#as this is generally used as a criticism of AB . that she wasn't .
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
Do you think AB alienated her allies, sometimes?
I mean, for sure... I think the extent of that has been exaggerated by Alison W/eir, but you can definitely find examples of that. Like, Thomas Cheney, one of her relatives that she interceded for above Wolsey's protests, seemed pretty firmly in her camp. Then, by 1536 he's part of the faction that's supporting her stepdaughter.
Generally, though, imo, it's underestimated how difficult it is to maintain allies when one has power/influence, and how it's basically impossible to keep everyone happy all the time.
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badedramay · 1 year
TB s2 announcement got me wondering about this general trend where people expect actors to be morally perfect saints who should only pick projects based on principles. Would these same ppl reject a lucrative job offer from evil corporates like a Facebook or BP? The one power they have is to not watch trash like TB but dekhenge bhi, hate bhi karenge, endlessly uske baare baat bhi karenge and then expect the actors to say no to good money. Idk Mais am I being too lenient on actors?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...I don't think people want actors to be morally perfect saints but yeah they DO want the actors to have SOME ethics and morals driving their professional decisions. I am more often than not lenient on actors wrt their professional decisions. I can crib about them but ultimately I can just choose not to watch those particular projects. it's just with Wahaj and Yumna..they are KNOWN to have done better written projects in the past so it's not like they are not aware of what their particular fandom expects them to do. Yumna especially toh has half her filmography filled with dramas that deal with sensitive issues. and she has gained much critical acclaim for them. TB was, by all means, a very irresponsible decision for them. yes, it worked out BIG time and it's great that they got massive national and international fame from it. that was the drama's job and now that job is done..fans have a right to wish ke okay chalo ab back to doing projects that wouldn't have them compromising their morals. waise have they been finalized for TB2??
another thing..actors with the kind of fame that Wahaj and Yumna have gotten post TB have the privilege of CHOICE. they are aware of the starpower they bring to any project so they have a kind of authority to bring in changes and alterations to a project to make them less damaging. YumHaj didn't do that with TB, either because when the show was being shot they didn't have that authority yet or they just simply didn't see anything wrong with it. but now they DO have the power; the power of their fandom has given them that confidence. so if they still choose to do something similary problematic like TB then yeah..it's completely on them and criticism banta hai.
it takes nerves of steel to have morals and stick to them. look at when Maya Ali says she simply refuses to do dramas with violence in them even if it means not doing much work. Obi is a vocal ally and he's more than happy to play smaller role in projects that have important social message or a story that is close to his heart. Mahira Khan will never do a project where her character is not the strongest. Mawra Hocane put her foot down while her project was in production and used her power to alter the script so a horrendous thing like marital rape wasn't brushed off as nothing. even Farhan Saeed went on record to say that he talked it out with the director so a slap scene was edited out in Mere Humsfar. so, it's not like there aren't examples of actors being on the moral high ground. sure they bring in small changes but what they do is set a precedent for other actors to follow. fans being disappointed that actors like Yumna and Wahaj who are MORE than aware of the repercussions of being cavalier about toxicity and abuse don't use their voice to take a stand against those issues is their right.
but dekhenge bhi, hate bhi karenge, endlessly uske baare baat bhi karenge and then expect the actors to say no to good money.
I have a different take on this. the people who talk against such shows don't necessarily "watch" it out of choice but they do so because well it's all around them. and them "talking" about it isn't in favor of the show but against it. "no publicity is bad publicity" may be well and true and its these people and loyal fans of the actors who continued to criticize the show for its shortcomings and bringing attention to how dangerous the messaging of the show got the attention of the actors who are now accepting that they did have some errors in judgements and promise to now do better. that is why this talking is necessary. sure, for the producers its all money. but the producers aren't the intended audience of this criticism anyway. it's the actors. it's their loyal following urging them to do better. also, actors can make big money from other things. their big money can/does come from advertisements and endorsements. for quality TV, they can compromise on the check if they wish to. end mein baat toh usulon ki aati hai.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
hi im the back and im now a stray cat in ur backgarden waiting for a meal. give me fun facts abs ur ocs or ill scratch something. i think they are So Cool. please
ok im . putting this into like subsections based on ocs. limiting myself to 3 fun facts about each oc so i have some that ppl can still ask me about.
