#as for blorbo stuff i think i'm gonna go rb that medic post again
I am very interested in kink history and culture, are there any resources or books you'd recommend or is it a more Go Out And Learn From People thing?
Also here's a chance to soapbox about any of your blorbos and relating them to kink history (or just the history!) I'm all ears
God I haven't rlly done like a lot of bookreadin on it, which is a shame I would certainly like to </3 if anyone has some book recs I'll definitely take them lol (especially if I can read them online I'm not rlly in a position to be buying physical books about bdsm rn). Uhh man it Is kind of a learn from people thing just by virtue of kink being so personal, so talking to people is a good way to learn a wider variety of experiences than u might get from reading if ur trying to figure urself out (although if it's history and not modern-day culture ur trying to learn abt, then like books and articles and stuff are basically the only way to do it lol). Finding people to talk abt kink with on Tumblr is hard but not impossible, basically just follow increasingly strange gay and trans people and Someone will be into Something. One of my favorite bdsm education YouTubers is Evie Lupine, who does like all sorts of overview videos about certain kinks and gives advice about how to do kink and how to manage these kinds of relationships and also talks abt polyamory and asexuality and stuff like that if ur interested. Kat Blaque is another YouTuber I rlly like who talks abt bdsm, although her videos are less educational and more personal, you get a better feel for like The Community as it is in real life right now. Some of those "lgbt archive" type accounts on here will talk about kink history too, because kink history is lgbt history in so many ways, it's just hard to find bc Tumblr blocks all kink-related tags lol </3. If anyone has some more suggestions n maybe stuff I forgot feel free to stick it in the notes I know that's not what this blog is like About but again this is where I have the biggest platform </3 I do talk abt this kinda thing on main sometimes tho so like. follow me lol
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