#arya stark and lyanna mormont together kicking ass
graceverse · 7 years
Work In Progress (2/?)
Still untitled and still a rough draft but I’m currently on vacation and have very limited access/time to a computer. 
I uhh, I only have an account in ff.net and that had not been used in a long, long time. When I’m finally done with my vacation I will get this organized and hopefully turn it into something halfway decent. Maybe. Apologies in advance for all the errors, also still unbeta-ed. I’m going to have to consolidate this with ‘Work In Progress 1’, which means that will also have to be heavily edited/chaged. 
So uhm, here it is. This will probably be the first chapter actually. Or just that this will come before this 
Summary:  It had been so long since he had last seen her and he wanted nothing more than to throw his arms around her and give her the fiercest hug; he remembered the last time she had jumped into his arms, how terribly, frightfully small she had been back then. He needed to be able to wrap his arms around her and allow himself to believe that she was really here, alive and well.
It had been so long since he had last seen her and he wanted nothing more than to throw his arms around her and give her the fiercest hug; he remembered the last time she had jumped into his arms, how terribly, frightfully small she had been back then. He needed to be able to wrap his arms around her and allow himself to believe that she was really here, alive and well. 
But she stood a few paces behind Lady Mormont, her face completely unreadable, her head held high, reminiscent of Lady Catelyn Stark, proud, cool and distant. 
They had come unannounced and had taken them all by surprise Jon had assumed that some Lordling or soldier from the Vale will welcome them to Moat Cailin. He had in fact hoped for that, it would have given him more time to prepare Dany for how the North would probably receive them. He did not expect to be greeted by the black, white and green flags of House Mormont and he was especially taken aback by the Stark sigil, flying high over the banners. There were about fifty men wearing the Stark colors and another fifteen with the rampant black bear sewn on their armor. Not at all threatening, at least.  
A tent had been set up for them and Jon was shaken by the immediacy of the meeting between Lady Mormont, Sansa and Dany – such a volatile combination! – only to be thrown into a storm of emotions as soon as he saw Arya.  
Jon could not stop his heart from slowly dropping into the cold earth. He could feel a mild panic rising in his chest and he had to use all of his willpower to calm himself down.
Arya will never bend the knee to any Southerner, with or without dragons. He knew that. But he hoped Sansa had at least explained his reason behind giving up his title. Sansa had believed him about the horrors beyond the wall and Arya would have taken Sansa seriously had she told her about.
Had Sana not told Arya about the army of the dead?
Jon tamped down the irrational fear creeping up his spine. But if Arya was aware of the danger heading towards them, surely she would’ve understood why he had to bend the knee?
Perhaps Sansa had been swayed, yet again by that filthy snake Baelish to turn against him. But Sansa could not have been so easily influenced, not after what they have been through. And yet, there was something dreadfully wrong with the way Arya was refusing to even look at him.
Peeking a quick glance at Daenerys, Jon almost breathed a sigh of relief. She had her eyebrows raised, friendly smile on her face and to her credit, looked both slightly impressed and curios at the chosen welcoming emissary of the North: two girls, dark and somber, swaddled in heavy furs and quilted leather. This might be a sight and refreshing sight for her. She had always dealt with grown men, fearsome warriors, men of power in their own rights, but never with Northern girls with steel on their eyes.  
But Jon knew Northern girls better. They were not chosen to put Dany and her retinue at ease. Far, far from it. Nothing represented the North better than Lady Mormont and Lady Stark. They were neither soft nor dainty, have no use and no love for the long winding, flowery words of the South. They will more likely be wary and so utterly indifferent with whatever Dany or worst, Tyrion, will have to say to them.  
He decided that it was best he opened up the conversation, “Lady Mormont, Ladya Stark.” He gave a small nod towards them, his glance lingering over at Arya. She tilted her head, but her face remained impassive. Jon swallowed hard. This will be a very tricky situation. At least Sansa had not sent Petyr to welcome them. He wasn’t sure how he would’ve reacted. 
Somewhere behind him, he distinctly heard Jorah Mormont clearing his throat.
The young Lady Lyanna turned her cold eyes towards him, briefly passing through Ser Jorah, who Jon could imagine was guiltily fidgeting. This was the girl leading his house now. His first cousin. Jon wanted to look at Jorah and (proudly) tell him that his cousin was a force to be reckoned with, but he didn’t have to. Lady Lyanna gave a convincing display of her stern, no non-sense manner when she raised her eyebrows and in an all too clear, all too forceful voice, greeted him with a simple, “Snow.”
A ripple passed through every one inside the room. Glances were made. He could feel eyes boring in the back and sides of his head. 
Ah. So.
