#as it is very much the season and gift giving is my love language 😘
mamamittens · 2 years
In light of the realization that the 25th of November is literally Black Friday, I would like to push back the deadline for the December Raffle Event to the 26th of November.
I did not realize that was the date I was giving this event and if this caused any confusion I am so sorry. This raffle is free, no purchase of anything required, and is simply my way of enjoying the season with all of you in a hopefully less unhinged way than last year. I was literally coming down from some weird sinus infection at the time, and only just now thought to see if I didn't accidentally set it to Thanksgiving.
And as a warning, my workplace picks up insanely hard during the Cyber Monday Week and I will likely be dead in every sense of the word during a f by the end of it, so my expectation for response time for winners will be a bit more generous than previously stated as I, too, will be slow to respond 💀
I'd say pray for me but God or your religious equivalent of deity/guardian spirit/cryptid/Eldridge being can't hear me there and will likely respond the same to you about my state of being.
For those that have already entered:
@bookandyarndragon @spitfire-of-the-sea @sluttyseaslug
For mutuals/friends that may or may not be interested in the event and haven't been told/seen cause I've been very wonky and quiet for the past week (so sorry time hasn't felt real at all this month let alone this week😷):
@secretsnailor @cyborg-franky @tardiiart @cebwrites @rowan-rites
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homemade-clones · 1 year
You probably already know why I'm here 😏 Looking for more information about my beloved Cheese 💚
For the wholesome OC asks (honestly, I would ask them all if I could): 2, 8, 9, 13, 24, 28, 30, 33, 36, 37, and 41.
Please and thank you 😘
Oh, you know I'm always glad to help you learn more about this sweetheart boi 😌💖
2) Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
I'd give him a nice cup of mulled wine, with all the honey, clove, and cinnamon! I feel he would quite enjoy all the individual flavors in it, plus comfort the beverage brings! Cheese would probably pick something easier to both make, and squeeze into his busy day. A cup of caf (the good type they smuggle sell in the 501st barracks). An easy, reliable classic.
8) What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
Maybe an unusual answer, but the GAR’s standard-issue laundry detergent. It’s something he really only gets to feel when he returns to Tipoca City. While he’s not particularly thrilled about thinking of it as home, being raised inside the smooth walls, safe from the dangers he faces every single mission, his brain came to associate it with safety. Save from when he’s being cuddled to sleep by his vode or SO, it’s when Cheese lies on his bunk and gets a whiff of the barely-there detergent that he sleeps the deepest.
9) How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
A gift? A gift of flowers?? For him??? Sweet maker, the blessing of Jango’s melanin would be the only thing keeping Cheese’s face from blending into his hair with how hard this man blushes. He would be so touched and flustered and downright giddy that someone thought of him enough to get him a gift, and associated him — a soldier bred for war — with something as pretty and soft as flowers. Can and will profusely thank with words, hugs, and kisses (depending on relationship and the person’s boundaries ofc), once he stops being a flustered bean. Knows nothing of it, but will research on how to press flowers so that he can keep at least one of the flowers in his memento box (the man’s a lover of memories, of course he’s keeping it forever!).
13) Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favorite season and why?
Oh, though question! In his opinion, both temps have their merits: cold is good for snuggling, but warm is ideal for spending time outside! Still, he’s slightly more inclined to colder weather (he is but a humble cuddle bug). And as far as standard seasons go, Cheese is very fond of Winter — in special cloudy days. One: because of the aforementioned cozy mood. Two: if it looks like it will rain, then most of his vode are less prone to wander outside (and then come back with a stray animal, or ‘mysterious’ injuries for him to treat and try justifying in the med reports.)
24) How do they relax? Is that a solitary activity, a group activity, or both?
