#as in. she takes the academy’s rule system very seriously. or she strives to be the best student and example that they’ve ever seen. etc
pastasilly · 7 months
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decided to redesign kate blake’s pirate outfit too!!
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cosmicxent · 3 years
Cosmic Entertainment is a South Korean entertainment company founded by former kpop idol Song Jiah and successful business woman Seo Yujin. Cosmic Entertainment is an international company with buildings in Japan and Los angeles. Jiah strives to promote a healthier and happier training system for people who want to pursue their dreams. Cosmic Ent operates as a record label and talent agency. 
“Express yourself. Know yourself. Be yourself.”
* CEO :: Song Jiah
* COO :: Seo Yujin
* FOUNDED :: December 12, 2012
LOCATION (S) :: Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea + Los Angeles, California + Osaka, Japan
SERVICE :: Management, production, distribution, and publishing
Elysian since 2014
Cosmic Ent JPN since 2015
Studio 33  since 2021
GENRE :: Kpop, pop, rock, rap,indie, and r&b
{ Dating ban }:
Jiah is not really strict on dating bans. she feels that idols are human too but she does recommend at least a year after they debut. The year is to let the idols focus on training, debuting, and their wellbeing.
{ Social Media }:
Idols can have social media accounts. If they are a trainee accounts must be private until they debut. accounts can be monitored for up to a year but idols can have control over their own accounts.
{ Age Requirements }:
Cosmic recently changed their age requirements. No one will debut under the age of 15 and the youngest you can apply to be a trainee under cosmic is 13.
{ Take responsibility }:
Since the company does take the more lenient side on their idols they have to have boundaries within their walls. If an artist does something that creates a scandal or bad press they have to take responsibility for the company to help them.
Jiah takes this "rule" very seriously. since she has been in the industry for so long and has experienced everthing that idols go through. Dieting is not enforced. She provides dietitians and personal trainers for free so that idols take the heathier/safer route. She never wants her family to feel like they have to do it but she does make sure that she is not the reason that they feel like they have to harm their body. Idols can get cosmetic surgery IF the idol requests/wants it.
The comapny has paired up with several school/academys, both in korea and international. Idols who are underage (still in school) still have to continue their education. Idols who have graduated can continue their education if they want but it is not a requirement.
{Dorms/ living arrangement}:
Groups usually stay with one another if they can. Some underage idols parents can request that their child still stay at home with them and arrangements will be made to get them back and forth to school and training.
{Contracts and Safety}:
Safety is a TOP priority. Mistreatment of idols from any higher figure is not accepted and not raken lightly. idols are encourage to talk to either the ceos or other resources that they have made available to voice their thoughts and feelings on anything they see happening or anything that is happening with them.
Every idol does eventually sign a contract with the company. Each contract is unique to the artist/group. The span of the contract is based on the idol who signs.
Idols can have social media and phones but trainees social will be monitored (with their consent) up until a year after debut.
Every idol and employee/staff members are given mental, physical, and emotional evaluations montly but trainees get them weekly.
Welcome to Cosmic Entertainment where we hope to make your dreams come true!
Signed by Yours Truly,
Song Jiah and Seo Yujin
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BOIKOVA AND KOZLOVSKII: “We Strive To Reach Our Maximum And Beat The Maximum Of Others”
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Having won the European Championships, you have established yourselves as the main contenders for the medals at the World Championships in Montreal. Do you think so?
Dmitri: Contenders? Let's take example - With the results of the Grand Prix Finals, who was predicted to win at the European Championships? The Frenchman Kevin Aymoz. What was the result? He did not even qualify for the free program. So, the ice is slippery and the concept of “main contender” is very blurry. Even before the European Championships, we knew that the competition was going to be intense. There are very strong Russian couples in the highest level, plus Italians. We tried to do our job and focused on just that.
So you think that there can be no favorites in figure skating?
Dmitri: We are well aware that there are athletes who will win if they have perfect skates. For example, Nathan Chen - if he does everything, then it is clear... The same case with Yuzuru Hanyu. Everyone else fought for second place, but the ice is slippery. Based on past results, there are favorites, yes. But everything can change with just one skate.
With clean skates, how do you view your chances at the World Championships?
Alexandra: It’s not up to us to decide. Everything will be decided there.
Dmitri: It is a fatal mistake for an athlete to calculate results. “What will happen if” does not lead to anything good, the focus begins to shift from oneself to others. The athlete must be in a vacuum, focused on himself. We have such an individual sport. We have no direct interaction with our opponents. We do not go out to fight, as in boxing. This is all indirect, we perform - we get points. That's why when we skate, we compete with ourselves.
But, this is still a competition.
