andartblog · 2 months
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Favorite tweets: Let's not forget where Cornelius Gurlitt was coming back from when he was detained on the train from Zurich to Munich. Kornfeld knew Gurlitt well and knew of the looted artworks in his possession. https://t.co/dFlFuowrnT https://t.co/9s1IzwXjKx — Art Recovery International (@artrecovery) Apr 17, 2023
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twistedmurf · 3 years
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REGENERATION EXHIBITION now showing @ The Centre Beaudesert till October 22nd, featuring works by Twisted Murf. "Nature plays a big part in my work. I want the viewer to think about not only the native animals affected by the fire but also our domesticated animals. The pieces I've chosen for the show reflect this. As a lover of nature we have quite a few companion animals in our family. When the fires came getting ready to evacuate and thinking about where to go with all our pets was quite the challenge" You can view the rest of @twistedmurf pieces alongside with other artists a part of the Regeneration Exhibition at the Centre Beaudesert Tuesday- Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-2pm #communityrecovery #communitycare  #creativecommunityrecovery #communityled #communityregeneration #community #artforchange #communityart #groupart #artrecovery #arttherapy #healingart #australianbushfires #givebacktocommunity #qldparks #regionalarts #ruralarts #bushfirerecovery #bushregeneration #bushfireregeneration #muralart #qldartists #australianartists #scenicrimart #goldcoastart #nationalbushfirerecoveryagency https://www.instagram.com/p/CUtIymaPTYx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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foodandmurder · 6 years
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A heart of gold and that stardust soul. Inspired by @dinasaurus.art
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blackfamlove · 7 years
RT @artrecovery: Toppling Monuments, a Visual History https://t.co/XFqpKCARI5
Toppling Monuments, a Visual History https://t.co/XFqpKCARI5
— Art Recovery Int'l (@artrecovery) August 18, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/BlackFamLove
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gavelmasters · 5 years
via Buffer
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cosbe · 6 years
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💰👁‍🗨🗿 ・・・ "Art Thieves Prefer Sculpture Over Paintings and 4 Other Revelations From Interpol’s Art Theft Database-⠀ ⠀ Each year, art thefts account for around four to six billion dollars of losses worldwide. Due to the magnitude of the problem, the International Criminal Police Organization, commonly known as Interpol, continually collects data about the many art thefts and recoveries. With 192 member countries, the international police organization catalogs around 50,000 stolen works of art.⠀ ⠀ Using Interpol’s wealth of data, a recent analysis by Element Paints has taken up five major questions surrounding the global crisis surrounding where art is stolen from, what is stolen, and where the work most often ends up.⠀ ⠀ It is perhaps not totally surprising that the countries that most often fall victim to art thefts are war-torn countries like Iraq and Syria. But right behind them, the seven largest hubs for art thievery are all in Europe. Most shockingly of all, the vast majority of stolen artworks from all around the world end up in Europe as well, with paintings, sculptures, and religious items being the most sought after.⠀ ⠀ According to Interpol’s data, artworks are most often recovered in Paris, but the second most common city of retrieval is a little known Serbian city called Arandelovac, which slightly exceeds the recoveries of artworks in London. The Serbian city’s geography makes it a convenient hub on the trail between the Middle East and Europe.⠀ ⠀ Interestingly, the vast majority of stolen works date from the 20th century, and are not taken from museums or places of worship as often as from private homes by breaking and entering." -@artrecovery
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andartblog · 2 months
ArtRecovery projekt
NAGY ANDRÁS KÉPZŐMŰVÉSZ VALLOMÁSA: Már pályám indulásától foglalkoztat a művészet és tudomány kapcsolata, legfőképp az orvostudomány oldala felől. A tárgykör inspirációjára a MOME tipográfia szakán a diploma munkám az Anatómiai Intézetben készült fotóim alapján készült könyv modellben összegeződött. Ezen felül találtam ki a belvárosi műtermem kulturális megosztását Szép Műhely néven. 2012 óta két…
