always welcome. I write for movies, tv shows, plays, musicals, books, etc.
All Fics
Anastasia The Musical
Baby Driver
Being Human (US)
Aidan Waite
Josh Levison
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Bill Preston
Ted Logan
Amy Antsler
Molly Davidson
The Breakfast Club
Andrew Clark
John Bender
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Amy Santiago
Jake Peralta
Rosa Diaz
Terry Jeffords
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cordelia Chase
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
Foggy Nelson
Frank Castle
Matt Murdock
DC Extended Universe
Arthur Curry
Barry Allen
Bruce Wayne
Harley Quinn
Victor Stone
Christopher Robin
David Kawena
Flynn Rider
Nani Pelekai
Prince Adam
Prince Philip
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
Newt Scamander
Percival Graves
Chandler Bing
Janice Litman
Joey Tribianni
Monica Gellar
Phoebe Buffay
Rachel Green
Ross Gellar
Fright Night (2011)
Charlie Brewster
Jerry Dandridge
Peter Vincent
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Ray Stantz
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al Jamil
Halt & Catch Fire
Joe MacMillan
Frederick Chilton
Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham
Harry Potter
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
Ginny Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lavender Brown
Lucius Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Severus Snape
Seamus Finnigan
Hateful Eight
Chris Mannix
Domergue Gang
Jody Domergue
Joe Gage
John Ruth
Pete Hicox
The Haunted Mansion
Edward Gracey
House MD
Gregory House
James Wilson
How I Met Your Mother
Barney Stinson
The Losers Club
Bill Denbrough
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The IT Crowd
The IT Department
Jurassic Park
Alan Grant
Ian Malcolm
Jurassic World
Lowery Cruthers
Zia Rodriguez
The Kingsman
Eggsy Unwin
Harry Hart
A Knight’s Tale
Count Adhemar
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Law & Order SVU
Amanda Rollins
George Huang
John Munch
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Rafael Barba
Rita Calhoun
Sonny Carisi
Lost Boys
The Vampire Clan
Chloe Decker
Lucifer Morningstar
Ava Starr
Avengers Team
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Clint Barton
The Collector
Hope Van Dyne
Johnny Storm
Peter Parker
Phil Coulson
Pietro Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Susan Storm
Tony Stark
Yon Rogg
Wanda Maximoff
The Martian
Mark Watney
Rich Purnell
Arthur Pendragon
Morgana Pendragon
Mr Right
New Girl
Jessica Day
Nick Miller
Winston Bishop
Now You See Me
The Four Horsemen
Parks & Recreation
Andy Dwyer
Chris Traeger
Donna Meagle
Tom Haverford
Peter Pan (2003)
Peter Pan
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Luca Changretta
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Tommy Shelby
Phantom of the Opera
Princess Bride
Pretty In Pink
Black Hat
Prodigal Son
Malcolm Bright
Martin Whitly
PS I Love You
William Gallagher
Pushing Daisies
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Luigi Largo
Rotti Largo
Reservoir Dogs
Freddy Newandyke
Mr White
Nice Guy Eddie
Vic Vega
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Baudelaire’s
Esme Squalor
Star Wars
Bodhi Rook
Cassian Andor
Darth Maul
Kylo Ren
Obi Wan
Poe Dameron
Qui Gon
Stranger Things
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
That 70s Show
Donna Pinciotti
Michael Kelso
Steven Hyde
Three Musketeers (2011)
Trouble in the Heights
Nevada Ramirez
Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias 
Watchmen (Team)
What We Do In The Shadows
Will & Grace
Karen Walker
Will Truman
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Hank McCoy
Kurt Wagner
Victor Creed
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Do you write Arthur Shelby x reader?
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Dear Anon,
I sure do!
Here is an Arthur pairing I did for an OC character :) https://padfootdaredmetoo.tumblr.com/post/664526047013945344/request-arthur-shelby-x-oc-joey
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