#oc: ct 2437 | medic cheese
homemade-clones · 6 months
Cheese (ct 2437) the healer's hands are the bloodiest,
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choosing the one that lives is an unbearable burden to carry
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homemade-clones · 1 year
What if I put Cheese's trauma into words tho. What if I wrote the fic from the night he watched his vod'ika Dynamo slip from the platform and down into Kamino's seas because they thought it would be fun to break some rules and act like children, for once
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Did you know that both Cake and Cheese are absolute saps that have their massiffs's paw prints tattooed on their chests? Now you know!
Cake's tattoo is from when Sugar was still very smol (bonus tiddy piercing):
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homemade-clones · 10 months
Why are the Mist boys all ticking bombs (except Cake. This one is more like an unmarked landmine waiting for someone to step on it)
Gaze is a foot and a half in the grave, and sinking fast.
Charm's devotion to his vode is slow but steadily dragging him to the Dark side of the Force.
Tooka's injuries are taking longer to stop hurting with each mission, and the aches are his constant companions. But he needs to push trough it and not let it slow him down, the squad depends on him.
Cheese's mental health is kept afloat with the help of his service massiff, but there's only so much weight Aid can help shoulder, when the war wages on and his vode keep dying and the guilt keeps piling up.
Bedbug's 'adventures' get the more risky and borderline destructive because he needs the thrill to be harder than the horrors he sees in the battlefield, but this war is hell and there's no end in sight. If he's going to die, then it's better if it's doing something that gives him some joy.. Right?
And then there's Cake. Who's watching the war kill his brother's spirits and knowing there's nothing he can possibly do to make it better. There's only so much that pranks and jokes can do to distract them from their harsh reality. He's at his limit and one failed mission away from setting them all free.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Behold, Mist Squad's most ferocious member (Aid), resting on his natural habitat (sprawled over Cheese's back)
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Decided to pick back this art after a whole month without looking at it and discovering that whoa, I actually did not hate the painting, I was just momentarily burned out of it!
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Thinking of Cheese and his nightmares. About Aid (his massiff) being trained to help him wake up, and get more help if needed in case of, say, a panic attack.
Be it fetching specific items, or herding the rest of the squad for an impromptu cuddle pile; or even howling - what does a massiff even sound like? - to the top of his lungs for his squad siblings to Jump in The Bed Right Now, because his best friend needs Urgent Grounding and he is Too Small and Light to do it alone.
Service animals for clone troopers are now a thing in this personal timeline of mine, and nobody will convince me otherwise 😌
And massiffs are Border Collie smart btw, the Force sent me the message in a dream so it's now a canon fact :)
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homemade-clones · 1 year
💥💤☕️🌌 For Cheese and Gaze if it’s not to much pls <33
Of course, of course! Thank you for the ask! &lt;;3 OC emoji asks
💥 - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
CHEESE Guilt is the emotion that weighs the heaviest on his shoulders. He can laugh away his fear, and pick a brother (or partner, or massiff) to cuddle away the anxiety. But the guilt of all the lives he's not fast/skilled enough to save is something that keeps him awake at night, slowly chipping away at his resolve to face another day in this endless war. GAZE Loneliness. All the trauma this boy went through before finally settling into the squad left scars he's not sure how to heal nor deal with. It's the most apparent during missions, when – because of his position as sniper – he needs to split from the rest of the squad. He can manage it (so far), but the separation anxiety is always there, dancing in the back of his mind.
💤 - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
CHEESE Usually, yeah. He's got the ability to fall asleep quickly - and to stay that way until the sun rises again, if no there's no emergency. But then The Horrors and Losses of War™ bring forth bouts of insomnia. When he can't sleep because of anxiety, Aid puts his training to work - either with cuddles to ground him, or herding every available squad member (including his massiff siblings) for an impromptu cuddle pile until he's calm enough to sleep. Or, he may choose to keep pulling shifts and all-nighters in the med bay until he blacks out in exhaustion :) GAZE As long as he's not alone, Gaze is the guy that, if left idle for five minutes, will nap. Doesn't matter how awkward or uncomfortable the surface (or lack of it, he's fine with napping standing up too), it's Nap Time. And because he doesn't snore, most of the time people won't even know he's offline – he doesn't really have the need to blink as his eyes don't dry out (he only does it out of habit).
