#even then thats a temporary solution
snailcubezz · 11 months
ahaha . more of family's getting increasingly bad health complications likely from just living in this fucking house. Haha. Gets Scared
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binalakai · 8 months
im anti-AI-replacing-actual-humans for the most part but honestly when it comes to chat AIs. even though approaching w caution is ideal. i wouldve killed to have them as a kid over what "RP was like back in the day"
like until RPers learned to control the fucking rampant amount of groomers, until people stop taking out their problems onto those who dont consent into uncomfortable conversations n breed a terrible influx of ppl with similar experiences of being manipulated into RPing things they shouldnt have,,,
using AI is a safer alternative in the meantime. it isnt perfect and id be here all day talking abt the ethics of promoting AI alone and yeah sometimes will be inappropriate but theres a sense of comfort in knowing that there truly isnt a living breathing person threatening to kill themselves on the other side of the screen if u like. say dont reply on time or if you dont consent to a certain action
again. RP spaces can be fun but if ur someone like me, that grew up around a terrible online enviroment n didnt get to enjoy the whimsies of RPing in a way that respected your boundaries n u want to try to start again but in a space u can trust....idk. im not against using those AI chatthingos/making ur own AI to talk to until a love of RPing can withstand any ounce of horrible human encounters ud come across anywhere else
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knightzp · 5 months
once again facing the eternal dilemma of wanting to go to sleep already bc eepy vs not wanting to go to sleep yet bc i dont want today to end and wake up early for work tomorrow
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stringsbasement · 2 months
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Soooooo.... what if Wukong didn't always have stage fright? What if he ONLY started being afraid of large crowds watching him....
AFTER his rampage through Heaven and he was sentenced to death, trigrams furnace, lots of stabbing, and when nothing else worked 500 years under a mountain by a LARGE CROWD of angry gods.
Mac is more than a bit surprised to learn yhe boisterous, bold Monkey King was more than a little traumatized by the whole experience and maybe he needs some hugs....😈
Ooo thats a spicy idea >:3
My hc is that Wukong is good at bluffing and improvising - but the second there's a "script" to follow or something is expected of him, he just freezes. He can drunkenly retell his Havoc in Heaven to the Brotherhood with perfect comedic timing, but if he's asked to make a speech infront of his own army he stumbles. He'll def improv a troop raising call no problem, just don't expect him to keep any decorum.
And oh gosh, imagine that the modern stage reminds Wukong so much of the "trial" he endured in the Celestial Realm after the Havoc.
Hundreds of people he can barely see, many that want to hurt/kill him, reduced to his birthday suit (think the "you flicked too damn hard!" scene in Thor Love and Thunder), the location of his sworn siblings unknown, Mac's no where to be seen, and he just heard Lao Tzu say something about a furnace??
Wukong had the attention of All of Heaven on him. He never wants to endure that again.
At least with armies of angry soldiers, he can physically fight back and repel them. When his "audience" has him restrained or expected to remain calm, Wukong starts to panic. He feels like an chained animal. I'm surprised that he didn't have a more negative reaction during the talent show in Lantern City.
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Macaque of course always knew Wukong was bad at scripted speeches, so he had been the one to whisper lines into his ears/hold up cue cards for him back in the day. Macque had always been the better actor. Just another way they were like Sun and Moon together.
But the first time he sees the great Sun Wukong get swarmed by paparazzi in the aftermath of a rough fight, and the king freezes and can't even speak? Mac jumps in and whisks him away via shadow portal.
Macaque: "You never used to lock-up like that... not even when I dragged you into my plays for the little monkeys." Wukong, slowly calming down: "I... it's just all the eyes on me... It reminds me of the trial... All those face just... watching me and talking about me like I'm some sort of animal..." Macaque, flooded with regret and remembering what Wukong said under the mountain: "Oh..." (a hug occurs) Macaque: "I'm... sorry I couldn't come to your rescue back then." Wukong, trying to deflect with humor: "Hey lets be fair - I doubt you could have taken on the entire Celestial justice system by yourself. A lot of what I said back then was cus my brain just got finished steaming." Macaque: "I could have tried." Wukong: "Then we would have shared that furnace. And we'd be two idiots chained beneath the mountain together." Macaque, small smile forming: "You speak as though that would be so terrible." Wukong, forgot how much natural rizz Mac has: "ah." (//∇//)
The two monkeys later find a simple solution to the problem. Lots of Wukong clones, all doing advertisments and public appearances. Small downside is now a few hair clones will hum advert jingles and get too ethusiastic at the mic.
Macaque: "...tell me, why were you using a cardboard Wukong if you could make temporary clones of yourself?" Wukong: "Sentimental value."
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gravity-what · 11 months
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More art to go with story blurbs I may or may not actually write.
This piece is definitely one of my biggest as far as number of characters is concerned but I am actually pretty happy with how it came out! Shout out to @grasshopperdoingdogpaddle for being very kind and finding screenshots of the temple dinning room for me to reference!
Anyway: blurb under the cut that explains context!
“Okay thats it! I am tired of pretending everything is fine and okay with all of this and if Dashi isn’t going to do anything then maybe Guan will!” Rai yelled across the dining table, his hands pressed against the table and his breaths coming hard in anger. “Chase is going to turn Heylin and become an evil dragon monster!”
