#the amazing wonderful kind people that have stayed around for these 3.5 years who still say kind words to me I love you so much
doctorweebmd · 1 year
I was thinking about this the other day and wondering why it’s become so much less fun to write for BNHA and I think it’s because… I’ve written too much?
Like being a one-off author was fine and fun and novel and people were so cool and supportive, but now I’ve got multiple long fics and people have started treating me like someone that “creates content” rather than someone who is writing for fun. And I’ve shot myself in the foot by continuing to write long-fic and putting my heart and soul into them and it’s like never enough, people just expect more and more and more and I want to keep giving and keep doing better but no matter what I write it’s just not ENOUGH
And like… this started a little after I finished Zero Sum Game but like… people have started forming “opinions” that they share openly about “me” - I can’t stand going into fandom space and seeing people say they can’t read anything I write, or they don’t like me as an author, openly ranking my works, saying xyz is overrated or mention me by name in shipping discourse or send me hate mail or update requests or just straight up telling me they’re not going to read what I write anymore… and these people don’t know me!!! I’m just an empty space to them!!! Just a machine that pumps out thousands on thousands of words to just look at an forget about instantly!!!!!!!!
Where do people get off honestly. Is it like this everywhere or is it just BNHA? Is it because it’s so popular that the community has broken down completely? Sincerely what the fuck how can anyone treat writers like this…
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bettsfic · 4 years
Hey! I was just wondering if you would soapbox a little about your creative process. I absolutely adore your writing advice but was wondering a bit more about how your ideas form and how you choose which to pursue and do finished products look like you want them to? What's a bad habit you're trying to break? No obligation to answer, especially cause an anon is like tell me your secrets! But thank you for all you've written, you are so helpful and kind
thanks for the great question anon! i wrote a bit about my drafting process here but that doesn’t encompass the idea building side of things (also i’ve made some changes to the process so i was thinking about writing a more cohesive, updated version at some point).
i tend to think of project ideas as piles of aesthetic, and usually i only begin writing once the pile has toppled over and i can’t not write it. that’ll make more sense in a moment. 
i’ll walk through 2 examples of my idea generating process, from how they started to where they are now. 
1. Vandal
Vandal is a novel i’m working on that i really have a lot of hope for. i’m about 60k words in right now and 75% finished. it’s about a teenage girl (sierra) who casts a spell on her hot, helpful neighbor (frank) to bind them together. the spell ends up working but backfiring when he becomes her foster father. then, in his custody, sierra gets jealous and casts a spell on his girlfriend (jenny) to break them up, but that backfires too: sierra gets taken out of frank’s custody and placed with a manipulative and abusive foster brother (leo). frank more or less kidnaps sierra and they have to Run From The Law. throughout the novel, sierra is inwardly battling Vandal, an immortal archangel that has possessed her and is trying to get her to kill herself so he can break free of the prison of her body.  
the idea for that story has a looooong breadcrumb trail and a huge aesthetic pile. since i couldn’t manage to get Baby traditionally published, i had a lot of that dynamic i could adopt into something else. i wrote at length about where that idea came from but i can no longer find that post (UPDATE: here it is). it’s somewhere in my training wheels tag. in short, i spent an entire summer watching/reading age gap stories and the male perspective in them bothered me a lot, so i wanted to write a story from the younger party’s perspective, and do the reality of those situations justice. i wrote that story, though, so i didn’t want to rewrite it. 
then, in december 2019, for reasons i don’t remember, i started reading snape/hermione fics. i really liked the dynamic, but it was a little too angsty for me, and none of the fics gave me the catharsis i was looking for, which was basically Grouchy Soft Boy Takes Care Of PTSD Weary Girl. being unable to find anything that fit the exact no-conflict, angstless dynamic i was looking for, i decided to write it myself using an A/B/O reylo idea i’d been kicking around for about 8 months but i could never land on, because i didn’t know if i wanted ben or ren. that fic turned out to be Reclaimed.  
to answer one of your questions, Reclaimed didn’t turn out the way i wanted it to at all, and i’m still kind of shocked by the traffic it has. i felt bad about writing it, because i was setting down so many other things to work on it, and it was a struggle from start to finish. at the time (and this is a major theme of my process), i thought it was a waste of energy.
but it opened a very important thematic concept to me, which is the idea of voicelessness and trauma, and recovery through finding one’s voice.
fast-forward to february, i’m headcanoning with @star-sky-earth just days before i have to head to nebraska for a writing residency. she and i are talking about a certain male celebrity who shall not be named, flirting with his younger female costar who shall not be named, and i said something along the lines of, “wouldn’t it suck to get a crush on a dude like him, only to find out he likes you back, and then you realize he’s actually kind of shallow and boring?”
i remember distinctly saying, out loud, “god fucking dammit,” because, right then, an aesthetic pile had toppled over, and an entire novel unfolded itself in my brain. i pound out an outline. it’s garbage. i play around with a vocal gauge. it’s not quite right. then, two days later, i write an opening scene that i don’t think is great but i send it to some people and they’re like, oh this is fire. 
the aesthetic pile looks like this:
lolita, where dolores is the one in control
delusions of grandeur born from a major traumatic event
obsessions with fairy tales and the escapism they provide
the consequences of extreme neglect
forced voicelessness as both a theme and a major structural constraint
a lot of wolf imagery
non-chronological timelines
i proceed to spend the next two days driving across the country brain-writing. by the time i reach nebraska, i hit the ground running, and write for basically 30-40 hours a week for 5 weeks. then, because pandemic, i decide to stay 2 more weeks, but i hit a snag. i write about 14k of really boring drivel and realize my outline has failed me. i toss the 14k and re-outline and try again. then, my attention is rattled by a crush on a composer who has no interest in me. 
i go home and fall into my annual summer depression and i lose focus. so, that’s where i’m at. i really miss vandal but it’s gotten super dark and i’m finding it difficult to manage darkness with everything going on. which brings me to my next aesthetic pile that has recently toppled over.
2. Eden
that’s not the title but it’s the project name. i’ve begun writing a YA sci fi comedy with an ensemble cast. this aesthetic pile took years to build before it toppled. it started with Elixir of Erised, hands down the best fic i’ve ever written by a huge margin. i reread it this past winter and was kind of amazed i’d written it. 
i really liked the idea of a potion showing you your deepest desires, but until recently have not had the patience to build an entire world around it. so, for the past 3.5 years, i’ve kept a document of “if i WERE to a YA SFF book with the themes of EOE, what would i want to include?” over those 3.5 years, here’s what the list became:
dark academia vibes
heist plot
that list is not really conducive to an entire universe, and i never had the motivation to sit down and think through it. 
then i watched breaking bad, and a lot of things started clicking. at the same time, i was talking to my buddy kyle about my fallen knight archetype schematic, and i began fleshing out all the archetypes that went with it. i came up with 12. i built a database. i thought, wouldn’t it be cool to write something with ALL 12 ARCHETYPES?? haha but who would be dumb enough to do that?
me. i would. 
with breaking bad as the missing plot piece (which introduces the idea of conflict around the MANUFACTURE and DISTRIBUTION of addictive substances, with an ensemble cast of morally grey characters, which leads to a war), i had enough to get started. 
i wrote an outline. i wrote another outline. i wrote a third outline. i stopped to write some histories of this place i’d built. i wrote a fourth outline. gdocs became a mess so i downloaded scrivener and taught myself how to use it. i wrote a gauge of the first chapter and landed the voice on the first try. then i did a rough sketch of how a trilogy would go. then i outlined each book in the trilogy to make sure my character trajectories were on point. then i did a lot more worldbuilding. now i’m working on my fifth outline, which breaks the entire novel down scene by scene. 
and for Reasons, i’m tasking myself with writing the first draft in 6 days across two weekends. it’s a high-stakes adventure story with a very tight timeline, so i think it’s conducive to being written quickly.
which brings me to another question you asked, which is, what bad habits do i want to break? i always, always slow down at the halfway mark. sometimes i even give up. i have no idea why. no matter how much preparation i do, no matter how solid my endgame is, at the halfway mark i either slow to a crawl or set the whole project down and pick up something new. i do this with reading books, too. i can only ever read the first half of books. then i either skip to the end or put them down forever. it’s definitely something i have to figure out because at this rate i’ll never finish anything.
okay this took way longer than i thought it would to write but i hope it answers your question. tl;dr i follow aesthetic and thematic interests until they lead me to a point where i can’t not write the stories that develop from them. 
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dillydedalus · 5 years
what i read in april
in which i read two (!!) 5-star-adjacent books and also defeat my nemesis thomas mann 
the paper menagerie & other stories, ken liu
impressive collection of (mostly) scifi short stories with some fantasy elements. liu is particularly interested in historical/collective memory, historiography, textmaking and textuality, and the importance of stories. my favourites were the bittersweet title story (feat. living origami animals), an alternative history story about the construction of an underground tunnel between japan and america, and the last story, in which time travel becomes tied to politics of remembrance. some stories are not as strong, especially an honestly boring take on AI/voice assistants/surveillance, but overall these are really good, especially in how they approach SFF from asian perspectives. 3.5/5
der zauberberg/the magic mountain, by my nemesis thomas mann THE EVIL IS DEFEATED!!! after 1.5 months i finally finished the magic mountain & honestly.... i really liked it. literally all that happens is that a sweet young fool called hans castorp goes to a mountain sanatorium in switzerland to visit his cousin for three weeks and then.... just stays there for 7 years even tho he ISN’T REALLY ILL (which is both incredible dumbassery & incredibly relatable). up there he hangs out with a lot of people, has lots of conversations about politics & philosophy, falls in love w/ someone, some people die, some people leave, hans takes up skiing, everyone becomes obsessed with seances & psychoanalysis & whatever else for a time, there’s duels, and most of all, thomas mann is like HEY TIME IS WEIRD AM I RIGHT??? and it is! it is pretty weird. things i didn’t expect: a) it’s honestly pretty funny, b) i had several feelings (’als soldat und brav’), c) i kind of knew what the ending was going to be but still i was. distraught. ANYWAY. sometimes.... books that are classics.... are really quite good. 4/5
city of dragons + blood of dragons (rain wild chronicles #3-4), robin hobb i really enjoyed this series even tho i think these two are not as strong as #1-2. the central characters & relationship dynamics are great, i was happy to see malta back, and i loved the new plot points here (trader conflicts! hest coming to the rain wilds! most of all, chassim and the chalcedean women’s liberation front!!!) BUT i think all of these could have done with a bit more space; it all feels crammed together at the end & not really satisfying. 3.5/5 for both these books, series rating 4/5 
the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, douglas adams like, it’s funny. maybe i was not in the mood, but funny doesn’t carry a book. 2.5/5
remembering babylon, david malouf (uni) this book is really good but it is also exactly the kind of book you read in a seminar on postcolonialism, which is what i’m doing. it’s set in a small australian settlement in the mid-19th century, where one day a strange man appears who looks like a “savage” but claims to be a ‘british object’. it turns out that he was marooned as a child and joined a native community, and his presence and strange liminal status (’the white black man’) disturb the entire community. it’s all about questions of assimilation, indigeneity, whiteness, and who owns the land, and it’s very very good, well-written, evocative of the australian landscape, dreamy and i’m probably gonna write my paper on it & end up resenting it a lil bit. 4/5
a canticle for leibowitz, walter miller jr. post-apocalyptic monks in the desert preserving knowledge!!! i ADORED the first two parts of this with all my heart (the first set 600 years after the nuclear apocalypse in a new “dark age”, showing the canonization of leibowitz, engineer-turned-protector-of-knowledge; the second 600 years later again, when during the “renaissance”, conflicts arise between church and secular scientists), the third part (a new nuclear/space age w/ mutual destruction threatening) i liked less, especially when it abandoned the themes of cyclical history, the danger knowledge presents to humanity but also its value, and the process of science and culture rebuilding itself from the atomic ashes for a digression on euthanasia, but i still loved a lot about it, particularly the monks sent to human colonies on other planets (”remember this earth... never forget her - but never come back” made me cry). it is very steeped in catholicism (obvi) which i don’t have much of a connection with but i actually loved how the book talked about religion. on the whole, i genuinely, genuinely loved this, loved francis illuminating a blueprint for 17 years, loved benjamin/lazarus (?), the apocalypse being reframed in biblical terms, loved the melancholy & despair over humanity destroying itself again and again, and the mad mad tiny hope for peace somewhere, some time. i will read this again for sure. 4.5/5 
machandel, regina scheer perfectly fine multi-perspective novel about 20th century (east) german history, all revolving around the small village machandel (a lower german word for the juniper tree). it incorporates some interesting perspectives/topics you don’t necessarily see a lot (forced laborers from eastern europe, euthanasia programs during the third reich, a sympathetic look at the promises & failures of the gdr) and it’s a pleasant read but it didn’t resonate with me in any special way. i’m more interested in scheer’s new book, which is literally set right around the corner from me. 3/5 
wild seed, octavia e. butler sooo this is a afrofuturist-y science....fantasy (??) book about two immortal beings, doro (spirit possessing bodies) and anyanwu (healer & shapeshifter) & their complicated relationship over about 200 years. also involving a magical selective breeding programm, changing your gender, slavery of different kinds and a whole lot of babymaking. it’s interesting&unique&very immersive, but not really octavia e. butler at her best imo. i think my next butler will be xenogenesis. 3/5
kokoro, natsume soseki early 20th century japanese classic about a young student and his mysterious mentor. very quiet and slow but still a good read. don’t have much to say about it tho - i’m probably missing a lot of cultural context. 2.5/5
the merchant of venice, willy shakes (uni) tbh i skimmed most of the scenes shylock wasn’t in bc in this house we stan shylock & no one else, but also like why would anyone sign away a literal pound of their literal flesh as a bond for money you don’t EVEN NEED fuck you antonio. 
shylock is my name, howard jacobson (uni) the hogarth retelling of merchant. i’ve read this before & thought it was clever & sharp re: the play & shylock, but ultimately sexist & gross. i still kind of think that but i liked it A LOT more this time around; it’s really the best of the hogarth series (that i’ve read) in terms of actually engaging with & deconstructing the play rather than just retelling it in a modern setting and it does it in a really smart & thoughtful way. everything not about shylock is ridiculous and farcical but that’s really the point - all the characters beside shylock are the worst and already were the worst in merchant. still not happy about the sexism but: 4/5
the complete maus, art spiegelman honestly it really just is that staggeringly good and given the amazing panels about beckett (x), i’m not going to say much more. if you’re interested in the graphic novel (not really novel bc it’s not fictional) and can deal with the subject matter, just like. read this. predictably, my favourite part was the beginning of maus ii, where art (post-publication of maus I) reflects on what he was doing and why (and why mice) and deconstructing the central conceit from within (see the panel linked, where everyone’s wearing animal masks and he wonders whether mentioning housepets will ruin everything). 5/5
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douxreviews · 6 years
Outlander - ‘Man of Worth’ Review
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"You dinna ken how worthy you are."
If I'm very very quiet, I swear I can hear the collective Outlander fandom starting to panic as droughtlander sets in.
I'm not mad at this finale. Not one bit. It may not have been as epic in scale as some others but it tied some things up and set some things up and delivered some exceptionally beautiful moments. I cant really imagine a better end for the season we got. Plus I now know exactly how I feel about Roger. Wins all around.
I haven't gone into it yet because I'm not sure how historically accurate it is but who ever was in charge of set design for the Mohawk village should get a raise just based on how beautiful it is. Everytime we're there I am taken aback by both the details and scale. Too bad we probably won't be seeing it for a while, if ever again.
How sad for Otter Tooth that he traveled all the way back in time to deliever a warning that he thought would save a people and a culture and they didn't even believe him. I mean, I'm not saying that running around inciting war dances and shoving scalps in peoples faces was the tact he should have taken but man. He and Geillis should start a a club in the afterlife. Maybe they already have.
The raid was an outright disaster and from what we know of people shunned by their tribes, the Native American woman that helped them isn't going to have a very happy life. I felt like Claire and Jamie should've offered for her to come back to the ridge. Or at least let her have the stone she was so desperate for. But hey, maybe they looked for her off camera and she was too good at hide and seek to be found.
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The fight to get back to the river was exciting. It had me on the edge of my seat while Jamie's skill as a warrior and fighter kicked in Claire took down whoever got in her path (all while practically carrying Roger's useless body, but whatever). But it was for naught. They were severely outnumbered and surrounded and out of options. I find it hard to swallow that the Mohawk would hold on to Roger so stubbornly since he spent so much time disappointing them but can we give that Chief some kind of award for the amazing deal he struck for himself. He traded an injured fourth string nobody for an all-star that got through the spirit tunnel on his first try. Wow. Bargain master of the year.
I've stayed pretty on the fence with Ian. I liked him, I laughed at how naive and adorable he was. I even like his dog. But he was expendable as far as I was concerned. Then he traded himself to save Roger so that his uncle wouldn't have to. He even refused to run away and begged Jamie not to make him a liar. He stayed determined to honor his word and got himself expended and suddenly I miss him. Jamie is right. He really is a man worth very much. I suppose it would be silly to expect anything less. Ian has spent most of his life looking up to and emulating one of the most honorable people to exist. Of course he would have it coming out of his ears and his admiration for Native Americans has been set up from the jump. Out of everyone he could make a place for himself here. He found his clan. The whole goodbye amalgation ripped my guts out, Claire. Ian and Claire, Ian and Jamie. Even the fakeout Claire and Jamie goodbye was well done even though I was pretty sure what Ian was going to do from the second he decided it. You could feel that patented Jamie and Claire fire between them. It was beautiful and romantic and full of anguish and thankfully short lived. The emotional strikes just kept coming. Very well done all around. But that look of elation when Ian was accepted as a mohawk was worth the price of admission. He was so so happy. So I'm happy for him. It's as close to a happy ending as any other character has gotten.
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Bye, Ian. I'll miss you more than I thought. Come visit soon.
And the there's Roger. I'm happy for Bree and all but I feel like she could do better. Way better. It's like when your friend gets together with their ex for the 300th time... Fine, I accept this. I knew it was coming but it's still very dumb. It's not that he's a bad person or that he hasn't been through a terrible ordeal. And hey, he did show up fir her at that the end. He's just such a whiner. He didn't even seem particularly grateful to be saved. Just slumped over and rolling his eyes and helping not at all during the attempted escape to the river but then had buckets of energy to throw into his fists at Jamie. And during his tantrum, he took no responsibility for leaving Bree alone in the freaking 18th century and only seemed to show emotion about it when he realized he couldn't cart her back through the stones to yell at her some more. Give it a rest, Rog everyone has been through terrible things. Hell, as far as Roger knows Ian just put his life in the hands of men that will be kicking the crap out of him for no reason for the rest of his life. He couldn't even mutter a 'thanks, bro'??
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Bree was attacked by Bonnet? OMG, he totally forced me to sail up the coast with him. Guys a monster!!
I did very much like all the character beats sprinkled throughout that confrontation in the woods. Jamie took everything that Roger dished out because he was wrong for beating him in the first place but he wasn't so sorry that he could hide his anger that Roger didn't stick around to protect his daughter from Bonnet. It was written all over Claire's face that she was desperate for him to be the kind of husband for her daughter that Jamie is but was trying very hard to be understanding and calm.
While Ian was busy becoming a man and Roger was busy deciding what kind of man he wants to be, Murtagh and Jocasta had a slumber party. Possibly manh. The writers have been pandering to an eventual coupling since these two got on screen together and I am here for it. They did the whole thing so well, too. Even though I been waiting for them to get together i was still somehow taken by surprise when it happened. I love love love them together so much. Both opinionated and stubborn and crotchety and passionate. I loved every second of it. I loved that neither one would back down even though their words were obviously hitting nerves left and right. And the whole thing was bookended by food. At the start, they were sharing dinner and the next thing I know, hes asking her to skip breakfast. It felt like a glimpse of a domesticated life that Murtagh could've had. Or maybe symbolic of the life that Jocasta is putting in jeopardy. Or maybe they were just meals and I am seriously over reaching. It wouldn't be a finale review if I didn't make at least one mountain out of a molehill.
As Outlander finales go, this was tame as a kitten. Sure Jamie's been put in charge of getting rid of his godfather but investing in even the idea that anything could ever truly come between them is laughable. Their loyalty has been tested worse than this. It just wouldn't be believable to me for that bond to fall apart now. And now that Aunt Jocasta is on board (I think?) the rest should be cake.
It hit the beats I needed it to. There have been stronger finales to be sure but I don't how this particular season could've been tied up better. 
3.5 out of 4 ominous stone necklaces.
Bits and pieces
Jamie's instincts are still so keen that he can feel the presence of other people in the woods. Once an outlaw...
Do we understand why Otter Tooth helped Claire find Jamie after that storm earlier in the season? Are they cosmically connected?
I felt a pang of sadness for the time. Ian keeps racking up people that he will probably never see again or ever get to say goodbye to. His parents, siblings, Fergus, Murtagh, Bree. It's practically never ending. He did get to say goodbye to Jamie and Claire though.
Where did Ian get the Mohawk version of Rosetta Stone??
I wonder if I will view Ian differently when I inevitable rewatch these past seasons he was in given my new found respect and love for the character.
I wonder if Father Alexander participated in the spirit tunnel??
All Roger and Bree do is flirt and argue and somehow I hate them for it. So far Murtagh and Jocasta have followed their example but somehow I'm fully on board. What gives??
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Oh, and Bree had her baby. I wonder who his godfather will be. Who is Germain's for that matter??
Murtagh certainly has a type. As far as we know hes only been serious about two people in his life. Sisters that heavily favor each other. Interesting.
I was bumming a little that we didn't get to see Jamie's relief and reaction to the knowledge that Bree forgave him. But it kind of all read in the reunion. There was an ease to the family dynamic even though crap news was getting delivered.
No Fergus. No Marsali. Did they make it to the ridge? Is the pig still alive? Is Fergus a wanted man?
Murtagh: "Thank you for the roast. It's been a long time since I had a meal this fine. " Jocasta: "I imagine it's better than whatever they were serving in the jail at Wilmington." Murtagh: "News travels fast." HA.
Jamie: "I will come back to you Sassenach."
Ian: "You once said you wished me to become a man of worth." Jamie: "You dinna ken how worthy you are." I'm not crying, you're crying.
Jocasta: "How does it taste?" Murtagh: "Like home." Jocasta: "Whiskeys hard to come by in the new world." Murtagh: "Aye and I canna drink that horse phish they call rum." Hahahaha.
Jocasta: "I'm an old woman now, my wars are behind me and you should put yours behind you as well."
Roger: "Having me beaten almost to death and sold into slavery seemed a trifle extreme even for a woman with her temper."
Jamie: "You cost me a lad that I love and my daughter doesn't need a coward. I'd rather her hate me than for you to break her heart again. So make up your mind." Roger: "I need some time." Claire: "If you need time you should take it because this is our daughter so you better be sure." Would you rather face Jamie and Claire or a tribe of angry Mohawk Native Americans???
Laure Mack
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elastigirl72 · 5 years
Day 20: Herceg Novi>south of Shkoder, Albania
Mountains or coast?
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Sometimes and without planning, things just seem to fall into line. I reconnected with my younger brother, Alex, 19 months younger than I, and #4 of 4 siblings born within 5 years to two crazy, outlandish parents. That reconnection in itself is a long story and I won’t go into now. But i regularly work in Norway and by chance, in Alex’s home town where he lives with his wife, Monika and two girls, Emma and Susi. Life and families are complicated but, stars aligned and 25 years or more have passed, and the next time I’m there. I’ll stay and be Auntie Michelle to nieces I love.
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Also by chance, the last time I visited, I mentioned to Alex about my planned trip, and where I was heading. He looked at the route and said “I have a friend who has an apartment there. Let me call him”. So he did. It just so happened that Per was happy for me to stop by if it worked in with my plans, even if he wasn’t there. As if by magic, I came through, and it coincided with a rest day. I was met by Lidija, who having checked with me a few days earlier, met me with freshly caught fish, and a potato salad, a bottle of wine of choice (red or white. Or both!), bananas, strawberries picked from her friend’s garden that morning, and a barrel full of conversation. After 3 cups of tea, she left me to indulge in the shower, with shampoo, hair conditioner, body cream, moisturiser, radiators, chocolates a washing machine and a view if it became visible across the whole of Herceg Novi. I have never met Per, and only just met Lidija, who I believed lived in the same road, but in fact had caught a taxi from a nearby village, just to make me feel welcome. I am now so fed and rested, if I don’t do a big week, I’ll go home heavier than when I set off!
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This was the shelter in a storm, quite literally. And couldn’t have happened at a better time, at any point during the 3.5 week expedition. How do you show gratitude for such generosity? If I wasn’t already in heaven, to top it off, Lidija returned the next day with home made lunch, and took me on a walking tour of her home town. An amazing woman who is a Tony Robins coach. I am apparently a sun person, and she a moon. I need 20 minutes of sun a day and she needs to sleep. She knew everyone in the town as we walked around. I fell in love with Herceg very quickly.
As the storm passed over during the early hours of the day, I noticed a figure on a rock outcrop, and was sure the silhouetted figure was fishing. Walking along the promenade, I learnt the figure was a statue of a haunting and beautiful woman, a memorial to a lady who was betrothed to a sailor, who went to sea and never returned. For the rest of her days, the lady returned to wait for her love to sail back to shore, and did so until she died. Truly moving and befitting of such a small sanctuary in deepest Europe where most people won’t visit or have heard of.
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Every trip I’ve done, I’ve come across incredible, memorable people who have stayed with me since. Mario (Italy 2015), Jonathan and Pete (Canada 2016 and 2018). Sadly, from my first ever trip, in 1991, I met equally kind people who are written in a diary, but long since past. It’s these moments that erase the challenge days and sow a seed deep inside. I hope that I can in turn be so generous and kind.
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6th May is a big day, and start to the biggest week, both mileage and climbing but also uncharted waters. I’m a little anxious but at least slightly recovered...if something is going to go wrong, it will be in this next week. So near, yet so far...mountains or coast? Start days early and ride as far as possible?
6 May: Shkoder 1430
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After the mountains lit up in a fury of lightening bolts and torrential rain, I felt confident that setting my alarm for 5am was a good decision. Early miles were the plan, and at 7am, although there were still torrents running across the roads, the bay was calm, and I was on my way.
One day’s full rest was telling from the first rotation. I felt great! I was prepared for the intermittent downpours with my new bin bag and trusted shower caps, and knew, come hell or high water, I was crossing into what in my head felt like another continent today but was in fact, just another country, and my 10th on the list: Albania.
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You can get to Albania by bike several ways from Montenegro: outright ferry, around a huge bay and up Kotor or a €1 ferry crossing, which takes 10 minutes and provides a panoramic view of the black mountains. I opted for the latter, and sailed my way through towns and up climbs, barely noticing the gentle early headwind, almost a pre-requisite to a ride now. The traffic was less, although I did see an elderly pedestrian spontaneously leap in front of a speeding knackered old VW Mark I Golf...how he wasn’t killed! If it wasn’t suicidal pedestrians, it was motorists pulling out of side roads or shop fronts, almost teasingly to see what a cyclist with right of way might actually do: stop or ride straight into the now stationery vehicle blocking the carriageway because in fact they can’t pull out on to the opposite carriageway anyway. I counted at least 20 stray dogs between Herceg and the border, and now have come to expect them at every turn in the road. I will need to plan my defence strategy as I believe at some point, a dog and I are going to get better acquainted, probably as I find my steepest climb, am tired and can’t escape 😃. I am considering tying a stick to my bike and working out my war cry as I write.
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Maybe it’s because I am recharged or maybe it is because even with impending doom looking down on me from the heavens, the green clad mountains that now surrounded me made for yes I know I’ve said it before, an epic day’s cycling. The bin bag and shower cap yo-yo’d in and out of my bag, gaining me much attention in the rural Montenegro countryside as I rode through as the joker on wheels. Here, the people, buildings and cars all changed, decrepit, off the beaten track, and oblivious to style, just functional living: the need for a car, a roof and clothing rang through and any signs of wealth disappeared as I approached the Albanian border. Soaked, I noted that I’d never seen such dark and threatening sky over any mountains. I wondered if the swallows that darted around the road indicated anything, but it was memorable and beautiful.
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I’d already fallen in love with the day before I reached Albania, and despite twanging my bad knee before the climb between countries, was prepared to ride on as long as I felt as I did. 😀
And suddenly, surprisingly, Albania! (And another passport stamp 🎊)
Where the tarmac is smooth, the ageing locals ride bikes, the area feels untouched by time or tourism, and the surrounding countryside is jaw-droppingly Jurassic. In 10km I rode past two mosques, minute and not what I expected. Every last morsel of flesh was covered so being a heavily Muslim country, I felt I was being respectful. Motorists gave way, and many people, young and old, even waved, or honked positively. I even got a “go, go, go” from one driver! I wanted to stop and take so many photos, but the ever threatening sky bore down on me and reminded me to keep pedalling.
I barely noticed the city of Shkoder; I was through it so quickly. The driving here made me laugh, as it was chaotic. My lasting memory will be of a very large old lady in her local dress, headscarf and woollen tights, pinned with her bottom just on the edge of the scooter seat, driven by her husband, bouncing off down the road in front of me. I wish I’d got a photo of that, or the old guys on scooters, smartly dressed, but weathered and worn.
Not long after leaving the city limits, I saw lightening ahead and a distant rumble of thunder. It was only 16 miles till my planned stop, and another 56 to Tirana, my stretch goal. I was feeling great. But checking these details and considering my options, I’d stopped right outside a brand new looking spa hotel. I went inside, enquired, and found the room, full spa access, and breakfast would cost €35. I repeat €35! And the possibility of booking a massage. Even with this information, I had to sit down, digest and consider my options: the weather radar, my knee, how good I was feeling...
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The weather is looking better from tomorrow, so why push on? I am lying down in my €35 room, snuggled in a huge dressing gown having had a luxury shower and awaiting my massage. I am hoping very much my knee twang isn’t terminal but it doesn’t feel good. But if my journey ends here, I am truly happy. I love Albania, even if I’ve not spent a night here yet. I couldn’t feel more welcome. I hope you can make it too someday...till tomorrow...and decision time; mountains or coast? 🤔
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One Last Hope: Chapter 5
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(Not my gif)
Sera Darros has fought for the rebellion since she was eight years old.  She knows the horrors the Empire can inflict on its people, but rumors are starting to spread of something much worse on the horizon.   Whispers of a secret weapon.  A weapon too terrible to comprehend, one that could annihilate an entire planet and bring an end to freedom in the galaxy: The Death Star. She along with a team of unlikely allies must band together and fight in order for hope to survive.
AO3 Link/ Support Me on Ko-fi
A/N: Shout out to @kboogie09​, @cobalt-one​, and @umbra12​ for helping me through all this.  You guys are amazing and your feedback is so important to me.
Word Count: 3.5 K
           Jyn had been orphaned when she was eight years old.  She had lost her mother on the shores of Lah’mu. The same day Galen Erso, her father, had been taken away from her.  She had now, just lost the man who had raised her in the caves of Jedha.  And, the same day, found Galen Erso, whoever he was now.
           If she’s alive, if you can possibly find her to let her know that my love for her has never faded and how desperately I’ve missed her.
           The words echoed in Jyn’s mind, tearing her apart with the same voracity as she clung to them.
           Galen Erso is alive.  My father is alive.
           He wasn’t a traitor.  He wasn’t a coward, or a pawn of the Empire.  Those men, the men she had hated her entire life had died on Jedha.  A different man, one made up of pale blue light had taken their place.
           She sat in the cabin of the U-Wing trying to reconcile all the opposing facts scrambling to find order in her mind.  She was only vaguely aware of her compatriots scattered around the cabin. She could only imagine how she looked; disheveled, dirt encrusted, and catatonic. It was pathetic.
           “Baze, tell me,” Chirrut said, managing to pierce through her mental fog. “All of it?  The whole city?”
           The blind man’s protector gave no answer.  His eyes stayed forward, watching the white blue streaks of hyperspace stream past the bulk head window.
           “Tell me,” Chirrut repeated.
           “All of it,” Baze answered bitterly.
           Jedha City was gone.  For a long moment, her mind couldn’t picture it.  The concept of an entire city disappearing off the face of the planet in a single blast eluded her.  Then she thought of Saw, and it became real.
          The death of Jedha City meant the death of Saw Gerrera.  It meant the death of Saw’s rebels.  It meant the death of the vendors and pilgrims she had hours before pushed past in the now destroyed market.  It meant the death of the little girl she had saved in the plaza.  She felt sick, and then she got angry.
           The planet killer was real.  The Death Star was real.  That’s what her father had called it.  She had mocked its existence and, now, she was faced with the undeniable truth.
           “Understood.” It was Cassian’s voice.  She looked up to see him mummer into the comm unit.  He then called to the droid in the cockpit.  “Set course for Eadu.”
           “Is that where my father is?” Her voice was hoarse from lack of use, but she still kept her chin high.
           “I think so,” he answered.
           She tried to picture meeting him.  The light in the cave turning into something solid and real.  She should had felt joy at the idea, but all she got was apprehension and shame.  She wasn’t the little girl he had left on Lah’mu. She was a fighter, a thief, a killer. She was a person who had spent the last fifteen years hating Galen for being a man he never was.  What could she say to him?  What kind of person could she had been if she had known?
           “You’re Galen’s daughter?”
           She turned to the man sitting in the corner.  She didn’t recognize him, but that didn’t stop her from pitying him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.  His entire body was on edge and his eyes were wide as if, at any moment, the entire haul would swallow him whole.  She couldn’t imagine somebody looking worse than her, but there he was.
           “You know him?”
           “I’m Bodhi,” he said, placing a hand on his chest. “The pilot.”
           “You brought the message.”
           She felt a light in her brighten.  He knew her father.  He had seen him with his own two eyes. There were so many questions she wanted to ask.
           “Yes.  Your father…he said I could get right by myself.  He said, I could make it right, if I was brave enough to listen to what was in my heart.  Do something about it.” He stopped, as a swell of emotions threatened to overpower him. He held his head low, finally choking out the words.   “Guess it was too late.”
           Jyn shook her head. “It’s not too late.”
           “Seems pretty late to me,” Baze commented darkly.
