#but am trying to pick up admin/responding to messages on here again
oooocleo · 4 months
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work continues...💼 i gotta open new slots for these soon tm
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moonlight-selkie · 8 months
My Statement - Keeby (aka MarsAdept) Situation
Hello, I’m Moonlight-Selkie aka Trifle-&-Custerd to those in the MS/MV Discord server.
I am the founder of the server and an admin / mod as well and the creator of the Magical Atmosphere fan project.
In the light of recent events and a video by magic_windsock I have consent to write out and release this statement, which will be posted onto Tumblr, and shared to the MS/MV serve
Before I continue hear Is a link to the Folder with all screen shot I took of the corespondent between me and Kebab:
As some of you know, a while ago someone who goes under the name Keeby joined the MS/MV server and became an editor for Kovopeida.
They would eventually start to talk about topics and personal stuff to Rman & Windsock (the mods & editors for Kovopeida) that neither one wanted to discuss or felt comfortable discussing.
Even after Keeby had been directed to other places to vent their frustrations, and even after Rman & Windsock tried to set boundaries Keeby kept bothering them about things they were not wanting to talk about. 
This is harassment and Rman rightly asked me to remove Keeby from the MV/MS Discord, which I did as the server has a no harassment policy. (note at this time Rman was not a mod/admin for the MV/MS discord).
At this point I had little connection to the situation other than fulfilling the request to remove Keeby from the MS/MV Server. But Keeby would end up contacting me, which I’ll go through now.
July 2023 - Discord
Note much to say. This was the first time Keeby contacted me, I was cautious and did not say much. This is where I make my first mistake in not just blocking Keeby.
September 2023 - Tumbelr Messages
On September 5th I got a sting of PM from Keeby on Tumblr, they were angry, and filled with venom. These messages were fairly toxic and I should have definitely blocked Keeby at this point.
I then got more PM on the 17th, this time I responded because at the time I felt somewhat bad and wanted to give them a second chance, with the hope that they may make amends and improve their behaviour. 
This was my second mistake and In hindsight I was a fool for giving them the benefit of the doubt. I had and was being manipulated and lied to from the start.
September 2023 - Discord.
From the 17th on word all messages between me and Keeby fully switched to discord. From here we would talk. Like a fool in these talks I told them to try and make friends with others in the community but I see that was a bad thing to suggest. 
I also suggested that they write up an apology to Rman and Windsock, to which they replied they already had and that they don’t feel comfortable enough reentering the MS/MV server. I also said it would be best to leave Rman and Windsock be for now anyway.
Just to Note at this point I had Informed the Admin team for the MV/MS discord that Keeby was in contact with me, which did include Rman who had become an admin for this discord at this point.
Keeby and I would have the odd conversation, but then on the 23rd I would let them into my server for a MS/MV fan project I had created called Magical Atmosphere. This was my 3rd mistake. 
After that we would talk more and he would bring up his feeling on the situation, how bad he had been feeling, and that it had made him not want to play the game, ect. 
In hindsight i was being manipulated, and even if those feelings are true they way he was talking about thought feelings to me wore definitely in an attempt to gain sympathy. Which I feel for.
October 2023 - Discord
Things went quiet for a bit until we picked up conversation again on the 14th, they talked about how they feel rejected by the community, but they did at one point say they messed up. 
With that I let my guard down a little, but I was honest that I can’t do much to try and mediate the situation and offer to listen to them if they need someone to talk to. This was another mistake on my part.
October 24th, Keeby had written an apology to Windsock & Rman, as Keeby was blocked by them, I was the one to pass it on. I had no involvement in the apology other then passing it on.
From here I told Keeby to be patient. But at this point my main focus was on Windsock & Rman, they wore the ones who had been wronged and so it was up to them if they accepted it.
Windsock & Rman said they would need time to think it over, but it was evenly clear to me that they did not accept it. Which I was fine with, I may be the top admin and owner of the server but this kind of stuff is a group decision
November 2023 - January 2024 - Discord.
In early November of 2023 I would take a break from discord and a step back from social media. This was due to personal IRL reason, and not to do with Keeby or anything else that was going on at the time.
In December 2023 they sent a few angry messages, then again in early of this year they went on about how everyone hates them, and that they hate everyone as well, and it was just toxic.