Dmitri: We understand this very well. We have coaches. We have a large team that analyzes all the leading couples in the world.
Alexandra: We are not fish in the aquarium.
Dmitri: Exactly. We perfectly understand what our rivals are capable of, what they do, and what they can do. When analyzing the skates of others, we don’t take their bad performances as an example. We analyze their maximum, and we strive to reach our maximum to beat the maximum of others.
Alexandra: The most important fight will be with ourselves.
Dmitri: The most important feeling is the feeling of overcoming oneself. We analyze other athletes as our rivals, opponents. We see what and how they do, and try to compare our own capabilities with this. We watch the Chinese, Russian, Canadian, and American couples - if you look at last year’s World Championships, this is the whole top ten.
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You train with Tamara Moskvina, whose previous students Kavaguti and Smirnov were at the forefront of world figure skating, performing a complex quadruple throw. Do you discuss the possibility of doing something like this with her?
Alexandra: Of course. It’s an ongoing discussion. We hope to do it someday.
Dmitri: But Kavaguti and Smirnov skated at a different time, with different rules, with a different judging system. Now, there is no need to insert ultra elements that break the entire structure of programs. These are very risky elements. If you can’t perform it to the maximum level, it’s not worth it. And how much power will that take? Is it healthy? The same with the quadruple twist - the level is lost if you don’t do the splits, hands up.
Alexandra: The maximum for the quadruple twist is level three. You get less, and the risk is too great.
So it turns out that it is better to skate without these ultra elements?
Alexandra: It’s not a fact. We want to develop. We want to entertain. Why is there so much attention on the girls now? There is a risk factor, there are quadruple jumps. The development of an athlete is always interesting to watch.
How do you work on artistry? I see you guys constantly going to theaters, ballets, and exhibitions.
Dmitriy: This is not work, we like it.
Alexandra: We put a lot of work on the relationship of our characters in the programs. A wonderful specialist Alexander Alexandrovich Stepin works with us on this.
Dmitri: He works in Vaganovsky (Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet) as a leading teacher in acting.
Alexandra: This is a special person who sees things from us that we do not even see ourselves.
Dmitri: He shows us possibilities. It is difficult to explain.
Alexandra: You know, it is a real gift to see what another person can show, what emotions he can play. When we started working with him, we had master classes in acting - with movements or facial expressions, we had to depict anything: a jellyfish, a wave, a toothbrush. At the same time, fantasy, body and facial expressions develop.
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You are very educated and deep young people. How do you develop this intellectual ability?
Dmitri: Our parents. When we do not understand where to go, we direct our energy to them. They tell us which direction to develop. As with skating, we have to constantly practice our brain to maintain its function.
Alexandra: Look at Nathan Chen. At the Grand Prix Final, I talked to Dima on this subject - as soon as he entered university, he began to skate very stable, won every competition, made his programs more complicated. At the same time, he did not lose control, he followed his emotions and technique. He learns a lot, he develops his neural connections, the connections between the brain and the muscles of the body. That's why he manages to withstand such pressure. The more you develop your brain, the more you discover yourself, the more opportunities you have to control your body and your thoughts.
Do you have time to read?
Alexandra: I actually have a literature exam soon, I need to read a lot.
Dmitri: Books, especially non-modern ones, are an opportunity to talk with people who lived before you. It seems to me that the education of people who lived 100-200 years before us was higher. They didn’t have gadgets but their thoughts are still relevant today.
How did you start working together?
Alexandra: I went to the Figure Skating Academy of Elena Klimova, and showed good results. After some time, my mother and I decided to go to Igor Borisovich Moskvin - Tamara Moskvina’s husband. It lasted for about a year. Igor Borisovich really helped me - my double axel and triple salchow became stable. Then, we realized that we need to move on. I switched to Alexei Mishin, trained under the guidance of Oleg Tataurov and Tatyana Mishina. Of course, these people taught me a lot. Communication with Tamara Moskvina began at the age of nine, when I worked with Igor Borisovich.
Dmitri: I started skating in Yubileiny, then I ended up at the Zinaida Alekseevna Ryabinina Academy of Figure Skating. I later moved to the group of Alexei Mishin. It was a very productive season, after which I realized - I want to develop myself, and pursue this career seriously. I spoke with Tamara Moskvina. She explained to me the path of development. I realized that I had the opportunity to work with a leading coach not only in the world, but in history. It would be a sin to ignore this opportunity. Moreover, such a coach was interested in me. And that is why we are now sitting here and talking.
When you started working together, did everything click immediately?
Alexandra: We were friends in the academy.
Dmitri: We had no problems in interaction. Yes, there were difficult moments, but this is normal - this is work in difficult physical and psychological conditions. But we always showed respect and support to each other.
