#as usual i think i drew tweek better
acreekinthenight · 8 months
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on a coffee date but Craig won't stop staring
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
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Y’all I’m finally doing references ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I mean, kind of. I had a little bit of time to do one, so I thought I’d start with the one that’s the most confusing. XD It was a little quickly drawn, especially since I didn’t originally plan for the skeleton version, but it’s good enough to get the gist of his design! This also gives me a chance to edit some design aspects I wasn’t totally happy with, specifically Nightmare’s bones!
Please do ignore any bad bone anatomy, it’s called Magic, and I hope the noodle boi makes a lil more sense now—
Note: because this is his main ref post, I’ll likely edit his information on and off when I think of something else to add or feel I need to tweek something already here. So this will be updated as we go! (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Nightmare, Guardian of Negativity
Full Dragon Form Reference
Half Dragon Form Reference (WIP)
Dragon Breath:
Negative Fog
This smokey gas enhances the negative feelings of those around them, the intensity depending on what kind of intent Nightmare puts into it. That does mean it can be nearly harmless, if properly used. It’s completely opaque, so most victims caught up in it would loose all sight, left wandering in the complete darkness. He has a slight control over its very form as well, so if he wanted to, he could open bubbles inside to keep the fog from majorly effecting specific people, or just control where it goes. Without his presence, the fog will slowly dissipate by itself.
In use, Nightmare can either allow the victims to suffer on their own, or he can further torment them himself. The complete darkness makes his white bones and eyelights stand out drastically, creating a ghostly effect. Or, using his regular shape shifting, he could also taunt them as figures they know, similar to what he did to Cross in Underverse.
Downsides: Having too much magic or not enough control can cause him to puff fog out without his intending to and/or choke on it. Alongside that, his fog only enhances the negative feelings of a person. If someone feels absolutely no negative emotions, it’s completely ineffective.
General Abilities:
• Nightmare keeps all of his usual abilities:
- General negative aura, and absorbing other’s negative emotions
- Tentacles, while not naturally formed, can still be summoned from his back
- As previously mentioned, he can still shape shift — this means traveling via shadow-like puddle as well
- Mostly immune to physical weapons, with some exceptions
• Often uses his tail like a whip to either trip people up, or slice at them.
• Though he has no wings, his claws make it extremely easy to crawl around surfaces like walls/ceilings, through trees, or even up his own bookshelves!
• He is also not against stabbing someone with the spike on his snout.
Due to his past of being alone and afraid most of his days, and his guilt over accidentally turning Dream to stone, Nightmare has latched onto unfortunate monsters in unfortunate circumstances with a desire (that he thoroughly ignored and denied for a very long time) to help and give them a sort of friend/family. The first of his hoard was Horror, who he found around a year after getting out of his own dead AU. Horror’s hopeless negativity drew him in like a moth to a flame, and, upon seeing the large skeleton’s struggles to keep those around him alive, Nightmare felt the need to help him, and provide him a better life.
It didn’t take long for them to find an AU with a proper home (a castle, of course, as, even if subconsciously, Nightmare knew he’d be collecting more wayward souls), and his desire to have Horror near was disguised as having the mortal work for him. Soon, he’d come to give the same deal to Dust, Killer, and Cross, all while slowly coming to accept that no, these are not just subordinates to him, and finally coming to completely relax around them all.
He also offered this deal to people like Red, Edge, Razz, Error, specific Charas and Floweys, etc, all of whom turned him down, leading Nightmare to experience the pain of not being able to hoard properly. Eventually, he does add Ccino to his hoard as well, and even Dream later on (though neither with the same “deal” as the others).
Extra Info:
• Dream is not his biological brother — they had a brother-like relationship, but neither really considered each other as such.
• Regarding his more skeletal form, this is essentially his equivalent to the others’ unsummoned ectobody look, but for a different reason. As a full dragon, Nightmare doesn’t typically have an ectobody, as his corruption creates that form for him. However, if he were to sort of retract that corruption enough, or if he was low on magic, it would reveal more of his skeletal structure. This also holds the risk of exposing more of his bones, as shown in the reference, so it’s not something he often does.