Then we get to today, I log on planning to post about how i’m going to be coming back from my break and then I see things just got worse. A member of the Magical Atmosphere server had asked me to remove Keeby from that server as he had been bothering other members.
I had also seen Windsock’s video at this point. From here I received some screenshots of what Keeby had been saying to other people in the community, and concluded that Keeby took advantage of my kindness and that he had lied to me.
I also have concluded that they took advantage of my break from discord to harass other people while I was gone. But that is only speculation.
I made a lot of mistakes here, I should not have responded to Keeby in the first place, I should not have continued to talk to them, I should not have let them into my fan project server, and I should have blocked them from the start.
But I didn’t, and I want to apologise to Rman, Windsock, DangerBoat, and any others who were harassed and bothered by Keeby. I did not handle this whole thing well and I should have known better.
As for those of you who are reading this and have not had to deal with Keeby personally. DO NOT contact them, do not seek them out, do not respond to them if they contact you. The best thing to do is to Block them
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owaowabetch · 4 years
Uh Oh (Sykkuno x F!Reader)
Oneshot (maybe part of a series??? idk we’ll see): The Prequel to “Impasta” in which reader meets the gang for the first time and experiences a betrayal. Mainly Friendship
Warning: non-beta, I wrote this in one go and full sent it. 
You were a small time Twitch streamer that had recently befriend a streamer with a much larger audience, ValkyRae.  You had been talking back and forth for quite some time, since Rae’s dm to you weeks ago. You were mainly an rp channel where you played games like GTA, The Sims, and Animal Crossing. Though you gained a lot of your followers from playing League, though it mostly consisted of hate-followers that would only critique your gaming, even though you were pretty good at it. But it doesn’t bother you too much *que sob*
You were streaming GTA on a RP server playing an amish girl on a Rumspringa and wreaking havoc. You and your ‘gang’ had successfully finished hitting a bank truck ,causing your character to rake in a few thousand dollars, when you got a message from Rae asking you if you had wanted to play a few rounds of the popular game among us. 
“Alright guys, a friend asked if I wanted to join her lobby of among us. I know it’s different from the stuff i usually stream, but is that something you guys would be cool with?” You asked your chat and watch an influx of people messaging ‘yes’ or ‘pog’. You take a sip of your Starbucks and picked up your phone to message Rae that you’ll be joining. “Fair warning, I’ve never played among us. So we’ll see how this goes, guys” 
While you waited to be invited to the discord and into the lobby, you chatted with your viewers for a bit. “I just realized that I’m really awkward around new people. Like when I’m playing on the GTA Rp Server, I’m not myself, I’m a character you know? So it’s easier to talk with other people, cause they’re also role playing. Plus I don’t think I can call anyone in the discord a musty dusty rat bitch lol or sell them drugs, it’s not that kind of game...unless?...” You laugh as you login to your discord and accept the invite to the discord “alright guys! here we go~”
You enter the discord call and hear people talking. 
“Y/N!” Rae exclaims “Guys this is my new friend y/n”
“Hi” Responding to the various voices greeting you
“OK, so the code is in the chat and so are the bubbles, so your chat can see who is talking and what not” Rae explains
You input the code and saw your little character in the space ship. “Oh god guys look at us!” You ran your little character around the ship “How do we change colors? I’m not feeling this blue and I saw Rae with her lil creepy mask”
You read your chat tell you what to do so you went to the little computer to change the blue to white and clicked through all the hats til you decided on the pink flower. “How about this guys? Yellow is my favorite color but its taken”
“Alright, you ready y/n?” Rae asked
“Yup” you respond by running circles around her character
“OK i’m starting. Don’t forget to mute and close chat. You can open it back up if your imposter or dead” Rae sang “Good luck~”
“Alright chat I gotta close you til the game is done? I guess” You hum as the words ‘crewmate’ pop up. “Well at least i’m not imposter, i know the game. I mean who hasn’t at this point. I just never played it, seems to be to nerve wracking”
You open the map icon and run to where the closet yellow exclamation point was, which was admin. You make sure to note all the colors around you in there as you swipe your card “Alright, green, yellow, brown,red, and orange” You repeated the colors over and over again as you make your way into electrical when you notice something “Ok uh green is following me? I don’t know why but its freaking me out.” The lights turn off and you start freaking out “Oh god, this is where I die. Don’t I? You know what do it. Kill me! It’s probably a good idea. I’m kind of an idiot and it’ll help me figure things out on my own without the pressure” You follow the arrow pointing to a panel and you click on it “What am i supposed to do? You know green, this would be the perfect opportunity to murder me in cold blood... is this how you do it?” You flip the switches so that they are all bright green and the lights turn on “YAS BITCH, I did it” 
The green character kind of just circles your body as you do tasks in electrical, you do download, wires, and power diverter. “Ok BUT WHY IS HE FOLLOWING ME!!” 
