#as if we're not living in a rotting biohazard
snailcubezz · 11 months
ahaha . more of family's getting increasingly bad health complications likely from just living in this fucking house. Haha. Gets Scared
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prokyon · 21 days
UPDATE: I moved house!
I am so exhausted, and sore, and I don't have internet yet...
But I am in my forever home and I am finally able to look after my mum better to manage her stress and health. We're no longer living in a place with mould and biohazard carpets and shitty plumbing (punintended). Even though the new house still has work to be done, it's livable and comfortable. I'm not living in the middle of a renovation zone or a health hazard and it feels safer already.
I will still be travelling a lot to do minor fixes and clean the rental house before our lease is up to make sure we get our bond money back. We're probably going to have to fight for it anyway. That real estate is extremely hostile to us, and our health, and has ignored dangerous issues brought up not only by us but professionals who inspected the property. We've only ever gotten them to action repairs for things that will unequivocally get them in trouble with the law, while they pretend the other law-breaking problems don't exist.
The location was amazing and the house had great construction, but the real estate has actively inhibited maintenance at every step of the way and are allowing a good house to rot. I am so ready to be done with it all and I am so lucky I got the chance to buy at the price I did.
I am 26 and the new place is the 14th house I've lived in. I've had to move, on average, more frequently than every two years my entire life. Only four of those moves were initiated by us and none were because we were at fault. There are many studies that say moving stress is life-shortening and the conditions that cause and accompany it are inhumane. Renters in Queensland have almost no rights (until 2023/2024) and our legal avenues have been overseen by people who side with landlords as the default. Until this/last year, you could be evicted "without grounds" and with very short notice. Many landlords/real estates conduct illegal evictions without notice or without grounds and get away with it because the time, money, and stress put into a legal battle destroys the victims. Every renter has a story like that happening to them.
I like to think that maybe I am getting lucky with this opportunity to make up for the rest of my life, but that would mean these things happen for a reason. They don't. They happen because bad people and bad systems constantly enforce and reinforce this statistically-probable hell for poor people. I just got dealt a good hand for once and I'm gonna try my best to snowball my wins and keep the momentum going.
TLDR: Moved house. No internet. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to my DMs yet. Things should be sorted by the end of September. My cat is settling in at the new place.
Stay safe everyone <3
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straydawg-writing · 4 years
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦.
- 𝓚. 𝙯𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙮𝙘𝙠
• hunter x hunter series
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Chapter 3—
"Don't they have anything at least a LITTLE flattering? I get they're like hippie-extremists, but not all of us want to look like a sack of potatoes," you complained, swiping through their clothing racks that screamed no-potential-whatsoever.
You'd finally arrived at NGL headquarters, only for them to make the three of you throw out your phones and clothes. It's like they were still living in the 18th century.
"It's only clothes. Just pick whatever," Killua replied while browsing through the selection, though he looked equally as aggravated and bored. He did have at least some style that he wanted to upkeep.
Gon on the other hand didn't seem to care.
"You think they have anything green?" He wondered out loud.
You pulled out a set of white pants with a blue long sleeves top.
"Hey Killua."
You shoved the set into his arms, giving him a bright smile.
"Try this on, I think it would match your eyes well."
"Idiot. The Chimera Ants won't be looking at my eyes when we're fighting them." Pink dusted his cheeks as he looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.
He bought the outfit without even trying it on.
Gon pouted. "Wait, what about me?"
You pulled out two more similar sets. One was a pair of green pants and a white tank top, while the other was burgundy pants with a black top. That one was yours.
"We can all match!" You grinned, relieved you finally found something that wouldn't make you all look like homeless children. "Well, sort of." The sets were still different colors, but they retained the same general style.
"Oh, great idea Y/N! I'll go change into it now," Gon beamed, nearly skipping all the way to the changing room with his brand new green pants. It was about time he put on something different for a change, you inwardly joked.
Killua was already walking back from the stalls when Gon ran past him.
"Wow Killua, look at that drip~" You whistled, checking out his new outfit.
"You're so hopeless," he sighed, bonking the top of your head.
You rubbed where he had hit and stuck out your tongue, pretending to be hurt. It was the truth though, he looked really good in the outfit you had picked out. Peeking at him while he wasn't looking, you discovered that the tight-skinned long sleeves accentuated his arms in a way you'd never noticed before, hugging his lean muscles. You were right about the royal-colored shirt bringing out his pretty blue eyes. And the way his pale skin and white hair contrasted them even looked a little heavenly...
