#as i said i'm a tom apologist so he was right sorry. but it was a really good scene
gregoftom · 1 year
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dwtdog · 6 months
I'm just sad. I hate I feel like I'm being a white men apologist bc I don't believe caiti.
I hate people are so ready to hate on G as if this isn't a she said he said situation, with feelings over proof. I don't know why she did this. Was it really bc she thinks it's sa? Was it for the hate boner against the dteam? Was it bc she wanted to protect people from G? Was it for popularity? Was it to deplataform someone who almost never streamed?
I do believe she's hurt by her own actions. And I do think is OK to call out G so he doesn't do this ever again. But this smell like bs and hate.
Also the unnecessary comment of Tom's mother. Honestly why
It's so discouraging as a victim myself, as a fan of these people. I just feel bad for the 3 of them.
Like what are the rest of the ccs expecting? G and Dream to not stream ever again?They weren't streaming that much. To make them less popular?sure whatever. To make people conscious of how evil manipulative they are? OK done.
Now what?
If in 1 week or 10 months they decide to stream again, I really hope the antis just leave them alone. Like yeah you already said they are awful and we are watching them knowing how you feel.
Like what now?
:(( i'm sorry anon, i hope you're doing okay <3
i think a lot of life is learning that we're never going to understand perfectly why anyone does anything. i can walk outside right now and stress myself the fuck out worrying that everyone can tell i've just been lying in bed sick all day, but that's me pushing my assumptions onto them.
it's harder with people we don't know, obviously, especially when we've developed parasocial relationships that make us feel like we should know what's going on. in the version of george that existed in our heads before all this, maybe we could never imagine this happening, and that's why it hurts.
and it's always going to sting, learning that things are different from how we assumed, because damn is it nice to be right all the time. but that's impossible- no one can know everything, and especially not everything about something so unpredictable as another human.
so my best advice is to acknowledge that every image you have in your head of other people- from your parents to the creators you like- is incomplete. you'll never fully understand them, hell, you'll probably never even fully understand yourself. and we have to be okay with that, and we have to prepare ourselves to learn and grow, rather than getting stuck. let new information change your mind, but keep track of the things that matter the most to you
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"I'm a Stede/Jack/Ed/Izzy enjoyer" You're fucking disgusting is what you are. A hypocrite and a racist.
Oh Hey you're back. You know I said I'd ignore you (and I have been, I've gotten like fucking at least 10 messages from this person that I've blocked since the last time I published one of their anon messages) but I genuinely have a few questions.
Uh, first of all, how is critically enjoying a character while still thinking they're a huge asshole (affectionate) and thinking that a ship is funny racist but calling a living breathing black person that you don't know an uncle tom is somehow perfectly acceptable to you. You know that's a slur, right?
Second of all, and I genuinely want to know the answer to this, when David Jenkins says that Ed and Izzy are failing marriage coded is he an abuse apologist? When people portray abusive relationships in media are they abuse apologists? Because none of the Ed/Izzy fic I write ever portrays Izzy as good, and none of it ever has Ed and Izzy ending up together, and I actively dislike fics with that ending. So like, why do you like the show? if portraying bad things is apologia then is not OFMD cannibalism apologia, is it not murder apologia. (it might be those last two actually now that I think about it lmao, great show).
anyway the last anon you sent before this I blocked so you might want to switch your vpn before responding. Also in response to that particular anon did you miss the post where I said "I stan calico Jack because he tells us a lot of Eds past and I stan the more problematic elements of Ed who is my actual blorbo"?
also one final thing. How is my expanding on CJ any different from your Stede dissociation pipe dream? Sorry I like my blorbos problematic and absolutely piss soaked.
Edit: I'm literally not asking this to dunk on the anon I'm genuinely so fucking curious as to what's going on here. Like girl you're insane.