☕️ - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
CHEESE Hot drinks, all the way! For him, nothing cold can ever beat the amount of comfort brought by a good cup of tea, caf, or hot cocoa. GAZE He's ambivalent about it, both cold and hot drinks have their merits! He is very fond of iced tea, though, so he may favor cold drinks a bit more than hot ones.
🌌 - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
CHEESE He was the last one of the squad to be created. At first, he was supposed to fill the “sunshine golden retriever, emotional glue” spot in the squad, but then – as it goes with ocs – he took over my brain and turned into a very much fleshed out character! And the first thing I decided about him? That he's a redhead 😅 GAZE Ah, Gaze, my beloved chew toy, my poor wet cat babygirl. He came to me in a vision while I listened to “The Horror and the Wild” by The Amazing Devil. I have to admit, he's still being worked on, and may have strayed a bit from the original 'vision' of what he was meant to be - but no complaints, I very much like the shapes he's taking inside my brain. And the first thing I decided about him was how did his eyes work and affected his (lack of) quality of life and demeanor.
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homemade-clones · 11 months
Tooka, Cheese and Stardust would get so giddy if someone flirted with them using cheesy pick-up lines.
They take it as a sign of good humor, something they really value in a partner.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
🎫 🎫 Can I get more Cheese, please?
Sure thing! More Cheese-y facts coming right up 😌 1. Cheese is almost impervious to any attempt at getting tickled. Almost. He's got a spot in the back of his thighs – a little above the back of his knee – that will get him rolling on the floor if it gets as much as grazed over. He is very, very protective of the spot – not because he hates tickle attacks, he actually likes them; but his brothers often tormented him with it back when they were cadets, and he shivers at the mere thought of the Troublesome Trio (Bedbug, Charm, and Cake) ever learning about this weakness… 2. Cheese is not a petty man, but- You see, he's surprisingly adept at getting massiffs to listen to him (could have easily gotten a spot in the kennels if he wasn't an even better medic). And he may or may not have spent some time in the GAR's kennels, teaching one of them to roll over with a certain cue. That the signal was a commonly said word, and the massiff just so happened to be assigned to a Corrie who made less than stellar remarks about Gaze's partial blindness? Just an unfortunate coincidence, of course.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Moodboard | Clone Medic Cheese
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Mist Squad | Headcanon
Squad intro
Hugs (ft. Sergeant Tooka, Gaze and Cheese)
Sergeant Tooka
Get ready for a whole body hug experience with this one. This man is built broad like a clone commando, and he will deploy this to his advantage. One arm around your middle, the other across your shoulder, hand cradling the back of your head as he pulls you into his chest/crook of his neck (depends on your height). Draws patterns in your nape and soothes a hand over your waist. Might sway a little if you're standing, and if it goes for a while, suggest sitting and cuddling for a while (his back is not the same since the grenade incident, and without the armor back brace for support, my man gets uncomfy sometimes, rip). Will hold you for as long as you need.
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Asks you at least three times if you're sure. Not that he's not willing (because sweet maker, he is!), he's just not used to people seeking him out for comfort. Takes a moment to ease into the hug, will wait for you to place your arms in your preferred spots, and then will hold you back. His body temp is perfectly toasty, and he tends to wear the softest hoodies known to mankind, so at least you're in for a cozy time. Depending on your preferences, he might come off as a bit too earnest with the way he clings to, and squeezes you tight to his chest. Gaze is seeking as much comfort from you as you are from him.
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You want hugs? Look no further, this man is always looking for half an excuse to have you in his arms. His hugs are on the shorter side (he's so busy!), but there are plenty delivered along the day! A lazy embrace in the morning, sleepy face nuzzling against you before leaving bed. A hug from behind and a little keldabe kiss before he leaves the house. A quick side hug plus a kiss on the cheek as he slips away from his station for a moment, to check on you and remind you to hydrate. A hearty squeeze when as soon as he's back home, reluctantly pulling away to peel off his armor before gluing himself back to you. Your arms are like home to him, and oh, he happens to be such a domestic man.
