#as well as his tendency to hoard ‘treasures’ he finds
golvio · 1 year
It’s a little weird for me to see all these interpretations of a young Ganondorf as some kind of perpetually -shirtless child supermodel when I personally see him as a cross between Amanda Rule-of-Rose (including the orphanhood and childhood adversity [she DID grow up in a British orphanage run by a neglectful scumbag in the 1910s-20s], its attendant emotional problems and attachment issues, precocious life skills, secret hideout, hilariously overwrought diary entries, and extremely off-putting ways of apologizing and trying to make friends) and an ichimatsu doll.
I know a lot of people think he’s handsome, and want to believe he was always handsome, but I feel like it’d be more fitting if his childhood self was this hilariously awkward, oversensitive, and vulnerable thing that he’s been desperately trying to get away from ever since, and yet in some ways hasn’t changed from at all. For example, he’d be just as likely to do the “leave a letter in their room and watch them through a crack in the door to make sure they read it” thing to someone he’s trying to sincerely apologize to as an adult as he would as a child.
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night-raven-tattler · 6 months
What's your ideal type?
Summary: What would be the best traits for their potential partner to have?
A/N: I didn't want to leave Lilia out of the series even though I only write platonic relationships with him, so I wrote about his ideal friend instead. Enjoy!
Characters: Diasomnia dorm (Malleus, Sebek, Silver) x GN!Reader (separate, romantic), Lilia and GN!Reader (platonic)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Malleus' ideal type would be...
Someone who playfully teases him. Malleus can be quite a tease himself, and enjoys seeing people squirm under his playful eyes. While he knows how it feels to be at the receiving end of that treatment thanks to Lilia, he'd still get surprised if you reciprocate.
Someone who can see beauty in the desolate. Being the goth king-to-be that he is, Malleus' tastes tend to gravitate towards darker aesthetics: abandoned buldings, antiques, vintage paintings and furniture, gargoyles... He can't help but be slightly upset when people mistake a grotesque for a gargoyle, but he's amazed when you correct them before he gets to.
Someone who can enjoy grand gestures. It's possible it is a byproduct of him being a prince, but Malleus and words such as "subtle" or "small" are from different worlds. He just wants to shower you with the best offerings to show his attention. Maybe his desire to put valuables with you is because dragons tend to hoard treasure?
Someone who isn't afraid to call him out on things. Malleus is many things: powerful, wise, capable and kind. But he's also stubborn, prideful and has a tendency to do things first and ask later. When he unintentionally crosses your boundaries, tell him. When he plans to do something before asking, tell him. Don't be his yes man. He'll respect you immensely for calling him out. After all, you ability to treat him like any other student is what drew him to you in the first place.
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Lilia's ideal friend would be...
Someone who appreciates cooking. Lilia is a creative person, and it really shows in his cooking (for better or for worse). While eating his food is... a bit of a challenge, your interest would not go unnoticed. Who knows, maybe enough interest would have him allow you join him for a cooking session! A perfect opportunity to stop him from being too creative.
Someone who can take his jokes and pranks. What can I say, Lilia loves having a good laugh, even if sometimes comes at the expense of pulling a prank or two. While harmless, his pranks can be annoying. Take them on as a challenge, and you'll never find your slippers again, or you will have all of your mugs laid on your kitchen floor face down once every 17 mornings. Depends on you if you find that fun or not.
Someone who gets along with Silver and Malleus. His sons are his pride and joy, no matter what. While Lilia knows that sometimes people just don't fit well together, he can recognise effort when he sees it. If you want that spot at the dinner table, you have to get along with his family first.
Someone who can still love the world, despite any hardships. Lilia has lived on this earth for long and faced heartbreak after heartbreak, uncertainty and grief. His healing is not over, and that's okay. He'll appreciate you talking to him about how the would doesn't suck that badly after all.
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Sebek's ideal type would be...
Someone who respects Malleus and Lilia. If you want any chance of even getting along with Sebek, you have to pay your respects to two of the people he respects the most. While you don't have to kiss the ground they walk on, a few nods of approval during Sebek's endless speeches about their glory and superiority would not go unnoticed.
Someone who likes praising him. I'm not saying Sebek is easily swayed by praise, but he'd be joyous to hear how well he's doing. He's a dedicated guard with perfect scores at school and a will strong enough to move mountains. While the praise directed at him would be something he's not really accustomed to, he'd stop trying to redirect the praise towards Malleus soon enough.
Someone who challenges him. Sebek is not the most agreeable person, but he's always open to learning and improving himself. He's just very, very stubborn. You don't have to dismantle his whole ideology about humans or anything like that. Instead, just give him the puzzle pieces: he'll enjoy the challenge to figure out your thought process while trying to prove you wrong. Whatever the outcome is, Sebek will always come out of the other side with a newfound respect for you.
Someone who can teach him how to be gentle. Yes, Sebek is loud, extra and arrogant. But, above all, he wants to do right by his loved ones. If you can teach him how to come from a place of compassion and genuine goodwill instead of having him default on his aggresive demeanor, he'd be quite amazed with you. His job was never to be kind and gentle, but he can still be those things while protecting the people around him. He'll treasure everything you'll teach him, and he'll hold you in his heart close to his idols.
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Silver's ideal type would be...
Someone who respects Malleus and Lilia. While Silver is not the type to sing their praises during every moment of the day, he respects his liege and his father more than anything. He can't have someone disrespect two of the most important people in his life. It's the bare minimum for him if you want him to pay you any mind.
Someone who is earnest. Silver is a kind and sweet boy. His help and advice are always genuine. His dedication to protect the people he loves come from a desire to pay back the goodwill of the people in his life. He might not notice when people don't have the most genuine intentions, but he can tell when you are a nice person, especially to the people around him. His wariness will quickly dwindle, and he will warm up to you in no time.
Someone who knows when to nudge him awake and when to let him sleep. Silver dislikes how often he falls asleep during the day, and has a lot of guilt from not being to stay awake. He really takes note of how people react when he falls asleep near them or when they wake him up. Even though he still feels very helpless against his curse, if you still treat him just the same then he'd feel the littlest bit less guilty about it.
Someone who shows him he's enough. Above all else, Silver believes in paying back the kindness he has received from the world. He works very hard, harder than needed. Sometimes he needs to be sat down and told that he is doing enough. He is enough. It will not change his hard working nature overnight, but acknowledging his efforts sure makes him feel like he's going in the right direction.
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
Imagine what yandere Chain would be like with a yiga darling that comes from Wilds Hyrule. Legend learns that Ravio tried to steal from the yiga in Wilds Hyrule and obviously got caught. The Chain travels through the perilous Geurdo Desert to save him. After disarming every yiga in the base, they find that they missed one. Ravio is flirting with this Yiga Clan member—wait, Ravio is flirting with them? 
Ravio calls dibs on yiga darling. He is the one who found them first, after all. Sure, he snuck in to steal all of the precious gems, weapons, and other things the clan had hoarded over the years. He was blessed to find something much more valuable. You wouldn't be able to understand that he is a darling. Years of training under Sooga have sharpened your mind and hardened your heart. You just don't have the emotional intelligence to understand how devoted he truly is to you. He didn't realize it at first. It's just your dominance. You know how to put him in his place if he starts being too touchy or perverted around you. Does it stop him? No. It entices him. Like a rabbit to its treasured carrot. He just wants to eat you up.
Time is the one that convinces the group to take you in for interrogation. Which evolves into you being held hostage by a bunch of love-sick heroes that were chosen by the goddesses you swore against. Time treats you like a child, and it infuriates you. He is always giving you advice and besting you in sparring. That's his way of courting you and showing you that you need him. He'd be the perfect husband for you. He could protect you if any yiga from any version of Hyrule tried to come after you. He could make you feel good and be your protector. He's tired of having to protect everyone and lead them. He only wants to do that with you. How beautiful you would look between him and Malon. She already adores you as well, based on what Time has told her of you. He also has the Fierce Deity mask in his arsenal. He isn't afraid of getting the deity involved if it keeps you with him.
Twilight almost mimics Times yandere ways. He is also the only one Twilight will listen to when it comes to you. If Time wants time with you, then he gets it. Even if it is at the cost of him spending time with you. Which does make sense considering Time is his ancestor. He treats you like you are his younger sibling. He is always quick to lend a hand to you. He is always second to scold you after Time for your yiga ways. He always protects you when in his wolf form. Those platonic yandere brother tendencies develop into romantic partner feelings after you save his life. It was more of an accidental thing.
They were traveling through a version of Gerudo Desert when a Molduga appeared out from under them. They were all quick to fight back against the beast while trying to get you away from the battle.
They always do that, every time. They have contemplated crippling you just so you lose your soldier persona faster, as well as you being more dependent on them.
The Moldulga had thrown Twilight deep into the sands, and some stray Lizafolos had been attracted. He was injured and was about to be impaled when you saved him. That was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Your determination and reflexes made the wolf part of him howl. He could just feel himself falling that fast for you. After all, you can't hate the heroes that much if you saved one of them, right?
That means you must be madly in love with him.
Sky barely interacts with you. You just get a lot of stares and awkward moments with him. Something about you just makes his mind go blank and his heart begin to pound. It confuses him even more when he learns what a yiga is. He pours his obsessive feelings out when Fi is around. He constantly talks about you to them and fantasizes. Fi becomes interested and eventually approves of Sky's infatuation. They know it isn't healthy, but it just makes him so happy. They have to admit that they don't know a lot about relationships in the first place. So they'll help Sky by giving him things to talk about with you. The mastersword may just always accidentally end up in your care, so Fi can help Sky stalk you. Some of the others panic with the fact that Sky is fine with leaving the mastersword in your hands. What if you use it as a bargaining tool against them? Of course, Fi is there, but they side with Sky on all matters. So Fi could keep you from them. Good for Sky, bad for the rest of The Chain.