An orange body had been reported and that two others had died (bright green and pink) and the person who reported the body was black or as his name read ‘Abe’ “Ok, so this body was in admin on card swipe”
“Well this body couldn’t have been me or y/n” Sykkuno says “I was following her this entire time”
“Yea, I’d like to know why lol? You were kinda freaking me out dude” You laugh a bit trying to play off how nervous you were to call him out on it
“Oh No! I was protecting you” Sykkuno explains “I promise”
“Sykkuno? Are you already simping for someone?” Rae feigns exasperation 
“No really guys!” He explains nervously “The new person always dies first, so I was just trying to protect her.”
You hum and smile mischievously “Unless, your just trying to gain my trust only to murder me in coldblood in front of my bestie Rae, to prove your superiority over her!?!”
Rae gasps “Really Sykkuno!?! I’m voting you just for that!”
“Wah? No wait! It’s not like that really” Sykkuno starts laughing as Rae votes “Oh God did you really vote for me?”
“Yes” Rae says and you start laughing 
“So anyways, Leslie’s body is in admin?” Hafu says wanting to talk more about the body and get all the sus’s and clears
Though you gasp when you realized a few things “wait I have some info to share” teasing Sykkuno had loosened you up a bit “it was me,green,yellow,brown,red, and orange in admin. Then me and green, uh Syyykkkuunnoo? Sorry if i didn’t say your name right, left and went into electrical, then lights were called and I fixed them before finishing off my tasks in there. So the body must’ve died during lights unless she left and came back into admin after lights were fixed? which doesn’t make much sense, sooo yea” you smiled “look at me chat! being all smart and shit” 
“yes” Poki agrees “I left admin also with Rae just before lights were called”
“Ok, so I know that puts sus on me, but I went straight to lights when they were called” Hafu says “Someone on the right side must’ve vented when lights were off. Like I was entering the hallway from storage with Tina when lights got fixed and we went to reactor room together. So it couldn’t have been me. Maybe Tina? I dont know which way she come from, but it was not me”
“That is true. I did meet up with Hafu at storage, but I don’t know man” Tina says “ I was doing download in comms”
“Oh god” You tell chat “I don’t know whether to believe Hafu or not. I know she is really good, along with Toast, but he hasn’t said anything”
“Well it is seven and we don’t vote on seven, so we can skip. Just putting a sus on Hafu” Rae says
“Yes please do” Hafu says as she votes to skip
“Do we know where the other bodies are?” Poki asks as the seconds start to dwindle down to zero “Also Toast? Why are you so quiet?”
“I’m trying to figure out a new strat, so don’t you worry. I’ll catch the killers” Toast starts to evil laugh and that was the end of the meeting.
“Ok we’re susing Hafu for this.Though I don’t think it’s her only cause I remember watching one of her imposter plays and it would be a too obvious kill,since so many people were there, it just doesn’t make sense, so someone venting in and killing is plausible or could be a self report? I don’t know lol It’s my first game” You run with Sykkuno and finish up your tasks together. Though lights were called when you both were at shields, you can see the vent pop open and in your little vision bubble you see a flash of red “Whelp this is where I die, I’d like to rate Sykkuno an 8 out of 10 for protecting me, but obviously I am now died” True to your word Rae killed you and you saw Sykkuno running around like a headless chicken when he reports your body 
“Oh God! They got her when I was trying to protect her!” Sykkuno exclaims 
“Sykkuno! You were supposed to be protecting her!?” Rae shouts “What happened? Did you kill her in cold blood? hmm?”
