#to my super friends who i speak to on discord you dont have to enter as I will absolutely be crafting some sort of gift for you anyway
mamamittens · 2 years
In light of the realization that the 25th of November is literally Black Friday, I would like to push back the deadline for the December Raffle Event to the 26th of November.
I did not realize that was the date I was giving this event and if this caused any confusion I am so sorry. This raffle is free, no purchase of anything required, and is simply my way of enjoying the season with all of you in a hopefully less unhinged way than last year. I was literally coming down from some weird sinus infection at the time, and only just now thought to see if I didn't accidentally set it to Thanksgiving.
And as a warning, my workplace picks up insanely hard during the Cyber Monday Week and I will likely be dead in every sense of the word during a f by the end of it, so my expectation for response time for winners will be a bit more generous than previously stated as I, too, will be slow to respond 💀
I'd say pray for me but God or your religious equivalent of deity/guardian spirit/cryptid/Eldridge being can't hear me there and will likely respond the same to you about my state of being.
For those that have already entered:
@bookandyarndragon @spitfire-of-the-sea @sluttyseaslug
For mutuals/friends that may or may not be interested in the event and haven't been told/seen cause I've been very wonky and quiet for the past week (so sorry time hasn't felt real at all this month let alone this week😷):
@secretsnailor @cyborg-franky @tardiiart @cebwrites @rowan-rites
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jschllatt · 3 years
𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭
Prompt: HIIIIIII i hope you are doing well !!!! i love your writing sm and would like to make a request !!!! i would love something in which schlatt n reader are both streamers/youtubers and have been friends for a while but they both like eachother and dont wanna ruin it ? and one of them finally makes a “first move” after like yearsss of being friends ?! sorry it’s not super specific but :( it can be any length of your choosing, whatever you feel up to writing !!! thank you and u are da best !!!!!
Warnings: Swears
Words: 1229
Not too sure if I like this one so feedback is much appreciated :)
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You had a big problem. 
It was the type of problem that nagged at your brain all day, reminding you of your predicament even when you tried to ignore it. It dominated your focus, making it difficult to even think properly no matter what you did. What exactly was your problem? The answer was rather simple: you had fallen for your best friend, Schlatt. After years of friendship, you found it difficult to keep your feelings strictly platonic—Schlatt was simply too charismatic, too funny, too attractive. It seemed as though your feelings had hit you like a truck, and they only deepened as time progressed. You debated confronting your feelings head on by confessing your love to Schlatt, though you feared its outcome. He definitely didn’t like you back—not in that way. You two had been friends for years and you were going to ruin it just because you had caught feelings for him? No way. 
And so, you avoided your problem until it got out of hand. 
It was around two a.m. when you started streaming, your bright room a stark contrast to the darkness outside. You hadn’t streamed in a few days and decided that there was no better time to do so—you weren’t even close to being tired and you figured a majority of your streamer friends were still online, anyways. 
“Oh, Schlatt’s awake.” You observed quietly once you opened discord, noticing the green dot displayed next to his icon. You tried to hide your excitement as you messaged your best friend, a small smile on your face as you typed, hi schlatt <3. Seconds later, a ping signalled his reply, to which you laughed at as it read, fuck off. That was expected. You were just about to respond before your phone began to ring. Looking down, you saw Schlatt’s contact lighting up your screen. Feigning annoyance, you asked your chat rhetorically, “Oh God, what does he want?”
Answering the call, you tried to keep your expression neutral as you were met with Schlatt’s stoic expression. He remained silent for a few seconds and you interrupted the quietness by saying, “Hello?” He continued to ignore you, staring at the screen blankly, and you were just about to speak again before he yelled, “Go to sleep.” 
“Only if you come here and make me.” You replied somewhat flirtatiously, instantly regretting it—you feared what your chat would look like when you dared to glance at it. “Okay.” Schlatt chirped, then hung up. Chuckling softly, you rolled your eyes, muttering to your chat about how annoying he was. You couldn’t help but smile, however, once you realized that was Schlatt’s way of showing he cared—it wasn’t the most straightforward way of doing so, but you recognized his intentions nevertheless. You tried to conceal your adoration by changing the subject, talking to your chat about random things. A lot of your viewers had chastised you for being up so late, but you assured them that it was common for those who streamed for a living to rely on two hours of sleep. Time passed, and your chat began to flood with surprised exclamations, all regarding Schlatt—had he joined your stream? Your question was answered just moments later. 
On my way.
“Real funny, Schlatt.” You deadpanned, rolling your eyes at the dono displayed across your monitor.
It was quiet once again. Your chat had eventually become interested, for the most part, in your new content rather than Schlatt’s presence, which you were grateful for—you couldn’t bear to think about the man any longer without letting your mind wander. Did he really care about you or was he just trying to be funny? Even though the two of you had been best friends for years, he was quite difficult to read. It wasn’t often that he was serious with you. Sure, the two of you had your fair share of deep conversations, but Schlatt had always found a way to be sarcastic or humorous in most situations. 
Sighing, you tried to focus on your stream. Minutes passed, and your viewers could tell that you were off. They interpreted it as you being tired, to which you used as an excuse to end stream. “I’m sorry, guys, I am tired. I guess Schlatt was right.” You chuckled halfheartedly, hoping your viewers couldn’t sense your disappointment as you mentioned your best friend’s name. Luckily, they didn’t, and you were quick to end your stream with a dejected sigh. Snap out of it, he’s your best friend—nothing more. You found it hard to listen to your thoughts, and plopped down unceremoniously onto your bed, frowning. Why did you have to catch feelings for him? You shut your eyes and tried to push your thoughts away, focusing on the sound of gentle breeze that swept through your window. The night was rather warm and its gentleness offered you solace. However, after a few minutes of peace, your tranquility was interrupted by a knock at the door. You felt panic arise in your chest, startled by the sudden noise. It was nearly three in the morning, who in the world could have possibly been at your house?
As you looked through the peephole in your door, you observed your best friend standing on your front steps, his expression one of amusement.
Shit. He was really here? He wasn’t joking?
