#as well as do my comms - im almost done w all my standing ones
oooocleo · 4 months
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work continues...💼 i gotta open new slots for these soon tm
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passable-talent · 4 years
reader exclusively refers to Anakin as Skywalker and teasing nicknames and never Anakin because they have that totally rivals who Do Not get along/would die for each other/kinda "I'm down if you're down but I'll never admit it and neither will you" dynamic. Reader *only* calls him Anakin in emotionally heated moments, e.g. he just got hurt REAL bad and reader is panicked. rivals/reluctant partners to lovers, maybe friends in between. this is hella specific so feel free to take some liberty w/ it
cute. very cute. that kinda dynamic is what I feel like everyone has with anakin
yall came THRU with the anakin requests and im HERE for it 
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So, uh... stealth missions with Anakin Skywalker tend not to stay that way. 
He’s impulsive, he’s quick to decisions, he’s unpredictable. It’s irritating. 
“Was there not a plan?” You shouted at him over the firing of droids. You stood side by side with him, deflecting them, allowing Ahsoka and your combined droid units to get to the side. “Or did I hallucinate the entire mission briefing?” 
 “You actually listen to those?” He shot back, then tearing down the hallway after his clones. You followed, saber held behind you while you ran, frustration ringing in your ears. 
“Maybe if you did, you wouldn’t have so much head trauma!” 
“I don’t have any head trauma!” You snorted incredulously, dodging another group of fire by shoving him further from a hallway’s corner so you could slide in beside him, the red bursts of energy ringing past your ear. 
“You think so, Quick Fire? Memory loss- that’s the head trauma.” He rolled his eyes briefly, but his attention was taken from your banter by Rex, giving yet another update as to where you were supposed to be heading.
Unlike the Jedi Knight beside you, the one you loathed to be on a mission with, you knew the point of this mission, and you knew the plan that had now evidently been thrown out the window. You were meant to infiltrate a separatist listening post, and dispose of the droids running it, all without drawing the attention of Grevious. 
“Now that they’ve sent up the alarm, we’ll need to destroy the base, to make sure they can’t use it again,” Skywalker said, his saber sheathed and at his hip while he gave his piece. 
“We can set up detonators and explode them remotely,” Ahsoka offered, and Captain Rex quickly pulled something up. 
“If we place them around the heating system core, it should amplify the explosion,” he said, and Skywalker nodded, igniting his lightsaber again. 
“Then into the basement we go,” he said, rounding the corner to droids who had gotten much closer, and quickly tore through most of them. You followed, side by side with Ahsoka, clearing the way for the clones. It didn’t take long until the path was clear, even though alarms still rang through the halls. 
The base was small, which served your purpose well. It didn’t take long to descend into the heating system, but it took long enough that more droids had amassed. Why so many damned tin cans were needed for one listening post, you didn’t know, but still you stood between them and Anakin, drawing their fire to allow him to concentrate. 
“There’s one more,” he shouted, coming to your side, saber in hand. “It’s all the way at the bottom. Lead the clones out while I distract them, and once you’re out, I’ll place it. Then we’ll blow the place.” You grit your teeth as you deflected another blast. 
“I’m not leaving you here alone,” you said, and you meant it. 
“It’ll be easier for one to escape than twenty. Go!” Destroying the last droid in front of you, you turned to him, eyes narrowed. You could hear another wave approaching. 
“Am I sensing nobility in you, Skywalker?”
“Am I sensing hesitance in you?” Humor was a distraction, especially with more droids coming closer, and you needed to use this break in waves to escape. 
“You better make it out,” you told him, “you’re not dying on my watch by anything other than my hand.” 
“Oh, I’m not dying, either way.” You shook your head, turning to the rest of the men. 
“Clones, with me!” Skywalker ordered Ahsoka to follow you as well, and you ran up the stairs, blasting your way from the post and into the snowy landscape of the asteroid it was positioned on, your escape giving Skywalker the distraction he needed to place that detonator. 
Hidden under a rock ledge, you and Ahsoka gathered around Rex’s communicator, keeping you aware of Skywalker’s movements. 
“It’s placed, and the droids are almost here,” he said, running up the stairs you had traversed not long ago. “Get ready to blow it, Rex. On my word.” 
“He should be here, by now,” Ahsoka said, and your gaze shifted to her. You hadn’t realized it, but she was right- if Rex was going to blow the base, Skywalker needed to be at least as clear as this embankment, or he’d get caught in the blast. 
“Rex, now!” Skywalker shouted, and you yelled ‘wait!’ but Rex had already followed orders. You shot to your feet and launched to the top of the cliff which had meant to serve as your protection from the blast, just to see Skywalker open a door, fifty feet back from the outer wall of the base. Your gaze connected to his, and you saw panic in his eyes, not for himself, but for you. 
“Get down!” He shouted, and such an order needed to be followed. You stepped back and off of the cliff, holding yourself from a fall by your fingertips, and you felt the blast of heat on your knuckles when it blew. When the rumbling of the stone beneath you faded in time with the light and sound above you, you waited just a moment to hear him reach you- but he didn’t. 
You pulled your torso up, trying to find purchase for your toes, but the view you found nearly shocked you enough to send you plunging downward. 
He was pinned to the snow by a piece of scrap metal double his size. And he wasn’t moving. 
“Anakin!” you shouted, the name leaving your lips without a second thought as you pulled yourself the rest of the way up, so you could run to his side. A combination of your desperation and your Force powers lifted the metal from him, and it revealed where it’s upper half had impacted his head and its lower half had impacted his lower back. Both had drawn blood, but his back was much worse. It had torn through his robes, and you couldn’t tell how deep the cut was. 
“Ahsoka, get up here,” you ordered through your wrist comm, and in the time it took for her to reach you, you’d piled snow onto the wound on his back to slow the bleeding. You had nothing else at your disposal. 
“We’ve got to get him back to the ship,” you said, though you hated to move him, after a head injury. You didn’t know if a neck injury was involved too, and that would be so much worse. 
“I’ll call it as close as I can,” Rex said, and the clones set to work while you and Ahsoka worried over him. Really, there was nothing you could yet do but keep pressure on the wound, and keep from moving his neck. It looked bad- you hoped that it was just melted snow making it look like there was so much blood. 
“General! It’s as close as we can get it!” You threw a look over your shoulder at Rex, and the ship they’d landed a hundred yards away, where the debris was fewer and further between. You snarled, wishing anything could be done other than what you were about to do. 
You lifted him from facedown in the snow by his arms, and threw him onto your back, dragging his toes through the snow as you ran. 
“Let’s move!” You shouted, and Ahsoka put herself in front of you so that as soon as you boarded, the ship’s door could close and they could lift off. Yularen’s cruiser wasn’t so far, where he could get better care, but until then he certainly needed to be monitored. Luckily, there was a small medi-droid on board. It wasn’t even a surgical 2-1B, just a tiny J6-P that warned you in the most irritating droid-basic you’d ever heard:
“ᴳᵉⁿᵉʳᵃˡ ˢᵏʸʷᵃˡᵏᵉʳ ʰᵃˢ ʳᵉᶜᵉᶦᵛᵉᵈ ᵐᵘˡᵗᶦᵖˡᵉ ˡᵃᶜᵉʳᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵒⁿ ʰᶦˢ ˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ.“
“We knew that!” You roared, kneeling beside where you’d laid him lengthwise across little seats meant only to carry clones into battle. “Give me something useful!” 
“ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ʰᵉ ʰᵃˢ ˢᵘᶠᶠᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵃ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᶦⁿʲᵘʳʸ, ʰᶦˢ ⁿᵉᶜᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵖᶦⁿᵃˡ ᶜᵒʳᵈ ᵃʳᵉ ᵘⁿᵗᵒᵘᶜʰᵉᵈ.”
“Good,” you said, looking aside to Ahsoka. “Find me some fabric, and water, if you can.” 
Once you’d docked into Admiral Yularen’s cruiser, Anakin was rushed to a med unit and placed into the medical wing. A wound like this wasn’t uncommon for a Jedi, especially one as reckless as Quick Fire, but still you worried for him. You sat beside Ahsoka on the two extra chairs given to the room, staring out the small window at the endless space and stars beyond it. 
When you looked at her again, she was fast asleep. 
“Ahsoka,” you said softly, nudging her awake. “Go to your chambers, get some sleep. I promise I’ll call you when he wakes up.” She stifled a yawn and shook her head. 
“You need the rest, too, master.” 
“You more than I. Go, love.” She gave you a grateful, tired smile, and retreated from the room. Once she was gone, you rolled her chair over to the window, tossing your feet up and onto it. You rested your head on the wall, and closed your eyes. Meditation came easily in moments like this, almost between sleep and wake, and so you could reach out to the Force, and feel it. Skywalker channeled the Force like a magnet, and so like always when you were around him, it felt like pushing into a magnetic field. His presence was as strong as ever. 
He was an idiot for ordering Rex to detonate before he was clear. He wasn’t far off- if he’d waited thirty seconds, he wouldn’t have had to go through this. Not that it was such an ordeal, he was already healed by the med unit and now just sleeping off the exhaustion, but still. Quick Fire didn’t need any more head trauma. 
A small groan came from the unit and you opened your eyes, waking yourself from what was almost sleep to find him awake. 
“Anakin-” you said, throwing your feet to the floor to stand at the foot of the bed. 
“Did it work? Is everyone alright?” He made to sit up, and you rounded the bed to shove his torso back down. 
“Everything’s fine. We’re on the Admiral’s cruiser, I just sent Ahsoka to bed. We made it out.” He nodded, his breathing falling to level, satisfied. 
“You’re still an idiot,” you said, after a moment. “You’re lucky I was there to carry your, once again, head-trauma’d ass off of that asteroid.”
“Maybe I’d stop taking risks if you’d stop covering for me.” You shook your head and pulled a chair over so that you could sit at his bedside. 
“No, you wouldn’t,” you said, almost fondly. He smiled. You like when he does that. 
“You’re right.” Abandoning your better judgement, you reached out and brushed back some of his hair- it’s curl was quite pronounced, with all the sweat and smoke it had absorbed. His gaze stayed on your face, even as you watched his hair move through your fingers. 
“I told you you couldn’t die by anything other than my hand,” you reminded him.
“And I told you I wouldn’t die.” You closed your eyes, not having quite the energy to roll them. 
“I hate when you pull things like this, Anakin,” you said softly, and you didn’t turn your eyes to his face as a smile grew on it. So rare a treat it was that he got to hear his name from your mouth, and he appreciated it every time to its fullest. 
“But I love waking up to you.” You fixed him with a disapproving but lighthearted look, leaning your elbows onto the bed beside him. 
“There are easier ways to do that.” 
-🦌 Roe
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jiminiessipabo · 4 years
He’s A Bad Girl (M)
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To serve: A detective undercover discovers who the ‘Eternal Godfather’ is. He get’s down and dirty with the mafia of Seoul, South Korea. Stay tuned for a series of drama, angst, fluff and huge amounts of confusing sexual tension. 
Comes with: angst, eventual romance (+smut in later chapters), a hell of a lot swearing, violence (it is a mafia series after all), Jooheon is a dick but you'll love him i promise
1, 2, 3, 4
1 >
Panties were uncomfortable, and the feeling of being tucked was not too pleasant either. But to fool the enemy you have to look the part even if the skirt was too draughty, especially when there was no hair to cover the thighs and legs. The socks were way too high up the leg and never mind the shoes that were so tight that blisters were sure to form later on. Bras were claustrophobic and vests weren’t much better. The wig was the worst, the itchiness and the sweltering hot feeling was not a good mix, especially for someone with a short temper such as Im Changkyun.
He wasn’t in girl clothing for drag, but he sure did respect them for dressing in this getup. He was used to his work pants, his freeing boxers and his not too tight under shirt and work top. The most suffocating thing his uniform required was the bullet proof vest, or maybe the harness around his waist and chest with detachable holsters. You guessed it; Im Changkyun was a police officer. Or, most recently, a detective, newly appointed to a high rep case which was taking down a mafia group called Brotherhood of Seven.
He was working on the case with one other officer, Namjoon, who was his new partner. Namjoon has been a detective for a year already, so Changkyun was now learning under him until he was confident on his own. Brotherhood of Seven was his first big case and he was going above and beyond to close this case as quickly and smoothly as possible hence him wearing the panties.
“You’re going to blow it before you even arrive at the base if you don’t stop scratching at the wig, you’re making it move,” came a deep voice, humour evident in the tone.
Changkyun ignored the sniggering man and continued to itch at the wig hairline. He lifted up from the car seat and untucked his wedgie from the panties. “I can’t take it, I already regret this idea,” grunted Changkyun, sitting back on the car seat properly with a huff.
The man next to him, keeping his eyes on the road, leaned over and patted Changkyun on the thigh. “Oh, you even shaved your legs,” said Namjoon, turning to wink at the older man before looking back at the road.
“I hate you,” said Changkyun, rubbing his hand where Namjoon had touched him. “How long?” Changkyun groaned, scratching at the bra strap on his right shoulder.
Namjoon sighed, shaking his head. “You’re hopeless, but were pulling up now,” he said before coming to a complete stop on the curb. The two fell silent as they looked at the park way to one of the famous Brotherhood of Seven locations. “Remember, keep comms on at all times, if you’re exposed then leg it, I care more about you than this operation,” said Namjoon, handing Changkyun the wireless earpiece.
“Don’t worry, Namjoon. I’m confident that I have this,” said Changkyun, smiling at the detective. “Right, let’s go over the plan again. I walk up to the bodyguard and demand to see the Eternal Godfather. Of course, that won’t happen and instead they will put me-“
“They’ll probably take you into a private room and observe you, truthfully. This isn’t like a spy movie Kyungie, you won’t have a weapon on you, so please remember your hand to hand training,” said Namjoon, slapping Changkyun on the shoulder. “And remember, you’re a girl, flirt your way in if you have to,” he said with a cheeky wink.
Changkyun scoffed and unclicked his seatbelt. “Watch my back,” he said firmly before nodding goodbye and getting out of the car. It was a damn shame he had to put the wig on, he had just got a fresh new haircut.
Changkyun walked over the road, running his hands down the back of his skirt to stop it from lifting up with the wind. He schooled his expression and tugged on his bottom lip, trying to change his face into one of seduction he had seen a couple of girls do his way.
One of the bodyguards saw Changkyun approaching and held his hand up. “Hold, you’re on private property, miss,” he said to Changkyun, a smirk on his face. Changkyun felt disgusted at the way the man was eyeing him.
“I’m here to see the Eternal Godfather,” said Changkyun, his voice higher than his usual, luckily it wasn’t too deep to dissuade the man standing before him. He glanced over at the other bodyguard who was leaning against the wall, his attention on his phone. Obviously he had deemed Changkyun not threatening.
The guard in front of him scoffed. “Don’t know who you mean, move on,” he said, his tone considerably less nice as he crossed his arms. When Changkyun didn’t move the guard cocked his eyebrow. “Who are you?” He asked gruffly.