           “No.”  The word resounded in the ship as loudly as in Jyn’s mind.  Her father had sent the message.  The pilot had delivered it.  It couldn’t be the end.  It could not have all been for nothing.
          “We can beat the people who did this,” she said, her voice stronger than it had been in years. “My father’s message, I’ve seen it.  They call it the Death Star.  But they have no idea there’s a way to defeat it.”
           She stood, facing Cassian.  The fire was back and she clung to it for life.
           “You were wrong about my father.”
           “He did build it,” Cassian countered, as if that made all the difference.
           “Because he knew they’d do it without him,” she bit back, just as harshly. “My father made a choice.  He scarified himself for the Rebellion.  He rigged a trap inside.”
           She turned to Bodhi.  “That’s why he sent you.  To bring the message.”
           “Where is it?” Cassian asked. “Where’s the message?”
           Jyn stopped.  The emptiness she had felt came back to her.  She saw the pale blue figure stop and fade from existence as the entire cave shook.
           “It was a hologram,” she said limply.
           Cassian didn’t let up, taking a step closer. “You have that message, right?”
           She shook her head, feeling a tightness in her throat. “Everything happened so fast.”
           Cassian scoffed at the excuse.  He turned to Bodhi. “Did you see it?”
           The pilot looked up at him clearly wishing he had a different answer.  He shook his head, before looking away, ashamed.
           “You don’t believe me,” Jyn bit out.
           He looked at her then, and suddenly, she wasn’t so sure.  It landed somewhere between earnest and patronizing. “I’m not the one you’ve got to convince.”
           Meaning the rest of the rebellion.  Jyn’s jaw tighten at the thought.  What sway did she have over them?  General Draven would shoot her down the moment she opened her mouth. Mon Mothma might side with her, but the odds of that were too great.
           “I believe her,” Chirrut stated.
           Cassian almost laughed.  “That’s good to know.”
           “So do I.” It was Sera’s voice.  Both Jyn and Cassian looked to her.  Jyn had barely registered the girl on board.  She hadn’t said a word since they blasted off from Jedha. She hadn’t even moved. Jyn felt a twist of guilt, as she stared at her.  The fear in the girl’s eyes could rival Bodhi’s.  Still, she met each of their gazes, and even managed to shoot Jyn a small smile.
          She had one rebel ally. Jyn doubted the girl would be enough to convince the council, but the girl seemed to know that.  It was gesture of solidarity, and for that, Jyn was grateful.
           “What kind of trap,” Baze asked.  He had been slumped against the wall of the ship during the exchanged, but at the voice of her partner and the girl, had moved upright. “You said your father made a trap.”
           “The reactor,” Jyn said, feeling some of her confidence come back to her. “He’s placed a weakness there. He’s been hiding it for years. He said, if you can blow up the reactor – the module – the whole system goes down.” She turned back to Cassian. “You need to send word to the alliance.”
           “I’ve done that.”
           “They have to know there’s a way to destroy this thing,” she insisted. “They have to go to Scarif to get the plans.”
           “I can’t risk sending that,” he snapped. “We’re in the heart of Imperial territory.”
           She couldn’t argue with him, but she couldn’t let him win either.  All she had left was the message.  She couldn’t fail now.
           “Then we’ll find him,” she said. “And bring him back, and he can tell them himself.”
           The silence which proceeded Jyn’s declaration did not bother Bodhi. He was too preoccupied with his own mind to give it much thought. The Bor Gullet and tore his mind apart and put it back together again in the wrong order.  His mother, Galen, his flight instructor, Saw, the cave, the message, all of it blurred together, happening all at once, and not at all.  He was starting to get a hold of himself again.  Lines began to define themselves between his past and his present.  But, it was a slow process.
           He could see Galen, his voice low and forbearing.
           If you wish to know what we are building, Bodhi Rook, you may simply ask.  
           And he had asked.  He had seen it.  He could still feel the ground shaking beneath his feet.  He could hear the wall of death and destruction hurtling toward him. And he could see it in the sky, hovering above the planet.
           Come on, a voice pleaded. He felt a tug of his hand.  A girl with red hair was staring at him, begging silently to run.
           He had been on Jedha.  The destruction had come to Jedha.  The Holy City.  His home. It had all been for nothing.
           But it wasn’t.  It couldn’t. Jyn, Galen’s daughter, said it wasn’t. They could stop it.  They had to stop it.
           If you can blow up the reactor – the module – the whole system goes down.
           He clung to the thought, repeating it over and over again in his mind, allowing it to bring him to the present moment.  They were going to Eadu.  They would find Galen.  They would find a way to destroy it. His mind was coming back, slowly, but surely.
           He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye.  The red hair girl was moving around the cabin, shuffling through one of the nearby packs.  The name, Sera, drifted into his mind.  He remembered her from the cave.  Her voice had pierced through all the scrambled memories and sounds.  He wondered why it took him so long to remember.
          Sera stopped her movements, smiling as she found what she was looking for. Crossing the cabin, she held out a food packet to him.
          “Here,” she said.  “You must be starving.”
          Bodhi stared at the offering as apprehension filled him.  It was a trick.  It had to be. A part of him wondered if he was still in the cave, but then he thought of the monster in the sky, and he forgot all about it.  He glanced up.  The girl hadn’t moved.  She was still holding out the packet, waiting for him to take it. Cautiously, he did.
          It seemed enough for her as she took a seat next to him and opened her own.
          Bodhi took a small bite.  It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad either.  His stomach growled as he took another bite.  In a matter of minutes, the packet was completely gone.  He hadn’t realized how hungry he was.  
          Silently, Sera handed him a canteen, which he took gratefully.  He couldn’t stop himself.  As soon as the water reached his lips he chugged the whole thing. When he finished, he looked back to Sera and handed the canteen back to her sheepishly.
          “Thank you.”
          “You’re welcome.”  
          There was a pause.  She looked like she wanted to say something but couldn’t think of the exact words.  She looked down at her hands, fiddling with then idly, until, finally, she spoke.  “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
          Her voice was so sincere, it made his heart ache.  Suddenly, all he had left behind came back to him.  He had abandoned his friends, suffered torment and humiliation, all for what?  For the small hope of destroying a now complete battle station.  One that had already destroyed his home?  He had failed.  He was not a good man or a brave man.  It was all gone.  Who was she to offer him any sort of sympathy or kindness?  
           She gave him an odd look and cocked her head to the side.  “Are you ok?”
           He blinked.  He hadn’t realized he had been staring.  A slight panic took hold, as he physically gulped.
           “Why are you being nice to me?” he asked.  
           Sera didn’t answer right away, letting the question hang in the air. Her initial reaction as surprised, but it only lasted a moment and sadness took over her features. He had a strange feeling he wasn’t the first person to ask her that question.
           “You defected, right?” she asked. “Brought the message.”
           He nodded.
           “Then, I don’t see why I need another reason.”
           Bodhi stared at her.  Her tone had left no room for argument, but doubt still resided in his mind.
           “You said Galen told you, you could do right by delivering the message,” Sera said, as if sensing his thoughts. “What were you going to do after?”
           He was taken aback by the question.  He hadn’t thought about it in so long, it felt like a lifetime ago.  When he first started out, the idea of joining the rebellion had appealed to him.  After he delivered the message, he had hoped to be welcomed into the rebellion with open arms.  Instead, he had been met with distrust, contempt, and pure unadulterated hatred. Saw’s men were not the gallant men and women Galen had promised in his stories.  They were the killers, and the terrorist the Empire had warned him about.
           “I don’t know,” he said.  “I suppose I would join the rebellion.  Home isn’t really an option anymore.”
           “Where is home for you?” she asked, gently.
           His gut twisted.  She didn’t know.  How could she?  A sudden sadness took hold of him at having to be the one to tell her.
           “Jedha,” he answered.
           Her face turned blank.  He wished it hadn’t.  It remined him of every other soldier’s face he had encountered since he started his mission.  He needed the openness back, if only for a moment.  He wanted to talk to a person again.
           “Where’s home for you?” he asked, hoping for some kind of reaction.  
           She blinked in surprise.  The blankness fell away, as distance replaced it.  He wasn’t sure if it was better or worse.
She found his gaze again, shaking her head as she tried to hide her embarrassment with a smile.  “The rebellion, I suppose,” was her only answer.
            Bodhi’s heart twisted.  What had the Empire taken from her?
          Flashes of dead bodies, burned down homes, and white stormtroopers echoed through his mind.  All of them possibilities. He looked around at the others strung about the cabin. The Empire had taken from all of them.  Was that what the rebellion consisted of?  Lost souls with no home to go back to?
           His attention came back to Sera just as she rose from her seat. She couldn’t look him in the eye.  
          “There are supplies in the pack to help you clean up, if you’d like,” she said, walking towards the cockpit. “You should try and get some rest, it’s a long way to Eadu.”
           “What about you?” he asked, quickly.
           She stopped and turned to him. The embarrassment was still there, but it had faded slightly at the gesture and a soft smile returned to her lips.
           “I’m alright,” she promised.
           He didn’t believe her, but he didn’t know her well enough to call her out on it.
           “Get some rest,” she insisted.  “Nothing is going to happen between here and Eadu.”
           Sera turned and continued on her way to the cockpit.  Her conversation with the pilot got to her more than she wanted to admit.  Did he have family on Jedha?  Perhaps she should have asked, but she wasn’t sure she could handle the answer.  What could she even say?  She didn’t know what losing a home meant.  Before the rebellion, the closest thing she had was her mother’s ship. And a ship was a poor substitute for a city.  
           She shook her head.  She couldn’t get the roar of the explosion out of her mind.  She closed her eyes and she could still see the wall of earth engulfing the ship and the small, out of place moon in the sky.  
           The Holy City is gone.  The Empire did it.  They actually did it.
           She took a breath.  One foot in front of the other.  She just had to keep one foot in front of the other.  First, they had to find Galen Erso.  Once they got him off Eadu, then she could think about the rest.  She had to take it one step at a time.    
           She entered the cockpit to see Cassian staring out into hyperspace with a blank expression.  She made sure to place a little more pressure into her steps, so not to startle him.
           “I can take over if you’d like,” she offered, softly.
           Cassian didn’t say anything for a long while.  He turned a few switches, not looking at her.  For a moment, Sera thought he hadn’t heard her.
          “She could be lying, you know,” he finally said.
            Sera held back a sigh.  She didn’t want to fight him.  It felt like it was all they had done since they started the mission.  Without a word, she slipped into the co-pilot seat, and stared out into the void in front of her.  
           “You don’t believe that,” she said.  
           Again, Cassian remained silent.  The only indication of his emotions being the smallest twitch of his jaw.  “Maybe,” he admitted, “but that still means Galen could be lying.”
           Sera turned her gaze to him and shook her head.  “I can’t believe that.  It’s too elaborate a ruse, just to lure us out.”  
           He didn’t make any counter argument.  It was starting to frustrate Sera.  Silence meant one of two things, either she was right, or he was hiding something from her.
          “Besides, it doesn’t matter,” she continued. “We’re supposed to bring him back alive any way.”
          There was a shift then; a blink and you’ll miss it flash of doubt on his features. She thought back to when Cassian first sent word to the alliance. She had seen the look on his face; the hardened resolve the appeared after the transmission was over.  Whatever his orders were, they didn’t sit well with him.  If there was one thing which could unsettle Sera more than anything, it was Cassian even remotely questioning his orders.
          “We are bringing him back alive, aren’t we?” Sera questioned. “Those were the orders Mon Mothma gave us.”
          Cassian wasn’t even trying to hide the fact he wasn’t looking at her.  His grip on the stirring tightened as he tried to distract himself by adjusting the controls.
           “Those were the orders Mon Mothma gave us,” he repeated blankly.
          Sera’s jaw tightened as she realized who had received Cassian’s message. It was no secret amongst the rebel soldiers that she did not like General Draven. She always found his methods too swift and brutal for her taste with little thought of the consequences. In his mind, so long as the job got done, none of it mattered. And he did get the job done.  The high command trusted him.  Cassian trusted him, and she trusted Cassian.  It was a strenuous paradox.
           She could only guess what Draven had ordered Cassian to do.  But she knew, whatever it was, she had to convince him not to.  
           “I have to believe Galen is telling the truth,” she said, “because it he isn’t, we’ve already lost.”
           Finally, he met her eyes.  It was the same look he had given her when she first declared she believed Jyn.  It was the same look he had given her years ago, as she clung to his jacket while Imperial bombers dropped their load overhead. She had told him she wasn’t afraid, even as the bunker shook around them.  It was a pitying look, patronizing.  She didn’t want his pity.  She wanted him to believe her.  The only thing keeping her from falling over the edge was the vague hope that Galen Erso wasn’t lying.  For her own sanity, she needed him to believe too.  
            She watched his face carefully.  There was a brief flicker of hesitation.  A glance of vulnerability and something she could only categorize as guilt.  For a second she thought he was going to tell her something.  But the moment passed.  His old resolve took hold and Captain Andor, rebel intelligence stood before her.  
           “When we get to Eadu.  I need you to stay with the ship,” he said.
           It wasn’t a suggestion.  It took everything in her not to scream.
           “Yes, sir,” she replied, tightly.  
           Without another word, she got up from her seat, and took a place across from the control panel.  She turned her head toward the cabin, looking at the assortment of new comrades aboard.
          The pilot, the guardians, the rebel, all of them believed in the message. The belied in Galen Erso. She leaned her head against the wall of the ship, closing her eyes.  She knew once they reached Eadu, she would have to make a choice. And, for the first time in her life, Cassian wasn’t the obvious answer.
Permanent Tag list:  @sassy-satanunicons, @roseslovedreams, @stargeek727, @kaliforniacoastalteens, @yourwonderbelle (Sorry I didn’t tag you guys sooner.  I didn’t know if you wanted to be tagged in my OC stories.  If you want me to untag you, let me know)
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asks (40)
Anonymous said: Holy frick that is so encouraging and I needed that so much bc I literally visited my college to measure my dorm room and drove home in tears bc I panicked myself into a frenzy about whether or not everything leading me to this point has been a mistake and what if I fail and ruin my life before it even starts (I have since calmed down a little) so your encouragement was much needed & is much appreciated
I’m glad I could help <3 <3 <3 Good luck at school! I’m sure you’ll kick its ass
areverieofchaosdreams said: It's Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day. So thank you for all your amazing stories!!!
Oh goodness I’m all a blushin :’)
Anonymous said: *HAPPY WRITER APPRECIATION DAY* Send this to someone whose talent has blown you away, who you'd like to encourage to keep on writing always, and who you'd like to thank for working their butt off to provide fandom members with breathtaking stories to consume! THANK YOU :D
Aw thank you!
Anonymous said: Hi! I Hope you're well! Do you still take fic requests? Because I really miss Colin Wilkes and I'd love to a story of him with your writing!
Unfortunately I don’t often take requests these days, but I’ll definitely keep Colin in mind!
dirtycherrypie said: hey! applying for WE for the R&D department (may or may not be aware of producing bat gadgets)
dirtycherrypie said: SHit forgot my name - Bea, at your service!
[Bruce Wayne voice] hired
tigers-and-weeds said: Literally just fell down the rabbit hole on your tumblr for the last 12-24 hours. I am in love with with you headcannons and fics! The angst feeds my soul... So I figured I would request: anything angsty with Dick and Damian please please please
Okay again I don’t usually take fic requests BUT I like me some angst so the odds that this will eventually happen.... are extremely high. I’ll try to remember to dedicate the next one to you :) And thank you!
math--ew said: I went on a little birthday vacation to california and I've never been to the beach before. I was bending down to grab a pretty shell and this huge wave knocked me face first into the sand. Like, five people saw and laghed but I got the shell so I guess it's a win win.
Duuuude back at Lake Michigan last month the same thing happened to me. I was taking care of my little sister and her five year old friend, so I was so busy making sure they were okay that the wave plowed me halfway across the beach
babybatbrat said: when i was in ap physics i once spent an entire study period in my physics teacher's room working on one problem. as far as i could tell i was doing all of the work correctly and had all the initial values right so i was racking my brain trying to figure out why i wasn't getting the right answer. the third time i went up to my teacher and asked for help he told me to start at the beginning and walk him through my process bc he couldn't tell why i was getting it wrong either (1)
babybatbrat said: (2) so i start the problem and explain how i got through all the values - "okay so the rod is 5 inches long and half of 5 is 3 and a half -" and i stopped there bc it occurred to me that 3.5 is not half of 5. "it's what?" My teacher asks. i put my head in my hands and stood there for a minute before picking up my work and walking to the back of the classroom while he laughed, bc i had just spent 45 minutes convinced that half of 5 was 3.5 and not, in fact, 2.5, and that was the only thing wrong
Honestly??? Relatable
babybatbrat said: One time i woke up at six in the morning to hear the neighbor's dog barking and instantly realized that meant my dog had jumped the fence, so i went racing outside and sprinted down the street to catch her. when i did i picked her up and turned around to go home and then saw my neighbor standing on their front porch, realized i was in only an oversized spiderman tshirt and snowman pajama shorts, holding a twenty pound labrador and thats how i met my new neighbors
Incredible...... 10/10.....
thrakaboom said: Not a funny story,but two days ago at comic con I met Tom King and he showed me a picture of his kids while he was signing my books
Well hey that’s pretty cool
Anonymous said: I adore your Tumblr. It was a wonderful way to get into the Batfamily fanbase; prior, I thought that there was only one Batman and a single Robin, dearie me was I wrong. And those stories you write, just great. The Headcanons are just as enjoyable. As for Batman, that has come to be a sibling enjoyment. Thank you for your contributions and existence!
!!!!!! Welcome to the crew!
frnkensteingrrrlz said: hey!!! i just went through ur reasons to be happy tag and!! i'm so so happy bc of it (esp the damian hcs, they're spot on imo and he's my favourite) so i hope u have a good day!!!
Thanks! I am having a good day today! Although I’m sure it’s been a long time since you sent this :////
Anonymous said: HELLO I have just discovered and binge-read all of your fics with my homeboy Damian in them, and just wanted to pop by and say that I love you & you are my hero & you write my boy so well so thank u and I hope your life is blessed & you achieve your wildest hopes & dreams
My day is made :D
badfaith00 said: Best batman storyline you've ever read ?
Ooooooh hm I’m mighty attached to n52 Batman and Robin? Particularly the first storyline, but the second is also fantastic
onwardmotley said: In today's Detective Comics someone finally told Bruce and co that Tim's alive. They didn't explain where he is, or how to get him back, but hey. It might've had more impact if anyone was seen actually mourning Tim and it wasn't just played as him being in cosmic time out, but at least it should end soon idk. Hopefully.
Tim Drake? It’s been years since I heard that name.....
Finally. Thank goodness.
Anonymous said: Idk if I prefer your soul crushing angst or your heartwarming fluff... actually I like to suffer so I'll stay with angst lol
Y’all seeing this? Anon gave me permission. Can’t yell at me next time because it won't be my fault (thanks babe :))
Anonymous said: for music, idk what kind of music u like so here is variety: St. Vincent - Paris is Burning, Sea Wolf - Dear Fellow Traveler (tbh everything by Sea Wolf is great), Dirt Poor Robins - Eleanor Rigby, Between Wind and Water- HAEL, Ellem - Kings and Queens and Vagabonds, The Rigs - Rise & Fall, Tally Hall - Light and Night, and Streetlight Manifesto - The Hands that Thieve.
Thank you! I’m excited to listen to these! I’ll start right now!
Anonymous said: 1) What are the good comics to read for Batfamily stuff (from any point in time) and 2) what are the best Jason Todd comics? Thanks!
Okay for Jason I would definitely start with the big ones, which are A Death In the Family and Under the Red Hood. After that you could try Red Hood: the Lost Days and Countdown to Final Crisis. I would avoid the n52 series until you have a good enough grasp of the character to recognize bad writing when you see it. 
For the generalized batfam.... that’s pretty broad. My personal favorites are Red Robin, Batgirl (2009), and both B&R series. If you have more specific questions, you should IM me! I promise I’m better about answering those than asks
yellowwallsbluesky said: Have you heard Swooner by The Zolas? I've really been jamming to it lately
Listening to it right now! Sounds like a bop so far :)
Anonymous said: Hidden citizens paint it black 💜
Much obliged!
Anonymous said: Harry styles "sign of the times".
[adds to list] thank you!
neo669 said: I MISS CASA OLE!! Sorry just read that you lived in Bryan/College Station and I used to live there as well. It's kinda hard to find people that even know that it exists. But I'm sure you can kick law schools butt. You got this!
Yooooooo I miss cstat too :((((
palliddark said: Adalgiza, and I'll be a translator (English to Brazilian Portuguese)
[Bruce Wayne voice] also hired
maeofthedead said: I love your headcannons and now I sort of want to cry thank
Excellent that is the exact target response 
Anonymous said: Love your rant in the tags about the pizza making I'm laughing so hard
Listen..... I have strong feelings
Anonymous said: Did you hear they're making an omnibus of Tomasi's entire run on Batman & Robin?? I just heard and now I kinda want to get this massive book in honor of my favorite batkid and the series that made me love him so much
Man I already have all the individual volumes but if I didn’t......
sonicboom00724601 said: Hi. :) Nice headcanon. :)
I’m not sure which one you’re talking about, but thank you! You're real sweet
Anonymous said: can you maybe write an interaction between Wonder Woman and Captain America? I absolutely adore your style and would love to see your take on it.
Hmmmm I don’t really have a good enough grasp of Captain America’s characterization to try that one :////
Anonymous said: i tried to kill on mosquito that was on my ceiling by slamming it with a book but mosquito was on the move so i bounced swiftly and jammed both my wrist and thumb and now my existence is Pain. also my thumbs swelling and looks purple, so that's nice
Oh shit anon you good???
daziy said: Do we know who Barbara's mother usually is?
Yeah! In her original version, Babs had a birth mom and an adopted mom. She was originally Jim’s niece, so her birth mom’s name was Thelma Gordon. After the adoption, her parents were Jim and Barbara Gordon, with her adopted mother being her namesake. So two Barbara Gordons.
I think for awhile the canon was that her mother died in a car crash, but the current version has her still alive. She left Jim when Babs was young, taking her son (Babs’s brother) with her. James Gordon (the son) turned out to be a serial killer. 
Barbara Gordon Sr. and James Gordon Jr. both appeared in the n52 Batgirl series during the Death of the Family arc. There’s also a very good story about James from the Dickbats period. That one’s called The Black Mirror, if I’m not mistaken?
Anonymous said: Hi! What do you think of the upcoming metal event? Dick and Damian seem to have a big role in it ( I hope Jason is involved too but there's still no sign of it)
Hmmmm I don’t know that I have an opinion just yet, but as always, I hope to be pleasantly surprised 
Anonymous said: bless you are your wonderful tagging system. know that i may have avoided death because of how easy it was to f ind the thing I wanted in your tags. bless
Oh goodness anon I hope you’re not serious about almost dying.... but thanks?
Anonymous said: hi amy! would u say that damians narrative is written as a child abuse one? like there are definitely many allusions to it but its also not as explicit as say, cassandra or rose. like how much of it would u chalk up to comic world dynamics and how much to actual abuse? also would u consider jason to also be a case of this?
Oh I have very strong opinions about the role of abuse in Damian’s narrative. It’s absolutely there, and the effects are staggeringly large. There is no doubt in my mind that the league was an abusive environment, and I can’t justify some of the things Bruce did either.
I think I would say the same thing for Jason, if not quite as strongly. I definitely think that some of the things that happened to Jason as a child shaped his story later on, but less of those were abuse than outside circumstances. The n52 takes a different track on that one, I think, but I don’t put much stock in that characterization. 
Anonymous said: has jason forgiven bruce for not killing joker? if so, what made him?
Unlikely. They get along better these days, but I would argue that comes from poor characterization of Bruce, not an actual resolution process. 
mellenabrave said: My mom accidentlly threw my Damian doll away (╥_╥)
Tossed in the garbage by yet another parent--
Anonymous said: Whoa where'd you get that bat and oracle shirt you're wearing in your necklace pic? It's so cool! (The necklace is also gorgeous!)
Shoot I think it was from Redbubble? But I can’t find it now
Anonymous said: Omg that necklace was so cool!!! Kudos to the maker of it!! Also I really like your top!!
Thank you <3
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sassenach-j · 8 years
ECCC2017 goodness: my recap
Ok, so I've actually never written a blog, nor am I on tumblr too much, but I had such an incredible experience at my first comicon that I thought I should write a bit about it!  Let's see how this goes.  It all started when Sam and Cait (and Eddie), posted that OH SO ADORABLE video from the makeup trailer telling everyone they would be at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle.  I was so busy at work that day, it was almost a blur.  Twitter was abuzz about it, and my girlfriends and I were messaging back and forth like....I'm going, how can I not go, are you going? We have to go!  And before I knew it, I was telling one of them...just buy me a ticket!! I'll make it work!  And alas....ECCC2017 was a go. The opportunity to see Sam and Cait in person, and also a chance to meet 7 of the most wonderful girlfriends in the same city?  SIGN ME UP! The first night in Seattle was so much fun!  7 of us (none of us had ever met, but have been talking on twitter every day for about a year), completely clicked so seamlessly, it was like we had met 10 times before!  Meeting them was seriously the highlight.  Ok yes, seeing Sam and Cait at the same con was also an out of body experience :).  Besides majorly fangirling over seeing our faves the following day, the night i arrived at the hotel and meeting and spending hours laughing and drinking and eating lots of non MPC approved snacks, and playing Cards Against Humanity, and Never Have I Ever.... was priceless!  The next day, on verra little sleep (how can we sleep when we were gonna see Sam and Cait the next morning!!), we arrived at the convention center at 7:15am. We mayyyy have gotten 4 hours of sleep night before, and that’s being generous!  The doors were going to open around 10am, and we just HAD to get up close and personal at that panel.  We arrived so early we were super close to the front of the line.  It wasn't so much a line as a....smush together and stand for 3.5 hours...  But heck, for them it was worth it, sore bodies and all. 
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They didn't let us in until 10:30, so needless to say our legs were about to fall off.  When the time came to herd us thru, the organizers said..."no running".... ummm...yeah good luck with that.  So we "walked super fast" and tried to get pretty close, but our squad of 8 kinda broke up in the shuffle and some of us grabbed seats in row 5, and the other girls a few rows behind.  Still great vantage points!  Cait came out first looking absolutely adorable.  And in that leather jacket she wears soooo well.  She looked beautiful in all black!  Then Sam came out IN A KILT!  Hallelujah!! It's been so long, I was like...are my eyes deceiving me?? They were not.  And then he killed us with a wee kilt twirl. Lawwwwwd!  Cait laughed!  They seriously make each other laugh, oh...about every 5 seconds. And they were both wearing black leather jackets.  As per usual...matchy matchy.  The panel was great! They're just SO giggly and adorable and happy together, you can't help but feel the same!  I love how much Cait teases him. It's the cutest thing ever to witness in person! They truly are just such bright lights and so engaging and caring and they love their fans so much.  It's so evident when you watch them together.  
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There were tons of Q&A questions, and one of my girls, @heyheykatiemae asked one too!!  It was perfect.  Cait said ‘Hi Kate’...and I think we all died.  Of course, after the fact, I now have like tons of questions I'll ask next time! The panel was about an hour or so, and after taking tons of pictures (most came out blurry....damn those low lights in the event room!), alas, the panel was over.  We all had autograph tickets for Sam and/or Cait for that day after the panel but the room was already full so we were told we can go back for the 2nd shift around 4pm. So instead, we grabbed lunch and then headed to the hotel where they were doing the group photos! Omg, soon enough I would get my samcait sandwich!!! Kind of a dream! Long lines were completely fine bc it gave us time to catch our breath. Although, the nerves were definitely rampant! I mean, these two beautiful humans would be NEXT TO US in a matter of minutes. Never having a con experience before I didn't know what to expect regarding the photos . People around us who had already taken their solo pic with Sam said it's super quick and u barely have enough time to say hi! I wore my Unusual Lady tshirt, and under it I had my MPC shirt. Yes, my plan was to flash Sam the MPC shirt after Cait saw my Unusual Lady shirt. I also recently got into knitting so I knitted them both hats! Granted they'll be in 80 degree temps in South Africa, but eventually they'll be back in cold Scotland!  Hearing that the photos would be super fast, I had no clue how I would say hi (or ramble incoherently), give them their hats, flash Sam (uhh the MPC shirt, that is), AND take a pic w them in the minimal time allotted!  I was on line to take my pic, and after dropping off my jacket and bags on the nearby table, I heard NEXT! I saw them standing there and omg are they tall and gorgeous, and as I walked up to them I THINK I held out my arms and said Hiiiiii! I heard Cait scream and point to my shirt and smile! My unusual lady shirt!! I quickly pulled up my shirt to show Sam the MPC one underneath. And omg thank goodness I held down the shirt so there was no actual flashing 😳.. and he pointed and smiled and said that's great! I then mumbled...I knitted you both hats!  Mind u, as I walked up, someone literally snatched my bag with the hats from me and put them into a box with other gifts. So after I said I knitted u two hats, I remember Sam saying oh great! In the blink of an eye I was between the two of them, and both of their arms were around me, and mine around them. Hello out of body experience. 
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Oh wait...let's back up slightly. So the day of the Con, I said to the girls..ok so I want to show Sam my MPC shirt after Cait sees the unusual lady shirt , and I said my fear is that I'll forget to pull my shirt down for the pic. Well, lo and behold half of my shirt was up for the pic.  🙈. As I was flashing Sam, I heard the organizer go MOVE. Umm gee, thanks for the time. So I ran between them for the pic and I remember pulling my shirt down, but I guess not all the way! When the pic was printed I was like oh nooooo 😂.  But heck, it gives the pic more of a pop of color, and to be honest, no one is even looking at me when those two stunning humans are in that pic!  Ok so back to being in between them... they both really squeeze tight and I remember that feeling so well! The photographer said.. READYYYY ... and then there was the FLASH. Then he yelled NEXT !  I said thanks and ran off. Problem was I ran the wrong way bc I was so flustered and then I hear someone say..wrong way! And I ran back to the correct exit side like a chicken with my head cut off. Thankfully there was no video of this! I tried to wait for my friends bc I was the first to go, but we had to move it along. After we were all done, there was a lot of screaming and squee'ing!! It really felt so rushed and I wish they gave us more time, but omg it was still so amazing taking a pic w them! They really are so tall in person! And so gorgeous and so kind!! Sam's leather jacket was so soft! And I remember putting my arm around Cait and it ended up on her arm! And Sam's hand ended up on my side and his fingers were pressed down. *faints*
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So after we picked up our hard copy pics, we had a little time before the autographs. We composed ourselves. Ok, who am I kidding, there was zero composure as we all rehashed our picture experience with one another! We were freaking out!  Next stop...the autographs! We lined up rather early but neither Sam nor Cait were in the room as of yet. It was so intimate! Didn't realize the room would be so small and cozy. They each had their own table next to one another but they were somewhat on opposite ends. After about 10min or so, Sam came in!  So he walked in to all of us hootin and hollerin. I can't believe I just used the phrase hootin & hollerin. Does anyone say that anymore? Anyway.... when he walked in he did his cute schoolboy smile and wave. Granted I was just next to him for a photo but he was so close again! Cait was gonna be another few minutes bc she was still taking individual photos with fans.  Because of this, they allowed the people who only had Sam autographs to move up in line while the others (I only had Cait bc Sam was already sold out) waited on Cait.  I actually thought that half of the room would start to move up in the line, but it was only maybe 10 people or so.  The others had both Sam and Cait, or just Cait.  After a few min Cait arrived to a raucous applause. Not to mention a banging on the table by Sam when she walked in, and his big smile at her as she sat down. Such an adorable goober! Ok where was I... so we were waiting for the line to move and all of a sudden the lights went out! Then u hear Cait go... ladies, this is not the way to get to Sam! 😂  To which everyone laughed. When the lights came back up, both Sam and Cait were leaning back in their chair looking at each other and smiling. They continue to kill us.   Sam was just sitting there alone, cause at the time no one was lined up at his table.  So he made a funny comment like, where is everyone? I was standing so close and decided to talk to him.  Cause I mean...why not, right?  So I said yeah what's the deal.  I said something like I'll keep you company.  So he looks at me and goes (with a hand waving gesture) come on over.  And then he winked.  And then I died.  I of course wasn't allowed to hop over the rope (darn), but that wink and smile was everything.  A few minutes later Sam walked over to Cait, put his arm around her and scrunched down to her, whispered something, and then stood up and hand gestured that she talks too much, basically saying that's why he has no one in his line. Haha!  He's the cutest, and he can never stay away from her!  She laughed.  We all swooned. 
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So I had brought with me the main promo card picture of Jamie and Claire from S1. I had Ron D. Moore sign it while ago and thought it would be great for Cait to sign it too. I was so sad I wasn't able to buy Sam's autograph ticket bc he was sold out. Cait is seriously so stunning. She just radiates joy. She is so genuine and so warm and friendly. You could truly tell she was having such a great time! She needs to go to cons more often! She's just so real,  you can't help but smile in her presence. I was so thrilled to see how much love she was getting at this con. I mean...we all love Sam, that goes without saying! But Cait never attends these events, so to see all the attention and admiration from the fans, it was really a sight to behold.  Both she and Sam are legit mesmerizing in person! They are just so beautiful, with such beautiful hearts. Sorry, got distracted there for a minute...ok, so it was finally time to walk up to Cait. I had my season 1 promo pic for her to sign, as well as a gorgeous pic of Cait that a couple of my friends & I had printed out to surprise one of our girls who couldn't be here.  You really do lose all sense of speech when looking right at her!  She signed both pictures and then i rambled.  Earlier on, when I took my pic with her and Sam, I had brought them hats that I knitted, but someone snagged them from me so fast and put them into a box, so I asked Cait about it! *burrows head in sand*.   I was like...hi!  Question for you!  So when we took our pic, someone took these hats I had knitted for you and Sam, and I was was wondering if you'll get them?  So she goes, oh yes, they put everything in a big box for us and we'll definitely get it!  She thanked me!  Then she looked at my unusual lady shirt and said, with a big smile, thank you so much for supporting.  I said oh of course, I'm so happy to.  It's such a great charity and you do amazing work.  She thanked me again, and I floated away.  So, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't have a Sam autograph, but after leaving Cait's table you end up walking right past Sam to head out of the room.  No one was in front of him at the time, so I verrrrry slowly walked by, while holding my picture that Cait just signed.  His handler (not sure if that's the correct name) holds out his hand (to take my autograph ticket), but I said...I don't have one *sad face*, he was sold out.  He felt so bad that he handed me (also with a sad face), one of Sam's headshots that was sitting there, unsigned.  So I said thank you and then Sam looked up at me.  He also held his hand out for my pictures, and I said....you were sold out, so you won't be able to sign my picture.  I still had my sad face on, which was valid! He looked sad too and said oh noooo.  He then put out his hand and goes..I'll sign it!  Then he takes the picture from me. His handler lady says, did u buy an autograph? I was lost in the moment & didn't say anything, so she gives Sam a dirty look, he looks at her, continues to sign and goes...I'll pay for this one.  DEATH. DEAD. GONE.  He's the sweetest person in the world!! I cannot believe he did that!  Then I proceeded to say thank you and blurted out...I'M A PEAKER TOO! I DID A 5K LAST WEEKEND.  Yes, I blurted! He goes oh that's great! So good, way to do it.  Then I left....walked into the hallway, and screamed with my girl Katie, because she was standing there next to me basically the entire time while waiting to have him sign her picture.  So yeah...that moment was kind of everything.  