Ignoring the onslaught of anxious thoughts that flooded your mind, you swung the front door open. “What are you doing here?” You asked quietly, confused as you met his eyes. He smirked at you proudly before chuckling, “I told you to go to sleep, you said to come here and make you. Here I am.” You looked at your best friend incredulously, shocked that he took your words so seriously. “I-I was kidding, I didn’t think you’d-”
“Yeah, yeah, well it’s too late now.” Dumbfounded, you stared at Schlatt in response, gesturing for him to come in once you gained your composure. Schlatt towered over you once he entered your house, a smug look on his face as he observed your shocked self. “What? Surprised I can actually keep a promise?” You huffed in response, crossing your arms as you raised an eyebrow at him, “Yes.” Schlatt snickered and plopped down onto the couch, looking around your living room. “Nice place you got here.”
“You’ve been here before, idiot.” You countered, sitting down beside him with pursed lips. The rapid beat of your heart was not helping your case as you tried to remain calm, sitting so close to Schlatt that your knees were touching. The two of you sat in an awkward silence and you glanced over at your best friend curiously. Instantly, he met your gaze, staring at you with a ghost of a smile. Your eyes flickered down to look at his lips briefly, and you noticed Schlatt do the same, taking in your appearance with adoring eyes. Soon enough, you both had leaned in until your faces were inches away, practically sharing the same breath as you continued to stare at each other shamelessly. You were about to close the gap between the two of you before Schlatt mumbled smugly, “Go to sleep.” 
Leaning impossibly closer toward his lips, you grabbed a hold of his sweatshirt, tugging his body into yours as you countered, “Just shut up and kiss me, idiot.”
Tags: @ialexabsuniverse @esylwen @quack42069 @mayberii @dreamiewrites @moonamor @kalliblast @forbidden-sin-bin
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levisgirll · 3 years
oki it me again uWu back with another request because I really enjoyed the first one!!!💗💗 couldn't find the exact words to phrase this but what about aomine (from Kuroko no basuke) as your boyfriend in university. I look forward to what you will write!!
𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
text: hello again!! thank you so much for reading my posts and the fact that you like them makes me happy c: 💗💗 I'm glad you enjoyed the other request so, I hope you enjoy this! (also, aomine is my second fav in knb ^^ he's just so attractive oml-)
synopsis: aomine daki, the great basketballer player at your university is your boyfriend! how is it like to have aomine as your boyfriend though? and how does he act with you? (get ready for this-)
Once Aomine is your boyfriend, get ready cause this guy will show off and flex a lot when it comes to you. Whenever you stay and watch his practices, he flexes a lot with his back muscle and he would turn around if YOU saw that. You are just sitting there, all blushed while covering your face, "Oh god, this idiot..."
Sometimes, the basketball club would invite student for 'Learning the basics of Basketball' and the first person he wants to invite is, of course, his girlfriend. While he is waiting for her, he would just sit in the bench and lots of people go to him for help, but he would ignore everyone and say he is tired and to leave him alone. But once he sees you, y/n, entering he is all energetic and comes running to you. "Aomine, let me change wait" , "But darling, I was waiting for like 10 minutes...you have to make up for that."
Once everyone leaves and its just you two, he gets all hyped up cause he loves it when you are alone with him. He gets extra clingy towards you and keeps on hugging you and you can feel his tensed muscular body. "Sweetheart, you looked amazing today."
Okay but this guy, would fuck up and beat any guy that even showed any sort of disrespect. He is not standing there with a glare or bumping into them if someone laughs, or says something mean to you. He will go up to that person and hold them up while saying "Okay, you started this. Come here."  You have to stop him before he gets physical towards them, "Aomine! Stop!! They just said to me to move". "Yea, 'Move you', what the fuck is that? Asshole, learn some manners! Do you know who you even spoke to!"
This guy is smart, so he knows all your university spots, so don't be surprised if you see him out of nowhere. "Hey its that guy! He is always following you!" Kagami would yell out, "Fuck, you have some stalker Y/N" Kagami would say while glaring at him, he was your university best friend. "That's my b-boyfriend."
Your man will also buy you a lot of snacks, and if you say you skipped breakfast. He is dragging you to the university café and will force you to eat after he buys you food.
Oh my god, your boyfriend loves to tease you A LOT. Like there wont be a day he wont tease you. If you somehow changed up your hairstyle, he will make a huge scene. "No WAY! Sweetheart, you look so good! Wow, that's my GIRL! You all heard that??!"
Aomine makes you laugh like crazy, and there also wont be a day he wont make you laugh. He just loves it whenever he hears your beautiful laugh and small giggles, he founds it so cute and you really warm his heart whenever he hears that.
He will never forgive himself if he ever made you upset or cry. Aomine will probably think about it the whole day and he will keep spamming you "I'm sorry" multiple times. If you don't reply back, he would come to your lecture hall and he is gonna make a scene. "Y/N I SAID IM SORRY!"
You definitely boost his ego, like crazy. Whenever he feels low before a match he would call you and he just wants to hear his girlfriends voice motivating him. "Aomine, don't worry you got this! Besides, didn't you tell me the only one who can beat you...is you?" "Fuck, you are right. Darling, I'm gonna win this and I'll come and hug u after this match. Wait for 20 minutes" And he actually does it.
This guy sticks with his words, so if you tell him meet up at 2 pm. He is there at 2pm waiting for you. If he says he will do literally anything for you, he fucking will.
Once he got, really upset and emotional and he said to you during a call at midnight. "Y/N, Dont leave me like how everyone does.". You then recalled about him telling you about this past and how his old teammates left him, so you would say "I wont, I'm your girlfriend aren't I?" And he is up on his bed all hyped hearing that, "Can I see you now!" "Aomine it's 2am and I have a quiz tomorrow bye, shutting my phone love you!" But this guy wont leave you and spam you in EVERY social media. "Nice try, but I know you have discord on your laptop. Wait, I see you online I'm calling you now."
One time, he came to your huge lecture hall and he sat right next to you, and he would just turn and look at you, focusing on what you are doing, and play around with your stuff and hair. "Aomine, I am trying to focus!" You say all blushed and can't even write anything on your notebook. "Of course, cause you are focusing on me right? Sweetheart, I know, I know I am great." Now you wanna smack him.
Whenever he sees you, he gives you that hot smirk of his and it gives you butterflies. "Ha! Wow literally everything I do, you love it don't you?" . Y/N then turns to him and gives a small chuckle, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Aomine." He then goes near you and lays his arm on your shoulder, bring you closer and he would whisper to your ear "Why not? your my girl so, I want to impress you."