“smh Rae, you murdered me right in front of Sykkuno” You sigh “Well chat looks like I’m dead and we can speak now”
“No!” Sykkuno denies “I said I was going to protect her. I wouldn’t kill her after saying that”
“Well she’s dead now Sykkuno! Where’s the body?” Toast dramatically says
“It’s in shields. It happened when lights were off” Sykkyno says “I’m sorry y/n, I couldn’t protect you”
“Aw that is so cute” You pout at his apology, it wasn’t his fault. It was dark, so obviously he couldn’t see
“Well I don’t think Sykkuno did this, He said he was protecting her to everyone, so I can say that he’s crew” Hafu says “I’m at light panel, I remember seeing Poki and Tina there”
“I can confirm this” Poki says “So Toast let’s hear your big brain play. What’s your strat?”
It was silent for a minute, before Toast admits that he doesn’t have one.
“Ok so we can all agree that Toast is the imposter right?” Rae says “Vote him outta here!”
“Yep” Tina agrees hitting that vote on him and many follow suit
“Wait guys! WAIT! I do! I do have a strat” Toast screams out “Uhhh... wires! The wires guys!”
“Lol they’re gunna vote him off” You watch people voting “Rae is probably gunna win this”
“Yea, you’ve done that pay before” Poki laughs
“Don’t worry I’ll skip Toast” Sykkuno says 
“Why would you skip if we’re on 6?” Rae asks “Is Toast your imposter buddy?”
“Wah? I said I was protecting y/n, why would I kill her?” Trying to make his innocence obvious 
“Unless you killed her by accident or Toast did and you’re trying to protect him like the Simp you are!” Rae accuses him
Tina starts to also question Sykkuno “Wait a second, I dont think I’ve seen you do a single task this entire game! You’ve just been following y/n all around! We should vote him off next!”
“Guys, I swear it’s not me, it just doesn’t make sense” You can hear him plead “Oh no guys, how did this get twisted? It’s Rae! But how did it go to thinking Sykkuno as imposter?”
The meeting ends with Toast screaming into the abyss as he is yeeted out with Sykkuno telling him that he voted to skip.
“Ok then chat, looks like the imposters are gunna win, lets talk for a bit” You sigh and start reading the comments “ I know that I didn’t talk much with them, but I’m just awkward in general and I don’t know what to say to them. This is the first time playing with a group like this where i’m supposed to be myself and not a character.”
The words Defeat appeared on screen and there was Hafu and Rae as imposter. “I honestly didn’t think it was Hafu”
“Hafu was that you that killed Leslie in admin? I didn’t think it was “You asked when you returned to the lobby
“NO! I got framed by my own partner” Hafu explains before taking her bathroom break
“How did Rae get that kill cause I was with her?” Poki asks
“I vented from Caf back into admin when lights were off” Rae laughs “and I vented into shields and killed y/n right in front of Sykkuno!”
“Im sorry for not being able to protect you” Sykkuno runs circles around my character “Next round I’ll do better! I promise”
You laugh and start chasing after him in the ship “What if you end up as imposter?”
“Then I’ll have to look away as my imposter buddy kills you” Sykkuno laughs behind his hand and clears his throat “Im joking, Im joking, I promise”
“Wow Sykkuno” You tsk and run over to the opposite side of the room “I don’t know if I want your protection services now”
“Uh” Sykkuno splutters “I’m joking I promise! I won’t kill you as imposter”
“Wait til Corpse hears you simping over someone else” Poki says before starting the game
“Wait Hafu is still in the bathroom!” Rae exclaimed, but it was to late to stop the game from starting, so she’ll have to jump in when she comes back. Though you swear you feel your heart jump out of your chest when the words Imposter read on you screen. The 1st of the night for you and another in a row for Hafu.
“Oh God guys. Hafu is in the bathroom, but she has to carry us” You start to panic “What we do we do!?! Wait is Sykkuno seriously gunna follow us? Should we kill him or would that be to obvious?” You see the chat tell you that it would be to obvious and that it would be better to maybe frame him, but it seems to mean to you “Should we kill someone in front of him? You know to test his loyalty? It’s a terrible idea”
Though before you go on to fake tasks, you see Sykkuno standing on top of Hafu’s body, so you also go ontop of Sykkuno’s and to the outside perspective you are protecting Hafu, but really for you it’s to ensure that your imposter partner is going to be walking around and killing people,once she comes back from the bathroom. It seems that Hafu is back from the bathroom as her yellow character starts making her way away from you both. You and Sykkuno make your way to admin when lights get called and Sykkuno starts to wiggle his body around into a corner. It seems as though he wants you to stack with him in a corner, but before you do you double back when you see a body pass by and kill them, though you start to laugh when you see your character kill Rae, before ‘stumbling’ into Sykkuno’s view in the corner. You both stay there as lights turn back on and go on card swipe. You think about juking Sykkuno, but realize that it’ll look sus on you for ditching him. So you two just walk around ‘completing’ tasks as every once in a while the lights would go off and you two will stack on each other or wait for doors to open which you had been closing alot of them. 