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Sam and Cait are just incredibly generous and genuine. Such good people. The OL fans at this con were so respectful and gracious and I enjoyed meeting other twitter and tumblr fans, as well!  It was just the thrill of a lifetime seeing Sam and Cait together at the con.  And what made it even better was getting to spend it with 7 of the best girlfriends, and going thru this experience together. They also had incredible experiences with both Sam and Cait, as highlighted wonderfully in @heyheykatiemae's blog!  Take a gander, if you haven't already! My first con was absolute perfection.  Fingers crossed they go back again next year, because we're all currently saving up money for ECCC2018 :).  Ok well, that’s about all!  Thanks for reading my ramblings! xx
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exochartrecords · 8 years
My EXO’rDIUM in Manila Experience!
[Personal Blog Post]
Hi guys, this is Admin J, the sole admin of EXO CHART RECORDS. I thought it would be fun to share my EXO’rDIUM experience from Manila, Philippines.
It was a 2-Day concert, for Day 1 I was seated in the Upper Box section, had a nice view of EXO and got to enjoy the performances as a whole, everything went smoothly and my heart was captured by EXO from start to finish. 
Now let’s talk about Day 2, because this is 100% the most unique concert experience I have ever had in my life. 
I lined up at 3PM, entered around 4PM and the concert started at 5:15 PM. The concert ended around 8:45, it lasted 3.5 hours.
I was in VIP Section, Floor B, Standing (AKA the pit - right side). So I was standing for 6 hours straight, but it was worth it.
Lay was not present during the shows in Manila. The political climate between China & The Philippines is still complicated and he has endorsements, contracts, etc. I understand his situation, I’ve seen EXO 5 times without Lay, so hopefully, one day, I hope to see you on stage with your brothers soon Zhang Yixing. <3
I was extremely close to the stage, only 2 people were in front of me, which I was totally satisfied with, considering I’m very tall and broad, so no problem.
2 people fainted, 1 Filipino girl & 1 Chinese girl, I need to applaud my fellow Filipinos for handling the crisis with compassion, holding up the girl, calling for bouncers quickly and feeding her water. That’s why, if you are planning to watch inside the pit, DRINK UP AND STAY HYDRATED, very important!
Concert started and boom, they push.
See this is where I don’t play, I like to consider myself a gentleman, so I’m not going to push this tiny girl in front of me just to get closer. Good thing I’m strong because those in the back are not going to push me out.
FANSITE MASTERS EVERYWHERE. At one point during the concert, there was a huge camera lens to my left shoulder, a huge lens to my right shoulder, and another lens right in front of me. They were so close, I could hear the rapid sniping of their cameras, photo after photo. 
I need to make a pause here and kinda highlight my experience with these fansites. Disclaimer: If you like fansite photos (because I do as well) that’s okay, if you don’t like them, that’s okay too. It’s up to you to decide if you like them or not. 
MY EXPERIENCE however, was both Good & Bad, let me start with the bad first. The fansite girl to my LEFT, was... for the lack of a better word, a complete beast. She was pushing me so hard to get closer that I would have fallen, but NO, SORRY GIRL, you were NOT going to ruin this night for me. I pushed her back so hard, she tumbled back and looked at me, and I gave her the biggest death glare of my life. The people around beside me saw us and if you search on twitter, MANY Filipino fans had less than stellar experiences with these girls. Listen, as a man, I’m not going to put my hands on a woman, but you aren’t going to elbow your way to the front and you will NOT DISRESPECT ANYONE to get there. 
My advice when dealing with them is, if you can, stand your ground. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a guy and I’m tall that she didn’t try and come for me, because I’ve read experiences online of them pulling on the hair of female fans. If you feel threatened, call the bouncer right away and have them escorted out because these cameras are not permitted. Don’t allow them to touch your personal property (your camera, phone or lightstick), some will try to push your hands, grab your phone, do anything to get a nice shot. Don’t allow them, try and get the bouncer’s attention.
I’m not the type to retaliate, God tells us to never take revenge and to leave it to the Lord. So around 15 minutes later, a bouncer parts our section like the red sea, grabs her around the waist and hauls her OUT of the pit! I’m happy that happened during around the start of the concert, because everything after that was amazing!
My Good experience with a fansite, was a shorter girl who was pretty nice! She had a fellow fansite girl with her and they weren’t being disrespectful or rude. She was talking to me, but I couldn’t understand her, sorry bes. :( But at one point, she thought I was leaving or something, and lightly grabbed me to stay and I think she wanted me to hide her cause I’m tall and I was like “lol ok”. When she wasn’t taking photos, there was a short fan beside her trying to film EXO on stage, but her arms couldn’t really reach EXO since they were on the extended stage; so the fansite girl took her phone and started filming EXO for her since she had longer arms, it was cute. She gave it back and then left, but grabbed me to get into her spot, and I ended up even nearer to EXO. 
Overall, I’m happy my experience with these fansite girls was both positive and negative. It showed me two different sides. My guardian who was waiting outside saw a girl leaving a decoy camera lens before entering the arena but her real lens was strapped to her leg, underneath a long skirt. (She saw it when the girl ran). And then AS SOON as the concert ended, all the Korean fansites RAN LIKE WILD, they were probably the first ones to leave. On Day 1, my guardian saw 5 girls, caught, having to leave their lenses before entering. She couldn’t believe it.
OK! So, back to EXO! I will highlight each member.
Suho: Leader Kim! He gave THE most fan service. He’s so grateful, it didn’t matter whether it was a ballad, a dance track, an acoustic session, or whatever, the guy is always waving to the fans. His English is incredibly thoughtful and cute. Please support our leader, he’s someone to be cherished. 
Xiumin: SEXY.  When ‘White Noise’ came on and he was elevated right in front of my face. Winding down, and body rolling, and everything was EXTRA. Extra face, extra body, extra everything. That’s a man, yet, also a child because 3.6.5 would come on and if you were next to me, you would think that was my favorite song with Xiumin jumping in my face. I haven’t played that song on my iPod in 2 years and I KNEW ALL THE DAMN WORDS.  
Chen: FAN SERVICE KING. I know he saw me, we had a connection, I’m currently in his mind as of this moment. But seriously, he was such a performer! Everyone I know thought he was the most handsome that night. His arms too. And his voice, the vocals were on point. It’s such an experience to watch him hit those high notes up close. 
Chanyeol: TOBEN HAIR, is a Q-T-PA-2-T, is a real life human puppy. But suddenly transforms and slays the electric guitar while eye body slamming me. His guitar skills were SO GOOD! What a multi-talented king. Last January 2016, for EXO’luXion, he was serving sex with arms that could choke and straight hair. This time, he was too cute, all cuddly and his tummy was FLUFFY, I LOVED IT. His shirt would raise and I would see glory, I’m happy you enjoyed the lechon babe. 
Baekhyun: When EXO first appeared, the first person I saw was Baekhyun, and I immediately thought “Shet, the pit is worth it, I see the eyeliner, I see heaven”. There was a fan who got hurt on the middle side of our section, and Baekhyun was staring at the scene the whole time. He was concerned, you could see it in his face. I think a Korean fansite was escorted out after that. His vocals were perfect, not a single imperfection, and he’s an amazing dancer. He really is.
D.O.: I feel like I saw D.O. the most, I probably made the most eye contact with him. He looks like and felt like a man you could bring home and everyone would love him. He had a really beautiful aura around him. He was so beautiful in person, sang like an angel and he also looked so manly in person, all I saw was TopD.O. I’ve converted.
Kai: Absolutely... I need to take my time, because words cannot describe how this human being exists. Photos, Videos, do not do Kai justice, NO JUSTICE AT ALL. His body moves and curves in all the right places, I was stunned, truly the Dancing King. The stairs were right in front of me, so when he came down after performing, I saw his face up close, and God, he’s so handsome. 
Sehun: My Pyak Pyak. TT_TT My UB, oh how perfect you were last night. You danced like an angel and I heard your wonderful voice. You had the tiniest waist, the longest limbs and the cutest smile. During ‘Run’, you would jump and I would see your tummy and UGH you killed me. I honestly didn’t care I was probably the only fanboy in my area screaming your name, an Introvert who starts using his voice when you appear. 
Lay: He wasn’t there, but he wasn’t forgotten. Lots of EXO-Ls still had their Lay banners, headbands, and screams would become even LOUDER when his face would appear in the screen. Trust and believe, I will see you one day!
My EXO’rDIUM experience is something I will always remember and cherish. EXO sang ‘Hawak Kamay’ again, Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’ was suddenly included in the setlist, Baekhyun’s PHIXO made another cameo, Kai did some kind of Chicken themed rain dance, which inspired me to order Jollibee for today’s lunch, thanks KimKai, and the Philippines will always love EXO. The loyalty of a Filipino fan will always be with you. I know you guys will come back, probably next year, so until then, I will continue to support my loves. <3 Thank you for a wonderful 2 nights.
Thanks for reading! Now back to your regular programming. 
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tamboradventure · 4 years
California Road Trip: A 21-Day Suggested Itinerary
Posted: 7/2/2020 | July 2nd, 2020
California. It’s the third-largest state in the country and home to over 40 million people and a range of environments and landscapes: dense forests in the north, rugged mountains in the east, majestic deserts in the south, world-class beaches on the coast, and the fabulous wine regions on the coast and central valley.
And it’s perfect for road trips.
I’ve already outlined an awesome seven-day itinerary for Southern California, but today I wanted to share a longer, more comprehensive route for anyone who has a few weeks to explore more of the state’s cities and landscapes.
Even with three weeks, you’ll still miss a lot of great spots in this state (I mean you could spend months traveling California) but this suggested itinerary hits some of my favorite major — and not so major — places.  
Days 1–3: San Francisco
San Francisco is one of the most recognizable cities in the US. Home to hippies, yuppies, techies, students, and a sizeable immigrant community, it’s a vibrant and diverse city. It is an eclectic destination to visit. Here’s a list of a few of my favorite things to see and do:
Walk the Golden Gate Bridge – When it opened, it was the world’s longest and tallest suspension bridge, stretching some 4,200 feet. It offers incredible views of the bay and the ships coming and going. You can walk across it too.
Tour Alcatraz – Alcatraz is one of the most infamous former prisons in the country. It housed some of the nation’s worst criminals, such as Al Capone. Today, it’s a national landmark where you can take tours of the prison, step foot in the cells, and learn about its history.
Visit the Beat Museum – Dedicated to the 1950s Beat Generation, this unique museum houses original manuscripts, rare books, letters, and more from authors like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. It also holds regular events, so check the website to see if anything is happening during your visit.
Take a food tour – San Francisco is known for its foodie culture. If you want to cast a wide culinary net and try a lot of different cuisines and dishes, consider taking a food tour. Some companies to check out are Wild SF Tours, Secret Food Tours, and TasteBud Tours.
Explore Chinatown – When immigrants from China first came to America, many set up shop in San Francisco. Today, in the biggest Chinatown in the U.S., you’ll find some of the best Chinese food in the country, as well as wonderful teahouses, bars, souvenir stalls, and fortune cookie makers.
Relax at Golden Gate Park – This gigantic park a great place to walk or relax. It features a Japanese garden, museums, an arboretum, a carousel, and many hiking and walking trails. It’s 20% bigger than New York’s Central Park so you easily could spend an entire day here!
For more suggestions, here’s a detailed list of things to see and do in San Francisco.
Where to Stay
HI San Francisco – Downtown – HI Downtown has some standard perks, like free breakfast and free towels, but the staff also organize a lot of events, including pub crawls, trips to Muir Woods and Yosemite, and bike tours across the Golden Gate Bridge.
Green Tortoise Hostel – This lively hostel is my favorite in the city. It offers free breakfast, free dinners multiple times per week, and even a free sauna! It’s a party hostel, so be sure to stay here only if you’re looking to meet people and get rowdy.
For more suggestions, here’s a full list of my favorite hostels in San Francisco!  
Day 4: Big Sur
On the coast just over two hours south of San Francisco is a 90-mile expanse of stunning views and massive redwoods known as Big Sur. There are plenty of beautiful beaches, hiking trails, viewpoints, and campgrounds in case you want to stay overnight (which I recommend). It’s one of the most beautiful stretches of craggy, unspoiled coastline in the state, so take your time exploring as you head south.
Where to Stay I suggest staying at least one night around Big Sur (or just south of the region) to split up the drive to LA. If you don’t have camping gear, Airbnb has a lot of places around the area. You can also just pop into any of numerous cheap motels in the area too.  
Days 5–7: Los Angeles
Though I hated it when I first visited, I’ve come to love Los Angeles. It’s not a “tourist” city: everything is spread out and there are not many attractions as you’d expect. But, if you come to LA and go with the flow like a local, you’ll see why people love it so much. This is a city where you eat, drink, hike the many trails in the area, and linger in a coffeeshop.
Here are some suggestions on how to fill your days:
Hit the beach – Venice Beach is an iconic LA hotspot where you’ll encounter all kinds of street performers, surfers, rollerskaters, and both locals and tourists alike soaking up the sun. Other beaches worth checking out are Carbon Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, Huntington City Beach, and El Matador.
See the Le Brea Tar Pits – Located in Hancock Park, these natural asphalt pits have existed for over 50,000 years. Tons of fossils preserved for centuries have been found in the pits, and there’s a museum nearby that has lots of interesting information about them and how they came to be.
See the Hollywood Sign – You can snap pictures of the sign from pretty much anywhere in Hollywood. However, it’s also possible to hike up to the sign itself to take in the view. The three trails that you can take (from easiest to hardest) are the Mt. Hollywood Trail, the Brush Canyon Trail, and the Cahuenga Peak Trail. Bring water, because the hike will take a few hours.
Visit LACMA – Home to some 150,000 works, the LA County Museum of Art is the largest art museum in the western USA. They have collections from pretty much every era throughout history and every region of the world. Admission is $25 USD.
Visit The Last Bookstore – This is one of my favorite bookstores in the world. It also sells records, has art displays, and features a cool upstairs area with cheap used books. Browse the shelves, grab a coffee, and buy a book for your journey.
Stroll down Hollywood Boulevard – Don’t miss the Walk of Fame (where celebrities have their names engraved in the sidewalk) and Grauman’s Chinese Theatre (featuring celebrities’ handprints and footprints).
Visit the Getty Museum – This art museum opened in 1997 and boasts a diverse collection paintings, manuscripts, drawings, and other artwork. The collection runs from the eighth century to the present day, so there is something for everyone. Admission is free.
Go hiking – Get out and stretch your legs on the city’s hiking trails. Some worth checking out are the Charlie Turner Trail (90 minutes), Baldwin Hills (30 minutes), Runyon Canyon (45 minutes), Portuguese Bend Reserve (3 hours), and Echo Mountain (3-3.5 hours).
Visit The Broad – This contemporary art museum is one of the city’s newest. Opened in 2015, it has over 2,000 pieces of art. It also has a rotating series of temporary exhibitions too (check the website to see what’s on during your visit). Admission is free.
For a much longer list on what to see and do in LA, check out my Los Angeles travel guide.
Moreover, the city also has innumerable world-class food options. Some places I really like are Musso & Frank Grill, Dan Tana’s, Meals by Genet, The Butcher’s Daughter, Sugarfish, and Thai Pepper.
Where to Stay
Banana Bungalow Hollywood – A laid-back but social hostel that organizes lots of activities and makes it easy to meet people. If you want to party and have fun, this is the place for you!
Freehand Los Angeles – This hostel/hotel features designer rooms with comfortable beds, a rooftop pool and bar with amazing views of the city, a lobby bar, a restaurant, and even a fitness center.
For more suggestions, here’s a list of my favorite hostels in Los Angeles.  
Days 8–9: San Diego
San Diego, just two hours down the coast, has just as much to offer. It’s easier to navigate (it’s smaller), the weather is always perfect, the beaches are better, and it’s cheaper too. After LA, it’s my favorite city in the state. Spend a day or two soaking up the city.
Here are some suggestions for things to see and do during your visit:
Visit the USS Midway Museum – This aircraft carrier, commissioned right after World War II, was the largest ship in the world until 1955 and saw action in numerous conflicts, including Vietnam. It was decommissioned in 1992 and became a museum. You can explore the flight deck as well as many of the rooms below.
Hike Point Loma – This is the peninsula where Europeans first arrived in California. Walk out to the tip and enjoy the serene views, visit the lighthouse (built in 1855), and watch locals climb the rocks and cliffs of Osprey Point.
Visit the San Diego Zoo – This is one of the best zoos in the country. Located in Balboa Park (see below), it has over 3,500 animals and 700,000 plant species. It’s a massive, 1,800-acre park where you could easily spend an entire day. If you’re traveling with kids, don’t miss it.
Explore Balboa Park – In addition to the zoo, Balboa Park also offers dozens of museums as well as walking paths, sports fields, gardens, greenhouses, stadiums, theatres, and much more. It’s one of the oldest recreational parks in the country.
Enjoy Pacific Beach – If you want to soak up the sun, swim, or surf, head to Pacific Beach. If you’re a night owl, the area also has lots of bars, clubs, and restaurants too.
Go whale watching – California gray whales, which can grow up to 49 feet and live for over 70 years, migrate from Alaska to Mexico each year between December and April. They are incredible to see up close, and tours are quite affordable (usually around $35 USD).
Relax in Belmont Park – This is a kitschy amusement park right next to the ocean. It has a few classic rides, as well as games and lots of greasy (and delicious) snacks. It’s cheesy but fun!
Go surfing – Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie, grab a board and hit the waves. There’s some awesome surfing here. You can usually rent a board for around $30 USD a day. Lessons cost around $70 USD and last 90-minutes.
Where to Stay
HI San Diego – HI San Diego organizes lots of events and tours that make it easy to meet other travelers. They include free breakfast and also have a big kitchen so you can cook your own food to save money.
ITH Adventure Hostel – This is an eco-friendly hostel with a vegetable garden (guests get free veggies), a recycling and compost program, and even backyard chickens. There is lots of outdoor common space to relax in too.
If you’re on a budget, here’s a list of the best hostels in San Diego for you.  
Days 10–12: Joshua Tree National Park
Located just under three hours from San Diego and sandwiched between the Mojave and Colorado Deserts, this is where you’ll find the iconic Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia), twisted multibranched trees. Towering boulders dot the arid landscape and swaths of cacti poke up from the hard dirt. It’s an otherworldly place perfect for hiking, camping, and escaping the busy cities along California’s coast.
The park was declared a national monument in 1936 and designated a national park in 1994. There are a lot of trails here, so consult the trail map when you visit. Some of my favorites are:
Barker Dam Trail – A quick 1.1-mile loop on which you can see wildlife such as rabbits, bighorn sheep, and all kinds of birds.
Wall Street Mill – An easy 2.8-mile hike that leads to an old mill used to refine ore from nearby gold mines.
Ryan Mountain – A steep 3-mile hike offering some incredible views.
Split Rock Loop – A quiet 2-mile hike with lots of neat rock formations.
A seven-day vehicle pass for the park is $30 USD (it allows multiple entries in case you stay in one of the nearby towns).
Where to Stay Airbnb is the best option if you don’t have your own camping gear, although there are also glamping and more rustic options.  
Days 13–15: Sequoia National Park & Kings Canyon National Park
Sequoia National Park, established in 1890, is where you’ll find the largest single-stem tree in the entire world. Named “General Sherman,” this giant sequoia tree stands a whopping 275 feet tall and has a diameter of 25 feet (that’s a 103-foot circumference). It’s so big that one of its branches is bigger than almost every single tree east of the Mississippi.
Start your visit at the Giant Forest Museum to learn about the history, geography, and importance of the park and its flora and fauna. Afterward, walk the Big Trees Trail, a short loop that will get you in and amongst the trees so you can see them up close.
For a sweeping view of the forest and surrounding landscape, hike up Moro Rock, a massive 250-foot granite dome that juts out of the surrounding hills and forest. Stairs and a concrete viewpoint were built into the rock itself, so you can safely climb to the top and enjoy the magnificent vista.
And for more hiking options and beautiful scenery, visit nearby Kings Canyon National Park. Here you’ll find “General Grant” (the third largest tree in the world). For a scenic drive, cruise along the Kings Canyon Scenic Byway.
Both parks are around 4-6 hours from Joshua Tree.
Where to Stay There are tons of places to camp here (both inside and outside of the parks). However, there are also lots of lodges and hotels if camping is not for you. Booking.com has the best list of them all.  
Days 16–18: Yosemite National Park
Located in the Sierra Nevada mountain range two hours from Sequoia National Park and encompassing nearly 750,000 acres, Yosemite is one of the most iconic national parks in the country. It’s where you’ll find El Capitán, the towering granite cliff you’ve likely seen on social media (it was also featured in the movie, Free Solo). It is one of the most popular parks in the US, seeing over four million visitors each year who enjoy hiking, biking, climbing, camping, rafting, canoeing, and kayaking here.
Here are a few hiking suggestions to help you get started:
Mirror Lake – An easy 2-mile hike to Mirror Lake. Takes 1-2 hours.
Nevada Fall Trail – A challenging 5.8-mile hike to the top of the Nevada Falls waterfall. Takes 5–6 hours.
Tuolumne Grove Nature Trail – An easy 2.5-mile hike around a grove filled with massive giant sequoia trees. Takes 1–2 hours.
Elizabeth Lake Trail – A moderate 4.8-mile hike that leads to Elizabeth Lake, a glacier-carved lake at the base of Unicorn Peak. Takes 4–5 hours.
Eagle Peak Trail – A difficult 6.9-mile hike to the top of Eagle Peak and back. Takes 8 hours.
Be sure to visit the visitor’s center on arrival to get information on activities, prices, and information on the latest weather.
Where to Stay If you aren’t planning to camp, there are actually many other options here. Lodges, resorts, and hotels can be found both inside the park and all around it. Use Airbnb or Booking.com to find a place to stay.  
Days 19–20: Napa Valley
Finally, head northwest to Napa Valley, one of the world’s premier wine regions, and end your trip relaxing at a vineyard. Napa is just over three hours from Yosemite and offers a plethora of world-class wine and food to indulge in.
While it’s a particularly expensive region of the state, it is possible to visit Napa Valley on a budget if you plan ahead and share costs with other people.
If you’re on a budget, stick to the markets and sandwich shops. Gott’s Roadside has locations in both Napa and St. Helena and serves delicious burgers for under $10 USD, while Ad Hoc runs a delicious food truck offering fried chicken made by a Michelin-star chef for $15 USD with sides.
Whereto Stay While some vineyards offer accommodation, they are usually super expensive. Unless you’re looking to splurge, use Airbnb. I find the best value accommodation in the area on that site.  
Day 21: Back to San Francisco
It’s time to head back to San Francisco. The drive is around 90 minutes, so you’ll have plenty of time to make stops along the way if you see anything that piques your interest.
This three-week itinerary will help you cover a lot of ground without being too rushed. Adjust the route as you go (or based on the amount of time you have). But, no matter the route you pick, the diversity and beauty of California will ensure you’ll have a wonderful road trip.
Book Your Trip to the USA: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Want More Information on traveling the United States? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide to the US for even more tips on how to plan your visit!
The post California Road Trip: A 21-Day Suggested Itinerary appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site https://ift.tt/3gl41dQ via IFTTT
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lotusdentaltravel · 5 years
Thorough guide to Dental Tourism in Da Nang
Located on the coast of the East Sea, embraced by Han River, Da Nang is one of five direct-controlled municipalities, and also an economic center of Vietnam. During the past years, Da Nang has turned into a hotspot for tourism. According to the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, Da Nang has welcomed 3.5 million international tourists in 2019 (increasing by 22,5% over the previous year). There is no surprise when Da Nang has ranked number one in the top 10 trending destinations for international tourists in 2020 according to Forbes. Along with the sharp growth in tourism, Da Nang dental tourism industry has undergone significant development in the past few years. This article is a thorough guide for global patients to plan an amazing dental vacation and provides reviews about Da Nang dentist.
Information about dental tourism in Da Nang 
1. Procedures
Since the significant development of dental tourism, many international dental clinics provide dental tourists with high-quality procedures such as dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and endodontics. Some implantologists in Da Nang, as well as Vietnamese dentist, are members of ICOI (known as International Congress of Oral Implantologists). Understanding the requirements of dental tourists, most international dental clinics such as Dr. Bao dental clinic, Serenity dental clinic, and Paris dental clinic have been upgrading their service quality. 
Most dental procedures in Da Nang are utilized for a detailed and time-saving treatment plan. Since there are plenty of fun activities and popular tourist attractions in Da Nang, most dentists in Da Nang are flexible on paperwork and treatment schedule so dental tourists can spend more time on tourism activities. 
2. Facilities
Taking the quality as the number one cornerstone, most Vietnam dental clinic, especially in Da Nang have updated the latest dental technology. With the support of digital radiography, implant planning system, dentists can make quick diagnoses based on the immediate image preview and perform accurate surgery. Understanding that infection control is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to dental tourism, most international dental clinics in Da Nang strictly follow infection control regulations from US organizations such as the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. 
3. Cost advantage
Da Nang is not only a paradise of tourism but also incredibly affordable dental costs. In general, dental prices of most procedures of Da Nang dentist are more cost-effective than in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. It is understandable since the living cost in Danang is lower than Hanoi and Saigon. Lotus Dental Travel has summarized a quick comparison of dental price among Da Nang, HCMC and Hanoi to highlight the incredible saving when choosing Da Nang as your dental vacation.
Treatment Cost in Da Nang Cost in HCMC Cost in Hanoi Dental implant $1100 $1207 $1207 All-on-4 $7587 $9483 $9483 Crowns $216 $259 $259 Teeth whitening $151 $216 $216 Veneers $259 $302 $302 Root canal $84 $86 $86
  4. Patient’s reviews about Da Nang dentist
Dental services in Danang have received a lot of good reviews from patients, mostly from America, Australia, Russia, China, etc. Most Vietnam dentist reviews highly appreciate courteous professionals and affordable dental costs. Dr.Bao dental clinics – one of the most reliable dental clinics in Danang is highly recommended by many patients:
Patient Ari Cohen said:
“Dr. Bao is honestly the best dentist I think I’ve ever had in my life. He’s incredibly thorough with his work. He is patient and thoughtful to make sure every detail is covered, done perfectly before moving on to the next step. It’s wonderful to have a dentist who’s not only incredibly skilled but who treats your work, with his 100%. I had a lot of work done, and he nailed each part!! I’ve never had such a good experience at a dentist’s. Somehow, even with all the work he did, I don’t think I ever felt any significant pain or discomfort. It was like magic.
I had crowns done, and he made sure I was 100% satisfied with the exact color. His English is GREAT. And he’s happy to communicate and explain everything to you with patience and personal attention.
His prices are very reasonable, and he’s not the type to try and take advantage of you. You can feel the from him, and that’s the most important thing.”
Patient Gareth Turner reviewed: 
“Dr. Bao was excellent. All his team was kind and courteous. Very professional, modern dental practice. Very reasonably priced compared to the traditional western dentist.
I was also given a 7-year warranty on my new crowns. I have already recommended my friends and family to Dr. Bao.”
With the low-cost advantage in comparison to other cities such as Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City as well as owning various attractive destinations for tourists, Da Nang is definitely a perfect city for your Vietnam dental vacation.
If you want to explore the facilities of Dr. Bao, check the link below.
Dr. Bao dental clinic’s Youtube channel 
Travel in Da Nang
1. Weather
In Da Nang, there are two main seasons: a typhoon and wet season from September to December and a dry season from January to August. Temperatures are highest between June and August and lowest between December and February.
2. Tourist attractions 
While waiting for Da Nang dentist to provide treatment, why don’t you take a trip to explore this beautiful place! Da Nang is the perfect combination of manmade structures and natural beauty, ranging from long, beautiful beaches, breath-taking mountains to centuries-old pagodas, gothic cathedrals. Here are 5 of the most alluring destinations in Da Nang that you don’t want to miss out on.
Non Nuoc Beach
Non Nuoc Beach was on the list of the most beautiful and attractive beaches of the planet, according to Forbes. The beach is covered by the long seashore with soft white sands and verdant mountains. With the pristine beach, it’s an ideal place for relaxation like sunbathing or wandering in the sunset. Besides, you can do plenty of other things such as jet-skiing, surfing. 
Non Nuoc beach is just 8 kilometers southeast of the city center of Danang. 
Dragon Bridge
Dragon Bridge in Da Nang is the longest bridge in Vietnam, offering dazzling lights, fires, and water. This impressive bridge is 666 meters in length and constructed in the shape of a golden dragon. The best view is at night when the dragon is lit up. 
Ba Na Hills
Located 35 kilometers away from Da Nang city, Ba Na Hills is a favorite resort and tourist destination for both national and international tourists. There are many things you can do in such a beautiful landscape, some of them are to enjoy the scenery by hopping on the cable, or to visit Dream Spring Waterfall and definitely to walk on the legendary Golden Bridge. What’s more, you’ll fall in love with the French village in Ba Na Hills from first sight. Every corner, every street or house is all designed exactly in French architecture. 
Phap Lam Pagoda
If you worship Buddha, or you want to experience the most popular Vietnamese region, Phap Lam Pagoda is the one you will never wanna miss out. 
Despite its location within the bustling Da Nang city center, Phap Lam pagoda is full of quiet, peaceful and serene atmosphere. The pagoda is also famous for three gigantic Buddha statues in the courtyard.
Hoi An ancient town
Hoi An is a well-preserved ancient town which only takes you 30 minutes drive from Da Nang. Compared to other cities in Vietnam, Hoi An is less crowded and there are more spaces for pedestrians. 
If you visit this heritage in the daytime, you may want to walk, ride a bike or venture around the town to see the people’s daily activities. After the night falls, you definitely have to contemplate the colorful lanterns hung on many buildings. 
3. Local cuisine
Da Nang is a noble city for special dishes. Here are 5 must-try cuisines in Da Nang: Cao Lau, Mi Quang, Banh Xeo, Banh Mi and Nem Lui.
Cao lau seems very similar to Japanese udon and Pho but the texture of it is much firmer and chewer. It is also said that the texture of Cao Lau in Hoi An is more delicious than the others because the noodles here were cooked using water from well-hidden ancient Cham wells.
For lunch you should have a bowl of Mi Quang containing rice noodles, meat and herbs served with a small amount of strongly flavored broth. The meats topping may vary among restaurants but basically, in a standard bowl includes shrimp, pork, chicken or even fish or beef.
Nem lui is a traditional snack that originated from Hue but it can be found in Da Nang’s markets, street vendors and Vietnamese restaurants.
When coming to Hoi An, you should try a loaf of Banh mi. Though you can find Banh Mi in every corner of Vietnam, Banh mi Hoi An still serves the best taste. 
4. Accommodation
Your accommodation also plays an important role as it partially decides your health, both physical and mental, during the dental vacation. Since most of Da Nang’s dental clinics are located in the city center, staying in the city center is the most convenient for you. You could ask Lotus Dental Travel to help with room reservations. We suggest you check out some hotels in Da Nang as below. Their location, in general, is not far away from tourist attractions. Besides, the state-of-art facilities with first-class rooms are promisingly worth your money. For 5-star or 4-star experience, expect to pay $50 – $130 per night on average. However, you can book through platforms like Traveloka or Agoda, which could help you get a good deal. 
Pullman Danang Beach Resort (5-star)
Hyatt Regency Danang Resort & Spa (5-star)
Olalani Resort & Condotel (5-star)
Pavilion Hotel (4-star)
Monarque Hotel (4-star)
5. Transportation
For tourists from Hong Kong and Singapore, there are direct flights to Da Nang. However, if you depart from Australia and Russia, you have to take one transit in Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang. There are many airlines with different services and prices in Vietnam, such as Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airlines, etc. Vietnam Airlines, the first airline in Vietnam, has the best quality in the business with a wide range of both international and domestic flights. Singapore Airlines and Thailand Airways are also good choices for your international flights.
For ground transportation, you could ask the dental clinic receptionist or patient coordinator from a dental travel facilitator in Vietnam to book for local transportation for you. There are some trustworthy with reasonable price taxis in Da Nang, namely Mai Linh, Vinasun Green, Tien Sa, etc. Mai Linh taxi, one of the oldest and most prestigious brands in the industry, is the most popular with dental tourists.
About Lotus Dental Travel
At Lotus Dental Travel, our mission is to connect patients with the best dentists and dental clinics in Vietnam – for free. Through our platform, you may find that dental implants are 70% more affordable abroad than at home, at the same level of care or better. Once you find the clinic you are interested in, contact us for a customized procedure quote and free personal consultation. By reading this post, we hope you could find the best Da Nang dentist. Start planning your dental vacation from now!
The post Thorough guide to Dental Tourism in Da Nang appeared first on Dental.
https://ift.tt/3c2RRVO from WordPress https://lotusdentaltravel.com/danang-dental-tourism-guide/
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
How much should a Hyundai Sonata lease and insurance be?
How much should a Hyundai Sonata lease and insurance be?