• In the Dragon Balance AU, I go by the headcanon that Nightmare’s original bones are still present rather than completely turned into the corruption. However, after eating the dark apple, the negativity essentially broke out of his bones, shattering them into very tiny pieces. The corruption is able to “glue” him together, hence why his dragon form can show off that bone in so many places, and also why he’s slightly bigger than Dream now. These many cracks are barely visible, unless you actively are looking for them (this is why I changed the color of his bones to a dark cyanish grey as well— to show that it isn’t just pure white bone). Because they are such small pieces, he’s able to shape himself however he needs, but ultimately there’s only one way all those pieces fit back together.
And yes, this does mean that he’s in constant pain. But, after centuries of dealing with it, he hardly notices anymore.
• Surprisingly enough, in all the years of their fighting, Nightmare and Dream kept their balance almost perfectly. Because of this, neither went on a dragon rampage to fix it, and thus never knew they were actual dragon shifters in the first place until the start of Tipping the Scales.
• Nightmare primarily loafs. It’s the easiest way to sleep, since he can’t lay his head down properly with the spikes on his chin. He does occasionally lay on his side though, especially when sleeping in Dream’s hoard.
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medusas-side-snake · 4 years
Scarred - Chapter 1
Hi guys, this is the first chapter of my new Charlie Weasley fic. It will be updated every 3 days and there are more exciting development for the old fics and some new ones that are happening on my page!! Let me know if anyone wants to be tagged in anything
Megan works for the Order, she has been on a mission for them for over a year. A mission that was only supposed to last two weeks. Heritage means that she is on thin ice with the rest of the Order, mix that with some heartbreak by the dragon-loving Weasley boy and a certain Black family member with a vendetta and you have the following story.
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The bus to Ottery St.Catchpole was packed with so many people that they were standing in the aisles. Still, I was given a wide berth.
About 13 months ago, Dumbledore sent me to recruit some reclusive magical community following the rise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Dumbledore asked me specifically because these warlocks did not use wands, they thought wands hindered true ability and, since I am quite proficient at wandless, silent magic, I was the obvious choice.
It should have been easy, especially since He had just unmasked himself in the Ministry.
I had spent a year with the warlocks. Well, it was more like I spent a year imprisoned by the warlocks. They didn't like that people were trying to drag them into a battle that had nothing to do with them, however, being imprisoned by them did allow me to learn a few things.
1. They weren't interested in joining Voldemort. There were a number of His followers that were imprisoned with me, none of them lasted very long once the warlocks realised that they were low pay and didn't really know much about what was actually going on.
2. Even though they didn't want to join the fight, they were still interested in what was happening and why it had all happened. This was why I was still here. Those that came were useful to find out what was happening at the moment, I could tell them everything else. Of course, I didn't. I had no idea whose side they would choose should the fight come to them, which is why I was very careful with what I told them. I mainly fed them lies.
3. Not very many people are crueller than these people. To get them to believe the lies, I had to pretend I didn't want to give them up. This led to… persuasion tactics on their part. Basically, because they are so remote, the Ministry doesn't try to control them, meaning they have no limits on magic, they have no restrictions on magical creatures and there are no laws on what can and can't be done to prisoners.
I stood as my stop came up, pressing the bell to let the bus driver know to stop and making my way to the front of the bus.
A quick “Thanks" mumbled towards the bus driver and I was out and facing the trees, behind which lay The Burrow.
With a hiss of pain, I set off up the steep hill.
What would normally be a 5 minute hike, took me 20 minutes, but when I reached the top and I could see the Burrow, the pain was worth it. Lights shone from the windows scattered around the front of the house. Most importantly, the kitchen light was casting shadows across the garden. Someone was awake.
I started to limp as fast as I could towards the gate, containing the safety, comfort and warmth that I had grown accustomed to since 2nd Year.
Past the broom shed, past the tree that Charlie fell from to break his arm, past the wellie boots by the back step and then I was pushing open the kitchen door.