“Honestly guys I’m at a point were I just wanna murder someone in front of him” You start to evil laugh as you both stack in the corner of medbay as lights start turning on when a body got called
“It’s toast, it’s toast, it’s toast” Hafu chants as it was her who reported the body “I saw him kill Poki”
“oh she self reported” you note and click on Toast’s name but not locking in your vote just in case. You also noticed that four people had died “She killed three people!?! Wow she is beast in this game! Holy Shit guys”
“see, from my perspective it’s hafu. I didn’t see the kill, but I did see blood splatter and Hafu immediately reported the body and blamed me, so it has to be Hafu. I’m voting her” Toast explains and votes her
“no no no no no no no. I saw you kill her when lights got fixed.” Hafu describes her side and what she did in that round “ Ok guys I was afk for like the first 20 seconds and I see Sykkuno and y/n there standing on me in caf., and I’m just doing my tasks, which I finished by the way, so I’m just going back and forth going to cams and just walking around to find any dead bodies. So if you saw cams on in the last 30 or so seconds it was me. I’ve also been fixing lights too! Peter and Leslie should be able to vouch for me on that! But on this round of lights I’m making my way to go help fix them when i see blood flicker in my little bubble and as it starts to get bigger I see Toast walking away from it. Its Toast. It is 100% Toast.” She locks her vote on him “Vote him please. If you don’t vote then you’re either imposter or just throwing”
“I don’t know guys” You start and hover your mouse over the green checkmark next to Toast’s name “I’ve been with Sykkuno the entire round and we did guard Hafu’s body. For Hafu to say that she saw Toast kill, but toast didn’t see Hafu kill? It just doesnt make sense so I’m voting Toast” You lock your vote in when Hafu reminds everyone that crew has to vote together since it is on six. Reminding Peter and Leslie that Hafu has been fixing lights got their votes, but Sykkuno was hesitant “You know I can never vote Toast guys, but I have been with y/n this entire time and I know it’s not her. So, I’m sorry Toast but uh” He locks his vote in for either Hafu or Toast? Who knows if he’s simping over Toast hard.
“Sykkuno?” You can hear Toast tremble his voice “Sy-sykkuno? Who did you vote for? Sykkuno!?!?! Do- Don’t tell me...did you really vote me?”
“I uh “ He clears his throat as the votes get out and all of us had voted Toast 
Toast gasps “Sykkuno!?! How could you!?!?!”
“I’m sorry! I just trust y/n!” Sykkuno explains as Toast’s body once again gets yeeted out into space. 
“Wow guys, looks like we’re gunna win our first imposter game!” You wiggle around happily “and we literally did nothing...wait we killed Rae! We got our revenge from the last round mwua hahahahaha”
Sykkuno and I run circles around each other before walking back into medbay. You can see Hafu kind of trailing behind and the doors get locked with us three in it, but Hafu is just standing there. “Chat what is Hafu doing? Why is she just standing there” You can see Sykkuno step on the med scan “Wait she wants ME to kill SYKKUNO! Oh god that is so evil lol but i’m so useless as imposter, so I might as well get in at least 25% of the kills” 
Once Sykkuno steps off you just murder him and you see that you had won.
“I- I can’t believe you just killed me!?! I trusted you y/n” Sykkuno exclaims
“Sykkuno” Rae sighs “she KILLED ME in caf! Why did no one NOT SEE MY CHOPPED BODY IN CAF!”
You just laugh “I’m sorry Sykkuno, but my chat was telling me that Hafu wanted me to kill you”
“Yea, cause I did like all of the kills and sabotages” Hafu recounts who and how she killed 
“Sykkuno, you giant simp. I can’t believe you vote me” Toast tsk’ed 
“I can’t believe y/n was the imposter! and she killed me!” Sykkuno shakes his head “you know what i’m no longer protecting you anymore”
“Wait Sykkuno I’m sorry. Really” You giggle 
“No no no it’s ok, it’s all part of the game” Sykkuno reassure you that he is not actually mad and that he hoped you had fun “But i wont be protecting you from now on, I have scars now”
So, you play a few more games before calling it quits and end your stream. Later on, you find that Sykkuno started following you on Twitter and Instagram, You totally did not stalk both of his pages and you totally don’t think that he’s cute.....