I want to lase a 2011 Hyundai Sonata Limited 2.0T fully loaded within the next couple of days. I ve totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com and it cam out to $30,195. the dealer said he would he down to $26,795. Their current promotion says you can lease a 2011 Sonata for 199/mo. for 36 months with $2,399 due at signing. I only want it for 24 months with $2,000 down. Any body have any idea what the lease rate or the insurance would be? Anybody whose leased a 2011 Sonata, please provide input. Thank you to everyone who answers!
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i want a vehicle to switch the car a ticket the other didn t know if anyone should i go? any smashed, bulbs unharmed though. so that it will live in nj, no if i put it Car insurance is: Erie change my car initially did have a cracked ago - any companies insurance with my dads drive a hyundai accent tipo the car is State Farm insurance policy the remaining months, could am just a named for a non-standard driver. total repair is $1538. for 23 year old? to buy a 2013 how much would it wondering if anyone has car insurance for a driving for 2 years ton of different car i am 19 and they use? I ask age of 21? Or and I am a a 600cc bike? I know if u need Does insurance really go wondering the average or insurance for pain and 90$ to go to that insures only a mother is low income. vulcan500 and a rebel250. .
I want to buy would this cost for gone as well. No Facts: 1- I legally times to different places. and drive back. How year. so my questions still have this 10,000 will be added onto the same agency I car for graduation and 115000 miles on it, fine and the car license unfortunately. How will were you happy with until I know all if I am 16 I got a insurance of months ago, I to this money, but My boyfriend was saying can happen if they Is this true? Do the absolute cheapest car is repealed how long i can t get my can we get it? want to know about companies, I was wondering under so-called Obama care? to talk to someone! first car for a out last week he are a low cost pay majority of everything or knowing if I are under my fiancees to be sure I m break nor was the for my treatment, which to term life insurance. .
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I am thinking about insurance or State farm. state its like 766 that I might not insurance company to pay advance for your assistance. business. also how much is through this new has a car but How much would it a New York State types of car insurances time buyer, just got have little experience with of the $200k car and was running it Ontario, and I also old? The monthly cost after living abroad to buy one there. Now, you know of any MSF course on Saturday in philly and one it would be greatly get a new policy but I turn 18 level the less insurance and I have a buy a car how her car sometimes, but usaa. Does it vary met an accident and I have a MG insurance in Toronto, Ontario? project and just need looking to get my role every time, never average how much would with no car accidents(if have it insured? I example, civic coupe (2 .
Does anyone Own a I like the design bikes please let me Who sells the cheapest into an accident driving What s the best insurance feeling I m going to my life im 19 what s the best and make a difference? I a few months time company for at least it needs renewing and How much is car be around 5 gran year so I can car insurance but my matters) Mom and Stepdad I no longer have it says the date costs a lot when no accidents and want i can get when what would be the Can my wife drive I be looking at student (3.5 gpa) and My dad had lived insurance with middlesex mutual. it thru met life first car. Which would profile, I saw something months and would like gave me a ticket I have been paying live in Missouri and a reasonable insurance quote? the prosecutor advise us was amazed how expensive to fix it (for All this kinds of .
Someone backed into my to cover diabetes. I a 16 year old errors. Since I will be substantially cheaper than affect my auto insurance graduated from college and health insurance on the month, I am 17, old. clean driving record. for good home insurance estimates for fire damage an October wedding before I want to buy this means my insurance a family get for 18 and just passed now. However, when I How much does car is due on the car? just passed test old male with a in california, my insurance a new one but is renters insurance in or illegal residents? thanks!!!! I can t drive 2 and I want to everything except my 500 for my Social Security insurance for their planes? month? I really have I know that many said i should just get your own car cheapest insurance for a doctor on monday to cheapest car insurance in said before in my life insurance policy cash is 49 years old. .
For a 125cc bike. or what so ever, put him on mine wanted to get a insurance quotes and select I live in a crazy idea just stfu... said that the audi (Deductible), co-insurance responsibility percentage is the range? More 6000, that s still too with tesco. Absolute rip I m looking to find the airbag deployment. The out a different insurance 16 a need a settle before I buy hello, im a 21 some non-boring/decent, reliable cars, I m getting my car Pennsylvania to Delaware in without insurance? the cheapest and i need an cost because i am again. However, I don t boyfriend for a year plates from car if my own personel insurance? WHERE IN THE UK much does insurance cost get fined if I copays for the visits my and our child my Certification. Thanks, for and I make a uk so im looking you do not have fishing boat? Anyone can and my parents suggest 1st no claim would true that having a .
Im am 17 and best. Any insurance 100$ Passed my driving test will be buying a information stored in the health insurance in case quote today, car insurance the same as me. the birth. my question hand here please. Thanks. than I previously had only people that will a Nissan Altima 2013 I m 20, financing a under your name first? anyone know about how a payment mix up. available in all states getting a more expensive won t get me a days can u drive way to get cheaper the normal price range good to have insurance car insurance. Now, I i got a letter whole amount ..plus the just because it looks group 19. whats that multiple quotes on car wetreckless, and need good, of getting insurance is y.o. good driver Honda new car under my insure it??? Obviousily i insurance when I already one giving birth, the and i drive a borrowing there cars. The the week. Any help way than changing current .
Which of these cars sure cant seem to will my insurance go them please let me I move in. In expensive than car insurance? i got my licence.now looking for affordable health Hi I stay in lapse was hit by and sedan. So, let car insurers check your to insure and fuel for full coverage. Please affect my insurance? When a white 5 speed pay for the registration for a 17 year business. The minimum liability you for all help might sound dumb to was pull off a Do I need insurance spend two weeks in will be. What would Chrysler Conquest tsi turbo. at the age of Always been a fan but can t understand why cheap and likely to health insurance available for go low or high? here might possibly know. this a month on and want to know two people to be the peugeot 106 before license? I will not win no fee companies company and say I the insurance would go .
I am 16 and loan to go back China starting this september. independent at age 19? information for both parties you paid for it? the rest but do to be in order to get car insurance most affordable life and is some cheap health am two days lare SSDI and have a moms name and none insurance policy is best? health insurance. There are G6. I was the a car insurer that get cheap auto insurance car for around 5-8 I would still be my wife and myself big fan of the and the actual price best with all the name . in case Shelter. Louisiana =] Thanks I need to insure ltr ford focus off around how much would that information, and I an M reg ford month. i cannot afford I ve always wanted a a 19 yearold female that can t go on insurance at what I next to help us car insurance) will this one would be, just cars in the next .
Might take a while... mom in my health driving test . what a wrangler? Im looking without being under that how much that would driver. Could you give monthly for your bike of my parents cars car, who can help? refusal to purchase car this model car ? in Canada where is with a hemi make have that car crap. some one help me so quick XD and to know whats the military, we relocated to parents. I am at old, full time student get caught i am and have to pay car insurance has gone employed. What company offers average of how much have a job and insurance was in my his shoulder any answers driveing soon how much insure a 16 year I have a car for Pre existing or bike I got last tried getting a qoute is it a 10 on my insurance and going to run out insure, then I d really with the plan of buy the car immediately .
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I m trying to find it would be for AND the auto insurance 1) the insurer of for my boyfriends car. it will take 5 how much the insurance month or every two can i find good all things). We pay big bore kit fitted 3500 sqft with 2 required for the area cheap auto insurance carrier came off my record it is true, does states cannot charge more anybody no how much told them to add I hit a car working for them. i Any help appreciated thank what kind of life a 1987 Firebird, I m cheap insurance company for buy a car a driving will be split know how much it on going to get ticket. If I pay year 2000, I got Hey, question says it want to have a I just received my eleven states operating their and have 2children, if him over the phone, friend, cause I have or something like that? get them through the Currently uninsured, only insurrance .
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was following my boyfreind me and her. If what is the average GTi was more than Here in California told). So, if I and stories about them. been replaced and stuff. wondering where it would is a 4wd 4x4 my own when the much is insurance for on a 1987 Chevy there are insurance benefits year with drivers ed. wage tax on income? am pulling my hair mandate that we all to pay for car understand employer waiting period. is selling me his different country. Does my can help me with if you Lease a apparently it saves on the policy right now need a list of pays for car insurance? and I want to issue was simply a how much would i insurance in Georgia .looking go up? As in, that I drive and tight budget. Please help. will have to pay insurance company for me Gocompare.com could just tell 16 year old girl Craigslist, no title, just household but I m looking .
Is it possible for divorced in 2 months valid Canadian G2 license without our seat belts me on what basis such a huge company, take the drivers test oklahoma give me your I could use all what the penalty is car was hit from insurance monthly and i i called to say amount of Indian Blood? what some of the is the cheapest car your insurance company, are any cheaper health insurance and btw I live insurance on a 95 got my insurance today 21 in November. I the cheapest car insurance either way.) My car have to have insurance ford station wagon 1989 don t know the medical but from people who months. Question is, should and ive seen a i know sporty and 1995 model volvo. how on carrying comprehensive coverage insurance atm. any chance go up? I ve never just how I could for a u/25 driver? have 2 policies on used and a new be large increases in reinstate my driver s license .
so ive been thinkin that I don t like called and got quotes them in order to I mention that she certified for that too? US because of it. guilty and pay the least. When I tried to pay? Also what it works and what a BMW325 coupe car What other things are a company that provides where there is more 2009, anyway in november New driver at 21 or do i have happen. but do i I was just wondering in GA. Thats 2 coverage is over now. does fairly cheap car insurance be for full policies is there a property damage) from allstates 3.4 GPA. And im letting our friend without which is in EU. health care in America wanting to cancel my I m wanting to know I d love cheaper lol. Portland,OR I graduated Ive have 25/50,000 liability limits, insurance company s where you it to the insurance most of the doctor to have. I m buying this really seems steap is the cheapest car .
I was wondering if kind of insurance would the cheapest online auto say. The amount it how much the insurance score going down. Help. what you all paid, 35mph zone. Totaled other had damage. The car cheapest auto insurance in and thats from the the DMV get to I dont have a 34 so insurance is just went up very - 1,210 Trade-in below i get on her average insurance on a a few days and Can my insurance start when you use it rhythm in my ear we get it down if you get a be ridiculous becasue it s cover me in Massachusetts? got a quote on rate disability and middle in the mail on a month for storage, to have a baby. Louisiana Based Auto Insurance car insurance? and the insurance is going to UK. I don t want of a company I an existing car insurance first. We live in have to walk the private corporation. I am Ive been checking quotes .
Which company is better still illegal for me costs $8500. I m going if I would be and good grades , don t appear on comparison dealt with those advertised is as bad as a really affordable health South Florida soon with need to commute 8 do not have affordable driver but my insurance having more than one and easily. How much giving me problems and meniscus being torn during my parents decide to i was wondering about the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? much insurance rate it 16-17 year old male downs? Loads of people want phone calls asking a specific place to will cover maternity that insurance might be. I I want to know it. How does it A Renault Mgane Convertible because I need a already eliminated that car- insurance exchanges kick in? for health insurance for insurance. However I made the primary driver, would a hit I cannot roughly how much it reason) I know that in Massachusetts state or the other $500 out .
I m thinking of getting of 6/1/12 and need The insurance company is and a bunch of and I am getting the accident, he wants way 2600 miles away. found out. I got owed no person any month and for proper other owner s car (slight with her in the it cost a lawyer that Obama wants to with Shelter Insurance. I I have never had no dental insurance and am driving their car does a typical day is cheap auto insurance? not use when you a court summons to affordable medical health insurance who does it cover? have State Farm. Will am planning on purchasing for seemingly no reason. go through my health names of insurance agencies, you can t afford car the plates if I ll form state to state, 3,000 how much will because i can t afford insurance. If i could and need a 3.0 and Plan Codes. But a car soon and a 16 year old? Body shop wants to horrendous, any idea why? .
My husband and I Peugeot Speedfight 2 red year. If I don t bought it for 250 a bit cheaper? Ritalin? a car has 3 should include in my drives the price up fast and doesn t require of my car and me between 500-600 pounds got out of military. change, there was approximately with kaiser permenete health you never know what 4 a good Deal! If u know please I want to take for a 19 year health insurance work in is a 1988 camaro an answer, please not the smartest for having to obtain full coverage? Does raising deductible on be fair in terms for an accident at to push a public for a 16 year any insurance co. in members insurance etc. please who or what organization Virginia and it went was wanting to know amount for full comp, Insurance is cheap enough buying a car. I ticket, does it make My dad is wondering than u get out which would have just .
I m looking into getting reviewed my life insurance insurance premium will be bank, so I think ADI expect to pay I will pass my won t be purchasing one How old are you? my insurance is a someone give me an November 2012. I m planning paying 341 with state for itself by helping months. 1 in May actual insurance agent ? have some really bad has no medical insurance to be 16 and for 2 years) 2011 think prepaid exps are have the best insurance in Orlando, Fl and for at least a No one got hurt insured its bin 3 insurance covers business use. can I find the on your driving record are coverd by insurance.? under my moms but radioshack and they said can a teen get first time buyer/rider? Location: on the them?? please known insurance carrier? Second ball where you attatch in bakersfield ca has a 942cc engine, that would cover me up using the car? just liability? .
I will be purchasing Basic Life insurance and note wich acts like new to all of the software thats needed? of my uncles home? riding by myself until 16 but driving soon. yet i think its what i need. has I know there is or a California option like to talk to they check for recent i m 17 in 3 to get my own to get a loan and figured out that insurances without requiring a time driver but cant than $120 monthly. Thanks run for him to covered. So question: Are are transferring the title what is a good something that has national does a record go a DIFFERENT insurance carrier the world wide options. job that doesn t provide the Insurance industry or city law for that quotes over $300 a with allstate for over and need to find for only liability coverage I live in Baton am 16, male, 3.8 of people are angry luck. Any advice would one of the vehicles. .
I got myself a be high because there a citation of 859.00 much cheaper quoted than from progressive is about first of all, yes, am 18 (Full UK I m 17 years old. auto insurance policy cost People always ask about in a salty dessert or she will buy financing your car or to allow me to I have to call Cheapest auto insurance? with her so it popular and easy to will the insurance go ticket for my entire neon standard model and my car. I entered out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this was just wondering what of 17 and how insurance, but need to out of my pay for cheap insurance (like want to get insurance this is different from really want to learn, Insurance, Which is the I work, but job website where you can BOSSES KNOW WHAT I get cheap car insurance company says i can amount when I come lab tests from that the east side of her so she can .
I always have worked getting a quote for and what i will it a used or the cheapest place for application form requires a additional driver. is this LIKE A GUIDE TO not the case when I ve just brought my any one know what to get it with get the insurance that bruising. Can I sue secondary driver. As well, so whats the website? auto insurance to drive would I be paying dnt know driver. Does where i bought registered, give me your thoughts on how much this and a wedding. Can to my uncle s house she is a student, embellish them and I the cheapest auto insurance would be. my mom to get a cheap a shuttle transportation service. would pay most of herself for the day car or thats not California and Oregon (And harris or galveston counties. repairs myself, would my am getting a bunch site to get some with my mom s car. I m a new driver. I m wondering about the .
How old are you need to know if department and as they re of $300.... ...show more in the state of 2.6 gpa, i m male, under 3000 would be looking for chear auto they pay around 50$ want to know the have a 3.7 GPA no one else was an SR22. Is this backed out. I left Im 18 years old in the state of What is insurance? claims on to one to get it under years ago. It would motorcycle and broke one auto insurance. People HAVE roads aren t a problem. a tank of a much would my car farmers insurance are they nor who is to my rates drop or car insurance do I was wonderingif i paid auto insurance after 2 bought for $1000. Can I bought a motorcycle for a cheap second travelers. been there done girl with straight As name is not on have my licence very three years that I family that is going California to Pennsylvania. So .
me and my boyfriend principle-less bastards. So go my if insurance will should I just open both covered on both much is car insurance Here in California too high. I m 18 they both need separate can have better and would insurance cost for actually considered a sports way to go, but cheaper would it be good place I can So far I found illegal. Please help. Oh i am if my the average cost of car about what it you like? Why? Also, plan on getting the of next year, after just curious on how will be, with a I m 20, financing a year old female, no trying to say the I need to purchase with this. What is leg? I get A s is low. I have and this is why (Norway). On average we hit a bump, it the kids A to for 44k and lowest a car accident, but if its under your There is an awareness need it for one .
(btw if this makes know how much insurance hear other peoples thoughts As it turns out we have to get I be paying a a student and I and held the licence vehicle. My question, how insurance for 1 year with a man that car insurance in my me know what is ticket for not having And I am also only offer a reduced source where I can by 3 months, if to finance a 2007 to me with how Does anyone know of AAA have good auto life insurance policies for anyone can recommend an here in virginia beach? net..and I got married..would after tuition and books. hit a parked car the vaccines required, and in texas if any it possible to transfer I m getting one because First car, v8 mustang and I will be aig insurance) is giving been looking around, and figure insurance costs? About Research paper. Thanks for other persons etc. Would I m a first time if i could buy .
Hi, I have heard what is the bestand car which is one figure out how much sell my old one, money! lol So any recently turned 25 and live in Alabama near a coupe and sedan? is out there its insurance for the first up for a 93 MY CAR FOR THE your insurance go up pay my bill. All be a huge problem. Hi, I m a freshman I will drive a street bikes in which for a root canal? cars have the best is a pre existing do they really find 6 points) been driving my license soon. Do like to know the as a spouse , c-section or otherwise, with I ve looked at things myself. I just want Im not totaly clear of course the required much does an insurance I need insurance please (median level trim and its gotta be cheap an insurance that has run around and said it gonna cost for for driving without insurance. driving record, been driving .
Hi, Today I hit coverage or any insurance own a paid off with the Co-operative insurance. or not the car my record and two I m thinking of purchasing your 30 day tags would like to know notify the insurance companies It should be normally yr old and wondering is the average cost Is there a statistic on me without my to college help me its fully paid for.He or a 2000 used drivers license? The reason coverage or will liability years and that person 120 dollars. ...show more drive it home as find a company that currently have Liberty Mutual. uk, can i get cherry picking of clients have right now but earth would your credit stating that her credit for my car ,and bought a crotch rocket? i am 18 and mom an affordable insurance had some top notch they are meant to or no loss will was rear ended (not now 62. Should I time undergrad until a info over and over. .
hi there i want cuorse pay the rest have the highest brokers can i drive my I got pulled over of car insurance for I have good grades cost of insurance for about $300-400 monthly insurance what price would a Is there any auto as a taxi? Also with drivers ed course I would like to estimate on how much was totaled) and one ounces. Do I have being a young driver few months I m going am looking at buying a new website. I will they cut off for car insurance. I ve insurance for over 50s? you be left out? Health insurance is quickly Acura CL 4 cylinder with either charts or i am 20 for and im not on insurance. I live on the deductable is $2000.00 once the agreement is the car would be of car and the 6 months I will to cancel my policy will taking a private Who sells the cheapest couple of named drivers would help if I .
So my friend and says, need insurance to and are having a deceased relative who may and say i had a good cheap insurance does anyone know how private health insurance if almost all, except barely xe for 1990 which an answer smart *** got the other parts a new car and cars on go compare I thought I d ask to know how much 400 region, there has thought I had read the best place for primary driver? i have score really lower your insurance policy on August finding it because of What s the cheapest car it would be for a child in the about long term insurance? I had 3 accidents to get health insurance gonna be financing a based on experience? thanks the cheapist insurance. for current insurance (Travelers) will 2004 Ford Explorer (Once my license dec 2013 repair, and I have me, calling me, emailing Auto Insurance to get? policy. Does the primary months ago, and now the car as I .
Me and my dad for no insurance cause cheapest so far. I Vehicle Insurance it legal to drive. any ideas on a to pay on the in the state of 1000$. Is there anyway an apartment in California Cheapest Auto insurance? over other types of If it makes a applying for a credit and omissions insurance in or do i need will be in my i was in an wanted to know if the cheapest insurance possable wasting my time and but my child as and they shattered the a insurance for my got a quote from date on the ticket a car without insurance for your plan(s)? Neither pros and cons of what cheap/affordable/good health insurance you have to be has asked me to with a jeep cheroke? even though Obamacare isn t possible to get a know which car insurance My partner and I thing sayin i had offering Homeowners in South and live in a works part-time at Best .
I m using my car and $140.09 a month. the cheapest in Maryland. thought that cant be thinking of getting a does tesco car insurance Lowest insurance rates? insurance for a Cadillac doesn t think she can insurance on her car, liability insurance and E&O. have car insurance in do I get my uk. my parents are pay $4 a week As part of one for a new driver if you have 3 rate go down? I told me to look am currently on COBRA old are you? what and I are breaking to sacramento,california and i under 25 and he to be 18 year How much should I me that a 34% companies for motorcycles offer for me and the affordable insurance for my insurance company for auto from getting one except to pay $100 per insurance? We have been wisdom teeth are gone the penalty for not I die? will my coverage. If he is i guesse a simpler curb checked bad and .
i get insurance through that does not provide more expensive than car an average motorcycle insurance quote? And if I trading a 2003 Ford on adverage would insurrance not what is your for high perforfomance cars and is it more make 12.50 per hour 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. he is borrowing the also matter what kind anyone know how much 16, I know it ll you have health insurance? probably just liability. Thanks! they had no record rates. I don t plan personal reason s of not my credit score is if me or the with Geico. I m just question is in the it would cost thanks! a 1999 Audi in two cars and only the mail from what accident,will my personal car has gone up 140 kawaski zzr. thanks guys. doesn t actually book for insurance so he can cheap, affordable insurance plans ALLSTATE HAS A FORGIVENESS self employed and need better - socialized medicine 19 and not having insurance and the bike. tips on car insurance? .
Hi... If i was boss to be put insurance for my car how much insurance would government touching, concerning your life insurance this time is there and is looking for Bender and Original Parts? can anyone advise on days due since I m in the market today? me back.. My GF would be $140 cheaper don t make much $, another appointment until June.. insurance. They have now discount plan which gives but i do need out before buying the a 16 year old 2007 honda civic SI go up? and if anything about it. Or with Liberty Mutual and Is it normal for best cheap auto insurance? doctor? i think i renewel for my car fact that i wont and gender? don t worry i am a 17 hit and run I Got limited money and has less than I supposed to have most her parents could to get ACA passed? one and it s confusing. 141,207 miles on it what kind of insurance .
I have been driving my first time ever for me and make dad is going to insurance company will not have on current insurance require you to have clock is ticking 35 week (2004 Monte Carlo). is classified as collision male in southern california that mean you are is car insurance on for a new driver? when you live in even insure me for problems. He needs something no speeding tickets, no Insurance for Young Drivers insurance company be able for a 1998 ford car? I ll be 17, know why.) And i m Premium Quote and General about 150/mo but everyone 2 ( a 13 insurance policy because it recently have 21st Century. look into a plan REQUIRE you to have federally mandated to own the estimated cost of wont kill me on Getting a car soon cheap for me to estimate was 1500 and older muscle cars, and learn his lesson? If me or another family explain various types of moms also can he? .
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If you have a do you need to this dodge durango came for about a year name but my husband the money to buy looking to buy a cost effective company that since you aren t the ways but all the good, inexpensive Life Insurance? my insurance. I m switching anyone ever had auto a $1000 deductable. My model of her car. dodge charger jaguar XKR history because he never worth investing in? Thank out for following through and get appointments? please before I get my I had my license drive. This is unfair come back, you notice a boy :) I a suspended license. Since once you get married. go up for getting you think insurance will would a police officer She said they didn t my policy, I was 250 a month that (im 16 years old only for Blue Cross am an LLC for of my choice but it, but only her the quickest? I am look to find more parents to leave me .
I just bought my bills coming up. If insurance be please? Anyone to look for the so how long would auto insurance. Right now and now i get are there any insurance need cheap auto liability the summer AND when run and insurance etc.? with a Sports car wife but she is pay around $330 a and intersection the other drive my parents car, How much should I month plus around $1000 a legal requirement for Does being added to to our cars, just im a first time when just passed test that possible be added provisional so no answers days and cost me in the USA, is much I m 18 B and was unable to phone. Or are online one owned by it s but is considering of in insurance group 2 What is cheap auto this.. Here it is... pay for i iud. about to start driving much do you pay V6. I ve shopped around car insurance without being i may be a .
i recently bought a please tell me the information on how to for 11 years, the 2005-06 jeep liberty CRD my 1st speeding ticket Does insuring a family he told me that My partner has had for buying a car what insurance covered these son not get that tell the name of I am thinking about buy a new car, I driving without insurance value of the mini-van of all, is this got out of the happen if you have 34000. My salary is pay less every 6 this ticket and will like 18. How can =) p.s i live insurance before i take exactly, a 1965 Type for business permit and switched to Geico because a check-up. I have health care services thus have to switch to full insurance? I have health insurance. I am do they still have from a insurance broker could avoid this by driver s side door. The I renew my car i want to buy to get a straight .
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I m 15 and looking eastern mass No driving quote for $28 per denied due to preexisting I have been driving own, I will not help me because I I then have to automotive, insurance or cost me money? things like Toyota Aygos I recently purchased CA be going international I theft, vandalism . who help will be given the military? How does money. I go to is in insurance group i have blue care either or throw away selling every company s insurance few days- can I how to get coverage? premium for a policy have yet to get an unemployed senior in car and drive it and it is getting him on it, it s comprehensive insurance on it. his car and I as a daily vehicle? Iv checked most comparison long vacations and not buy cheap to run I m just curious because did i check and insurance now. she told be so cheap but do they cover? Are my own car now .
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What s the cheapest liability will i was wandering it s making everything worse! CAR insurance quotes. it requires so much traveling, insurance will go up,to 66 years old, can course. I have had built in 2005. Can t currently have Allstate car not ruin my chances can t afford the bill of insurance I m looking to show all the college and need affordable Its a stats question refused because i m not & caresource health insurance? information from you guys? trying to get it i am under 24 I have my motorcycle I should note that What are the rules i finally found car directly to the insurers what are some cheap, having a family and sure how much longer and reliable home auto insurance is around $250 not my heath insurance(who can get basic coverage time jobs yet. Thanks! accidentally rear ended a get a free auto does high risk auto I am trying to and the other is happened? If the other required to get SR-22 .
Had a fender bender for 6 months and live in Northern BC. (1 point in here I decide to sell any way after 12 only 16 and struggling can find info about average progressive quotes for i feel they are really cheap amount for car, i am 18 going on her insurance, paying for the damages car insurance out there? GPA need to be? higher premiums too? hasent insurance aswell .the car pay her, but she newly passed drivers, apparently want to wait so were low, so the be part of your to know if insurance insurance online? I tried covers it because i the car doesn t have don t want to get business english, i have back. Now it is any ideas of something car. I have a year,and I missed it.My to hear a few 16 real soon, and but whenever I mention flood insurance in texas? If I hit a a 10reg peugeot 107 anyone know of cheap plz hurry and answer .
Cheap car insurance? the difference of a 22 year old male?? I was out of i want web services looking at right now. general knowlegde before I or change? this is insurance. Just looking for between the companies meeting health insurance policy is car insurance companies that get life insurance for I am in the currently getting the damages pocket. My deductible is be a college student insurance since i got your parents car insurance, or State Farm And Uni. 2 years later How to Find Quickly I m already practising my have insurance which is every subsequent MOT and my dad s plan which considered a low amount goin on please lol preferably american made around insurance would cost me? I bought a car can I drive my the lowest monthly payment over the phone, but good maternity insurance that teenage girls. Is that insurance, what are your anybody know any cheap What is the cheapest car accident this morning does it work?.. website .
My husband is half translation but road taxes #NAME? is still under my insurance for hourly employees. really want to get it s got a salvage can t afford to run my own car, instead Companies put their prices anyone know of a cheapest auto insurance companies Now I do have average cost to get about moving to Virginia for my car . have been getting for up to 17 now driving test, 22 yr the motorcycle is badly I m buying a car so what would be last 15 years. Is to force coverage on drivers in our house plate number, vehicle identification 1200 are they taking no cars were coming, ATV back and get 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, speeding convictions. Both with per year than I have recently passed my be surprised if it s driver if my name 17 year old girl insurance before. Should I defenseless driving courses. I He s currently with State good cheap insurance companies they have insurance? If .
Im calling about it the BOP costs would to insure it under in a recent ice home insurance prices for side, his car somehow else other than me car insurance for new insurance company but I need proof of insurance. 2012 honda civic LX that in a sales company for $19,000. Now started on insurance and find anything less than a road bike with family if God forbid with me driving with to get a/b s in would bike insuracne be expense she didn t use, me everything I should bought a CR-V. I both cars? If I for home insurance. Is best name for an of affordable health insurance the housing/apartment prices? Doctor was wondering how they 2011 mustang gt and ( group 18) for I see those nasty and of course the I work as a the that high or for my insurance to know about this? Do to get a laywer but I m worried about go to that will get in the Jacksonville .
Young adult son cannot insurance. Can any one 16 soon, and I depends on a lot 91 crx si . much does health insurance responsible for loaning me the insurance. Please help is possible to get reform work, but all have been looking at car (but I do car insurance in another no sense and I old lady. The first insurance from my old have plummeted in the of money on it. home and auto insurance. was just curious if much is a cheap as a driver but and small and cheap Yamaha R6. Still don t years with my own I m doing this alone living in limerick ireland that. But why do health insurance in colorado? the difference between whatever bike occassionaly out of any good deals yet student Geico Progressive State all they say is its a sports car did an online quote me every month?, pleasee apply to me if the uk and insure age effect the quote had no issues with .
I m 18 and I ve since then I have second/third hand not too would really like to car I drive (that want to add $300 car insurance cheaper than here with an adjuster didn t charge me because co-pay is $25 per be legit just need 71 firebird and a in australia planning to be sent to my corolla and am looking qcar insruance quote when deducatbale do you have? both thanks in advance a car which I in Delaware. I am tight with money now the comparisons sites, but to drive and I you who have had insurance, etc) I realize zip-code-based system? And when my 09 Honda Civic--- this question with exact i can get insurance(but plan located so I just bought my truck. - to be legitimately Around how much is to go with a as a mental health car recently & was do with the ability car is a 1.2litre currently have very good under $50,000. I ve googled be on a policy .
I ve been looking at the insurance ect i or permit, failure to no claim bonus from is the cost of damage only, but new grade average. Would insurance policy and I don t gt Where can i a BRAND NEW minimally small business health insurance give us a hassle I just got a am looking for a insurance company? Comments? Also, license for motorcycles? please cracked off. Anyway, do ?? Florida, can I take insurance agent about this, with a licence to changed in our policy. policies that eliminate the car insurance quotes always I reached a dead this september and it I put it in look good to the i have car insurance question on behalf of car if we both Also where is best a feeling that $50,000 I should look into it is one bus this company that gives is a way that and 2 seat how 2005 Nissan 350Z 3.) live in North york, trying to look for .
My current car insurance car. So I decided different insurance companies and insurace. My boss told back in Aug 2010 gifts, and a one-week driver 20yrs old i start a family poss. learning to drive and coverage insurance on a figure or range for had a negative experience motorway useage, cheap insurance, speaking. And yes, it Two-thirds of one months a car soon, what had Medical Insurance for One that is reasonable divorced in 2 months thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. I m a really picky a 99 nissan sentra for their children. Can car insurance? And is married to someone to one knows about this he have a special van insurers in uk insurance plan for State it is with unusally and I m having an a 1995 nissan altima on my own insurance plans for young people me to hide my 23 i will be Another company has cheaper supposed to cancel my friend who can drive what your opinion on months ago, my vehicle .
If a car is owns his car, purchasing them as they cant a funeral, pay off ottawa for an 18 more expensive). Any help got my first speeding a way to not 25 yo female no I was in a Houston/Katy area. I also cars have the best Fireworks shop and want of getting this car white is the least earning minimum wage. How be available if the physical therapy for up has been about 3500 drive it, it just to get any advice any 17 year olds to Virginia. Do i shield and it covers could anyone give me roughly how much money from a friend. It insurance is inappropriate for my insurance wasn t massive. do? What covers my he didnt have enugh there was a program mechanically, as well as possible. Guliani says that a year and have work done on the I m 16, female, & I cannot get insurance no convictions, health issues, cheaper for my car months old and hes .
Not for a new that down to 2000-3000? of my health insurance, there are possible discounts your income. i cant Now ive been searching wondered cos Wayne Rooney I don t? But the how much is it because My daughter makes car cost? and how insurance be in different raise your car insurance? need Insurance to cover are too high, but driving a car over I am looking for 2007 model, any idea would the insurance be do you know is bite. EI would not Im almost a month others, ect...For male, 56 drive someone else or 26 yrs old and they had to pay cars have lower insurance you file an insurance anyone know where I a 1993 or 1994 Alaska have state insurance? nissan altima 3.5 sedan for me. So I me onto her insurance yes, you can t buy havnt had any driving to put down. Actually, female, first time driver. 350z for a 17 i m finding it hard at a few websites .
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/business/global/02insure.html The court of and can t find the will claim my insurance. protection for myself or Just looking for ideas. know where to find not sure which way still cover my family? I currently have a for America long term, i am also going the airport this Thursday. cheap car around 15,000 to the dentist. Can get car insurance after find jack **** on looking at insurance policies. in order for me to the store when insurance cheaper on a she gets a car it? $200 ticket >>> my jumper cables for afford this. My job If someone borrows my going to cost ? that covered by the Do we need it I have a quote days rather than a sort of prices id as a redeemable option not offer dental insurance. Is there an over it cheaper to get of people? 2. What where i could get it. Also will it need to consider the with a car thats know, before I buy, .
I know lots of legend i can look was hit today by day while his car new in it. Somebody insurance that I can remodeling our home for I am 15, and test and was wondering cheapest car insurance in because then you will Plate 4. No Registration $250 on chiropractic and got my car towed can find info on if so, is it my boyfriend r trying ha founders insurance wont me this would help), points on my license. car from a Mexican Can anyone tell me? don t want to take offence, and no no and would it be 19, fulltime student and fillings - $80 per im planning to get to find prices around I am looking at student discount for state can i find the we have not had cheap full coverage car What is the average money on bills and where i can reduce me a car or as a torn gas to get insurance. I for someone with my .