Faces turned towards me, too many to count when all I could think about was the pain I was in. A beat later I was surrounded, voice shouting over voices until “THAT’S ENOUGH!” That was Molly. Everyone stopped and took a step back as she pushed her way through. She looked shocked but she wasn't looking at me.
“Sirius…” I turned and was met with a wand at my throat. “Is that really necessary?”
“I'm afraid it is, Molly.” Even though he was talking to Molly, he hadn't looked away from me.
“The pureblood party.”
“I was a child!” I interrupted.
“The pureblood party.” He said more forcefully. “Who did we laugh at in my room?”
“Will it matter? You've never trusted me before, will that change if I get the answer right?”
“Are you refusing to answer the question?” He stepped closer and I could see him grip his wand tighter. He was deadly calm.
“Phineas. We were making fun of Phineas, when my mum found us. Does that change how you feel?” He stayed silent, and lowered his wand a couple of seconds too late. I guess that answered my question.
“Come on, dear. Let's get you cleaned up.” Molly started to gently push me towards the stairs. Neither me nor Sirius had looked away from each other yet, but at the push from Molly, I turned my head.
Molly didn’t really say much to me while she drew a bath. Everytime she glanced my way, she had tears in her eyes but before she left the bathroom, she did pull me into a hug. A proper mum hug as we both squeezed each other as tight as we could.
“I’m glad you’re back and I’m glad you’re okay. We’ve all been so worried.” As suspected, her voice was thick as she spoke.
I could tell that she desperately wanted to know what had happened, but she knew that she should wait until I told everyone downstairs. I mean, it was either that or she didn't trust me completely after everything that Sirius had no doubt been planting in her head for the past year. As soon as I had that thought I wanted to take it back. That was a path that I did not want to go down.
After I was cleaned up, I put on some of my old pyjamas (which were way too big now after having to save and ration the scraps that I was given to eat over the past year) and made my way downstairs. The voice of those in the kitchen travelled up the stairs, although there must have been an argument going on because they all mashed together and overlapped one another. I stopped a little from the bottom and tried to make sense of it all, though to be honest all I could clearly make out was Molly’s insistent ‘No! No! I won't believe that nonsense!’ After a couple more minutes of listening, which only served to make me more confused, I decided that it was time to go into the kitchen.
“She woul-!” Molly’s loud voice sounded over all the others, but stopped as soon as I was in the light. Just like all the others. So it was me they were talking about. Great. I mean, at least Molly had stuck up for me. Or that's what it sounded like.
I realised that I had hovered for a little too long in the doorway, making the whole atmosphere even more awkward and no doubt let everyone know that I knew what - or better yet who - they were talking about.
“I made stew for dinner. There's some left. Sit down now.” Molly bustled into action.
I sat awkwardly at the empty spot that she had left at the table. I looked up to see who was there. Alastair was sitting next to me, staring at me in earnest with both eyes. Next to him was Bill and next to him, Fleur, who I had only met once, briefly. They had their hands linked on the table, Fleur’s eyes never strayed from the family clock on the wall and Bill was looking over near the door.
The seat directly opposite me was empty.
Next to that was Remus, he was looking at Nymphadora Tonks, who was sitting next to him and she was looking directly over Bill’s head, out the kitchen window.
Next to me on the left was Sirius, he was staring at me with disgust, his usual face whenever he looked at me. I briefly thought about asking him what his problem was, but he had made it clear what his problem was many times. Me.
Molly put a big bowl of stew in front of me and a small plate of buttered bread beside me and I am not ashamed to say that I immediately tucked in. I don’t think that I have eaten so much in such a short amount of time.
I didn’t look up from my food even as Remus started to speak to me.
“So, Megan.” He cleared his throat and I hummed around a mouthful of food to show that I was listening. “Where have you been?” I found this strange as they were all aware of the mission that Dumbledore had given me, they all knew where I had been. Remus must’ve known what I was thinking as he followed up with, “The mission was supposed to be two tweeks at most, no-one has heard from you for over a year.”