The fickle minded Lords of the North had decided to take the title that they have given him so many moons ago. After everything that he had gone through in Dragonstone and Eastwatch, he was now back to being the Bastard of Winterfell. It would not have hurt as much, had Arya not been there, silently looking at him, her face unchanged. 
Jon did not expect to taste ashes at the back of his mouth as he vividly remembered Lady Lyanna standing up for him, giving him a kind nod, a ghost of a smile as she declared for him. She had been the first one to give him the title King in the North and now he understood why she was here with Arya. Jon’s heart twisted painfully at the contempt and regret clearly shining in her eyes.
Daenerys remained seated, but already Jon could feel her displeasure, it was clear with the way Tyrion had suddenly wobbled up next to him, clearing his voice, “Lord Snow,” the emphasis on the now useless title couldn’t be missed, “has not told us that you will be arriving to welcome us. We have not received any ravens.”
“None were sent.” Lady Mormont answered without a waver in her voice. She looked so thoroughly unimpressed with the Dothraki guards, who admittedly, did not look as menacing, not when they were covered with furs to protect them from the cold that they were so unaccustomed to.  “We knew you were coming and if your intention is to march towards Winterfell, there are certain conditions that need to be met before that is allowed. We’re here to make sure that you agree before we let you pass.”
Jon felt bile rising from the pit of this stomach. Lyanna and Arya will not need an army to stop Dany and her army from passing through Moat Cailin, they would just quietly stand by and watch as the Dothraki and the Unsullied, awkwardly plow their way to inches deep of snow. He couldn’t help wincing as he imagines what the Northerners were thinking.
The Dothraki horde that has never even heard of winter, let alone seen snow, has come to save them. Warrior Eunuchs from god knows where, cockles bunch that had never crossed frozen lakes and icy waters, will fight against the army of dead from beyond the wall. They’d find that funny. And deeply insulting.
They haven’t seen the dragons yet, Jon reminded himself. He could still salvage this disastrous meeting.
“Allowed?” Tyrion asked, glancing first at him and then back at Daenerys who has yet to say anything. “It was my impression that you needed our help.”
“We do.” Lyanna answered coolly, as though that cleared everything up. “We have brought some grains and cloaks for your armies.” At this she let out the smallest of smiles, eyes roaming over the shivering Dothrakis huddled at the corner. “Please consider them as our gift of thanks for the Lady and her Dragons.”
It wasn’t a ripple this time, but an audible hiss that filled that room.
Missandei immediately walked towards them, “Lady? You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn,” but she had barely started her usual introduction, the long litany of Danery’s titles, when Arya started rolling her eyes and Lady Mormont, suddenly and effectively cut her off with her usual deadpanned voice, “I know no Queen, but the Queen in the North whose name is Stark.”
And there it was.  
A roar erupted inside the tent. Swords were drawn, but Lyanna and Arya barely flinched.
Dany remained seated, but he heard her take a deep breath. Jon instinctively tightened his hands around the pommel of his sword, sure of only one thing: he will die protecting his sister.
“Your King has bent the knee.” It was spoken in an eerily calm voice, the anger simmering just below the surface.
“He is no longer our King.” Lyanna answered with a shrug. “If Jon Snow has decided to bend the knee, then that is his choice. But I have not bent the knee. House Mormont still answers to House Stark, as all the Northern houses do.”
Both Tyrion and Dany had opened to their mouths to say something, but Jon beat them to it, hastily trying to ease the tension. “They have made me their King, your Grace,” Jon said, addressing Dany, looking into her eyes, imploring to her to listen to him. He hoped his tone will be enough to calm her down, “they can and have unmade me King.” He paused, letting that sink in, thankful to not have fumbled at the words, to not have shown how deeply it hurt to have everyone in the North, everyone he had been fighting for, turn their backs on him.
Dany gave him the smallest of nods, which he returned. “Titles mean nothing to me,” he added, looking straight at Lady Lyanna, whose face remained as severe as he had remembered it. “We are all here to fight against the darkness that will soon devour not just the North, but the whole realm. This is neither the time nor the place to pledge allegiances.”
“Allegiances will be discussed once you reach Winterfell. But before we let you pass through Moat Cailin, we are here to kindly request, in behalf of Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell, Queen in the North, that your dragons remain here in Moat Cailin.”
Jon had become, over the many weeks spent together with the Dragon Queen, hyper aware of the many subtle changes in her mood. He had learned to read the tone of her voice, the way she clasped her hands in front of her, the way she would throw her shoulder back, the way her eyes would slowly narrow –he had them all catalogued and remember, it was important that he could read her. He had also learned that Tyrion was just as aware as he was and would react accordingly.
Before Dany could even say anything, Tyrion was quick to take hold of the conversation, “and why would we do that? We need the dragons to defeat the White Walkers.”