While he is not averse to group activities, his favorite winding-down ones aren’t the most attractive to all of his brothers. His go-to are: - Catching up to his favorite holodramas along with Tooka. Also, to any series he started watching with his s/o. Watching things together is one of his love languages; - Writing on his ‘notebook’; really a stack of flimsy cut to size and sewn together between two pieces of worn leather — Not much, but he made and it’s his. He writes whatever comes to mind, from Situations his brothers got into, to poetry or even imaginary scenarios he’d like to live with his s/o; - On occasion, he enjoys some Floor Time™ with the massiffs (because they will always invite themselves into what they see as Puppy Pile Time), because it feels good on his back; - And Once in a blue moon, you’ll catch him at 79’s tucked in a booth, having a chat with his batchmates over a cocktail.
28) What would they do if their favorite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
Pfft, now that's one very common occurrence, considering how many massiffs they share the barracks with. While he avoids letting them get on his lap because save for Aid who is a smaller breed, they are hefty (Socks in special). But if it does happen? Then he will gladly accept his fate. If his legs growing numb is in the will of the Force, who is him to fight against it?
30) What is their love language?
Giving: Quality time (be with him!), closely followed by physical touch (be glued with him!), and then acts of service (pls let him help you with chores). Receiving: Physical touch (don't let him go), quality time (be with him! x2) and words of affirmation (please, please assure him that he’s enough for you)
33) What is their favorite color? And which colors do they like to wear the most?
His favorite color is salmon (#fa8072)! Whenever possible (aka outside Kamino’s walls), he likes to wear light colors, like yellow, green, and pink. But he won’t turn his nose at the familiar shades of dark gray and teal of his armor.
36) What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
If his s/o isn’t opposed to having their pictures taken, he’ll gift them both candid pics and happy moments captured on his Polaroid (‘to remember the good moments, if he doesn’t make back to them’). But he’d also gift them small things he came across during missions: a colorful pebble, a feather, a necklace with pretty colors he got from a street vendor. If he gets on his feelings, he may write them a letter.
37) Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
A body pillow (those big, horseshoe-shaped ones), a family-sized packet of the good caf Wolffe drinks, and maybe a new fidget toy for Bedbug, because the current one is about to break.
41) If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality?
Scents: Something warm and full, like spice and honey. A sweetness that comforts and invites relaxing, but with the underlying heat that entices the senses. Colors: Warm and rich in color (think an orangish cream), streaked here and there with golden and white. Drop it in the water and watch the foam gather like clouds in the sky, and the colors swirl around each other, painting a perfect and vibrant sunset on the water. Settles in a rich golden hue, with a sheen pleasant to the eye.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Exchanging Gifts
Ninja and Puppy’s First Christmas
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader (OTP ninja and puppy)
Words: ~2.3k
Summary: Ransom has a whole bunch of surprises for you.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex), dirty gifts, so much fluff, established relationship, the softest Ransom, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: Well, this is much later than I had intended due to the fact that I’ve been pounding the Christmas cocktails since last night, but managed to get it out in time for it to be my Christmas gift to all you sluts!! Hope y’all have had a good holiday season 😘
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!
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“Fuck’s sake.” You grinned at Ransom when you opened the beautifully wrapped box. “So the latex bodysuit wasn’t a joke?”
“Like I’d ever joke about something like that.” He beamed right back at you as he worked at unwrapping his own box, guffawing when he pulled out a matching latex suit in his size and bending forward to peck at your lips as you giggled at him. “You snoop, did you peek so that you could get us a matching set?”
“It was a happy accident.” You nuzzled at his cheek before leaning back against your pillows and grabbing another present. “I just know what you like, puppy.”
He winked and beamed at you as he leaned against his own pillows and tangled his legs with yours under the blankets, the two of you cuddled up in front of the roaring fire as you opened all the gifts you wouldn’t be able to open in front of his family without receiving some very disapproving stares. The biggest hit so far had definitely been the naughty calendars, because of course the two of you were on the exact same wavelength when it came to obscene gifts. You had scolded Ransom when he promised to hang his up in his office, telling him that he was gonna end up with a sexual harassment suit of his own if he insisted on displaying photos of your cum covered tits right in the middle of his desk, which he said he didn’t give a fuck about, he was getting the most out of his gifts.