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valeriemperez · 6 years
As an objective reviewer, what did you really think of 5x6? I can't tell if I'm letting my disdain for Danielle cloud my judgment or if I should try to rewatch it. I have seen all of the bad reviews and even saw a youtuber who is firmly anti-Iris say its the worst episode of the series but sometimes those things can be the result of group think. Lol sorry for rambling, I'm just so flabbergasted and confused about this episode especially when the last five were so good :(
Personally, I was bored. I rewatched the episode in order to write my review, and objectively (as objective as I can be) I think the problem is that they: 
A) Focused too much on the “science” side of the experiments and why Caitlin and Thomas’ alter egos might be different.B) Placed the emotional emphasis on a relationship we’ve never seen before - Caitlin and Thomas - and that we had never even heard about before two episodes ago. It would have been stronger to have Carla there, and for her and Caitlin to make up after Caitlin realizes her mother was protecting her from Icicle, etc.
Are you going to update the women’s screentime for episode 6?
Just did!
Honestly GG doesn’t seem that close to any of the cast save TC. He mostly keeps to himself while they film and doesn’t seem to hang out with anyone unless it’s something TC arranged for GG to go to. I think left to his own devices GG would stay in his condo and do his own thing. I think that’s what throws people off cause as the lead you’d think GG would be the center of the cast social life like SA. For whatever reason that’s just not who GG is but I get it frustrates people.
Yeah, I definitely think Tom C. is his favorite person in the cast, but he’s generally not a social butterfly like you said.
I just knew the GG apologists were going to be in your inbox. I don’t doubt they are friends, but after watching that video CP tweeted today, he and the other white actors around her are apart of the problem. I will always be grateful to him for advocating WA, but why all of the silence now? Why all of the public weirdness? She is the only one he treats like that. He didn’t even show support for the rag doll actor, who btw, sang his praises more than once. Ellen Pompeo is the ally CP deserves.
I don’t think they’re being particularly weird in public, given that we haven’t really seen them out in public. They seemed fine in the one video we saw on them at the party, for example. But he has been quiet about the show for the most part, I just don’t think it’s specifically directed at or about Candice.
Agree about Ellen, though! Candice could have used way more supportive costars, but thankfully she’s out here succeeding anyway.
Tati, I’m a butthead so I’m on anon 😝 I wonder who that one cast mate could be? The wannabe female lead perhaps…? The fake feminist that has been trying to erase CP’s presence on the show since S1. The been in the game forever chick that still can’t act. I could go on, but I think we all know who the one person is.
LMAO, who ever could you mean????
People are upset because Grant isn’t as openly supportive of Candice as they feel he should be. Honestly, of late he hasn’t seemed to be supportive of much. The show, his friends/family, etc. I think something is going on with him (personally). However, as long as he make it do what it do when he’s on screen with my girl CP making those 😍🥰 and rubbing her unnecessarily so WA continues to be a healthy interracial RL I don’t care if her supports her on sm or not. That’s what we as fans do. #IWDS
This is my thought too. He hasn’t been supporting much other than his skateboards lol. I wish he was more openly supportive of her and that the cast as a whole made their interactions more available for public consumption, but it’s also not something I’m hung up on. They are the way they are, and I wouldn’t trade (almost) any of them.
To me it wasn’t obvious that CP wanted to stand on that side of the cake since she kept looking over to the other side, which was already crammed. I agree that sometimes people project their own feelings into a situation (I’ve read some pretty wild theories about GG snobbing CP bc she’s not in a RL and he dislikes single people) but what we’ve seen of GG and CP outside of SM is positive. We got ONE video from the party and it was good. He’s horrendous on SM though. Don’t care if CP agrees or not
You are 100% right that we’re all projecting, lol. We don’t know them and we only see a tiny sliver of their lives, which they have chosen to show us.
Couldn’t it just be that Candice was standing on the right side of the room to begin with so she just went to the right side of the cake where Danielle N and JPK went too. I don’t think she’s so bothered by DP that she wouldn’t stand next to Grant, Carlos, or Tom because DP was there. I mean we have to remember that Candice is in the same room with DP everyday at work. It’s not like they explode if they get close.
It totally could be that, lol. 
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