#as much i wish it was actually sprinkles for tiddies
1-800-roflmao · 1 year
✨Titty Sprinkles✨
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mendesbadrepuation · 3 years
Stay // Druig x Eternal!Fem Reader
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all credits go to the owner of this gif! 
Description: Reader left Druig long ago to live life outside of the Amazon. She found herself joining the Avengers after the snap. The holidays are coming up and her one Christmas wish is to be reunited with her family. Most importantly, Druig. She has never been with someone else and only wants him. Will Druig push his pride to the side so he can finally be with the reader? The way he always wanted to be. There is always something about our large egos getting in the way.
pairing: Druig x Eternalfem reader 
Warnings: sprinkles of angst here and there. It does have a cute and fluffy ending :) I got a tiddy-bit carried away with this one! excuse my rambling lol (3k word count I believe) AH as usual it is not grammar checked  
“So Y/n. What do you want for Christmas?” Natasha asks you as you are leaning back in the dining room chair. Very stuffed from the large dinner that everyone was a part of. That being the Avengers and their families. The children were playing with the gifts they received early from all the aunts and uncles that wouldn’t be able to make it for actual Christmas Day. Most of the adults sat at the table and a few others in the living room of the Stark house.
You slowly sit up in the chair to rest your elbow on the table and allow your chin to sit on your palm. “This year I am not really sure. I have you guys. Another family to me and that is all that I could ask for.” Sam scoffs at your response and you glance  over at him with narrowed eyes. “Got something to say Sam?” You add.
“That is a cheesy response. We know how much we mean to you. Come on. Tell us something you really want.” Sam replies in a sassy tone. Sam always carried a sassy attitude with you but you gave it right back to him.
“Yeah. You are not the easiest person to shop for.” Bucky puts his words in the conversation. He had been very quiet up until now. Mostly everyone was occupied with the delicious food though.
You lightly laugh. “Guys, I have been alive for thousands of years. I have most everything I could want and more.”
“See, ‘most’ everything. What is that one thing stopping it from being everything?”  Natasha asks with the air quotes around most. You roll your eyes at your friend's behavior. It was silly they were so caught up in a Christmas present for you.
“You over analyze my words too much.” You shoot back at Nat and she slightly smirks at the response. “Besides you guys. What I want cannot be obtained.”
“Tell us what it is. Come on, we're the Avengers. We brought back half the population. I believe we can get this one thing for you.” Just as the words were coming out of Sam’s mouth you began to shake your head in protest. This was not something simple and if you were being honest it never would be just that.
“Believe me, even the Avengers cannot get this.” You slightly chuckle at the thought of them trying.
“You make things impossible. You know that right?” Sam says to you and you just smile, shrugging your shoulders.
“I love socks. Just get me some cool socks.” You quickly stand up from your seat to take your dirty dishes to the sink. Without another word from them. You chose to ignore the subtle grunt of disapproval from Bucky. Honestly, you lived with a bunch of children half the time. Morgan had a better attitude than Sam and Bucky.
Later that night it was time for the children to get to bed. Each of the adults took their kids and began to tuck them in. You followed in behind Tony and Pepper to help with Morgan. She loved your bed time stories way more than Tony’s anyways.
“Alright little one. Instead of a story tonight I am here to relay a message.’ You pause to build the tension up for her eager mind. “For Santa.” You whisper to her and her eyes light up. Tony and Pepper had already left the room so it was just you two. Tony asked that you do that because she had a hard time telling Tony her Christmas list.
“You still work for Santa?” She asks and you laugh at the response.
“I do. And he needs your list for this year. Can you help me out?” She nods in agreement and starts to name some things she wants. Certain things you kept for yourself so that way you could get her presents too.
Just as you are about to tuck her in she wraps her tiny hand around your own. “What are you asking Santa for?” Her small eyes peered into yours and it melted your heart.
“Well believe it or not I have a special someone in my life. Just like your mommy and daddy have. He is far, far away however. I am asking Santa to bring him home to me.” Morgan cocks her head to the side. You knew she was curious about this mystery man.
“Santa won’t let you down. I know it.” Morgan whispers in your ear. Her small little arms wrap around your neck and she gives you a tight hug. Your heart melted at her words. She was too young to ever know of this cruel world and you dread the day she grows into adulthood.
“Goodnight little bug. I’ll be back for Christmas okay?” She nods her head and gives a small kiss on your cheek. You tuck her back into bed and under the soft covers.
“Goodnight big bug.” Morgan replies with your nickname and her eyes softly shut. When she drifts off to sleep you quietly leave the room. Her words played in your head and it made you even more sad. There was something special about the holidays, but there was also a sad moment that others do not see.