Changkyun ‘giggled’ and smacked the guy on his arm lightly. “You don’t need to know silly,” he said, his tone light and airy. He hated playing dumb, but if it got the job done.
“Name?” The man ordered.
Changkyun’s smile dropped and he cleared his throat. “My name is Minji, I’m the new assistant for the Eternal Godfather. I believe Yoo Kihyun is expecting me,” said Changkyun, clasping his hands behind his back, trying to stand tall and confident.  “He mentioned the books are open,” he said, trying to not let his nerves choke him.
The guard that was on the phone suddenly snapped to attention. “Can it, Lucas, boss is expecting her,” he said and the guard in front of Changkyun stepped back with a nod. The other guard took his place, looking him up and down. “Follow me,” he ordered gruffly and turned away. Changkyun followed, forcing himself not to look back at Namjoon. “We’re going to search you,” he said, coming up to one of the metal doors at the side of the building.
Changkyun’s eyes widened at the elaborate metal detector. It was similar to one like the airport ones. He took the earpiece from his ear and crushed it, throwing it to the side just before he stepped through it, he was going to hear so much shit from Namjoon about that, those things could deafen you when the frequency gets skewered. He closed his eyes as it scanned him, the bright light almost blinding.
“Clear,” came a female voice and Changkyun glanced to the right and saw her behind a desk. He looked around and noticed he was now in the building. He walked out of the detector and met the guard, nodding for him to continue.
The guard brought him up to a room with another large metal door. Changkyun glanced up and down the hall they were in and noticed this was the only door on the wall, other than the one they came through. The guard pushed the door open. “You will wait in this room until the boss comes to see you, we will be watching you,” he said, pointing to the camera in the top right corner of the room.
Changkyun stepped in, looking at the camera before scanning the room, ignoring the slam and lock of the door behind him. He walked around the square room, with only a table and two chairs, and once again scanned the room. He could tell the mirror was a two way window, the glazing was doubled. He stood in front of the mirror, fiddling with the ends of his wig. He pretended to fix his appearance, rubbing the bit of smudged lipstick from the corner of his mouth before smiling and blowing a kiss. He got that from a movie.
He huffed from boredom and chose to sit at the table on one of the extremely uncomfortable chairs, banging his manicure nails against the metal table top. He had to get his nails done to try and distract people from his manly hands, he actually didn’t mind his nails painted, considering he used to do it a lot when he was younger. He missed his precious rings, his lip piercing and his eyebrow piercing.
The door to his right opened suddenly and in walked three guards, none of them familiar. Then there was a young man behind him, glasses perched on the tip of his nose. He was wearing a grey suit with his hair gelled down but his face was still boyish, laugh lines on the corner of his mouth. He was on his phone, a smirk on his lips. He raised a hand and the three guards dispersed from the room, the last one closing the door behind him.
Changkyun cocked an eyebrow as the young man tucked his phone into his suit pants. He pulled the chair out and sat on his with a heavy sigh. “Hi,” said the young man, his eyes scanning Changkyun’s face, his eyes narrowing. “So you are Lee Minji?” He checked, flicking a piece of stray hair from his eye.
Changkyun nodded mutely and the young man nodded back. “I’m Yoo Kihyun. I’ll be interviewing you and maybe recruiting you. You will be reporting back to me or my two colleagues,” he said, smiling when Changkyun nodded again. “Right, well, we’ve already done a background check on you, and we were quite impressed by your education. And petty theft, not bad,” he said with a relaxed smile.
“Listen, you applied to be a soldier but that probably won’t happen for a while, you’re a pretty girl-“ Changkyun held in his snort. “-and we can use pretty girls like you.” Kihyun flashed a bright, pearly white smile and leaned forwards. “How about we start you out with easy jobs and we can find out where you can fit in this family?” Kihyun suggested with a heavy wink.
Changkyun tittered, acting nervous in front of this supposed flirtatious boy and nodded his head shyly. “Of course,” he said. “Sir,” he added quickly at the cock of Kihyun’s eyebrow.
The young boss grinned and banged on the table happily before standing up, shaking his shoulders out as if relieving the last of any tension. Changkyun knew that was not the case, Kihyun must do this all the time.
“I’ll take you to Cheryl, she will explain everything to you and give you a burner phone to contact us through,” said Kihyun, opening the door. But he placed his arm in front of Changkyun. “We will be watching you,” he said, his tone turning darker before grinning again and walked down the hallway.
Changkyun cleared his throat, glancing at the two bodyguards standing behind him before following the slightly deranged boy to ‘Cheryl’. Changkyun watched as Kihyun talked to the woman, the same one who had shouted clear out him. He stood to attention when Kihyun turned back to him, plastering a fake smile on his face. “Here,” said Kihyun, pushing a phone into Changkyun’s hands. “Don’t lose it, and most importantly do not get caught, or we will break you,” he said, his tone turning menacing before the easy-going smile came back. “Don’t be afraid to call me,” said Kihyun, with a flirty wink before walking past him through another door.
“Come here, Sweetie,” said Cheryl, forcing Changkyun to look away from the door Kihyun had walked through. He walked over to Cheryl, actually feeling nervous for the first time since being here. “Don’t worry, you’re not the first girl to be starstruck by him,” she said with a wink, smacking her lips on some chewing gum.
Changkyun almost scoffed before realising he was now a girl and instead nervously giggled at the woman’s words.
“Ok, Sweetie, your burner phone will link here, it is bugged just warning ya’, your first job will be attaché casing,” said Cheryl, handing Changkyun a file. “You know what that is Sweetie?” Changkyun nodded, he had gone through mafia slang with Namjoon, the very same person who studied the Mafia. “’Kay, you have three days to complete job, you’ll be working with one of our soldiers and an associate, you’ll meet them at The Rep café down the road at 9am sharp, understood?”
Changkyun just nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. The woman just smiled at him. “You’ll fit right in if you keep quiet hun, asking the wrong questions or digging deeper will just get you killed or meet some of the worst people here,” said Cheryl, handing him the sticky note with the place and time for the meeting. “Just head on out Sweetie, I’ll let you out,” she said before her attention was back on the screen.
Changkyun felt like it was a role playing game. It all felt surreal. The metal door opened and Changkyun walked through it, feeling quite timid. His height didn’t help him against most of these guards. He nodded at the two guards he initially met, cringing when the one called Lucas winked at him. He turned his attention to the street and saw Namjoon’s car still parked there and quickly ran over, glad that it was just out of sight of the guards.
Namjoon was startled when Changkyun ripped the door open and climbed into the passenger seat. He ripped his wig off and raked his fingers through his black hair, rubbing the undercuts back down smoothly. “Any fit guys?” Namjoon smirked.
Changkyun bared his teeth. “Just drive, you fool,” he muttered, slumping in his seat.
Namjoon glanced down and noticed the burner phone and file in his hands. “What’s your assignment then?” Namjoon asked pulling away from the curb and starting their journey back to the precinct.
“I have to collect the bribes, I’m meeting up with the people that are going to be bribed I think, and I just basically hold the money,” said Changkyun, playing with the laddered part of his stockings.
Namjoon hummed. “Fairly easy job, do you know who the people are? The ones you’re meeting I mean.” He looked over just in time to see Changkyun shaking his head. “Shame, would be nice to have some info on them beforehand, speaking of, what the hell happened to your earpiece?” Namjoon asked, his tone switching from nice to an annoyed one.