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Favorite tweets: @raydowd @MonumentsMWfnd @artrecovery @dina_gold @icomus A legacy in articles on https://t.co/XGSPBbVAB4 https://t.co/ksmLNGQ2Ax — Open Art Data | @[email protected] (@OpenLinkArtData) Apr 16, 2023
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It was the day after Thanksgiving in 1985. An older woman and a younger man walked into the museum at about 9 a.m. A security guard had just unlocked the glass doors to admit an arriving employee, whom the pair followed inside. The sky was overcast and it was 55 degrees; both of the visitors wore heavy winter coats. A few minutes later, the two left in such haste that they attracted the attention of staff members. One museum employee hurried up the steps to the second floor gallery, where the man had spent less than 10 minutes while his companion asked a security guard about another piece of art. The 40-by-30-inch de Kooning painting was gone. At the time the painting was valued at $400,000. #WillemdeKooning #WomanOchre #CayetanaCatonProjects #CCProjects #love #Art #design #curator #Fashion #designer #abstract #Contemporary #ArtGalleries #Art #LindseyCatonProjects #architecture #CCPop #creativity #inspiration #genius #seattleart #seattlefashion #Vision #SeattleArtVision #Investmentart #interiordesign #artrecovery #investmentart #picking #honesty
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orkmum · 7 years
Recovery: One Good Breakfast at a Time.
Two eggs, homemade breakfast patty, tomatoes, orange slices, and half an avocado.
Sounds like it would take some time to make, or be a costly breakfast. Truth be told, when you take the time to prepare and make everything beforehand, it only takes minutes. Realistically, that’s the sort of thinking that made me stop and reflect on a few things.
Time. We always seem to be in a hurry to accomplish something, in this case, eat something fast and cheap. For a while, I was in this grouping. Reaching for that bowl of cereal first because all I had to do was dump in into a bowl, add milk, and then just crunch away. It was convenient, but what was the actual cost. See, I could buy that box of cereal for $9.98 (we’re talking about the big boxes here, folks), and it could maybe feed the two of us for about a week and a bit for breakfasts (if that’s all we were eating). In my head, we were eating something that was working well for us, and was cost efficient to boot.
-but then some serious health problems kicked into gear. It first started off as these terrible mood swings. There were days where I was the entire spectrum and then some; from hostile to relaxed, confident to overwhelmed, depressed to creative—I was not in control, or at the very least, that is how it felt. Then terrible rashes and inflammation from head to toe, I was used to having eczema, but this shit was on overdrive. Then, one day, I was so cramped up on my left side that it even hurt to lay down. So, I went to my family Doctor, from there to a Psychiatrist, from there to Laboratory Services, and from the Lab to an Ultrasound Technician.
Well. Eight Doctor’s visits, seven counselling appointments, five blood samples, three unitary tests, and three ultrasounds, we finally figured what exactly was going on. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome; my lady bits were trying to do me in.
Well, damn. This certainly explained a lot of things. For those who have no idea what the hell that is, it’s a terrible hormone disorder where the body produces higher than normal amounts of hormones and just throws the whole system out of whack. Probably the reason for all the emotional ups and downs that I was experiencing and subjecting my friends and loved ones to. It comes with a butt-load of complications as well: infertility, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, cancer, and you guessed it—depression. I was also informed that the syndrome affects individuals who are at high risk of obesity, or it was hereditary. As I don’t fall in the first category, they looked then to the various women in my family who have all had troubles with their lady-bits in the past. “Well, it’s hereditary,” my Doctor stated flatly as he looked over his glasses.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, there aren’t any cures. I was told to brace for impending lifestyle changes as that is really the only thing that has any hope of decreasing the symptoms. A dietician visit later, and boom, I have a new riot list of things I can and cannot have.
Kiss that convenient sugary cereal goodbye. No more dairy, soy, refined processed sugars/foods, grains, white grains and rice, red-meat, caffeine, hydrogenated oils, alcohol, sodium rich foods, and starches.