Christmas Day
There was a warmth in the air today that just made you feel good. It may have been cold outside and being next to the lake it really made the breeze chilly. It didn’t matter to you. Today, you were surrounded by another family to you and you were more than grateful. Pepper asked that you spend the night with them for Christmas Eve so you could enjoy Morgan opening her presents. Plus you’re pretty sure she didn’t want you to wake up alone on Christmas.
Currently you were bundled up outside on the porch. Off in the distance you could see the trees covered in fresh snow. There was an expected 3 more inches coming in. In your hand sat a cup of hot cocoa with an overwhelming amount of mini marshmallows. Morgan insisted that you needed more and you were not about to argue. It was peaceful this morning in the Stark household. For long it wouldn’t be. It was going to be filled with more guests. So savoring the silence was a must.
“Did you get enough marshmallows?” Tony steps out of the door all bundled up for the weather.
You chuckle lightly. “I believe so.” He smiles down at you and then steps out to the railing of the porch.
“So Morgan enlightened me on your Christmas wish.” Tony brings up as he looks off into the distance of the lake. He wouldn’t dare turn around. Your eyes practically stare a hole into the back of his head.
“Socks?” You question and try to avoid this talk that you knew was going to happen.
Tony hangs his head and sighs at your pathetic response. “Let’s not beat around the bush kiddo.” This time you really laugh at his name for you.
“Shouldn’t I be calling you that?”
“Perhaps. But that’s beside the point. Why didn’t you tell us about him? This mystery man you miss so much.” Tony asks and you felt as if you were getting a lecture from your very own father.
This time you sigh a huff of air. You could see your breath from the cold temperatures. “He’s not something I like to talk about. I love him. But that man is stubborn as a bull. It’s just something that always ends up hurting me. Even if it doesn’t mean too.” Tony turns around to give his full attention. His back leaned against the railing as his hands crossed in front of his chest. He was wearing a knitted beanie that Morgan picked out for him for Christmas.
“Can I ask what happened?” Tony questions you.
You shrug your shoulders. “I wanted to see the world and be with you humans. He wanted to protect humans and stop all the fighting. We just saw different sides. We chose to split ways and it was honestly the hardest day of my life. I think about him every second and it always gets worse around this time.”
“Dang, kind of wish he cheated on you. That would make it easier wouldn’t it?” Tony jokes and it makes you laugh.
“A lot easier.”
“Well I have one more Christmas present for you. It came a little late and just now arrived.” Tony steps towards the door and gestures for you to follow.
“Tony you already got me a new phone. That was more than what I asked for from you.” Tony doesn’t say much and just walks through the kitchen and into the large living room. In the corner sat the Christmas tree with many more presents still underneath them. The house smelled like cookies and cinnamon.
That’s when you sensed another person in the house. The only ones who gave you that feeling were your fellow Eternals. Immediately your heart began to pound hard. Tony takes you through the house to Morgan's room. You hear voices through the door and just like that your hands began to shake. You knew before he even opened the door. But when he did your heart fluttered like time and time before when seeing that man.
There Druig was kneeled down in front of Morgan’s new dollhouse. She was talking a thousand miles a minute and Druig listened intently. He was simply in awe of this little one. He’s helped raise plenty of children in his village but there was something special about Morgan. Most likely because you helped raise her. Tony steps to the side with a proud smirk on his face. You stood frozen at the door just staring at him.
Druig looks up and his eyes meet yours. His whole body went into a frenzy at the sight of you. He was wearing black jeans with a black long sleeve. In his hand he held a black leather jacket but was about to drop it from being awestruck by you.
“Umm I would have been here earlier but the snow delayed my plane and-“ Druig began to ramble, but you quickly cut him off.
“Druig.” You take big steps to reach him and crash your body into his. Your hands tightly wrap around his back in this bone crushing hug. Everything that you were starting to forget came back to you. The way he smelled, that charming accent of his, his beautiful eyes, and his kind heart. He was going through the same reaction. It took him only a second to react to your hug and he molded himself into you.
“Did you miss me?” You lean back to see his devilishly handsome smirk. The words made your eyes roll in the back of your head. And there he truly was.
“Don’t let that ego of yours get in the way of this special moment.” You reply. Druig chuckles at the response.
“Fair enough my beautiful, beautiful Y/n.” He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. Your cheeks turn a crimson read from his compliment. He used it so often on you but every time it left you in shambles.
“We’ll let you two catch up. Morgan grab your coat and we’ll go sledding.” Tony says and Morgan obeys her father. She stops beside your leg and you bend down to reach her.
“Will you sled with me once you're done?” She asks.
“I promise. Find us a good hill. I even told Steve to bring his shield so you could ride on it.” Her eyes light up at your words. There was a spark of fun just waiting to happen for the small child.
She runs out of the room with Tony following behind her. You gently turned back around to face Druig again. It felt like a dream that he was really here with you now.
“Who found you? I mean how did you even get here?” The questions were circling your mind so fast.