Legend hates how passive and strong you are. You just have this wall that he wants to break down so badly. You have done awful things, at least from what he has learned about the yiga. So what gives you the right to act so perfect all the time? He does his best to humiliate you in any way possible. He knows you hide your face behind that stupid mask all the time, so he either hides it or breaks it. If you get another one, he does the same thing again. This does present a bit of a problem when Four offers to make you new armor, one without yiga symbols. He inadvertently allowed the two of you to get closer. Goddesses, damn it all!
He just needs to break you down so he is able to find his way into your heart. What was once a passive interest in your lack of emotion became a convoluted infatuation with you. He will do anything to make you show any emotion on your features. Your expressions are like ambrosia from the Golden Three. He'll pick out your worst insecurities if he has to, put you in the most compromising positions, give you love potions, anything—he'll slaughter the entirety of the Yiga Clan if only to see the absolute myriad of emotions wildly strewn across your face.
It was Shadow who first introduced Fours obsession into the world. The Colors hadn't seen Shadow in forever. Yet, now he was here, playing mischievous pranks on you. The others never seemed to notice Shadow except for you and Four. He made himself only noticeable to the two or five of you, depending on how you look at it. The others could sense him, but they just shook off the odd feeling. You began to grow closer with him, and Four couldn't have that. All of The Colors were arguing about what to do about him. Vio was especially upset, and Four was teetering on the edge of constantly splitting. The only thing that calmed them down was when they shooed Shadow away and were near you. It's like the darker version of himself understood the feelings that were just beneath the surface. Shadow made sure they grew so that not only could he be infatuated with you, but Four as well. It was something so sick and twisted that all four of them couldn't fight it. They protected you from Shadow's influence when they should've been protecting you from themselves all along.
It turns into a game of The Colors looking to mark you in different ways. Sure, they work together, but one is more dominant than the others in Fours mind and body most days. With your Yiga training, you were able to understand what was happening pretty quickly—well, part of it. You knew Four and Shadow were somehow connected. You knew that he must have a disorder or a strange genetic mutation because of how his eye colors kept changing on the daily—sometimes hourly. It was not a perfect blend with you around. They were all so needy for some part of you. They craved just an ounce of your affection and love.
Legend and his dumb fuckery gave them the perfect opportunity. All of a sudden, every chance Four could, he would whisk you away. He says that it's just because he is making you a special set of armor and weapons. The others will be irked and grumble about it, but they know it's four the best. Even Time approves of the armor and weapons being made for you. Of course, there is a catch to this. There always is.
They're essentially baby-proofed with a magical enchantment made by Legend and Hyrule. If you try to use your weapons without one of their permissions, they'll be too heavy to use and rendered useless. If you refuse to take your armor off or use it in whatever way one of the Links deems inappropriate, it'll basically turn from armor into something that demobilizes and swaddles you. Don't try to argue against it. You're blessed by Hylia herself that they even let you have armor or weapons, period. That's only because they are incredibly paranoid about you being harmed in way hylianly possible.
Four will reveal his secrets to you one day. He just has to make sure that you can't run first.
Hyrule sees you as above him in many ways. He doesn't really see himself as the hero, but you seem to be confident in your yiga position. You are so competent and level-headed. Hyrule falls in love with yiga darling almost as fast as Ravio does. You are just so perfect in his eyes. Your rough edges seem to round when he heals you with his magic. Not to mention that your body is so plush and soft. He feels himself growing red from pointed ear to pointed ear anytime he has to get near your body. It's just so perfect. It's nothing like this. He's lanky, and because of his fairy genes, he just seems to be unable to put on a lot of muscle. You though? You look like you were crafted by Din herself.
You are closest to Wild, much to the others chargin. You are from his Hyrule, and you met the hero while he was on his quest to save it. He didn't kill you after he had disarmed you only a couple of years ago. He may have defeated Master Kohga, but you didn't have the heart to hate him after that. You go to him whenever you need a break from the others. You always choose him to watch you if the others are arguing over who gets to watch you during nightwatch. You always compliment his food, and you interact with him the most. Wild even had the gall to teach you Hylian sign!
So many of the other Links hold such great resentment towards him for that. That was such an intimate thing for you to learn. Wild isn't the smartest of the bunch. A different Link should have taught you that! Cal is the most envious of the fact that Wild got to teach it to you. He is only semi-verbal and uses a lot of sign to communicate with the others. Not as much as Wild, but still! That's why the others use his trauma against him a lot. They'll tell you all the negative things about Wild in an effort to put a wedge in your relationship with him. Hyrule will go as far as to poison your food, so you no longer trust him to cook your meals.
Sages yandere tendencies evolve from simple indifference in you traveling with them to aggressive in nature. Whenever he sees you, it's like a switch is flipped in his brain, and he suddenly becomes paranoid and fidgety. He has dealt with the Yiga Clan far too much. He wants to suppress these feelings. He wants to make them go away. So instead of just acting passive toward you, he acts aggressive. He's very much a more extreme version of a tsundere. He acts like he wants to murder you, which a part of him does just so he doesn't have to feel vulnerable ever again. The other part of him just wants to strip you of anything yiga, so you can be this defenseless little thing that he has to protect. He wants to make you feel as vulnerable as he feels around you.
Aged-up Wind is naturally smitten with you from the first time he lays eyes on you. You remind him of a pirate. You like to steal and battle, just like him. He's often butting into whatever conversation you are having with another Link. He is shameless about it as well. He'll take up all of your time and try to convince you to come back to his Hyrule. They're holding you here against your will. Having only one yandere Link to deal with is better than a dozen. You both could be rulers over the Great Sea. That's his secret fantasy; the rest of his brothers envying him for having you while you both get married and have a bunch of awe-inspiring offspring. That's how he'd stake his claim on you against the others.
Warriors sees you as a threat at first. He is always on edge and ready for you to attack. Eventually, his apprehension turns to curiosity, which evolves into being enamored with you. He agrees with the rest about you needing to be protected and to never be in battle again, but at the same time he is tempted. He is the one that allows you to train, as long as it's with him or under his supervision. He loves testing your abilities while training. He admires your physique and has to restrain himself from touching you. He just wants his hands to explore your body. You could do the same to him. You wouldn't mind; he's pretty sure you wouldn't mind. The fact that you are from the Yiga Clan only interests him more. There's so much knowledge about their battle tactics and customs that you are keeping from them. Wars mimics Legend in the way that he will break you down emotionally to learn more about you. Wars needs to know about where you came from because, in a way, he understands. He's dealt with the training, having to deal with royalty, and saving the world. You're a soldier, just like him. You must understand that on some level. He just feels this automatic connection. It's like he's found the one he's been looking for all his life. A lover in the guise of an enemy. 
Cal is the last one to fall for you. He can't believe that yiga scum would cause so many versions of himself to fall in love. Until he sees the softer side of you, just for a moment. Then, you have him hooked. He starts to see you as a victim of them. You are just someone who needs to be reformed and protected. He devotes every second of his free time to teaching you how to be an individual, not just another yiga soldier. Perhaps his teaching includes having to get up close and personal with you. He has never kissed anyone before, but he'd be more than willing to practice with you. You know—to help you reform yourself. 
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petvampire · 2 months
having a rough day, so have some cute Monty.
Feathering the Nest, Monty drabble. Just little crow behavior.
The others might occasionally poke fun at the birdlike tendencies that translate from crow to human, though Monty is never bothered by it. It doesn’t change anything, especially his tendency to nest, to build comfortable spaces for himself to settle wherever he spends a lot of time. And while they might tease, they also end up supporting, helping more often than not.
His room at the cannery is the most obviously comfortable of his spaces, his belongings piled everywhere in a seemingly haphazard, chaotic sort of way. He always knows exactly where everything is. It’s a far cry from the bare storage space with a bed shoved into one corner that it was when he first came here; that same narrow mattress is softened with piles of blankets and pillows. Books are stacked on the floor, or on top of the dresser, sorted by topic, or color of the cover, or whether they’re the library’s, Edwin’s, or just something he’s picked up for himself. He has star charts tacked up on the walls, along with a few photos - mostly of the girls, since Edwin and Charles don’t show up on film, and the Cat King surprisingly tends to dodge the camera.
He also has glow-in-the-dark stars spread over his ceiling in precise, exact configurations of constellations. Crystal had given them to him as a joke, but even she has to admit, they suit him. Sometimes he’ll smile up at them as he curls up in his bed, mapping the patterns he’s chosen for these stars.
There’s always a lingering trace of cat hair on his blankets, both from the feline residents of the cannery, and from the Cat King himself. Monty doesn’t mind, almost finds it comforting.
Since spending so much time working with the Dead Boy Detectives, he’s made a little nest for himself at their office as well. A hefty, fuzzy blanket in a bright purple with a design of stars and crescent moons, a gift from Niko, a couple of pillows pilfered from the girls’ rooms; he’ll settle comfortably amongst them on the floor in the corner he’s claimed as his own, most of the time, rather than actually use the furniture. There are also hints of the ghosts themselves tucked amongst the soft materials; a pin Charles had worn on his jacket until the back of it broke off, one of Edwin’s apparently vast collection of bow ties. Monty isn’t asking how the objects are made corporeal enough for him to hoard them like tiny treasures; he just appreciates them.
They’re comforting in a different way, reminders of the people who mean so much to him.
He’ll pick up more bits and pieces as time goes on, stow them away wherever it feels right. He has a pencil sketch of his crow form done in Edwin’s painstaking hand that he keeps in the back room of Tragic Mick’s, pinned up in the little break area he’s made for himself. The sash of one of the Cat King’s ridiculously fluffy, over-the-top robes is woven through the piles of blankets on his bed, fabric worn down from his fingers stroking over it again and again. One of Jenny’s little cleaver earrings dangles from the lampshade, catching the light; she lost the other, ended up tossing this one at Monty, muttering about how he’s the one who likes shiny stuff. It never fails to make him smile.