An awkward silence fell over the table only broken by Dashi himself as he let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like it was supposed to hide a laugh. The silence stretched until Dashi finally seemed to get ahold of himself and spoke up.
“Sorry kid,” he said with an air of nonchalance, “guess I should have told you when we were chatting earlier: you are about thirty years late on that information.” he said slowly, indicating to Chase who was looking away and drinking tea to try to hide a physical wince. “already happened.”
There was another long pause as Guan rolled his eyes and the Dragons in training looked at their time traveling guests in various expressions of shock. They all seemed to recover at once and a collective “IT WHAT!?” Filled the room, including Omi who was looking at Chase with something like shocked sadness. ‘Poor kid’ Dashi thought, chuckling under his breath ‘spent the whole day with the guy and had no idea’.
“I don’t see what is so funny about this situation.” Guan cut in with a glare, making it obvious that Dashi wasn’t doing as good a job as he thought in hiding his laughter, “we are wasting time continuing to stay here, and the longer we wait-”
“What? What’s going to happen?” Dashi asked, reclining back against some air, “Come on buddy, we are in the future! We can get back to the past at any point we want. Hell, we could even go back to before we left! Although that, uh…might complicate things…”
“I hate to agree with Guan, Dashi, but I am with him on this one.” Chase cut in. “As good as it has been to see Omi once more and to be…somewhat myself again, we really should not put off taking care of Hannibal longer than necessary. I do not wish to think about what could be happening in our absence.”
“Hey, hey hey!” Dashi said, waving his hand again at his two companions, as temporary as they might be, “look at it this way, both of you! We are in the future and it’s looking pretty bright to me so obviously we did something right! Right?”
“I’m sorry,” the future Dragon of Fire cut in, “can we uh…go back to the whole ‘Chase is already an evil monster’ thing?” She said, indicating a little frantically to said ‘evil monster’, “because he doesn’t exactly look like it right now.”
Chase sighed and looked away again, though really he had been avoiding eye contact this whole time, “The monstrous half of me, or, I suppose more accurately, the Yin side of me, has been trapped in the yin-yang world thanks to Dashi’s little toy.”
“Hold up!” Dashi argued, sitting back up again, “They aren’t toys! They are powerful magical devices!”
“It was a yo-yo.” Chase deadpanned.
“A Yo-yo that opened a portal to another dimension that we managed to trick you into and back out of!” he added in a teasing voice. The exasperated look that Chase sent Dashi was mirrored by Guan.
“So…this is your Yang self?” Omi asked, sounding a little bit too enthusiastic about the realization.
“Ah-ah kid! I can see those wheels turning,” Dashi waved a finger at him, “and, let me tell you, this isn’t a very good solution to the overall problem you are trying to fix. No one can go around as only half themselves forever. It just doesn’t work like that.”
“Even if Chases other half is a mindless beast.” Guan added in, sounding bitter.
“I am working on that!” Chase insisted with a hiss, obviously only meant for Guan to hear even though the room and table were really too small for them to talk just between themselves. “Do you think I enjoy having no control over myself and my actions?!”
“You certainly seemed to be enjoying ravaging that village before we tricked you into that portal-“
“Guys, Guys! No fighting it front of the kids alright?” Dashi quickly cut in. He was pretty sure those kinds of gory details weren’t kid-appropriate, even if these kids were the future Xiaolin Dragons. “besides, we’re here to relax, recuperate, and come up with a plan right? No fighting allowed.”
Both Guan and Chase let out a groan and an eye roll but did get back to their meals once more as Dashi reclined back on his gust of air. It really was nice to have the gang back together, even if it was going to no-doubt be short lived.
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heliads · 2 years
Hi Lisa, not the person who asked about Luke Castellan but I have a request since I saw you write for him!
A Luke Castellan x female reader, where they are at camp half-blood and reader and Luke have known each other for as long as reader can remember and they always train together and try and be better than each other at sword fighting, and always try to win Capture the flag if they are on opposite teams. Luke is always a bit overly flirty because he has some slight crush on the reader, but she thinks it's normal that he's flirty and doesn't pay much attention to it, deflecting it with her own flirty responses. But one day, Luke decides to tell reader how he feels but has heard that Percy Jackson wants to tell reader that he likes her too, so there's some dispute amongst them and basically it leads to them always trying to get readers attention and trying to be impressive which may lead to some fights. So it catches Mr.D and Chiron's attention and they tell them to calm the fights down and if they really want to win someone's heart they have to do so fairly which may lead to a competition of some sort. (Hopefully you get where I'm going with this, a competition thats not Capture the Flag-) and in the end Luke wins the competition therefore confessing to reader and make it a sweet fluffy ending! (Where reader accepts because I don't want poor Luke heartbroken 😭)
Thanks Lisa ! <33
this is for the luke castellan believers (i am one)
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You are not in the mood for tricks. That’s why you’re at the sword fighting arena, after all; nothing calms a dangerous temper like swinging celestial bronze at someone’s head. However, the fact that you’ve chosen Luke Castellan of all people as a partner for the afternoon would then call your sanity into question. 