Flash forward to today. Nearly three weeks, and all those medical visits later.
Aside from having some sort of flu bug, I am feeling pretty good. The eating habits have been a harsh adjustment, especially on occasions where friend/family visits have had pizza sprawled out across kitchen tables—but I can look at that as some sort of cruel test…
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably thinking: “Jeeze, Rahkris—what’s the point of all this?”
Well, that, random and beautiful citizen, I am getting to. The point is, I am trying to get back into the saddle here; I am trying to recover the person that I was before. A lot of you might not have known her at all, and that’s alright—she is an awesome lady, who made some fantastic things, and helped a lot of equally fantastic people. She would draw nearly every day, hammer out these massive and inspiring written pieces, have conversations with other artists about their work, and before the end of the day that whirlwind of a person was already hammering away at the next project.
Over the years, that wild side sort of vanished, suppressed by doubt and these wonderful sicknesses; exhaustion and doubt murder that creative mind, I’ll tell you.  I don’t draw every day, I hardly write, I seldom reach out to other creators, and I cannot think of any new projects to save my life.
So, here we are, at the point of this little rant.
I encourage you, dear reader, to truly start taking care of yourself. Don’t reach for the easy box of cereal when you know that if you just took the time to make something healthy for yourself, you’d get along with your day much better. Art, as it is, can be treated the same way. Don’t walk away from your sketchbook because you doubt what you’re doing, or that something is too difficult. The mileage is key here. The better breakfasts you make, the better you’ll feel, the more art you make, the more you’ll improve your skills.
Once I have defeated this cold, brace yourselves for a serious overhaul. I will be posting pictures and recipes of all the delightful meals that I’ve been chowing down on, the workouts that I’ve been doing at home (yes, you need 30 minutes each day and don’t you dare argue with me), and the art that has been accomplished throughout the day.
Realistically, I will be considering this blog as a bounce board for ideas as well as a place where I can constructively see my improvement (when you’ve got your BfA, but haven’t done any art in years—you KNOW that shit is going to look silly and bad).
If anything, if I can help other artists who are struggling with health issues whether it be physical or mental, or even help clear out that nasty artistic roadblock; I’d be certainly happy to do so.
Remember. Mileage is key, the more effort you put into something, the greater the reward. Peruse life like a starving lion chasing a chicken, and remember, my inbox is always open if anyone wants to chat.
See you soon.
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art-reaction · 9 years
"Un nid d'abeilles pour les artistes" GUIL 2015
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Favorite tweets: @raydowd @MonumentsMWfnd @artrecovery @dina_gold @icomus So many connections to Nazi looted art. Investigations have not yet begun. On the tech side, this is knowledge graph, linked data territory. Every artwork that passed through or even near him and all the connections. @Linkurious — Open Art Data | @[email protected] (@OpenLinkArtData) Apr 16, 2023
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copyrightlitigation · 2 years
Favorite tweets: Did you ever have one of those days when you spend 4 years working with the FBI on recovering a stolen painting only to have the recovered artwork REJECTED by the Chagall Committee in Paris who now want to burn it? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/L7wWbkmAxT https://t.co/BbiS3RGjLn — Art Recovery International (@artrecovery) Dec 5, 2022
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copyrightlitigation · 2 years
Favorite tweets: Special thanks to Canadian law enforcement who went out of their way to assist the theft victim's heirs after 25 years. — Art Recovery International - Christopher Marinello (@artrecovery) Jul 1, 2022
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copyrightlitigation · 2 years
Favorite tweets: No thanks to Dutch law enforcement who were more concerned with procedure and bureaucracy than they were with the rights of the theft victim or even courtesy to another country's police department. No wonder there has been a plethora of Dutch art thefts lately. You can do better! — Art Recovery International - Christopher Marinello (@artrecovery) Jul 1, 2022
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