“Went to Tralee. They don’t want to join our side, but they don’t want to join the death eaters either, so that’s something I guess.” I said around a mouthful of food. “Been there ever since.”
“Why?” It was Sirius who asked me this, in his usul abrupt tone that he undertook anytime he spoke to me.
‘“What do you mean ‘why’?” I swallowed my food and took on the usual defensive tone that I undertook whenever I spoke to him. “Have you seen the state of me? It wasn't exactly for fun. I didn’t have a choice.”
A hand on the arm from Remus stopped Sirius from replying and I took another bite of my bread.
“Dumbledore’s dead.” I stopped chewing and looked away from Sirius and down at my bowl as Alastair spoke.
“I know.” I said quietly.
“How did you get out?” Remus asked gently.
I swallowed my bread thickly as my stomach turned. I pushed my near-empty bowl away from me. “One of the women who brought me my food helped me escape.” I never even knew her name and she died for me.
“What happened?” Sirius, as gentle as ever.
I knew that this had been coming, and I was dreading it. I moved my shaking hands from my lap and placed them palm side down on the table. “I don’t really want to talk about it.” I put my head up and met his eyes and as soon as what I had said sunk in, I saw his eyes harden.
He opened his mouth to respond but Molly interrupted.
“That’s enough Sirius.” She used her ‘mum’ voice, the one that strongly implied that no-one should argue. And he didn’t, but he wasn’t happy about it. He let out a scoff and turned his head away from me.
That was the last of the conversation until Sirius declared that he was going to bed, and strode off and up the stairs before another word was spoken. Alastair announced that he was off home shortly after and Remus and Tonks that same. That left Bill, Fleur, Molly and myself. Fleur seemed to sense that it was time for her to go to bed and she left with a kiss to Bill’s head.
Molly waited a few minutes to make sure that no-one was on the stairs before she got up from the chair and rushed over to me. Immediately, I was pulled into a hug and we both clung to each other for a minute before another pair of arms joined and we were squeezed even tighter.
I was the first to begin crying. After being away from my family for so long, and after everything that I had been through, it was a bit overwhelming.
Bill started to cry next, his face was pressed into my hair and I could feel the tears he let out.
When she realised that we were both crying, Molly began to gently steer us into the living room. We all sat on the big sofa, Molly on my left with her arm around my shoulders as she pulled my head to rest in the crook of her neck, and Bill on my right, holding my hand and rubbing the back of it with one hand while he wiped his cheeks with the other.
I wrapped my free hand around Molly’s waist and squeezed to bring us closer together.
“They had dragons,” sobs from me “and they used them to,” more hiccuping and sobbing, “to… to…” I couldn’t get my words out and Molly was quick to turn her body to me and wrapped both arms around me. She began to rub my back in an attempt to soothe me.
“It’s okay dear, it’s okay.”
We stayed like that for a while, all mashed together.
“Where are the others?” I asked.
“They’re all in bed.” Bill’s voice was still thick with tears. “We thought about waking them while you were in the bath, but with the state that you were in,” He stopped and I squeezed his hand, “we didn’t want to scare them.”
“Okay.” We were silent for a moment longer and I wanted to tell them what had happened to me in the year that I had been away, but I didn’t know where to start.
I took a deep breath.
“When I got to Tralee, there were already two of His followers there.” I took a steadying breath and sat up so that I was no longer leaning on Molly, her arm was still around my shoulders though, so I was grateful for that.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell us.” Bill spoke gently as he continued to rub the back of my hand with his thumb.
“No, I want to.” And I began to tell them what had happened.
It took a long time and we took a few breaks as they told me all about what had happened while I was gone. Sometime during the night, Molly made tea and hot chocolate for us all.
It was only when Arthur came home, that we noticed the time, about 7 in the morning. As soon as he saw me, he stopped, dropped the suitcase he was carrying and opened his arms. I rushed forward and was welcomed into another signature Weasley hug as Molly and Bill both joined again.