If you’re so frustrated with the world around you that you’d glare this ferociously at first-summer campers for daring to walk slowly in front of you, it isn’t entirely clear why you’d go to the son of Hermes as a temporary solution to your anger issues. You tell yourself the only reason you’re walking towards Luke is because he’s the best at sword fighting here, but maybe there’s another reason, too.
Maybe you’re specifically challenging Luke to a round in the ring because you know he’ll fire up your temper even more than usual. See, one of the worst parts about Luke Castellan being your sword fighting opponent isn’t just his uncanny skill with the blade, it’s the fact that he’ll trash talk you the entire time he kicks your ass. That’s why most people choose to avoid him unless absolutely necessary.
That’s also why you like fighting against him most of all. If anyone’s got comebacks strong enough to match Luke, it’s you. You’re also his most challenging opponent. That’s common knowledge at Camp Half-Blood, even Luke has grudgingly admitted it a few times. 
Everyone knows that you and Luke would stay in the arena until both of you collapse from exhaustion if Chiron would let you. It’s a shame that the camp activities director won’t allow that to happen, but that doesn’t stop you and Luke from doing your best to get to that point every time you pick up a sword.
Luke appears to have been expecting you. He’s been challenging a training dummy the past few minutes, but he gives up his hacking of motionless targets in favor of one that can actually punch and kick.
“I thought you’d be dropping by,” he grins.
You arch a brow. “Why’s that?”
“I don’t think you can stay away that long,” Luke says matter-of-factly, “what, have you missed me since I last saw you? It has been hours, I wouldn’t blame you.”
You roll your eyes. “If that’s how you’re going to be, I’ll ask someone else to spar. Maybe Percy, he’s been good as of late.”
Luke’s jaw locks, just the reaction you’d been hoping to see. You pretend to start walking away and Luke crosses in front of you, arms folded across his chest. 
“Not so fast, L/N. I’m interested now, you might as well commit. I’ve been looking for an easy win today anyway.”
You let out a brief laugh in pretend shock. “Easy, huh?”
Luke cracks a proud grin. “Yeah, just like every other time I beat you. Easy.”
“I’ll show you easy,” you challenge, and swing your sword at his head.
Luke barely blocks the attack, immediately countering at your exposed side. You parry him with ease, taking a step back to give you enough room to put your full force into the defensive motion. Twisting your sword, you lunge forward towards Luke’s bicep. This time, you do manage to hit him. It’s the smallest of grazes, as Luke has already started sidestepping, but you do manage to slice a fine line into his skin. 
You smile when drops of red begin to bead up where you’d struck him. “First blood?”
“Won’t be the last,” Luke promises you, redoubling his attacks. It takes everything in you to defend yourself against the relentless onslaught of blows, and even your best efforts aren’t quite enough to avoid Luke’s blade. His last show of force is enough to slice through the side of your shirt, nicking you in the process.
You glare at him. “I happen to like this top, you ass. Don’t do that again.”
Luke’s grin is shameless. “You’d better do a better job at defense if you don’t want it to happen.”
You glare at him, earning only a laugh in return. The rest of the bout follows in the same vein, with you and Luke trading cuts and jabs at the other. You don’t think you’ve ever found two people so evenly matched as you and Luke. The end of the practice session finds both of you chests heaving, lying on your backs side by side in a corner of the sword fighting arena.
“Not bad,” you admit.
“Same with you,” Luke replies. You don’t have to look his way to see that same easy grin on his face. Someday you’re going to have to admit that you like knowing him better than anybody, but today is not that time.
He gets up first, crouching over you with a hand extended. You take it without him having to ask. Luke puts a little too much force into the effort of pulling you up, and you end up stumbling forward a step or two. When you look up, you’re only a few inches away from him, both of your faces turned instinctively towards the other. For some reason, you can’t quite convince yourself to walk away, not yet.
“Easy, sweetheart,” Luke breathes, “Don’t go falling for me quite yet, would you?”
His relentless sarcasm is what you need to break from your spell. You hurriedly step back, waving goodbye to Luke over your shoulder. You can’t quite meet his eyes.
You head back to your cabin in a rush, too lost in thoughts you don’t want to consider for even a second. You’re hoping to put the whole matter with Luke out of your mind, but you’ve barely flopped onto your bunk after a shower when your best friend comes rushing up to you.
“What is it now?” You ask, one forearm pressed against your eyes in an effort to stave away intrusive thoughts that should definitely stay buried.
Your best friend chuckles. “You’re going to want to hear this. Best gossip, straight from the source.”
You raise a brow. “Have you been spying on unsuspecting demigods, Tina? You really have to stop that, you know. It’s an invasion of privacy.”
Tina Hernandez, your godly half-sister and favorite person in the entire camp, doesn’t seem too affected by the irritation in your tone. “Secrets were meant to be shared, Y/N. Do you want to hear this or not? It happens to include a certain Luke Castellan.”
This is an obvious tactic meant to pique your interest and get you to focus on her. Tina is only doing it because she thinks she knows something about you, something which definitely isn’t true. If you were smart, you would ignore the bait about Luke entirely.
You open your eyes. “What is it?”
Tina grins triumphantly. “Knew that would get your attention. So here’s the thing, I was heading back from arts and crafts just a few minutes ago when I heard raised voices. Of course, that’s not exactly unusual around here, but when I heard your name being tossed around I knew I had to investigate further.”