Arya gave a long suffering sigh, finally stepping forward so that she was just within arm’s reach. “The White Walkers are not in Winterfell. Not yet, at least. Soon maybe, since Eastwatch had already been breached. All thanks to the dragon wight that you have so generously provided the Night King with.”
Jon thought he misheard Arya. Eastwatch, breached? Dragon wight? 
Lyanna gave all of them a withering glare, before stating their condition. “Have your dragons fly over Skagos or Bay of Seals but not over land where they can be targeted, brought down, brought back to life or whatever it is that the Night King does.”  
Jon felt sick. He fought the urge to double over and clutch his stomach. He could envision The Night King astride Viserion, ice blue eyes looking down upon them, nostril flaring, and in one swoop of it’s wing, toppling down the towers at Winterfell, breathing blue fire that can freeze and kill and end everything that he held dear.
“How did you…I don’t…understand…” Tyrion looked to Jon and back to Dany who was clutching her chest. Jon could almost feel the sudden sorrow and anger consuming Dany. Her face had crumpled into an agonized grimace at the thought of her dead dragon – her child, being turned into a monster that can and will destroy her, if not stopped.
But how to stop a dragon wight?!
“Bran had seen it. Tormund had reported it. He barely survived when the wall at Eastwatch came crashing down. So you will understand why your dragons must be kept as far away in land as possible.”
“Seen?” Varys who had remained quiet the whole time, asked curiously. “Strange. I had thought Lord Stark is in Winterfell?”
No one paid him any mind. Dany still could not speak. This was a horrible blow to her. It was like losing Viserion all over again but more than anything, whatever advantage they might have had with the Army of the Dead had just significantly decreased.
“And also because you cannot guarantee that when your dragons go hungry, they will not feed upon what little livestock we have left. Winter is here. The dead are coming. So you can either talk amongst yourselves to decide whether our request makes sense or you would rather arrive in Winterfell upon dragons, who quite honestly, have become more of a liability than a weapon to help save us.”
Tyrion, looking quite defeated by two girls who were barely taller than him, helplessly turned to Dany, raising both his hand in an oddly placating way, a move which Jon had seen more than he would like to admit. Dany immediately dismissed whatever Tyrion was about say with a flick of her wrist. “I would like to a council with my Hand and my advisers.”
Arya and Lyanna gave each of them a long hard look, a look only a Northerner can give, conveying their absolute disbelief that a council needs to be held over something as simple as this. The North dealt with practical problems, it comes with trying to survive the harsh land which they have lived upon since the beginning of time. Dragons were dangerous. Dragons can be turned into weapons against them. What more does the Southern fools want to talk about?!
“We’ll leave you to it then,” Lyanna’s displeasure clearly showing with her weary sigh. “But we expect an answer soon. If we’re going to Winterfell, the more we delay, the harder it will be to pass through snow and biting cold.” They did not have to add that it would be harder for them, the Southern army that was promised to help them.
Jon hopelessly watched as Arya and Lyanna left, the howling wind briefly entering the tent, before their Dothraki guards quickly closed the flap. Whatever warmth that was inside disappeared, replaced by the chilling cold that would settle deep into muscles and bones.
Jon had bent the knee, had lost the North and his family, all for a desperately played gamble that was slowly turning out to be mistake.  
Ok, maybe “mistake” is such a strong word. Hahaha. I hope that wasn’t so bad. 
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medschoolash · 5 years
maybe just maybe the reason Jon didn’t do anything greatly heroic this battle was because for ONCE it wasn’t about him. It was about everybody battling for their lives together. It was about Jamie and Brienne literally fighting with their backs aganist the wall. It was about Greyworm bravely directing the Unsullied to protect the retreating army. It was about Beric and the Hound saving Arya. Sam fighting to his almost death, Lyanna Mormont defeating a giant, Melisandre being a vital part of the battle and providing fire when no one else could. It was about Podrick and Davos fighting off countless wights. It was about Jorah giving his life for Dany.
it was about THEON GREYJOY taking on wight after wight even after all his men were dead. Theon Greyjoy never leaving Bran’s side and kicking ass alone in ways that not many other men could have done. 
It was about ARYA STARK being a badass and killing the NK. 
The show isn’t disrespecting your favorite. For once it’s just not up his ass and centered on him and his heroics alone. I for one like the change. 
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GoT 8x03 aka The Battle of WinterHELL
I can’t help but feel like this is the episode of missed opportunities and (unintentional) wtf moments. Just a little warning: this will not be the most positive review and I hate that I feel this way about the episode because I know how much work (55 consecutive night shots!) went into creating it but I can’t help but not love it. There was some good stuff in there too, and I’ll mention it but don’t expect hails of praise from this. Also, keep in mind, that I LOVE this show to death and that it’s not my intention to bash it – it’s still the best and most thought-through show I’ve ever seen – but I also need to get all my feeling about this mess out.