“You guys look exhausted, why don’t you all go to bed, I’ll wake everyone up and we’ll go into the garden for a bit and give you some peace and quiet.” Tiredness seeped into me with every word of the sentence. Tea, hot chocolate and stories had kept me so awake that, now we had stopped, I could have fallen asleep where I stood.
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xluckytheninjax · 7 years
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Tumblr’s messing with quality,and since I scanned ‘em,seems like some of the parts are too light to show up.
Anyway,here’s what I’ve been drawing for the past two weeks between studying and writing exams.Because of the new South Park games {The Fractured but Whole and Phone Destroyer} I got obsessed with South Park again.So,have two pages of stuff I drew of my New kid in the games.His name is Max Chaos.One of my OCs with the most backstory.Decided on playing as him in Stick of Truth,and yep.I can’t draw humans to save my ass,but they don’t look as bad.Because I can’t really draw humans,I can’t draw kids,so,you’ll see they look older...whatever.I used some pose references for basically all of these.Without references,I’d be lost.
I decided I’m gonna post his bio with the drawings,because why not?
A short ramble behind every scribble and Max’s bio is under the cut {Otherwise this is gonna get too long}
If you’re still reading,howdy!
Here’s a description or whatever of each scribble.
1 {First page,left at the top} - This is what Max looked like when he and his family first moved to South Park.He has quite a bunch of scars,the most noticible being the slash through his eye,the ones on his hands {Thanks printer for making that unseeable} and the one that looks like an ‘x’ on the back of his neck {Can’t be seen at this angle}.
2 {The one next to the first one,one with the hoodie} - Max is known for liking oversized hoodies and shirts.The one he likes most being the one he’s wearing in the drawing.Black and grey,with a white ‘13′ on the front,and on the back ,’Chaos’ and another big ‘13′.
3 {The two side views.One is half drawn} - Originally,his costume for FBW/playing superheroes had a little mask thing {The right side-view}.Then I drew him with skeleton facepaint with shorter hair...and it looked cooler.So,the story is that,with his parents fighting,his dad commented that his hair is getting too long,and he got a haircut.It was all fien and dandy.Then during counselling with Craig ‘n Tweek during FBW,where they had to fight the therapy kids,one of the kids took the mask.He says that the skeleton facepaint fits his costume and the shorter hair better anyway.
4 {The one at the top right corner} - This is what Max looked like at the end of Stick of Truth.As King Douchebag,he wears a crown,and a poncho with the crab chestplate underneath,and his weapons? Crossbow,katana and Greataxe of the Warrior,even if he was a mage. During the events of SoT,he got some more scars and stuff from messing with fire and fireworks,and ended up with a black eye.
5 {Under the two side views} - “This here town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”
I play Phone Destroyer,made Max again.Now with the cowboy outfit that everyone starts out with,just with feathers.
6 {Under the first picture on the left} - I just drew Max’s eyes and mouth.This would be after SoT and during FBW.That’s it....
7 {Bottom left corner} - The last of the real ones/Capes
The reason for the first name comes from something Kenny says as Mysterion while walking to the police station at the beginning of ‘The thin white line’.Listening FOB after watching the episode lead to me naming the sketch after the song.The reason for the other name ‘Capes’,is because both of them are facing away,showing off their capes.I altered the Mysterion costume a liiiitle bit and gave Max a costume that isn’t in the game,more a personal design. Here we can see the ‘x’ scar on his neck.
8 {At the bottom,middle} - I have no explanation for this.Just a space filler I guess.
9 {Bottom right corner} - Counselling
“After this,I think Max is gonna need counselling”
One of my favorite missions in FBW,is fixing Craig and Tweek’s relationship.I screwed up with the mask thing,as you can tell.This would be an anguement before fighting the therapy kids.Altered Craig’s costume because I can.I could’ve drawn better,but eh,whatever.
The next page!