She pauses for dramatic effect, and you wave your hand impatiently. “What was it? I don’t have all day.”
“You literally do, but okay,” Tina replies, vaguely offended by your rushing of her story, “Anyway, I did some high quality espionage and it ended up being Luke Castellan and Percy Jackson. Percy was saying something about how he wanted to tell you how he felt but Luke was having none of it.”
“Why was that?” You ask doubtfully.
Tina groans. “Isn’t it obvious? Luke likes you. He didn’t want Percy confessing anything because he doesn’t want you to be with Percy.”
You laugh incredulously. “You must be out of your mind. Luke doesn’t like me like that.”
Tina scoffs. “Of course he does. He flirts with you nonstop.”
“He does that with everyone,” you argue, but it sounds weak even to your ears.
Tina knows it, too. “Sure thing, if that’s what you want to tell yourself. Regardless, they were both unhappy with each other, and ended up storming away, but not before saying something about proving they were each better or something.”
You frown. “What does that mean?”
“No idea,” Tina admits, “but I have a feeling that we’re going to find out pretty soon. Subtle doesn’t exactly go by the name of Luke or Percy.”
You grin. “You’re not wrong about that.”
She certainly isn’t. Within the hour, you’re seeing evidence that Tina’s investigations were sound. During dinner that night, Luke and Percy can’t stop glaring at each other. The next day, they’re practically at each other’s throats, both trying to outdo each other in obstacle courses and sword training and literally every challenge under the sun. It’s insane.
It takes about a day and a half before things get out of control. What started off as a harmless game of Capture the Flag ended up with Luke and Percy getting into a fight. They were both hauled off to camp headquarters to be chewed out by Chiron and Mr. D. Obviously, this is a private matter, but you can’t stop yourself from dropping by to see if you can overhear a few things later on.
Luke and Percy are being chastised appropriately in one of the rooms of the Big House. If you hover near the outside of the building, just beside a window, you can hear enough of what’s going on to piece together a few things.
You risk a glance inside as you walk over to the window. You can make out Chiron massaging his temples, looking absolutely sick of both boys’ nonsense. Mr. D. is glaring at a soda can in front of him as if willing it to turn to poison so he could down it and be rid of this nonsense.
“You do understand why you can’t be doing all of this, right?” Chiron is saying, “Both of you are role models in this camp for the younger students. That gives you extra responsibilities, some of which involve not tussling in the middle of the woods during a round of Capture the Flag.”
Luke’s voice filters out the window soon enough. “It won’t happen again.”
“No,” Chiron replies firmly, “I have a pretty good feeling that it will. In fact, these fights are going to keep happening until both of you sort out whatever animosity is brewing between you. Either you two talk it out, or you’re going to be stuck on dishwashing duty for the foreseeable future. I leave it to you to decide which fate is worse.”
Percy groans. “Look, sir, this isn’t–”
Mr. D. cuts him off irritably. “What, this isn’t our responsibility? Everything here is our responsibility, boy. Even jealous squabbles between two boys both stuck on one girl.”
You hear a sound that could be Percy choking on his own tongue. “What? That’s absurd. Why would you even think that?”
Chiron might be laughing. Either that, or it’s a truly terrible cough. “Your love lives are your own business. Trust that we want no part of that. What does concern us are the fights, however. Just clear up these problems, alright? I don’t want to see either of you in here again.”
You hear a scraping of chairs, which you assume is the boys being dismissed. Sure enough, a voice soon floats out of the window and down to you.
“This little show is over, Y/N,” Chiron says wearily, “You may now cease eavesdropping under the window.”
You take a few steps back so you can grin up at him. “Duly acknowledged, sir.”
Chiron might smile at that, although you can tell he’s still trying to look appropriately dour. “Do me a favor, Y/N, and make a choice? Those boys need to focus on something other than trying to outdo each other.”
This time you do laugh. “I’ll do my best.”
Chiron raises a hand in farewell and you follow suit before taking off back into the sprawling hills of the camp. Hands in your pockets, you stroll idly through the ranks of campers until you’re reaching the boundary of the forest. When you glance over your shoulder, you realize that there are two figures approaching you. Rapidly, in fact. When you squint to focus, you discover that they’re sprinting towards you at full force.
It appears to be a race, and sure enough, as they draw closer, the silhouettes reveal themselves to be Luke and Percy. You groan, fighting back a laugh. They truly are impossible, aren’t they?
They reach you in a matter of moments. Luke makes it there just before Percy, and you raise your hand in a clear declaration of victory. He clasps it triumphantly, biting back heaving breaths to grin over at Percy. 
Percy opens his mouth to say something, but you hold up a hand. “Luke made it here first. Apologies, Jackson.”
Percy nods solemnly and backtracks, heading towards the center of camp once more. When Luke is able to recover his breath, he straightens up and turns towards you. He looks incredibly nervous. It might be the first time you’ve seen him as anything other than overly confident.
You decide to spare Luke the trouble of going through the motions. “I like you too, by the way.”
Luke stares at you in shock. “What?”
You grin. “You’re confessing. That’s why you and Percy were racing here, I assume? Well, it’s good that you won. I’d hate to turn Percy down if he made it here first.”
