#as the character takes on mission impossible: transfer the call without disconnecting it
iamanartichoke · 4 months
That trope, mostly utilized in drama-themed media (specifically tv shows) where a character is looking at themselves in a mirror, or otherwise indicating they are talking to themselves, and trying to hype themselves up. Saying things like, "You've got one shot at this," or "No matter what happens, there's no turning back," and so on.
The background music is usually quiet with subtle yet dramatic undertones. Bonus points if the character is sweating, clenching their jaw/fists, or otherwise giving physical hints that they are about to Take On A Serious Situation.
And then it cuts out to show that the character is hyping themselves up to finally conquer their archnemesis: the toaster, or the newfangled espresso machine they've just bought, or they're about to attempt to finally fix the leaky pipe under the sink, or - basically any mundane (yet oddly challenging) task.
Variations on the trope include: a few people are in the room, so the camera occasionally pans to their serious expressions as they listen to the main character's "pep talk," or two characters are arguing about how to handle the situation - ("Damn it, we can't afford to get this wrong!).
Idk, no matter how often it pops up, I thoroughly get a kick out of it each and every time.
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