#as an emo nonbinary tboy who collects dolls and is into fashion but also aligns myself otherwise with more masculine traits and hobbies
evilmagician430 · 5 months
personally i think, just like it's important for any given person to be in touch with their "feminine" side, i also think it's important for everyone to be in touch with their "masculine" side. nobody is 100% stereotypically masculine or feminine. even the girly girls each have some sort of quirk that's considered traditionally masculine, and even the most manly men have some traditionally feminine traits. the sooner you realize this the sooner; not just for the wellbeing of others but also for yourself and allowing yourself to discover hobbies and interests you enjoy and getting rid of any shame you have over habits that don't fall into the "masc" or "fem" image you've curated. be yourself be unique be a monster
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