“Tony brought me here. Some guy named Happy picked me up straight from the Amazon.” A little laugh leaves your mouth at the thought of Happy meeting Druig in his village. “Told me that you were missing me too much you could barely handle it anymore.” That smirk returns and you shake your head in protest.
“I did miss you Druig. Every second of every day you have been on my mind.” You admit to him. That’s when he softens up.
“It didn’t take him long to convince me. I was packing some things up to come see you even before he came. The cabin is boring without your little feet walking around it. Plus there was no one to put up the decorations this year.” He was trying his best to cover up the fact that he missed you just as much. If not more.
“How long do I have you this time?” You had to ask the burning question. Just so you could cushion the heartache a little bit. Your hands found there way to his chest and you flatten your palms against it. The simple touch relaxes him and definitely reminds him of his true intentions.
“For as long as you’ll have me.” There were tears building up in the back of your eyes. Just as he said that you looked up into his baby blues. You could see the grin itching it’s way to his face.
“You mean-like- You want to stay? With me?” Your voice slightly cracks from the desperation.
“I realized a lot of things when you left that night. One of them was how much I needed you. I was selfish in the way I acted and I see that now. I never want to go another second without you in my life. It was torture. We’ve been alive for thousands of years and it felt like millions when you were gone.” Druig confesses.
“Took you long enough to realize that.” You huffed in annoyance. It would have saved you a lot of tears.
He grabs your hips and brings your body close to his again. “I sure missed that attitude of yours.” He playfully says. You roll your eyes and he smiles. You slide your hands around his neck and rest your foreheads together. His dimples were poking out in the most adorable way.
“So you’ll stay?” You ask once more.
“If you want me to stay. I’ll stay. I want to be wherever you are. For many more lifetimes I want to be by your side. I never want to experience a life without you again.” He replies.
“One more thing.” This time you grin and peer up at his eyes. They were sparkling as he looked at you through his lashes.
“What is it, my love?” His accent makes a chill roll down your spine.
“Kiss me.” You whisper as you lean into him more. He doesn’t hold back and presses your lips together tenderly. His hands cup your cheeks so he could deepen the kiss more. He gave every ounce of passion and love he could in that kiss.
It felt like times before when he kissed you. He always knew just how you liked it. He also knew just how to make you weak from a simple kiss. Sometimes he likes to think you casted a spell on him to make him so utterly in love with you. However, everything was natural when it came to your relationship. For thousands of years you’ve been together and always had the most fun. Ajak won’t admit it but she knew the love you shared was a million times stronger than Sersi and Ikaris.
Through the closed door you start to hear more voices arriving for the big dinner. For a moment you rested your head on Druig’s chest savoring the feeling of being in his arms again. His hands softly rub your back and he kisses the top of your head multiple times.
“There’s some friends I want you to meet.” You say to him and hold your hand out so he could take it. He doesn’t hesitate as you lead him out to the living room.
Sam was just at the door taking his food dish to the kitchen counter. Bucky was already sitting on the sofa staring at Druig with big doe eyes. Steve and Nat still had there coats on so they could join Morgan and Tony with sledding in a moment.
“Hey guys. This is Druig.” You began to point out everyone and they all wave giving a nice hello.
“So this is why you keep turning me down?” Bucky jokingly asks and your jaw drops. Druig snaps his head at you then to Bucky.
“Well I have been her boyfriend for thousands of years. Who are you?” Druig fires back at Bucky. The room was silent and then Bucky breaks out into a fit of laughter. In all your years of knowing him you had never seen him laugh like that. It actually put you in shock.
“I like him.” Bucky states making everyone in the room smile.
“Come on Y/n! Let’s go sledding!” Morgan runs up to you tracking in all sorts of snow. Steve brought out his shield and threw it towards you and you catch it with ease.
“Alright! Alright! Come on Druig you’ll love this.” You squeeze his hand and drag him outside to the hill Morgan had chose.
She gets on her small sled with Tony right behind her ready to push her for a boost. Caps shield was bigger than you thought. “Last one down the hill is a rotten egg!” You say to Morgan. She giggles at your words and tells her father to give her a big boost. “Come on Druig. Sit down and I’ll get in your lap.” He does as told but seemed a little hesitant.
Once you two are situated Nat comes in behind you guys to help with the boost. Tony takes his spot behind Morgan and Pepper prepares to give the boost instead. When you turn around to see Druig’s face he was smiling from ear to ear. He holds you close against him as a seatbelt for you.
“On your mark. Get set!” Sam stood between the two sleds. “GO!” Nat pushes hard against Druig’s back and sends you two flying down the hill. Tony and Morgan were right beside you guys. All that was heard was laughter from the thrill of the ride. Snow flurries sling up into your faces making it hard to see. Druig let’s put a laugh as the shield spins you two around so you were going backwards.