He has pieces of all of them with him, whenever he nests, and they make him rest easier.
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gomzdrawfr · 10 months
Dragon!Price x Corvid!Raven AU
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This brainrot has tAKEN OVER MY HEAD I SWEAR
bonus + some story if you're interested
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okay so, the idea is that Raven is...predominantly a Raven hybrid(LMAO) but I figured to incorporate some of the Crow and Magpie habits into her
Basically, Raven's been travelling around after she was nearly killed by her kind(hence the scar on her face and the single wing - also a tribute to her actual lore where her back was stabbed), barely able to survive until she stumbled upon Price's den, and WOAH THATS A LOTTA GOLD
so it started off small, where she steals some gold, just enough to survive the week, but then the curiosity grew and she finds herself back to the den, over and over again
I mean there's so much more than just gold coins, there was a bunch of other treasures alike and they're all. so. shiny.
How could she resist?
and so day by day, she explores the den, it's absolutely massive, sometimes she might even slide down those piles of coins for fun
one day a glint caught her attention, it looked like a porcelain pale owl mask, and when she tries it on it was a perfect fit, she kept it afterwards.
the owner of the den seemingly never once appeared no matter how long she waited, and so she assumes it was a long lost forgotten treasure someone had.
she didnt had the intention to steal everything no, in all honestly the den was located somewhere far and dark, and it was only accessible by a very small hole that she squeezed herself through in her full bird form.
it was a safe place to stay and so she did.
until one day when she on her usual walk and picking up a crown that the pile of gold coins shifted, and it reveals......
bright orange scales.
and an eye, which opened once the gold coins stopped.
little did she know, the owner of the den, Dragon!Price has been hibernating beneath the treasures, and now he was awaken by a pesky bird.
YES think about that one scene in Hobbit this was 100% inspired by it
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some Dragon!Price hc in this au:
used to take part in battles and territorial fights, which results in many scars, especial the one in his left eyes, one of those fight eventually results him to lost a wing(yes, bluegiragi with their single wing Price for credit)
prefer to be in his hybrid form where his half human half dragon, because being a big lizard boy takes up hella space and hard to satiate his hunger
but he does hibernate as a dragon cuz well he's home, and it feels great to be weighted down by all his treasures
very greedy, if he wants something he'll get it, also dragon hoarding tendencies
havent thought about this but I reckon this so call "den" is just a big hole underneath a castle maybe - ah well just yoinking Hobbit's Lonely Mountain
also possessive :]
Raven herself has shiny fur...and he loves shiny too....so..... :p
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justbelievinginmagic · 5 months
what skz looks like in ariadne's thread!
hello! thought id share my lil breakdowns and inspo photos for the skz boyz in ariadne's thread. i will continue to add to this as we go through the story and introduce more of the boys! some of these will contain spoilers to the fic so i recommend reading it beforehand... -> series masterlist
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Hyunjin, the Goblin King. Described as a honeyed blonde with blue eyes that seem to have hurricanes and storms trapped within them. Has been compared to Renaissance marble statues & paintings with how inhumanly beautiful he is and how his eyes seem to be a kind of wrathful beautiful. Wears dark leather and lace, many layered gold necklaces, and cloaks/capes! Later, will appear in sheer white loose tunics and black slacks, and then only white attire. Able to manipulate time and reality, as well as see into the future. Considered one of most powerful of faes - a High Fae with some Gancanagh-blood.
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Jisung, the Goblin-Fae. Described as having oil-slick black-blue curly hair with big jewel-toned eyes that shift from more blue or more purple. Wears old and worn clothes that have been hand sewn with alterations - a brown vest, a white flowing tunic with the big sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and brown pants. Is decorated with many necklaces on his neck and rings on his fingers, a collection of jewels that he keeps tied to his cinched-belted waist alongside a beautiful dagger and various other knick-knacks he’s collected in the Desert Sea. Cannot utilize any magic but was trained with a dagger. Considered Goblin-Fae despite having some Dragon-blood tendencies such as hoarding and treasure-hunting.
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Chris, the Beast-Hunter. Described as a floofy brunette with natural curls and dark grey eyes that mimic stone sometimes. Large curling horns, like a ram's. Decorated in scars of all sorts; he has prominent scars and cuts across the bridge of his large nose, his back, and his torso. Is shirtless, but is adorned in many iron-shackles across his body – one around his thick throat, both of his wrists and his waist. Later, dons a fur-cloak of a beast that was taken from him while he was a prisoner - which he wears across his broad shoulders with pride. Is exceptionally strong, dedicated, and is able to manipulate anything made of earth with enough concentration. Troll-Fae.
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Felix, the Gancanagh. Described as having long warm-blonde hair that moves in a non-existent wind with deep-brown eyes that seem to swirl into a rose-pink the longer you stare into them. His cheeks are dusted with golden freckles that sparkle in the light. Dressed in in a billowing white tunic that reveals too much of his chest and abs, his pants are leathered and slung low on him, revealing his prominent hip bones. His form is every changing and shifting as he finds suitable visages to mimic to tempt humans; it’s possible this form was just the most appealing one to Y/N since in some moments he almost looks like Hyunjin except softer. Later, his hair fades to an oil-slick blue as well. As a Gancanagh, he is addictive to mortals with only a single touch. Has seductive charms, luring pheromones, and a hypnotizing gaze. Enjoys winning more than the chase. Can steal mortal faces and shapeshift. Gancanagh-Fae.
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Minho, the Sluagh. Described as having dark-brown hair that looks like the fur of a beast and piercing glowing aquamarine-blue eyes that gleam like an animal’s. Entire form is decorated in tattoos of the creatures within his soul; prominently, the face of a wolf is on his left hand. The wolf tattoo shares a glowing blue eye like Minho. These tattoos feel alive as they shift across his skin. Has many animal cuts and claw marks across his body from battles or challenges for dominance (which he has won.) Draped in bear-like furs that seem to meld into his form when he transforms into a beast. Has Wild Magic in his veins and can shift into creatures of all sorts but favors monstrous-versions of large bison-like direwolves. Fought to earn the title of Sluagh of the Direwoods and is the only one able to call upon the Wild Hunt. Embodies the Wild Hunt until his death and the Wild Magic passes onto the new Sluagh.
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Seungmin, the Boggart. Described as having pitch black hair and dark as night eyes that sparkled like stars were trapped in them. A cloak of shadows curl around his shoulders and fall to the floor. This darkness follows him, clouding him as if he’d be consumed by the bubble of shadows around him; sometimes, one can see shadowed limbs clawing and grasping at him or clinging to his black silk shirt. Unlike the others, he seems to float and has no visible feet or footsteps. Can utilize shadows as a mean of transportation and as extensions of himself. Attracts death, causes death via the strings of fate, and can mark someone for death. Death-Fae.
TBA ; last updated 6/5/24
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Can we please have more of eldrith horror reader
EH!Reader tried to eat Idia’s hair. Twice. It’s not their fault his hair looks like candy (and smells like it too). The one day Ortho convinced him to attend class in person, only to end up sitting in front of the abomination and being blissfully unaware that they were sniffing his hair for a good 15 minutes before unhinging their jaws to have a “little” taste. The second time was because his hair changed color and apparently neither of them learned the first time.
Loves watching Epel’s apple carving (mainly ‘cause they want a snack). One day Epel offered to let them try for themselves, only to have EH!Reader completely ignore the carving knife offered to them and popped the apple right into their mouth instead… and then spat out a perfectly carved apple in the shape of a swan. Epel was shocked. Everybody around who witnessed it was shocked. Idia, who was watching from one of his security cameras was shocked (and horrified). And then they ate the apple.
Silver once woke up to the sight of EH!Reader sniffing at his face and hair. His animal friends all fled, scared of the inhuman aura surrounding them. Silver had no idea who the heck this person was or why they were so close and why they were smelling of him and-he fell asleep again. He woke up later to find them asleep, head and crossed arms laying on his torso. Guess he attracts more than just animals.
Back on the annoying Vil train: EH!Reader doesn’t understand the big deal with makeup and looking good, what with them having the ability to shapeshift; yet, Vil still finds it important to teach them about this stuff. One comment catches their attention though when Vil mentions how every product he uses is organic and doesn’t use any sort of animal parts. It’d ruin his reputation if anyone were to hear that the Vil Schoenheit supported animal cruelty, all for the sake of his looks.
EH!Reader, takes one whiff of Vil’s moisturizer: You know you have eel mucus on your face, right?
Vil: Excuse me, but wHAT.
Better run Azul/Tweels, Vil’s coming for your ass (with a lawsuit).
Their best subject is PE, for the sole reason that they are one of the most physically fit and strongest at the school. Well, excluding flying. They’re able to keep up with Jack during his runs, can take on students like the Tweels, Malleus, and all of Savanaclaw in a non-magic fight, and has the ability to tell when Rook or Lilia is close by. This is the whole reason they’re not allowed to participate in Bean’s Day, because their senses allow them to hunt down anyone in the school and they have a tendency to get carried away. They kind of go into this predatory-hunter mode that sends people to the infirmary…
Nesting. Yes, I’m going there. EH!Reader has a room dedicated to their nest where they keep all their trinkets they’ve collected since coming to Twisted Wonderland. Some things are stuff they’ve found, while others are mementos from their adventures. Their bed is also covered in stuff like blankets and pillows given to them by other dorms. EH!Reader even has some things that they swiped from their friends and schoolmates like jackets, hats, one or two of Vil’s makeup, some jewelry from Scarabia’s treasure hoard, and even one of Malleus’s blazers. Some of the others have noticed their missing items, but don’t suspect the little abomination has anything to do with it. Only Grim knows, he also knows that nobody but EH!Reader is allowed in this room.
