#as always the negativity is the vast minority but that’s what hits the hardest I guess
doctorweebmd · 1 year
I was thinking about this the other day and wondering why it’s become so much less fun to write for BNHA and I think it’s because… I’ve written too much?
Like being a one-off author was fine and fun and novel and people were so cool and supportive, but now I’ve got multiple long fics and people have started treating me like someone that “creates content” rather than someone who is writing for fun. And I’ve shot myself in the foot by continuing to write long-fic and putting my heart and soul into them and it’s like never enough, people just expect more and more and more and I want to keep giving and keep doing better but no matter what I write it’s just not ENOUGH
And like… this started a little after I finished Zero Sum Game but like… people have started forming “opinions” that they share openly about “me” - I can’t stand going into fandom space and seeing people say they can’t read anything I write, or they don’t like me as an author, openly ranking my works, saying xyz is overrated or mention me by name in shipping discourse or send me hate mail or update requests or just straight up telling me they’re not going to read what I write anymore… and these people don’t know me!!! I’m just an empty space to them!!! Just a machine that pumps out thousands on thousands of words to just look at an forget about instantly!!!!!!!!
Where do people get off honestly. Is it like this everywhere or is it just BNHA? Is it because it’s so popular that the community has broken down completely? Sincerely what the fuck how can anyone treat writers like this…
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celegiri-celesgiri · 8 years
Stalker and Prey, chapter 7
Fandom: Dangan Ronpa (duh) Pairing: Kyouko Kirigiri x Celestia Ludenberg - Celegiri Rating: T Summary: Kyouko’s assignment was to trail her. However, with her suspicions confirmed, Kyouko now has to juggle her job, her school life and her new relationship with one Celestia Ludenberg, Gambling Princess of Kibougamine. At least her friends have stopped asking about her hickies. Additional: Supernatural creatures Notes: Sorry it’s been so long since the last chapter, everyone. Needed to fall back into the semester. But I’m fully back and ready to answer those asks on Thursday! Enjoy the chapter (is it just me or do my chapters seem to be getting longer?)
Kyouko yawned as she awoke for school on Monday. She had spent well into the night with Celestia on Saturday and then spent a good portion of the afternoon with the Lolita on Sunday. Celes had taken her around the castle once more before deciding that she could use a walk in the park. Kyouko had filed away Celestia’s want to keep her alive for a later investigation as she was more preoccupied with wondering what the new student in the class’ talent would be. Their current graduating class was smaller than most of the others due to the scarcity of talent at the moment, but maybe things would turn for the second half of the year.
Getting dressed, Kyouko checked her backpack before grabbing the breakfast her father had set out—a blueberry muffin—and heading for Hope’s Peak. As she walked, Kyouko mused over the different talents one could have. Usually, no two people of the same talent would be in the school at the same time. The only exception in a while is that Makoto is the SHSL Good Luck, which is the same as one of their upperclassmen. But aside from that, there were still a vast amount of possibilities. After all, one of the teachers was a SHSL housekeeper. After hearing about that, Kyouko was certain anything could be a talent.
Arriving at the school, the lavender-haired detective made her way to her seat. Her classmates were immersed in conversations similar to her own thought process, so Kyouko simply listened to their own speculations. Aoi hoped for a baker, but that would be repetitive with the SHSL cook and confectioner being their upperclassmen. Mondo, Makoto and Hifumi mused on the probability of the talent being aggressive, artistic or intellect-based. Kyouko had to admit that she would like someone else in the class whose talent was intellect-based. Junko’s frequent mood swings became repetitive after a while, even if she was the SHSL Fashion Designer.
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class and jolting everyone from their thoughts. The class moved to their seats as the teacher strode in. Placing his suitcase on the desk, the instructor turned to the class and cleared his throat. “Everyone, I would like to remind you that today is the day we were supposed to get our new student, but there seems to have been a mixup with the information they were given and, because of this, they will not be here until tomorrow.”
There were groans all around the class, both internal and (majority) external. Kyouko was not one to enjoy sitting idly while she could be getting answers. Unfortunately, this was something she couldn’t get the information on herself and therefore, would have to wait on. With an effort, the detective stopped herself from sighing and resigned herself to solving this particular mystery tomorrow.
The day passed as it usually would, with minor arguments between Kiyotaka and Mondo. The teacher ignored them as always and continued with the lesson, which Sayaka or Chihiro interrupted every once in a while to ask questions. The others simply diligently took notes or ignored the class altogether. Without looking, Kyouko knew that Hifumi was doodling ideas for a new doujin, Junko’s pen was scratching a new outfit design, Mukuro was working on her knife throwing technique, and Leon was sleeping.