As you were unable to see the path ahead a bump on the hill sends you two in the air away from the shield. Thankfully you landed in a huge pile of snow and Druig broke most of the fall. You both couldn’t contain the laughter as your body was sprawled out against his. He still had his arms tightly around you. Too afraid to let go in this moment.
“I love you.” Druig happily says. You slightly lean up to give him a peck on the lips. He swore he saw stars from that small little taste of your lips on his.
“I love you too.”
The rest of the day was filled with sled races, snowball fights, snowman building, and lots of food. Your other family got to know Druig and even got some funny stories from previous centuries. Presents were exchanged and just like you asked for, Sam got you socks. He tried to play it off he was part of getting Druig but you knew who the real mastermind was. It was the little girl that sat in your lap most of the night. Druig managed to steal her from you in what little time she’s known him. Honestly it was a little maddening he could sweep someone up that fast.
Finally, he was home. With you. Where he belonged. Where his heart belonged.
A/n: my semester is finally coming to an end and I hope to be writing more for you guys. it is honestly sick how fast I have fallen for this new marvel character that was barely on screen for 10 minutes! I am going to Disney for Christmas and I hope to find some cool Druig merch at the parks hehe! as always I love my readers with every little cell in my body! you guys rock! thank you so Barry much ; ) 
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averrys · 6 years
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— MEET AVERY.  come plot with me cowards, my pals.. my loves... xoxo
TW: minor death.
full name: avery nakamura. nickname(s): none. age: 22. date of birth: november 12th, 1996. hometown: dallas, texas. gender: cis female. religion: agnostic. sexuality: bisexual.  hair colour: black. eye colour: brown. height: 5'6. tattoos: a dagger with a snake curling around it between her tiddies.  piercings: ears, (2) nipple piercings.
family life
lives with her aunt after her mother disappeared after giving birth, dad was there for the first 16 years of her life before having a stroke in his sleep. 
before her father’s passing, her house was always full of light and her father singing in the morning; he never failed to put a smile on her face no matter what, a single working dad, an only child and a stand in mom with the face of her aunt. she loved her father’s attention more than anything, after his passing it was like he took some of her light away from her. 
she was always continuously jumping from one thing to another, if it wasn’t piano one week, it was learning gymnastics the next, if it wasn’t that it was attempting to learn russian because she was bored and most of this carried out into her life in college, her first year was hell not knowing what she wanted to do while her peers seemed to have it all around her. so she stuck to a broad major, biology -- does she want to pursue something and get a masters, a doctorate ? well.. one day for now she’s chillin.
she never had an exciting family life, it was always just her dad and her and since it was just them two, they would travel as much as she could with her dad
after he died, she began to live with her aunt and that added her among a house full of two boys, her cousins were way younger than her and she always treated them as if she always had brothers. that created a sense of loyalty in her, always wanting to protect the one’s she grows love and attachment to.
whomst is avery ? 
avery is a full crackhead
god it’s dumb BUT she does .. love eating raw ramen she developed the love when she was like around 8 when she found some in the cupboard, sprinkled the seasoning on and treated it like a chip snack and since then she’s loved it , kieran vc: lose my number
a huge .. huge softy, she puts up a front that shes tough, stomping her boots around pretending she knows her direction and purpose in life but when beneath the surface she whole so much more, just a scared girl out there looking for something. 
LOVESSSSSS oversized shit, she’ll have her everyday fashion which is.. mostly black clothes and if there was color, she’d only dress it up for special events, but she loves coming home to nothing but an oversized sweat and loving it. she thinks wearing black makes her look older and less like a baby bc of her round face
speaking of fashion she loves it, she loves clothes, wishes she had the riches to afford better clothes but that’s life 
when she was born her dad gave her a teddy bear and she’s never let it go or out grow herself ya kno, after she died it was all she slept with. it provide her comfort but ask her if its hers she’ll deny and pin it on it being her cousins and was pranked
there’s two avery’s basically, what she decides to show on the surface versus the softer avery looking to hang out with someone in closed quarters, watching movies, cuddling, sharing her favorite ghost stories she read on reddit but the outside is someone who’s dead panned, pretends shes tougher than she actually is, lives up to live and rock babeyyyyy
she’s hecking gay god she loves gorls
she’s a little spoiled considering how much her dad would have done anything for her but it’s hardly shown, maybe once in a blue moon among her pals 
i wish there were more .. shes so easy to get along w like if ur in deep shit at 6 am she’ll zoom out and help a pal out, she’ll tease but she’ll be there
she’s the most intune w herself ig.. or the world.. i forgot the phrase/word but OH WQAIT I GOT IT, its when she feels more at peace is when shes lookin up at the stars bc this. binch i stg rlly truly believes aliens exist, shes ready to hack the government for answers
i think thtttt is it
come plot w meme thots .
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