Much to the annoyance of the NRC boys, EH!Reader seems a lot more interested in RSC, especially after having met Che’nya and Neige. The others, especially Crowley, informs them that they’re their rival school, so are the “enemy,” but EH!Reader don’t care. They find RSC interesting and fun and they all smell so nice, kind of reminds them of the scent Silver and Kalim gives off. Everyone is frustrated over this, until the revelation that EH!Reader possibly views the RSC as prey, at least, that’s what Rook has suggested based on their body language and the look in their eyes whenever they come into contact with a rival student…
Grim: Hey, henchman! How come you always seem to smile with your mouth closed? Come on, smile for real!
EH!Reader: . . . *smiles widely, revealing rows of big, sharp teeth*
Grim: Nevermind. Go back to what you were doing before and never do that again.
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books-and-dragons · 11 months
Ik it's been awhile since I have dropped a HC on you, but consider: Akira doing some unnecessarily dangerous stunt in the Metaverse and feeling so proud of himself... and then he's shocked when the team gets angry/worried that he risked his own safety like that.
"Guys, it's fine, only I would have gotten hurt!"
And then they just get even angrier and he's confused and startled they're so worked up about it. He's not used to people worrying about him.
omg june, hi!!! aaa i yelled when i saw your user pop up, hope you're doing well!!
your brainworms are angsty as ever and oh how i love it
i'm such a believer in the akira-is-passively-reckless-about-his-own-life concept, you'll have to rip it from my cold, dead hands
considering the in-game clues we get about how he's not great about keeping himself well-fed and has an automatic tendency to throw himself aside for the sake of other people's safety, akira's probably got a huge lack of self preservation to add to that (maybe even, a complete lack of care for his own wellbeing) (i'm absolutely blaming his home life for this)
which works well enough for someone in a leadership position, he'd make sacrifices for others very easily and yeah!! he's just so used to not putting himself into consideration- he doesn't even think about his own safety. nobody else ever has, so why should he?
it trickles into everything he does. the last healing item goes to a teammate, whatever funds he makes from part-time jobs goes into the phantom thieves (nevermind that he's living on sojiro's patronage curry and instant noodles, that's unimportant, he's unimportant), he offers unconditional support and a listening ear to every confidant he meets, and helps them with all their problems- even if it is to his own detriment. on the battlefield against a new enemy, joker will do his best to find the weakness- because if they repel anything, at least then he carries the brunt of the backlash. it's natural, instinctive, and therefore he sees no wrong in it.
and for a long time, he gets away with this reckless abandon for his own safety.
except he goes a step too far, maybe he decides to distract another hoard of shadows on his own? or makes what should be an impossible zipline move to cross to the other side of a chasm. against a rampaging enemy, he throws himself in the firing line. after months of excusing the passing recklessness, this is a step too far for the phantom thieves.
when they're reunited with joker, he's not greeted by praise for his dramatic flourish, or impressed and spirited cheers for carving a path deeper into the palace, but instead worried frowns and scolding reprimands. flurries of hands which search for his injuries and want to heal, and he doesn't need it he's fine-
and oh you're so right it would hurt so much because akira would be so confused by their concern!! at first, he probably assumes they're talking about anything but him. did he accidentally break a treasure on his landing? for some reason, had the thieves not wanted that shadow hurt? what was it this time, what had he done wrong- because he had to have done something wrong he always does something wrong, eventually
when it gets through to akira that no, they're worried about his safety the boy blue-screens there and then.
it's not something he's ever been used to- care, affection....attention. nobody's cared enough to look close enough before, and suddenly akira doesn't know what to do with this worry, with this obvious sign that people care about him, that someone values akira kurusu....he's in a bit of a fugue as the diarahan washes over him, so much do he can't even scold what he'd deem an unnecessary use of energy
they call it a day in the palace not long after.
learning to value your own life isn't something that's easy, but akira's surrounded by people who care about him now- they can be patient. this time, they're taking the lead to help akira, not the other way around.
maybe makoto challenges him to find a more safe plan, that doesn't involve reckless action. ryuji helps him be more open about his feelings. ann teaches akira how to appreciate himself. futaba shows him how to trust in what people promise. yusuke guides him through self-appreciation in his own, artistic style. haru helps akira define himself, outside of the parameters his parents set for him. morgana stays at his side through it all.
in their own way, they'll help akira find some self-worth, and hope to see the fruits of their labour in akira guarding a bit more often in battle, turning to his teammates instead of charging in headfirst and bearing the weight of shadows' attentions himself. they'll wait patiently for the day he asks for help, and be proud when he does.
for now, they'll accept the occasional willingness to head back to a saferoom, or retreat from battle. they'll mentally cheer when he uses one of their few healing items to patch a gash in his side. it's all about the small steps.
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sanvirtheobserver · 10 days
Taking Flight, Chapter 42: Homeward Bound
An orrery of spinning rings and lenses surround a small orb shaped prism. Within the Meme Research Club Room, SMG1 and Aybel are tinkering with their latest kit. That's when SMG1 hears the door behind them open.
SMG1: Ah, Four! Just in time. I think we've just picked up a new signature close by. We should notify-
He is shocked to see that it was not SMG4 behind him. Rather, it was a towering Soldier with bits of synthetic skin missing. The lens of his left eye stares down at the guardian before a more....... familiar face peeks out from behind him.
Tari: Hey, One.
SMG1: Um..........
Tari: Oh, don't worry. He's friendly.
SMG1: I........ Okay......
The Airship looms anchored over the school parking lot as most of the Anti Crew is doing their assigned duties. Kaizo and Melony are atop the Crow's Nest on look out, Whimpu and Belle are pouring over more maps, and SMG3 instructs Bob and Boopkins to stash their findings in the Treasure Hoard. Meggy is currently chilling out in the Rec Room with Mario, Whisk, and Uzi while Saiko just lays back in the corridor.
Whisk: Can you imagine it? That tomb must've been hidden away for thousands of years, and to think WE of all people were the first to uncover it!
Uzi: Wow. That oughta get you on the front page.
Whisk: I know, right!? I just wish I got to see that city before we left. I can't wait for Ms. Purah to take a look at these artifacts.
Uzi looks over to the BLU Scout in a blazer sitting quietly on a beanbag. He hasn't even said anything since he came aboard. Rob comes in with a tray of hot tea and hands one to him. He just slowly takes the mug and nods.
Uzi: So.......what's his deal?
Meggy: Oh, that's Damien. Tari met him while the mercs were storming the Hive's nest.
Uzi: Poor guy looks like he saw the devil.
Meggy: Yeah........... he's had a rough day. Anywho, how have you been?
Uzi: Pretty good, actually. After months of traveling and hitchhiking it's nice to have somewhere I can lay low and put my feet up.
Meggy: Lay low? You're talking like you're on the lamb.
Uzi: Well, I haven't exactly been on my best behavior since I hit the road. I've done plenty of things that are........let's go with "legally and morally questionable."
Meggy: I mean, it can't be any worse than what Mario does when you aren't looking, and I'm pretty sure he wound up on death row at some point.
Mario: BY ACCIDENT, mind you. I wanted that to be clear.
Uzi: *chuckles* Alright. If you say so.
Back in the school, SMG4 comes in and immediately notices the 8'2 supersoldier standing in the corner.
SMG4: Uh......... hi?.......
Soldine: Greetings.
Meanwhile, SMG1 is currently having a discussion with Sam as Aybel checks up on Tari's condition. Aybel notices that her energy scars had flared up again in some places.
SMG1: You said she was injected with a concentrated Aether substrate solution.
Sam: It's a miracle she's even alive. While her mechanical components likely contained most of the energy, living cells have a tendency to rapidly deteriorate and mutate due to exposure from the ambient radiation.
Tari: So in other words, I should be a walking tumor by now.
Sam: That was the *expected* outcome.
Aybel: Apart from your natural cybernetics being unnaturally durable, your cells are capable of harnessing and stabilizing large amounts of energy through an internal aetherorganic metabolic reaction. Even as old cells overload and die, new stem cells can take their place.
Tari: This is......VERY confusing.
SMG1: Just know that you are still stable, so long as you give your body time to rest.
SMG4: Um.........
SMG1: Ah, Four! Just in time.
SMG1 flicks a switch on the orrery. The rotating rings flatten out and grind to a halt. He plucks the prism from its pedestal with the upmost care.
SMG1: Our guiding star to secrets yet to be uncovered.
He places it within a specialized device before handing it to SMG4.
SMG1: This will prove useful in expanding our search efforts. It's still not entirely stable, so please do handle it with the best of care.
SMG4: Will do, One.
SMG3 peeps his head around the corner of the door.
SMG3: Let's get a move on, already! The sooner we get home, the sooner I can get back to business.
Aybel: I should get going as well. I'd rather not worry my brother any more than necessary.
Tari: You sure you don't wanna come with us, Sam?
Sam: Maybe another time. I have my own investigation to work on.
Soldine: I will also remain to ensure the Professor's safety for the time being.
And so SMG4, SMG3, Tari, and Aybel board the ship. The engines roar to life as Tari hollers over the rails.
Tari: Take care! And feel free to stop by the Showgrounds if you can!
SMG3: Make sure you swing by Three's Coffee & Bombs for our happy hour special!
Sam: I'll keep that in mind.
SMG1: Make sure you get plenty of rest before you go gallavanting again!
SMG3: Alright, Whimpu! Take us home!
The ship sails off and disappears into the horizon, leaving the two standing in the parking lot.
SMG1: Oh, I should mention. Please do let me know if you see that Dr. Heilung again. I have some concerns I'd like to address about his....... methods.
Back at the Showgrounds, we see Tari making her way straight into the Castle Guest Room and plopping down on the Casino Bed with an exhausted sigh of relief. A whole day of fighting umbral horrors from the blackest depths of the earth can be exceptionally draining. She was just getting comfortable when she notices Saiko coming in.