10 {Bottom left corner} - “Just a crazy,patched up Matryoshka”
I found a Matryoshka music video with the South Park characters,then this happened.I tried writing Matryoshka in Japanese in the speech bubble,but I feel like I screwed that up.I took Max in SP,and gave him the facepaint I gave him in a picture of him I drew a long time ago.Changed his jacket from the original.He also wears a snapback,flipped backwards....forgot to add that.
11 {Top right corner} - “I don’t see how this saves us time m’lord.”
I already posted about this one here
12 {Bottom right corner} - It was then that he started questioning a lot of things.
“Let’s get that blood cleaned up..”
“We’re gonna clean those damn wounds.”
“Do these eyes look like they’re gonna take no for an answer.”
“Y’know,being taller than me makes it more intimidating…”
“…That’s some real Twenty one pilots bs you got going on there,New kid.”
“… That was what I was going for.”
Probably my favorite drawing so far.You can guess who’s my favorite superhero.It’s Mysterion.I could’ve said Professor Chaos,but he isn’t a hero.It’s between them and Toolshed.
Wanted to draw a bigger version of Max with the facepaint to show off some detail...then this happened.He decided to not paint over his eye scar,nor his lip scar.He did paint over his black eye though.One can see the ‘x’ scar,and a little part of a scar on his hand.
Now forrr his bio,because I can.I am evil enough to make this post even longer.I’m bored too,so yeah.
A profile on the New Kid --------
Full name:
Maximus Winston Chaos
Max,Chaos,and the names given to him by the others - New kid, Douchebag, Dovahkiin,Buttlord,Butthole,etc
Gamer tag:
Born male,identifies as male
10 {although that's not the case in my art but shh}
Parents: Although the names of the parents in the games are Kelly and Chris {I think?} ,I changed it for the sake of originality I guess?
Sebastian Thomas Chaos
Cierra Chaos
He has a husky mix named Hunter
Sexual orientation:
At first glance,Max looks like your typical tough,I-have-no-feelings-or-emotions guy,but is actually a big clumsy teddy bear.He's extremely quiet,even if he doesn't mean to be. Because of his gift,his family moves around a lot.Every time he gets brainwashed,leaving him without any memories of past friends,or making them.He gets forced to keep quiet,and that lead to him to be almost completely mute.Slowly he's talking again.But he only talks to certain people.His friends,but not his parents.He can be stubborn and sarcastic,but he can also be sweet and witty. He's innocent,that's how it seems at first,but trust me,he's not so innocent.A charmer.Very protective,cares a lot for all his friends,not afraid to start a fight. If he sees one of his buds are colder than usual,he will literally give them the hoodie he's wearing,then he trusts that they'll return it.Except Cartman.He dislikes him.Likes puns.
An undercover emo.
"I don't have a crush on anyone in paticular."
"That's a lie.You told me in the bathroom during the superhe- "
"Not now Wendy."
He doesn't have memory of previous relationships.He is banned from having romantic relationships.Doesn't keep him from having a crush though.
Star sign:
3rd of July
Hair color:
His hair is so light,it looks white
He dyes it for special occasions.As an example,he has dyed his hair candy corn colors for Halloween,and pastel pink for Valentines day.
Eye color:
One would think his eye color is red.
He's pretty tall in comparison to the others
Both his ears are pierced,no tattoos
When he first moved to South Park,he had only a slash going through his left eye and some other random scars from different things.After the events of Stick of Truth,he's stuck with a black eye he got during the attack on Clyde and a few more scratches and burns.During the events of the Fractured but Whole,he's got a slash through the right side of his mouth and a few more.Almost broke his arm.
More random facts:
-He has insomnia because of horrible nightmares.If he can't sleep,he climbs out the window onto the roof,where he built himself a little platform.He usually sits there watching the drunkasses below with a hoodie and a blanket.
-His favorite animal is a grizzly bear
-He talks in his sleep,if he gets sleep
-He has a fear of clowns,thunder and lightning.While he enjoys a nice calm day with rain and a little thunder,if the thunder gets worse he gets scared.He will never admit that though.