They foreshadowed the crypts being unsafe in 8x02 with the subtlety of a sledgehammer and then it turned out that they actually were breached… but it has like no consequences? No one that we know died and there wasn’t even a good close combat scene. Super odd. The whole crypts stuff in general was really … underwhelming.
I was really out there expecting some Sansa x Varys’ (ya know, Varys meeting his Dream Queen) bonding in the crypts but instead I got … another conversation with Tyrion … ok lol, thanks. Next.
On a positive side note, however, if they’d wanted to make Sansa x Tyrion romantic, they would have made a Wight attack her and Tyrion save her, you know this whole thing with her wanting a hero … or to make it a twist Sansa would have saved Tyrion. But D&D noped out of that big times.
Missandei, I love you, but you need to chill.
Alys Karstark, what are you up to? Stayin’ alive and all that … So far, at least.
Why bring Ghost out for 0.2 seconds for no purpose at all? Fighting with the Dothraki? Am I to believe that Ghost wouldn’t be with, um, I don’t know … Arya, Sansa or Bran? I’m sorry I don’t buy that. If you can’t afford or don’t want to spend money on his CGI to give him meaningful scenes THEN DON’T FUCKING SHOW HIM AT ALL! The only theory I have about Ghost being in both episodes since the parentage reveal but not in 8x01 when Jon returns to Winterfell and a Jon x Ghost reunion would have made sense, is that Ghost is a symbol for Jon’s Stark-ness and therefore I suspect that we’ll see him further until it is once and for all revealed that … tamtatatam … Jon wants to stay a Stark. Surprising, right? -.-
My main problem with this episode is that I felt disconnected to it all. Even in the bits where Jaime saved Brienne I felt like they were shot in a way that didn’t evoke emotions in me. Don’t know how to express myself correctly but it was just off. Felt like we were just swiping through the scenery, and over characters but didn’t actually focus on anyone.
That Arya x Walking Dead scene was alright HOWEVER how ‘bout some dialogue instead??
Ok, so the Night King raises the dead but no one has to fight a killed loved one??? (Or, you know maybe they did and I just couldn’t see it …) This is a missed opportunity so big I can’t quite believe it. Maybe it is time for a proper re-watch, idk.
Most of the episode I was wondering what the dragons were up to ... only to realize over and over again that they were up to LITERALLY nothing O.o 
I’m forever going to be pissed that when Bran said “You’re a good man. Bye.” He let Theon f*cking die when I was fully expecting him to be like: “You’re a good man, thank you. But now it’s time to go.” I would have felt that. But of course f*cking not. I suppose I did feel that, too.
Would it have killed them to give Jon a decent fighting sequence with the Night King though? Jon has been so obsessed with him and sacrificed so much to defeat the NK, he would have deserved to get to kick his ass a bit in one on one combat. (And no, the dragon fighting doesn’t count because I couldn’t tell shit apart. I still don’t know which dragon got bitten and which did the biting, like … this is what you chose to spend so much CGI on, are you for real???)
I’m slightly disappointed that the NK only tried to shot a dragon with his badass spears one f*cking time!! It’s not because I dislike the dragons and want them gone (which I do), I just think it could have made good visuals and raised the stakes even further (I know the stake were pretty darn high to begin with but I just didn’t feel anything.)
Can the Night King speak or does he just choose not to cause “reasons”? Well, at least he can smirk like a boss … Seriously, he’s the most generic and boring villain ever. Glad he’s a goner though.
Also, what was the point of the White Walkers? Like, did they do anything but stand around at the tree line? I was really waiting for them to … I don’t know … try to shoot a dragon out of the sky or fuck things up in the castle.
I like that it was Arya who saved the day, I wasn’t expecting that and I feel there was a bit of foreshadowing for this but it was done so anti-climactic I couldn't properly enjoy it. I still wish they would have done some more foreshadowing for this but they probably wanted it to be a complete “twist” that absolutely no one saw coming. I think I actually would have preferred Bran to be the NK but alright …
Am I wrong or were there less than 10 sentences spoken in 82 minutes?
I am not going to lie; I really wanted Jon to slay Wightserion. I love this man with all my heart but they have been butchering his character and POV to protect their Pol!Jon plot twist and I get it and I believe in Jon but having him slay a Zombie!Dragon would have been a great metaphor for him getting his old self back and literally slaying his dragons, you know? The more I think about this, the more I’m pissed that they didn’t …
I’m so confused that they killed of both of the Mormonts. The only good thing I saw in having Lyanna killed was that at least that would mean that Jorah would live … which is probably exactly why they did it. BIG DISLIKE.