You both love it whenever you guys hold hands around university, this guy is really tall so you always feel so relaxed and also great when your boyfriend squeezes your hand, and walks you to your lecture. "Okay now try to focus on your lecture and not your mind all about me alright?"
He actually loves it when you cheer for him and that really boost not only his ego but rather his self-confidence. "Y/N! I'm gonna win this match for you!" He would yell out during the match and everyone is looking at you.
He would go for academic help for you sometimes and you guys meet up in the library to study. You are the reason he passed some subjects, don't get me wrong, he is intelligent but super lazy.
His wallpaper is a selfie of you both and he looks at that before every match. He sometimes pecks his phone when he finds a picture of you.
Speaking about his phone, this guy has a folder with just you, all your pictures, screenshots of chats, even screen records of your voice notes and videos. He just loves you dearly, and he gets so fucking mad if someone touches or even goes near that gallery. He protects that with all his life, your pictures are important and he is not the type of guy to show his friends your pictures, in fact he hates that! "My folder, my girl, and no one gets to see that. Go away."
Whenever he is bored or isn't doing nothing, he would open his phone, and check every social media app to see your online status. "Oh OH, I see you online darling! Answer me, wanna go out and get ice cream? Please say yes."
He is actually such a great motivator and brings your mood up whenever you feel like giving up during university. He won't allow that, like never. "What so you will just give up? Stop? After all this time, you let this one test fuck you up? Don't you dare let that bring you down, you idiot." He actually even inspires you.
Before you go for the whole day cause you had to work on your report he would say "Smile for me one last time?"
When he sees you from afar, he would yell out and say "That's my girl! Don't move, I'm coming for you!" And this guy jumps at you with his embraces and sometimes picks you up. "L-Love put me down!!"
He actually loves teasing you like that in public, he wants everyone to know that are are HIS girl and his only.
He messages you during his practices and even would skip practice to see you.
Y/N: Oh you don't have practice today?
Aomine: Nope! And besides, I am the captain so doesn't matter. (He is not the captain- its akashi but lies)
He says that and then goes on how he knows everything about basketball and the team and he keeps doing that till you can compliment him ‘Please Y/N say anything’ he would think and you know that but tease him back not saying anything.
*meanwhile in his basketball groupchat* 
Kise: aomine, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!
Akashi: Probably ran off to see his girl.
Atsushi: Whatever, my chance to leave and eat outside.
Kuroko: Can I join you?
Atsushi: No.
You would treat his injuries and he would just sit there, looking at you with a smirk.
Aomine: "Oh yea, here even hurts darling!"
Y/N: "Love....you are lying aren't you?"
Aomine: "What! No!...Maybe?" 
You let out a sigh "Ah, you are an idiot...stop hurting yourself all the time." He would suddenly lift your chin up and say "You know...that I love you yea? You also better tell me everything and if you need help, just say it" He can be really soft and sweet sometimes, but he gets all cringy and shy about it and he gets up rubbing the back of his head. "I-I mean that's what a boyfriend does right?! Come on, get up I'm taking you out."
Okay, I hope you enjoy this and anyone who did! Aomine is such a dork but a sweetheart and I can see most of this happening :,) 
If anyone enjoyed reading this, please then leave a like or a reblog! It means a lot and have a great day <3
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
i might have developed a witcher superhero au even though i dont even care for the superhero genre and have no experience with it. idk if this aligns with any kind of superhero canons out there since i dont have experience im just saying whatever i want to. also this is from september of last year and comprised from a few different discord messages i sent to my friends
note that i build aus by just looking at the canon and making everything fit a different universe instead of creating extremely different situations and characters... i.e., it’s an alternate universe, not an alternate story.
some worldbuilding clarifications:
in this there are characters that are just some guys. dandelion is just a regular singer. but imagine if like elton john and batman were best friends forever and everyone knew about their epic friendship
superheroes in this are treated ig just basically like magic abilities in the witcher; some ppl have them though its rare, theres a few schools in the world to develop them
i dont see a necessity in this au specifically to add things in like “superheroes are oppressed for having powers” or anything like that because [ironic for a witcher books fan to say] i dislike oppression allegories if they’re overt comparisons to specific forms of oppression irl, and i’d rather real oppression be tackled instead because it can be insensitive a lot of the time
there’s also superheroes who dont have powers which are a lot of our cast lol. geralt just still has two swords and the ability to kick ass
as for setting, there’s always like some city this stuff is set in but i want to genre bend and say a lot of it is roadtripping through the countryside and they only enter cities when the plot calls for it (like entering reidbrune in ttos)
heres some cringey supernames:
geralt: “the white wolf”… but more commonly “the wolf”. the “the” is mandatory :/ yennefer: menace dandelion: that’s already his stage name. gay ass milva: “kite”. opposite of geralt in that there is never a “the”. cahir: doesn’t have a super identity or name and doesn’t want one. he’s “the [unknown] rider” sometimes because he kidnapped ciri while riding a motorcycle regis: it’s complicated, scroll down angoulême: just a supervillain’s henchman for now, but has meticulously brainstormed and planned out potential supervillain’s names, and she wants to be a supervillain called “dagger”… “because, you know, dagger, like? sharp? cutting? i’m funny, i wound people. what’s not to love.”
geralt is a vigilante so/but ppl just see him as an inconvenience. this world might take place in a post-nuclear setting where the effects have created monsters and also are the sources of people’s superpowers. 
yennefer is not a superhero so to speak but she just has powers and uses them whenever she wants. sometimes its cool and sometimes it causes traffic incidents. she just owns her own small business and doesn’t care too much about using her powers for good or evil, she just wants a regular life. she got more bad rap than she deserved though just bc she didnt play to society’s ‘you have to use your powers for either good or evil’ thing. geralt meets her in a similar fashion to the canon last wish. complete with crashing a dinner party
yennefer: literally just minding her own damn business and living her life everyone else: so why don’t you exist for MY benefit . what a b*tch
just like in canon, the main conflict is that ciri is like being hunted by the government for her powers and by leagues of other ppl with powers (lodge, aen elle) for the same reasons. she has superhero abilities but doesnt know how to control them and if this were a superhero comic she could teleport inbetween the pages and enter/exit scenes through the margins
milva gets caught strategically taking out hateful and violent people as a vigilante and gets caught by eithne and joins her coalition instead. 