Changkyun snorted. “They had this huge detector, I watched the first guy go through and it picked up on his earpiece. I had to scrap it, soz,” he said, having the decency to look sorry.
Namjoon tutted, “that’s coming out of your pay check, bro,” he joked. It became quiet in the car after that, with Changkyun reminiscing about Kihyun, and Namjoon focusing on driving.
“Yoo Kihyun, he was the one who interviewed me,” murmured Changkyun. Namjoon glanced over at him before nodding. “We knew it would be one of the three, Jooheon and Wonho are very different from Kihyun,” he said to Changkyun. “I only know Brotherhood of Seven to have three Caporegime, there are two advisors, Chae Hyungwon and Lee Minhyuk and then there’s the underboss who is Son Hyunwoo. Apparently he is the brains of the Mafia. The Eternal Godfather or whatever he is called is hardly called in because of how well Hyunwoo is doing. We reckon that Hyunwoo is about to become the next boss. He is basically groomed for it.”
Changkyun sighed. “How do we not know who the Godfather is? It must be obvious. Is he even old? Is he even a guy?” Changkyun stressed, running his hand down his face before grimacing, pulling his hand away to look at the foundation now on his hand.
Namjoon saw what he was looking at and snorted. “And this is where you come in. You need to climb up the hierarchy and found out the answer to your questions.”
Changkyun groaned at the thought and laid his head back against the head rest.
Changkyun’s boss was pleased with the progress he had already made and told him to keep up the good work. Even had the cheek to wolf whistle at him as he walked to his desk. He knew he shouldn’t have walked into the police station dressed as a girl but he only needed to nip in and brief the Chief before going home. He ignored the sniggers from his colleagues and grabbed his jacket before walking back out the station and to the staff parking area.
He was going to go home and enjoy a nice long bath - without feeling his dick up his arse.
08.55AM and Changkyun was nervously waiting in his car outside The Rep café, banging his fingers on the wheel. He checked his makeup once again, shifting his top to show more ‘cleavage’. “If in doubt, flirt,” muttered Changkyun to himself. He looked at his burner phone, paranoid. When he saw it was one minute to 9 o’clock he opened his car door, slowly getting out, just in case they were watching him.
He walked into the café and looked around. There were about three people in, all on different tables. He looked down at the post-it note and saw the table number to sit at. He thought it odd to sit at a table without ordering so he ordered a strong coffee and muffin before sitting at the table.
He flicked around with a Sweetener packet, resisting the urge to glance around once more. He saw the waitress head over to his table and he thanked her softly, taking the coffee and muffin from her tray. He was about to take a bite from his muffin when the seat opposite him dragged backwards, a man sitting on it.
Changkyun watched, with his muffin half raised to his mouth, as the man settled in his seat, placing the briefcase he had been carrying on the table, clicking it open.
“Yo,” said a man, not the one with the briefcase, but another man. This man yanked the last remaining seat back before falling into it, sniffing as he did.
Changkyun made eye contact with him and was surprised to see a boy, the same age as himself staring back. He was covered in leather, leather jacket, leather gloves, the wallet he pulled from his jacket was leather too. He had a black baseball cap on, his black bangs almost hiding his dark eyes. He was sucking on a red lollipop.
Changkyun looked at the other man. He was wearing a dark suit, his shirt buttoned all the way up; nothing looked out of place on him. He had glasses on that perched on the end of his nose, similar to how Yoo Kihyun had them. When the man looked up, Changkyun felt the need to glance back down at his muffin, which was now sat pathetically on the table.
“So, this chick is the new associate?” asked the leather-clad man, clearly speaking to the other man who only seemed to ignore him. He turned to Changkyun instead. “Same question,” he said.
Changkyun nodded, feeling the urge to punch this guy, but instead schooled his expression into one of meekness. “I-I guess,” he forcibly stuttered out. The man nodded his head slowly, biting down on the lollipop until it made a loud crack.
“You ever heard of a place called Enchantress?” He asked Changkyun, raising his eyebrows teasingly.
Of course Changkyun had heard of the club, it was one of the most populated clubs in the city, the strippers there were apparently…enchanting. But to keep up appearances, Changkyun mutely shook his head.
“Well, you’re gonna love it. Let’s hope you’re good at dancing,” he said with a snicker.
Changkyun blanched, sitting up straight but before he could get a word in the other man cut him off. “Baekhyun, stop teasing the girl and sit quietly, you’re giving me a headache.” Changkyun looked at the man in the suit. “I’m Bong Joon-ho. You’ll be reporting to me for this assignment, along with Baekhyun, who is also an associate, like you.”
Sheesh, this guy was straight to the point, thought Changkyun.
Joon-ho pushed his glasses further up his nose before continuing. “You won’t be a stripper but you will be posing as a worker at the Enchantress. You’ll just be a waitress,” he began. “You need to hold onto the brief case, that’s your only job. Protect the briefcase, collect the bribes we get and then leave the club.”
Changkyun nodded along, noticing that the obnoxious Baekhyun was also hanging onto every word that was spilling from Joon-ho’s mouth.
“We will plan accordingly now, and then tomorrow we will be collecting the bribes from two known sponsors. They need something done, but were just the collectors, okay?” Joon-ho asked, looking between Changkyun and Baekhyun. He turned to Changkyun. “Baekhyun is the bag man, I’m the big earner. You’re protection, you’re basically expendable.”
Changkyun gulped, realising just how deep he was about to dive in, but nodded anyway.
Joon-ho nodded. “Here, you will meet with a woman who works at Enchantress. She is another known associate who works there. She will be able to get you in and dressed. Go there at that time and wait by the bar until we arrive. When I flag you down to take an order, I will order a Rum Punch. I will need you to bring the briefcase then and then take it away. I don’t want their hands on that briefcase, especially if things go south. Questions?” Joon- ho asked.
Changkyun nodded. “After this is finished, what do you want me to do with the briefcase?”
“Ring the number on the burner phone, they will tell you where to drop it off,” Joon-ho answered. He looked between the girl and boy before nodding. “I shall take my leave,” he said, his briefcase packed up already. “Baekhyun will give you the briefcase now,” he said over his shoulder before leaving without so much as a goodbye.
Changkyun blew out a long and loud sigh before turning to his muffin. He huffed when he felt eyes burning into the side of his head and looked up at the leather boy. “Can I help you?” He asked threw gritted teeth.
Baekhyun leaned forwards onto his elbows, chewing on the stick of the lollipop. “No, go ahead. Eat the muffin,” he said with a goading voice.
Changkyun knew a challenge when he heard one and snorted. “Thanks for the permission,” he muttered under his breath before picking up the sweet dessert. He took no care in how he looked when stuffing the muffin in his mouth. He even turned to Baekhyun who was now watching with disgust instead.
“Come with me, I’ll give you the damn briefcase,” he said, choosing to not look at Changkyun’s full mouth. From his eyes, the ‘girl’ looked revolting with brown chocolate hanging from her mouth. Changkyun simply smiled in response.
Later that night, Changkyun decided to visit the Enchantress as his self. He dressed up in smart trousers, white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the first few buttons undone. He had his hair pulled back slightly, showing enough forehead to be comfortable. He had managed to make Namjoon and another colleague, Johnny, tag along with him.
He was meeting them outside the strip club. “Sup, Kyun,” said Johnny upon approaching the shorter man.
Changkyun scowled at the nickname but nodded in reply. “You alright?” He said as greeting, just as Namjoon jogged over to them from the parking lot. “I’m here just for business okay? No funny business please,” Changkyun pleaded, looking between the two smirking men before rolling his eyes.