I was relieved to see D*ny cry about Jorah’s death, he loved her so much it’s killing me inside. (How do people see the way Jorah loved her so fiercely and then see Jon with her as a contrast and are like … Yeah Jon and D, man, that’s love … TF?) Anyways, Jorah did her wrong, he did her good but he certainly deserved to be cried over by D*ny. I hate losing Jorah, I loved that devoted fool but I’m also low-key relived that at least this way, Jorah doesn’t have to pick between the North and D*ny. Also good, I loved Jorah and D fighting side by side – one last ride, I guess, going down together ... that's my kind of tea but whatever.
Also interesting, Jorah stayed at her side till the very end, while Jon ditched her first chance he got.
On that note, I also want to say that one of the most interesting things that happened in this episode was that Sam x Jon scene. You know the one where he walks past Sam, although Sam could’ve obviously used some help. Of course, you could say, yeah he just wanted to go kill the NK (which he obviously did want to) but I do believe that Jon’s decision to keep moving has a lot more to do with Bran than the NK. When he ditched D*ny, he said he needs to get to Bran, not “I need to find the NK and kill him”. He was under a lot of stress but his mind immediately went to Bran his brother and not to the Night King his enemy. I do believe that means something. Obviously, the argument can be made that it means the same but I doubt it. The walking past Sam thing could have been easily omitted but they didn’t. Sam, Jon’s best friend and BROTHER of the Night’s Watch. To me, it means that the Starks still are the priority of his heart, siblings or not. Jon knows now that Bran isn’t really his brother, that he’s the 3ER and let’s be real, he hasn’t had a meaningful interaction with Bran in years. He doesn’t know him anymore. But he still chose Bran. He couldn’t spare those ten seconds to help his best friend because Bran needed him. He ditched his NW brother/best friend AND his aunt/lover for his cousin Bran. I don’t know about you guys but I really loved that. Because it means so much regarding him being part of the pack and shit.
I very happily noted that D&D really went out of their way to make sure that absolutely nothing of significance was accomplished by D*ny or her armies or her dragons. Drogon and Rhaegal didn’t even take down Viserion, Arya Stark did. Kinda.
What will Arya be called now by the smallfolk? Kingslayer? Dragonslayer? Nightslayer? Armyslayer? Sooo many possibilies ...
I'm in the serious need of a Jonsa scene. I've been patient but now I need Jon to gaze at Sansa from the side and being awkward around her and then I'll need him to reveal his parentage to her and Ayra.
Also, big F*ck You to all the “leakers” out there who made me worry all week about B*atbang!Baby and lines like D: “Ily but you need to keep the Targline alive. Do you understand?” J: “No, I get it, Auntie, but Ily and I only want you”. I mean that Exodus dude wrote a fucking essay based on nothing but lies – why do people even do that? Get a hobby, man!
Resume: I still have faith in Pol!Jon, Dark!D and Jonsa but I’m really confused about the route they’re currently taking. I’m assuming Dany will leave for Dragonstone in 8x04 and Jon will join her and we’ll have another Jonsa separation with only three episodes left, so that’d really suck. However, if I could wish for only a single thing next episode, then I want Jon back, I miss my man so much.
I realize this all must sound kinda anti but I’m just a bit upset and tired. I do love this show and I will keep watching till the bitter end, obviously. Also I respect all the work that went into creating this episode. It just wasn’t my kind of tea. Cheers xx
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princesssarcastia · 5 years
GOT s8e2
I would like to start off by saying that its REAL FUCKIN RUDE I'm gonna have to wait another episode to see them fight the night king.  just from a “need moar  plot” standpoint.  
That being said, we best judge a series by its filler episodes.  As a filler episode? this was okay.  it was, you know, fine.  They had some excellent beats, most of which surprisingly revolved around Jamie Lannister, and the flow was good.  for me, though, I think it lacked...gravity.  depth.  they threw so many characters together in so many combinations, it was like they were going down a list ticking off “last moments.”
im...continually disappointed by daenerys.  this episode was a little better than the last, I guess??? but I still don't like her!  which isn’t fun because she’s always been one of my favorites.  Her bringing up Viserys as a way to prosecute Jamie for killing Aerys was hugely disappointing.  Viserys was absolute scum! And she knew this!  And she knows that Aerys was absolute shit and Jamie was well within his rights to kill him!!!! but she threw a fit about it anyway.
it really bugs me because there are sooooo many legitimate things to prosecute him for, and yet Aerys is the one she focuses in on.  0/10 stars, get some better judgement. 