By the time lunch came around, the group had moved on from the topic of the new student and were lost in their own conversations about whatever held their interest. Kyouko simply enjoyed her meal as she and Makoto listened to Sayaka talk about a new song she and her band were working on. It sounded like it would be a hit—as many of her group’s songs were—and the detective was interested in hearing it.
As she was finishing up her lunch, Kyouko felt Makoto nudge her slightly. Feeling the now-familiar tingle down her spine, Kyouko stood and turned to walk to where Celestia was waiting by the gate for her. The Lolita smiled at her and Kyouko stopped in front of her with a nod of the head. “Good afternoon, Celestia,” she murmured.
“Good afternoon, Kyouko,” the vampire’s voice was louder than usual and Kyouko knew her classmates could overhear. “I trust you had a good weekend?”
“Yes,” the lavender-haired woman responded. “It was kind of you to invite me to your home.” There was a slight gasp from Chihiro at this and Kyouko resisted the urge to sigh.
“Well, it would have been rude of me to leave you all by your lonesome,” Celes chirped, red eyes focused just slightly passed Kyouko. “So why not invite you to spend time with me? I hope you enjoyed dinner?”
The detective attempted to ignore her friends as Aoi now joined Chihiro in quietly squealing behind her. The entire rest of the group had gone quiet, not even bothering to try hiding the fact that they were eavesdropping. “Dinner was very delicious, thank you.”
“And… how did you like… dessert?” Here, Celes eyes narrowed just slightly as her voice deepened to match the suddenly sultry look. Ah, so that’s what she’s doing. Kyouko realized as Hifumi choked behind her. Very well.
“Dessert was much better than expected. I was surprised to find out how talented you are.” Kyouko wondered just how deep this hole could go as Mondo and Leon joined Hifumi in choking at the conversation.
Celes leaned forward and her lips tugged upward just so in a smirk. “You’ve no clue how talented I can be, yet, Kyouko.” Yasuhiro fell off his seat.
Sufficiently satisfied, Celes turned her full attention to the woman in front of her, returning her voice to an appropriate level. “How are you feeling, Kyouko?” she inquired, eyes closing as she addressed the detective. “I know I took more than expected on Sunday.”
“I have been increasing my amount of nutrition intake.” Violet eyes stayed on the Lolita’s face, tracking every movement that might indicate why the vampire had closed her eyes this time. “I began doing so shortly after you began drinking from me, upon my realization of how negative the effects were.”
“How intelligent of you,” Celes giggled, hand rising to cover her mouth slightly. “As to be expected of such a formidable detective.”
“Understanding how our lives and work both affect our health is imperative to being a detective,” Kyouko pointed out. “We must be in top shape in order to properly focus on a case, hence why I am one of the top in the class at gym.”
“Gym?” Celes’ lip curled at the thought of sweating, or even changing. While she didn’t necessarily despise physical education, her outfit took a lot of work to get into and her makeup would be ruined if she sweat in the class. Of course, that was supposing the class actually gave her enough of a challenge to sweat in the first place. With enhanced strength and speed came heightened endurance and stamina.
“It’s a required class.” Her companion shrugged as Celes’ eyes roamed the students once more. “I try my hardest in gym and sometimes accompany Sakura and Aoi when they work out after school, if I’ve no cases to attend to.”
This caught the vampire’s attention. “You work out?” she asked, her voice dropping a note or two in pitch. It wasn’t much of a difference, but enough for Kyouko to catch.
“Yes. To stay fit.” The purplette watched the black-clad woman’s eyes close and once more wondered what had caused it.
“That sounds intriguing,” Celes murmured. “Do you mind if I accompany you one day? Just to watch, of course. I imagine it would give away my identity to lift as much as your muscular friend over there despite my much smaller stature.”
“I don’t see why it would hurt for you to come watch us,” Kyouko told her. “I can always tell you when I’m going to have off so you’ll be here when school lets out.”
Celes nodded in approval and lifted her head as the bell rang. “It appears our time is up, Kyouko.” Smiling at the detective through the bars, she giggled, “I’ll see you after school!”
There was a choked gasp and Kyouko once again resisted a sigh at the fact that her friends had still been trying to eavesdrop. “We should really find a way to talk during my free time where others won’t find out about your condition.”