A slow smile is beginning to dawn on Luke’s face. “Really?”
You raise a teasing brow. “Why are you so surprised? I assumed you already knew.”
“Well,” Luke admits, “I knew what I wanted to think. It’s surprisingly easy to doubt yourself when you’re about to say it out loud, though.”
You reach over and take his hand. “Don’t worry, then. I choose you. I’ll do it over and over again if I have to.”
Luke squeezes your hand. “I’m very glad to hear it.”
For once, he’s not joking with you. Luke Castellan is completely serious about you. You couldn’t be more happy to discover that.
pjo tag list: @w1shes43
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transsexualism · 3 months
i hate the Please Dont Unalive Yourself posts so much because they dont really do anything except hint at a distant happiness that most people that struggle with suicidal ideation cant even imagine. suicide is simply a permanent solution to a temporary problem. you cant unkill yourself. circumstances change and people around you change and you yourself change and maybe right now you cant see a different exit from your current situation but its there and you will find it. and thats about it
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omeletcat · 8 months
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ALRIGHT IT TOOK ME A BIT TO GET MY HEAD STRAIGHT BUT I THINK I'VE FOUND A WAY TO FIX COMBAT IN MY GAME, MAKE IT MORE FUN, MAKE IT MORE ENGAGING, ANDDD MAKE IT MORE UNIQUE!!!! these are the 2 main characters in my game currently named sun and moon (caus i don't have good names yet) they play a big role in the story and until now i have only really been seeing sun as a bonus option for like extra damage in battle, BUT NOW I FOUND A PERFECT SOLUTION at the beginning of the game you start out alone as moon, with 2 main attacks and a dash, attack 1 is a floating hand you can slap and punch people with, the hand follows your mouse and can be used to pick stuff up and solve puzzles. attack 2 will be a bullet or a slash attack that shoots a slash in the air at the mouse. both of these attacks will have "variants" different changes based on certain environmental things like the distance of the mouse from the player when you use the attack, maybe even the movement of the mouse like drawing a circle before attacking. using these different variant sof the same attack will make boring fights less stale and way more engaging!!!! ALSO i got this insane idea: "combo's" what if i make it so using different attacks at the same time will make different effects? that will add even more creativity and intrigue into the game!! this whole revelation came from looking some more into magica 2 and smash, it made me realize the reasons why a single set of moves doesn't get very old very fast in those games, because there aer insane amounts of combo's and ways to use the attacks, that way it doesn't get stale!!!! moon (and sun) will of course get more attacks i already have 1 in mind but i already feel like i am spoiling so much on this blog lol. BUT THATS HTE MAIN PLAN BUT ALSO: SUN, before, i only thought of her as a supporting character, someone you can click on to use for an ultimate battle like (this is gonna be an insanely specific reference) this one inazuma eleven game (a football game imagine fifa but with more anime in it), if you shoot a ball when you are in a certain area and have certain requirements filled you can do a teamup attack that is extra strong. i though tof something like that, BUT THATS SO BORINGGGG, i don't want to make my secondairy character and one of my MAIN CHARACTERS A SECONDARY ACTION!!!! SOOO I LOOKED BACK AGAIN AT THOSE INAZUMA GAMES AND FOUND ANOTHER THING, IN THE FIFA GAMES AND IN INAZUMA YOU CAN SWICH CHARACTERS!!! you see waht i'm getting at??? you will be able to switch from Moon to sun to get a whole different attack pattern and options. sun will be more close combatty and have less distance then moon. soo when you're soulbar( kinda like a mana bar, every spell you cast/attack you use takes off a little bit of that meter, and it slowly fills itself up) is empty you can switch to sun and be forced to go close distance (a percentage of the mana is shared tho just to make it a real threat, or not idk? either i will make it so that mana is smth annoying you have to look after, or it will just be a meter saying " hey you haven't used this other character in a bit! go do that while your main attacks fill up again" but i'l figure that out some other time ANYWAY sun's moveset will look something like this a dash just like moon but instead of some kind of energy surge, sun blasts herself forward with fire or an explosion or smth. the first is a basic punch that blasts an explosion/fire in front of the punch for extra distance but only a little bit, just enough so its reachable, i imagine if you dash and then do this attack, it will make an extra big punch and blast the enemy away. the secondary attack will be a longer distance continuous fireblast that chips away your soulbar slowly, the dahs version may be a big long ass laser beam ish fireblast?
and then not rly an attack? but a thing she can do, she can make her raccoon flip suck up stuff and make a temporary shield against attacks. so all the bullets gets sucked up in his cute mouth ALSO in non battle scenario's both moon and sun have their own skills they use to progressin puzzle's and exploring levels, moon can huse their hand to do puzzle stuff and pick stuff up easy, and sun can smash big blocks of stone to open new area's (and more but i can't say anything caus that would be boringgg) so a bit of a summary this is what i will add to make the game less boring -attack variants -attack combo's -2 main characters with different movesets -a switch option between the characters -ingame puzzle adn exploration functions different to the 2 charactrs
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foolish-lov3r · 7 months
what if- and, hear me out on this- what if no one deserves the death penalty? yeah, even that guy
because at the end of the day everyone is just Some Guy who probably, like you, thought what they were doing was morally justified in some way.
