#artus: horned on main
talonabraxas · 1 year
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"The Kiss" by Artus Scheiner Hymn to Pan by John Keats "O thou, whose mighty palace roof doth hang From jagged trunks, and overshadoweth Eternal whispers, glooms, the birth, life, death Of unseen flowers in heavy peacefulness; Who lov'st to see the hamadryads dress Their ruffled locks where meeting hazels darken; And through whole solemn hours dost sit, and hearken The dreary melody of bedded reeds-- In desolate places, where dank moisture breeds The pipy hemlock to strange overgrowth; Bethinking thee, how melancholy loth Thou wast to lose fair Syrinx--do thou now, By thy love's milky brow! By all the trembling mazes that she ran, Hear us, great Pan! "O thou, for whose soul-soothing quiet, turtles Passion their voices cooingly 'mong myrtles, What time thou wanderest at eventide Through sunny meadows, that outskirt the side Of thine enmossed realms: O thou, to whom Broad leaved fig trees even now foredoom Their ripen'd fruitage; yellow girted bees Their golden honeycombs; our village leas Their fairest blossom'd beans and poppied corn; The chuckling linnet its five young unborn, To sing for thee; low creeping strawberries Their summer coolness; pent up butterflies Their freckled wings; yea, the fresh budding year All its completions--be quickly near, By every wind that nods the mountain pine, O forester divine! "Thou, to whom every faun and satyr flies For willing service; whether to surprise The squatted hare while in half sleeping fit; Or upward ragged precipices flit To save poor lambkins from the eagle's maw; Or by mysterious enticement draw Bewildered shepherd to their path again; Or to tread breathless round the frothy main, And gather up all fancifullest shells For thee to tumble into Naiads' cells, And, being hidden, laugh at their out-peeping; Or to delight thee with fantastic leaping, The while they pelt each other on the crown With silvery oak apples, and fir cones brown-- By all the echoes that about thee ring, Hear us, O satyr king! "O Hearkener to the loud clapping shears, While ever and anon to his shorn peers A ram goes bleating: Winder of the horn, When snouted wild-boars routing tender corn Anger our huntsmen: breather round our farms, To keep off mildews, and all weather harms. Strange ministrant of undescribed sounds, That come a swooning over hollow grounds, And wither drearily on barren moors: Dread opener of the mysterious doors Leading to universal knowledge--see, Great son of Dryope, The many that are come to pay their vows With leaves about their brows! "Be still the unimaginable lodge For solitary thinkings; such as dodge Conception to the very bourne of heaven, Then leave the naked brain: be still the leaven, That spreading in this dull and clodded earth Gives it a touch ethereal--a new birth: Be still a symbol of immensity; A firmament reflected in a sea; An element filling the space between, An unknown--but no more: we humbly screen With uplift hands our foreheads, lowly bending, And giving out a shout most heaven rending, Conjure thee to receive our humble Paean, Upon thy Mount Lycean!"
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farnwedel · 3 years
Dieses Kapitel in GIFs:
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zamgoods · 2 years
Moon Knight a Mix of Myth, Medicine, and Magic.
Thursday April 21st 4.21 . 2022 21.4 111th day Waning Gibbous Moon 19.99 days old 72% Illumination 18 in Shadow of the Earth🌔🌖
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We love to chronicle the moon on this blog. Keeps time and marks phases. This show Moon KNight on Disney Plus released on March 30th 2022 and yesterday dropped its 4th Episode. They also keep the time of the Moon on each episode. As the month of Ramadan, is waning down, this is the time to start letting go of things, finish things up, lose weight, break bad habits.
We are introduced to a man with DID, Dissociative identity disorder, whose name is Steven (with a V ) Grant. The V is important to his identity. V is 5 like 5G or 5th dynasty. Grant is derived from Credere giving permission, authority, vow, promise or Ulysses S Grant President on the 50 dollar bill. V times X. XXXXX. The Ulysses is Odysseus in Latin. which is a myth about a voyage. Traveling with the Argonauts in an adventure is a lot like Mark and Layla's adventures to find the Scarab device leading to Ammit's figurine before Aurthur Harrow does.
Stephen in Greek means Crown...So we can take this decode in a direction most will not. Corona in Latin is the shine around the sun during a total eclipse. A crown represent royalty, rulership, etc. The Head and brain of a person is part of his crown. This show is laden with the mental sickness of Mark with is DID as well as anxiety, anger, violent behaviour, bloodlust, as well as Knonsu's neurotic elusive behaviour.
Harrow and Khonsu are at odds. And it is terrifying the thought that Corona virus and it's final implementation is carried out as a result of who wins. The scarab represents Cancer and Crown is the venom of the mark of the vaccine. Khonsu and the Hippo goddess are healers traditionally. Just looking at Khonsu's statue has cured even the most wretched ailments. So why is this show flaring up Mark's disease?