cahir is a young man from a wealthy family who through nepotism gets a job at a tech company and then gets tasked with retrieving ciri so the company can use her for her powers.
regis was a supervillain (bc of course…) … eventually he stopped going insane though and became normal and is now a trauma surgeon at a hospital 😅. slightly different backstory than in canon, since he is human in this - he is one of a few ‘gifted’ people who developed powers from a young age and this was overwhelming to his parents so he was in the foster care system for a long time. he generally exploited the lack of care from parents and sought attention and affection from peers instead, showing off. he became famous and revelled in the attention from not only other people but local news outlets and the media. but when they moved on he became embittered and started to arrogantly and narcisticically exploit his fans for power and he might have overthrown the city at one point idk anyways he died of his own stupid accord but came back through his powers. oh yeah his powers... he has shadow-based powers that are generally like his canonical powers (disappearing, putting people to sleep, hypnosis) but also with the addition of manipulating shadow to cause a variety of unpredictable chaos to happen. and perhaps flight/levitation, or some sort of blink/shadow travel ability... but no turning into a bat. also he has perhaps some kind of life force draining powers bc id like him to be called nightplague … which he thought was a stupid name but society gave him it anyways … he wanted to be called “fangZ,” with a Z (or Kaos (chaos) with a K), which he thought was SO cool and ranted to his ex-girlfriend and anyone who would listen about it extensively….. 😑 also as a supervillain he looked like zoga from captain yajima (worthikids animation)
angouleme was a henchman and goon of minor supervillain nightingale, she defects from him and thinks her career is over and (obviously the hansa are all superheroes) but regis would b a reformed supervillain and shed be like COME ONNNN BE EVIL W ME… you’re all going to say wow maj Another au in which angouleme is the one to recognize regis from the past and is like “you were that really crazy evil guy SHOW ME YOUR WAYS” and he has to explain to her that being an evil problem to society isnt a good career goal…….. and shes like ok . but i want to be rich and cause problems. she offers to henchman for him about a dozen times before he is forced to explain in strict terms that he is never going to go back to that life ever. and she’s like. ok well can you at least blow something up with your powers. can we at least have an explosion here.
zoltan would be some guy on a road trip with his friends and parrot…… i think he would be but like . im thinking (stupidly) that this is set in the US so i imagined he meets geralt & co were offroading but met with zoltan who was driving an RV full of his friends and they stopped and picked the hitchhikers up. zoltan obv wears hawaiian shirt during this.
emhyr is the ceo of the company that wants to kidnap ciri for her powers. the aen elle are also superheroes but everyone thinks they disbanded and disappeared. the lodge of sorceresses are comprised of ‘patron’ superheroes who come from different cities which are under each of their protection.
i don’t have interest in fleshing this out further but i wanted to post this silly thing for archival purposes :) and so you will know what i am talking about if i mention “superhero au”
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charmspoint · 3 years
Haha, hiii, you seem like super nice and I'd love to be friends or something, but I have like theeeee worst social anxiety especially on social media so actually messaging is out of the question. Sooo anyway what this amounts to is that I just think you're really cool and nice and seem very friendly and fun to talk to, hope you have a super nice day!!
Hello! Thank you so much that's such a sweet message ;-;
Don't worry about it anon, you just take it easy on yourself. I know a bit or two about social anxiety. Not too long ago I was absolutely terrified about speaking up about anything in social situations. Like it was the kind where i would enter a group on discord and immediately assume everyone there hated me for ??? no real reason. My initial assumption was simply that i was a very hatable person and that the people i was interacting with had to build towards liking me instead of something needing to happen for them to hate me. So if anything small happened at all, such as for example my message getting accidentally overseen because a lot of people were texting, my mind would immediately blow it out of proportion and think 'they are ignoring me because they dont want me here and they think what i said was stupid'. I remember times when i was literally shaking with anxiety over a server fight or how hard it was for me to make friends and how i basically made my two college friends by sheer luck. One time me and my friend got into a fight and i spent a few days in such a catastrophic mood like 'she hates me forever now and my other friend will leave me too and ill be all alone again because im a hateble person'...we made up a few days after and are still friends.
That was a lot of text to basically say 'i get what you are going through'. Social Anxiety is very rough and very hard to ease because well...it requires you to put yourself out there and that's the scary part. It's like jumping out of a plane when you are afraid of heights, you need to expose yourself to the possibility that people might not like you and that you might have bad social experiences to ease the fear of it. It takes time and it takes good people. It meant a lot to me when in those servers i mentioned i could go to a mod and ask them 'hey do people here hate me?' and them having take it seriously as social anxiety. Like terumob server is long dead and Sassi doesn't follow me here i dont think but 💗Sassi i love you thank you💗It was really nice to be able to sit with someone and basically go 'i know im being irrational but i need reassurance anyway' because things like these are like 'i KNOW its not that bad but i cant help but FEELING like its that bad' and it was really nice to like have ppl who'd go 'if something ever kick starts ur anxiety come to me and i'll check' like just to have someone say 'no this doesnt mean what ur afraid it means' is so very reassuring. And then here i had @autumn-foxfire who i can properly tag and who's inbox i hounded for a while on anon with very long ass rants until i was assured that i was not being super fuckin annoying with my rants and that they are actually fun and enjoyable and now we are friends on here :D so thank you too foxy i also love u 💗
This has gotten really long...but basically like...here i am now, making long ass rants about things i like and have opinions on and there are people who jive with it and there are people who like my fics and come tell me about it (💗all of you guys are great and I super appreciate you making this such a fun experience💗). This kind of stuff is rough and it might ease but it never really feels like it fully goes away. I'm still shit ass at actually making friends irl because idk how to talk to people but i feel like i can be much more of myself because i no longer feel the need to just...cut myself into a silent little cube that nobody notices. So I'm cheering for you anon!! Take things at your own pace but know that things will take pushing and that that pushing might be scary but its so worth it in the end. In the end you know yourself best and you don't really need to start by jumping out of a plane but maybe by finding a nice wall to jump off of. Either way my inbox is always open and I'm not exactly prone to biting lmao.