Or perhaps thats not the case and they just wanted to. In which case, guess what???? They are still a Human Being.
Maybe some people do need to be kept solitary so that they cannot repeat their actions, but no one EVER deserves to have their head chopped off
Something something temporary problem permanent solution. Everyone has the right to find healing and peace and happiness
Not to mention that if one crime is punishable by the death penalty, all minorities the government doesn't like are now at risk because you will not BELIEVE how easy it is to make a mountain out of a molehill, especially when its conservatives talking to other conservatives
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foervraengd · 1 year
just want to say congrats on getting clutter taken care of! its so easy to let that shit languish forever (at least for me) so it makes me happy when people go "fuck it" and start cleaning
thank you sm! This is shit that has been languishing for several years. Like this is prob an adhd thing, and its definitely not a useful thing, but every now and then which can span several years, i just get this sudden urge to declutter. And in recent years i have done something you could call “pre-declutter” which is that i just have had cardboard boxes here and there where i just put things as “temporary homes” for them, with the idea that once i am struck with the Actual Declutter Mood, these boxes would help sorting a bit in advance. Which i definitely think worked. I also just have been aware that i really needed another drawer, and now that i finally have it, it is causing a chain reaction of “ok now that i have space for all these things, i can now also rearrange all of those things”.
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Yesterday i just spontaneously decided to attach the top half of this shelf, which had been on the floor for several years. This made me fix the inner shelfes of it, because i figured out that i could just use screws as replacements for the missing pegs that held up the shelves.
I dont know what else i will fix or declutter, maybe ill do the bathroom since i have a super tiny bathroom thats really narrow so i dont have much room for any shelfes for storage etc.
but i think my main goal for now is to have all the main storage solutions have space and room for future new stuff i might get. And also making sure everything has an assigned place. I want my home to end up in a state where doing weekly chores is going to be much faster and easier, and also make my home look actually clean. Because when you have a cluttered home, even if you do laundry and dishes etc you still feel like nothing’s changed visually you know? I wanna end that shitty feeling. And im so fkn pumped.
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sojutrait · 2 years
its a long one lads
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( @aomi-nabi ) THANK U AAAAAAAAA ur asks always make my day omg 😭😭❤❤❤
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THE WALK WITH ME IS SENDING ME KFKJFDGFGK so far we’ve also canonized him death dropping so i can really see his ass doing both-
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nothings going on dw ive just been busy dkfjdfk 😭😭
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( @deathbypufferfish ) death by pufferfish . com 
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( @lava-nder ) ngl my sims rarely even interact with townies made by the game kfgjfk 😭😭 if i do notice my sim getting close to a townie (.ie nadine or josh) THEN i’ll give them a makeover, but other than that i just ignore them or put in my own townies kdfjk as for lots, i just build my own or place down any new ones once i realize ive been to a lot too many times and want to switch it up
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GATIA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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REAL i love oshin sm omg, been with her since her get famous lp 😌
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HELPPPFKFDK im not surprised, during homelandertrait halloween takeover i was ready to lose some followers 😭😭😭
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( @mmusicalwhims ) thank u so much !! 🤧❤❤❤❤ i should bring back that username tbh it was kinda iconic KDFJKFD
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( @wildmeadowsims ) (link) AAAAAAA I SAW im not really a concert person but im excited to see everyones recording of it dkfjfkfkg and i heard she was adding more international dates eventuallly so fingers crossed !!!
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ive never had that problem god bless KFDJK but i think u can turn off auto mean interactions with mcc so theres a temporary solution 
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the randomize button is my beloved 
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( @velvet-disc ) TYYYY take them, they’re too much for me to handle anyways 🗿
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( @25dejulho ) it depends on the save, but usually i start in another simmers save (my faves are ratboysims and simlicys), either build a house or find a shell off the gallery and decorate it myself, make a fam, then make some townies, give them all skills, careers, etc. just so theyre not like- newborns THEN start playing dkfjk its hella overkill and takes hours but thats how i do it 😭😭😭 tbh u dont even gotta do all that, u can just start in the aforementioned saves by other simmers and start ur own sims from scratch dkfjfgkj
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( @catladyfinds ) hi!! i try to keep my cheating pretty minimal, but theres no like- hard fast rules i do. i never cheat money just bc i think its boring for my sims to be hella rich skfjkgfgk but at the same time, if they have to pee and the toilet is 3 stories up then ill just say fuck it and cheat it 😭😭 so my rule is pretty much, quick lil cheating of needs is fine, but nothing that would make the game too easy or unrealistic 
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currently its cas and gameplay! but im hoping to get bit by the building bug again bc i have some ideas dkffkfg
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aaahhh, idk really i get hella attached to 90% of the sims i make instantly 😭
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( @chlosimly ) TYYYYY 😭😭😭❤❤ its all the cc makers not me KFDJKF
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(referring to the non-canon halabi death i overruled) SEE its so depressing and dark i dont even wanna say it 😭😭😭 ITS OKAY, THAT TIMELINE NEVER HAPPENED I INTERVENED 
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see i take offense to this bc the charm family is ugly as hell 🥴🥴
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thank you!!! 😭😭❤❤❤
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HELP i dont want to be too annoying so i try to keep the soju shut up posts to a minimum but im glad u like them 😭😭❤❤ im a chronic complainer so theres more where that came from dkfkff
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i didnt wanna use her last name in the tag in case she got married and changed it 😭😭 same kinda with her first name, lord knows i cant resist family gameplay so i wanted something that could still work if i ever post from her future kids pov!