God, what were you thinking? If Killua heard you right now he'd hit you over the head another 20 times over. You looked to the floor, hoping he wouldn't see your growing blush.
After all three of you had changed into your new clothes, the hunt for the Chimera Ants began. Kite was on his own horse, while the rest of you fit on the second one due to your small frames. You were holding onto Gon's torso as he took control of the reins.
He was like a natural, his whole body moving in sync with the horse in strong determination. You trusted him, knowing that wouldn't just let you topple over. You weren't really used to horses, as they weren't typically found roaming around the jungle.
Then there was Killua, who was standing stick-straight on the horse like it was nothing.
"How do you even do that?!" You called out over the sound of galloping hooves.
"Huh, Do what? You mean this?" Killua smirked, doing a handstand.
You couldn't believe him. The boy had no fear at all.
"You're crazy," you stated, turning around to face Killua and leisurely leaning your back against Gon.
You had finally mastered balancing on the horse without having to hold onto him— but you had nowhere as near the skill Killua did.
"Maybe I am, but you love it," he teased, still upside-down. Temptingly enough, his white locks of hair were hanging upside-down too.
Slowly, you leaned forward on the palm of your hands, steadily closing in the distance between you two.
"Sure, I do. You got me there," you cooed, catching him off guard.
"Huh.." He sweatdropped, turning bright red. Killua's balance was starting to wobble.
Then, exploiting his moment of weakness, you tugged on his hair knocking him over.
Satisfied, you rested against Gon again. Thankfully the boy didn't seem to mind.
"Show off," You said, sticking your nose in the air.
"Man, that was so unfair!" Killua whined, sitting back down on the horse and dragging his hands down his face.
You crossed your arms, ready to deliver some witty comeback, when you noticed some bees in the distance that looked like they were carrying something. Squinting your eyes, you saw that they were flying in closer.
"Hey guys, look at that," you pointed out. The horses stopped as one of the bees dropped the paper in Kite's hand.
Chimera Ant Nest, Rocky Area
Notify Hunter Association!!
An SOS? And it appeared to be written in blood.
You cast a worried glance at Gon, who looked disturbed.
"It's Ponzu..."
Ponzu...? The name wasn't familiar to you at all. That must be somebody Killua and Gon knew from before you had met them.
The bee fluttered defeatedly around you before making its landing on your ring finger. Kite made the decision to leave the horses, with a message for the Hunter Association.
Even though they ran faster on foot, it didn't take much time until you came across an unsettling scene.
Or, what was left of Ponzu.
Blood soaked the ground. Articles of ripped-up clothing scattered the dirt, and there was not even a bone in sight. The putrid smell of iron overwhelmed your nostrils.
It was fresh blood.
If you had arrived even 15 minutes earlier, maybe Gon and Killua's friend would not have so barbarically killed. You felt sick to your stomach.
'This wasn't done by a human'
"This was done by a Chimera Ant," Kite finished your thought.
The look on Gon's face scared you. Most of the time, Gon was a sweet boy on a journey to find his father. But sometimes, you could spot a festering darkness threatening to take over his very being. You knew he would never tolerate his friends getting hurt, but you couldn't help but wonder if Gon was self-sacrificing, or perhaps selfish?
"I hate to consider the possibility, but it's possible that NGL's underground rulers have already been fed to the queen. What will happen if Chimera Ants are born with their genes..?" Kite trailed off, studying one of the bullet casings in the murder scene.
An unprecedented biohazard never seen before in human history, is what that meant. The worst-case scenario had just happened.
That wasn't the last disturbing scene the four of you came across. In front of you now were three decaying horses, each speared through the stomach by its own tree. They resembled grilled chicken and steak kebabs.
The scent was even worse than the last incident. This time, they were rotting. Killua and you both covered your noses, in an attempt to block out the stench.
"It's like a morning sacrifice," Gon stated.
You remembered what that was. Back at home, sometimes birds would impale their prey on sharp objects like branches. It wasn't a pretty sight, but it was the circle of life. What kind of monster could do this to not just one, but three 1,000 ton horses?
Your question was answered quicker than you had hoped.
"Trash. Those are mine!" The monster in question growled as he stepped foot out of the dense forest.
He looked like an overgrown bunny, with wings of a bird, thick-ass thighs, and seaweed green hair. And as for the vibe he gave off? You could safely assume he was just a stupid man-child.
"Wow. You're ugly," you deadpanned.
"You wanna say that again little brat?" He snarled, making the first move and charging right after you.