There wasn’t a queue for the club so they were able to walk straight in whilst flashing ID. Upon entering the club Changkyun got a massive whiff of cheap perfume and beer. He could hear the booming music threw the walls of the corridor they were walking down, drowning out the sound of any moaning he could faintly hear.
“This feels strange, were cops, it feels wrong to be here,” muttered Namjoon from behind Changkyun. He heard Johnny scoff at Namjoon’s words and say, “get over it, like Changkyun said were here for his assignment. It’s not right for him to walk in unprepared.”
Changkyun smiled at the bouncer who opened the door into the main part of the club and walked straight over to where he could see the bar. “I’m just getting a coke, what are you guys having?” He asked, glancing at the two over his shoulder but he saw their attention was on the main stage where there was a brunette grinding against the pole. Changkyun rolled his eyes and turned his attention back onto the bar. Screw them, he thought, at least he asked. He stepped forward when the girl behind the bar beckoned him. “Just a coke please,” he ordered, handing her a note. She took it and poured him his coke before moving on to the next customer.
He turned around and saw that both Namjoon and Johnny were nowhere to be seen and groaned internally. “They are like children,” he hissed to himself. He walked around the club before choosing to sit in one of the empty booths, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He saw a woman standing to the side of the stage near the back of it, trying to remain inconspicuous. He followed her line of sight and saw that she was watching the woman on the stage. He looked back at the other girl and saw there was a small yet fond smile on her face.
He cleared his throat and took a sip of his coke, glancing down at the table, he was swirling the coke around in his glass before looking back up after a few minutes. He jumped when he saw the very same woman now sat at his table, eyeing him up and down with a straight face. “Can I help you?” He asked, shifting in his seat. He looked around the club for any signs of his friends but could not see them.
The woman shrugged a shoulder. “Just saw you looking at me; you’re new here, right?” The woman asked. She had an odd accent. “I grew up in Britain,” she said, as if knowing his line of thought.
Changkyun nodded. “How could you tell I’m new?”
The girl laughed. “You’re acting sketchy. I bet you’re a cop too. I could see your badge in your back pocket. So, what’s a cop doing in Enchantress?” She asked.
Changkyun felt himself panic. “We’re off duty if you’re worried,” he said but she shook her head. “I’m not worried at all. There’s nothing illegal here, not that I know of. But continue,” she said with a wave of her hand.
“I just heard a lot about this place from some colleagues. Cops like watching girl’s dance I guess,” he shrugged. He wasn’t lying, he had heard some of the other lower officers talk about this place.
The girl laughed once again and pointed at him. “You’re funny. We get a lot of cops coming in here, you’re right. They do like to watch pretty girl’s dance, in fact, they like to pay pretty girls to dance on them too,” she joked with a suave wink.
Changkyun nodded slowly, not surprised to be hearing this. “Well, I’m just here to say I’ve been. Now my friends can stop forcing me to come,” he lied, smiling awkwardly at the girl.
She chuckled and nodded, leaning over to pat his arm comfortingly. “It’s okay, pal. You’re welcome here,” she said before standing up. “I’m Y/N, if you need help with anything then don’t hesitate to come to me,” she introduced before walking away, never once asking for his name.
Changkyun watched as she swayed back over to where she was stood before, just in time for the brunette on the stage to climb off it, running into Y/N’s waiting arms. Then someone stood in his way and Changkyun looked up to see Namjoon staring down at him, Johnny loitering behind him.
“Where the hell were you two?” Changkyun snapped, standing from the booth.
Namjoon held his hands up. “Sorry, we got distracted by the babe on stage but then this guy kept calling us police scum, Johnny is still kind of on duty and the guy pulled a knife out on me, so we had to make an arrest and call for a cruiser to come take him away,” he explained. “I think its best we leave,” Namjoon suggested.
Changkyun sighed but complied, downing the rest of the fizzy drink before motioning for them to walk out. He looked over his shoulder at where Y/N was still stood and smiled awkwardly when she waved goodbye at him.
“Who was that girl you were with?” Johnny asked when they got outside. He lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke away from Changkyun’s direction and coincidentally into Namjoon’s face, who coughed. “Bitch,” he choked out, waving his hand through the smoke to disperse it.
Changkyun shrugged in answer to Johnny’s question. “Y/N, she noticed we were cops as soon as we came in. I think she works there, or owns it or something,” he explained.
Johnny shook his head. “Lee Seungmin owns Enchantress. She must just work there,” he said. “Right, I’m ditching. Namjoon, can I get a lift with you?” Johnny asked.
Namjoon scowled but nodded. “No smoking in the car,” he ordered. He turned to Changkyun who was watching in amusement. “Good look tomorrow night, Kyunnie,” he said, smacking him on his shoulder ‘lovingly’.
“You’ll do great, don’t forget to act girly,” said Johnny with a flirty wink. Changkyun chuckled and nodded. “Bye,” he said with a short wave before walking over the road to where his car was parked.
“You’ll be wearing this, don’t stash the tips, they’re to be shared with all of the girls. We don’t get much pay so this helps the rest of the girls too. And trust me, these guys tip big. Don’t make a mess, don’t cause a scene. You’re to blend in the background whilst the girl’s on stage do their magic, you hear me?”
Changkyun stared wide eyed at the woman in front of him, trying not to stare at the mole on her cheek. He wasn’t one to pick up on others imperfections, having had a few of his own, but it was just so close to him and he did not like the attitude of this woman. She had already spat on him once when talking and it took all of his willpower to not move when she was talking to him.
“Yes, ma’am,” Changkyun said, resisting the urge to salute. He was reminded of his years in the army, his captain was nicer than this woman and he had only known her for ten minutes whilst she showed him around.
“You’re a somewhat pretty girl, the corset will fit well on your small waist. Get dressed then get out there, you’ll be reporting to Jaebum, he is the man behind the bar,” the woman said before storming away. “Candy, you better pull those knee highs up or I’ll pin them up myself,” she screamed at one of the other girls.
Changkyun sighed in relief, glad that he had been left to his own devices. The only problem now was fitting into the corset and mini skirt without showing his true self. He was well in shape, as a guy of course; there wasn’t a feminine part of him at all. He even had fake boobs on.
He closed the cubicle curtains before undressing. He had watched how some of the girls had put his clothes on him so he could do this himself. So he took his skin tight jeans off and the form fitting tank top. He slipped out of the bra, his fake boobs falling onto the bench. “Shit,” he grunted. He slipped the corset on, tucking the breasts back into place before tying the corset up, but he couldn’t reach all the way. “I need help,” he muttered in realisation. “Okay, skirt and knee highs on, then they won’t see my dick and I can ask for help,” he said to himself before following through with his plan. .
When he thought himself to be situated, he stuck his head out of the curtains and saw a girl just outside, tightening her boots up. “Um, excuse me,” Changkyun said, his voice meeker. He was startled when the girl’s head shot up. “Can you help me tie up my corset?”
The girl smiled and nodded. “Sure, hun. What’s your name?” She asked, coming into the cubicle with him. The heels made her considerably taller than him.
Changkyun stuttered. “Oh- um- Sweetie,” he said, remembering Cheryl’s nickname for him.
“Ooh, nice stage name, mine is Candy,” she said, her cool fingers brushing against his back every time she tied a new part of the ribbon. “You have a very broad back, do you work out?” She asked with interest.
Changkyun breathed in when she got to the bottom, the corset getting tighter. “Um, yeah, I like to keep fit and healthy,” he said, his voice a bit breathless. How the hell was he meant to work in this?