It wasn’t even just the dirty presents, though the lingerie sets you had gotten each other came with the promise of at least a week’s worth of epic fucking. Every time you opened a gift that let you know Ransom had put special thought into just what to get you, your heart swelled, leaning forward and brushing your lips over his as your murmured thanks into his mouth and gave him one of those smiles that made him want to hold you and never let you go. And you had done a fantastic job with your gifts for him too, knowing that he could get whatever things he wanted for himself, so what he craved was experiencing things, especially if it was with you.
Sometime between the trip to French wine country and the knit your own sweater couples’ class you had gotten as a joke, he felt something shift. Your eyes were bright and warm each time he opened one of your gifts, and he found himself craving the soft, lingering touches you gave him whenever you unwrapped something that had made him think of you. At some point you had shifted so you were leaning against his chest, purring every time he kissed the top of your head and told you he loved what you had gotten him.
It was when you both had opened everything, leaning against each other with a warm air of satisfaction as you watched the cat and dog prance around in the ridiculously gaudy diamond encrusted collars Ransom had gotten them that Ransom felt it. That pang of desire to do nothing for the rest of his life except hold you close and show you exactly how much you meant to him. Then you turned and nuzzled into his shoulder, peeking at him through your lashes as he gave you a warm smile, and he just knew.
“Ah… fuck.” He pressed his lips to your hair before unwinding himself from you with reluctance, standing up slowly and heading towards the guest bedroom. “I’ve got one more for you.”
“You don’t sound very happy about it.” You laughed softly when he just shook his head at you, cooing at the cat when she crawled into your lap and scratching under her chin while she purred at you. “He’s so silly.”
That was how he found you when he walked back into the room with the small black velvet box tucked into his palm, sprawled out in front of the fireplace with the cat curled up on your chest and the dog laying beside you with that look of complete happiness on your face and a sense of calm washed over him, the feeling of contentment in his decision firm because he knew he couldn’t wait any longer.
“Baby? Hey, look at me.” He sank next to you on the floor and smiled when you rolled to gaze at him, keeping the box hidden for the moment as he drew a deep breath. “I love you, so much, more than anything in my entire life. You’re everything I need, the only reason I have to get out of bed each day and try to make myself a little better, just for you. And… well, you make me want to not be such an asshole all the time.”
“Ran, what are you… oh shit!” You sat up with a jolt when he finally pulled out the box, ignoring the way the cat yelled at you for making her move as your indulgent laugh fell away to stunned silence and your eyes almost bugged out of your head. “What the fuck?!”
“I’m never gonna find anyone else, I don’t think I could even bother trying if it came to that.” He had to power through or he’d lose his nerve, especially with the way you were shaking your head in disbelief as your gaze flicked between his face and the small box. “You’re it for me, baby, and I want everyone we’ve ever met and are ever going to meet to know it, because all of me belongs to all of you. I know I don’t deserve you, but I’ll spend the rest of our lives trying to. Marry me?”
“Wha… Ran? Holy shit!!!” You were almost shouting by the time he opened the box, and then you let out a choked scream at the sight of the ring. “Holy fucking shit, Ran, what?!”
He just stared at you as you came to terms with what was happening, smiling warmly as he watched every emotion in the book fly across your face in a matter of seconds while tears leaked down your cheeks. But then it had been a couple of minutes and he was worried you might have shut down, reaching out and squeezing your shoulder and letting out a sigh when you sucked in a sharp breath.
“Baby, I kinda need an answer here.” He swallowed thickly when your eyes met his, but then your face split into a massive grin and it was like every worry he’d ever had disappeared in an instant.
“Fuck yes I’ll marry you.” You let it out in a choked sob, laughing softly when his arm on your shoulder yanked you closer so he could press his forehead to yours.
“Yes?” He slid his hand up your shoulder until it was curled around the back of your neck, breathing deeply as pure joy flooded his system while you nodded and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Of course it’s yes, Ran, I love you so much.” You swallowed his pleased whine greedily when you smashed your lips to his, scrambling into his lap and pressing your body as close to his as possible as he wrapped his arms around you. “And you deserve everything, puppy, you’re good, so good, everything I ever wanted or needed, because you try.”