SideNote: You totally murdered someone in front of Sykkuno and he totally didn’t snitch on you. Instead he protected you as you ran around killing more people in front of him and like the giant Simp he is he totally went ‘I neva snitch on you Daddy, I hold a brick for you Daddy’.
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*arrives with a cup of hot cocoa instead of coffee* oh hey, you know you guys have been waiting long enough. Here’s the captain. Just ignore the Mumbo in the background having a crisis
Grian regretted going through the portal almost immediately as a wave of nausea hit him. “Are you okay mister grain?” he gave a weak laugh at Crumb already figuring out that nickname.
“Yeah, just didn’t expect this place to be so charged with Vault God energy. Oof, no wonder I can’t remember anything. Can you try sending a message to Tommy?”
“Ye ye ye!” Crumb replied before tapping away at her own communicator. She stopped, jumping as someone wearing a white mask with a black symbol on it landed in front of them.
“Heyyyy!” Grian pointed finger guns at the Watcher that landed in front of him.
“Xelqua. What are you doing here?”
Grian frowned, recognizing the voice. “Ugh, Lynn… Look, I’m just here for my family and a friend of Tommy’s. I didn’t know it was going to be this bad.” He fumbled as Lynn threw an identical mask to the one she was wearing to him. He put it on and felt relief as it helped stabilize him a bit, though he could feel it activating his Watcher powers further. “If you know where they are, I can be on my way.”
“Fine, try not to take too long.” She gave Grian some directions before leaving.
Grian went to pick up Crumb, but found her looking a little scared. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Well, when me and Tubbox was getting flown away by the big bird, it made a portal dat looks like dat.” She pointed at Grian’s mask.
“Oh, yeah that bird was probably me. It was very much on accident though as you can see that is not happening this time.”
Crumb stared at him, half surprised, half skeptical, but mostly confused. “Are you a shape shifter like me den?”
Grian chuckled. “Nope, just an avian. Okay maybe not just. I was born an avian and then made into a Watcher, and to show off power they get wicked cool forms that sort of reflect who they are. Since a good number of Watchers are human based in origin, they basically turn into what people think of as angels. That’s… actually probably where those came from.” Grian shrugged. “Eh, who knows, it was who knows how long ago. Let’s just go find your friends.”
When Grian walked into the building Tommy was hiding out in, he got stabbed. He knew that it made sense, but he couldn’t help but look down at the sword. “Ugh, not again.”
His voice seemed to help the others figure out who he was. “Grian?”
“Hi Tommy! Sorry if I scared you. It’s just I kinda need to wear this mask or else I’ll feel sick and drunk at the same time or something.”
“Tommy an’ Tubbox!” Crumb jumped at the pair when she saw them, shifting to a hybrid form midair and then hugging them.
“Crumb!” Tubbo hugged her first. “Are you doing okay?”
“Ye ye ye!”
“Everything should be okay here soon guys. I’ve got some friends who are definitely going to take care of Dream for you guys once and for all. At the same time, I talked and we’re really going to make a permanent connection between here and Hermitcraft so you can visit all the time. Admin duties will be shared between the servers, but X said he won’t step on any toes, it’s just as a precaution.”
Tommy crossed his arms. “And what are you doing about your boyfriend?”
Grian hesitated at the lack of Tommy using Mumbo’s name. “You mean Mumbo? I mean, he’s a disgusting mess after barely sleeping and eating taking care of me, but I’m sure he’ll get better. Unless you’re concerned about how he was after being here, because again, bit of a mess but he’ll be fine.”
“Not going to get upset at me coming back?”
That really made Grian pause. What was Tommy talking about? “What do you mean Tommy?”
Tommy didn’t respond, just getting so angry he could barely say anything, so Tubbo answered for him. “Just before Mumbo left with you, he yelled at Tommy. He sort of said he wished Tommy never showed up in your world.”