Candy giggled. “You’re so cute, all done Sweetie,” she said, turning him around. She fluffed up his fringe and twirled her fingers at the bottom of the wig. “I bet’cha will make money tonight,” she said.
Changkyun laughed awkwardly and nodded. “Bye,” he said and Candy smiled, walking through the curtains. He turned back to the mirror and fixed his breasts, before looking at the shoes he was to wear. “Heels?” He blanched at the idea and looked over at his converse then back to the heels. “Play the part,” he whispered, grabbing the heels. He had only ever worn heels once, and that was his sisters when he was younger. He twisted his ankle.
When he strapped them on he stood up, feeling six inches taller. He wobbled slightly, grabbing onto the wall before leaning down to stuff his phones and wallet into his jeans pocket before hanging them in the corner.
When he walked out he didn’t expect to crash into the very same girl he had met the night before. “Woah, girl,” she said, catching him. She straightened him up and looked him in the eyes. He saw confusion and recognition in her eyes and quickly stepped back from her, forming a meek smile on his face. “I’m so sorry ma’am, I’m new,” he said.
Y/N laughed. “That explains the lack of balance on six inch heels then,” she said. She stepped back from him and looked him up and down. “You’re the new staff for the bar, right? Minji?” She guessed.
Changkyun nodded mutely.
“Your skirt needs to be a bit higher. Usually I wouldn’t ask this of girls, but yours is significantly low. You’re not hiding a gun are you?” She asked with a winking, indicating she was joking before she stepped in his personal space her hands out ready to help him.
Changkyun jumped out of her reach, pushing her hands away. “I’m not into girls,” he blurted out. He winced when she came to a stop, her face now void of any emotion. He felt himself become scared, for real.
Y/N cleared her throat, stepping back. “Fair enough,” she muttered before stalking past him, her shoulder banging into his. Unluckily for him, he lost his balance on his heels once more and fell to the floor. He winced, his bum now sore from the fall before two girls came running over and helping him up.
He huffed, angrily muttering about Y/N under his breath before walking out of the backroom and over to the bar. He waited where the woman told him to until a man behind the bar approached him. “Minji?” The man asked. He carefully lifted the briefcase that Changkyun had given to a woman before coming in. When Changkyun nodded he put it back down behind the bar and nudged a tray of drinks over to him. “Booth 3,” he said and pointed in the direction.
Changkyun carefully lifted the tray, balancing both the drinks and his self on heels. He finally delivered it to a group of girls that were clearly celebrating a birthday when he saw Joon-ho flag him down. He also saw Baekhyun sat next to him and sat opposite them were two men that Changkyun had come to study. These were the men Johnny and his partner were watching, waiting to catch in the move, clearly they hadn’t heard about tonight. These men were big on money laundering.
“What would you like to drink?” Changkyun asked, faking interest. He looked over at the two men, stopping himself from shivering in disgust at the pure hunger on their faces. He hissed when the closest one put his hand on his thigh.
“Rum Punch please,” Joon-Ho requested, and Changkyun eagerly went to retrieve the case and the drink that was already premade. He placed the drink on the tray and grabbed the briefcase from Jaebum and walked back over.
“One rum punch,” Changkyun said, his tone still polite whilst he placed the drink in front of Joon-Ho, sliding the case over to Baekhyun before Joon-Ho nodded for him to move.
For the next hour Changkyun posed as Minji, waiting on other booths as well as Joon-Ho’s, bringing the case back and forth. By the time Joon-Ho and Baekhyun were finished, Changkyun’s feet were killing and he was almost ready to call it quits. Just as he was about to collect the case, there was a loud shout from the man sat opposite Joon-Ho. Changkyun saw the man reach for his waist line and saw a gun in his hand.
Without thinking, Changkyun darted forwards, grabbing the gun that was now aimed at a terrified Joon-Ho and pointed it upwards just as a loud bang echoed throughout the room. The public screamed at the sound but Changkyun was focused on the fist that was flying at his face. He threw his head back, grabbing the wrist and yanking it forward, headbutting the guy that was attached to it. Another man came running at him, clearly a bodyguard, but Changkyun didn’t let him gain the upper hand and instead threw a roundhouse kick his way, the heel cutting across the man’s face.
“Contain your bitch,” spat one of the men who Joon-Ho had been dealing with, two other bodyguards grabbed him, yanking him from the building and away from danger.
Changkyun was breathing heavily, relaxing his fists.
“Wow, girl can throw a punch,” commented Baekhyun, pulling himself from under the table. He didn’t even have the nerve to look guilty. Joon-Ho was still breathing deeply, trying to calm his racing heart.
“Go home, we’ll take the case. You did well,” Joon-Ho finally said, sending a stiff smile his way.
Changkyun was laid in bed; it was 5 o’clock in the morning. He was trying to relax after having a shower. He had never had to put his training to use before; he didn’t know what would come of this evening’s events.  Joon-Ho and Baekhyun had been so amazed by his skills, not expecting a small girl in heels to perform such well-deserved hits.
Changkyun was just about to settle further into bed when his phone began to vibrate on the bedside table. He leaned over to pick his phone only to see it wasn’t that one, it was the one Kihyun had given him. The caller ID was unknown.  
He sat up in bed and flipped the burner phone open, pressing the answer button. “Hello,” he said, making sure his voice was higher.
“Well done at the club today Miss Lee,” Kihyun said. Changkyun scowled at his voice, hating how smug it sounded. “I would like you to come in tomorrow to discuss things. We have the security footage here and I have to say I am impressed with your skill set. You cheeky minx, you should have told me about your fighting,” he said, laughing almost too loudly.
“I apologise sir,” Changkyun said through his gritted teeth. He stared at his fist, wanting nothing more than to show Kihyun first-hand what he can do.
“Anyway,” Kihyun started. “My boss would like to meet you. They saw your footage and between you and me, there isn’t much talent regarding the soldier department of our area,” he said, sniggering to himself whilst Changkyun rolled his eyes. “So, come tomorrow and I’ll take you to boss man,” he ordered before abruptly hanging up.
Changkyun scoffed and flipped the phone closed putting it back on the side. He scooted back down in to bed and threw the cover over his head, willing himself to sleep. God forbid he would need it if he was to meet with Kihyun tomorrow.
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loridrabbles · 4 years
Imprisoned | Dogma x Reader (Part 30)
     (Y/n) had stayed home with Saoirse most of the day Dogma left. She knew doing something productive would help her get her mind off the fact that he was gone, but she couldn't find the motivation to get out of the apartment. What she could do, however, was try and do some cooking, and juggle Saoirse at the same time.  As her dinner simmered on the stove, her communicator buzzed on the counter.  It was her friend Mia, who she had met at 79's when she used to spend time with the 501st. She was a bartender there and always seemed to remember everyone's orders, even if they only showed up once.
     "Hey, I'm on your side of the city for a couple days visiting some family. Mind if I drop by?" The communicator read.
     "Hey, Mia! I'm not much in the mood for company right now. Tomorrow? I could really use some emotional support and a listening ear." She typed.
     "Sure! It'll be good to see you. Haven't seen you since you first got back home. See ya tomorrow!"
     (Y/n)'s dinner turned out better than she had expected. It took everything in her not to comfort eat what would be tomorrow's leftovers. As she cleaned up the dishes and put away the rest of the food, Saoirse was half asleep in her bassinet. Looking at the time, (y/n) decided she had better head off to bed herself.