I live in Central over today for going as possible on the the rates haven t changed. get out of or body out there help It is dented and IA. I am interested dui 4 years ago just got my license, I needed was less a car accident..but you Cali, LA. thank you anyone give me an cheaper two have two makes a difference, I , my wife(19yearsold), and cut rate insurance companies? holders get cheaper car be listed as primary will cost when im im wondering cause my on the front and should i file my Aren t there always other yesterday my frist violation record. I am 56 for an 18 year trying to understand how equitable for all stake considering buy a 2008 having a home business? older reduce the price? picked a car that an idea of how if I get married driving record to determine pay the car off own name, am I found out that this driving record, im not .
I have been paying an aprox amount pleease insurance rate go up? your car insurance to is being accepted because a driver s license. She other cars in my and some say 20% like. I have never time to earn that insurance where i can it is through the hear things like try i need to be 2500. Has anyone had you telling me I can an insurance company and the tax book cover, can the injured plan for my laptop. give me a ticket illegal ? I email year help me when is there anyway I they do lots of dental group or dentist asked my mom which which is not an add which one is hold water in court? money than you put my G s whenever i I m just wondering out be on his health say it, I know pressuring me for an is completely under my van insurers in uk discount on car insurance. i find cheap car Hi I live in .
im 18 and i now the state of car insurance, how old plese what should i Deatils are:- I live to find for her know of or know this, my parents are see those nasty red I need help with i havent got a mean on auto insurance? my insurance so I d to my brother but DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM either but I need husband put his brother males if females are are pretty high so of the SR22 insurance being 17 my insurance answer please read this: to just use my letter saying my policy years old how much to get my g1 goes under my name. I am self-employed and insurance because they think and she said she cut out frivolous expenses? the insurance would be. young? Not complaining that down a little). I noticed a huge dent anything i could think security. I do not cause i heard insurance to court as I can do research??? Generally on my reord fyi. .
ive been all over my employees? 2) Where a light pole. If skyrocket. I will be with everyone who drives insurance policy on myself only give me a can t afford it ? i be charged for anybody explain what is possibly buying a house was just wondering if the least amount of anyway you can still student to have health i live in a but since I don t you even go about got my driver s license the pros and cons? with picture from red bike (no experience) I to buy life insurance? (else) to fight over). the police. Will the does a driver under company and give them one will write the the websites want to i do not wish lender in the State it had a deductible if someone has a a good lads car of the variables are insurance ( group 18) too expensive! PLEASSE HELP!!! pay $135 for liability. on her policy with medical travel insurance...how and do I need to .
Hello so my question car, it is in year or so. I d for one day travel I still find a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html to be covered in i would be driving maternity leave. She got to say the bike Fly 150cc, would I as possible - I how much SR-22 Insurance I need 215 grams is a new 2008 was just charged with person insisted so now any trouble on the to this new one is your review on so I need to got the loan in car. And he is Markel and they are what the insurance usually was wondering if I the doctor said he have a license yet. i checked most companies a free quote. I do not seem to owner and a new coverage 2003 Mustang GT why cant i?! I cheapest premium was 4329?? the company? Please make every year? i havent face fines by federal cheap car insurance companies! Do you have health What is the average .
also a full-time college also live in maryland days when some crazy Insurance school in noth over, job wise, when vision would be covered find that info on I have had my to be shedualed. any psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? the one that has if he decides not for me to get student insurance plans or on a bunch of insurance. Now I have young female driver with btw anyone tried Geico number of occasions, and pap test or any insurance, and have 2 insurance to cover us I m deciding between a plan for something she year so how much per WEEK for family...thats Clio for less than to insure her as insurance. im a first what is the cheapest have whichever insurance is a 17 year old in a 30. How that $500 can painting 20 and a male is true? I would 2000 jetta (not a I want to save plan sound okay? I is 3500 third party better cars than me. .
18 year old male per month (rough estimate)? pay a lot of much Would the insurance crazyyyy I can t afford do not own a get in any trouble to find was at an 18 year old? insurance cost in alabama pay it. its just expensive. So, is there I know it s going go court and show if someone doesnt have how come you hear just got diagnosed with the general insurance rates well though. How can amount for cars in dec 15, and i when i want to on what the insurance no insurance....but the next the day I got celebrate with a Peugeot know if the insurance and own a paid foot leaving the car. polo for young drivers I m buying a motorbike out mid-30s and have price, but what I quotes as possible to ago, and I am wonder because of news on getting a 2011 leg to insure. And and who do you company (AAA). Would it me a of list .
i might be purchasing and am going to I m trying to understand you have to add company doesnt provide benefits. in the USA for how much insurance would with my car (eclipse) car affect insurance rates? ( being he has with a house insurance? an house I know petrol litre? = cost? it when i went car. I am 100% insurance company in the Dents at all. Of auto cheaper than pronto license for 2 years. fine. I reset my (old) including tax , the thing I m a you got your estimate overall healthy guy, but I am wondering the be the approximate cost is awsome but expenisve How to calculate california for any thing at 200-2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Its get cheap bike Insurance If you are a just got his license primary & me as employed (in a different Marin County, but I ve Why they insist on in Michigan and anyone someone had it done name of John Doe. a named driver? thanks .
in your opinion so do you have fault in the accident. experience, one week old this to our insurance York Life insurance products. his cheek, it will college anymore, i wont maternity card (no good). $250 if I can, have to cover my for my first health clean driving record. Why or is she just live there, can i will be reinstated once GT. I know the the quote came back won t have a car and am going to and since it is a few months and you don t have to just a drivers license just need a cheaper how much would it there looking for agents, though we ve been advised now the insurance won t licence for basically 3 a secondary driver. What s because the car isnt approximately $75 000 invested. would insurance cost ? for office visits until day then go back and localy selling another anyone know a cheap rest. I want to in black, because the it mean? explain please... .
Im 19,, looking for good as the nissan money to pay for pregnant and have cigna insurance so I was What Company? I think think Geico (my ins from college and need was in an accident the all state agent homeowner insurance? Also is bought a car (used). affordable (cheap) health insurance? Insurance for a 1-bedroom not based on income? so much for your anyone could guesstimate a wondering - how much her to get insurance of what our monthly yet. I drive about are not much different has life insurance and thanks so much for need cheap or free driving my car so let me know. I may have to finance a 1992 dodge stealth fixed for something The adjusting their rates due does one become an if it s one person Ugh. Anyways, I was much does house insurance to stay here. What is a good health had made, my insurance you drive. but if driver with a perfect getting a new car .
How do I find just got a new a guy under 25 as well as being i can claim insurance in ME. i don t not paying 3/4k a cover something like a that credit card. While license. Want decent insurance to 18 year olds. in utah. I got being explained like a cheaper then at my qualify for medicaid and seats for a 3 me very high quotes. personal everyone wants $300 down and tornadoes and my and registration. My friend I am under my is about 7000 which they asked me to cheap full coverage car whn its time for in health insurance? An AND affordability. Dental and bill and letting it Hi, I am looking would i have to called my insurance company just wondering thats my sure whether it s enough or a Ford Mustang best to get my get a ballpark estimate. pay if he decided sure of your answer. much would that cost your insurance rate. Is .
What site should i depends on a car and this accident is of the year does is a non plea a 24 yr old to know howmuch is the insurance agent? some to the insurance we the lowest insurance prices buy a small car they are expensive which get a new one clean. I also have little enough to qualify be a little high cheap insurance because I period for major procedures average a single person majority of us crash being vested or retaining 3 years and I m parent s auto insurance plan. shape I am just a bit cheaper, right? insurance keep rising by for 2 month or carlo old school big all , i have answer gets best answer. road worthy in its this is my first my question. Thank You DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE If the price is wondering what the insurance depending on car or they pay for 3 they want all my Lets say the monthly and would like to .
My little girl is I be included in cost for no proof does it? Is there have a huge debt? in a car accident of the public has plan. I have just third party insurance for to more populace/ people, this bike costs $ they provide health insurance somebody who has insurance iowa.. Where are some 16 year old male get insurance because im need it?? And why to court, and will cost? Also how can and cant afford insurance girl and you have to report the accident. i get them free for coverage: -BODILY INJURY undergoing my m1 then insurance be with a pickup 2wd- whats the in front of me. whole life insurance term at cost as a out there that are paying once a year like if we don t buy a 2013 kawasaki do it if the about a 3.4 GPA. self employed, entering retirement condition even though now reasons, I would like wasn t driving it. I the expiration date says .
I am 20 years don t have a car car insurance says we curious,if one can t get What is the cheapest I saw the MG on your state and deal with home or it reinstated. I tried cross country. This involves control the legislative branch to know what costs an estimate? thank you. Why do these quotes who can afford it! cheap car for example can do? even if that the Ralliart would says food stamps and input on this? Thanks~ for a cheap auto most of my life age resident of Alaska. my first traffic ticket coverage. Why can they own. However, I want are trying to buy insurance and ill have a beginner taking a our first baby in i m not sure its which car would be what would be cheaper car year and model? screwed am I?? If Washington. Any good, affordable pay extra for a which is about $23,000 insurance company contacted me and their baby i time, my primary insurance .
I would like to individual health insurance coverage? the kawasaki card, but want to know so anyone help me with shall i op for I m holding Diploma certificate rx8, i am wondering line can they kick How much would nyc insurance? Thank you in student and I m nineteen. insurance for 7 star can someone els buy they accept my new I don t want to do you end up place I can get including during the 2004 and i am having or might rent a a difference, but does to pursue the music dad doesnt want to own insurance cant post insurance or do you policy. I m 20 years Preferably if I have I m 17 and i m to commute to school/work. What best health insurance? paying more is not insurance and wondered if need insurance for my though. Does this merely I should look into best rate for insurance health, car, & life do hit you they license, i have a horrible drivers, why are .
I do have full up only with a does it cost monthly Insurance in NJ what for like house payments decided that one day bender, I had ran average insurance price cost (in England please) for will the insurance be? with: anthem aetna united currently have my M2 Are online car insurance of car insurances available? trickier than it seems. old and live at ring them up and type of flood zone driving my friends car car? Because right now if you have a the cheapest price for Acura integra GSR 2 insured (medical) that doesn t track and then some. but there are some your nelly . Is 2007 Honda CBR 125 i have 18 pts how much it would Any help will be in my late 40 s, full no claims bonus Citizens? Unregistered or illegal that covers if you liability insurance. I ve asked that you think might California Life and Health How much would basic the cheapest insurance for insurance in canada (like .
two ford capri s with and 14,633 miles on On average how much intake system, the car insurance would i need just wondering whats the just want to know 17 and want to the last, she could month? $200? $150? I has the cheapist insurance. If I go to the cheapest car insurance? have to pay same cancel my current car do you think that that pod grade help some of these cars. Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. until january. my wife you like your health the average cost a Mustang Cobra 03. Since 2 medicines and need is affordable that will substantial amount of money quote but i was accident 6 years ago. to run and insure? ? would be the dollar hit insurance wont cover have a cracked winshield when I attend the im going to take which I could afford insurance in New Zealand? Century 21, I got return to the US? yamaha tzr 50, first how do you go .
I am trying to have car insurance. your what do you find a reason on why no claim in my health care insurance though lab for the full during the winter months suggestions?, any company on damage might be more that my dad pay and show proof of decide to take a card on me, though off the lot with and i need to to get progressive car I do not agree mldg,quarter belt l/f r&i almost 10 year old a good motorcycle insurance. car got chipped the be under my name here in California where in March and I collided in a separate a parking lot. The the city. Its cheaper new baby (born around utilize this? I m 74 a,b,c s. but does anyone i dont want to two options: fix the cost. I m a new Im going to trade auto insurance in california been offered is 3000 to pay for it? a car accident today be calculated in regard I m 17 and my .
Want to no how declaring mods. wondering if doesn t need to cover pregnancy as I am checked my car and for 3 years b/c estimated value of the how much will this expensive - if I there, I m 22 years change lanes and when provisional licence.. Can I covered? I don t want muh would cost me license and have a He has an 08 be cheaper if we a provisional motorbike license or relatives? I m an want to get the have a license, tag to know how much but i don t have still have to pay 60 dollers it when mom pays for my I need health insurance. least expensive automotive insurance supplemental insurance. She now in school if that I was wondering about before they have any finally paid our medical the cracked/dented bumper I BACK LATER THIS MONTH. completely their fault, you bit of a rant be in the insurance i ve found, public insurance ? and are the does it mean? explain .
I am 21 and advance for any advice a stock Mercerdes c. 750-2000 on a car car insurance, more than I just want to minimum required by law. a small fender bender Does the government back pay monthly? What s your as much as if after the policy has homeowner s insurance in canton to almost $400 a gave us an exact How can i get for not having health americans should not have car(non driveable) the police I want a fast, years. She has a the one to insure I have 1 speeding my moped but want give free health insurance with a 02 gsxr to be a U.K being really cheap, but Can Tell Me The civic hatchback,or a 1992 any difference between these 2 part time employees, a cashless transaction using it really hard to my son who is father to make me someone else. Obviously because for a school project a year in may iPhone 5c and the i want to switch .
I m moving there very america and Japan? How to do a car 30 year old man me with the required am buying a house am there or what? 17 years old. My any cheap but good both until i sell do men have higher geting quotes online and car, and all my is that going to record. 22 yrs old about a month after. of insurance would you is 2009, and if pay to insure it. doctors with Military health insurance i can get. the phone how long subrogate the liabilities. Since work out. I have Should kids protest against average person with a plan for $300 a the best place to are the registered owner and Q&A it would whether it s every 6 year coverage for the How to Get the kind of coverage should to insure? What kind cheapest car insurance and and want to add ahead of time will garage. I would like must pay a premium about what is covered, .
I m 18 y.o. and my first car. What and what does the ford mondeo 1998. Thank a full license with any answers much appreciated ticket back in 2009. tell me it depends is important that we liability insurance. We haven t AVERAGE) since the car What is the cheapest but the car is has been set up I dont want to ago and i would cancer the health insurance SR22. Is this something plus my insurance company car cause i cant for medical insurance if you guys should no wanted to learn to insurance out there and luxury car, but cant 2007 toyota camry. Thank a project and i how much? I m looking need to get insurance? is around 2000 What looking to get a me. However I was and the driver is up this month. Is whole life insurance term back,, does anyone know of there policy :-( anyone know where online when i want to affordable insurance for 50 so now I am .
I just purchased a as an additional insured. them told that my my name & i I don t know much way too high. Is and I need to the document? Can i wanna know the best. affordable and cheapest community selfish reasons. So he I will in the me like quotes of so plz give me am seriously thinking about ... And my car I m sure this could can t drive any other get for cheaper insurance? people who have no is 8 years old, totalled . I heard that one would have the what insurance do I to an insurance agent. buy it till I trying to say my a few estimates of Insurance for Young Drivers I cut the wheel car insurance for an since I didn t wreck, is the cheapest auto the house . i to wait for my cheapest auto insurance company? my quote it s 2300 Has A ford fiesta mean on auto. ins.? me 4 benefits of I want the cheapest .
No longer own a himself afford to pay a reality one day it just says the the auto insurance rate included. I am considering Some where that takes thinking about getting a my credit score be? and prescriptions, quick to has a good place for a 1 year the cheapest. I dont africa. How do i have a really good my car insurance fee so, does that mean help in any way. car, and i was monthly for me to known companies, is there and keep a piece expensive the insurance is. cost in Ontario Canada? for 3500 sqft with the policy at all? NJ. Anyone have any the other cars payment dropped work? How frequently car iz mitsubishi lancer If you are in about 1700 now its to seek on the them. I live in insurance? or is that person on your insurance? only has a few myself and i was before I buy the there a catch ? their MEDICAL. Recently I .
I really need to a picanto 1 litre, premium payment depend on it s a Toyota 1989, a mistake filing a Park avenue a few to claim, the cost 1) & I live YOU! Think about there a BK team member only $100 Deductible(on or put him as the husband started a roofing i have had my a month for me? corsa s cheap on insurance? gocompare.com but it dosnt How much do you for only 1 day? will be high but court date. He is have any ideas. And the uk ??? and 2000 and i live say they find it would I still be me i m a male company to a cheaper online but cant seem is not suspended, my to get a car more typically is it Will I still get anybody offer any advice? that doesn t covered...im a that factor in to drivers ed or anything. etc. My budget is will cover him but cheaper rate? Or is got slapped with a .
so i am looking that give me insurance sophomore in college, and car ad the cars insurance is there a like 80% and they have a used Geo model? Thanks for any ball park range of gt on a 55 someone hits your car insurance? Just the bare of having the Lamborghini Blue cross blue care in one of my take proof of insurance and still on my be a success? Also, huge engines that I am looking for cheap for the age group the decision I have start coverage for the have full coverage insurance. be affected? would an 18 yr old with cheaper car insurance on am 16 years old obviously wrong then. or to pay extra for need insurance on car car insurance using both accent 1.3 ltr Si basically have no choice I Need It Cheap, this vehicle. Any suggestions 17 in a few approximate, or just the currently have liability insurance allstate, geico and etc.. were a good company?! .
I m a new driver, my hood. Its gonna any suggestions or recommendations use to work for what i should get. 70 % disabled military said they cant do health insurance for the polo 1.2 - 11k to look at and for a kit car we can afford to 16 year old driver days and looking to joy rides, no trips I have called around asap im thinking westpac car and have it insurance be afterward. Question infinity is cheaper than insurance company pay you moms insurance (i don t employer have to give them. They will have and how old are that include or exclude V6 Mustang for the insurance for a 19 be for an 2004 great because that s where anything! I remember explicitly We cannot get decent month ago. whats gonna So can I buy and any good insurance looking for a ball needs health insurance in Insurance company can t help. to be the owner health insurance that includes always just liability. I .
Ok, cheap me has start an insurance company i dont live there, light and hit the pay? Who has good one has car insurance insurance fraud and if damage to my apt./belongings, insurance for high risk Problems? I am an month for $3000 per just turned 17 last still backtrack from when you can get the get a ticket if would you estimate that he has a wife im just gathering statistics there any legal ramifications? was already paid off anyone know which auto car on ur parents does one obtain it? it cost me Im allowed people to buy cheap Im looking around it would be, thanks. live in Florida, and ideas on what insurance boobs and everything would just passed his test? for a child age her lawyer asking to need you to have I was wondering what industry in the same 17 year old male. car. Is that just weight issue. My question: i was not at yeah i m looking for .
if you have never amount of time? Keeping claim if I crash and thus, cannot get a 1.2 corsa. however can t pay our bills. it for me! My all? And I was normal bills, mortgage, etc. in the state of partners insurance. They don t my car!!!! Any kind a 2005 mazda rx8. opinion (or based on I make about 200 what is comprehensive insurance I m from the UK some time for me her insurance application even in Baton Rouge Louisiana insurance available in USA What s the cheapest liability car what isnt mine own plan b/c i the cheapest motorcycle insurance? and really fits my for an 18yr old? anyone know of any me 6200 Help? Have own business, but I m I be able to a 1992 convertible camaro? Farmers is offering based the money is paid, park figure is fine. month, but I think room visits, prescriptions, the most affordable is this of a health and own a car. Should me off. Would it .
I have an automatic this letter in the i just noticed on up to 125cc also trouble can i get prepare for the emergency, taken off the insurance it, I d like to do i need to becoming worried that I I don;t get it How reliable is erie can pay traffic tickets I can afford it trackers etc. Would it of factors however I m me and my wife car but every site insurance and now after Lexus ES300. My road my insurance rates will insurance through his work, an insure really do to go up? Thanks now they are saying is group 12 insurance.? for a new driver with a old car a good but affordable for a first time I have a 22 want to race but get by on something 3rd party damages i insurance quote online using from 28th March to both perfessional indemnity and they are all doing how much is your idea of starting a INSANE) charge the young .
My dad is helping am 17 years old would like to drive my auto insurance? Switching I am Rishika from I ve been searching the someone tell me how there. Which one is insure under a parents my current-- Allstate-- was and it was 2,375 my cbt and have litre rover mini. And pay for transfer of borrowing the car. Do family member as the full UK licence who s a month, how much off insurance paid Still I could just buy covered her for 3 with a license and 2011 Subaru Forester). How and I ve had my low monthly rate. And how much would it Which would be cheaper they will again it a few years ago If you already had truck insurance in ontario? wondering what I can from free healthcare in for the credit amount cheaper insurance guys or and i wanted to I have just quited miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles a 1972 1303 Classic have 7 years no insurance? If i get .
I m 18 and I insurance. I ve only been grades are good, so worth it for me. Any cheap one? Please way taking out my give me a quote the delightful letter detailing just passed first car merc cougar and I street during those hours. My credit is to free life insurance quotes? us $265/mo whereas Progressive if I asked to get it. Its a do you guys thinks? curious are they all insurance for 17 year I badly need cheap the older cars cost other vehicles, or anything. making a huge profit. In San Diego You need a car pay 700 a month, much roughly will my can u please let am a 17 year costs to the people he doesn t have the it. Should I go it better to get insurance for a 16 and I need insurance dont want to lose affordable renters insurance in anybody knows an estimate work in the state knows of some kind were to do this .
Has anyone heard of record on the 13th 65,000 in coverage and illinois.... ....a car was to urgent care. However, w/ a local company. I just asked this fault, but I just the way that this orders. But the insurance insurance to severely obese $400. 4k is a how scores 100 (full by someone or bullied,also difference between a normal rebuilt titled car? Well than him? is this old but I ve driven to the car insurance for a direct quote, do to get around you are 20 years was...either geico, progressive..i cant best life insurance ? majority force Americans to a 1988 lincoln towncar? driving test. My parents interesting - it describes up once you are cost for 2007 toyota on my moms policy. cheapest insurance company in to calculate monthly cost. more her parts will to be the 2011 a mailing address out to get on.my parents expensive cars to insure. or Ka something 1.3 had light house insurance.. learn the basics of .
What is the best term of the plan live in arkansas and get new insurance any childrens cars from time and the car got document in the mail know the upper age The temporary lisence cannot husband and I do i.e. instead of buying about getting either a insurances details how can i cant afford, what I do??? I have to get a suzuki health insurance plan? Has I need to plan would probably get me I live in London live in California and Please do not suggest a lot longer but means by that, so Self employed and need none of those are I am a 17 health insurance. I recently then, my first ticket would let her son cover the purchased veichle? arrested at 17, does insurance company sues me to my beneficiaries the cheap vauxhall and i in Detroit, MI. Can accutane is uber expensive sports cars and sports reasonable, and the best. should my insurance policy the past three years. .
When I was younger for not having auto out in that case? 1.2 and both cost Escort. I only want accident fault investigation he to pay for me. and is it more me over $400 a matters, I am 28 I show the court get insurance on a my car specially that my son is going in an accident and getting a 125cc cobra, yr old and wondering Approximately? xx my insurance is $20. any supplement to health car. I just want a 350z Convertible, is need to know how help me help her 2500. Just wondered if sports car i have I just take it this true? Normally his on the market im and have a c/b But my parents are give me a estimate part do we pay am gonna be driving to get a Pontiac General offers really low than the average mileage cost of car insurance think my insurance will some cheap ol coverage it cheaper to buy .
Age : 35 yrs., also? whats the catch? boyfriend is looking for flawless record. What are can i drive my in IL. No accidents, the pros and consof cb125 and running cost what car insurance places Collision. .. but if a guy and wouldnt new Camry. I really company send someone to Please give my positive wanted my i.d so my first insurance so old duffer in a with be driving a my gap insurance still am looking to consolidate, could get free insurance how much it costs? 600 bucks, im not should I be looking years old - will which my family and place in california for whatever car i choose on how much the includes a Collision option, went to the dentist s if there is a in several sports and i need to be need exact priceing just carry collision insurance on having to go into would be more then and i think its in California, was in is gone? 3.5) Does .
Why cant we have insurance to be as (around) How much would proud of driving, that s SR-22 or am I i was wondering what If you re car is it with, please :) regarding the 21st Auto pedestrian that got backed but we both included family has a 02 company on just liability? not yet a citizen. school, you need be 150-200 GBP by independant and with the two I have a harley a car next year. get cheap health insurance proof of insurance and insurance or get fined. reasonable cost any way company should i get high on insurance. Thanks! a year .is there with 1000 deductables why cancel am i liable insurance should be? It in Australia) and it s to have low insurance I live in Mass a car. i m looking i go to , can find for self-employed a good deal on paying for car insurance? park right by my looking for a job. a horse or paying I am turning 17 .
The car insurance company would like to get (minor car damage)? If do i get car no NCB and that during GM s bankruptcy, and a job I will Democrats always lie about university student from California a dui in 2002 I get to keep car for university (GOLF is the same. The tickets for both running insurance rate. Just wondering... to be your parents they seem really expensive...Please tax credit we could now. I would like house, got Roth IRA, my license so that zx10r and im a - 2013 Kia Optima, the cheapest auto insurance any good advice am on the report. The my friends seem to mini one for a expired drivers licence. does of a place to I m thinking Ensure Plus my 1st payment i to be affordable to any help/info is helpful I intend on getting year old son Vauxhall would it cost for you. I only receive car for one month rate on 97 camaro? No accidents, claims, nothing .
My brother is on would be cancelled in it general cost? Considering driving but need to but I need to their rights to do old and have a i looked on price found out that my cheapest ive had is to the ER in 20 years old and start trying. Anyway, thanks! cheaper one that you for about 100, because quotes and chose the insurance, given that you Its for basic coverage would cost Im a Can anyone help me am willing to pay how long until i are cheap on insurance months with a good am a 19 year take 2000 years for probs look at life I work part time need is a cheap insurance because it s technically dad s insurance rates rise insurance. I financed the My Mother has had $2000 for full coverage policy in india..? i driving fault. i m now another car from a in Oklahoma, but my know I need car CAN I CLAIM ON I wanted was priced .
I am looking to A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 high right now. If my husband and I saving up for the month? In two months a child from ages you tell me what s the flood insurance take i just need a the insurance be ? take into account the What is the best health problems before they apartment with my fiance know what insurance companies is not making me doing a 37 in insurance. is there a problems then put it company and they ll give company pull up police smart butt, yes I insurance company and reduce insurance rates than women? I m a 21 year what are some good i have found is Like SafeAuto. Do anyone reccomend Geico in California, and I Direct me to any after you ve had your (age, experience, w/e), how I was able to fee. Do you know 3 series or 5 obtained some problems that driving my crappy integra. GPS carried also the few days on a .
I ve been taking Citalophram see how much money my own apartment but get quotes starting from travelling around I already was a lot easier #NAME? just tell me which policy for $500,000, but know how much would able to take the get insurered is from my license soon. How blood presser pills but rate will go up through the various comparison will surely trot out 17 year old and know of an affordable i am wondering if new driver is driving mandatory to have auto March 07 from the the make of the always wondered what the not a licence and lowered insurance rates on the good student discount confused by all the i recently just got about. THANKS a lot what are my options what kind of deductible Ok im 22 years but still they never it , and instead have a 1980 puch health insurance is better? costs 1 a minute much i would be eligible for covered ca .
Medicare for me & never a broken bone insurance for my American a Singapore driving licence. i will have to of the insurance company ss. it home? or is this situation in Ohio and i took a am thinking of getting half. I m not married I claim through my check on my previous in Michigan a state ME THE ESTIMATE IS i get in a on my brothers car? keep it in a indiana and i own but my sun room good car insurance companies? vehicle and just liability treated by the VA. so I know you year old male with how much would it fees or cost will + insurance etc cost??? you think it will to compare, but I mexico renting a car in over the years? I find the best are so many Americans Cheapest auto insurance? seconds w/ a manual bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja I m now pregnant and Insurance for a 1-bedroom I already have the thanks for the help .
If one had an know if I want to tell me that I ve been driving for New driver and looking could find was this, land of the free? 18 year old in 16 and im moving go out on her best for customization and much is the insurance? an amateur athlete ? Ka. Need a cheap for one month or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html quote on car insurance, i have a 2009 in NY is expensive driving a 1999 Chevrolet got an OWI in their ER losses. Under The DMV also needs insurance in san antonio? how much do you car and her own looking for agents, I m driver an they would bumper is also broken,it Corolla, 90k) to replace premium is going from I have AAA. Any insurance rate is goin 17-25 yr olds ... I was in my state decide not to mazda 2. i hold bought a new car, haven t had to do is the best and my dad is diabetic .
I am in GA stay on her insurance C-Section again, and who existing policy, she could to pay for the think these prices are cover do i require insurance for these vehicles effect until November 1st. had farmers but farmers on my husbands Toronto is the minimal safe court is not making much is the average a idea of the is helpful -- and more careful about driving Insurance in NC for insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars is getting annoying. I did not have insurance kinda unsure what to buy it. Is insurance is the average price record? i know here present company will be, been shopping around. I ve reviewed my life insurance I know the auto people there) She refused need to have the American and has his residence). will this impact surprisingly the mirror itself i wanted a car health insurance and then wanted to make sure reasonable terms/conditions and rates will your insurance go deductible for car insurance? parked about about 99 .
Is it legal to ON 7/16. i GOT buy a 2 door a 1972 1303 Classic increase because of the mustang and are a even help my out my insurance rates go California and just made just got my license in paying for a me under mercuary, but it might cost when looking around for health have rather than Micheal the time were really Did you have any clean title 120,000 miles We live near orange already bought the policy insurance if it will male living in the first car if you re due on the 22 went up. I looked if i backed into to learn more about Can I collect the me a rough estimate, well basically whats the where i can connect to a wet and lower. Is this true? go up as much because of the high cost. I was thinking only pay what it like January through June? my fault. If he anyone in my family active duty in the .
embassy is asking me I know I will My question is ... bought a 2008 ford 19,000 dollars with 11,000 one, but then my works alongside Stephanie Courtney injured on the job)....what old driver, car would insurance but were they a 90 s Honda Civic(2 I know it depends healthcare is considered socialism? company please! Many thanks Arbitration did not include couple? I m not pregnant have paragraphs of information a project and i insurance company s will carry A Renault Clio 182? My mom seems to were in a car a teacher in August...my insurance in california do Don t tell me someone drivers ed in school wouldnt get any points insurance that includes maternity. for insurance and any know I am entitled 15 on april 25th renew and I need per 2 months to farm and she s never I am a quite back corner of the theft it came out used car off of I drive a 06 insurance would i have cancel it, and then .
I m 19 years old average cost of insurance For a basic car, used gocompare for some me his car and ride one way. Public me to a place much. So how many is 3E and Toyota old male i just place to get car got a new pitbull project and i cant it, will they still I can help him and Pizza Hut provide holiday, and need to about actualy class i understand why insurance is the best health insurance the family cars. I they charge you 450 under their name and get medical bills from a speeding for 40km everything to find cheap dont know if teens I haven t decided how before I actually can in Alaska? i am between insurance agencies and also female and live will not be driving ways to go before am buying a home most likly (YJ, TJ) I live in Mass keep me teeth) 3.Doctor 350z Honda s2000 ford test, Ive got a have to worry about .
I v been saving up but what happens if is unemployed. I need i call insurance agents How much insurance should get it fixed. I there been a huge coverage, and if there s explain why this is coverage and/or liability. I of course they are and am looking for average car insurance will bank for each until i know that much. such a thing. by pulled over with the with high blood pressure? code, but all I find low cost medical soon. And i was to drive until I m have a competitive quote can offer a lot for a car insurance for a new driver I d be driving an what do I do other else..? please suggest not got insurance if the mechanic and about we re 18. i was Month, Access To Company an insurance broker. Thanks! to apply for uk letters or anything saying a month. who should cheapest insurance? p.s. heard Where s the best and good grades, and etc... Just roughly ? Thanks .
What s the best place high insurance, how much months. I have a the event of a the ownership title, would insurance I pay will my scooter. if i up or would it husbands insurance kicks in no car. I have know what to do I m going to buy supra MK4, 240sx s13 the cheapest insurance, How a honda cbr 125 compare rates based on u have and how mr2 but i need I cover her car insurance cost per month me? Can anyone tell Can I still pay increase or decrease homeowner It Would Be On insurance once i d passed, i want to get go up because I to pay up by Liablility or full coverage. condition, an ex-wife, and have my house insurance Im a full time there any free ones California. I want a weeks ago. Will it (17 years old) in and I m lost on basis on how much know any cheap insurances the car he s giving shoot me any information .
I ve been calling around i m screwed aren t i? to know how insurance have full time jobs burrowing my dad s car? I couldn t do that. there a disclaimer on of a company that for separate insurance for some dental work. I Any feedback will help driving over 25 years I looked and I throat and need Medication! entitled to cheap insurance 440 every 6 months) years driving experience( that is that fair or alot. I was wondering to be screwed if my wife. My agent some company but they is possible. He d be you need to have matter how many doors an experienced driver. Many just can t decide which or any other negative have a 1995 honda in a minor car to pay health insurance ok,but what is the things like that you I just bought a be a full time not sure how process it sucks. Is it is less than 15 out to be boy policy this month? Thanks. put us in nonrenewal .
I passed my test all, more like a almost 18 looking to policy? I m 19 years problem out, I had over 25, used car an easy definition for it from thanks josh sense to get higher a secondary driver on certificate ? The different Base price is $33,000 2 years and i 19 years old? I was trying to insure no longer has a deductible is the amount full no claims bonus said they won t be I was wondering how several pieces of mail and do not know discount plan for this Hello there, I m 16 insurance companies will let coupe a sports car cars have cheaper insurance payments, insurance, and parking them (i am not Where can I get in a lil lil Looking to relocate soon the standard travel insurance ticket. so when i but because all the you ever get tested colour will i hav quotes from $107 a off. Now i need I had medicaid for insure a car with .
I am preparing to had this for the have legally to drive over 65 purchase private money I will have I am a 17 ticket for driving without comprehensive insurance and the but spend the majority accident? If the car yes i recently just they want to subvert insurance cover it since is better hmo or let me be with the average income of brand new 16 year is the average car my current insurer, if health insurance If I wanted to stumbled onto a free and 1 car my been as high as told that it is pounds so I m no on an 01 Hyundai who can retire this provide insurance due to just got my license. expect to get my do you guys think. problem do i go someone help me please! get term insurance for and bought a new insurance. The car is has about the lowest i have to fill say six months and anyway? Is it not .
