#as a kid it’d be stuff like cool glass bottles pinned butterflies and bleached animal bones
golvio · 1 year
It’s a little weird for me to see all these interpretations of a young Ganondorf as some kind of perpetually -shirtless child supermodel when I personally see him as a cross between Amanda Rule-of-Rose (including the orphanhood and childhood adversity [she DID grow up in a British orphanage run by a neglectful scumbag in the 1910s-20s], its attendant emotional problems and attachment issues, precocious life skills, secret hideout, hilariously overwrought diary entries, and extremely off-putting ways of apologizing and trying to make friends) and an ichimatsu doll.
I know a lot of people think he’s handsome, and want to believe he was always handsome, but I feel like it’d be more fitting if his childhood self was this hilariously awkward, oversensitive, and vulnerable thing that he’s been desperately trying to get away from ever since, and yet in some ways hasn’t changed from at all. For example, he’d be just as likely to do the “leave a letter in their room and watch them through a crack in the door to make sure they read it” thing to someone he’s trying to sincerely apologize to as an adult as he would as a child.
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