-Has a thing for facepaint
-He loves drinking ice tea,and Fanta
-He sleeps in a too big t-shirt,it's white with some purple,and a giant 13 on the front and back,and plaid pants
-He doesn't swear out loud,unless you anger him or if he's in costume {More specifically,Mutt}
-He has little drawings all over his journal
-The smell of alcohol disgusts him
-Not a bad singer
-Likes camping
-Has gotten stitches on his back after playing rugby.This was before they moved to South Park.
-Loves to climb trees
-He is right handed,but,has the ability to write with his left hand too
-Has never been to the beach
-Still has a probe up his ass
-Still has some gnome dust hidden in his drawer in case of emergency
-Very clumsy {gets him in lots of amusi- I mean embarrassing situations}
-He's very protective over the ones he loves,so,if he fights a guy,takes hits for you or if he gives you his hoodie,know he cares
-Likes spooky scary skeletons
-Has fallen off the back of a truck (don't worry,it wasn't moving)
-Has gotten lost in a corn field (don't ask how or why)
-Favorite food is tacos
-Not a bad shot with a bow and crossbow,but prefers melee weapons like swords,spears and such
-His class during the wizard and humans vs elves thing (Stick of Truth) was mage.He likes messing with fire and fireworks.
-He ditched Cartman the moment Kyle asked him to join the elves instead.While he likes Butters and Kenny,Cartman's too bossy for his liking.Kyle is much cooler and he likes hanging with Stan and Jimmy.
-His classes before Doctor Timothy allowed him to have every class during the superhero thing (Fractured but whole) were Blaster - Elementalist - Assassin - Plantmancer
-When they played pirates,he was a navigator and scout
-While they were acting out a zombie apocalypse,he was a group leader
-He has two superhero personalities During missions with the others,he is Chaos Destroyer.He based it off his gamer tag,which is ChaoticDestroyer.He wears skeleton facepaint,a dark red cloak,black shirt underneath with a blood red skull n crossbones,a tool belt (with daggers,fireworks,the works),and dark grey pants,with black combat boots.
One night he took on a wolf like persona because there wasn't time to get into normal costume {It was on a special mission,with literally only one of the guys}.While this one doesn't have an official name,he was called quite a few...some obviously worse than others.He refers to the persona as Mutt.He wears his PJs,his wolf hat,a dark hoodie,claw like slippers,fingerless gloves and his dog's spiked collar.He then uses his apocalypse ready baseball bat,and his flip knife as weapons.He's a little more open to express his opinion as this persona. "I'm gonna break your fcking skull and snap your neck." "I got called a furry.Like bitch,do I look like Cartman to you?"
-His kryptonite is math.Math scares him {and me}
-If he was a companion,his SoT moves would consist mostly of fire related attacks.He would have the ability to heal too.His FbW moves depend on persona.As CD,his normal moves would consist of one heal/protection move,one ranged move and one close combat move...all which I'm unsure about.Ultimate would have a similarity to Kyle's one move from SoT.An army of skeletons firing arrows on command at a big part of the board. As Mutt,his moves consist of melee based attacks and one protection/heal.One with his baseball bat {knockback},one with his knife {causes bleeding}.His heal/protection would make him switch places with another player.His ultimate....I don't know.Will probably only have an effect on one enemy.
-Both personas have comments on everything.Because of skeleton like appearance,CD likes using skeleton related puns.As an example. "I've got a bone to pick with you assholes." "You don't even have the guts to take me on." {Winning a battle} "Looks like these freaks didn't have the spine/backbone to take us on." {Going down in battle} "Tibia honest,I was getting bone tired anyway."
Mutt on the other hand...has no puns,only sarcasm,and normal commentary...If his pals go down,he'll have a nicer choice of words to say to them...and still some angry words to the enemies,'specially the ones hitting his pals.Maybe a threat or two and growling. "I'm ready to kick some ass and take names." "You okay there? No? ALRIGHT WHICH ONE OF YOU ASSHOLES DID IT?!" "Who wants me to knock their ass out with my bat?!"
I’ll probably add more stuff as it comes to mind.
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