Bran has yet to have a real human emotion this season; they BETTER be saving up for him to show some whole-ass fear against the night king, or to have a mufasa moment with his father in a vision or something.  I thought Jamie would do it, but he’s right that they’d kill him on sight if he spoke up. 
Edd and Sam and Jon!!! The dream team back together once again to kick ass and take names and face imminent death with sarcastic remarks, courage, and honor/angst, respectively.
Jorah Mormont’s defense of Tyrion to daenerys was excellent.  I loved that moment!  I loved that he's consistently honorable, and reminding Dany of the person she used to be.  also ngl she still has better chemistry/actual emotions with him than with Jon, which is why...
daenerys’s attempt to bond with Sansa over Jon was nice, but it didn't quite hit home because I still don't believe that daenerys and Jon are in love.  its a shoehorned romance that isn’t backed up by Kit and Emilia’s acting skills.  and what bugs me the most is that these actors are good actors!!! they have the range for it; in fact they've done it before on this show with different characters.  but somehow they can't do it with each other, fuck. remember that one post, about how if they have to kiss for the reader to know they're in love, its not a good romance?? Well DD did not remember that post.
so I guess it was nice that Sansa and Dany had that moment.  But I really appreciated Sansa.  she was the highlight of the scene, bringing up the north until Dany pulled away; making Dany uncomfortable because she knows the north will not kneel to her willingly.  In my heart of hearts, I hope Sansa’s words may have planted a seed of doubt in Daenerys about her actions, but I know it just made her mad. 
and then, we get to watch daenerys watch Theon and Sansa reunite (damn even these two have better chemistry than Dany and Jon!!!) which was, honestly, almost my favorite moment of the show.  Sansa so far has presented this icy facade to Dany, and I think Dany thought that was just who Sansa was.  but it’s not.  she loves so deeply for a select few, and theon is one of them, and this scene was kind of a way to rub Theon’s devotion to Sansa in daenerys’ face.  
Tyrion and Jamie’s talks together were uh, nice.  no depth, no emotion beyond a general camaraderie, but you know, that relationship’s been stagnant since DD glossed over their reunion under king’s landing last season, so I wasn't surprised.  kudos to tyrion for that zinger about Jamie knowing who cersei was and loving her anyway.
Podrick can fight!! Brienne taught him so well!!! also damn, podrick can sing???is there anything he can’t do?? any flaws he may possess?? apparently not.
hands down best part of this episode was Brienne and Jamie.  Brienne is so confused that Jamie’s being nice to her it breaks my HEART, my little fangirl heart that has read this interaction trope so many times and still eats it up with a spoon. Jamie respecting her as a warrior, treating her with integrity, knighting her oh my god, AHHHH.  
Tormund, my man, you tried your. best, but I think Brienne is stuck on Jamie.  And your cultural differences continue to make excellent comic relief, if only on the faces of the other characters in your proximity. 
Arya and Sandor’s little scene was mostly a tick off a checkpoint moment, no depth.  
Jorah’s moment with Lady Mormont was a little better; it snuck up on me, I will admit, and I like that it happened, but again; very little depth.  Jorah’s moment with Sam was a little better.
Arya and Gendry’s scenes were a little more satisfying.  I would have liked more depth, but also I love arya surprising people who knew her before with her fighting prowess, so ill forgive it.  ( I cannot BELIEVE arya motherfucking stark pulled the “virgin before a big battle” card.  it cracked me up).  Also loved Arya wanting a pole weapon.
Greyworm and Missandei are adorbs.  Now That’s What I Call Chemisty! Take notes, Dany and jon.  I want to see their road trip to Narth so bad!! Let them live, let them grow old and be kind together. 
I would just like to say that I KNEW Daenerys would try to deny what Jon was telling her because it made him the last male targaryen heir.  I knew it!!!!  And I love that they started with Lyanna.  Lyanna is such an important character for the series, one I wish to god we got to see more of.  Now, Dany either dies before this gets resolved or has to decide what kind of person she’s going to be  afterwards, when she has to deal with this. 
I’m a little mad the stark sibs didn't choose to spend some of their last moments with each other, but I think that choice stems from how their relationships have been written post-reunions.  It’s in character; it just means they aren't the characters I was hoping they’d be. 
Overall, 5/10.  Half of it was good, half of it was mediocre at best, and the mediocre parts stemmed from writing issues that are becoming endemic of game of thrones.  hopefully the next episode will be better. 
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yourfandomfreak · 5 years
what an experience.
you really FELT the intensity, the fear, the chaos.
everything was so well done.
rest in peace: Ed, Beric, Jorah, Lyanna Mormont, Viserion (again), and Melisandre (I think that’s all of them)
it was beautiful and glorious and I loved it; that bit of hope at the end.