Thank you again for such a sweet message it really made my morning💗💗💗I'm sorry my reply got so long hbjhbjh i have a lot of thoughts on things >.< 💗 I hope you have a nice day too!!
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wildlingknight · 6 years
So like I wrote this stuff down around September 2017 with the intention to write a fic about it (I might still do that when I have more time) but it’s just sitting and festering in my drive so I’ll put it here for now and build on it when uni is done. It’s a super long post but I did put a cut in.
There’s a whole bunch of mind vomit stuff here:
 I was talking to my discord group about things that could have been added to Botw because I’d gotten to a point in the game when I’d done mostly everything and was just putting off facing Ganon because I didn’t want it to end. So I came up with gods and spirits that you might meet in random places and sometimes they have quests for you or something. Taken directly from the server:
“This isn't really a hc more a random idea but what if there were time specific places on the map in botw? Like I just found  place on the side of death mountain called shadow hamlet ruins, what if you go there and it's just some ruined houses with a meteor wizzrobe in any other time but on the night of a new moon there's like creepy shadows that kinda come out of the wood work and shadows of the ruins and they don't exactly attack you but make you super uneasy and circle you a bit and it's like the people who lived and died there as a result of the calamity, like we know it corrupts the living but what if it doesn't let the dead rest either?
Like there are places all over hyrule that are just places until you visit them on a specific night or day or when certain parameters are met and you have a unique little event happen like a person you wouldn't meet any other time with items you can only get from them or maybe the dragons rest somewhere and you can just stumble across them, or more spirits and godlike beings who you wouldn't come across any other time apart from this one random spit of woodland halfway up the dueling peaks on a night where it's raining you come across an ethereal glowing woman or something who watches over the plants and mushrooms like glow like her, and you can't really interact with them because we are insignificant to them, they are so indifferent to us with our mortal comings and goings that the most we can hope for is a glimpse of them, just to make the world feel even more alive than it already does
I think Link is more aware of them because he is goddess chosen, goddess touched, and he's a gentle and pure soul who they in turn are drawn to, I like that he has a connection to them through having being dead but I personally like to think they're a bit afraid of him, he was brought back through science like magic without the godesses interference or hands, that shouldn't happen he died and by all means should have stayed dead but here he is, wandering hyrule saving people and dragons and riding gods across plains and placating giant mechanical creatures that will only listen to him, in their eyes he's a fucking monster or demon
And they know you don't piss off a demon who denied death so they're cautious but curious in equal measure”
And then neatened up and made less mind vomity:
On specific nights- different for each ruin- the ghosts of the people who lived and died there during the calamity come out on the night they were wiped out. Different for each place depending on how close they were to castle and what the actual cause was, e.g. castle town would have been hit first and hardest by the Calamity itself so that would get spooky on the night of Zelda’s birthday every year. If they are fairly far away from the castle e.g. Shadow Hamlet ruins on the far side of Death Mountain, it would be a different night and they would feel different due to the nature of their deaths, such as being wiped out by monsters fuelled and powered by the Calamity. They don’t attack but most travellers accidentally come across them and fear for their lives saying ruins are haunted at night so they try to avoid them, preferring to go to living villages or taking their chances with monsters out on the roads or in the woods. When Link (and later Zelda) enter the ruins on the specific night they act up the spirits hiss and circle him and lament their passing in groans and wails but they do not come close because he is light and they cannot touch him. He died for them and Zelda cried for them, they are Goddess chosen and Goddess touched.
Lesser Gods and Spirits
Found all over Hyrule, again during different specific times when certain parameters are met.
A lesser Goddess who watches over plants and mushrooms that glow with the same ethereal light as her- can only be found where they grow in abundance, like the pillar in Kakariko on a rainy night during a new moon, and also conversing with Cotera the great fairy there.
A giant stag with two faces who watches over the life and death of animals, seen all over Hyrule as long as there’s a moon showing, so not on cloudy nights. Eyes like miniature galaxies and coat the colour of moss, fur appears to be made of grass and hooves of wood and several times the amount of antlers normal deer have that are white like bleached bone and strung with what looks to be pearls.
A woman with long black hair, horns like a Lynels and the face of a wolf who’s snout ends turned up like a Moblin’s, with three eyes that constantly glow like the reflection of a cats at night and who’s mouth doesn’t move when she speaks in a growl and smoke and sparks emits from her open mouth over her lolling black tongue- the Mother of Monsters and she hates Link.She doesn’t attack him when he meets her but she is unkind to him and she growls and snarls at him, threatening to curse him and his children’s children for as many of hers he has killed. Found in Akkala in Rok woods and Tempest Gulch most commonly but also occasionally other places, can take the form of a monstrous wolf when the need to escape arises.
A child made of water that swims with the fish, watches over everything that lives and breathes in water. The Zora refer to them as ‘The Child of Nayru’, and offer to them to keep the fish they eat good and plentiful. Seen by Link on the banks of the Rutala river when he stops for a drink after tackling the Rucco Maag shrine. Ripples like water constantly so it’s difficult to pin down specific features or gender, and voice is almost gurgling sounding
A giant scarab beetle, white and iridescent, often seen in the desert around Dragon’s exile and known to Tera, the great fairy at the Gerudo Great Skeleton, the god of all insects. (There’s a joke going round Hyrule that Beedle is the god of all insects.)
The spirits that are just going about their work are cautious but curious about Link. Usually they are indifferent to mortals, their everyday motions and wants insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The Calamity was a tragedy, but nature still goes on so they can’t afford to abandon their work.
Link and Zelda
The Gods are frightened of them. Link died and should be subject to the laws of all living things but here he stands, blemished but alive, and yet it was not the Goddesses who chose this, it was without their aid, a magic forged by man. Instead he wanders, alive and well, helping who he can, man and spirit alike, Dragons take notice of him, Gods allow his burden upon their backs, abominable machines who listen to only him, at his command. And Zelda isn’t dead either, they should be dead, they had their time, had their chance. They carry too much light within them it hurts the spirit’s and god’s eyes to look upon them.