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( @starterflowers​ ) thank u so much !! i also think hes pretty awesome kfdkfgk u have a great day/night as well ! 💕💕💕
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*jumps then falls flat on my ass*
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in theory 😌
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REAL i need him as an actual tangible person i can slap around (affectionately) 
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i dont think its a specific part, more so just trying to make someone who doesnt look bland 😭😭 if a sim is too cookie cutter ik i wont feel any emotion for them kfkgfk
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i actually liked how evermore/folklore had no hype! the surprise made the whole thing more special, like i lookback at those releases fondly dkjfkd now- yeah she def overhyped midnights 🗿🗿🥴🥴 this roll out has been so lackluster and so help me god if we get another anti-hero remix im gonna snap 
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galionne-speeding · 10 months
WWWIIWWWYYYYY I'll give you somethin' to get the ball rollin' mayhaps 🥺
We all know Zavok is the Leader(tm), but what would be your take if each of the others were leader instead? Whether they're fit for the position or not does not matter in this silly what-if 🤭 Gramps might be easiest to start with, since it's easy to assume he was likely the original Leader in the very beginning of the packs' creation (me thinks anyway, even for a short while)
A second version to this could beeeeeee like how any of the remaining four would handle being a temporary Leader in Zavok's absence for any reason (serious and non-serious reasons), and who you think would be the best option for that temporary time 🤔 (I say four and not five bc I think Zik would handle it best by default)
sorry if thats alot for a first ask coming back 😭
Ooooh this is a fun one!
Okay, okay, so I have a lot of little stories in my head that exist just for fun and not really to be shared ; and one of them is about each D6 getting two other Zetis (mostly OCs because it's fun) under their command and forming 6 mini-teams ; so I actually have a few thoughts on something like that already!
So, yeah, I think we can all agree that aside from Zavok, Master Zik would be the best candidate as Deadly Six leader- he was canonically the previous leader of the pack, after all. And he's the one who trained Zavok ; he's the one who passed all the leadership skills down to him. His leadership would probably be pretty smilar to Zavok's, with perhaps slightly more emphasis on manipulating the enemy rather than full-on fighting.
Zeena is definitely the kind of leader who would give a few orders and then sit back and watch. Do not question her leadership or authority, that's 'how to get kicked in the face 101'. I'd like to think she's a pretty good strategist, tho. So while she likes to sit back, her plans work well enough that the team allows her to do so and has moderate to great success.
Zazz... Zazz. If I say Zazz's solution to every single issue is violence, will you be surprised? The team is going to fight everything and anyone standing in their way- even when that's really not necessary. But one thing I'd like to think Zazz would be really good at as leader is getting the pack fired up. His bloodlust is contagious and he knows exactly what to say or do to get every single member of the group hyped up for the fight(s).
Zomom doesn't know how to strategize and he's not a great speaker. One thing he does know how to do, though, is take hits and protect others. He's less of a leader in the sense of someone telling orders what to do ; and more in the sense that he's not afraid to be at the front of the group in battle. He'll let others come up with the plan ; and make sure they're safe while it's being put in motion.
Zor is probably the most difficult to imagine as a leader. It just, really doesn't feel like a position he'd want. But if he really needs to lead, I'd imagine it would be quite similar to how Zeena does it. Find a plan, lay it out to the team, and sit back. His powers would obviously have to come into play ; perhaps as a tool to help the rest of the pack without having to put himself in harm's way.
So that's that for the first part!
As for how the rest of the pack would react to being temporary leaders ; I have another little story around that idea! Long story short, Zavok and Master Zik are captured by (some villain) and the remaining four have to rescue them.
In the end Zeena, Zazz, Zomom and Zor end up splitting leadership duties between the four of them. Zor gathers intel to help them make informed decisions. Zeena strategizes and crafts attack plans based on the intel. Zazz leads the charge and directs the pack into battle. Zomom keeps the group safe and ensures they all get out of the fight unharmed.
Stepping away from that little story ; I feel like neither Zomom nor Zor would want any kind of leadership position. If there's someone else to drop those duties onto they will gladly hand them the responsability. On the other hand, both Zeena and Zazz would do anything to be leader- and both strongly believe they'd do better than the other. They would probably just end up fighting each other for leadership until Zavok and Master Zik decide to do the work themselves, break free and make their way back on their own.
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lord-leclerc · 1 year
The thing with the red team is that, the drivers aren't the problem there. So talking about ferrari sacking them in the future is quite futile imo, because they're doing their job properly. The main problem lies behind the scenes, the very work ethics and management is horrible. Especially when you had people rising up to team principal ranks from within the team as seen earlier. Vasseur is new and he brings new hope, I trust him but the changes he's making won't be evident before next year at the earliest. So unless the drivers themselves want to leave the team, I don't see any 'driver firing' now.