Saiko: Tough day, hun?
Tari: Yeah. Punching a hole in a mutant demigod will do that to you. Wish you were there to see it, though.
Saiko sits down on he bed.
Saiko: Your scars are flaring up again.
Tari places a hand on her shoulder. She can still feel a slight stinging static beneath the scarred skin.
Tari: I did a lot better, though. Not as much damage AND I didn't pass out.
Saiko: *chuckles* That's a relief. Still.........
Saiko places a hand onto Tari's shoulder.
Saiko: You shouldn't be pushing yourself like that. The last thing I want is for you to overload and.........
She trails off for a moment. Tari already got the point she was trying to get across. She gingerly holds Saiko's hand in assurance.
Saiko: Just.......... at least try to stay in one piece. Okay?
She gives Saiko that reassuring smile.
Tari: Okay.
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dazed-nymphsss · 2 years
⋆·˚ ༘ *𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮
┕━» yandere!eddie x fem!reader
❕warnings❕: yandere tendencies, controling behavior, lying, language, adult themes, smut (mentions of oral, p in v, some sinful shit) The nsfw is highlighted in red, fluff, toxic relationship
a/n: yandere tings ig 😗✌️
『•• what i think eddie would be like if he was absolutely infatuated with you••』
Not edited or betaed.
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it's only you who can tell me apart, and it's only you who can turn my wooden heart -- only you, portishead
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For starters, you would never know his true colors until it was too late
he's a fun, charismatic guy, and he's well-liked by everyone who actually gets to know him. And before you, he didn't even know that he had those tendencies in the first place.
But when you came into the picture, everything for him changed, and he felt almost a primal need to protect.
It would start out as you just wanting to try something new, the legendary dungeon master inviting you to one of Hellfire's many meet-ups.
You were desperate to make friends seeing as you were new to the small quaint town of Hawkins.
The two of you became fast friends. And that's all you thought you were, friends.
He would insist that he and his club were all you needed, and soon you spoke to nobody else but the Hellfire club.
He would make what seemed like jokes, telling you that anybody other than him didn't deserve someone as sweet as you. And he was right about one thing, you were sweet.
That's how the real shit started.
Before Steve, it was all about having fun and hanging out with you whenever he deemed fit.
Steve was the only person you really spoke to besides the club, and when Eddie found out, he was entirely against it.
"He's nothing but bad news, alright? He just wants to get in your pants, this is 'King Steve' we're talking about." he would tell you once he found out, "Guys like that don't deserve to even be looked at by you."
Because he had said it as if it were a joke, a teasing smile on his face, that's what you passed it off as, a joke.
But now he was attached to your side like a puppy, where ever you went, Eddie was sure to be not far behind.
He even went as far as to learn new subjects for you so you wouldn't have to go to someone else for tutoring.
Finally, after much consulting with Dustin on how to go about it, he asked you out.
You thought Eddie was attractive, funny, and kind, so you couldn’t imagine yourself saying anything else other than yes.
He would treat you like a queen, worshiping the ground you walked on.
Eddie would begin to double down on the time he was already spending with you, which seemed impossible, yet he made it possible.
You enjoyed finding out small things about Eddie during your time spent together, but you mainly talked about you when you were together.
Soon, Eddie knew you as well as you did. He would pick up on little things that you did and keep them in his mind, hoarding them like a magpie.
You would ignore the late-night, uninvited visits from him, his clumsy ass "sneaking" into your room through your window. He insisted that he could sleep without you, and it was true, he couldn't find himself drifting off without his head against your chest and your hands in his hair, his arms wrapped around you tightly as if you were a lifeline.
By the time you noticed something was seriously wrong, it was when he began to keep you from your friends in Hellfire.
He couldn't trust you with anyone else, he felt as though you were treasure, and he needed to save you from being tainted by the disgusting cruelty of the world.
Eddie knew what it felt like to be ridiculed by the world around him, and he couldn't bear the thought of you being treated the same.
With the eventual complaints from you, he would brush them off and dismiss them quickly, trying to distract you with witty banter or jokes to take your mind off of you.
(NSFW) When you finally gave yourself to him, he felt as though he was given a gift from a higher power. You were untouched, a virgin. His pretty, perfect, innocent, untouched princess. He took note of everything that made you tick, memorizing your pussy like a map. He made you feel pleasure you never thought you could. And in a way, it made you more attached to him in the long run.
Soon, sex became a new way to distract you from your concerns, and more so, the people around you.
When you finally manage to make your concerns voiced, avoiding his distractions, he wasn't thrilled. It was explosive.
Eddie was baffled at how you couldn't see how awful people were. How cruel and unforgiving high school hierarchies could be.
He felt shitty for it, but he guilt-tripped you with tears and pleading.
(NSFW) The argument was concluded with his head between your thighs as he whimpered apologies into your cunt as he devoured you. But in the back of his mind, he wasn't sorry at all. It was for your own good.
There was an instance that had truly scared you.
Steve was just trying to be nice, he had spoken to Dustin about what your favorite movies were, and took the liberty of delivering them to your house after he hadn't heard from you. He used the videotapes as an excuse to check on you.
Unfortunately for the hopeless romantic, Eddie was listening from the living room while you spoke with Steve at the front door.
"Ever since you started hanging out with that Munson kid, nobody sees much of you anymore. Are you okay?"
How dare he, how dare he? How dare Steve Harrington make you question your relationship with him. How dare Steve come to your house while you and he were perfectly content watching movies.
Eddie was quick to appear behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist protectively, an eyebrow raising at Steve, daring him to continue.
"Sorry, I didn't know you had company," Steve would apologize.
"No, no, it's alright," you would promise, making Eddie scowl, "We were just watching some movies if you wanted to jo-"
"AAAlright, that's enough, time for you to go, Harrington," Eddie stopped your offer in its tracks, attempting to close the door, but Steve put his foot in the way.
"No man, I don't think so."
Steve knew something was wrong. But he wasn't sure if you knew it as well.
It turned into an argument between the two and quickly escalated from there, Eddie swinging first.
It was all a blur from there. You begged Eddie to get off your friend, and eventually, he did, but not without leaving Steve with a nasty black eye.
When you managed to pull Eddie inside and slam the door behind you, you scolded him, asking what the hell was wrong with him.
"Remember what I told you? He just wants to get in your pants! He wants what's mine!" Eddie would try to reason.
You were pretty shaken up, not in the mood to argue with him, knowing he would never let up. He was stubborn like that.
You were clearly distraught about the situation, and Eddie saw this as yet another opportunity to drive the point home that people were awful and didn't deserve a sweetheart like you.
Eddie had consoled you that night, wiping away our tears as he held your head in his lap. He hated seeing you cry, but it was for your own good.
All for your own good.
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give me some more ideas for some yandere!eddie, i like writing for him
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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acris-kerd · 3 years
For the @sidlinkgiftexchange !! My giftee was @the-puny-pichu !
“Link, that looks revolting.”
Sidon leaned away from the dubious concoction his companion had pulled from his shiekah slate, meeting the Hylian’s doe eyed stare with barely concealed nausea.
Link looked down at the bowl of teeth soup in his hands. Teeth soup.
“…Yeah. It tastes about as good as it looks.”
He stared at it for a moment more and then shrugged, tossing the foul dish into the fire before them. Sidon flinched as the flames cracked and glowed a sickly green before consuming the foul fuel. Link had already moved on to the next entree of stored food in his slate, this time pulling out a cake.
“The variety of dishes in your possession is both amusing and alarming.” Sidon observed, squinting at the slice Link shared with him as though looking for hidden molars or perhaps a bit of moblin guts.
He’d seen the offensive concoctions Link cooked up now. Nothing was safe.
Link shrugged again, inhaling the food.
“I usually cook with what I have. Sometimes I have a lot, sometimes I don’t.”
“I see…and what happens to be the status of your inventory tonight, then?”
Sidon tried to hide the nervousness in his voice. Link pulled out another dish of food, the delectable smell of braised fish paring well with his broad grin.
“A lot.”
The odd pair settled into a warm, summer night. They did this now and again, when Link decided the strange slate on his hip was stuffed with as much as it could carry.. Sidon had long assumed whatever hoarding tendencies Link possessed had been grossly enabled by the sheikah technology, but he wasn’t one to complain. Especially when it meant spending time with Link.
“Here. I found a bunch of silverscale spears and some Zora swords.”
He proceeded to unload a small armory on the ground beside Sidon, who started waving his hands frantically.
“Link! Good gracious, my friend, thank you, but I can’t carry all of this back to the domain myself!”
“Oh,” The little Hylian looked at the half-materialized hilt in his hand, shoving it back into the nether regions of whatever void was contained on his hip. “Good point. I’ll just drop it off with Bazz before I head out.”
Sidon smiled weakly, shaking his head.
“I don’t know how or where you find all of these weapons…I think it’s fair to say half our army is supplied by you alone.”
“Nah,” Link laughed bashfully, throwing another dubious concoction into the fire. The flames turned purple this time. “I just collect a lot of things. No sense in keeping it if I don’t use it.”
“Oh? Are Zora weapons not up to your standards then?” Sidon raised a brow, privately enjoying the fluster that washed over Link’s expression.
“Wha-No! No, it’s not that! I mean—I just have a lot of weapons and—“
Sidon laughed, absently resting an assuaging hand at Link’s back. The champion was so small he could nearly wrap his clawed fingers around him. The thought did something strange to Sidon’s stomach, but many strange feelings tended to permeate his sensibilities around Link, so he tried to ignore it.
He also ignored the way it seemed Link was leaning into his hand.
“I’m merely giving you a hard time, my friend. I know you travel far and wide, and there are undoubtedly more suitable weapons for your cause.”