Oh Dany, I am so sorry you lost Jorah, who had been with you at the start, and came back to you only to die now.
The Hound saving Arya, Arya saving her little brother, Jon and Dany riding dragons together, Jamie and Brienne fighting side by side
Sansa and Tyrion defending the crypt, and realizing that they care about each other still. (I gotta admit for a second I thought they were going to kill themselves, but thankfully no)
this was the big battle of the season. I am practically begging for the next one against Cersei to be won too.
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wittywallflower · 5 years
GoT thoughts and theories. Spoilers and vulgarness and whatnot below. No Read More cuz mobile.
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If Westeros still makes a big fucking stink about proper line of successions and bastards not being acceptable heirs, i will burn the seven kingdoms to the ground. I only accept predictions for people with no "valid" claim to succession to sit on the Iron Throne. Sadly it cant be the champion of my heart, the Lady Lyanna Mormont.
I've always lowkey shipped Jaime and Brienne (even though Tormund would be a better choice) but imo that kiss was awkward af. I was kinda glad not to see another. Kinda hope she rebound-bangs Tormund. I bet he eats pussy WAY more enthusiastically than Jaime.
Jaime has been a broken man for a few seasons now, getting pushed and pulled through life/the action by various people. I think the only hope/joy he imagines is attainable that he actually deserves is Cersei and their baby.
This is a Sansa Stark Hate-Free zone, let me be clear. But i can still critique my faves and man, she was aggressive. The battle just ended but she is ready to go after Dany. Spills the secret to Tyrion right away. I am not at all sure i understand what her goals are here. The throne for her sorta-brother... so she can feel secure in the North? Big assumption on her part that he is gonna survive both Dany and Cersei. Feels like she of all people should be sick of war. But at the same time i am so down for her playing the long game to put herself in charge.
I hope she marries Tyrion again as part of it, those two would be unstoppable together. Sansa Stark for the Iron Throne!
Bronn continues to be a delight. I knew he was going to honor his deal with Tyrion and not kill the two of them but the negotiation was a lot of fun to watch. Jaime was deffo more nervous than his brother. Tyrion Lannister for the Iron Throne!
Cersei's pregnancy... i hate it. I hate every which way it could reasonably be predicted to go. And to my personal shame... the more he kicks ass in battle, the less repulsed i am by Euron fucking Greyjoy. Even the stupid facial hair is starting to grow on me. Fucking Greyjoy men. I hope Yara kills him. Yara Greyjoy for the Iron Throne!
Gendry and Brienne are such stereotypical virgins, throwing their hearts at the first person they sleep with. But its cute that he gets made a Lord and immediately goes running to tell Arya. I dont think its because she is a Lady and he felt unworthy because he was a bastard. No, i think it was because she is a badass fighter and the hero of all Westeros and its all he has to offer her. But he is so excited because its so much more than he had to offer her 5 mins before. Dumb boy though, i knew how that whole scene was going to go from the moment kissed her. Arya Stark for the Iron Throne!
TBR i kinda expect the Iron Throne to be destroyed with most/all of King's Landing. Between Dany's last dragon and whatever wildfire Cersei is still sitting on, its not looking like a safe place to be. If Cersei were to lose her baby, she would absolutely go all Mad King and burn the innocents in their beds if it took out a few of her enemies at the same time. And Dany would be grief and revenge maddened enough to fly right into it.
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winteriscoming-got · 5 years
Sansa vs. Dany
My reaction to that Sansa backlash because of Sansa talking about politics in the crypts and aplauding Missandei for defending Dany. 
First of all, yes, if it wasn’t for Dany, they would be all dead by now. That is the truth and I think that Sansa very much acknowledges that what Missandei says is the truth... as much as she acknowledges the fact that Dany wants to rule the Seven kingdoms, which North is one of, and she want independency for her people. That would leave Tyrion’s loyalty divided, if they were together. That is simply a fact... 
Also, a friendly reminder, that if it wasn’t for Sansa, Starks wouldn’t have Winterfell now. If it wasn’t for Sansa, Jon would be dead now, he would die in the Battle of the bastards... or there would be no Battle of the Bastards at all and the mutherfucker Ramsay would still hold the North. Jon wouldn’t go to Daenerys, because he wouldn’t know Dany was even in Westeros, Tyrion wouldn’t write him, because he wouldn’t be the King in the North. He also wouldn’t be reached by the raven from Sam, because he wouldn’t know where Jon was, if he wasn’t the King in the North, if he wasn’t in Winterfell but wandering somewhere south. So Dany would come to Westeros, not knowing her castle sits on Dragonglass, going straight to kill Cersei, took over the Seven Kingdoms... while the Night King would wipe out the entire rest of Westeros and they wouldn’t believe it, because Jon wouldn’t go to prove it, then they would be killed by the dead, not prepared, because they wouldn’t mine dragonglass and make weapons from it. And they wouldn’t have fucking Arya Stark to kill the Night King, Bran would be probably gone too, because he wouldn’t have time to travel South with Meera and his wheelchair if Winterfell was still Bolton’s... and I could go on all night. 