Once while I was playing with my friend we were talking about the koroks and I came up with a hc on how they’re born I guess:
“Maybe they're branches that fall off the deku tree when they start to rot because hes old as balls so I bet he loses branches like old men lose hair and then because of like forest magical bullshit they become the new children of the forest and they grow up to be like Hestu and it takes thousands of years for them to reach like 'maturity' but when it's time for the deku tree to die one of the korok will take his place but all those who grow to maturity before he dies go out into the lost woods and set up root and become the ogre trees”
And then because I like to hurt them while they’re all sleeping:
“I'll just leave this here for when y'all wake up, what if the reason Wild likes to eat so much is because he is trying to fill the void of loneliness left behind after his friends in the army start treating him differently after he becomes the chosen one and because of Zelda's initial dislike of him then after he wakes up from the shrine of resurrection he doesn't know why he's so hungry all the time until after he starts remembering zelda and then realises he's doing the same thing, trying to fill the void left in him after losing everyone he loved and half his memories and having to wait until he's strong enough to see Zelda again”
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 30
Oh god this one got long but like so much happens man. And before you get mad I’m not sorry for what I did. Also I’m a sucker for Robert getting super proud of his trashpire and being unintentionally supportive. Like he goes out of his way to be a mean evil bastard but at the end of the day he’s secretly gonna be like “Don’t tell anyone but.. I’m proud of you and if anyone says otherwise I’ll rip out their organs. <3” he luv his trashpire. So yeah shit goes down have fun.
music for this chapter:
play at the beginning for maximum comedic effect.
CH 30
Lets Get Ready to Die
“Mmmm Leech you’re so tense” Robert mumbled into her skin. “Do I frighten you love?” he smiled into her continuing his assault on her neck. He pulled slightly away when she didn't respond to his nips “Love?” he removed himself completely and stared at her blank face with a puzzled look. “Leechie?” he waved his injured hand in front of her face. He turned his head to see what had his nosferatu so stunned and before he could react she exploded out of his arms screaming like a banshee.
“ADAM!!!” She howled limbs flailing frantically through the crowd to get to the fleeing ghost from her past. “AAAAADDDAAAM!!! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD YOU SON OF A BITCH” she roared and shoved an unsuspecting Chucky into the wall of enraged muscle that was Michael Myers. Who threw the former doll into the Babadook spilling the grief monster’s drink all over himself and his large new boyfriend Pyramid Head. The two former monsters stared at eachother from across the room and charged. Soon a domino effect of punches began.
“CLUB FIGHT!” Freddy yelled right before Jason broke a chair over him. Robert took off after his mate who could be heard shrieking obscenities over all the chaos around her. As a creature of destruction Robert was a bit impressed that his mate could cause so much discord and pandemonium within a matter of minutes. Maybe there was such a thing as destiny after all.
“I AM GOING TO RIP OUT YOUR ENTRAILS AND WEAR THEM LIKE A FUCKING SCARF YOU POMPUS PIECE OF SHIT” She screeched tearing through people to get to the man trying to shake her off. She finally caught up to him and smashed a bottle on a table pointing it at her ex-lover “I WILL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD AND MAKE MY MATE LICK IT OFF! GET READY TO DIE AGAIN FUCKER!” Leech let out a roar and charged but was smacked in the ribs by a flying bar stool, her small frame never standing a chance. Adam took his chance to slink into the surrounding chaos and Leech directed her rage at the person who threw the stool. Poor Ghostface didn't realize the mistake he had made till he felt the fist collide with his mask. Leech was fuming mad, how the hell was that manipulative asshole still alive? Ash must have fucked up the words again. This is what she gets for trusting a human. Someone pulled her off the poor serial killer and Leech spun around punching whoever it was in the nose, Freddy stumbled back holding his face “Jesus Fangs its me calm down!” he shouted
“He’s fucking back Fred! HE’S FUCKING BACK!”
“Yeah yeah everyone heard you screaming. You know, you didn't have to break my damn nose!”
“I need to kill him right now. I’m mortal at the moment and theres no doubt he’ll be after me!”
“Look you wanna have your little soap opera that’s fine, but lets focus on getting everyone back to normal first then you can go stabbing anyone you want yeah? I’m fuckin tired of being able to die.”
Leech stared at her friend her chest heaving and fresh blood poured from a cut on her forehead and onto her lip. She shut her eyes flicking out her tongue to taste it. “All right, fine. Let’s find the damn kid so I can get my revenge and get back to my god damn life.” she snarled.
The doors of the club opened and Uncle Bob entered the club with a still very confused Dracula in tow holding a dirty burlap sack.
“Man oh man Drac this sure sounds like……some…..party…what the hell is this?” the scene was pure chaos former monsters revealing their true natures and attacking eachother left and right, there were even a few small fires in the corner. The two stared in shock  “We’re gone for three hours. THREE HOURS and you guys start a damn riot. HOW??”
“Leech did it.” Freddy pointed at the former vampire.
“I…..yeah I guess I did well shit….” she said looking around at the scene. “You know this is actually pretty impressive I’d be proud if the stakes werent high.” she gave the duo a cocky grin to which both elder monsters shook their heads to.
“Jesus Dracula you chose this walking disaster as your apprentience?”
“De ce este totul pe foc?” (why is everything on fire?) the older vampire responded wide eyed.
“I need to have a talk with junoir about his taste in women….speaking of where is the brat?”
“No idea actually…” Leech glanced around the room. “This could be a problem I may have accidently got him shit-faced.”
“You did what now?!” Uncle Bob stomped forward and bore down on her.
“Look I didnt know he was going to be a lightweight in human form!”
“I’m his mate not his keeper.”
“Are you guys talking about Jingles?” Chucky said crawling out with Tiffany from under a table
“We saw him leave out the back.” Tiff said pointing to the back exit.
“Oh god he left the building?” Leech was starting to get worried now. She let her rage blind her once again and it put someone she loved in danger.
“Guys I know we all care about jingles’ well being but we only have a few hours left of halloween and if we dont find that little orange brat were stuck like this” Freddy complained dodging a thrown bottle.
“All right then grab the giant lets get the kid and fix this mess.” Uncle Bob grabbed the sack from Dracula and opened it seeing if there was anything useful to bring him out.
“I thought I saw him before Vorhees hit me with a chair he’s here somewhere.” Freddy grumbled and began to push back into the fighitng crowd the rest of the gang folling him. Leech turned the other direction of her friends heading for the back exit.