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Tooka, Cheese and - surprisingly - the troublemaker Cake are so protective over Gaze.
They all know their vod is prone to getting very attached to people, very quickly, and unlikely to put down/enforce his boundaries even when the person is clearly not interested in hearing about or respecting them.
They watch like hawks whoever is trying to approach the sniper, and will not be shy to pull the potential new friend / suitor aside and ask them what are their intentions towards their brother.
Gaze has lost too much already, and his heart is not getting broken anytime soon, not on their watch.
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homemade-clones · 11 months
In a happier, everybody lives!AU, I don't think the Mist boys would take part in the rebellion, or even settle in a quiet, off-grid farmer's life. They're both fed up with having to fight for a cause, and too used to the high stakes to even know how to slow down (I don't think Bedbug and Cake would even survive it, hah).
I can see them becoming bounty hunters, mercenaries, or pirates. Something that allows for them to not be in constant danger but still have the credits, and freedom to see the places they've always wanted, and do whatever they want.
They still may have a place to go back to during downtime, like a house in an unnamed planet, but the true home would be the ship.
If they find partners who would rather settle down in a planet, that would be one of the few reasons one of them would build a home to spend more time planet side. Still, it's unlikely they'd completely abandon the high adrenaline lifestyle (maybe if they have kids, tho. A ship is no place to raise a little one. Do not be fooled, the retirement would last until the kiddo was old enough to reach the ship's controls ahjsdhgasd).
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homemade-clones · 11 months
I come forth bearing songs, what about Ain't Much Loving by Me and That Man?
Ooooh boi, this one goes into the sad playlist. Thank you for the song, going to listen to it on a loop for the next five business days :]
And as for who gets it? Cheese.
For me it resonates with the ever-increasing weight of guilt and woe he carries on his shoulders, dragging and weighing on him even when he's already down.
There's a billion years I've traveled and I finally found my home I'm gonna sing out my darkness Sing about my woe
This is just him at the end of the rope – it reads hopeful, but the way the singer sings it sounds so.. Tired? At the end of the song. Yeah I love the vibes, that's Cheese tragedy soundtrack.
Again, thank you for the song <3
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homemade-clones · 1 year
Mireeeee, how do you think Cheese would react to a partner with a chronic illness? Im having a really bad flare-up, like the worst in a long time, and I just need to know 🥺
Omg Steph, I'm so sorry you're going through this 🥺 Pls accept some Cheese-y facts to speed up recovery!
Cheese. This loving, caring man. He would go to the ends of the galaxy and back to make you as comfortable as possible. He's going into full caring mode
You're not lifting a single finger as soon as he learns you're having a flare-up. He can and will drop everything to get by your side
He wouldn't dare to assume. If it doesn't hurt you to speak, he will ask what helps to ease your symptoms and follow the instructions down to a t.
Meds? He's getting them for you and putting them in order nearby so it's both quick to reach and he won't have to leave you alone
Are you too cold, too hot? He's opening the windows, he's pulling off the armor and slipping under the covers with you - he runs hot, and any inch of warmth he can provide is yours to take!
Feeling sore? He is amazing at giving massages, and will do his best to soothe your body with the techniques he's learned.
Does talking distracts you from everything? He will chat with you about anything and everything. If you just want to hear him, he's got more than enough tales of the planets he's been, of shenanigans the squad got into, of the books he reads. If you want, he'll even read some of his poetry to you – if you promise not to laugh
If you just want to rest, he will let you snuggle to him – or snuggle to you if you like spooning – and sleep the day away.
Don't worry about chores and errands – if you're resting, he'll do it himself. And, only if you're not opposed to their presence – one or two of his vod will drop by and do it for you (you're Cheese's partner, they come in the package as new brothers for you hahah)
And worry not if you need assistance with shower or bath: he will help you out. It's an honor for him that his cyar'ika would trust him enough to lean on him in such a vulnerable time
And if the flare-up lasts for days? You bet he's pulling every string and favor, because he will not leave you side until you're back on your feet 💖
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homemade-clones · 1 year
If you had to represent the ocs of your choice as your favorite reaction memes, what images would you choose?
Hahshsv anon thank you for this blessed ask it made my morning
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