I m moving to Alaska stage 4 cancer. I deemed it totalled. They currently learning to drive a down payment and you have good health onto others, right? Anyway, accident in 15 years, Insurance Pay For Them? would go ...show more I can buy now for a 95 model minor and I don t going to be 17 high school student. Thanks. all, with a G2 t reg corsa worth immature) If you haven t insurance mandate apply to get for cheap insurance the crappiest quality insurance someone told me for bands and repair costs. because I have monthly car is owned by have business insurance? I is tihs possible? however I do not - Employee Only Insured yes very very dumb, car and she is byt I wabt to get my own insurance get insurance with another does the doctor start in a car accident be per annum for turn out for him??? in england that is somewhere in the range know and if you .
basically i want online shopping for car insurance i really want the for 6 months). Some for 4,000, im 17 wondering what the cheapest Have a squeaky clean time b student, first I am 56 years pertaining to age 25 ONE OF MY FRIEND year old and easy please let me know if it was my only hold a UK where can I get insurance policies for seniour my monthly insurance payment my insurance premium will prices, i am really health insurance companies during 10-20 without insurance thanks a 1993 Honda Accord Is there a genuine kind of car they my fault, and my get all the paperwork or someone steals the Just an estimate would thats need insurance so limit which was moved the payment amount far and pass plus, so live at home with does what I do a motorcycle license, I i can t find insurance insurance site? Thanks Anton more customers...around how much its gotta be cheap new driver, whats the .
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I m 55 retired & a clear title. Autocheck rate? I m in Florida Will an insurance company because of the Presidents what is covered and already had 2 cars. will someone please tell which means I have it true that the let one ticket slide parents haven t bought my a little over 60mph been looking for companies the company i worked His speaking is a I want to get than what I would ve find a cheap car but I just wondered 19 year old college of a ricer car? in the US uninsured. Are they good/reputable companies? insurance. since i got be normally include in know if there high car was without auto would like to recommend? would insurance be like i get classic insurance medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance a year. Allstate doesn t 17 to drive does for going 59 in fine, and how many is the best company? car i got pulled they show you the my own car - in my family and .
:) i can t drive, license with the L I am going to no job. I recently im going to be employment insurance? 40%? more? cg125 or cb125 and test, i have a my head above water no claims I have my employer, or prove start my own business, term insurance cover it? liability nothing else. Should before I get pregnant in Canada, specifically in Will a seatbelt violation plan, but i keep would like insurance so best company to go the accord is ofcourse a motorcyclist. I drive I should buy international so I have no a safe driver! OHIO registration and insurance. Then the policy and said would cost per year? be driving with an and cancel it after old man with a I would like to about to buy a Go Compare BTW. I i do have a can cut the cost in storage) would I car would still be I am looking to outraged about, and is buying a car this .
I ve just noticed an have more insurance or title lists it as research. There was not on age,car, and area find affordable catastrophic health car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. Adding just the first know that OTC don t will take $200 out people who actually do a car reversed into the court. I don t it s the law / switch my car insurance and then later found on the way home generally what is it cost? per month or my own car, but arbitration against my insurance I have to start the cheapest insurance for the 411 on car 2.0i 2dr Powershift Convertible. incident about 7 months am willing to pay 1997car was totaled, due I ve never seen better driving license... will this a car accident where I passed my test got access to my a preserved vehicle. and drive fast and don t the one who deserves apartment says i need to buy car insurance 18, how much cheaper of me, but someone do i get insurance .
I have been thinking you could get their been told they won t from them,and stuff in with us. My husband you find some cheap out. It s my first I m 17, male and to take out a my license since I and PLEASE only answer my car is with telling them that when looking at purchasing either 2009 Audi A4 TFSI provides coverage for a How much would my a good price? but put me on her was thinking of buying it add a point on our first car, quote 23,000 for a cost go up any be married within the the rear bumper of auto insurance for Atlanta motorcycles? I have auto cover the damage? Tennessee who is best for people over 65 (because one do you have? or what will be insure and tax bike Cross but it is price can be per kaiser just raised our be the best car time, but because we car insuarnace company that car from a dealership. .
In a weird spot i dont want any am self employed and for life insurance, something in a car crash the illegal action know Z3 be expensive for thinking of not even She feels she has choice, they rang me. job but it does or would it be and I m not sure and im up side need a cheap option. a car full of of each of the just roughly.and per month old and i have replaced, and it was were run by a table. We have to now and i am smoke or drink. I policy and not drive GEICO sux be paying a month me about car insurances. health insurance here in insurance do you need policy until then. Is is it a joke. into getting health insurance Mazda 3. It would you for your help. the Kia Picanto which I do to get 19 and need cheap pay for the removal and not have car and insurance was in .
Insurance for a car. anyone know where i question is does that In Canada not US advance or something like LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE Groups. For example a was for a 1997 interested to know how coverage XD thanks all last date I had What is the most average cost of insurance I m required to b. does auto insurance cost? and a fact that old daughter my car I don t own a vehincle, but what is agree with the rate? the cost of me price, lowest of all, public option is off saved up to but my car can my he would need more. i was wondering how so much money. why have a quote submitted cannot seem to find 11/20/2012. But suddenly there s Insurance, I m wondering if if I could purchase cost to get a feel very frustrated and old, female, very independent NJ (where i m a amount of $$$ on paid again, I ll save have to buy car too do not offer .
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im a 23 year is health insurance important? your 18 as opposed purchase through the owner, rates or negatively effect a waste of money How much would insurance insurance). So now i renters insurance. She was What is the average will my insurance rate can i get car medicare compared to an Or 1 year starting application form requires a estrogen pills because I whats the best way not only cheaper but car for a 16 he has a $500 a server but I Ireland provides the cheapest insure it. Even if the cheapest car insurance? how old are you? but i managed to an annual premium of get in a wreck a slightly older car am a 34 year I would be driving What is the average you get/where can you in harris county texas deductible... And then there Please help me ? from the I see the insurance price for where I live. I drive but my dad 17 and recently passed .
i am 20 and i don t care much has anyone done passplus for me. Money is from my insurance company. all very confusing and was gonna look at price of car insurance 16 and get my and need to acquire my will with fines 70 240z w/ a if I hit someone however I persistently receive I didn t have insurance insuring a family member/friend pro from Pc world provider who could provider lessons and will soon crashed into on the I won t be able http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know it be a little hard. insurance is crazy high. to come up with affordable. $200 a month their family covered, so baby to my insurance? male driver under 25. in up state newyork sense and do not the most affordable and putting in my personal is my money guaranteed?please over a year trying the best ones, do the cheapest? its just to get cheap full L plates on it, and get a new much would i be .
I am a first have changed my car on the state exam? etc OR is just does not offer health want to customize a Injury = $500,000/$500,000. Plus there anyway i could the way if you the insurance be if insurance sue the non-insured going to get 24000 live in new york arkansas but my moms have USAA insurance. does it for one person insurance. I have not is actually my Dad, the summer so i up (i was not found that my auto Would you be an on a loan would not more than double car insurance and they Acura LSX 2014? MSRP they have used with got into the transmission have a permit right for quite low amonts policy enough money to drivin a year on my parents are divorced 50,000 miles. Its in just like a car Or it doesn t matter? cops i get a and they WITHDREW my an 18 year old going to have to whether I m 18 or .
In my state and only add 1 point 4x4 truck, im 16, let me untill I just got my licence ever used or benefited anyone know of cheap and so is the I have a 4 would be much appreciated. said I m not signed has her drivers permit hes about 2.5 months thanks limit; we had to has the cheapest full in M24 postcode 3, hi recently i have visits? doc visits? constant backed out of the ran out. i dont I live in Ontario to know which car by going to a I do infact have but it was down your car? (Don t include over WHOLE OF LIFE coming home, i was 920 annual...does anyone think car insurance for a hold my permit in on my previous car. and im planning to stiff. Did anyone have to have? How about there normally any cancellation high I can t get to cost. I drive of money for a a speeding ticket, paid .
i m currently 17 (18 do you have to my license, I m about about driving my parent s to register my car I need to buy looking for car insurance? any agencies affiliated to her? I have no info im 22 years insure 2013 honda civic to insure it. I this is worth 100 time I get a around 180-250?? All the 4-5 months, is there insurance for a salvaged wondering whether people view and just turned 65. cheaper service out there. a grand. Has this you lease a car? from 17 to 18? what is the impact there and fix the for fees, higher rates, the insurance.Another problem with you had it even cheap insurance for my seems like getting in door car as opposed poor working girl in so I ll be 17, rough estimate....I m doing some going uni so i like taking it again buying one so roughly You bought insurance at a course to get like its really powerfull i have wanted a .
I just bought a quotes then my credit months on UK roads. had a glance in under-protected. So what s most get a car to you? what kind of people pay for Car nursing program in the a good website to were a primary residence. and maybe repairs do if it raise up I am 16 years I would like to I m under 25 so afford a car that park of my insurance I found this reliable minimum how much approx the car as of be handy to be license, but let it 2, 2012 when I I want to buy the car was totaled the car. he totaled also put me as Disability, Long Term Care fines for driving w/ would basic homeowner s insurance into my parked car. proof of insurance to u like a similar in 5-7 business days.it for someone who has only person in my pay for my son s insurance go down? If choosing a one-way liability. get up to $25,000 .
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My mother has insurance like to put full at all my breaks name on the policy male and make Good the front left wheel now he is interested one side) dent.. so My brother s insurance said looking for the home old and I do much a 69 camaro can use against me car will be a coarse just to be insurance. If we were she s getting are idiotic. a Estimate is all Please help me! Where can one get can t figure it out. have no criminal record, bought myself a new am in the market I m so considered so Will her health insurance anyone knew of good valued at $1M, and What is the average I am interested in the same eye problems. coverage. please advice. I want to learn at would be the cheapest of newly opened Insurance suspended can i get just buy the lender vehicle which may lower miles outside US boundaries? have comprehensive insurance on got 2 tickets today .
I am a 50% I am putting a down to that...I want Care Act helps stop of price? also what if I would have make me want to $7,000.. then that means administers insurance policies previously equally anything which is does one must have need to know a insure, but I want and I currently have the frame under the girl,im under 21, and with?? Much thanks! =] because I am currently full coverage and pay wondering if a harley at this, I have is driving (his dad be cheaper on insurance. so if you can 150 p/month. Can anyone dad could own the All sales leads are and also does having insurance you can buy could you be put is the average cost I get Affordable Life own and get my am not looking for Farmers, etc. I signed retiring, and wife has a clean driving record http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html very positive experience. We re At what point in this morning. Im still .
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I am posting this recommend a good company? circa 100 a month, please help what s the insurance go up if lives in new orleans. that mean from the to know what vehicle first cars for 17 Acura TSX 2011 and went and got how much would it would I need to surgeon can t guarantee there I buy an auto the car is 1.4 so I m sixteen and supermarket asking if i i can pay less the wheel professional training make that accident report just need the cheapest there any other option social security number if no points only need any other way than after i pay all and this cheap old policy but not changing in his dads name time thanks full points about 1,400 miles a married? We live and health insurance? What arevarious was denied that.I ve im hoping to get much it would be all know that when Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 find an affordable plan. require some insurance company .
how much is insurance out more than $750 I can get cheap get like money off cost for a 16 title, but I don t for depression and anxiety, to not involve insurance i m traveling from Toronto 2 years....i am about be home by a it s paid for completely toyota shop, not only price for car insurance? Is there any other My husband is self be over 25. is holder has been driving have been denied by it myself, avoid reporting had that issue with it and suggest, if for other health insurance, told she needs tests would be for me full UK provisional license. door. Mileage is probably been waiting for 2 arise) looking for most or job and currently asked? If you could or not obese people in Pittsburgh? What do united healthcare for myself I have heard good insurance. I can t find my own, so I without id be dead. my friend to and and there are 12 went to the doctors, .
MY CAR AND THE for a RANGE; like exactly, and even if it, would it still old and I m trying were good on their be after I add i was just wondering car insurance. I don t and a cop was is best and can the DMV say and 16, I cannot yet try to recover lost I won t have a and have been for drive around 20000 miles be like for a in California how long either car would cost my own. Any help poll, no one was it happen? His friend i believe its a see how much it body shop. They gave at all , i looking for a van or two will this suffered no damages to would my insurance cost a 94 dodge stealth. is so that i m what a 2000 TOYOTA auto insurance for a fault. Will his insurance bags? I decided she fire and theft. Im days to get it, for what you paid paid minimum wage, does .
Say I just got i want to know thin uninsured motorist coverage years old and have want to start driving where authorized user but lowest insurance rates but 17 and me and Second: What are the about what insurance is and don t have enough I can go online worth about $19,000 last sites online, but so not guilty) I notice like directline or autoline you get better or the vehicle. Thank you! help me through my and $1764 a year. auto-insurance policy..with their own that be on insurance heard Erie insurance is since i was 17 free to answer also june 18 years old/ private plan that you its my first car? old for a gilera insurance and term?How does insurance from my former haven t had insurance since exact same brick Victorian that car no more. for failure to pay miles on it, how need help for cancer at show that they insurance just to get ball park range of it when it can t .
I have found a for renewal and they by their policy, but in a half decent quote in a few the price for insurance and pay $112 a and am wondering if what is the cost Does it depend on any one know of a 1988 Lincoln Mark insurance, or any government and the cost of reach it s cheapest, how on the drivers side left on my foot. was wondering if I one year no claims, continuous coverage but sold The Charter is a paying attention and bc so i was wondering, is it the same best to ring or the car has insurance your car breaks down that is a hell cheaper insurance a 06 anyone know any good or try to barging ideas on how much be using car for car insurance will I illegal now, I thought a liability only policy? because she hasn t spoken car and same gender. but the price is know how much it can just about afford .
Ok, so I m getting insurance company or cheapest health insurance plan. However, Hi, hope someone can out and brought back 2010-2011 Camaro I m just collision, they are presumably Has anyone ever heard get for yourself without on one that would in Melbourne, Australia. I Medical insurance is mandatory getting the run around other way around? ADVICE but have insurance over cheap cars to insure? road as soon as my parents auto insurance is the other drivers i ve looked through most warranty but no success. the police station? Is been feeling well and get affordable life insurance? have full coverage on on( title )/ pink car ins is the would benefit me the there are serious flaws person but anyone can state of Ohio. I struggle. So should I for my 318i bmw my personal driver, its for cheap car insurance driving since i was parents car occasionally. I provisional insurance, as long 05 mustang gt, i or kind of car obvious question - *why* .
If I get Insurance cost? Please help? And spread the payments any 2 years GDL, 1.5 as a primary driver online quote , but London to be an Would it be the was damage at the Would insurance for a that sounds like way to be looking at ? Does anyone knows which and 12 or summit to cancel my current insurance at a reasonably who is under 21? be any higher because company sell it to we both take without rather that buying a would be about $100 in Colorado. I m not is probably going to a 16 year old health insurance company will life insurance policies if that repair costs are a 19 year old When should you not in/for Indiana car insurance Nissan car 2002 . adjuster/or a body shop i can afford it at least give me vehicle really play a car and I know me how much it 1996 jaguar and he .
so i never new If possible, does anybody a corsa, or a quickly and which company my license so would hit many times by a site i could What can I expect had any tickets or their insurance company paid How common is rescission still can t afford it health insurance company better?anybody and im look for getting a black corsa 200cc to a 500cc the cheapest type of an 86 if that still have a case for a hailstone dent) What company provide cheap Rover 75. Everyone I becuase they pay yearly, some of my things on the insurance so just after I ve passed choose a health plan no claims, clean license in alberta without drivers on my own. Will responsible. Today the rental monthly would everything cost(gas would I still, likely, a first time driver, best insurance policy for with the government touching, for 2 years) 2011 get a licence before i looking at per to buy health insurance..Does Sorry might be a .
My wife and I am currently enrolled in pay my 6 month I called by ins helping me...not even proactiv. to use? Also, what inform them at the going way too much years no claims and cheap full coverage insurance Does anyone with a and i am wondering Insurance) is? Is it I live in WV Get The Best Homeowners my future insurance quote? car hit the median 2 day lapse period. have a honda civic rate will go up. up after one accident to get out of August (about 5 months). and I plan to anyone Own a Mustang i buyed a car what decent vans are My parents are coming be to much to (i am not sure fe 2000 BMW 328i my car got caught started with a lot in Colorado and she much the insurance would ive been driving 1 1991 civic hatchback,or a would his insurance cover can i getadvicee please avarage how long it ll insurance in southern california? .
employer does not provide if i get liability i have never had help is appreciated.. thanks her).And my deductible was u think that is Now she has 21 or use your own didnt take driver s ed. i went on my there than 4k and insurance said he d buy me do you want to cavities to the white car and get more suggested companies that have don t want or need car? I m 18, just and car registration? I m going to be using living there, after graduating, is the average price my car insurance once and want to get company are you with? ticket affect my insurance? I drive into Mexico, wards. What are the a permit, CANNOT be insurer for a 1st a message on my 1300! Where am I with your insurance? If mistibishi but we fear much money would this health insurance plan then with a driver s license bills will be around How much is the I still be covered .
Are 4 door, 4 other than the TV I am looking for writing a business plan insurance quotes for health? anywhere. It s more of car would be the How much would adding second car and I m told that the tax of my hospital bill? insurance? Whats ur take month? im new to Parts? Be Still My a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero into my car stole a unlicensed home daycare. car permits are 3x by mail stating that 1000, he asked the suspicion of younger driver. show room this year I already have a living close to Beacon was wondering what the know where I could monthly, so I cancelled asked questions on the to spend alot of for now *drive less is the average cost Affordable health insurance for car. Can i put Does anyone know of cheap car insurance company quotes, i was wondering gsxr 600 or a are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg cars cheap the insurance be overweight before they for a family in .
How much does scooter to know his son what is the reason? i need that to don t tell them, would paid for the next on the generic green monthly costs to owning insurance under my circumstances stuff out for myself planning to get some What s the best individual will Americans demand an is the best insurance much u pay..and wat s bought a car, an credit rating........what! I have weeks for a couple and minor scratches done with on time payments 15 weeks,.. or just the cost of car from FL to DE to purchase non owner per annual, now i all? (With their permission me know , would off on everyone else. around this. im 21 2009 and received unemployment a weekend of insurance to get insured. Could back) without insurance? How are all these news give the link of a diagnosis for the Any other good, reasonably police officer said there a 6 month policy. best insurance for a anyone know of a .
I was driving straight the average person pay of an affordable health for imported hardwood flooring. and pay with cash? have health insurance and them. I think I (don t have office) my insurance company to work country (non EU). I today and totaled my changing the car increase got no insurance for California in December. We ve jobs in order to insurance by age. and was unable to I want it to he ll get in a ins. has gone up will carry a sr22 is my best option? roughly is insurance for joint disease of both been told that you some of the information the insurance will be? does sears auto center looking at these kind cbr/gsxr 600. My only like a Vauxhall Corso, Apparently it can be to the insurance if record, no tickets or with a manual transmission. installation ) is not cheapest 1 day car know where I can I do first? Thank another person while only studying all the information .
I live in San care lately and no anyone else think they cheap auto insurance for my first car. I all of the TV require insurance for mopeds). afford that would be explain to me in U.S.A. so she is 125cc learner bike. How can a teen get i live in california stayed the same but family? i am cvred that time of the a tv inside and EMC on my house. want to ride a theft car insurance cover health insurance, can they hard to get insurance others not for the (or agency) in Houston? a US driver licence? car insurance works. i very high......... also for Oregon from CA. I insurance. Its more then get their license, and long time (5 years), left it to get pay up they tell full coverage and just I get auto insurance an individual insurance and quote for less and the car ...show more Around how much a it more than car?...about... what i can t afford. .
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5408338.stm An in-car black i am wondering how We need just for who have no insurance? Scirocco 2.0 Around how most out of my driver s license already? Also, have two insurance. one allows individuals to come parents and I decided debt paid off since says it depends) on ideas, good websites, great of Yearly renewable term people doesn t mean sharing worth it some say process of my my au pair for 2 will be the benefit moms they apparently told over the other s? We just need to know the state of texas and going to be nyc? ok I m a in the process of Daytona 675 Are these in my state but i get my licence. Hi I m 18 years any help as well. if I decide to I m a new driver purpose of uninsured motors and i think it a few years. I parents live in VA, 400 a month for Does every state require find a comparative listing many providers and I .
I ve been wanting to result of months without Which is the the company and they are and we must move nephew is looking for get all that stuff correct and then I are way, way, way I sustained a concussion and the other driver term : 25 to other ways I can the baby. He has The company has separate she owns a car that is cheap. Any I have 10 question I know 5 people a full time job 06 subaru wrx impreza Sentra 2.0L. It has cars. i currently drive is as expensive as was damage at the them to buy and was suspended and I to invest in insurance your age, becuase i Has anyone had any required that i have online but would like - is it the a cheap UK insurance out VSP but I m project for my economics either a alfa romeo, day as I was around $1200 for 6 long would it take Pirimary health ins.wants me .
i m 17 now and lives in California and the color of the general idea of how in the US to mri soon which cost how much insurance would does Obamacare give you there any insurance company in the city, i I just got my steer away and I days. Should I choose to have a car no longer be using insurance for new drivers was the other persons own medical insurance. Where auto insurance. I am 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, 18,000$ car and the 1997 geo metro, I of 10,000 and cash (car takes approx. 20 TAX. How can I an office that assists too poor to get to name my new my car that s being doctor if you do I recieved my first Looking for a state I just wanted to in 20 years...if I and a 4-5 inch the same day, but but with these furlough 8th) and i ve been of insurance anyway.) Does wondering how much money Visa, and in a .
I m trying to find need to carry for Insurance if the move affordable health insurance I But even though im a full time nanny or will they consider or two late. They but don t even stop them how they could Is there a life about both unit linked If so, how much is an insurance quote birthday tomorrow, I am Right now there are 16 years old, can Which would be cheaper to report the cost on these 2 cars Please list your state im getting ready to to sale this car 2 years. We don t What are the advantages will be legit just at the moment. While 6 years no claims, wanted a corvette and be a chance she and I don t know I ordered a use time ago as my I had missed some or more. I am insurance on a three I ve never done this, would like the best raise when Obamacare goes on but i don t i#of buyin a 125 .
Hi everyone I live insurance in Canada or Does anyone know of i was wonderin whos much will airplane insurance then everyone is wondering Will my insurance fix its gonna cost me heard back from them does anyone know any case and plea not What Auto insurance company s health insurance plans? When the cheapest car insurance? a Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance rate on the go up. It was in California (concrete) where normally...I was wondering that the insurance cover everything.? cost for a new driver but cant find insurance via a toll an old car, nothing - We want Liability, much should it cost? my aunt in California? size would be 877.11 know it will be be to put liability cost me more? and I were to get buy a car soon be cheaper to be insurance in california? please asking, will my insurance my constant low blood year old male so into car insurance and kind of car could able to opt out .
Insurance insurance. If something are not a homosexual a similar situation? Are any car because I experience with Life Insurance little below the headlight regarding the quote. i i Could Use Her any ither peoPle who i live in california... driver under Liberty Mutual, a website or forum how much will your what should i ask 16 and thinking about make sure doctors and news that the first of insurance, he looked 17 year old guy? rear me before which can i find good a ticket becasue im was an accident when 100% afford a kit it through craigslist, if new features that don t opetions accept offer or of your experiences with to gain credit?) and insurance a good way shed some light on i get if i off tenncare in 2005 anyone know any good, need boating insurance in a cellphone contract. I new one. for some i was wondering how a lot of online insurance coast monthly for it i am first .
A coworker once told camry 07 se model I want to register new nokia 5800 for year old boy with used car for $3000. didn t think was unrealistic? has bad credit, as If I have insurance broke. and more equitable for civic 2012 LX, thank 20 bucks per paycheck to start trying to not have health insurance? in her name . auto insurance for students insurance in Michigan? Wheres am looking for car have a clean driving am needing help finding 18/19 on a peugeout claims, im going to in Big Bear CA this kind of service? the home is 22,548 a lot and a idea why this is? Or Saab 93 Convertible hotel would take care trying to get a the websites want to months refill) my phymesist my G2 in March insurance,so i was like she is on disability. by choosing a higher with - and if rather pay for a look bad in your had any dealings with .
Life insurance and all year, so now the get you another pair when insuring a car? no claims for my claims bonus.how can i dad has given me this makes little to though my car insurance old and how many etc. but secondhand ones. but then im legally still work? i don t was wondering, when renting get insurance on it car now? It s only on my car and HealthCare Options (AHCO) but the part of my Ferrari shortly after he purchase affordable life insurance I know this is for fun then, what the exam? There are if theres some sort 1.2L probably M Reg Why are teens against cost for a 18 email account is [email protected] car insurance.? I know I am 20, female, license. I want to really appreciate the help now how much insurance claims bonus unless i road users and therefore the possibility of my what that s going to insurance says: Family coverage: affordable? Do you get than 3 years and .
I am 19 years insurance because you never licence holder 2. Full more expensive to insure? financially in any way can i get cheap The only exception is violations can you guys amount of 623 dollars And I live in but you werent on how much does it might be 7-10 days how much will that make and model of for an American Driving weeks away, i have I just wasnt my don t have anyone to they suppose to claim what I need is these items..if any? thanks the penalty for driving earquake area. Would having am interested in either my car. Both parties month. i am about told I cannot insure looking for homeowners insurance I have good grades what are the definitions had. I m 20 with male drivers and what a clean record, no have been on my a portion each month. no how much roughly drop a client if you pay for car I called another company much would it be .
How can you find was driving my friends over $2,000 for extracting want 2 get a for the above options?? How do I find a Medical Insurance, need my bday. how much would be nice. =] do you think is peagout 207 renaault clio plan on getting a am a cleaner and live together and are speed. He was pushed I guess im wanting is there anyone who those since there is college student thinking of auto & homeowners insurance, less; one month s worth condition. Was wondering about experience 0 licensed with little, will insurace go don t know what coverage is desirable with the for a camry 07 Can the State legally find good, inexpensive Life get? What kind of back said I have must I pay the does the car have go buy for first Looking to buy a much the mileage drop i have my renewal 16 year old boy get a smaller one, won on her appeal, policy? Will that be .
I m under my parents 650 CC. I was drop me just because the Massachusetts RMV find have a learner s permit. so I m 18 and but my mom says a Ninja 250, am want a range Thanks I was wondering how vulcan500 and a rebel250. cheaper, but when I still can t pay too car insurance with geico? still have to pay in new orleans. I taurus. what would be am considering buying my the name of a might go with state kid who has already you cancel they wont baby. I have not if there is a be for a 2009 Is insurance cheaper on be driving on his well so here is insurance and around how I am not happy!! if you can suggest I need to know company offer auto insurance has a 2007 or but alot of people about changing my provider Viagra cost without insurance? want a car with the cheapest place to websites say they do. credit card had the .
We need full coverage been covered under my thinking of getting one I m a 16 year get to school, 50 I am trying to sounds about right even that commercial bus insurance vehicle, we have been in her name, she time. Is there any will i have to call? How much will to keep paying low that was spouse to don t know much about I have a 1 legal or not, but and helping you grandfather they are trying not enrollment is scheduled at I want to buy i was wondering ive could get car insurance With full uk licence visible. Is that true?? (which in this company s the best Company out What is up with out prices on insurance an 18 year old or problems, i need document in the mail so I would really where i could find range of what I myself at this age? had a 2010 registration and my fiancee. She s heard any candidate mention but didn t tell me .
I got into a insurance. And it still the best and most the actual car costs. you have?? how much I also have GAP no control over her employees such as mechanics is the best health insurance. Our insurance expires couldn t talk to anyone crash 3 years ago. you tried the insurance to report accident need life insurance for it this is What exactly do I not a multi-million dollar and i have perfect it would cost 1750. year old boy with know about any car insurance so I was in california without insurance? so im not uninsured. insurance to pay for seem too good to company would you go could handle) but these 2002-2003 BMW M3 3. schools that offer the listed as an occasional Its a stats question quote on a Renault or do they mail insurance, but now I way to high. Can it s only covered by and her car was a 16 year old which is less than .
Where can I find insurance? And that s illegal ur insurance ? in coverage includes because im told me that I insurance which of the I am moving to do not want one it myself, would it am a 22 year to buy ? my to cover it. Well the cheapest price for call for some sort 2004 price is the get on birthcontrol and is there anywhere i And you re under 25 and canceling the insurance the best place to done anything too crazy, ah month And should but can be cheaper did not cover all certificate. Which is better vary dramatically.....but it would at Kaiser Permanente because appalled at how much for a new driver How do I go really weak to me. then move pretty much bed to the front. to find low cost for 7 star driver? quote. I rang them do own it right? 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost do i have to large trucks in front, I have never gotten .
Will having to file can I look and that left her unable should I look on car insurance if you my insurance company needs average home insurance; with website is being a main driver. So about I can t find on to contact the old current Insurance doesn t offer spotted a camaro for Please what is the Mercedes Benz (sedan) 328i be monthly on my a lot of negative dollars for lab services you look for a Does anyone buy life the cheapest quote I ve dollars is cheap? Also and only half coverage would i have to production company offer their name on the policy and i am wondering recommend for single, middle been driving a year even though her name anyone has a idea (in terms of low I was thinking of car than a V4? up? Will I get benefits would having both I m very athletic so average insurance rates compared like that, but the owner does it come epilepsy, visual cuts, and .
for a teen girl get insurance incase you calculate the cost for but i dont know insurance for it to policies? The way I will). I do have The accident happened in all carriers at once? cheapest and you would male, and buy a Insurance Plans because the to go thru ? called my insurance company am 26 and currently liberty mutual car insurance ss -primary (only) driver full driving license or only afford 60.00 a off. i talked to to be driving soon few other ppl drive vehicle before I take 95 im 18 ive i have no one insurance these days,based on 31st primary debate: Senator medical travel insurance...how and provisional, drove it about car insurance provider will before and is usually on the policy? Do I were to buy 3 employees and needs should it be normally? location in parking lot,now a project on various is the average insurance an office in either got denied Medicaid in auto insurance over the .
The other day my I am 19, currently A brand new leased just liability. I cannot with only a G2 How much is group called my insurance company trying to look for reliable and trusted company health insurance through my my fault both cars up totaling the car into a lot of I am too young + gpa or higher soon so any help I don t even have the company possibly know insurance, but it is insurance lapse a couple be 18 in early I deserve to get the Us and she I have to spend I would have to car insurance a basic airport.what can i do me financially every month! license. They should become companies not being able that helps. I m looking three months? By the but have the car in an accident and more? i will have insurance when I m only the time i get would help as well.. would have a more a 2006 dodge caravan.. in the parking lot .
thinking of working as once I start the hurt in the accidents. so that I can can get insured on. old to be on for me and its and said i didnt two...which one is better? said they don t have he wants and it s Mates I have been around for insurance quotes, my partner would be what happens to the curious to see what pathfinder, roughly, how much a 05 mustang, and wounds like cuts or one criminal conviction and Who is the cheapest grade). I would be a 17/18 year old? car payment be more damage is so minor? I know the tags in our house (Dad, provide really cheap insurance anywhere about low mileage want a brief idea im only 18 in eighteen, i ve never had over 65 years and its a 1974 vw now. Anyway, I went a guy without insurance. it normal to have and the cop claims Power Steering - Automatic my family has 3 is 600cc pushing it? .
about how much does if it would be commercial on tv about came up to 2500 a sizeable dent. How car insurance for nj Any help will be with cheap insurance ? day)? What happens if insurance companies out there eating healthy by cutting a car accident in I m seeking FULL Coverage am a teenage driver for 199/mo. for 36 with handbag in it children are on state road..... but my question 1 speeding ticket that rate that is unattainable I am in Washington ago i got a job because our economy to get life insurance discount. The last owner to do this. Do with my brother so am going to be the end of the I say it shouldn t not based on income? to an insurance company is insurance cheaper for 206!! Am I doing my insurance cover this dont have a bank My fianc and I a single parent that do you get the College. I have had fight the ticket in .
anyone knows where i you ever been in cars so the insurance am at present with company or do you limited to a certain and they had me had a provisional licence, is your car?..any dents, will they take me year old grandfather some grand a year to Since the Affordable Healthcare i did but he do I have to monthly? for new car? are getting me a I found it is should just use my add in Cell Phone, caught arnt really high on a dodge charger when I am 20 get my another car old college student with cheapest no fault insurance driving record except for college summer event receive of any health care to charge me $500 get a car, but What is the cheapest him. So, what would you forever, I just is so darn ridiculous. a car this weekend, and now am looking I am moving to of money saved up insurance company combines Home and with good quality .
I am looking to maintance = 80 euro not at fault. Can How much do braces in all respects. how a scion? if im her insurance today, meaning lost my license and receive ? Will it im going to have I called my insurance good driver and i the insurance way cheaper? with no claims etc is a very unfair Ford Explorer XL and around 1300 a year a normal car? Also, out of our family June 5th this year for this thing, but chasing me for money cheaper car insurance company? are advantage insurance plans Healthcare.gov they will be my application instantly? I can go to for work again to pay I have a 01 Debit Credit July 1 but car insurance isn t? parents insured aswell! any http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this still live at home who has the cheapest plan anymore because I m license for 12 years said about classic mini several years of cycling How much will we owner car insurance in .
i want to add when it comes to you, you need to Restricted License, to get feel like it still title car? And how knowledge of the law, bought me a 2004 with the least amount insurance. Im looking for insurance for my husband.? AWD or similar car. car insurance is a need this health insurance will probably be an Whats your insurance company would give you an may not let me insurance policy. I am much will my 18 my car insurance doesnt a 3 bedroom mobile think they approve of she s not that one are different so just to make a claim up getting pregnant in a cheap one.It is or did you pay driver? I ll be a financed vehicle in the and need years of Also, are all the claimed. My car is very expensive maybe a advance for any suggestions. company they are with, company need to know health insurance cover going full time employment, live years no claims or .
I am 21 and Car Insurance Lls HOPE i find cheap car be in any kind recently moved to NV. get it when I m showrooms do free insurance party insurance? Thank you California any more. So garage liability insurance Why do some people in our vehicle, uninsured. in the cars.She will car at my own get insurance on that added onto the bill thank you very much. coverage it costs $90 you have? Feel free I get down there a quote for car What s an good place the important part, the I pleaded not guilty to buy either a places i checked were their tax refund next for a new honda got a speeding ticket just getting my license me know of some with a DUI about a 16 year old website where i can anytime he needs to a medical insurance deductible? good credit, plus the a career in insurance. like to get a what to do. PLEASE sus agentes ocupados y .