looong post so im gonna put it under a read more
he is a nickname guy. he will give people nicknames. the most notable one is "inky" for azul. she started calling him it post-overblot because it made him uncomfortable in an entertaining way. for mc / yuu she'll call them "small-fry" / "zako" because. well. its condescending. also in jpn it's apparently slang for "weak / useless person" or "mob character" LMFAO. "fry" / "chigyo" is how he addresses people that he doesn't care about (mostly other students from different dorms) and he often calls other dorms "chigyochi" (rough translation would be. Breeding ground?? but in official eng it would probably be something like Hatchery i guess. to remove the Implications LOL). she also likes to call specifically freshmen "freshwaters" / "tansugiyo" because. coming from the coral sea as a saltwater mer. the Peak of insult is implying you're a freshwater fish who can't survive the salt or the cold. basically calling all these freshmen weak as fuck
he's so terrified of sebek its so funny. its like an irrational fear of him too. cyrus just wants to Sprint Away as fast as she can when she hears sebeks voice because sebek reminds her of a crocodile. incredibly hilarious considering sebek is a whole freshman and cyrus is a whole junior and they're from completely different dorms so there's like. So little chance of them interacting
she HATES the nrc birthday tradition of the "gift of good fortune" (aka getting cake thrown in her face) because her least favorite food is whipped cream. he honestly just hates cake in general and hates the idea of cake being thrown at him (in reference to the scene in the little mermaid where vanessa stumbles into the wedding cake bc the sealife is attacking her LMFAO). she's not even a good sport about it bc shes immediately trying to run away. her birthday presenter (its cater btw. if u even care) has to literally hold her down kicking and screaming.
his worst subject is alchemy. things can and do often blow up in his face... even if that wasn't originally possible for whatever he was making to do. pre-overblot, this is mostly obscured by how he's able to maneuver his lab partners into doing most of the work for him. post-overblot, it's so obvious that it's his weakest subject that crewel immediately puts him in remedial lessons and he's so embarrassed about it. will get snappish and defensive if anyone presses him on it because he hates feeling like he's being criticized
he has a favors gambit running in the freshmen classes. if you picked any random freshman student out of the crowd at nrc... 9 times out of 10 they'll owe marron a favor. it's a lot less formal and definitely a lot less intimidating than azul's contract system, but that's part of what makes it work-- the people indebted to marron are pretty much unaware of their debt until they step out of line and face consequences they weren't anticipating at All.
his brother had connections to a security company named Cloak&Dagger. it has connections to S.T.Y.X. in that it sells information on overblotters to the organization but it also more generally keeps tabs on the influential people of the world (like the royal family). marron uses this connection to cultivate a horrifyingly wide information network. he does have all the personal data on ur phone btw. he knows everything you looked up on wikipedia. he's side-eyeing you for spending that long on sigmund freud's page.
the youngest in a family of six. his three siblings, all guys, are older than him-- around college/workforce age. in order from youngest to oldest they are buddy, moore, and ramer (all respectively based off chum, anchor, and bruce from finding nemo). they're a lot more friendly than jettie. also a lot bigger. jetties kind of the runt so hes more aggressive to compensate. they love him anyways <3
his family run a bodyguard business. it's a little ominous. his other three siblings are kind of iffy on continuing it because it's shady as fuck but jettie is READY to take over the business when his father nimius (twisted off of glut from the little mermaid 1) gives him the opportunity or 2) kicks the bucket.
he keeps all his baby teeth in a jar. actually all of his teeth that fall out. he bites a lot of things he shouldn't so this is more common than you think. did you know sharks have a neverending supply of regenerating teeth? isn't that horrifying? well its a trait jettie has and yes it is more horrifying when he's in his human form. he brings out the jar of teeth when he wants to fuck with someone
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Does Ok Ko Sexualize Women?
No. Okay, end of post.
No, but actually, I see this conversation all the time. People being upset that all the women in Ok Ko seem to have the same- very sexual- body type. And maybe a lot of the female characters do have similar body types, and I would have liked to see a bit more diversity. But most of them make sense!
Let's look at Carol for a second.
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Her body is thicker all over. Why? For our viewing pkeasure? So men can get off on it? No. Of course not, are you stupid? She's thinner frame wise because she works out. She teaches at a fitness dojo which is why she's obviously built to look STRONG. Upper and lower body strength will make you look thicker. And the reason it's thinner in the middle is because of that belt thingy. Not so she looks super sexy or whatever.
