#as a former exclus who still holds lots of exclus beliefs...total inclusivity is fucking insane
femmesandhoney · 3 years
it makes me so sad seeing so many women going “i’m not a woman i’m nonbinary/genderfluid/demi girl/some other made up thing because i’m uncomfortable being objectified/i’m not a hyper feminine cliche of what a woman is/i have low self esteem/etc”. regardless of all that they’re still women and being a woman is an amazing thing. and no matter what they choose to identify as they will still face sex based oppression. they’re still women and will always be women. trying to hide from that fact and deny their womanhood will help no one. but it’s 2021 and everyone and everything is valid, and if you say any different you’re oppressing the kweer community.
i wish i had been more open to listening to radfems when my friend decided they were out of the blue nonbinary. i actually did try to talk her about it because even as a libfem i geninuely didn't think she was lmao, but i had to really approach her gently because if i hit too close to her actual insecurities she would just shut the conversation down. i think she realized i was actually making good points about why she might have been feeling "not like a woman" and that scared her. its easier for a lot of these women to ignore their feelings and any deep analysis of where they stem from and jump into the cozy box of "non binary" as a shield.
i just hate that everyone calls you a terf, a gatekeeper, a bitch, a cunt, literally everything under the sun if you don't agree to be a constant validation machine for other people. you harbor one "wrong" opinion and youre a nazi facist. like its unbelievable how intensely so many young kids and teens nowadays think that if you aren't this super inclusive to everything person youre literally the devil.
ive seen so many people from exclus spaces essentially give up their beliefs and suddenly become inclus bc of how fucking spiteful and hateful the inclus side of liberal feminism is. they sent gore, death threats, suicide bait, and so much worse just because LGBT (for exclus) members of the community wanted to gatekeep and make sure it wasn't alphabet soup. let me repeat: these kids who harp over and over about everything and everyone being valid and to just be nice and kind and considerate of others feelings and identities are literally the most disgusting motherfuckers you'll find. they are literally crazy to people who have different opinions that don't 100% validate them. and this constant demoralizing and mental harm it does to people, like literally makes them give up to stop receiving the hate and threats, is another reason i began looking into radfem spaces.
i wasn't about to drop my morals, but i certainly was confused as fuck about what was happening to liberal feminism. most of my old lesbian mutuals had either gone full inclus and hated me for stating i was a lesbian who only liked women (and again, as a libfem, we included TW), but it really didn't matter how much me and my remaining exclus lesbians parroted libfem rhetoric, we got attacked over and over. it didn't matter we were already libfems, we had to be broken down in our spaces online until we admitted everything was valid and we were actually meanies and super harmful and shit. thats the endgoal of intense libfems and TRAs. to make everyone who has a thread of logic to unravel it all and go join their clusterfuck of inclusivity.
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