“Fangs come on.” Uncle Bob shouted.
“I’m going to find him.”
“Yeah and we’ll have better luck working together come on.” Freddy growled at her.
“No I’m going to find Adam. I’m going to find him before he kills me or Robert.”
“Leech this is not the time for fuckin heroics. Besides thats not really our forte.” the dream demon said stepping forward.
“Who said anything about being heroic.” the vampire said darkly pulling a large knife from her coat.
“Huh i thought this was an edge free event.” Tiffany chimed in slightly puzzled.
“Plucked it off Ghostface before he could use it on me.” she said cooly fiddling with the blade.
“Fine if you want to go save your stupid damsel in distress then by all means go get yourself killed once again because thats probably going to be the result.” Freddy rolled his eyes.
“Are you implying you actually give a shit about me Fred?” Leech smirked.
“Nah, you still owe me for that last half ounce. Can’t have you kickin the bucket till you pay me back.”
Leech smiled at the dream demon. “You know for a bunch of selfish murderers you guys sure are big softies.” the gang grinned back at her “Dont fuck up I expect to be bald next time I see all of you.”  
“Go save your idiot Fangs.”
The former vampire tipped the knife to her head in a mock salute and slipped out the door.
Leech briskly walked through the cool october air behind the night club. It was eerily quiet compared to the chaos inside and the ex-vampire tightened her grip on the stolen blade in her hand. With the 7pm curfew still in effect most people were off the streets at this hour leaving her alone and exposed. She had grown quite friendly with the night becoming nearly nocturnal since the sun rapidly drained her energy. This atmosphere was normally comforting to her but something felt off and she felt vulnerable. Leech approaced an alleyway and proceeded down the poorly lit path eyes darting around in the night. She was desprately missing her heightened hearing and nightvision right now. Something stumbled and shuffled behind her she wasnt alone. The vampire gripped her knife and spun around with a snarl only to have her wrist caught by a large hand missing a finger. Robert Gray held the side of his head and stared into his mates wild murderous eyes. Leech immediately released the tension in her muscles dropping the knife in her hand and falling into him.
“Holy shit youre not dead!” she gasped squeezing her mate tight as if letting him go would cause him to vanish.
“I feel dead” he grumbled his eyes were red and bloodshot he had clearly sobered up thanks to the cold. They broke apart and leech picked up her knife.
“Adam’s back.”
“I’m aware.”
“What are we going to do?”
“Same thing we always do, kill the problem.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” she grinned at him. “I uh I was worried about you.”
Roberts lip twitched up slightly “Were you now?”
“Don’t make fun of me for it.”
“I’d never.” he smirked shoving her lightly.
he chuckled and placed his hands on his mate’s cheeks his thumbs tracing over a fresh bruise. “Would you like to destroy our enemy with me my love?”
“Mmmmm I love it when you talk dirty to me.” she grinned up at him a slight blush grew on her cheeks.
He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Its a date then.” robert whispered and pressed their lips together.
Leech followed behind he mate through dark alleyways till they got to the park in the center of town. She lightly touched Robert’s arm as they approached a large tree “Hey. there’s only an hour left of Halloween left and were still not back to normal.” she said with concern.
“If we are trapped like this then we’ll find another way. There’s always another way.”
“I just miss us….and killing things” she glanced off to the side “…but mostly us.”
“I know kitten.”
Robert held Leech close to him and stroked her hair. He rarely ever hugged her like this but figured now was an acceptable time to do it. The former clown sighed and looked up locking eyes with the small boy sitting in the tree eating a pumpkin lollipop. Robert froze in realization.
“You………YOU!” he shouted casting his mate to the side.
“Bob what the he- oh!”
“Grab him!” he hissed
The boy stood up on the branch.
“WAIT DONT LEAVE!” Leech shouted wishing she could still climb walls. The spirit leapt from the branch and Leech sprinted towards him. Robert closed the gap faster with his longer legs racing ahead of her and just barely grazing the burlap mask on his head. The kid was fast, unaturally fast. The former clown dove and grabbed the halloween god’s feet causing him to fall forward and drop his precious lollipop. Robert clawed at him yanking him back into his grasp the spirit began to make strange shrieking sounds reaching out with his small hands. Leech caught up to them panting and Robert pinned the child spirit to the ground in fury.
“CHANGE ME BACK!” he roared. The spirit squirmed and flailed in his grasp. “CHANGE ME BACK BEFORE I SPILL YOUR INSIDES!” the former clown slamed the spirit on the ground.
“Hey not really sure if shake and yell is actually going to work here Bob”
“STAY OUT OF IT LEECHIE!” he snarled at her clearly in a feral mood. The creature under him was reaching for something straining with his short little arms. Leech put too and two together and picked up the pumpkin lollipop. “Robert wait let me try something!” she shouted.
The former monster turned to his mate in fury. “Please! Shake and yell is clearly not going to convince him!” he was fuming mad and panting hard but stopped his assualt his grip still tight on the boy.
“Sam right? This is what you want yeah?” she held out the sucker and pulled it away before the boy could grab it “If I give it to you will you help us?” the spirit said nothing but its hand shot out reaching for its treat. Leech tenitavely held it back out to him and sam swiped it out of her hand. They stared at eachother for a brief second then the spirit stabbed Robert in the arm with the candy. The former clown roared in pain releasing the spirit.
“HEY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?” she screamed after it as she tried to tend to her mate’s wound. “Don’t let him get away! go!” he shouted at her pushing her off. Leech got up to chase after the creature but before she could catch up to him something smacked it hard in the head with a metal pole. The spirit fell back and pumpkin seeds oozed out of his mask.
“One monster down two to go.” Adam growled and tightened his grip on the rod.
“You bastard!” Leech hissed.
“You’re the one who eats people. You know, the first thing I thought when I woke up was that I was going to rid this town of you horrible creatures. They’ll probably call me a hero.”
“You’re equally horrible Adam!”
“At least I dont kill people.”
“Pff People. What have people ever done for me other than rejected me for who I am? Now they are the sheep and I am the wolf. Its my turn to be on top.”