If it wasn’t for Dany, yes, they would be all dead at that moment in the crypts, that is the truth. But all the haters AND all the other characters too should REMEMBER what happened more than 2 episodes ago and acknowledge that Sansa’s choices and actions DID make a difference and they DO count and she is DEFINITELY NOT someone who did NOTHING for fucking 7 seasons. She is the reason Starks took back Winterfell, she is the reason why Jon became king and that gave him the position to go to Dany begging for help in the first place. 
I’m out. 
Good night haters. 
Also, Arya Stark is the ultimate badass
Also, Lyanna Mormont is a fucking badass for killing that ice-giant with her last breath. R.I.P. 
Also, Jorah, Theon, Edd and Lyanna deserved better. 
Also, if Sam dies in any of those remaining episodes, I’m out. 
Also, the women of Thrones are not badass only because they are kicking ass. 
Also, they deleted a Sansa and Tyrion fighting scene from the crypts, I am so angry. 
Also... just go home, Sansa haters, hate on someone else, for example Cersei, who is actually evil. 
Also, stick ‘em with the pointy end. 
What do we say to the god of death? 
NOT today. 
Also, THAT Sanrion scene, I am dead. 
And no, I am never going to stop defending Sansa Stark, not till the day I die. I would stop maybe, if she killed Arya or something, but that ain’t gonna happen. I am so tired of defenting her, because people seem to not listen and still bragging about how she betrayed Ned when she was a 12 year old naive girl. The same people who forgave Theon for betraying Rob... Hypocrisy at its best. All I want for her is to be safe, happy and alive. I hope she is in the end, she deserves it. 
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snarkelf · 5 years
GoT 8x02 (and 01...and previous season) spoilers under cut...it’s just my rambly thoughts 24 hours after the fact LMAO
I love that Ghost got his own trending tag. Like...we love a baby boy. Sweet little Ghosty. Puppy Dog. We are the dipshits that look at a Huge Ass Fucking Direwolf and are like “:000 puppy!! Baby!! Who’s a good doggie!!!”...or maybe that’s just me.
Also other notes: I’d fucking kill the entire universe for Podrick….like? Pod? Please interact.
The Theon/Sansa reunion made me cry big ugly baby tears. Like I know that Robb never existed now according to D&D but like......I could feel in my heart that Theon was like “do it for him” at least partially. Which is why I’m not big on Theonsa (though I’m not mad about it and I did think that part of them eating together was so sweet) because I want to at least hope that his primary motivation is to make amends for what he did to his best friend (no shipping intended but like...it applies). Also I will note the Yara/Theon exchange with Theon wanting to go back to Winterfell and fight for the Starks/the “What Is Dead May Never Die” also made me cry big ugly baby tears. Theon If You’re Out There (also give Alfie Allen an Emmy challenge)
Braime (or whatever their ship name is idk) is Canon They’re Married (also Brienne’s smile!!! I love her!!! Kick my ass!!!!!)
I’d die for Tormund he cracks me the fuck up
Jaime thank you for at least acknowledging that Robb might have existed theoretically and like...thank you in general you’re doing good buddy.
I have a terrible fuckin feeling about those Crypts...like you know why. 
Dany not giving a shit about her fucking her nephew but caring that he’s the heir to the Iron Throne is honestly...very Targaryen of her. Jon refusing to make eye contact before though, OOF.
Arya Said Femdom/Top Rights
Bran continues to be the petty icon that we deserve...”the things I do for love” gOD BRAN YOUR MIND!!!! Also like...I have a Bad Feeling but I also trust Bran...like he’s a 17 year old so that’s not saying much but he has infinite wisdom so he’s far better than I am in that respect.
Grey Worm/Missandei are the cutest fuckin couple on the PLANET and like I know it’s going to be bad...like I know
Also Sam/Gilly. God Sam fuckin GOT SOME AND HE FLAUNTED IT. We stan Sam. Sam/Pod have Best Boy solidarity.
Also like...I love everyone roasting Jon for being liddol but like also Jon...5′6″ rights...solidarity my friend. Kit Harington Existing said Me Rights.
Lyanna Mormont I’d die for you (and I know she’d reply with “then perish”)
The little girl with Greyscale? More ugly tears, *blows a kiss to the sky* for Shireen Baratheon.
Anyway there’s more shit I can discuss but like those are the highlights
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