You quickly dodged his attack, but not before he came in contact with your arm. That was gonna leave a bruise.
Kite activated his aura, temporarily distracting the bunny-monster. It seemed to have noticed the change in atmosphere.
No way...was it possible? Had it already learned about the power of nen?
"Y/N, Gon, Killua... You three must deal with him yourselves. We'll be encountering more Chimera Ant soldiers like him. I won't be able to help you during combat, so if you can't defeat him, you will have to leave." Kite stepped back from the fight.
You nodded, Gon and Killua mirroring you. The three of you understood what hung in the fate of this fight.
"We told you before Kite, we're pros, not just kids!"
In sync, you all activated your nen together.
"Did you hear that bunny? I'm about to blow off those weird speedos of yours into the next dimension." You raised your hand in front of you, manipulating the wind to blow him away with every step that you advanced.
Killua was already in the air, prepared to test his thunder-bolt. In a flash of blue, dozens of lightning strikes were being zapped into the ant, immobilizing him. Gon's charged punch was enough to send him flying across the sky.
You saw his tail-puff shrink and sparkle in the distance as he was about to disappear, until something fast and unidentifiable swept him away.
Someone had been watching.
"He let his soldier do the fighting so that he could learn our abilities," Kite explained while walking towards the three of you again.
Gon and Killua looked disappointed. You hadn't even gotten a chance to use much of your powers during that fight. If you had finished it off, would that have been enough to prove yourselves?
"Are you coming?"
You looked up at Kite.
"There's no need to feel down, your attacks weren't that bad. You just need experience now. If you wish to become stronger, this is a perfect opportunity... But if you aren't prepared, you won't be able to endure it. Whether we win or lose, hell lies ahead of us." Kite finished off, looking at each one of you in the eye with a resolute stare.
You knew that. Gon and Killua knew that also.
Even so, all three of you were prepared and eager to do whatever it takes to strengthen yourselves and help Kite save NGL.
Kite looked serene as the light of the small campfire lit up his features. He and Gon had caught some fish for dinner earlier, while Killua and you set up camp. Now, you sat brushing arms with Killua, who was sitting next to Gon, who was huddled up close to Kite. The night was quiet, except for the cicadas singing in the trees and the thoughts running through you and your friend's minds.
There was a lot to think about.
Gon and Killua hadn't even been given the time to grieve over the loss of their past acquaintance, before being hit with the hard-hitting truth that the Ants were already evolving at a nightmarish rate. Nobody knew how many had gone missing or even more so been eaten. Yet everyone knew that the death count had already surpassed comprehensible numbers. Most likely, not everybody here would make it out alive.
But, the three of you consistently have proven the odds wrong. You held onto that fact like you held onto your pendant.
It reassured you.
It was obvious that the three of you had become inseparable over the past two years.
After you met Gon and Killua at Heaven's Arena, you'd never left each other's side.
Nobody would be going home without the other, because you had all found home within each other.
"Hey, Kite? What was your dad like?" Gon asked.
Kite looked up at the boy, surprised by the sudden question. Turning his eyes to the starry night sky, he exhaled a breath of cold air.
"I didn't know him. He disappeared when I was a child."
Gon hummed, waiting for Kite to continue. He knew that feeling too. It was an icy and empty feeling, not having a father figure in your life to guide you, praise you.
"I have very few memories of him, but they've all muddled together by now. Sometimes I can't tell if they're real or if I've convinced myself they are."
"....I think Ging would thank you."
This brought Kite's attention back to Gon.
"Thank me for what?"
"Well... You've been like a sort of mentor for me ever since we met, back on Whale Island. If it weren't for you, I would never have even become a hunter. Maybe I'm just a kid, but the past month it felt like I.. like I had a dad."
Your heart ached for Gon, who had been searching this whole time for his father in everyone he met and everything he saw. Gently, you placed your hand over his and squeezed it, wishing you could be of more comfort to him. Wishing you could turn back time and bring Ging back to his home, to Gon.
Kite's eyes softened as he looked at the boy, who offered a wobbly smile.
"Ging would be proud of you," he said, ruffling Gon's spiky hair.
That night, the glimmering moonlight had brought out your most vulnerable selves. You felt a honey-like warmth grow inside of you— a new member had just been added to your family. Killua seemed content, happy that his friend was smiling. And Gon's eyes matched the twinkling stars as he looked up to Kite like he was the most wonderful thing.
It was a special night. You knew deep down that you would treasure it, for a long time to come.
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