He eyed the legendary blue hilt that rested close to Link, the previously lightened sensation in his chest taking a turn. Link had been openly carrying the Master Sword much more frequently as of late. Sidon wasn’t sure what it meant, but it left him nervous. Afraid, even.
Link seemed to sense what he was looking at, not meeting his eyes. They were equally quiet for a long time.
“…I’m going to face him soon. Very soon.” Link finally spoke, his voice weighted and somber.
A cold feeling began to spread through Sidon’s chest. It wasn’t a mystery who—or rather what—Link was talking about. Very suddenly, Sidon wanted to pull Link closer. The temptation was so strong he had to remove his hand from where it rested against his back. Link looked somehow smaller without it there.
“…I suppose you won’t be needing a silverscale spear then.” Sidon attempted to lighten the mood, a weak smile playing at his lips.
Link didn’t react for a moment, staring hard into the fire before relenting with a snort, resuming the task of cleaning out his slate.
“Probably not.”
An owl hooted somewhere overhead. The river nearby rushed quietly in the darkness. Sidon let himself stare at Link, at the lean muscles that had been honed around an abused frame, hardened from experience and trauma. His fingers twitched in his lap, claws ticking together mutely. Link was quite fierce when he wanted to be, determined and resolute in a way that bordered on obsessed. Very little seemed to phase his most treasured friend. Even the prospect of facing Calamity Ganon didn’t seem to shake him, not like it did Sidon.
Every time he thought about his small, wild Hylian facing up against such an ancient evil, he wanted to pull him close and protect him from his own destiny. Sidon was a shamefully selfish Prince, it seemed. At least where Link was concerned.
The larger Zora shifted uneasily on the grass, appreciating the way Link spread the fuel of the fire so the flames stayed low and less stressful to his scales.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked, eyeing Sidon with undue concern. That feeling in his chest swelled full once again.
“Of course, my friend. No need to worry. I can easily take a quick dip in the river if necessary.”
“Want to right now?” Link very confidently stood up.
“What—now?” Sidon looked at the surrounding darkness, a little taken aback by Link’s sudden enthusiasm.
“Sure.” Link looked like he’d already decided for the both of them, packing his shield, bow, and the sword that seals the darkness into his slate before pulling off his tunic.
Sidon felt a blush flood his face, trying very hard not to appreciate how the firelight cast the musculature of Link’s body into sharp relief and failing miserably. Without inhibition, Link kicked off his boots and pants, driving home how very serious he was.
“Wait, Link, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Why not? You just said you could take quick dip.”
“Yes, but I’m a Zora. That river is hardly calm and there’s no light out.”
“The moon is out.” Link argued, a cheeky twinkle in his eye.
“That’s hardly sufficient for avoiding underwater currents!” Sidon quickly stood and chased after his stubborn companion, who was already heading for the river.
Link turned around, walking backwards towards the water and wearing an expression that left Sidon gaping like a newly hatched guppy.
“Guess you’ll have to make sure I don’t find any. You wouldn’t let me drown, would you Sidon?”
Thank goodness the depth of night concealed how deeply Sidon was blushing. Link was being especially disarming tonight.
“O-of course not!”
“Then it’s fine. Come on.”
Link waved him closer. The pearly light of the moon cast a gentle glow over his features, brightening his eyes. Against the deep blue surroundings, he stood out like a candle, confident as ever and heedless to any apparent danger. Sidon eyed the swift moving water nervously, looking back to Link’s comparatively tiny body.
This was a bad idea.
Without an ounce of fear, Link walked into the closest current, stumbling slightly and quickly regaining his footing. Sidon splashed in after him, throwing any reservations to the wind and bracing a hand at his back.
“Honestly Link, there are other places—safer places—to swim.” He muttered, eyes scanning the dark waters and zeroing in on a plethora of dangers.
“Then take us there.”
He spoke so simply, as if it was the most logical and reasonable choice in the world, which it was. Sidon couldn’t figure out why he was so flustered with it all. Maybe it was the suddenness of the late night swim. Maybe it was the strange position of having to protect this small, ferocious servant of the Goddess from a mundane death. Maybe it was the fact that it was Link, who’d always had an uncanny knack for throwing off his princely confidence, asking to share a relatively normal experience that for some reason felt anything but normal to Sidon.
“Of course!” He agreed gallantly, hoping he succeeded in hiding the wild swirl of thoughts running rampant in his head.
Link smiled at him, and he felt like a floundering guppy all over again.
Sidon carefully maneuvered them into deeper waters. Link was quickly picked up by the current, holding tight to Sidon’s arm and then sliding himself against his back. It was almost reminiscent of when they took on Vah Ruta together, but without the pressure of a cataclysmic flood weighing them down. The closeness this time seemed much more…intimate.
Perhaps Sidon was just over thinking things. Muzu often said he tended to over think things.
“Ready when you are.” Link spoke into his ear, his voice perfectly calm.
Sidon worked really hard to hide the electric shiver that raced to the farthest end of his dorsal fin, rapidly making himself think of the nearest and safest destination.
“Ah, right! Hold tight then!”
Link most certainly did hold tight, which was good, because Sidon knew the Hylian wasn’t exactly the strongest swimmer. He carefully kept them away from more dangerous rapids, following the river downstream to a small backwater pool he used to visit as a child. It wasn’t particularly deep, by his own standards, but had served as an excellent retreat during his lonely adolescence. It was a place he knew Link would be perfectly safe, no matter how unpredictable he apparently aimed to be.
“Almost there!” Sidon called, feeling Link give him a firm squeeze in response.
The water was already noticeably calmer as he took a nearly hidden channel that branched off the main river. It led to a wide pool with a thick bank of overgrowth. There was hardly anywhere comfortable for a Hylian to sit, but it couldn’t be helped. At least there wasn’t a deadly current.
“This is nice.” Link observed, craning his neck to take in all the details.
The moon shone directly above, highlighting a heavy knot work of local grapevines that had rooted in the silt. They draped across most of the surrounding trees, thick with age. A few boulders broke up the tree growth, heavy with moss and various mushrooms. Sidon caught Link eyeing them with keen interest, though he made no move to collect them.
“I used to come here in my younger days.” Sidon revealed, feeling a touch nostalgic now that he was in the once familiar pool. “It was a good place to escape Muzu…or anything else that happened to be upsetting me.”
Neither of them needed to voice what it was that likely pushed Sidon to seek such solitude. With Link’s help, the grief of his dear sister had been laid to rest, and Sidon reflected, as he observed new chains of vine growth and unfamiliar carpets of moss, that he’d outgrown the solitude of this place as well. It was a strange feeling, to feel the ache of both nostalgia and loss and still be okay.
Link silently slipped off his back, using Sidon’s larger body as an anchoring point to pull himself around front. He had a careful expression on his face, one that turned into a soft smile as he observed Sidon’s comforted ease.
“Thanks for bringing me here.” He said quietly, and he was close, much closer than Sidon realized.
A breath of space was held between them for an impossibly long moment. Link’s gentle face took up Sidon’s field of vision,lips quirked into a small smile and eyes full of a chaotic mixture. There was the firmness of resolve and a shadow of something more harrowing, but above all, tender warmth emanated from twin blue pools. It was like staring at a midsummer sky.
“Sidon.” Link spoke his name quietly, and with an uncommon reverence.
The sound of it put a blush back on the Zora Prince’s face. It must have been dark enough for Link to see it, even in the poor light, because his smile broadened slightly. He stared directly into Sidon’s wide eyes, holding his shoulders with such small, powerful hands, his knees bumping lightly against his chest under the water.
Then Link kissed him.
He kissed him selfishly, indulgently, taking advantage of Sidon’s frozen state and even placing those small, powerful hands against his face. It was a touch that felt like desperation. Through the shock of it all and with a horrible flip in his gut, Sidon realized Link was kissing him like it was goodbye.
When the Hero pulled away, he wasted no time to speak, the previous tenderness in his expression extinguished as if he’d given all of his warmth to Sidon.
“I’m going to face the calamity tomorrow.” He spoke softly, too softly for such devastating news, and the flip in Sidon’s gut turned into a punch. “I probably wont survive. I barely survived the first time. …So I guess there’s no need to worry about this making things awkward between us.”
A hundred years worth of emotions were blowing through Sidon with the force of a hurricane. For once, he had so much to say, so many different feelings that wanted to pour forth, that he had no idea how to formulate any of them. They all demanded near equal attention.
Except for one.
“Please come back.” He whispered, eyes wide with fear, heartbreak, and something entirely too close to love. “Link, please come back.”
Link stared with a slow blooming shock, the previously dead expression washing away with each passing second that made clear the seriousness of Sidon’s request. His eyes progressively opened wide, betraying a rare vulnerability, and his mouth hung slightly agape. Sidon soon realized he was clutching at Link’s hips with the same ferocity that Link held his face.
“You have to come back.” He whispered again, feeling like an idiot who couldn’t string together the words to say much else.
“…You…you want me to come back?” Link breathed out, looking like he hardly dared believe it.
Sidon felt his brain short circuit again.
“Do I want you to-?! Yes! Yes, I want you to come back! I always want you to come back!”
“Always?” Link quirked his lips into an adorable half-smile. Sidon could decide if he wanted to kiss him again or smack him.
“Do you realize the highlight of my life right now is waiting for you to walk through the Ne’ez Yohma shrine so I can watch you throw dubious food into a fire?”
Link’s smile widened with every word, all of the shadows leaving even the darkest corners of his face.
“That’s the highlight, huh?”
Sidon was going to say something about Link being a smart ass, but then his brain caught up with all that was happening. Link had kissed him. And he was going to fight Calamity Ganon in a matter of hours. For the life of him, Sidon couldn’t decide which event shocked him more.
“Come here.” Sidon whispered, and he pulled Link into a second, much less fatalistic kiss.