Celes huffed and pouted at the term. “At my species, Kyouko,” she grumbled. “Have a good rest of your day!”
Kyouko gave her a nod, turning to her friends. All of them were watching her in utter shock, eyes zeroing in on the mark on her neck more than before. Shaking her head in irritation, Kyouko lifted the collar of her jacket to cover the mark and plucked Yasuhiro between the eyes. The fortune-teller fell backwards from his seat once more, but the detective paid him no mind as she gathered her leftover lunch.
Beginning to make her way to the school, Kyouko cocked her head at her friends, who had still not moved. “If you all don’t hurry, we’re going to be late to class.”
The others dumbly followed after her, eyes still wide when they took their seats. Sayaka and Chihiro shot her frequent intrigued glances while Aoi and Sakura whispered about the encounter and what it could have meant. Makoto had gathered some tissues to help Hifumi and Leon quell their bleeding noses, and Hiro spent a few minutes attempting to predict what would happen between her and Celes. Swallowing the air bubbling up from her lungs, Kyouko was simply glad that Byakuya had yet to make any kind of rude comment and that Junko wasn’t being odd anymore.
The rest of the day passed relatively alright, though Kyouko could have done without all of the speculative glances thrown in her direction. Slipping from the class as soon as they were released, Kyouko made sure not to get caught by any of her friends on her way out. She knew they would catch her eventually, but that didn’t mean she needed to make it easy for them.
Walking into class the next morning, the detective did not miss the way most of the class’ eyes flicked to her neck to see if she had any new marks. Thankfully, she had anticipated that response and her jacket collar covered her neck from their eyes. Making her way to her seat, Kyouko set her bag down.
“How was your night, Kyouko?” Leon asked, smirking at the violette as she took her seat.
“Most likely better than yours,” the detective clipped as she rummaged in her bag. Hisses were heard from several others in the class as Leon pouted over at Kyouko.
“That’s low, man.” Kyouko shrugged and turned to face the front as their teacher entered the classroom.
“Good morning, students,” their teacher called, grabbing the attention of the class. “I would like to introduce our new student to you all.” Looking to the hall, he called, “You may come in.”
Kyouko felt her eye twitch as a red heel stepped into the room, followed by a pale woman in Gothic Lolita wearing a small smile. Sitting up a bit straighter, the detective’s mind immediately began going through all of the possibilities of why Celestia would want to come to Hope’s Peak. Was she recruited because of her gambling talent? Did she want to be able to see Kyouko for longer during the day? Was she here to make certain none of the other students attempted approaching the purplette after their show the previous afternoon? Did she have other friends in the room without Kyouko’s knowledge? Were other students in the class vampires?
That last question had Kyouko glancing furtively around the classroom to gauge the reaction of the others. Most of them were looking between her and Celes in wonder, trying to see if there was a connection between this and yesterday’s encounter. Byakuya, of course, looked as disinterested as ever and Touko was too busy drooling over him to mind anything else. Junko was in a gloomy mood and therefore didn’t have much of a reaction at Celestia’s entrance while Mukuro’s unreadable expression remained stoic, similar to her own. None of them seemed to be vampires, but at first glance, neither did Celestia.
“Good morning, everyone!” Celes called, red eyes taking in the students before her. She noted the gaze of the large boy in the back. She would have no trouble hypnotizing him into her slave, if even that was necessary. Her eyes landed briefly on Byakuya’s disinterested expression and Junko’s gloomy one before her gaze pinpointed her target. With a small smile, the vampire said, “I’m Celestia Ludenberg. Please call me Celes. It’s wonderful to meet you all.”
“Alright, now let’s see if we can find you a seat,” the teacher murmured. Meanwhile, Celes stared at Leon for a few seconds, as he was in the seat beside her darling toy. Without hesitation, Leon gulped and stood, gathering his things to move to the other side of the room to find an empty seat. Celes’ smile widened at his complacency and she strode to the seat, settling beside Kyouko and winking at the detective.
The wink did not escape the other students as the teacher shrugged at Leon offering up his seat. Sayaka and Aoi were brimming with questions for their crime-solving friend, but knew that they had to wait. With any luck, come lunchtime, they would all be able to get to know Celes a little and what connection she has to Kyouko.
Taking in the looks from her friends, Kyouko resigned herself to the inevitable situation lunchtime would undoubtedly bring. Lying her head on her desk a moment as their teacher prepared the lesson, the detective finally sighed. This is going to be a long day.
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