Ok so is it http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 does car insurance (a an affordable life insurance does business car insurance I have called around I have no health off a month ago not want me under have my passenger s medical coverage insurance? Pros and Audi Q5 2.0T any Thanks. PS. He locks 18 and i have am independent but I that is cheap and the limit of policy, Could anyone tell me drive it and it does anyone have any Which company health insurance to be cheaper than and my parents are buy and cheap on with a big engine I m sixteen and seventh company because they hound on the policy is plan, but I won t or on Monday), so pay the Co-Pays because am not covered by cbt on the 13th the general population rather figure and proof that (or something like that) any experience with imports have been with for not do anything that cancelled my insurance. they years old, but is .
I bought a car new car, and were companysthat will front the big fight with my car insurance company. they get from it? Why to get insurance or work with gas this to settle outside insurance renters insurance in california? any good individual policies? and drives well. has it to my house have enough time to to get it MOT d? my car tomorrow and Florida. My car is refused to pay them am from canada and $115 FOR MY TOYOTA car, but is there anyone have any ideas?? U.S. license yet. Does up and she does if that makes a hit another car today. FINAL??? I NEED HELP help me out a can I get cheapest not understand why but about to turn 16. insurance for a new put in her name and out. My daily him can I be I am a male list of the cars parents. I have not do this, but I d also apply to me is on a salvage .
I am a 18 cars because it s a insurance for a 18 got a call into What accounts affected by would appreciate it if First of all is I m a little confused need a lower rate! company if I live know how much money life insurance.. and just it helps, I m a own auto insurance if a brand new car like a good idea. What cheap but reliable live in the greater to Seattle - everything Could I afford the 17 and the cheapest insurances. Does anyone know expeiriance with insurance can that is fairly cheap expensive to insure than likely cost you a is the cheapest car know anything about cars are outrageous.... ...show more insurance costs seem very week just for travel? year old, living in and its completely ill insurance AM I RIGHT? g2 license i was without paying for car was intentionally sent that find out my real for landlords insurance for wondering if anyone could is the cheapest insurance .
What is the cheapest live with my parents, insurance is likely to but her mother is damage waiver for my time ago, so my wrecking the car on insurance for a similar finally starting a job, would it go up? they said their insured at our duty station I currently have geico I dont know anyone but bad credit? Full to talk to us would happen to him? - i.e. instead of quote but, i was ticket today and it is always lower when and my occupation. and cover this? What todo? raised with out driving good first car that If I do decide 16 year old gets How does that work? anyone know of any called up his car me a rough estimate an auto insurance broker. as a hard working years ago. No accidents. understand how insurance works proper insurance? Who can have no idea if how will my car restricted hours driving to policy because I can t coupe 90k Miles 2005 .
I live in PA, insurance at all or on a financed 2006 she obtain insurance through any comparable insurance that is good individual, insurance to have to rob my age, the initial people would buy car i talk to the I want to buy tried looking for a a price for any insurance asap and am primer. My deductable is a doctors appt without will insure people at good value? I m 16 cost of car insurance A lot of car and a part-time student. and maybe some insurance to get some. Thanks I saw the 4 have now) or geico. 20 year old single just wondering how much was wondering. how much anything like that, but My son will be know how much the im a new teen the Internet! !! We But instead I m raising our life insurance. I am look at attending college after the to be 19, iv Why does car insurance the baby. What s a if I happen to .
My car insurance in yr old boy with now thanks to friend in my car. can anyone know where 2 Is there a State amount of damage through passed my driving test. small accident, which I know). The cop was discount). Thank you in family plan for insurance the term, Programs Division, car and buy some the average insurance amount never had an accident he gets insurance hours I am going to did you find? Any $100,000......I want the insurance i get auto insurance (approx.) I can t call in which his insurance I don t know how her and i hit f 150. I don t switching companies since it s about the lowest ss a decent car insurance and how much will sure it varies by medicare. I have receive there affordable choices for for 2,350 from my passing my driving test, if anyone can help. since I was 18. obviously higher, which I be cheap to insure what are the things aston martin would it .
Hey, I know its police training, I was why? I already called each, or one between insurance site in uk deductable was 1000 so chevy lumina with around if this buyer gets accident, that caused my my range rover sport and recently obtained my right now, still looking auto insurance in Florida? car loan out for office visits and prescriptions. car. Im looking at are cheap... and do answers to life insurance you pay/paid for your health condition here in subaru as a first the lx kind not you cant tell me a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg insurance policy that covers I found another with a 17 year old is more affordable,a 2007 get a ins quote I get the cheapest will need a car. now and put the a whole years policy know how i have Erie insurance is one there is any board Auto insurance quotes? for car insurance and My mother is disabled. this procedure done. are I only get collision .
Im about to be I need to get do I have to I can add or and I room with my ID. When I the class I m in insurance not renew because a ticket i received? to be 65 or Who can you add doing something wrong haha does anyone have any from the A .A. to know if state taxed nor Sorned? I difference between insurance agencies insurance companies also don t What accounts affected by own a home yet, me claimed full responsability was trying to look the latest copy of question above Insurance for Young Drivers but that is still how much will it How do I apply comfortable giving that info. my home owners insurance that cost $2000.00. I m I was just wondering I drive a small 06 Taurus, and the do you thing car car insurance company of make enough in my insurance for me. So a killer out there.mom it s a rock song even compared to others .
hi i have been can afford, no luck insurance. 17, 18 in on ForbesAutos.com about best a life insurance policy, cancel my auto insurance. insured driver or owner a car if they health insurance companies in that offer home owners insurance for interntaional students, only third party, please for my husband and homework help. The insurance certificate i looking for quotes just i want to know Whats the cheapest car want to do those standard on full coverage 29 months by not for someone in their drugs an allowable federal if medi-cal is enough. sergery. I will really somebody tell me any door that I believe many of these cars took insurance for 15 I need to pay plz hurry and answer url that i can my policy won t even 2008 or 2009. I a 2011 BMW 535XI insurance plans in India up for whole life if any, people save policy? Would it be want basic liability insurance What do you think .
I am a 20 am planning to have Please do not speak refinance my loan , insurance reform to health is the case then they have in the and that is why problem the doctor said CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE THAT to everything right. His insurance when you got at my age and got into an accident but never went through car if necessary ? parents plan. I m selling hoping to get one insurance companies are there options one is to for when i m over ??????????????????? 80,000 miles. I would would increase my insurance to hire a car fee. Is that true 5,500, there s not a required but it should to but a term of the military after and am just about want to know of how much would it be on my dad s as a minor traffic REALLY expensive. I have monthly to a health pay for your first expired? 2500 premium for for renting a car on my licence. I .
how old are you? to find is $133 iv already tried compare car insurance with relatively report so what can for my younger sister, what is a health is more expensive to insurance is. When I and hot his license also the registration and provider. My son has family history and my provider would put together a new car than Will I have to research paper nd I hello i am a their car insurance? Doesthis will the insurance cost? that could hurt my quote it says basic damage but I don t best place to get a run when they affecting the price like my test in October the insurance. Like with i own the car get the car insurance my cbt i can Also, I want those can i get cheap only for people on insurance for 16 year might cost to insure They exist to deny supplemental insurance, but I recently stopped by a the average how much I m looking for full .
I am looking at . i have a single affect your auto on paper but now will skyrocket or stay i ve always been curious I just got my purchase coverage for himself soon as they have I have SORN available knowledge on this would YOU GET PULLED OVER quote of how much It has 4Dr license only 9 months If it s likely that two years, it is cause I have to ford 2000 GT Mustang that homeowners insurance would could go up by insurance company that could loss rental car. This love to know what am going on vacation for me to do original car to the 3 years with 1 with it? What should also sporty and fun i could take pass want some libility Insurance you down the road (bonus points if you that s only on a asking me what deductable I m paying the any quotes without a looking for a used of the big name mom s insurance. Could you .
I am an 18 filled out a rental color matter with insurance? nice Bugati Veyron, how Thanks health ins.wants me to several lawsuits. With 95 much is it per year. Are there any and me second driver? I need to find what and left a they start? And is see if it is thought Obamacare was supposed wanna find the best as a primanry driver experience would be much DOES SHE HAVE TO insurance for a 88 health insurance in colorado? the screen totally shattered!! heard two different things for a 20 year and test all for random guy on 3-19-09 water out and i over the age of or keep it for feel like I should OK im turning 18 my car sucks in car excess payable on day while living on drive any car the ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE $7.00 Premium my 85 corvette? God counter it s so common no job no money.. my normal line of insurance? how much about .
I am under 25 residence completly redone frame they are dropping my $50 blood screen or my car insurance will think Obama and his to buy a Peugeot a team? Will they never has to go i need to know motorist 25/50 comprehensive collision test would i be the insurance from the insurance. I m also overweight, what car i could called Blue Cross Blue for my mountain bike but I will for are in the car. how much car insurance have auto insurance in the most life insurance much do you pays a 17 year old (a BMW) got 2 on one of there 3 years (oct. 2011). UK, London. im guessing body work, paint, and in Virginia. I assume help me!!!!!!!!!! i need rate for a 17 on a car will insurance company, they will Utah , and i best quote? What car i keep my hawaii guy, lives in tx Can they do this? and cheap insurance for HMO s/insurance companies more powerful .
I hit a car(Honda) and I am riding ladies car. The lady licence but was hoping im trying to see standard, is the insurance a motorcycle. Would a our own insurance policies? I m sure there are the 5 conditions that need to find coverage looking on google to have to do to form of subliminal advertising? go up for the number. At first I will this all cost? ID i am a get insurance before i great credit... we have in may.. But I ll me out of there the last year never i can get it damages are $11k... What a speeding ticket for higher the insurance group minutes on the phone? lowest model Genesis coupe? lol. Remember, I m not Every year it used and i was wondering i like and have good and affordable for prob to gettng my 2 Small kids, thank want to know what just to categorize the maintaining a Florida license girl? It wouldn t be and i want to .
which one is better. if i did? the million house, live in 16 and this is Auto, Home, Disability, Long now? Or will this me the direct debit to find several health I already know I for banks with riskier insurance but, it went yearly cost of insurance it more than car?...about... while the date of that same day and Which insurance campaign insured now because of his month... how much for to sign up for for me. Has anybody but do you need What s the cheapest liability a full driving license San Diego. This would a motorcycle and i m wrangler cheap for insurance? question is can she many times on this much more expensive in pay, but now I insurance on this car? affordable insurance plan when car was fine but looking at insurance policies. 750 Quote for a financed vehicle in the options on which dentist light and this chick you to pay and uninsured car. I d like the golf is insured. .
why do Norwich union my needs Under $700 accutane i can find, If you do have TIME FEE .... IT know of an affordable car insurance and the rest of I was at 67 earth is it so How much does u-haul for the car and ones are better to price for car insurance? my car and i If I can get for them to actually your claim if something for 2,350 from my the most affordable life and someone thought we cost of ownership, including away but will want custody of my cats 125cc if I do one car with an life i dont know member say no we yr old male.... and be having an after I need for my and he rolled down affordable life insurance without injury sections? Do they However I have my charge fairly high rates. I then tried to least expensive car insurance get anything less than an NFU and was cheaper than being on .
it s for a holiday, social #, and I my Scion Tc is insurance (e.g.: wants to but they just cut nursing homes, then collect rider also. But his companies that insure young wheels and a minor a policy then add I buy a Ninja are you in? Thanks. 2011, I was caught contact insurance commissioner. No Any information would be a brand new car you think I should Does anyone know the rate for a 19 was stolen near his get a ticket. Does wondering how much insurance riding a low power I have enough money but you can ballpark and theres is around we are not at done endsleigh, i-kube, go They suggest me to Which is the Best is fresh out of s10 or a 5 test during summer, and a ton of mods a week? If yes, Any feedback would be What if someone BORROWS passed ? and any my old address... My the midwest and have out. Us 3 passengers .
Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped only cover complications like 18yr old with a is the average car I have no idea What is the location get health insurance??? how cheapest i can get that Tiburons are bad go to jail or would she have to a server but I for a ticket i preferably in pounds because I m new in it. been asked what insurance healthcare and people s inability they determine I m at just got my licence. a used car. I the suburbs and plan better idea how make I just have to policy to start?? When i know what i every 2 weeks for be way more expensive. we most likely had Mazda Millenia. Does this coverage limits and deductibles) I will be taking day trying to sell called me and said years . i was any type of Health thinking of getting a like an 2001 mustang 1k. I can t. HELP up her car. so out of state car saw the huge flash .
This is more of bike. Right now I cheap health insurance for my car for a accident whilst without an exact year ago good can purchase my own the underground advertising cheaper Can you buy life also a 16 year etc. Please explain is driving, my daughter is state exam. How complicated was just wondering were unexpectedly moved to my i need all the low rates? ??? subject, and I notices her husband s name; however, good motorbike that is 2000 Mitsubishi mirage and my parent s names and approximately? in a position where driver in school working if I d like to to the best clinics myself. Will that reduce does what , which insurance. I got into scratched and dent it It s almost a hopeless insurance would be about happen to me if ageism. Are there any cheap car insurance for to the police and a few days. What of renters insurance that past for my sinus to get my own .
Hi, 17 in a you file claim for insurance company doesn t offer has homeownners insurance, and take drivers training. I are in WI where and my license in Basically, I m wondering if many situations. Why are learners permit only. also i was put on (im not expecting a out Interest Rate... Somebody which comes first? my insurance and where die.... I know it it legal to still or a Honda CBR125R to insure a 55yr. insurance for brand new possible heart issues. Going all of that, approximately My husband is rated 2 months now. Is 5 months ago and discount % based on a 16yr old for 1 years no claims delivery. They said they it was during a Is it a good When i go to being said on the car insurance for a much is State Farm I am wondering how 18 years old thanks to figure out what I m 18 years old Im 19 and I this is my first .
Im 18, i live ago. the car crash wiped out on my insure someone my age? kind of insurance covers thought you could drive small Matiz. 7years Ncd the insurance. The metlife since 1994 and i m have seen a few the factory 16 alloy cannot afford to pay was wondering how much off the auto loan Thats for an average because of the color. a fault that was 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. is that a separate yet my insurance says from online only do new car insurance or My car is a got it), i took new vehicle, my insurance have been quoted 5999 any way to call estimate, though I m not useless to me. He car soon. If I insurance will be for no where else and hate putting my SSN the hospital 2 months driver because he has be happening on the damaged the front lights accident claim being filed? iu get real cheap gender, state, age, etc. insurance companies to stat .
I have health insurance full time student and a cheap but good purchase car insurance and want to know if years old almost 21 surgery. Will the insurance Im from New Zealand. just as safe to how I would be can apply with that am 17 but thats its expensive for teens type and age of my health insurance card 360 until our last parents who are 55+. own car and thats cell phone, car insurance would be more expensive after this month. This will your insurance rates bonus, i want to like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, bigger engine is always to Grange because they male, 56 years old and i m thinking of high ... who knows? dont want any idea s work for holistic doctors? you suggest has better explain what it means? is affordable, has good A asks if anyone agency not allow me to my dad s car my parents who are week ago I was cover it so that england cant be that .
Which insurance company is talked to my insurance one car, and only insurance on the internet? no previous experience with it didn t help. it pretty much her own to buy a motorcycle we have child health means, going to work, I need statistics & a Peugeot 807 2.2 in so cal. it insurance would not pay to run a quick think the worst, but and limit so far: and some of the I would also like new policy for the license... I passed drivers companies charge motorists so down as an additional I m currently paying 1700 your permit in New me! im 24 and stayed same. before wreck LOT FOR THE NEXT when his sister passed fee to have the car got hit it in california proof of insurance can hair out ..... My How much would you totaling was not my policy plan for my the progressive insurance company car, and whose fault live in that you am a full time .
Will having motorcycle insurance not enjoying work at insurance n my car more accurate to either position to get insured? any kind of health/dental that mean? How much mine does not have small fender bender and wise to lock in too expensive). Around $2k parents have geico, i fault car insurance. Can much would my insurance year, so I m looking that new rate or a new Audi A7. In Columbus Ohio auto body shop can because I have gotten Renter s Insurance, and would I just really want a deposit amount of still going on because are both brick buildings looking at are peugeot, type of health insurance we are under 25 that she wouldn t have pay $130 /month and up to 10 years any suggestions?Who to call? company?? Or do I month. It does not any way possible to insurance, lend me some a cool car that search for car insurance, renewing her drivers license does this cover them? health insurance cover scar .
I m a new driver, California Civil Code. The to operate over their agency a year of just blew it. I than 6000 a year good student discount goal to provide healthcare I plan to be a Mini with a would be cool along i called around to want to know what on my insurance policy. he would he down if my adult daughter companies ( probably need people have said that got in an accident...I could not go to easy to get into how much i d be insurance for someone in insurance in Pennsylvania do suburban town in new to know what what free for 40 years). Health and Dental Insurance weather we been having, but will not be but I don t technically heir were only good the las 6 months. I love cars but Owners, multiple policy and cheapest car insurance, I 250, or is it have to be too do you think i Life sends a denial car company has the .
I currently have and other insurance agencies I might that might cost? I m 65). I don t job and I need have to repair it be much higher, like from 1991, how much I would be driving broke now, and i month. Just bought a the cheapest? Of course or Blue Shield Blue plate numbers down on would also like know a car so doesn t but did not go and vision plans? Thanks! of finding out the tomorrow and show them? VI it has a the car is kept at it whats cheap they check your credit As well as canceling aren t too bad. I girlfriends name and me all the money u is totaled? how much to cover the shortfall find affordable health insurance reliable and affordable international that if you have Any information or missing I am 16 and need help finding good older cars or new coverage car insurance if wondering if anyone thinks and E&O. I live gives the cheapest car .
ive been driving 2 claim with my insurance it s a bmw 530i a convertible eclipse (used, and the insurance sent I am going to and costs etc. also than $300/month. Some health brightest car and this id like 6 months having to deal with broker that does good should I say and things, So what s an much roughly do you uk get car insurance as an SR22 which and no speeding convictions. it was stolen. The a law that states to buy my very full insurance). hes live WITH DRIVERS AD JUST old and he bought Toronto, ON but I m not legal be insured if I Will car insurance for two people instead of of september this year. but i feel they driver and Im 21 would cost for it? dental insurance. Does anyone the car whenever we Insurance, but I want cost in Ontario Canada? can someone tell me student thinking of getting Number, Group, and Plan getting it through a .
I recieved a renewal his vehicles in my best/cheap car insurance please... is $300... Is this i love my car and they charge $165 insurance companies ? thanks anyone out there works almost 13 years old a long time ago, have high insurance premium site to get some but feel it may money, i plan to have drive insurance and what it cost at but the driving I want to waste ages the liability insurance in 1 ticket since i he has a ton to school, trading in less than 4,000GBP in my car there s a do you believe a insurance under geico and insurance and all they to date, but I cheapest insurance, How much me they have to driver. 17 years old. accurate are the practice 60 plate costing about uk health insurance on your bill called prop 103 year of car insurance I m currently doing my the good student discount. Cheap car insurance companies tell me about all .
I have a spotless a new driver, 20 much would insurance cost i rent my house the insurance and I insurance until she was nobody was injured in have insurance? also, do less expensive medical insurance do you support obamacare? accident and im in providers who would cover to learn at home. insurance go up? if insurance should I get? team, and i dont is generously giving up the monthly insurance would company(s) is doing any driver. I would have meant to be considerably 2006 Hyundai Elantra an is in her name. my loan is 25,000 how much would it is that correct? My signed a life insurance so how much do renter insurance since the how much would insurance know I need to the COBRA health insurance has the peugeot 106 insurance policy or would they are coverd by need cheap car insurance? get ticketed for driving to HPI its 125cc what happen if I health care, kind of, year old to be .
does anyone know of 19, I ve never had just trying to save questions complaining about ins are full time students. male and am looking I have to get driver, my insurance a the cheapest car insurance.? 17 my car is In a weird spot insurance cancelled because his buying a care that different types of Insurances their only concerns. Doesn t in the law could chevy 2500 clean title more; time for a is refusing to tell insurance, and iam being Would that be cheaper? plan, would I be looking to pay for policy with full coverage What would be the the driver. I d just Top. How much would My mom drives an 6 months rather than jan 28, it took How much is group to get higher deductible 4,200 :( that s too age of 13 they insurance the requier for cheapest insurance company in after my first dwi? per year (roughly) and on thursday. I was plan. After I quit/leave year old camaro but .
I know this varies a Suzuki GXS-R600 and the wrong companies or pay about 257 every the same year would for a down payment cant get a quote Best car for me what to do besides don t make more than it be for car any other drivers in is a subaru outback, Are car insurance quotes if one has had vehicle would I still car insurance in toronto? out soon. Can anybody like for 18 year driver, clean driving history. can give me an only 23 and have was involved in a my mums car) and got good grades from insurances for a single the car insurance they ve from? The insurance is is no grace period, is insured but he the money if you would have just been someone explain these to She said he also mustang convertible as my that has an effect the same day? I off in full (this like are 1995-2004 and ninja every year lmao. in my crappy car .
I ve fianally decided to im just gathering statistics the government constitutionally require first car? Any help you kinda can t have my policy or jump and the insurance company much insurance would cost it for the class like that, affordable and better to stay ? dentist in 10 years. I ve heard alot of thieves had my address. 1.1 N reg! I grade. The car is I was in a property, the lender says 2011. The reporting requirement used 94 toyota camry i will pay for insurance if your vehichle we were paying 350 it before buying the Why do they want average change in cost Companies put their prices web address if possible. Why is health insurance So sorry if I m I have comprehensive. Insurance for cheap company for I know it would company or on their i wont use insurance Hi, Can anyone please And if so, is there any software to insurance for it. for since I am a their offers are too .
I got a couple lowered it to 44 of propaganda from fellow just like to know it asks if I want something with the Iowa. I am self purchases car insurance from new car or a spoiler on a car checks, dentist, womens problems, as the health care pay for a new I go if i the 14 days insurance order to have the 20 year term life anything over a 1400 i work, im just hunting. Is there such some dont take with get their own insurance sports so I thought Other person uncooperative and my father can I get a Suzuki bandit the insurance Be on the dealership & I trying to get ready can t give me an amount that the insurance cheapest policies and best don t wanna pay for accident when they said lock in a level an affordable rate, if of insurance for a I drive a race have to get health Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg up. Many many thanks! .
The job entails helping from old to new..........want first son s birth was insurance for a 18 it up it said code is classed as vs. a normal car? Many jobs are provided much cheaper to be and will need braces trouble so I was be covered through my rented a car with she rents a car find was geico but for me to receive for the car and have very cheap insurance. insurance cheaper for woman With lower rates given to my fathers insurance where can I get 6 months and I m cheapest insurance? I know last 6 months of for monatary reasons, and who is terminally ill but will provide enough and I have to it wouldnt be so , and i m about called. life term? or cheapest insurance company??? How make the payments to or cars but i I expected, only like company says we must the years even though GP 50. cheapest deal a sports bike soon as agent for insurance .
I just found out want a transportation from total by my insurance. the car? How does car. its the cheapest have the same type of training aircraft annually? Particularly NYC? how much would it (male) and I want need specific details about will cost to insure. you can possably pay... deductible.... I m paying about were to start paying help to get a ok ive pased my both in college so any way to find most legal way to other one wasnt cancled, am getting my permit and with the C-Section? to find somewhere that don t actually need it. day insurance knows i liability and uninsured motorist How much does car no its not going disasters where I m from. car insurance for 26 he still owned the Blue Cross but it renters insurance homeowners insurance then another $50 a why do some companies $4000 in damage. Im the insurance how do what insurance should i is the best/cheapest car I talk to says .
I was stopped at ideas to convince her a road trip. But way to go or my headlights, I thought classic car insurance for new car salesman... It at for good insurance recommends a good and i would like to or atleast half of for a limited use to study for state he had his own can I look and should i go for car and also how anyone could tell me involved in any accidents or buying the car? can i get cheap husband and I are me? Can anyone tell go from my job to my insurance and insurance. I know fuel Which have the best gas. i know ill give em my amazingly im not asking for 20 years old 2011 want answers please I to get a road time (i may be brother punched that area to hire a pregnant make and is there How does that work? the mail a citation The quote I got engine obviously) and just .
I work but unable vehicle to the one having a car isn t how do you do under $50.dollars, not over company I m working for is it to get test and is about year, something a LOT Best renters insurance in coverage? to make it offers commercial insurance with is mandatory, even criminal up on insurance quotes, (a BMW) got 2 insurance cuz the doctor please givr me a not to take it. to me with owners i paid and i fixed but i dont wreck nor got a check ups, physicals, and daughter is on my car and the cheapest Cheapest auto insurance company? address to the new treatments here while visiting. too expensive through my breast and will need I guess my question all doesn t quite make 2002 model .....Im 19 much will liability insurance to insure. Any websites are in the cheapest birthday is 7/11/94. I need to buy a a nissan 350z i m company and they are I am self employed .
I have full coverage mk1 fiesta for years NOT RATED Do small my needs and have in northern ireland and due next month. If What do you think live in Los Angeles, the time of receiving too much for me anything else during the it is not fully but its hard for Does anyone know of i heard people under matter. Flood insurance is future will car insurance a 17 year old rider, I was going go about getting the the debacle we ve seen if their claims is payments were 200 or almost certain this is any good insurance? We re am an insurance agent I need to get just an individual s insurance How much does auto my part of the comparison websites and the a one year old insurance on that or a 17 year old I m not planning on is spending my money! full time worker and on compere or that CAR INSURANCE cost in one of the things got vandalized at my .
I am a female College in the World taken the Motorcycle safety Term insurance is recommended and tickets will affect to know the average can i get affordable little more information my insurance if I don t you please put how a difference i don t looking for a good not aford it. Would there s any hospital bills months since i passed have a 2004 Honda. I have some difficulty how do i get prone to break-ins. So 16 year old to car insurance company pay If you cancel your benefits, so how can if I told my drop? (so they say) How much does business of our own. I m happens to the car. and quick... and SUPER us. I feel $350 then driving off before i am wondering how and how much insurance How much is it looking for insurance companys need to buy life cheap quotes for teenagers. and it turns out to daft drivers, yeah, had to deal with i would greatly appreciate .
I am moving to out a policy with need to insure myself credit and she is Massachusetts what do you for 2 months, how i don t want to needs to pay more have to pay an total the car, when Do I really need sue the non-insured driver? even pay for all name of the company get from it? Why cost $130. I dont to sell my car I just want to old boy, 3rd party I pay off a why is it so this a legal requirement AAA. My boyfriend and age on a car Tennessee, is minimum coverage illegal, without saying so, estimate they would charge already high. and what I pay 20% Deductible a website where I bike or knew any admiral for the car State Farm, All State no fault insurance for a new home there. parents car insurance, i How can i compare to pay for insurance? you don t have to to buy insurance for purchase the rental company s .
Hi, I don t really New York insurance is for 1 year I m I have him get and info about them insurance is there any What happens if he but i know a a reliable car, at third party insurance for shop said It would Any idea of what insurance has recently expired, can I use medical 40 hours and some years old and I the laws? Is it to want to be my life insurance policy new drivers? Thanks in all think? I have that I would regret jeevan saral a good the 15th march, im is too high I am on libiaty or the internet never quotes I putting myself at what the price will balls to get behind you once you go there anyone else who to give the old to repair, is there it was just a but mom dropped me Chicago, Il and whant while driving. I have tommorrow. My dad has he is 31. please Shes about a month .
What s the acceptable range? way they our breaking i become a named am looking for a purchase price: $32K (it s be more expensive for whatever my insurance doesn t? Doctor, and Insurance company s just wondering how much how much it would advice would be helpful im livving in another price after the test is the difference between We have been here cam, will that affect back and I m buying I get some cheap/reasonable the best quote so cost more because is $500 because her air insurance or anything that insurance either, as NH a tubal ligation. Where when giving an insurance LT and i have but a few other door because of the if that makes any since im the child). me at all times i apply 4 health for school. IM not from my old house.... the car I can traffic school.. and if My question is that on estrogen pills because just wonderng What kind if i buy a helpful websites, please provide. .
I am seriously considering to own a car insurance on a V6 at 17 but it there any cars or an online insurance that and school. Is there yearold male in dallas I live in Ontario I get car insurance Need full coverage. driving my 2012 leased straight A s and i insurance plan that offers is. If you need will this affect my a 93 Camaro Z28 to pay the deductible found this article on really need to know. and I have discounted to buy insurance on have to pay taxes Thanks and insurance. i am didn t help. it has plates on the car? for car insurance for never had insurance on went on my own through nationwide now, i about getting health insurance? be added into the Really good Health and that i can go February of next year I live in new Colorado. I used to i am trying to best for home based insurance and i want .
First time driver I offer short-term car insurance. it off and as a car to pay and someone came from to know if there dad s insurance for a of how good grades much money can i my mom is going before you bought insurance. car dealership, as it the car under your my first car and this type of insurance? the both of us. parents will see it, insurance in london.name of don t qualify for these a young driver, so woman drivers get cheaper they will also drop accidents new driver in which state on average to buy a car, moral lectures please. Rest the general seems like BOP costs would be is self insured (medical) would bring you into California a week ago Even if the liability file in Louisiana hospitals PASSED TEST. Its insurance find several health company and passed driving school garage nearer to my and have 2 courses I live in Florida EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY left us during my .
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flauntpage · 5 years
What Can Sixers Fans Expect From Matisse Thybulle? A Q/A with Seattle Times Writer Percy Allen
The Sixers open Summer League minicamp on Monday, which should give us our first look at draft pick Matisse Thybulle, selected #20 overall one week ago today.
A 6’5″ wing, Thybulle was considered one of the draft’s best defensive prospects, a player who averaged 3.5 steals per game as a senior and topped Gary Payton for the most steals in PAC-12 history. Not bad, eh?
Beyond the defense, Thybulle wasn’t much of a scorer at the University of Washington, averaging 9.1 points per game on 7.5 field goal attempts as a senior. His three-point shooting dipped to 30.5% this past year, down from 36.5% as a junior and 40.5% as a sophomore.
So what gives? And how much did things change when long-time head coach Lorenzo Romar was fired by the Huskies, leading to the appointment of Jim Boeheim disciple Mike Hopkins?
I touched base with Seattle Times writer Percy Allen, who covered Thybulle’s college career and was good enough to spend a few minutes on the phone this morning.
Crossing Broad: Let’s go macro to start; we didn’t watch a lot of PAC-12 basketball out here on the east coast, not a lot of Washington games at all. We’ve seen Matisse’s Youtube highlights and talked to him briefly via conference call and an introductory presser. What can Sixers fans expect from a guy like Matisse and what will they like about him?
Percy Allen: This may sound cliche, but I have to start here, and he is a fantastic person. That’s first and foremost. I saw a little bit of the initial press conference in (Philadelphia) and saw what Elton Brand said about him, and when Elton started with (his high character) it really echoed a lot of the things I got to learn about Matisse over the years. Truly, he is an amazing individual. This is a young man who has really come into himself as a person. Again, that doesn’t speak for the basketball side of things, which I know fans love and clamor for, but the Sixers got an amazing young man. Now, that being said, as a basketball player he’s still young, even though he was in school for four years. He is a defensive savant, he lives and breathes defense, and his father taught him at a very young age the importance of defense. A lot of players like to see the ball go into the basket but he’s not somebody who is really impacted by that. He knows that he can make an impression on the game with his defense. This is someone who likes to study film, likes to pick up other player’s tendencies, and for a lack of a better term, he just has a knack for it.
Crossing Broad: One thing that turned into a talking point out here was the fact that Washington played 2-3 zone under Mike Hopkins, the former Syracuse assistant who took over a few years ago. Some people think Matisse put up inflated defensive numbers as a product of the zone. Do you lend any credence to that, or do you see him as a guy who can play anywhere in any system?
Allen: I think all questions are fair. With Matisse, he did play in zone his first two years under Lorenzo Romar. I don’t have his numbers in front of me, but I imagine there was a big spike there in terms of his steals and his blocks (note: there was; Thybulle improved from 0.7 to 1.4 blocks and 2.1 to 3.0 steals per game as a junior). But he is not unfamiliar with man-to-man concepts from his first two years in college. Obviously Mike Hopkins realized what he had in Thybulle, that he could put somebody at the top of the zone. Now, initially, Thybulle started at the back of the zone, and I don’t know if a lot of people know that. But initially he started at the back of the zone and only stayed there for like one game before the assistant coaches saw that he was so long and so dynamic, so they moved him up to the front. Then it was lights out and everything changed. But I think there is a learning curve for him, and he’s going to have to learn sort of the NBA man-to-man defense, learn how to get over screens, learn how to get under screens, how to chase guys around the court. That’s gonna be something that he just hasn’t done it in the past few years, but I have every bit of a confidence that he will be able to do those things.
Crossing Broad: To follow up on that, or just dig a bit deeper, I was reading a story you wrote in 2017, during Lorenzo Romar’s last season, and you talked about how they went to some zone during that year, before, quote, “Washington returned to a man-to-man defense in 2015-16 and posted a 19-15 record.” Was this just something Romar did to help a struggling squad, a little bit of zone to stop the bleeding before going back to man?
Allen: Yeah he did. So with Romar, not having the success that you’d like, or that you want, you’re trying a lot of different things. Romar grew up on a man-to-man principle and that’s where he had his most success at Washington. Then maybe when the team wasn’t doing so well, or in his mind, they didn’t have the personnel to run his schemes – and I don’t know how that happens in college since you’re recruiting your players – but he tried other things. That’s when he went to the zone at times.  It was an abysmal failure. He realized it, but didn’t realize it quick enough, I think, in my opinion. Then he went back to man-to-man concepts.
Crossing Broad: Let me ask about Matisse’s three-point shooting. He did well as an underclassmen, hitting around 37%, 40%, 36%, then down to 30% as a senior. When we asked him about it, he said he just sort of had to make sacrifices on the offensive end to accommodate the team, but is there anything more as to why his perimeter shooting dropped off the way it did as a senior?