Plus talking about firing, thats where the problem in ferrari is. Compare the brawn todt era with the current one. The main difference is the management style. Someone messes up, they're fired. That was and is the problem. The employees at the base level, they're under constant threat of being sacked if they messed up. Todt did his best to 'shield' the base employees from higher management, so people had a sense of job security and yknow actually did their job. But now it's back to typical upper management breathing down the neck of employees style. I have to laugh whenever fans grab pitchforks and demand people to be fired because THAT is exactly where the problem lies. Firing people might a temporary solution but it won't fix anything.
exactly i totally get u, the problem is the car and the management because the drivers are doing their best. fred is new and i too trust him that what he'll do will be for the betterment of the team but u can't just expect him to fire all incompetent people at once. i mean, where would u get the new staff. even if they do get it, it will literally ruin the entire base of the management and the working and it'll be a long time before things fall into place so yes, it best to make changes little by little.
i mean yes, you're right about the firing part. you can't fire the lower level employees for one mistake or for something they are told to do but doesn't go the way the higher officials expected. i, however, do think that the highly incompetent staff needs to be fired otherwise no matter how much evolution the other employees make, it wouldn't work unless those few people are fired. what ferrari needs to do is get rid of those officials(high level or not) who are actually behind the devolution and not those around them. unless people have a sense of security, they wouldn't give their best because then they'll always be like "whats the point when all they're gonna do is dismiss us even after we do the best, either way we're gonna get yelled at or fired so might as well not put too much work into it and get this over with." yes the "firing" culture is going too far esp on twitter with xavi but i think something needs to be done with xavi. either give him strict orders and warnings to do better or fire him because he's made too many mistakes, too many to count. i don't see other race engineers doing such blunders. so yes, what needs to be done should be done but unnecessary firing is not one of those things.
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mojaves · 2 years
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🖊 - he 'argues' with his cat a lot. and by that i mean the cat makes a noise and then he amkes the noise back even Louder and then theyre both going MOW at each other for 2 minutes traight. until his cat stops and then he claims that He won. 🖊 - he can play the piano AND the guitar. he contains multitudes 🖊 - if he didn't get swept up by arasaka he would've been a car mechanic. just some guy <3 and you know what. thats what he deserves!!! he needs a break 🖊 - he has been through a divorce. sad little wet rag of a man 🖊 - before he got his first job at arasaka, he lived out of a van for 2 years because he got kicked out of his family And the valentinos 🖊 - he has very bad writing, mostly bc he didn't actually learn to write until he was in his 20s, and then he never bothered tyring to make it look nicer 🖊 - thanks to [redacted] at arasaka trying to [redacted], he now has a cyberjaw and a prosthetic leg. the jaw was only supposed to be temporary while everything healed, so then he could get something stronger and more permanent. he kept the temporary jaw for way more years than he should have and only Finally got it changed after he [redacted] and it almost melted off <3 he is very stubborn 🖊 - truly the best tits in all of n/ght c/ty. im right. you know this 🖊 - he loves cars so much. but he loves Stealing cars more. and he'll do it again! they're all his now. sorry
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🖊 - he is short and not all that strong but he is very fast. so watch out 🖊 - he got his teeth sharpened so he could bite people in combat. it already hurt people a lot before he did that [because he is full of rage] but now he has the power to rip a guy's skin off with ease. so. don't make him angry <3 [HE BITES A LOT AND WITHOUT WARNING] 🖊 - he lost an arm due to a Horse Incident when he was younger. over the years he messed around with making his cyberarm more useful in combat, and eventually settled on retractable claws in the fingers And turning the whole hand into a grappling hook. there is also a hidden compartment for throwing knives (^:< 🖊 - very good at hacking computers and bringing down whole systems with a virus. thats how he started making money after he left his clan. and what eventually lead to him being sent into space. 🖊 - by complete luck, he got a job at militech, mostly tech repairs and computer security. and one day, again by complete luck, someone caught him implementing a virus to steal More money and well. he was very good at his job, but also very dangerous so they couldn't just Leave him to it. solution? space 🖊 - if he didn't take that career path, he would have been a gay little cowboy. he misses horseriding so much. theres no horses in space 🖊 - he can do a handstand and scuttle towards you on his hands. party trick 🖊 - he has red eyes. he wont admit that he wanted to look more like a vampire. but that's absolutely why he did it [the sharp teeth and long hair dont help] 🖊 - he makes the best brownies youve ever had. you think youve already had the best brownies ever??? no you havent
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the-smallest-star · 2 years
You know, speaking of Hannah's friend James, do you have any plans on what to do about the situation, or are you just planning on waiting and hope it ends up solving itself (somehow).
"I'm trying to think, but its not easy."
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"He's got a connection to the blue demon, who seems to love making Alexander mad. Hannah would be made a target for that purpose. Its safer to keep her away from them."
"But then thats only a temporary solution, and the kid isn't a bad kid. If an agreement could be made between the blue demon and one of ours that she'll stop pursuing Alexander then maybe... but she broke my leg so not even sure if she's the type to honor such agreements. And she'd have to be enticed with something else. She's too dangerous to approach, so even finding a way to get this potential arrangement in place would be difficult."
"Its... going to take time to figure out, and I'll be running it by Alexander and Cromwell before I even think about doing anything."
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