It was Link’s turn to startle with surprise. Sidon held nothing back, moved by Link’s brazen selfishness to take some of his own. He pulled Link closer, tracing a hand up the smooth expanse of his back and feeling him tremble. Link gasped, opening his mouth and allowing them to explore each other more deeply. This kiss did not feel like a goodbye. This kiss was quite clearly the start of something with absolute longevity, Calamity be damned.
“Please say you’ll come back.” Sidon whispered against Link’s mouth.
Link didn’t speak, but he nodded all the same, pulling Sidon back in for a kiss that felt like hope and a promise all wrapped into one.
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undead-merman · 4 years
Yo this is the person who asked about Monster Dia and Barb, I just want a monster that suits them best.
Alright, I’ve got Barbatos as a Naga and Diavolo as a Dragon
Obey Me Headcanons (Monster Edition) 🐲Diavolo🐲 and 🐍Barbatos🐍 as Yanderes GN - Reader SFW 
Diavolo is a proud dragon. He stands much taller than most in the Devildom. His large human figure stands at ten feet tall.
His skin is covered in dark maroon and gold scales, most of them centered around his face, chest, and legs. His legs resemble a dragon’s more than a human’s with three wide toes and long black talons.
He has a long prehensile tail as well tipped with a tuff of black fur and lined with large black plates sticking up dangerously.
His horns and teeth are long and fearsome, his fangs always manage to hang out of his mouth and his smile can be just as lovely as they are terrifying. His horns are always adored with gold accessories, usually in the shape of: golden skulls, torn wings, and blood red rubies.
In his True Form he stands taller then any building in the Devildom and with a wingspan capable of casting a whole city in darkness.
Diavolo’s build is much bulkier in this form, mostly seen around the jaw, and wings. His wings contain rougher and sharper scales and contain some of the black plates his tail has.
His Hoard and His Breath
Diavolo’s bed chamber also doubles as the Royal Treasury. Since his draconic nature craves hoarding wealth he has a need to sleep amongst the treasure.
Every morning he spends his first hour of awakening, sitting amongst the hoard, fiddling with gems and Grimm in his clawed hands, immersing himself in the candle lit room of wealth. Afterwards, he gets up to drink tea with breakfast while reading the R.A.D Newspaper.
He gets anxious and grumpy if he can’t be near his hoard for too long. Barbatos has to help make time in Diavolo’s schedule for Hoard Breaks.
Whenever he pleases, he’s able to breath massive plumes of black hot fire and streams of red lighting. Everything in its wide path is reduced to ash. It gets wider the angrier he gets, and it’s believed that if he truly was ever to get enraged, he could destroy the entire Devildom.
Spending Time with You
Diavolo is captivated with you to the point of obsession, needing you by his side at all times, though knows you need some freedom. Despite his instinctual anxiety of you having autonomy, he knows he could easily dispose of anything should it ever threaten his position with you. Anyone who makes you doubt him, or try to lure you to their side, he would make sure there is no trace of them left.
You are often given gifts, his form of courting you even if you’ve already tied the knot. Gifting you outfits and jewelry made from the finest gold and purest gems. He does this because he now considers you the center of his hoard, the paragon of his wealth, treasure and triumph. He wants to coat you in beautiful fine things.
He enjoys you touching the scaly parts of his body. It feels nice to have your soft warm skin on his cool scales. If you're not against it he’d enjoy you grooming him, it's relaxing.
He loves to have paintings of you made in different beautiful outfits in graceful poses amongst fantastical locations. He likes to sit with you as you pose for the artist and just talk. He adores this special time with you.
You’re the one in existence that has the right to join him in his hoard, and he thoroughly enjoys the time he spends with you in his hoard, which feels more complete with you amongst the jewels. If he had it his way, he would forget about everything except you and his treasures.
His Dark Tendencies
He has such a deep infatuation with you that he would do anything to have you. Though he doesn’t want to force the feeling onto you, instead he does it in secret, keeping up the perfect prince image for you as much as possible.
If he sees someone he deems a threat, he’d make sure they’re taken quietly and dealt with far away from you so there's no possibility you could ever see it.
Sometimes if they’ve made him angry, he’ll take the perpetrator to a private hunting ground so he can hunt them down and eat them himself, making sure not even the bones are left.
He had a wing built onto the castle just to house the thousand portraits he had made. He’s slowly overtime made it into a museum dedicated in all of your splendor. Glass encased objects of random things you had given to him, ranging from birthday presents to random cans of vending machine black tea.
He has stolen a few of your clothes, a uniform jacket or tie. He likes to fall asleep with your scent in his nose.
Diavolo doesn’t punish you at all, you can do no wrong in his eyes, only others can mislead you. He wants you yourself to fall in love with him, you have to learn by yourself how much of a perfect match you are.
Misc. Stuff
Despite being a Dragon with such fierce fire, Diavolo loves to fish in a sized down version of true form.
When he gets too excited his tail wags like a dog’s. He’s been known to have knocked over a few things with his tail when you or Lucifer came to a party or ball of his.
His eyes turn reptilian like in his humanoid form when he gets upset, or when he wakes up in the morning and is processing everything. It takes him a few moments of just staring at the ceiling to figure out he’s awake.
He has given the brothers a ride on his back as a dragon a few times, but sometimes he had flown a bit too fast making them fly off.
His body is long and slender, reaching forty feet long. His scales are flat and smooth, black with a teal iridescence to them. If you look at them closely you can see a triangular pattern on his back in different shades of gray and black.
His tail however splits at the end perfectly in two symmetrical pieces.
His tongue is forked and long but he hides it well, however he does have teal coloration on the tip. Barbatos also has a few scale patches on his cheeks and just along his spine to his back hairline.
Barbatos has long perfectly trimmed claws that are sharp as a razor and grown out just far enough to start curving.
Being Cold Blood
Barbatos has to deal with the annoyance of being cold blooded, if he doesn’t heat himself in a nice warm place often enough he becomes lethargic; however no one has ever seen him resting let alone warming himself, people wonder how he always manages to be ten steps ahead of everyone while being cold blooded.
His secret is Diavolo, as he exudes a warm presence simply being near him provides enough heat to keep active for an entire day; and a pot of warm herbal tea to help jump-start his day.
He’s a type of Naga to use constriction against his prey, he has fangs but no actual venom. When he gets angry at the Little Ds you can find him constricting them and giving them a cold smile while scolding them.
Spending time with You
Barbatos just finds you so captivating and pure, he wants you in his arms. He wants to protect something so soft and warm, compared to him.
He loves to wrap his tail around you, around your waist, around your shoulders, he likes it even better if he can wrap it arounds your body completely just feeling the warmth of you on his skin.
He has a habit of spoiling you by bringing you everything you ask for. He always has breakfast in bed for you, he likes to bring you your clothes and always gets the chair or door for you.
He enjoys spending time in the garden with you, sharing a cup of tea and light pastries. Light rainy days are always his favorite just the sight of you in the green glow of the garden, the plump droplets catching the starlight above.
He likes to see you relaxed and happy, it makes his heart feel light and makes him proud to see how content you are. Sometimes he likes to lay with you and place fresh flowers around you and just admire you. He just loves looking at you.
His Dark Tendencies
He gets jealous fairly easily but he tries to not let it show in front of you. Just you smiling in front of someone else is enough to make his scales rise in anger.
He makes sure to find them and threaten them to stay away from you and says it while constricting them so much that they begin turning blue. All of his bottled up anger from everything that has happened, even events that don’t involve the victim, are being let out on them. Harshly and slowly.
He’ll very rarely punish you, if you go out of your way to escape from him he’ll make sure to chain you up and make you beg for him to take care of you, if you don’t you’ll be left alone without food or water.
He has a slightly sadistic want to make you cry. It looks so cute and beautiful to him, like the rain from the garden is dripping from your lovely eyes.
Misc Stuff
Most Nagas aren’t afraid to hunt pests, meat is meat, but Barbatos has a delicate palate and the thought of eating rats makes him ill. He also has a sensitive stomach so he can’t eat too much or anything too hot.
He loves to relax in hot baths but he never has time anymore helping with Diavolo and the Seven Demon Lords.
He likes to wake up early in the morning, put on an apron and start making pastries fresh that morning. Every morning is something new and always delicious.
I take NSFW and SFW check out my pinned post for my rules on requests Take Care - Stay Spooky 
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Fic Writer Review (thanks to @gondalsqueen for tagging, this is a fun one!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Six, but the vast majority for Star Wars. I wrote one Batman story that was very dashed off, mostly a quick character sketch for a possible AU. One Sherlock Holmes story that still gets some love on AO3. Two Lord of the Rings stories. A couple of reworked fairy tales. And five for Dragon Age.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well, the top two are my Star Wars Rebels smut epics, Fade to Black (514) and Fade to Black and Back (396), which are literally just about all the sex Kanan and Hera have in the offscreen moments in every episode. I have zero shame about this.
Then there's Talk About It (335), which is another smutty piece based on a bit of party banter in Dragon Age: Origins.
Wedding Dance (312 kudos, and back to Star Wars Rebels) is my most popular non-smutty fic, but Passion, Serenity (263) is big time smut about cartoon characters again. Listen, it's not all I write; it's just what I write best, apparently!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, although I'm behind in responding, because I get overwhelmed easily. I have all the comment notifications saved in my email though so I can stroke them over lovingly like a dragon admiring her gemstone hoard. Every now and then while I'm being dragonish over my comments I get a burst of virtuosity and think "I'll reply to some of these!" and then I do, so I am slowly working through my backlog, and I can only apologize to those of you who are getting your responses years and years later.
I always meant to answer. I always treasured your comment.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Scenes from Rivendell. By like, a lot. If you've never thought too much about Aragorn's mom Gilraen, please let me invite you to all the feels.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think I ever have! I should do that, sometime, it sounds fun.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, I had someone chide me for writing smut on a kid's show. But I try to be really careful about tagging so only the people who WANT to see the smut end up finding it.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
The dirty kind ;o
(Though there generally has to be at least one girl involved for me to be interested. I have written some m/m content, but not a whole lot.)