Grian frowned. “Well, you’re fine to come back. I’ll make sure he has a stern talking to. Come on, let’s go back to the portal.” Grian then looked over where Techno and Philza were playing a game of… well Grian wasn’t sure, but it looked like some kind of board game. “You can come too if you want.”
Philza shook his head. “No. Whatever Dream did turned Wilbur back into a ghost, so someone showed up and took him away to fix that. We’re going to wait here until he’s back to normal.”
“Oh, alright then. Well, don’t be a stranger or anything. C’mon kids!”
“Hey! I’m not a kid!” Tommy complained, just making Grian ruffle his hair.
“Were it not for the laws of this land, that being you’re literally my brother, I might have adopted you. Also if we maybe had a few more years between us.”
Grian dropped off the trio at Tommy’s tower before flying to Mumbo’s base. He set his mask down on a table and then walked to where Mumbo’s bedroom was, surprised to hear the shower still running as he passed the bathroom. Grian paused and knocked on the door. “Mumbo, when you’re done in there, we need to have a chat. I’ll be waiting by the counter.”
Grian sat down on the ledge in front of the life counter of Mumbo’s base after feeding it an apple. He stared out at the jungle, waiting for Mumbo to arrive. He finally heard the redstone walk up behind him and then started to address him. “Mumbo, look. Tommy told me you-” He turned to look at Mumbo who was dripping wet. It was like someone pushed him into a pool while he was wearing his suit. “Mumbo why are you all wet?”
“You said to take a shower.” Mumbo said like how he currently looked was the most normal thing in the world.
“I didn’t mean in your clothes! Oh my god, go get changed!”
“I thought you wanted to talk?”
“We can do that after you’re dry!”
Mumbo was quiet before speaking again. “You know I don’t really have another suit.”
“You have your bamboo one!”
Again, he was quiet for a worryingly long time before he just sat down next to Grian. “Can we just talk and get this over with?”
Grian was reluctant and nodded. “Tommy said you yelled at him.”
“I know… I was upset. A lot of things had just happened and with everyone with amnesia, I was really the only one who was able to do much. And Dream had messed with you so I was angry. I barely got to sleep, and we had just had a war with that guy and we were all over the place and I just sort of… lost it.” Mumbo started to lean on Grian’s shoulder, but quickly stopped himself. “Through all this, you’ve been focused a lot on Tommy and your family, and everything else, but you weren’t really…”
“Oh Mumbo. Why didn’t you say anything?” Grian realized what Mumbo meant.
“Well, I sort of knew Tommy was sort of the priority. Plus you had a lot on your plate. I didn’t want to put more on there.”
Grian nuzzled against Mumbo’s chest, not noticing how he stiffened up. “Mumbo, I’m not going to stop loving you. I’m just going to have love for my family too. You know how we hermits need to be there for each other, and Tommy is a hermit too.”
When their comms buzzed, Mumbo gave a small sigh as Grian sat up to look at the message. He saw there were actually a few he had missed and laughed a little at them. “Looks like Crumb’s dad is looking for her but he was told he’s at my mansion. I’m going to fly over there and take him to Tommy’s tower since that’s where I left them. If you want we can talk more later.”
“Go deal with them first. And can you tell Tommy what I said?”
Grian nodded and then flew off to his mansion. He quickly arrived since it wasn’t too far even on foot. “Hellooo? Crumb’s dad? You in here?” He called out before spotting an unfamiliar man. “Oh, hey there. Sorry that Crumb’s not here. She’s actually at Tommy’s tower. I can take you there if you want.” Grian stood there as the man in front of him stayed quiet with his back turned to the avian. “Uh, hello?” He then put a hand on the man’s shoulder.
Sparklez jumped slightly, shocked out of his train of thought before he whirled around and saw Grian.
“Hi! Sorry if I scared you. Crumb’s not here, but I can take you to her.”
“Is… Do you live here?”
Grian nodded. He must not have seen many of the other bases. “Yup! Built the mansion myself. Why?”
Grian’s eyes widened as the man held up a lost child poster. “Where did you get this?”
“Uh, that’s from my old world. The kid’s not mine though. Just sort of-”
Grian was cut off by Sparklez. “I know he’s not your kid. He’s mine!”
“Oh my god you’re the captain.”
“Yeah, I am. People don’t normally call me that.”
Grian just grabbed Jordan’s arm. “No, argh! I mean… Tubbo’s here! Your kid is here! They’re with Crumb and Tommy right now.”