If there was one thing Leech never had when she was with Adam it was confidence. She had almost none when she first arrived at Neibolt. It wasn’t until she rejected her humanity and began growing close to the clown that she finally felt power. He may not have meant to, but Pennywise made her strong. Now standing in front of her arch enemy she radiated that strength. Leech took a few bold steps forward oozing confidence.
“I am the mate of the eater of worlds. I am the right hand of destruction. Go on,” she said with a wicked grin “Try to stop me, I’ll just kill you again and again until it sticks.”
“You also don’t have a weapon.” Adam smirked and spun the metal rod.
She opened her mouth to speak then shut it. “I-huh” she reached in her jacket for her knife. Leech went still remembering that she dropped it to help Robert. “Well shit.”
Adam grinned and charged her swinging the pole like a bat at her head. Leech braced for impact when a knife blocked the blow. “The right hand of destruction. I like it.” her mate grinned at her shoving her assailant back.
“Its a working title I havent committed to anything yet.”
Out of the corner of her eye Leech saw the little pumpkin spirit stumble to its hands and knees. She glanced over to robert who took a blow to his injured arm. “Go.” he hissed as blood spattered his face.
“Aw but I want to be the one to kill him again” she whined and Robert glared.
“Leechie go.” he snarled kicking Adam in the chest with a spider web patterned boot.
“Hey before I do, dont die all right?”
“Oh that I can promise dear, but you aren’t allowed to die either understand?”
“Been there done that.” she laughed. Robert smiled at her before being smacked in the side with the metal rod. Leech yelled but the look on her mate’s face told her to go and she knew he was right. Robert Gray was tough but he wasnt Pennywise and he wasn’t immortal. Leech began to run following the trail of pumpkin guts and seeds down an alley street.
The trail turned a corner but before she could round it she caught a glimpse of several figures making their way towards her. She spun around only to see several more behind her. The figures came to veiw. They were her fellow monsters from the party, all beat up and bruised being led by the hell priest Pinhead.
“VAMPIRE!” he roared as Michael Myers and Pyramid Head pinned her to the wall, the angry mob of former monsters gathered around them. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”
“Ok first, you can lead off with a simple hello its not that hard.” Myers slammed her into the wall hard and she nearly passed out from the impact. “Two-fuck-” she wheezed “I didn’t do anything, you all didn’t have to start punching each other.”
“You nearly destroyed my establishment!”
“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad!”
“Chatterer lost an eye!”
“How is that a problem?! He didn’t have eyes before!”
“That’s not the point!” the Cenobite leader growled “You will pay for this vampire. You may be the clown’s mate but you must suffer the consequences for your actions.”
“Now, now friends let’s not get carried away here-“ Leech laughed nervously as the mob closed in.
“Burn her!” someone shouted.
“Cut out her tongue!” came another. Clearly she wasn’t the most popular monster.
The mob drew closer and Leech began to panic. Robert was busy and her friends were no where to be seen. She was done for.
“AHEM!” a gruff voice shouted. Six familiar figures emerged from the darkness.
“If you all want to continue living in our little slice of murder heaven here I suggest you put Fangs down and help us out!” Freddy called out followed by the rest of her adopted family.
“Oh thank fuck” Leech sighed in relief.
“Everyone listen up, we got the pumpkin boy’s magic bag here and I got a feeling he wants it back. We find him, give it back and then we all go back to being our regular old spooky selves yeah? I don’t know about all of you but that sounds like a way better alternative than taking out our anger on a vampire.”
“Also Pennywise is currently fighting to the death out in the park so we kinda have to hurry. If he dies were all fucked.” Leech chimed in and glared at Pinhead. “So whats it gonna be? Cut out my tongue or help fix this mess?”
The hell priest sighed and shut his eyes “Perhaps we will discuss your punishment later vampire. Release her.” the two silent giants obeyed and Leech uncerimoniously dropped to the ground. She dusted herself off and walked to the head of the mob.
“All right everyone follow me.”
Robert coughed and sputtered as he once again fell to the ground. He was injured, hungover and had an extreme disadvantage. The eldritch began to curse this human body’s weakness and hopped for his mate to succeed so he could return to full power. Once back to normal Adam wouldn't have the power of the necronomicon on his side and would be easily dispatched. Robert would just have to survive long enough to regain his powers then victory would be his. A kick to the head drew him back out of his thoughts. The former clown roared and slashed at his opponent with the stolen knife. Adam dodged and swung his metal rod down at Robert’s head who caught the weapon and kicked his enemy back. What was taking Leech so long the spirit was injured he couldnt have gone that far. He glanced over to where his mate had ran off to and saw her pinned to the wall by an angry mob. Fantastic. Of course hed have to do everything himself. Now he had to kill this intruder AND fight his way through an angry mob to save his mate. This day couldnt go any more wrong for him.
“You know clown I must thank you I dont think I’d ever be able to get control of my body back after the two of you killed it and let it become possessed.” Adam began. “The kandarians told me she died shorty after they stabbed her and I must ask you, did you enjoy tearing out her throat just as much as you did making her into a disgusting monster?”
Robert snarled and lunged at him. Adam caught him with the pole. “Disgusting?” Robert scoffed “You were a fool to throw away such a powerful creature, I simply did what you could not and unlocked her full potential. Your failure gave me my queen.” The former clown smiled wickedly.
“Yeah from what I saw over there with the mob, it wasnt much potential.” Adam smirked.
“You’re wrong. I think someone is jealous that their own creation has surpassed them.” Robert growled. Adam threw him off and slammed him into the back of a large tree. The former clown sneered and smashed his forehead into his opponent’s skull. They both stumbled then Adam roared and sprinted forward. Robert snarled back and met his assault with a charge of his own both headed straight for each other in a final burst of energy. With only one coming out on top.
Leech jogged out of the alleyway with the burlap sack slung over her shoulder the little pumpkin spirit nowhere to be found. Her small army of monsters followed behind her if she couldn’t find Samhain at least she could lead her troops into battle. And they would fight, no Pennywise meant no illusions and no illusions meant Derry was no longer safe for killers. She froze when she got to the tree the mob in back of her slowing to a stop as well. A man in a Spiderman costume stood pinned against it. A metal rod pierced through his gut and into the bark behind him. His body hung limp and blood dripped down from his plump soft lips. The vampire’s entire world crumbled in mere seconds. She was too late, Robert Gray was dead.
Whoops I killed the clown.
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