“Oh god, I love you.” He had never been so deliriously happy in his whole life, pressing kisses all over your face as he kept saying the words over and over while his own tears started to fall. “More than anything.”
“More than anything.” You agreed, rubbing your nose over his and beaming at him. “Now put that fucking ring on my finger.”
“God, the ring! Almost forgot.” He huffed out a laugh into your mouth as he pulled the diamond ring out of the box, kissing each knuckle on your left hand before sliding it onto your finger as he let out a shaky breath. “It’s Wanetta’s ring, she said you were the only one she trusted not to sell it.”
“Of course she did.” Your cheeks were starting to hurt from how hard you were smiling, but you didn’t even care, turning your hand slowly and watching the way the massive stone caught the light as Ransom pressed his lips to your cheek. “It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” He sighed deeply as he held onto your hand and gazed into your eyes, kissing you again and groaning when your tongue slid between his lips. “Christ, we’re gonna get married.”
“We sure fucking are.” You smiled against his lips and purred when he squeezed your waist, rolling your body into his and gasping when he started trailing kisses down the column of your throat. “We should celebrate, fiancé.”
“Mm, didn’t realize I was gonna like hearing you call me that so much.” He growled as he bit at your soft skin, licking over the bite to soothe it as his hands started to pull at the hem of your sweater. “My fiancée, yeah that feels real good.
“Right? Oh, right there.” You moaned when he pressed you into the floor and sucked a bruise over the hollow behind your ear, winding your legs around his waist and arching into him when he started to grind into you. “Ran, I need it.”
“I know, I’ll give you whatever you want.” He moved to press his forehead against yours as he slid your panties down your legs, molding his lips to yours and swallowing your pleased hum greedily. “Everything.”
You gasped when you felt his warm tip tease against your aching cunt, spreading your legs wider for him as his heavy cock slipped inside you and gave you that delicious stretch you craved. He smashed his lips to yours with a desperate whine once he was fully sheathed in the wet warmth of your core, his whole body pressing into yours as you tangled your fingers in his hair and arched into him.
Ransom couldn’t stop moaning into your mouth as he slowly rolled his hips into yours, swallowing every soft sound of want that fell from your lips greedily as you clenched and fluttered around him. He felt himself getting lost in you, in the depth of your eyes and the warmth of your body and the way the two of you fit perfectly against each other, he wouldn’t give you up for anything. The two of you barely even realized you hadn’t stopped murmuring mindless “I love yous” against each other’s lips since he first slid inside you, so wrapped up in emotion and hazy warmth it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when your orgasm snuck up on you.
“Fuck… oh, Ran, fuck!” Your small cry and the way you yanked on his hair as your body seized around him had Ransom grunting lewdly into your mouth, the roll of his hips slowing even further as he felt his balls tighten and the muscles of his core clenched with pleasure. “Oh god, love you, love you, I love you so fucking much.”
“Love you… shit, love you, I love you.” He pressed kisses all over your face as he started pumping you full of his cum, groaning when you scraped your nails over his scalp and bit softly at his ear. “Never going to let you go.”
“No, never.” You beamed at him when he collapsed on top of you, laughing into his mouth when he rolled until you were laying face to face so he could nuzzle at your cheek as he held you close. “We’re not still going to see your family tomorrow are we?”
“And dealing with them throwing the world’s biggest bitch fit about the ring? Nope.” He shook his head seriously and purred when you bit at his bottom lip, winding his arms around your waist and holding you close as he hummed pleasantly into your mouth. “What d’you say we head up to the cabin a week early so we don’t have to put up with that shit? I can call Harlan to update him and we can drop off everyone’s presents on the way up.”
“That’s an excellent idea.” You let go of him with reluctance so the two of you could go start to pack, sighing when he kissed your hair once you stood up and eyeing the ring some more. “Shit, should I call our dumb friends? Feel like Ari and Anne will want to know.”
“Oh, um… maybe hold off on that.” He took a deep breath when you gave him a quizzical look, running his fingers through his hair as he followed you towards the bedroom. “They kinda made a bet. About when this was gonna happen.”