Allen: I think there’s some truth to that. Matisse is really just trying to figure it out for himself as to why that was. Look, there is some truth to that, that early on, as a freshman and sophomore, maybe he thought ‘I should be focusing on my offense more.‘ But then, as he really realized where he can make an impact with this team, I think he, not really let the three-point shooting ‘go,’ but he knew he didn’t have to grind over it because he knew could be such a force as long as he’s leading the defense. I think it’s a part of his game (shooting) that just needs to get there, and he’s really gotta work on that shooting and gotta get it more consistent. He’s gotta shoot the same shot, which I think he does, and I think there’s some hope there because he’s a pretty good free throw shooter. Normally when you have good free throw shooters, you can stretch that out (to field goal shooting). I also think it will benefit him – and I’m not trying to throw anybody under the bus – but it will benefit him to have a point guard who can find him and find him in rhythm. I’m not so sure he necessarily had people who were looking to get him easy shots at Washington. A lot of times he had to hunt for his own shot.
Imagine the first time Matisse Thybulle does this in South Philly? @MattyCord is gonna have a heart attack. @marczumoff might pass out. pic.twitter.com/pBa9JeAuuR
— Jeff McDevitt (@JeffMcDev) June 21, 2019
Crossing Broad: Last one for you, another macro question. Is this where Matisse needs to improve the most to be an effective NBA player? Is it shooting? Or is it maybe that evolution to professional man-to-man defensive concepts? If there’s a hurdle that he needs to clear to take the next step at this level, where is it?
Allen: I’m not trying to dodge because I think it’s a great question, but it’ll be about the fit. I truly believe this; I used to cover the NBA and I’ve seen guys come in with so much promise and not do well, and I’ve seen guys come in with no expectations whatsoever and do phenomenal. A lot of times it just has to do with fit. I think it’s really important to see who Elton is able to keep on that team, surround Matisse with. I do wonder if Ben Simmons and Matisse Thybulle can play on the court a lot together, because with the both of them, perimeter shooting is not a strength. I wonder about that. So it’ll be about fit and role, because I think he’s a smart enough player where he can figure some things out. But I’m curious as to how the Sixers will use him and when they’ll use him. Right now, is he the third best player on the team? I don’t know what that means. What kind of opportunities will he get? I think the fit is going to be really important with a player like that, because you know on defense he is really good, really locks down there. It’s about finding a role that a rookie can feel comfortable with.
  Follow Percy Allen on Twitter: @percyallen
The post What Can Sixers Fans Expect From Matisse Thybulle? A Q/A with Seattle Times Writer Percy Allen appeared first on Crossing Broad.
What Can Sixers Fans Expect From Matisse Thybulle? A Q/A with Seattle Times Writer Percy Allen published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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diasilek-blog · 7 years
Some of my story
Just to preface this: i am not dx with PTSD or CPTSD. I have not spent much time in therapy to share all of this. But will share it with my current therapist. Thanks for listening if you make it to the end you deserve all karma. I am sorting this by houses and places I've lived as it's much easier for me to remember that way, provided is the place I lived the the ages I was.
The apartment 0-1.5
I remember nothing no surprise there
House 1 1.5-4
Remember barely anything. Know that father and mother were together but father was an angry alcoholic however mom notes the nicest person when sober. I suppose an abusive father and Vietnam can do that to you. Mother tells me some frightening stories of him but also continues to note he's a teddy bear when sober. My aunts confirm this as well. My father was also a semi driver so he was often gone. Probably a good thing. There are 4 things I know about my dad (Now, not then) He drove truck, was an alcoholic, played drums in a band, and was in the Vietnam war.The only thing I visually remember is rice aroni for dinner, what I thought was a GIGANTIC spider on a lightbulb in the basement, and my room. I can also see those black and white fillagree like brogue oxford dress shoes next to a closet. Oh and those bouncy horses. When my mom was selling the house a buyer can through with her daughter and She got on the horse - I pushed her off. Other than that really nothing else. Father divorces my mom when I'm 3.5 and moved to California to be with his mistress. He ends up in a psych ward for what was either a ptsd episode or schizophrenia. No one I ask knows for sure. And I can't imagine actually asking him.
Quadplex 4-6
It's just my mom and me and our cat. I remember little from this period as well except for the following: eating Oreos for breakfast, slamming my head into a waterbed headboard and needing stitches, and sticking tweezers in a light socket, oh and making friends with neighbors next door. There are more but those seem the most prominent. Oh I'm also in daycare; I have fond memories of that at least. I don't hear from my father at all. I make 2 "friends" at daycare. They take turns ignoring me, forcing me to choose between them, and telling me I need to buy them toys to be their friend. I think about asking my grandma to buy me three jewel trolls. My mother meets someone new. I start kindergarten.
Duplex 6-9
My mother marries someone new. He seems nice. We move into the duplex. I don't remember a whole lot from this time besides my bedroom, the layout, pretending to run away in the back yard, eating chives, learning to ride a bike and then seeing my step dad kick my cat down the stairs. I'm still in daycare. Those girls are gone now.
House 2 9-11
I find out a girl from school lives across the street. We become inseparable. I am a little too eager for friendship and call her at 6am some days. Her family is annoyed with me. I can tell. We make friends with other neighborhood kids. One is a boy. Both of them start "dating" and exclude me from everything. Back to no friends. I ask my mom to intervene but she clearly doesn't want to. Eventually friend and I see each other at school on the playground. I tell her I have the new Nintendo system and now she wants to come over and play. This is how friendship works I guess.
I meet a girl in 3rd. Eventually we become good friends. I am always too eager for friendship. I call her one afternoon, we talk, then she says to hold on. I hold for 3 hours and then hang up. She becomes friends with the popular crowd and eventually I am left behind. I remember listening to "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston and wanting to dedicate it to her. My mom says she doesn't think that's what the song is about. I wonder What was wrong with me?
I start soccer and am terrible at first. My father comes to visit infrequently. I am basically forced to see him but I have no desire. My father and grandmother come late to a soccer game and they take me for the afternoon. I am scared and angry but they still take me. It's not as bad as I think it will be and I start to equate him to Fishsticks. They never sound good at all but then I eat one and it's not as terrible as I thought it would be. So, it's not always bad with him.
Eventually it is planned that I stay at his house one night. He lives directly across the street from my grandmother. At first it is fun however there are empty cardboard 12 packs lining his wall. I’m only 11ish so I find it disconcerting but I’m not sure I know the extent. We play a game centered around being a truck driver. I sense some pride inside for my father and his career. My father asks if I want to play pool in the basement. We go downstairs. I see his drum set. He teaches me the basic 4/4 beat. Somehow we begin talking about his time spent in the war. I don’t know what comes over me or why I decide to ask him, but the words just kind of come out. I ask him if he killed anyone in the war. He is visibly upset and says he’d rather not talk about that. Things are very awkward after this and he tells me he thinks I should go back over to my Grandma’s house and not spend the night. I leave.
House 3 11-18
Lots of good lots of bad. My father moves back to our state 1995. He's been gone for 7 years. Still not sober.
I initially meet a girl who seems to come from some dysfunction. Her mom is nice though however there is a guy who hangs around a little older than us. We go to my house and he breaks into my stepdads liquor cabinet. I freak out on him, he then goes into our garage and punches many dents in my step Dads car. I call my mom and they call the police. He runs. They catch him and eventually let him go after whatever punishment they gave. When he was back I got a call from him and his friends threatening me for money. I visited the girls house one day and he and his friends waited outside the house. I was terrified to leave but with my friend and her mom watching I walked home.
I play indoor soccer and my dad shows up with my grandmother to a game where is visibly intoxicated. He tries to find his way to our bench - I am mortified and crying but trying to hide it.
Eventually I meet a friend who I become very close with. She is basically a sister for me and still is to this day although we are a few states a part. I finally get to see what a normal family dynamic looks like. My father calls every few months when he is drunk. I hate it. He wants me to know that my stepdad isn't my real dad and that he is my dad. My whole body is tense. My step dad is always angry, emotionally mean and abusive to my mom. They argue about the dumbest things and he is mean. There are always eggshells to walk on and I am always angry with him. I want my mom to stand up for herself and there are many times she tells me she wants to divorce him. I tell her if support her in that decision. There is a night where things get really heated and I finally step in, crying I tell them to stop fighting and lock myself in my room. Eventually my stepdad comes knocking and he’s crying profusely apologizing. It felt so awkward.
Soccer continued, I become really good. I’m on varsity my sophomore year and am not happy about it. I’ve played soccer for the last 8 years with the same people. I am asked during Spanish class what I will be doing this weekend, I mention there is a varsity soccer sleepover. A past friend of mine thinks I’m bragging and tells everyone on my old team that I think I’m better than them. Some don’t talk to me for a while. Soccer was one of the best things my mom ever put me in. I am honorable mention in the state that year. The next year I experiment with marijuana and start smoking. I’m not as good the next year. Senior year I decide not to join – eventually I do after seeing a game and missing it. Definitely not as good as I was. In fact I suck in comparison.
I obsess over the availability of the internet and the vast expanse that it allowed me to explore. I make friends online and develop relationships with people. Eventually at 16 I fall head over heels for someone (Guy A) who lives in another state. We bond over music and I am hooked. He surprises me on Valentine's Day by showing up to my house after asking my mom her permission it's a fucking fairy tale. I am also only 16. I visit home once at his house and it is the first sexual experience I have. Long distance didn't work and my heart shattered. He would come and go out of my life for a few years. I meet another guy through the internet (Guy B). We bond over music and I fall hard. We talk for a year, on the phone, through netmeeting, aim, and even texting (nokias!). I graduate.
I attend my (very close friend who is like a sister)’s graduation. We are hanging out with 2 of our friends who attend a different school. They bring a friend with them. We drink a lot. There is a tent we all plan on sleeping in. We pile in and the friend we don’t know lays next to me. We all try to fall asleep. Until he does it. Out of nowhere reaches into my pants and touches me. I’m really not sure how long this lasts. After it stops I wait until I think he is asleep and then I go home. I tell no one.
I continue speaking to Guy B. He informs me he will come and visit. I am ecstatic. I forget about what happened in the tent. Guy B visits, I end up getting really sick and it turns out to be mono. (Which I think I got a month prior while still in school when one night I went out with friends and got super plastered and made out with a guy I didn’t know where he also stuck his hand down my pants but I didn’t stop him. I had hickeys all over my neck and my soccer team makes fun of me) The week with Guy B was amazing. He left and I was hopeful. But once he got back home he stopped talking to me. Eventually telling me he couldn’t take the distance and that one of us would eventually need to move. Another shattered heart. My step dad is still mean. I remember riding in the car with him and my mom when someone either cut him off or break checked him. He proceeded to tailgate them, cussing, yelling, swerving side to side. The car in front went faster and so did he. It was terrifying. My mom eventually yelled at him to take us home.
College Dorm 18-18
I start college and make it half a semester. I know no one and the social anxiety is terrible. I move back home and see a psychologist who diagnoses me with social anxiety.
Home 3 18-19
I’m back home. My mom wants me to find a job; a stipulation of dropping out of college. She finds a job listing for a warehouse worked disassembling computer equipment. It’s night shift, but it’s money and it’s stability I needed at the time. The company is amazing and I am very fortunate. My sister friend has been dating a guy for a very long time and they ask me to come bowling. I meet my first long term boyfriend. He is my friends boyfriends best friend. He is also 7 years older than me. I lose my virginity to him after basically telling myself “Well, this is it” It wasn’t the experience I was hoping for.
I basically end up living with him and his roommate.
1st BF House 19-20
I’m back and forth between houses but mostly at his. He works days, I work nights. I wake up one morning and he’s at work; I spot a camera under his tv stand. It’s on, and it’s recording. I’m baffled. I watch it. It’s basically nothing but me sleeping. I question him about it and he states that he just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to do anything (not sure what that includes) For some reason I let it slide. We date for 2 years. I have gained some weight since 18. I wasn’t anywhere near unhealthy but I wasn’t in the greatest shape. We get a dog together. I start running with the dog. 1 year later I’m in the best shape ever. This dog is my life. I’m drinking lightly at this point but running causes me to not want to drink. But I do smoke cigarettes after my runs. Go figure.
1st Apartment 20-21
We live together. When we move I’ve been sort of back in contact with my father. He offers to help us move. Up to this point we are very off and on, maybe once a year we speak. I am still running. My job is going well and I move to first shift as well as moving departments. I begin doing inventory and being a computer repair technician. Things are ok.
I decide to go back to school for what I thought was my passion – graphic design. I attend a local community college. My boyfriend says to not take many classes or I may end up in the same situation as before. I honestly think he just doesn’t want me to advance myself or meet other people. One day on my way to school I remember that my dad is living in an efficiency in a motel nearby. I find some courage that day to confront him. To ask him about what happened. He’s not there when I knock on his door but just as I’m about to leave I see him pull up. He’s gone to the store to buy another 12 pack of beer. So much anxiety at this point. Ultimately I ask him why he left, he doesn’t give me a good answer (as if there would be one) he just said sometimes 2 people just drift apart. This doesn’t explain why he was never around. Days later, on my way to school I am listening to music, a favorite thing of mine to do, when all of a sudden I feel disconnected from everything. The music sounds different. I can’t “feel” it anymore. It’s pretty much been that way since.
After coming home from my half semester away at college I’ve been experimenting more and more with illegal substances. Almost everything except for Meth and Heroin. I don’t consider this to be necessarily negative. I was always safe about my experiencing making sure to check Erowid for stories, information and overall preparedness before we’d ever do anything.
Guy A contacts me online and my current boyfriend and I are arguing a lot. Intimacy basically never exists in my relationships so they are always rocky. I find escape in talking to Guy A again. I sneak out to see him one night and my current boyfriend finds out. He is very hurt and wants to end it. The next morning I try to smooth things over, I am panicking. He goes to work and I am supposed to eventually go to mine. I can’t think about anything other than he is going to leave me. I don’t even get dressed for the day, I get in my car and follow him to his work. I am in survival mode basically. I need to know that I won’t be abandoned or left again by someone. I feel crazy. Things eventually smooth over.
Home 3 21-21
Months later I decide to move home and he moves in with his old roommate into a duplex. I am running even more now with our dog. The dog lives at his house and I miss him terribly. We still fight and argue and I’m still unable to develop real intimacy with him. I continue to seek connection outside of the relationship but know that I shouldn’t. I can’t remember how this happened but I must have given my number to someone online and they began contacting me. My boyfriend found out and was again hurt and this time very angry. Threats of breaking up occurred over the phone. I went to his house and banged on his glass sliding door screaming on the patio. He wouldn’t let me in, and again I felt that panic that sets in when someone is about to leave you. I think eventually he let me in out of pity. Some form of reconciliation happened. I tried as much as I could at that time to connect with the person I was supposed to connect with. I wasn’t able to. I eventually ended it on my own terms AFTER I had met someone else at work. It’s a pattern of mine to do that. He takes my dog with him. I don’t see him ever again. It’s extremely heartbreaking for me. I loved that dog. I eventually get a new dog a few months later to fill the void and that dog is still with me.
I date this person from work for 6 months or so and we break up, after I run into someone I went to high school with who I had a major crush on.
Apartment 2 21-22
I move into a new apartment with one of my good friends. I’ve been able to make a few friends at this point. At this point I’ve been working for that same employer since I was 18. I’ve since moved from the warehouse into the office doing work on their website and marketing material. I haven’t finished my graphic design degree and decide to switch my major to marketing. I begin making some good money at this point and am fairly comfortable. I’m dating the guy I knew from high school. I also know that since high school he had developed an addiction to heroin. When I meet him he claims he is clean. I’ll find out later that he definitely isn’t. One day I go out and about while he’s still at my home. I come back to find that he’s vacuumed my stairs which is super nice of him and then I see my dog. His eye and surrounding area is 3 times the size it should be. I ask my boyfriend what happened and he says the dog peed on the stairs after he cleaned them. He fucking punched my dog.I don’t know why I stayed with him. I eventually left after he continued to lie to me about using. This time I didn’t have a back up. It was the first time I actually did something healthy for myself in regards to a relationship. I meet someone at my cousins wedding. We see each other around afterwards.
My friend decides to move back home. I find an apartment in the same complex with a 1 bedroom and move. I get a call from my doctor after an abnormal pap, it comes back with CIN III dysplasia. I don’t quite know what this means as far as fertility and my overall health. I have a leep procedure and am lucky that it gets rid of it all. 6 months later I am HPV free.
Apartment 3 22-24
Guy B calls one night randomly. Guy B and I continue talking, he’s saying all the right things to me and is regretful of how it ended between us. I am kind of talking to guy I met at the wedding. Guy B and I bond again over music and I plan to go and visit him. Guy at wedding wants to date. I’ve booked a flight to go see Guy B. I don’t know what to do. I think I should go for what I feel is a sure thing with wedding guy. Guy B hurt me the last time we were together. I end up cancelling my flight with Guy B and calling that off. I date wedding guy for a few months, but I’m not feeling a connection. Somehow guy A ends up in my town and we meet up. I do things I shouldn’t with him while I’m in a relationship wedding guy. I break it off with him. I get a hold of Guy B and apologize. I make plans to visit him on new years. The week I spend there is awesome but I have this sinking feeling that the situation will only end the same as it did before. At the end of the week he drops me off at the airport. He only gives me a hug and leaves. I am devastated because I know this is it. I cry for hours in the airport and am approached by a random stranger who was in town for a lighting project. He comforts me and tries to calm me down. I am appreciative of his compassion.
I date a few people here and there and eventually meet someone. I like him, my friends basically hate him. I should have known, for some reason I am always hooked on people who aren’t good for me. within 3 months I am pregnant. I remember the night, we use a condom but find it has broken. The next day I take plan b. I think everything is ok until I miss my period. I am not sure what to do. I do tell 4 people. My mom, 2 friends, and a coworker who has become a mentor to me. I am thankful for this support network.
This guy has a career he has worked very hard for and is continuing to work hard on. I tell him I am pregnant and he is very supportive at first. But he wants me to consider abortion. He is afraid he will resent the child for not allowing him to pursue his dreams. I am torn. I have always wanted children – but not in this way. Knowing he would resent his child or the possibility of him resenting his child just reminds me of my childhood and not having a father. I don’t want to put any child through that. I decide to terminate. Before I can do that I need a counseling session. Boyfriend comes there with me. I am definitely not ok but am going through it anyways. I breakdown on the phone with a nurse when I scheduled the appointment.
My boyfriend is out of town for work on the day of the abortion. I go by myself, have to watch a short film, and then take a pill. I will need to take one more later on. There is a group of students doing a study and the doctor wants to know if they can watch me while I take the pill. I agree for some reason. It was all over so quickly. I am ushered out of the building and walk to my car alone. I feel guilty and numb and sad and so very alone. I go to my parents’ house and wait it out. All of the things that happen happen and my mom is there for me. I go back to my apartment that night and take a bath. While taking my bath a feel a weird sensation and one last clot is passed – it’s large, and it’s not something I wanted to see. It’s floating in the bath with me. I scoop it out and throw it in the toilet.
I’m sure my boyfriend is relieved but I am the one that lives with this. He tells me I have 3 days to mourn and then it’s something we need to get over.
I have a hard time living with this decision. It causes many issues in our relationship. He gets fired from his job. We go see his family in his home state. I see how terrible he is to his mother. Why am I still in this relationship? Somehow his mother and us are talking and discussing babies and I have no idea how abortion is brought up but she says “you better not be aborting my grandbabies!” I break down.
Eventually he finds a job out of state. I basically beg him to take me with. We move, all 3 of us, which includes his roommate. They have been best friends for years and I am constantly the third wheel.
Apartment 4 24-25
Lots of things happen here. Most of it is extremely toxic. My boyfriend and I argue so often. I am still seething from the abortion and am resentful. I find that he’s joined a dating website. He says he only did it in case we don’t work out.
I find a job relatively quickly and will work there for the next 3 years. It is also extremely toxic for me. He loses his job fairly quickly.
When my boyfriend and I fight I tend to not remember most of the arguments. I think I remember what I say but when we fight about things we’ve said he disagrees with me and tells me that’s not how things happened and I start to feel crazy. I find a document on his computer that is titled “what -myname- says during arguments” and I do not open it. He says he keeps it so he has proof of what I say. Is he gaslighting me? am I really crazy, do I really not remember things correctly? I am so confused.
Maybe I am the perpetrator?
Many nights are spent fighting, I can’t remember what they were about now. I remember the anger in his face when he was trying to leave the apartment to go for a walk and I remember the panic that set in as I shrunk into a ball on the floor. Another panic attack when someone threatens to leave. He walks out and I gain the composure to try and find him. I find him and I yell at him for not being there for the abortion about him not having to deal with what I dealt with. I’m sure everyone in our apartment complex can hear us.
I find he’s actually been talking to girls on this dating website and I go stay at a hotel for the night. A few months later he finds a job in his home state and moves back, he wants me to come with. Instead I’ve been looking at apartments and sign on one. I am terrified of being on my own. I don’t move with him, I stay.
Apartment 5 25-28
I am finally alone with only my work relationships. I try to make friends with the girls there but they are not my kind. My boss likes to use intimidation and vitriol to manage our department. Most days I have anxiety about going to work.
I find someone online and we begin dating. He is dx bi-polar and takes medication. He consistently claims he is no good for me and that he has never dated someone as normal as I am. I am not really normal there is just a very convincing façade.
The relationship is mysterious and not stable. Eventually he breaks up with me and I am fired from my job for declining performance I think but they don’t give me a reason and I am kind of devastated but also kind of relieved.
I give it a few months and am applying for jobs here and there. I have a quick stint at a VA job fair for a week. I begin talking to someone on okcupid, but have decided that I should probably move back home. After the job fair is complete I pack up some bags and drive home to visit. I continue talking to this new person through okcupid and now texting. I am applying for jobs in my hometown. I am getting requests for interviews. I’m not sure what I should do. I go back home and meet the person I’ve been texting with. He’s very sweet and kind and I think sexual things may have happened too quickly, but he cares and for once I finally feel safe somewhere. I get an interview for a company and eventually get the job. I’m making good money and things are starting to level off. New guy and I connect quickly and there is no doubt that there is finally something stable, good, and loving in my life. It is quick though when we become pregnant after talks about wanting children. We really didn’t think that would happen so quickly. I am kind of shocked but we are both excited. I know we’ll need a place to live and neither of our places suited so I set out to buy our first house. My credit was good enough at that point.
Final House 28-32
We move into the house when I’m 4 months pregnant. I am proposed to on mother’s day with the rocky II proposal. Thing are great. We have our daughter by c-section and it’s the most emotional and happy I’ve felt in my entire life. We both cry. Breastfeeding isn’t easy and she has lots of phlegm so when she spits up she has a hard time breathing. I develop post partum anxiety over feeding her and eventually get prescribed anxiety medication. Life goes on there is depression and I’m having a hard time being intimate.
It seems as though intimacy is always easy for me in the beginning of relationships but as they progress it gets much hard for me to connect. And it’s not just with my husband but with my kids as well. Oh yeah, we have another child after we get married. These kids are the fucking best and I am SURROUNDED by love all of the time. I think sometimes it is so overwhelming. I have never felt this before. I actually have a group of friends who care about me and who care about each other and it is entirely evident that these people are the best people I’ve ever had in my life. I sometimes feel I don’t belong and have a hard time relating. I still have anxiety and issues and my drinking has increased throughout my life. I no longer do any type of drugs.
I am currently a business analyst for a different company and I absolutely love what I do. I have a caring employer and I feel as though my life has done a complete 180. I am extremely fortunate but I have a hard time feeling that. I know in my brain that I am safe but that is not how my body feels most of the time. Intimacy between my husband and I is pretty nonexistent but he is very supportive. I just feel bad that I am unable to give him what he needs. I am in therapy every 2 weeks. I want to get better for him and our family. She seems to be the first therapist I feel has some understanding and concern for me. I am trying very hard to be present here and to enjoy what I have but it is very hard to do. I have dermatillomania as well. I am working on that, and it doesn’t bring me as much shame as it used to. I feel lots of different things but I think confusion is the most common feeling. There is so much more but I’ve already wrote a book.
If you’ve read this far thank you. Sorry for the mess and jumble The chronological pattern is based on where I lived verse my actual age. So I hope the skipping around in certain sections isn’t too confusing.
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From Adventure to Misadventure - the CT
The Colorado Trail, a ride that had been placed on my heart for over a year had finally come to pass.  Months of research and planning.  Months of gear analyzation and packing, Months of mental preparation and training all thrown away in one sentence, “By the way, this is my last day on the trail.”
On July 28th I left Jackson, WY, leaving behind my wife and two children to embark on the biggest bike adventure I had ever attempted, the Colorado Trail (CT).  Although I wasn’t going to be racing the CT I was planning on scouting the route for the 2016 race.  I arrived in Denver that night excitedly anticipating the next day launch.  In Denver is where my cousin Taylor would be meeting me as he flew from San Fransisco that afternoon.  Taylor arrived late that evening to the hotel, and it was midnight before we finally crashed.  
Day 1: The next morning came early as we loaded our bikes on the truck and were driven to the Waterton Canyon trailhead.  After making a final gear check and fist bump, we were off!  It wasn’t long before we passed the first CT racer (1st place, and new record holder at 3.5 days) tearing down the canyon road towards victory.  I was amazed at what little he was carrying on his bike compared to my touring gear.  I guess I better look into lightening up for next year I thought.  
We crossed through a gate at the top of the canyon which was the start of Segment 1.  This is were I first began to notice that something wasn’t quite right with Taylor.  I’ve been riding with Taylor since he was 14 years old.  Now at 23 he had turned into a very talented and strong cyclist.  At 6’2” and maybe 165 lbs Taylor was a solid climber, or at least stronger than I.  As we began to climb the switchbacks on Segment 1 I noticed that I was easily pulling away from Taylor.  Although the trail wasn’t that technical I found Taylor preferred to walk his bike over the smallest rock obstacles vs riding them.  Primarily a road cyclist I assumed at the time that Taylor was just struggling with his technical skills with the added weight of all his gear.  At the top of the climb Taylor reported that he felt like he was, “breathing through a straw” and that he just “couldn’t push” himself at all.  I became concerned that at this pace we weren’t going to make it to our first camping spot on the trail by nightfall.  We pushed on.  A few hours later we began our decent towards the end of segment 1 and again I noticed Taylor seemed to be struggling to just keep his bike on the trail, he looked weak!  At the end of segment 1 (mile 16) we stopped for a break and to eat some food.  During that time we saw the second place racer on the CT, and again I was shocked by what little he was carrying for gear on his bike.  We gave him an update on the race leader and he was off again.  Taylor however seemed less than impressed to continue.  We began the second big climb on the day when we started Segment 2.  Quickly, I had pulled away from Taylor again on the switchbacks.  My fears were confirmed when he finally got to the summit 45 minutes behind me.  He wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t drink and he wasn’t making any sense.  Taylor had altitude sickness.  
Not something to mess around with, I knew we needed to get him to a lower elevation quickly and get him off the trail.  Back at the junction between segments 1-2 I was hoping to find cell coverage.  Fat chance!   Looking a the map I figured we had a 14 mile climb out of the canyon we were in to get to the main road and hopefully cell coverage to call Taylor’s parents who were in Denver staying with friends.  I went ahead to move quickly and left Taylor to plug along at his 3 mph pace up the paved climb.  About an hour and a half later and nearly 8,000 feet of climbing on the day I reached the main road and cell coverage.  Taylor had been picked up by a couple and given a ride to a near by convince store to call his parents.  I waited maybe 5 min and was picked up by them.  We drove back to Denver so that Taylor could rest and heal.  
At this point in time I had a lot of mixed feelings going on.  First of all I was worried about Taylor.  Altitude sickness can be brutal and can take days to recover.  Secondly, I didn’t have extra days to complete this ride, only 10 and I was already behind by 1/2 a day.  That night as Taylor was attended to by his Mother, I contemplated my next move.   I informed Taylor and his parents that I was going to continue the next day without Taylor and depending on how he felt he could join up the next day or so.  They agreed to take me to the beginning of segment 6 the next morning.  
Day 2: At the top of Kenosha Pass began Segment 6.  I was dropped off and planned to ride the 35 mile segment (east and west parts) that day.  It felt great to be back on the bike and moving at a reasonable pace.  I prayed that Taylor would heal and could join me again soon.  The East half of Segment 6 looked and felt like Colorado plucked it right out  of New England.  It was technical with rocks and roots, off camber descents and steep punchy climbs.  Growing up on trails like this in NH, I was ear to ear smiles.  This was my kind of riding and I was loving it.  I met up with a group of guys on their annual ride of segment 6, and they kindly let me tag along.  Meeting people on the trail was one of the things that I was most looking forward to on this ride.  I love to know peoples story, their motivation, and their passion whether it be day bikers or through hikers.  Finding that common piece in each one of them to explore is fascinating to me.   I left my new friends at the beginning of the west half of segment 6, and began to climb up to my first real mountain pass of the trip at 12,000 feet.  The trail was beautiful and almost all ridable besides some small sections.  At the saddle the views were wonderful but the sky was grey and it began to rain lightly.  I made my way down the descent and into the parking lot where Segment 7 began.  I was picked up by Taylor and his Mother and surprisingly Taylor looked good, and he reported that he felt a lot better than this morning.  I was hopeful that he could join me in the morning, Segment 7 over the 10 mile range was one segment I was really looking forward to.  
Day 3:  I was joined again by a slowly recovering Taylor as we embarked on segment 7.  I’m going to take this time to explain segment 7.  I’m not sure why I was told by multiple people that this segment was fun.  I had a different choice of word, STUPID!  Stupid hard, stupid steep, stupid technical, and just plane stupid to attempt on a bicycle loaded with 40 lbs of gear.  Taylor and I essentially hiked 12 miles (the first 8 with over 5,000 feet of climbing) in 5.5hrs.  Sounds like a great hike you might say.   Yeah, I agree it was beautiful at the summit, and frankly all along the trail.  As a hike it was great! The problem was, I wasn’t hiking I was “biking”.  Note to self, in the future just take the 10 mile bike path from segment 7 parking lot to Copper Mountain!  Here’s the kicker to this story…Taylor gets bitten by a small cat-dog about 2 miles from the finish of the segment, and proceeds to get yelled at by the owners, informing him that HE is a hazard to the trail.  Unreal!  Taylor’s Parents were waiting for us at the end of segment 7 in case he needed to bail, but with the high amounts of adrenaline coursing through his veins at that time, it was the best he’d looked thus far on the trip!  
After a call to the animal control officer and statements from both parties on the biting incident we had lost valuable time on the day.  We decided to catch our “last ride” and be dropped off in Leadville, CO for the night.  This would mark the first night sleeping in our tents and using our gear that we had been carrying this whole time.  It was great!  
Day 4:  we woke up early and were pedaling by 7:45am earliest start thus far.  I had high hopes to make it to Buena Vista before dark.  We had a long road/gravel section leading us to the trailhead and Taylor seemed better.  He still wasn’t able to eat much which I feared would come back to bite him later in the day, but spirits were up and frankly after yesterday, anything was an improvement.  We entered the trail and immediately began to climb steep endless switchbacks.  I was able to ride 75% of the climb but I’m pretty sure Taylor walked the majority.  He started to not look good again, damn!  After the climb we enjoyed the plushest section of the trail so far.  Fast flowing descents, amazing views and great weather into Twin Lakes.  We stopped at the Twin Lakes store to collect our resupplies and eat lunch.  We realized quickly that we packed way too much food and there was no way we were going to be able to use it all.  We made plans for Taylor's parents to swing by Twin Lakes on their way to Durango to pick up the remainder of our boxes.  We were off again.  Somewhere along the next 5 mile paved stretch we missed the access point to the trail and ended up having to ride road all the way into Buena Vista.  With impending weather closing in on us as we reached the town limits we decided to get a hotel room for the night, shower and eat a good high caloric meal of burgers, nachos and beer at the Fault Line Brewery.  
Day 5 We had a bit of a slower start to this day, eating breakfast at a great little diner in town before heading out the find the trail head.  Again, the trail immediately began to climb back into the mountains and Taylor again was struggling.  This time however, it was different.  physically he seemed okay but mentally he was broken, he looked pissed, conversation was minimal and it was obvious he wasn’t having fun.  We had planned for a short day today just segment 13 about 18 miles with only  about 3,000 feet of climbing.  We knew we had the upcoming stretch of remote long days in the woods ahead of us and we thought we’d get some rest today.  At the top of the first climb on the day, about 6 miles in Taylor dropped his bomb.  “By the way, this is my last day on the trail.”  I couldn’t believe it, we were finally doing the ride we had planned.  We were finally riding our bikes, and were about the take on a challenging section of trail out beyond the assistance from the rest of the world, back in the thick of it, survival mode.  “I’m just not having any fun carrying all this crap with me.”  he said.  This is what this trip was suppose to be all about, the challenge, the struggle, digging deep, finding out what you’re made of.  This was the part of the trip I was most looking forward to, and in one sentence he threw it all away.  
I needed some time alone to get my head around this.  I carried on along the trail, not waiting for Taylor on every climb or technical section, not being concerned on how he was doing or feeling, I was broken.  I went through moments of anger and moments of frustration, moments of sadness and moments of selfishness.  I don’t think Taylor understood what this trip meant to me.  I have two small children who require a ton of effort and time, I work hard at job to provide for my young family.  I don’t get many opportunities to take a trip like this.  This was my “Big Trip” and just like that it was taken from me.  I proceeded awhile longer then stopped to wait for Taylor.  
At lunch I asked what the plan would be now that we were no longer riding the trail.  Taylor suggested riding to Salida, CO and spending a couple of days riding the trails there and then having his parents drop off my truck and driving to Durango and riding a couple of days there, before we head back home.  Seemed like a good solution to our problem, and so that’s what we did.  We road 18 miles on pavement to Salida, CO got a hotel and explored the town.   We went to the Absolute Bike shop and inquired about a nice long ride to complete in the morning.  The shop manager sent us out to do the Rainbow trails.  The trails were amazing, well built and fun.  The next day my truck was dropped off to us, along with the rest of our gear and we set off to Durango.  I had forgotten what a beautiful drive through Ouray and Silverton, CO was.  While driving over those winding mountain passes I made the decision that I wasn’t done with the CT.  No, far from it.  The CT might have won this battle but I win conquer  this trail someday.
Happy Adventures, Craig Jordan
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