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Red action is also built to look STRONG. Muscular with clear abs and still thicker all around because she has loads of both upper and lower body strength.
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Drupe is more conventionally attractive in her shape. Not as muscular, pretty curvy. But of course she isn't muscular! She doesn't use her physical strength very often! She spends her days standing around in an ally looking cool. But thick thighs are normal in many women? I mean...my body is shaped practically the same as hers chest and hip wise. I have thicker thighs and a smaller chest. It's a normal thing. Women tend to be softer and rounder looking in general, so having a curvy figure isn't abnormal!
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Cosma. She's fairly thin all around. Sure she still has a chest, but most women have SOME chest. And her outfit is compressing her waste, it seems. Even then it really isn't that small. And having the waste smaller than your hips is NOT abnormal!
People seem to dislike Enid's design the most, and I really don't get why. Her legs are thicker because that's where her strength is. Just like Rad's strength is in his upper body which is why he has muscles there! And I mean, honestly, her hips aren't even that big.
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I mean, really?!? This is what you think is over sexualized?!?
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People like to bring up this short (boarded by a woman, by the way!) In which she "sticks her hips out sexually!!!" Which is bs on its own because normal women move their fucking bodies, which includes the hips. But this happened BEFORE THE SHOW ACTUALLY AIRED. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!?
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THIS IS THE KIND OF THING WE'VE GOTTEN AFTER THE SHOW AIRED. IS THIS TOO SEXUAL?!? REALLY?!? And you know what? I don't even see any issue with it. Teen girls wear revealing clothing. Revealing clothing isn't necessarily sexual either. She's showing some midrift. So what? Oh boy, thats one sexy stomach! Right?!? And RAD WEARS THE SAME THING. It isn't different or somehow bad when she does it. Honestly saying it's okay for a guy to wear something but not a girl is really scummy, I hope you realize. And seeing as they're both wearing it, I doubt it's "For men's pleasure" or whatever.
Some people get upset at this because her dress went up in one scene..the one where Rad saved her and she was kinda floating for a second? ...I mean...from the physics of this scene, which was NOT a meaningless scene by any means, her dress should be doing that? And SHE'S WEARING SHORTS. IT'S NOT LIKE THEYRE SHOWING HER UNDERWEAR OR ANYTHING. SHE LEGITIMATELY HAS SHORTS ON. AND IT LASTED FOR ONE FRAME, LIKE, YOU HAVE TO GO DIGGING FOR THAT ONE. And I heard someone saying how they shouldn't have put her in a dress because of the possibility this would happen. And what on earth did y'all expect her to wear to her DATE?!? I MEAN...SHE WAS ON A DATE" GUYS. SHOULD SHE HAVE WORN JEANS AND A T-SHIRT? OR WOULD A T-SHIRT STILL BE TOO REVEALING FOR YOU GUYS?!? Honestly, my thing about people claiming Enid's designed the way she is for men's viewing pleasure really makes my blood boil. Because She's never once portrayed in the show as eye candy. She's never seen waving her hips or showing cleavage ir anything like that just to look nice. Her role in the show isn't to stand there and look pretty. She has NEVER been shown as sexual. All she's done is exist with a slightly curvy figure! And, in fact, if you can even think of a time someone on the show has pointed out how attractive she is, or she was thrown into a scene in a way-too-sexual way, then maybe I'll reconsider.
And you know what? Maybe its an issue that every girl in the show have such similar body types. Not because they're sexual, but because body diversity is something the show struggles with..
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Except they don't. And I'd include more (shy ninja, pheobe, biki, foxtail, etc) if there wasn't a ten picture limit.
One of the things I like about Ok Ko is that they make curvy girls and put them in revealing clothing and just...let them exist. No fan pandering or sexy moments. Just them being PEOPLE who wear what they want and arent just objectified pieces of eyecandy
So all in all...no, the show doesn't have an issue. And the reason I feel so passionately about this is because this is ALL people want to talk about in the Ok Ko Critical topic! Like, you guys realize that the show has ACTUAL PLOT HOLES AND FLAWS IN THEIR EPISODES AND PLOTS THAT WE COULD BE DISCUSSING?!? But no! There's no mention of anything substantial in the Ok Ko critical tag! Just argument over weather or not Enid's hips are fucking pg enough! Like, let's get over it now and talk about more important things PLEASE.
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