“They… what? Oh, those fuckers.” You scowled as you stormed to find your phone, ignoring Ransom’s indulgent grin as he pulled out the suitcases. “Gonna tear them some new assholes next time I see them.”
“Baby, what did you just send them?” He wound an arm around your waist and kissed your hair as you grumbled to yourself while you started packing.
“Nothing, just a little joke.” You tossed your phone on the nightstand and went back to packing, sighing when Ransom just kept staring at you with an amused smirk. “I told them we broke up.”
“Oh my god, that’s mean!” Ransom laughed heartily when you just shrugged at him and moved to grab some more sweaters. “We’re gonna come back to so many panicked texts, hold on.” He moved to grab his own phone when he heard it buzz on the dresser. “Oh, ok. Ari says Merry Christmas and congratulations, and that he’ll give us an engagement present when he’s back in the country. And he wanted me to tell you the bet was Anne’s idea, so take it out on her.”
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Hello darling ❤️ how are you doing ? I hope you’re staying happy and healthy 💪❤️ . I would like to participate in future lover game and I want an intuitive interpretation. Lately , I’ve been feeling not much motivation with my study , lonely also feel exhausted without any reason but I’m also trying to keep up with my daily life. About my love life I used to date once in the past with the wrong person that doesn’t treat me right so I’m kinda feel worry a lot about my future love life as I think it’s hard to find person that love me for who I am but I also manifested to meet the good one 🦋❤️ . Best Qualities of me is I have soft heart , kind , warm and responsible person therefore I always help people as long as they come asking for help so I tried my best to help them as I can . As I checked my Asteroid Aphrodite is in my Aquarius♒️ sun in 4th house . Now I will do the thing that reminds me about you .
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Since I don’t know how to do tarot 🥲 so I will use my intuition to do your future lover reading 🫶 . From my intuition your future lover is someone who is bright , confident , funny and very outgoing . They’re the type of person who is very goal oriented and know what they want or what they doing . This is person is charming and attractive but they down to earth and humble , I get the feeling that this is the person of person who like adventurous thing so they might take their time to learn new thing so that’s mean they have knowledges in many things . You guys gonna meet on vocation or at summer season , the place that’s relaxing maybe at the beach . They will come to your life at unexpected moment . This person love your personality : your kindness and politeness toward other , also the way you always include other and help other with your heart . In this relationship they will take time getting to know you and understand about you so it’s like a slow burn , they will want to travel with you and spend time with you a lot . This all I got for you I hope you like it . Thank you ❤️
You ask is so warm it fills my heart 🥹💗, hii love I'm good , how are you doing babe 😘? Thank you for telling me about yourself and the things you associated me with are really accurate too especially cat because it's my Nakshatra animal 🤍
Feedback:oh wow they seem like a sunshine i am so glad to know about them , good to know that they're adventurous and knowledgeable and humble seems like the perfect combo, what a slow burn 🤭 , i really like it , now for you .
For you since you gave me too ☺️:
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I think the next relationship you are gonna have is with someone around your arena in your zone , but you haven't met or seen them too much , they're either pretty busy or they don't leave their home too much, however there's this pretty lovely bonding that you too are gonna share , they see you as this pretty little angel , i think you're really kind and people around you love a lot , i think they've heard about you and the way you are , but as they get to know you , they will be completely entirely in love with you since you're just an amazing soul , they could relate you with figures like Mary , they feel like sleeping with you will give them safety and security, they wanna help you go into the world, i see both of you growing together in love , their love language is gift giving so be ready girl. They're pretty mature but with you they feel like a babe which is a valuable contrast and they're looking forward to it. I see them as being spiritual too so they might help you in your spiritual growth as well.
They might be interested in the media industry or designing, they love art and artistic things , you might go to films together and dance in the rain how sweet, msgs : " don't be afraid of our love " , " you're my world" , " we must understand each other" ," we're just two kids young and in love" .
Thank you too ❤️ please leave a feedback if you resonate ❤️.
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