     (Y/n) layed there, staring at the ceiling. Despite having the fan on full blast and some relaxing music playing on the radio, things seemed deathly silent. Dogma was actually a pretty talkative person and could start rambling on about something, even if no one was listening. He'd usually go on a spiel about something before bed. Or, when he'd read one of his books, he'd mumble or whisper the lines out loud. His voice was soft and comforting, and sometimes, just to hear him talk, (y/n) would ask him a question about the story just to hear him start rambling.
     Sleep alluded her and as she rolled on her side, the tears came. Eventually, the exhaustion of it all finally drew her to sleep.
    (Y/n) sat on her couch, windows open, enjoying the fresh spring air when she heard the doorbell go off. She stood from her spot, bouncing Saoirse on her hip and pressed the comm button to let her friend in the door. She could hear the elevator chime down the hall and opened the door to Mia who had a wide smile on her face.
    "(Y/n)! How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." She hugged her and gave Saoirse a little pinch on the cheek. (Y/n) sighed and led her to the couch.
    "Honestly, pretty horrible." She said, sitting down, placing her little girl on the floor to play with some stuffed toys and rubber blocks. "I cried myself to sleep last night."
Mia frowned softly, pushing a strand of short, brown hair behind her ear.
    “Damn, I don’t know if should say ‘me too’ or ‘what happened,' but I’m gonna go with the second one,” She said with a smirk, “What’s the matter?"
    "I thought I had prepared myself for him to leave, but I was with him 24/7 for almost 2 years and just when I got him back, he's gone again. And even though he was only home for about a week, we adjusted to living so well together it felt like he'd been here for years."
    "I know what it's like to have someone in your life for a while only to then have them taken away from you. I learned it at a pretty young age. I’m guessing this is about Dogma leaving and rejoining the 501st?” She asked.
    "Yeah...How did you deal with losing Hardcase? I know it's a different kind of loss, but... " As (y/n) spoke, a bitter smile cast over Mia's face as her fingers instinctively grasped the necklace Hardcase had given her.
      “It was hard. It was a very difficult and dark time for me when I had heard the news that he was killed in action,” Mia explained, running her thumb over the white and blue pendant, a piece of his armor from when it had gotten badly damaged, encased in resin. “I started off slow, but then I slowly worked my way up. I surrounded myself with things that I could keep my mind occupied with. It was a lot but I managed through it. There were the dark moments and the okay-moments, but it really takes a lot of courage and determination to move on."
    "And, what about your kids...I mean, Saoirse is so young and doesn't really recognize who he is yet, but yours had to have noticed he's gone." She asked, shifting in her seat. "Was he even around them much, with the war and everything? I mean he didn't have permission to leave the base like Dogma does."
    “Oh yes, they knew him pretty well.” She spoke, “Every time that he would come home, they would immediately run up to him and try to get him to pick them up. Although he got to see them, he always made it his duty to come home for as much time as he could,” She said, “He always said to me ‘I want them to know me and I want to be a good father to them’ every time I asked him.”
    "Saoirse does that too." She smiled. "She can't walk yet, but she'll cry at Dogma and reach for him."
    Mia chuckled softly, letting her head rest in her palm.
    “Kids seem to know their fathers quite well, huh?”
    "Yeah...I just hope she doesn't start getting fussy if she does realize he's gone."
    “Yeah, hoping for it to happen isn’t going to work. She’s going to miss her father, but you gotta be there to comfort her. You have to be a mother for Saoirse.”
    "I love her so much." She smiled down at her as she shook a stuffed rabbit in her hands, expecting it to rattle. "I'd do anything for her. I hope Dogma's doing well. He returned to the base yesterday."
Mia smiled, looking at the way that Y/N played with Saoirse. It was a bittersweet sight really.
    “Really? Im betting you spent the night with another?” She winked.
    "I-I did w-what? N...no." (Y/n) felt a cold sweat on her brow and her cheeks flush a pale white. Panic rushed down her shoulders and back. "D-did you hear that from someone? I-I can explain."
Mia raised a brow before chuckling to herself nervously. Seeing (y/n) so pale made her worry as well. But she probably was joking, right?
    “Are you serious?” She asked, her face dropping. Why did that joke make her so uncomfortable? “(Y/n)?"
    Mia narrowed her eyes at her friend before leaning forward. “(Y/n), what do you mean by ‘I can explain’?” She asked, “Who did you spend the night with when Dogma left?”
    "I-it wasn't when Dogma left. He wasn't even out of prison at the time. I...I didn't know what to do. I missed him so much and he was right next to me and...and..." (Y/n) was trying her best to hold it together, nervously rubbing her hands over one another as she spoke. Mia’s eyes widened in shock as she looked at her friend. There was no way. She couldn’t believe it.
    “It was Wolffe wasn't it. Who made the first move? You or him?”
    "Him, I guess. He walked me home after a meeting with Rex and when we got to the apartment he went for it. I tried to say no...I did say no, but I caved in." She said. "Feeling his touch and his warmth...I had feelings for him at one point and it all came crashing back. I know I shouldn't have let him in but I just...I just." (Y/n) began to sob as she spoke. Mia sighed exasperatedly before going over to her friend and hugging her lightly.
    “Stop your kriffin’ crying. You know I hate seeing you cry.” The woman sighed out, rubbing (y/n)’s shoulder. “You should’ve pushed him away! Why didn’t you do that? Or why didn’t you tell him you were married? Or something else?”
    "He knew I was with Dogma! We were talking about it." She wiped her tears away as more came. "I'm such a horrible person. I hate myself for letting him in! Dogma doesn't deserve this."
    Mia sighed sharply, before shaking her head lightly.
    “While I hate to admit that you are both at fault here, you understand what you did wrong. And by the state that you are in, you haven’t told him.” The woman spoke, shaking her head. “The only way to pay for your mistakes is owning up to it, and telling him (Y/n).”
    "I can't, Mia, I can't." She sniffled, using both hands to wipe more and more tears from her cheeks. "I don't wanna break his heart." She could barely get the words out through her crying. Mia rolled her eyes, before looking down at their face.
    “Oh, what the hell are you gonna do then? Keep on having an affair with the Commander when you have a kriffin’ daughter?! (Y/n) this is too much! Even when Hardcase has passed away I’m not giving in to men who try to get into my bed!” She raised her voice slightly, “You of all people should know that. You spent nearly two years with Dogma, every kriffin' second. And as soon as he's not around that’s what you do? I barely had Hardcase to myself for a month, but I would’ve never hurt him like this! For kriff’s sake, (Y/n), you need to look at the reality of this situation!”
    "Mia!" She cried harder, face turning pink. "I asked for some support and you're not being very helpful right now!"
Mia slammed her hand on the table and glared at (Y/n) before speaking up once more.
     “Of all the things you could have done to repay Dogma, you gave him the stupidest one. Kriffin'...You could’ve slapped him, or yelled at him, or done SOMETHING to make Wolffe go away but you let him in. If word gets out to anyone about your little ‘adventure’ with the Commander, I hope you’re ready to tell Dogma what you did. Cause if not, I will be the one to tell him myself. Don’t test me (Y/n). He’s a soldier. He deserves so much better than what you’ve done to him.” Mia said, venom dripping from every word that she yelled. 
     The change in volume startled Saoirse, making her cry. Mia looked down at her.
     "I really, really thought you knew better (Y/n). You loved him and started a kriffin family with him after all."
     "Get out!" (Y/n) yelled, standing up from her spot on the sofa.
     "What? (Y/n)..."
     "Get out and don't kriffing come back!" She continued to shout, picking up Saoirse, bouncing her in her arms.
     "You will never be satisfied, (Y/n). Will you?" She said, picking up her bags.
     (Y/n) watched as she walked away, opening the door, then closing it behind her. She was still trying to calm Saoirse down as well as herself. 