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My Hero Academy Fantasy/Royalty AU
The leader of Bakugo's nation is decided by competition or combat of some kind, and bakugou is the underdog bc he's young, way young. Like younger by at least 5 to 10 years than the other youngest, younger by decades to the oldest competitor
And bakugo comes out of nowhere and is doubted and made fun of and looked down on and laughed at but he absolutely fucking crushes it. And he stays at the top each year, youngest ruler in history of the nation. Because Bakugo needs doubt to thrive.
Throughout the series time and time again, at least 80 percent of his motivation for trying to win various battles is to prove deku or whoever is doubting him (usually deku) wrong
That's what pushes him to strive for the best, to go that one step further. That's why he fought so hard against todoroki in the sports festival arc, because todo, by not fighting his best, was basically insulting bakugo and doubting him
And why he didn't count it as a victory because his opponent wasn't taking him seriously. So imagine, bakugo comes from a nation like that, fights that hard to earn his leadership, and when he meets puny anxious deku for the first time, he instantly hates him, because not only did not earn his station, but he is also colossally failing to live up to all might. So bakugo has no respect for him. And when bakugou meets todo, he feels similarly about not earning his station, but he also can tell there's a fighting spirit inside of todo, and can tell there's a strength burning inside him, that he is choosing not to show, which is the greatest possible insult in bakugou nation, so he insults him and ribs him and eggs him onto try and make him crack and make the fight in him show thru vs deku who also has strength but a) doesn't even see his own strength and b) is ruled by his fear, so his weakness is much more prominent
But bakugo can tell Todoroki is aware of and actively suppressing his fighting spirit
So for kirishima l'm gonna pull a bit from harry potter and say that like wizards can have "seconds" for duels, in bakugo's nation, you can pick a "constant second." Which is like a godfather and power of attorney all at once
If you die it's their job to manage your "estate", to help your significant other(s) with help around the house, to help take care of children, and the like. If you are challenged to an honor fight and are critically injured/in a coma/need to go see your son's ball game, your second can fight in your stead. And kirishima is bakugo's second and vice versa
I think it's generally not a thing to make your spouse your second, because half the point of the second is to help the spouse with stuff when you can't do it anymore. If the second is the spouse, spouse doesn't get extra help. But seconds are basically equivalent to spouses in terms of importance, they're like blood brothers/sisters
So the rest of the bakusquad is what, sero Mina and kaminari?
So since it's a semi-barbarian Nation, I don't think their leader system it too complicated
It's most likely officially just the leader plus their second and spouse
There' s no official court or advIsers or whatever
If they wanted a leader could just do whatever they wanted with no contact with anyone else
So Mina sero and kaminari are just the besties since babies/self assigned bakugo hype squad (along with kirishima)
Asui is in dekus kingdom, maybe she helps in the kitchens, I know she mentioned cooking for her siblings in the ova? She works in the castle to help support her younger siblings
Momo is in todo's kingdom, she's a childhood friend and the daughter of an important noble
Hatsume is in deku's kingdom, obviously as the apprentice to the court hero support person (who is the hero support dude for ua)
Shinsou will probably be in deku squad. He'll be aizawa's apprentice. Aizawa is on the king's (All might's) personal guard
bet Shinsou's parents work in the castle, and he has known aizawa since he was a baby, and basically latched onto him (He got aizawa as a teacher the same way Ed and al got Izumi lol)
In the show, dekus anxiety has a very simple equation: pressure - chance to prove self at that exact moment = anxiety. The more pressure there is the worse it gets, all the way up until the the pressure point happens, which is when his strength shows through. He gets better withstanding the pressure as the show goes on, but he doesn't start improving until he's built confidence from proving himself. Royalty au deku had lived his whole life with the pressure of a gigantic legacy, but has never had a chance to prove himself worthy of the legacy (because all might is still alive therefore king, meaning deku can't prove himself a good king, which is what he's worried about). He's also never had the chance to build confidence he has in the show, because of the aforementioned lack of chances to prove himself. So he has all of the anxiety he has in the beginning of the show, multiplied by a billion.
All might had also been shown time and time again to be a giant softie emotionally, when it comes to deku. He pushed him past his physical limits in the training, but he has never trained him to show a front past "always smiling". All might in Canon is the no 1 hero, with the expectations from an entire country that he will always be perfect all the time and will always make the right call, and he is training deku to bear those same expectations. Despite all this, he is kinda shitty at teaching deku. This is equatable to a king training his son to take his place someday, so it's fair to assume that the same will apply, and king yagi would be shitty at preparing his son to be a king.
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