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and it's the BEST thing!! I absolutely love it when anybody does translations, art, podfics or spin-offs of my stuff. It feels amazing to see my work out there in the world, living and traveling.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
None of my AO3 works are co-written. I had an original story that got picked up for a fiction podcast that was co-authored with a friend. Although the story behind that honestly was that I wrote the thing and insisted he accept the co-author credit because it was based on one of his characters in a roleplaying game.
Something similar will probably happen with a different friend and the space pirate novel that I'm working on now, if it ever gets published.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't know! Certainly Kanan and Hera is what I put the vast majority of my fic-writing energy into. But I was a huge X-Files shipper back in the day and Mulder and Scully still hold a special place in my heart.
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I'm super grateful to @gondalsqueen for doing Fade to Red so I can feel like that project actually got finished properly! I think I no longer have any outstanding wips?
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog, and sometimes cadence/rhythm, when I hit a good stride.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Self indulgence. In fanfic that's a tendency I don't even try to fight though, because it's what fic is for. In original fic though it's always a struggle to keep it tight and keep it flowing. And not try to show off Everything I Know About Mythology, or How Cool This One Idea I Had Is, or whatever.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Tricky! Relying on Google Translate is probably a bad idea.
I'll give an example from my current project. There's a scene set in a laboratory on Mars where Something Has Gone Terribly Wrong and I wanted automated warnings playing on a loop in various languages for maximum spook factor.
The English is "Warning! Please evacuate the building!" so I ran that through Google Translate for Russian... and then asked a Russian-born friend to verify that it was a good translation. He responded that it was not, because in fact that phrase needs some cultural translation before the literal one will make sense. As he put it: "The Russian would be a lot more direct. And they wouldn't say 'please.'" So instead, he gave me "Vnimaniye! Vyhodi zdaniye!" which is something more like "Attention! Exit building." And I absolutely love that.
So, I think before you can really write dialog well in another language you either need some direct knowledge/understanding, or a native speaker who doesn't mind looking it over for you.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I thiiiiiiink it was X-Files. All those fics were lost in time, like tears in rain (no it's fine they were terrible).
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It's hard to pick, but it might be one of the Sabine stories. Heart's Blood, maybe.
I always stress about tagging people and being annoying or leaving someone out, so please consider yourself tagged if you want to be!
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fallenrepublick · 3 years
Hi ! Back with my dumb questions! What kind of students were Thrawn, Thrass, Maul, Tarkin, Krennic, Grand Inqui, Eli and Obi Wan ?
This is pretty funny actually hahah
Lemme see... I might put this into some sort of modern college-type scenario thing just to shake things up a bit...
Thrawn was that guy we all hate with a burning passion. He knows everything, he asks too many questions about things far above the level you’re studying, and he’s always carrying around a huge classic book that even the people that like that sort of thing hate. Pretentious Ivy Kid, of course. But... he doesn’t really talk about it. When he’s asked what school he goes to, he responds dismissively, as if it doesn’t matter. That doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s a perfect grades, zero friends nerd, though.
Thrass was accidentally popular. Rich and attractive, he had people flocking to him from the start, and they tended to stick around, too, loving his sincere and straight-forward responses. But it also had a tendency to bring about people who wanted things from him. So most of the time, he’s a bit more shut down, quiet and a touch more unapproachable than he’d like to be, if only to prevent being taken advantage of. He can usually be found in the music department, and he isn’t always playing. He likes to study there, too. Good grades, of course, and lots of little hobbies. He can command a room like there’s no tomorrow, but he much prefers to be alone or with someone he can let his guard down around.
Maul’s the sports star that no one likes. He’s crazy confident in his skills, and it drives people away. But they’re all shocked to find out how much he studies. There’s talk around the school that his mentor is a dick and expects perfection in both sports and academics. He hates to lose, and no one wants to be around when he does. Still, a lot of it is a mask, if only to hide his personal life from everyone. He refuses to talk about his family, and no one really even knows where he’s from, since all he’s ever discussed is his career. Makes you wonder.
Tarkin. The trust-fund rich kid that only got in to the school, because the family treasure hoard payed them off. Yeah, sure, he’s smart as hell and no match in the debate room, but he had to prove next to nothing to get here, nor will he ever have to. He’s proud, that much is for certain, and even professors step aside when they see him coming their way, his family name alone enough to subdue them to his beck and call. He doesn’t really study, and no one hangs out with him by choice. Except for one person, who’s been dubbed his “pet” behind his back, though both of them know better. No classes together. Nothing in common, not even the same home planet. And yet there are certain times when both of them will skip class. Who knows why.
Krennic is someone who thinks he doesn’t have to study to succeed, but he does. He absolutely does. He’s the kid with the inferiority complex, a low class rank, and yet is certain he can best the highest ranking students from little besides natural talent. The issue is that talent only takes him so far, and you can’t write a very good report on a book if you don’t read it. Well... some people can. He isn’t one of them.
The Grand Inquisitor is the average student no one notices. He’s the type to sit in the back, listening, watching. He knows all the gossip in the world, can tell who’s dating who, where everyone is from, every person’s individual issues. He always has his headphones in, so people will discuss important things in front of him, assuming he can’t hear. But nothing’s playing. He hears every word. And his grades aren’t stellar, but as yet another player on the sports team, he makes up for it by winning games often enough. Outside of games, he never interacts with the people on his team, claiming that he sort of hates them.
Eli is another average student. Average grades, average friend group, everything. He likes to stay in his comfort zone and hangs out with people he’s known since he was a kid. He got paired with Thrawn on a partner project once, and the man ended up never leaving him alone. But they hang out and study at coffee shops that they find around the city and make it a game to find a new one every week, so it isn’t so bad.
Obi-Wan is the sports star. The guy everyone thinks of when they talk about the team. He may as well be the team. He has a fanclub, everyone under the sun has sent him fanmail before, and he gets asked out to every single dance or social by at least thirty people in person and tons more by text. Professors adore him for his knowledge base and coaches love him for his skill. And Maul hates it. Most people think the rivalry is one-sided, though. He’s always so gracious, so kind, so he’d never start drama like that. But in actuality, he likes seeing Maul mad, at least a little bit. He enjoys his place at the top and nothing will change that.
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vampyrasa · 3 years
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  the count and treasure, riches and the treasury. 
we encounter dr*cula’s ‘treasure hoard’ in countless pieces of his own media, but none so prevalently as we see in both the original novel and in the games based off of it and lee’s portrayal; castlev*nia.  
in fact, it’s in the early chapters that we are treated to a very small look at his treasury.  
The only thing I found was a great heap of gold in one corner—gold of all kinds, Roman, and British, and Austrian, and Hungarian, and Greek and Turkish money, covered with a film of dust, as though it had lain long in the ground. None of it that I noticed was less than three hundred years old. There were also chains and ornaments, some jeweled, but all of them old and stained.
but this is just a small piece of his hoard that has been left off to the corner of his own personal study, just above the entrance to the chapel where his coffin lay at rest.  that he has acquired so much treasure is a testament to his age, but also his tendency to hoard old and interesting things, such as the ornaments and jeweled chains that are present in the room. 
he also explains why the ‘’driver’’ (thought to be a servant of the count, or the count himself) had gone into the woods after a peculiar blue flame. searching for treasure, too.
a blue flame is seen over any place where treasure has been concealed. “That treasure has been hidden in the region through which you came last night, there can be but little doubt; for it was the ground fought over for centuries by the Wallachian, the Saxon, and the Turk.”
but the truly over the top portrayal of his treasury comes from the castlev*nia games, as it is a massive room just above the dungeons that is packed full of ornament and gold-filled chests, and gold even litters the floor like a thick rug for you to walk on. diamond necklaces hang from the rafters and the motheaten curtains sparkle with crystals and other gemstones that have been woven into the hem. 
specifially in castlev*nia iv, it goes over the top and even shows that he has statues of bats that glisten, clearly made of either gold or copper. in the same hall there are also gilded coffins, each that open respectively, and can be assumed to be the home of other vampire sirelings. the actual boss for this level is even a diamond-encrusted golden bat that flies at you from the gold heaps themselves. 
but the count uses his fortune wisely - he pays to have a solicitor come to his home so that he can purchase a large, very expensive estate in london.  he pays several travelers along the way to be sure that harker is kept safe, as well as for his room and board, and all of his food, too. he mentions again and again in his letters that his fortune is vast and he can more than afford to take care of those who work for him. this fortune is also passed on rather heavily to the laborers in the palace courtyard, and to the characters that are loyal to him in town, noted also in dr*cula’s guest.
he does not necessarily flaunt his money, especially not in public. that said, he wears incredibly expensive outfits, lace and brocade patterns, and wears his usual ruby necklace and iron rings. but clothing aside, he is very practical. his home is filled with very old, antique items from when he once used them. he does not dare buy anything new, and he pays people generously - according to harker, bordering on what he assumes are ridiculously high wages. 
so then we come to the idea of hoarding and the folklore of him being named after the dragon ; having attended the school of the dragon, the scholomance, and having valva, the balaur ; or the dragon who flies through the skies so that the solomonari can control the fiercest storms.   i find it very interesting that this dragon, who is supposedly so big that it could take out a very large chunk in the earth in lore (in my portrayal, she is approximately 50 m. high, and lives in the watery ravine that surrounds his castle at the base of the carpathians, far underground), resides also near such a gargantuan treasure hoard. i don’t intend to make a further connection today, but it is something fun to think about!
TL;DR this bitch has so much money its coming out of his ears, and he literally throws it at other people because he cannot use it. it’s my personal headcanon that he actually gifts a large portion of it to each of his sirelings so that they can rely less on him and do what they want with their immortal lives.
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