#as much as i love heartstopper and j will watch it at some point... that point is not now
sherlock-is-ace · 11 months
Just realized heartstopper is coming out tomorrow. I've been waiting since s2 was announced, but i couldn't care any less right now. My brain is in full good omens mode lol
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tessabennet · 1 year
I got tagged by @booksandabeer to share 8 shows to get to know me. I've been thoroughly overthinking it for the past few days, which is why this list sounds a bit like a series-watching-history resume. And I still feel like I'm forgetting some very important ones.
Anyway, thanks for the tag, J! Hope you enjoy 😅
I'll pass the tag to @tree-of-blue-squirrel @somanywords @hedvig-ulrika @tripfourconcerts and @myauroraborealis, if you guys want to do this 🥰
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Avatar the Last Airbender
I'll start way way back in my childhood. I had this girl in my class in primary school who was obsessed with this show (to the point where it got kinda scary) but that's how I ended up watching it for the first time. And I just fell in love with the worldbuilding amd the characters with their found family.
Honourable mentions of shows I liked as a kid:
Suite Life, Drake & Josh, Glee
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BBC Sherlock
Flash forward a couple of years, and here's me, in my late teens. And with that came my first queerbait experience! Hurray! But. If not for that, if not for the overanalysing of the queer subtext and the unbelievable disappointmemt in how it all turned out, I don't think I would have ended up as an english major. Which I have mixed feelings about, yes, but I feel like that represents my relationship with this show pretty well.
Honourable mentions of shows I watched in my late teens:
Shadowhunters, Doctor Who, Outlander
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*clears throat* I know. I know. But I can't not include it, okay? It's been... let's call it a formative experience. My first real deep dive into fandom culture. How I first made fandom friends all over the world, who I love and treasure with all my heart now. I hate it as much as we all do, but yeah. *clenches fist and grits teeth* Supernatural had an impact on me.
Honourable mentions of my early fandom days shows:
Game of Thrones, Sex Education, Troy - Fall of a City
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The Umbrella Academy
This one is a prime example of a type of show that I really like: the ones where, at times, I could not care less about the plot and am just here to thoroughly enjoy the characters.
Honourable mentions of shows I watch only for the characters:
Brooklyn 99, Stranger Things, Young Royals
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Agent Carter
So. It's no secret that I am a firm, pious defender of all things Peggy Carter. This puts me in a somewhat awkward, sometimes even controversial position since I am also firmly, piously in the steve/bucky corner. But like. I love her? And since she (and like, the Captain America movies as a whole) were my way into the MCU... well, where would I be without her?
Honourable mentions of MCU shows I like:
Daredevil, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye
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Good Omens
This one is really simple: it's silly and I'm so here for it. The humour, the characters, the absurdity of it all, the underlying political themes.... yeah, I don't think I need to explain to anyone why a Neil Gaiman show is a good thing to watch. Like, just for the fun of it.
Honourable mentions of shows I watch just for the fun of it:
Arrested Development, Heartstopper, Our Flag Means Death
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The Mandalorian
Okay. So. This is the last show I watched with my dad before he died. We got to the first episodes of season 2 and I haven't watched the rest of it yet. Star Wars was our thing, you know? And I really miss watching stuff with him.
Honourable mentions of shows I would've liked to share with dad:
Kenobi, The Witcher, The Sandman
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Shadow and Bone
This one's the most recent thing I watched, and it's where I'm at show-wise at the moment. Really, really liked it, and doing my part to get another season and hopefully, that Crows spinoff. My biggest current obsession. You get the gist.
Honourable mentions of shows I'm currently into:
Interview with the Vampire, The Crown, 911
Phew, this took way more work than is reasonable
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melaschnie · 2 years
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i finally finished the summer reading challenge 2.0! wow, this is a whole 2.5 months earlier than last year askdf. some thoughts on each book i read since the last update post are under the cut :)
original post for the challenge || my storygraph (tell me if you add me so i know to add you back!)
adapted for tv or a movie
the queen’s gambit - walter tevis
since i watched the series and it is (surprisingly) close to the book, there wasn’t much that was new here for me. still, very solid reading choice, in my opinion lmao, would definitely recommend either reading this or watching the series, it’s very impressive.
over 400 pages
king of scars - leigh bardugo
i missed the universe a lot! kinda surprisingly, but also very much not lmao. especially the ending left me with goose bumps and Emotions so i can’t wait to have the time for rule of wolves!! [edit from later: i absolutely loved row :’)]
childhood favourite
the magician’s nephew - c. s. lewis
i only ever watched the movies as a kid/teenager, but i wanted to use this prompt as an excuse to actually read one of the books they are based on. it’s been.. underwhelming? in a way, i think i expected something different from the book but i don’t even know how to properly describe it. 
antihero or chosen one
carry on - rainbow rowell
started out great and then it got kind of... idk, too ya? too chosen one? yeah, that's about it. but it was very light-hearted, and i really enjoyed that. 
heist or magical quest
an absolutely remarkable thing - hank green
this book was a lot of fun and also w i l d. really impressive to see the entire social media movement as it was written (also scary but pssh). what it also accomplished was getting me more interested in looking into speculative fiction at some point soon again - it just seems like so many possibilities and so much fun!