The Hippo can be seen as the Hippocampus in the mind found adjacent to the Temple of the brain. The neurotransmitter of choice are serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine as well as acetylcholine. There are pyramid structures and when you look at the CORONAL view of the brain you'll see that it looks like rams horns and the cornu ammonis is named after the Egyptian deity Amun Ra. It is also said to look like a sea HORSE or silkworm. I think it looks like a human fetus as well.
Knonsu is the Moon god for whom Steven and his alter Mark are serving. Harrow sounds like the Egyptian pronunciation of Horus (Sun God). Aurthur is a creator of a story or of Art. Artus is translated as bread in Greek Bible. And Jesus says to eat his flesh and drink his blood which is done literally when Christians eat a cracker and drink blood called Eucharist.
Who Eats the Flesh of a corpse yet keeps it whole? Mark Spector is his alter or is the main personality. He was a mark for Knonsu to use as his avatar and do his bidding for vengeance or to save the world from his ex-avatar Aurthur Harrow who wants to rid the world of evil doers at once with Ammit no longer waiting until the death Judgement of each person. Apocalypse or Jesus taking up the rapture, depends on which way the scale/cane swings in measuring the weight of hearts against the feather.
M-ARK is an ark which is basically a coffin. Spector sounds like a ghost but translates from the Polish inspector -supervisor or a Jewish school teaching assistant. Turns out that M-ark/SteVen finds a lost ark of Alexander the Great by triangulating coordinates 29North 25 East which I think is in Siwa, Libya. They never say, but it borders Egypt and this is where the Oracle of Ammon used to be.
The Sarchophagus is the flesh eating stone that holds the corpse of the dead king and yet keeps him preserved even for 4 thousand years.
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hornedrunaway · 4 years
New Tag Dump!
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sacreddecree-blog · 8 years
She is also mentioned in the Draco Normannicus, a Latin chronicle written by Stephen of Rouen, which contains a letter from King Arthur to Henry II of England, written around the same time for political propaganda purposes, in which Arthur criticizes Henry for invading Brittany and claims that he has been healed of his wounds and made immortal by his "deathless nymph" sister Morgan on Avalon.[31]  - Morgan Le Fay 101
Unhappy with her husband, she takes a string of lovers until she is caught by the young Queen Guinevere, to whom Morgan serves as a lady-in-waiting, with Guiomar (Chrétien's Guinguemar), and Guinevere intervenes to break their relationship to prevent the loss of honor. This incident begins a feud between Guinevere and Morgan, who leaves the court of Camelot to seek out Merlin and greater powers. - Morgan Le Fay Ha, Gwen ruined Morgan’s happiness, so Morgan ruined Gwen’s. Karma’s a real bitch don’t ya think? Oh and she’s trained by Merlin. And Morgan in a lot of variations, reconciles with Arthur, and leads him to Avalon, and is his main sorceress. 
In the Prose Tristan, Morgan delivers by Sir Lamorak to Arthur's court a magical drinking horn from which no unfaithful lady can drink without spilling, hoping to reveal the infidelity and disgrace Guinevere. With same intent, she also gives Sir Tristan a shield depicting Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot.[38]
The pregnant Morgan later gives a birth to Guiomar's son, who is said to grow up to become a great knight but is not named.[34] She then continues her studies of magic under Merlin, whom she enamours and later scorns, all the while plotting her venegance against the hated Guinevere and King Arthur. Her attempts to bring about Arthur's demise after being banished from Camelot by Guinevere in the Suite du Merlin are repeatedly frustrated by the king's new sorcerous advisor Nimue (the Lady of the Lake), such as when Morgan sends Arthur a supposed offering of peace in the form of a rich mantle cloak (Morgan's messenger maiden is made put on the gift first and its curse burns her to cinders); it is possible that this motif was inspired by Greek mythology motifs such as how Medea killed her rival for Jason's affection,[35] or how Deianira sent a poisoned tunic to Hercules.[36]
In the aftermath of one of her treacherous schemes, Merlin saves her from Arthur's wrath and enables her to escape.[37] Morgan uses her skills to foil the Knights of the Round Table, especially Sir Lancelot, whom she alternately tries to seduce and to expose as Guinevere's adulterous lover.