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kpopfanfictrash · 8 years
Stay Awake
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: You / Jaebum
Prompt: “Stay awake.” / angst
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,450
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Everything disintegrates to noise and light. Flashes illuminate things you honestly wish you hadn’t seen. Bodies on the ground. People running. Children crying. Your hair flies as you run, wisping your vision with strips of darkness.
You need to get to the main bridge. That’s the only thing pushing you forward, onwards as you sprint down the concrete hallway. Your heart pounds, lungs gasping but still you move. Shrieking when a bullet hits too close to your head. Plaster and metal rain down as absentmindedly, you realize you’re bleeding.
It’s doesn’t hurt enough to slow you though, so you keep going. Running until you see the fight. Feet slwoing, you glance sideways. Behind. All around. The fighting is directly between you and the main deck – all you can see are flashes of light while people duel, screams and yelling cutting the hum of the space station around you.
It would be suicide to go that way but you know from experience this is the only way out. If you stay here, one of them will find you sooner or later. Maybe it’s best that you go down fighting. Steeling yourself with that thought, you tighten your mind. Taking a deep breath and – screaming, when a hand closes around your arm.
Another hand claps over your mouth, stifling the noise. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
The voice is male, angry hissing in your ear. You’re spun to face him and you recognize the last person on Earth – or off – you want to see in this situation.
Im Jaebum.
His dark eyes flash, soot and sweat marring an otherwise beautiful face. He glances towards the fighting, then the hallway from which you came. “Answer me!” he demands, with all the imperiousness of the youngest Commander ever appointed to the United army.
Sticking up your chin, you ignore the way your body trembles. “I’m going to the main deck.”
Jaebum’s eyes widen. “That’s suicide.” 
He yanks you sideways, scanning quickly before shoving open a door behind you. It’s a closet – small, unnoticed as Jaebum pushes you in, hastily following to shut the door behind you.
He doesn’t turn on the lights, pulling his Comms device from his pocket to light the display. Jaebum’s face flickers into view – dark, sweaty and mad as hell. Commander Im folds his arms across his ches. “Explain yourself.”
When you first entered, you found yourself unable to stand. Legs quivering so instead you sank to the ground amidst the brooms and cleaning supplies. Despite this rather undignified position, you pull yourself together long enough to glare up at him. “Before you so rudely interrupted,” you say. “I was heading up to the main deck. It’s the safest place on this ship.”
Jaebum looks incredulously back at you. “Not when there’s an enemy ship boarding, it’s not! That’s the first place they’d go.” Sighing deeply, the Commander scans the closet. You heard him lock the door as you entered but now he busies himself with fortification. Dragging a chair across the room to shove it under the handle.
“I always wondered,” you ask, startled by your own, sudden intake of breath. Now that your adrenaline is slowing, the pain of your wound is starting to peek through. “I always wondered if that does anything.”
With one, final heave, Jaebum shoves the chair in place. “What, this?” he asks, glancing over his shoulder.
Swallowing slightly, you look down. If the Commander weren’t so gods damned annoying, his muscles straining against that shirt would be quite a sight.
“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” he smiles. Jaebum’s hand falls from his gun.
He looks restless and you’re unable to keep yourself from asking. “Why are you here, anyways?”
His jaw tightens. “Because apparently, you’re suicidal. I can’t let the ship captain’s daughter just die on my watch.”
“That’s almost sweet.”
“Because it would damage my career if you did,” the Commander finishes.
“And there it is. Asshole.”
A flicker of a grin passes over his face.
“But really.” You peer up at him. “You don’t seem the type to just sit back and wait until the fighting is over.”
Jaebum shifts his weight to his other foot. “The fight is over, Y/N. That skirmish is the last of it – which will soon also be quelled. After that it’s just a matter of picking off the enemy soldiers who’ve managed to escape into the ship. We should stay put, but we’ll be safe in another few hours.”
You nod. This makes sense – it still seems like he’s leaving something out, though.
As if he can read minds, Jaebum hesitates. “Also. Uh, I’m kind of in trouble with the First Officer.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. The First Officer is a dick. Perkins, a horrible man with bad breath who hits on you every military ball. That bastard couldn’t tell right from wrong if they each slapped him in the face. “What kind of trouble?”
Jaebum pauses, debating how much to say. “During the battle he ordered me to retreat. Instead, I charged. My boys did well but it was against military orders. Perkins ordered me to retire immediately following. Jinyoung is currently in command of my troops.”
Processing this, you lean against the wall. You’re not supposed to disobey commands in battle. It’s a risky, stupid thing to do and Jaebum should be punished.
Still. It’s kind of… heroic. You gasp as your arm falls, connecting with plastic.
Jaebum’s gaze snaps to your face at the noise, wordlessly scanning. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Shaking your head, you hide your arm. “I’m fine.”
Jaebum steps closer, bending until he’s beside you. He grabs your arm with both hands, turning it over and hissing. “That’s not nothing, Y/N. This needs to be cleaned.”
You wince at the sight you’ve been trying to avoid for the better part of an hour. A long, jagged line down the side of your arm. “It’s fine.”
Instead of answering you, Jaebum stands.
“W-where are you going?”
“Calm down, princess,” he grunts, starting to rummage through cleaning supplies. “Lucky each of these places has a faucet for a mop, huh?” 
Jaebum pulls out a bucket, dumping dish soap into the bottom and watching it fill with bubbles. When it’s finished he pulls it free, grabbing a sponge.
You watch this carefully. “Out of the two of us, I think you need a bath more, Commander Im.”
Snorting, he dunks the sponge in the bucket. “I’m going to clean your wound, that’s all. Call it yet another service that puts you in my debt.”
The first touch of water kills your witty retort, and you clamp your jaw tightly at the pain. Jaebum is gentle though, eyes focused as he slowly cleans your wound. Dipping the sponge and wiping away dirt. When the cut is open and clean, Jaebum stops. Looks up with a strange expression in his eyes.
“There.” He lets go of your arm. “All done.”
Before you can react, he’s reached for your dress and torn a large strip of fabric from the underside. 
‘”What the fuck!” you yelp, struggling to smack him with your good arm.
Jaebum’s eyes narrow, struggling not to laugh. “I’m just covering your wound. Or are you upset because I didn’t use my shirt, princess?” He plops down beside you.
You groan at the smug expression on his face. “No need to scare the children, Commander. You may proceed.” 
Delicately, you hold out your arm.
Jaebum stares at you for a long second before he starts to laugh. “Dear god, you’re the worst.” Slowly, he wraps the fabric around you.
A blush crosses your face as silence falls between you. “I’m… sorry you had to rescue me, Commander Im. I don’t enjoy being dependent on others.”
“I know that.” When you look back up, Jaebum’s eyes are unreadable. Expression relaxed as you wonder how he wound up so close to you. “I noticed.”
“Did you?” As you lean back, you feel your eyes flutter shut. The fear and exhaustion of today are catching up to you. “When?”
“Hey.” Jaebum’s hand touches your arm. “Stay awake.”
Your open your eyes. “Why?”
“We’re not in the clear yet.” His voice is gentle. “It’s best to stay on guard.”
You nod, shivering as the chill of the ship sets in. The station is cold on the best of days and today, after so much shock and confusion…. A warm arm wraps around your shoulder. Pulling you sideways until your body is flush with his.
He’s warm. Warm and solid and – your breath catches. “Commander Im?”
“Jaebum.” He’s silent for a long moment. “Please, just Jaebum.”  
[2,000 Followers Drabble Game]
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