novella or graphic novel
this winter - alice oseman
!! and :)) is literally all i can say. i kid you not, that are the only two things i wrote down after i read it lol
by an lgbtq+ author
solitaire - alice oseman
i now get what people mean by "you can tell it's her first published book". i can't put anything specific to it, but it seems kinda hectic and also unclear at some points, i guess? also, how is the school burning down not at all a plot point or even mentioned in heartstopper? at least i think it isn’t? anyway.
on your tbr for over a year
nick and charlie - alice oseman
so damn cute. very realistic. however, could they just fucking communicate? poor charlie, poor nick, but the pictures? omG
main character of colour
radio silence - alice oseman
so good. you really notice how alice grew as a writer since solitaire, and the plot was a lot more interesting to me as well. the characters are so much more fleshed out and it's such a joy following them and seeing the dynamic between frances and aled specifically, even though aled has such a hard time towards the end
author of your nationality
der steppenwolf - hermann hesse
what even was this book? i wouldn't know. however, i think i should stop reading classics that i’m not 100% interested in
by an author of colour
the hate u give - angie thomas
a very insightful, very shocking book, but i would guess a rather accurate insight into life as a POC in the US. the book left such an impression on me, i still don’t really know how to put it in words.
released the year you were born
blueprint - charlotte kerner
this is a book i wanted to reread for a while now. i read it in school about 10 years ago and remembered it had a lot of things to say about individuality and ethics. it did as i expected on a reread, but in my eyes it’s a pretty average book. not very catching so no surprise they made us read it in school /j
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legobatjoker · 2 years
ALSO ALSO ALSOO okay this is the thing i got tht im most excited abt i j didnt wanna like get to distracted talking abt it nd then forget all the other stuff FDGHDFHD but like !! we went to a bookstore at some point nd idk if any of my cousins got anything (tbh i think we all spent a lot of out time lamenting abt how we all wanted to get heartstopper but cldnt bc our parents wldnt let us if they saw it <//3 speaking of i need 2 watch tht show at some point ik its not the big new show anymore but iv heard its cute sm when it was so !!!) nd like my sibling got a book tht was like. an offcial diney book tht was like a retelling of beaty nd the beast were bells mother was the one tht cursed the beat? tbh i cldnt telll much abt it nd im supried tht thts like. an offical diney tihng but it does seem pretty cool nd i like wasnt meaning to get anything at first but i got this book called no big deal nd like at first i was like "oh i rly want this but idk if i shld get it :((" bc it was abt a fat protagonist nd like her dealing w body issues nd learning 2 be confident w her body nd stuff nd i didnt know how my mum wld react if she saw i bought it esp rn but its less of huge issue if it ended up like on my bookshelf or anything than if like tht happened w heatstopper nd i didnt have to tell her i got it if i just hid it in my bag when i got home so i bought it !!! one thing abt it tht i like i tihnk in my excitment didnt fully read on the blurb at first was tht it has like a romance which at first i was like "okay im prob gonna find those bits kinda annyoing but itll be fine" bc i feel kinda like ehh on wether ill enjoy a romance in smth or j find it annoying but i didnt im finding it rly cute so far !! tho like its more currently tht she just hasa crush on this guy but i still think its rly cute nd tbh like. okay i feel kinda dumb for being as into this book as much as i am nd for reading it like as soon as we had the chance to sit down somewere when we bought it bc i told myself tht like i was gonna have shadow and bone as the first book id read to get back into reading and like i think bc its a y/a romance (i wldnt even says its j abt the romance tho id the thing but it still is technically ig) i feel dumb abt reading it b4 shadow and bonei think bc i shld prob unfollow some ppl online bc i feel like theres tht attitude a lot on here thts like "y/a romance is STUPID nd ur only smart if u ready books tht are INTELLECTUAL and if u dont nd read y/a u shld be made fun of relentleslly!!!!1!!1!!" but i just realsied how stupid tht is bc like. its a y/a novel. its my age range. like im literally the same age as the protag so why wld its be dumb for me to read the book (also in general tht attitude is stupid nd i hate how needelssly judgy ppl are abt ppl just like. liking shit yk -_-) but ya im rly enjoying the book sm so far like ive been reading it sm today nd honestly thts like. what im like whenever i read even tho i havent been reading as much recently i still feel like whenever i do im reading the book every moment i can yk which i used to do a LOT when i was younger nd i was more into reading (but better this time bc im not reading h*rry p*tter FGFDFHD) (but also i was like tht both times i read the hunger games. man i need to reread those. ok im getting oftopic FDGDFHGDF) but ya the book is v v good so far i think im enjoying it a lot nd ya :] also i do think i rly wanna get back into reading after this i tihnk i will.. ya<3
WAIT THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD im so glad ur enjoying it and that the romance is good like. honestly i lovee a ya romance sm persoanlly althougj this book i think seems like more enjoyable like you said for the parts that arent the romance and are more ab the protag but the romance being cute has to be a plus yesh…. also yeah no that attitude is def stupid i feel like i mean. anything of any genre can be good or bad and ppl r just into diff genres.. like theres good ya and theres bad ya and even amongst the bad ya theres like enjoyable stuff… and then there r like good classics bad classics etc and it just depends on what u like to read. same thing w the whole fanfic-ruining-reading-comp discourse like fanfic is like any other medium where it can be rlly be good or really bad… anywayyy the point is that im really glad ur enjoying it it sounds rlly cool!!!
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