#as if?!
deicidedruid · 11 months
House and Wilson are literally so gay in season 6. They’re so domestic, they live together, they do everything together, and then they still visit each other at work. Wilson guys a condo for the both of them! Like he didn’t need to do that. And then House being all concerned about Wilson when he’s donating his liver and waiting by his bedside, and visiting him as often as he can. Him saying “If you die, I’m alone” and Wilson saying he wants House to be there at the surgery. There was that scene when they’re staying up late together because of the prank war, and they’re sat on the floor against the counter, and they’re so close to each other, and they’re leaning in to talk. For a second, I thought they were going to kiss. Like it’s soooo gay, they literally had a whole episode where it’s like hahahaha they are so gay, and for what? And for what?!!!!!
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cuteresponse · 13 years
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