With same intent, she also gives Sir Tristan a shield depicting Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot.[38]
Morgan captures Lancelot under her spell and keeps him prisoner in the hope Guinevere would go mad or die of sorrow, and otherwise torments the queen, causing her a great distress and making her miserable until the Lady of the Lake gives her a ring of protection from any power of Morgan.[38] On one occasion, she lets the captive Lancelot go to rescue Sir Gawain if he comes back, and he does; she eventually releases him when his health falters and he is near death.[42]
In the Post-Vulgate Queste, Morgan concentrates on witchcraft to such degree that she goes to live in seclusion in the exile of far-away forests. She learns more spells than any other woman, gains an ability to transform herself into any animal, and people begin to call her Morgan the Goddess.[39] Lancelot has a vision of Hell where Morgan still will be able to control demons even in afterlife as they torture Guinevere.[43] After Mordred spots the images of Lancelot's passionate love for Guinevere that Lancelot painted on her castle's walls while he was imprisoned there, Morgan shows them to Gawain and his brothers, encouraging them to take action in the name of loyalty to their king, but they do not do this.[44] In the chapter Mort Artu (Death of Arthur), Morgan vanishes for a long time and stops troubling Arthur, who assumes her to be dead. One day, he wanders into Morgan's remote castle while on a hunting trip, and they instantly reconcile with each other. Morgan welcomes him warmly and the king is overjoyed of their reunion and allows her to return to Camelot, but she refuses and declares her plan to move to the Isle of Avalon to live there with other sorceresses. However, the sight of Lancelot's frescoes and Morgan's confession finally convinces Arthur about the truth to the rumours of the two's secret love affair (about which he has been already warned by his nephew Sir Agravain). This leads to a great conflict between Arthur and Lancelot which brings down the fellowship of the Round Table. The goddess Fortune, who appears to Arthur to foretell his death towards the end the Vulgate Cycle, is regarded by some as a double for Morgan.[45] At the end of Mort Artu, Morgan is the first among the black-hooded ladies who take the dying Arthur to his final rest in Avalon.
English writer Thomas Malory follows much of that portrayal of Morgan in his seminal 1485 compilation book Le Morte d'Arthur (The Death of Arthur), though he expands her role in some cases. Malory's Morgan too has studied astrology as well as nigromancy nigremancie (meaning black magic, sometimes mistaken with "necromancy") in the nunnery where she was raised, before being married to Urien as a young teenager.[8][46] Through magic and mortal means, Morgan tries to undermine virtue, destroy Arthur's rule and achieve Guinevere's downfall whenever she can, most famously in the Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin where she arranges (in conspiracy with Sir Damas) for her devoted lover Sir Accolon of Gaul to obtain the enchanted sword Excalibur and use it against Arthur in single combat. Failing in this, Morgan steals Excalibur's protective scabbard (which has been previously confided to Morgan by Arthur himself as he had trusted her most, even more than his wife) from the sleeping Arthur and, pursued by him, throws it into a lake, before escaping by temporarily turning herself and her entourage to stone. This action ultimately causes the death of Arthur, who would otherwise be protected in his final battle. Morgan also attempts to murder her sleeping husband Urien with his own sword, but is stopped in act by their son Ywain (Uwayne), who pardons her when she protests she has been under the devil's power and promises to abandon her wicked ways.[34] Later, Morgan saves Arthur's knight named Manassen (Manessen, Manasses) from a certain death, and enables him to kill his captor, when she learns Manessen's cousin was Accolon. Failing to avenge Accolon's death, Morgan retires to her lands in Gore and then to her castle near the stronghold of Tauroc (possibly in North Wales), and Malory mentions Arthur's attempts to conquer at least one of her castles which was originally his gift to her. She also plots an elaborate ambush to kill Lancelot in "The Book of Sir Tristrams de Lyons", after learning that he has slain one of her favourites in a tournament, but Tristan ends up killing or routing thirty of her knights when the ambush ends in a disaster. In Malory's version, Morgan is the leader of the four (not three) witch queens who capture Lancelot (the others being the Queen of the Northgales, and the Queen of Eastland, and the Queen of the Outer Isles), who also rescues the young Elaine of Corbenic (Galahad's mother) when she is trapped in an enchanted boiling bath by Morgan and the Queen of the Northgales, both jealous of Elaine's beauty. Despite all of their prior hostility towards each other and her numerous designs to destroy Arthur, Morgan eventually redempts and ends up being one of the four grieving enchantress queens (the others being Nimue and two of Morgan's allies, the Queen of the Northgales and the Queen of the Wasteland) who arrive in a black boat to transport the wounded king to Avalon. Arthur is last seen in Morgan's lap, with her lament of sorrow referring to him as her "dear brother" (dere brothir).
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farnwedel · 4 years
Die Nebel von Avalon 63: Horned on main
Morgaine und Accolon gehen in den Wald und setzen sich unter einen Farnwedel, äh, an einen Wasserfall, um über die Zukunft zu sprechen.
Kurzum: Accolon soll Artus Excalibur abnehmen. Aber nicht im Kampf, sondern…im spirituellen Kampf. Oder so.
Sie gehen, von der Göttin geleitet, in einen Haselhain, wo Accolon…vom Gehörnten entführt und, nun ja, geweiht wird. Im doppelten Sinne.🦌
Als er, noch etwas benommen, zurückkommt, ereignet sich eine Sonnenfinsternis. Morgaine und Accolon haben Sex, bevor sie zur Burg zurückkehren.
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