#as soon as i saw they were releasing all the diasomnias i started saving and haunting twitter for the preorders...
egophiliac · 9 months
If you don’t mind my asking, how did you get the Malleus nenderoid? I’ve been considering getting myself one as a Christmas present that definitely won’t arrive until after Christmas, but I don’t typically order things that aren’t sold in my country, and I don’t know where to look. I’m pretty sure? You’ve mentioned also not being in Japan? So I figured I’d try asking
I did get your other message about seeing that he's no longer available -- I think all the Twst nendoroids were preorder only :( -- but figured I'd answer anyway just for reference!
I ordered directly off the Aniplex+ website since they allow international credit cards; for the address I went through Blackship, which is a package-forwarding service (you have things shipped to them and they'll reship it to you). the shipping costs can get a bit expensive depending on item size/weight, but honestly that would be true no matter what, and it ends up being a lot cheaper than going through a proxy-shopper or reseller. (WhiteRabbit/JapanRabbit is the same company's proxy-shop service -- I haven't used that side of them personally, but I see good reviews for them.)
the nendoroids in particular have about a 1-2 month preorder period, and then I think they basically make them depending on how many orders they get, and finally release them about 6 months later. so getting in on the preorder window is, annoyingly, kind of the only way to guarantee getting a semi-reasonable price. (they would announce the preorders on the twst_jp twitter, which is where I saw them; not sure about anywhere else.) it is possible they might re-release them at some point, given they were sort of unexpectedly popular -- I think they weren't originally going to do them for all the characters, just the dorm leaders -- and if we are very very lucky they might even be globally available instead of Japan-only? but that might take more luck than is humanly possible. 💀 I am once again begging Twst to release international merch so I can spend too much money on tiny figures and not just shipping
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the-knaves-world · 1 year
Dark Paradise Lilia x reader
We're just going to pretend you can sleep while using silvers UM, ok?
Spoilers for book 7, angst? If you have a fear of water, darkness or being in a wide open but empty space.
Inspired by Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey, I have sappy stuff coming up soon, just had to write this one down before it floated away from me.
Silver says not to succumb to your dreams....
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While the forest is quiet, the Briar Valley soldiers of Lilia's unit watch over the small group.
Lilia watches one human in particular. There you sat, in front of the campfire, warming up your hands that had gone cold a fair while ago.
Lilia tilts his head as he sees the tiredness in your features. He had often wondered if you ever really stopped to rest for yourself. According to Silver, you were always busy with things back at Nightraven College. Lilia could only sigh as he noticed your eyes droop a little.
Lilia stood and strode over to your lethargic form, clicking his tongue as he grabs hold of your wrist as gently as he can. Lilia pulls you up to guide you back from the fire and to a safer distance so that, when you inevitably fall asleep, the forest won't smell like roasted human.
~a little bit later~
Kisses trailed down bared necks and shoulders, gracing chests that heave with gasping breath. The sound of murmured words of desire and love. The feel of lithe fingers gripping your hips and the drag of hips chasing a heady passion.
These sensations haunt your dreams. The flashes of black hair with pretty pink streaks and a fanged smirk that makes your heart beat faster and your voice croak out muted whimpers.
Raspberry red eyes that shine with love and care that have been rather absent in your waking life as of late. A low chuckle with the promise of sweet release and being cared for as you float above the highest of clouds.
Sometimes, when you daydream, you think you feel that familiar loving caress that grounds you when you woke up after an after class nap. When you shake off the daydream haze, however, all you find is a crimson gaze that feels like it's observing a rat in a maze.
But when you slip into slumber, on the rare chances you get while traveling in Lilia's dream, you get to indulge in your Lilia's touch and soothing whispers of love and desire once more.
You missed the feel of his touch and the sound of his laughter. The looks you would give one another when you found something funny and would turn to the other to see if they found it funny as well.
The dream tonight, however, was one that you had feared happening in reality...a nightmare indeed.
In the Diasomnia common room
"My Dove, you've worked so hard. Rest now, you needn't strain yourself any longer. It's over now."
Lilia cannot even gather enough strength to reach up to hold the back of your head, which lays on his chest.
"You can't leave me like this! We did everything we were supposed to! We saved Malleus and stopped the blot....you weren't supposed to run out of time so soon, you still...you still had a few decades..."
You sob as you clutch his body with shaking limbs. His skin was colder than usual, his skin more ashen than it's normal palor.
As your dream scene fades out, you feel yourself being rocked gently...what was that? Water?
The feel of water rocking you as you float along it's surface waves, the moon above you is cresent shaped and unnaturally bright.
Looking around you notice that the beach is a ways out from where you are in the water. The moonlight shines a serene glow over the waves of the ocean.
You look back to the beach to notice Lilia standing where the sand meets the oceans lapping waves. He looks healthier than the last time you saw him...he extends a hand, almost as if he is beckoning you to shore.
Even though you try, you cannot seem to move. The waves only seem to pull you further away from him. He grows smaller in the distance as the beach starts to disappear from view.
The last thing you hear is a soft, peaceful:
"It isn't time for us to meet again yet, my dove. Off you go."
The Cresent moon shimmers and shines but is soon swallowed by the darkness of the sky and the waves soon pull you under as you cry out for your fae lover.
You startle awake, gasping for air as you look around frantically, seemingly searching for something.
As you gasp for breath, you hear footsteps approach and soon feel a gloved hand grab your chin and turn you to look up and to your left.
"What happened, human?"
That voice, that holds the same tone as it does in the waking world, grumbles as the owner notices the tracks of tears down your cheeks.
Rough, gloved hands try their best to gently wipe tears away. A sigh escapes the man as he looks over your shaken form.
"Must've been bad, for you to be crying and shaking like that."
His tone isn't mocking or spiteful, but rather quiet. He sits down next to you as he looks around the forest, whether to keep watch or to avoid any eye contact, you don't quite know.
You feel something land on your shoulders, something warm. Pulling it over your shoulders and getting a look, you notice it's Silvers uniform jacket. Looking over to Lilia questioningly, he answers gruffly.
"That human boy put it over you while you slept. You looked cold, I don't need a human getting sick and slowing us down."
You nod and look up to see the moon shine in a Cresent phase. But the sky doesn't look as black as the one in your dream did.
Silence passes as the others continue resting, Lilia's troops do their jobs as Baul looks around the area for food. Things are quiet for once. The quiet is something you have come to despise recently.
The world was too quiet without his laughter and his quips about random things. Life should never be this quiet. You just hope that, when this is all over, your world won't have gone quiet forever....
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