“You mean… that kid… with the green shirt, red bandana. That’s him? The whole time that was him?”
“Oh great, looks like you’ve seen him already. That should make things less awkward. Even more of a reason to go over to the tower. Let’s go!” Grian grabbed Sparklez and pulled him over to an ender chest to hand him some spare elytra and rockets. After he had put the wings on, they both got into the air and then flew to the tower.
When they landed, Grian had to hold Jordan back because he looked like he was about to tear the tower apart. “Hey Tommy!” Grian shouted up to the tower. “Are you guys still there?” When the blond called back in affirmation, Grian shouted again. “Can you three come down here? It’s important!”
“Give me a second! I need to grab some more elytra. Hey can you remind me to change the floor 2 elevator to a down tomorrow?”
“We’ll see. Might be busy for us then.”
In a few moments, Tommy was gliding down with Tubbo, Crumb in Tommy’s arms. Crumb was the first to see Sparklez and frowned. “Aw myan… do I have to leave?”
Her dad didn’t answer as he half stumbled towards them and then held Tubbo in a bone crushing hug.
“Ah! What’s going on?” Tubbo, having no context was confused.
Sheepishly, Grian gave the answer. “So remember how you said you went missing when you were little and couldn’t find your dad? I found a missing person’s poster? Well, Crumb’s dad is the one who made that poster… making him your dad too.”
Everything was silent as everyone comprehended the news, Sparklez just holding Tubbo close and not wanting to let go, but finally Tubbo half screamed from being so surprised. “He’s whAT?!”
Mumbo sat in his room, still dripping wet. He knew he could just go sit in front of some lava or stand in the nether for a while if he felt daring, but instead he was just sitting in his room leaving a puddle behind. He wasn’t sure why he set up an ice mirror, but there it was, waiting for him to take his shirt off.
He just stared at himself, trying to will himself to move, but it just wasn’t working. So he tried talking to his mirror self. “Alright Mumbo. Stop acting like a spoon and just look. It’s going to be there. He was lying and Grian seemed fine when he left. They’re supposed to stay forever. A few years won’t do anything to it.”
Still, Mumbo didn’t move, he just kept staring. “Fine, if that’s how we’re going to do it, I’ll just go ahead!” He closed his eyes and took his tie and jacket off. His hands trembled as he got to the buttons of his dress shirt, but then he steeled himself and undid two of them, pulling his left arm out of the sleeve. There was no hiding it now. He would open his eyes and right there, on the skin just under his clavicle, Mumbo would see it.
The redstoner took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking into the mirror. He was staring at his face and now where he should, but it was hard to look away. No, he told himself. He had to look and put this all past him. He shifted his gaze and his heart dropped. It was gone, like it had never been there at all.
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highsocietyhq · 3 years
the messages respondents left for the whole group + xee’s proposition and how we’ll be implementing it !
i mean, i just love it here! before hshq i never really stuck around in an rp and never felt like i could get my characters involved, and tbh i usually joined rps expecting to ghost in like 2 weeks. 4+ years later, here i am! i’m not sure how many times this has been said but you guys are a great group of writers: u guys are creative, keep things exciting, and are just great to interact with. i mean it’s just fun to write with people who have developed characters and muses like this group. i’m not sure what else to say, other than y’all r so great.
hi!! i say this all the time on my random sappy posts that i like to make but i LOVE hshq. it's my favorite place and i adore it and even though it's not perfect i do think it's more than worth it to be a member long term here
The caliber of writing in this group is phenomenal and it goes to show just how creative and witty every member is.
i love all of my plots so much and i’m so glad to be in the group !!!! but i wish people did quality over quantity even when doing threads who don’t interact usually. it’s ok not to have 50 threads. a handful of fun exciting and unexpected threads do so much more for the group than numerous threads where nothing happens
we have an excellent group of writers and it's soooo exciting to see what you do but it'd be more amazing to have the chance to expand and part taken outside comfort zones and I want to my part in help this because sometimes we take things for granted and this place has survived this long and there's so many more stories to tell
the only frustrating part about hshq is how it’s impossible to write with every character !
I literally love you guy so much and this group means so much to me
make obi chat daddy again
i wish things could be explored more organically sometimes. it sometimes feels like people have plotted out years in advance at which point there's no reason for characters to interact with each other because you already know the outcome.
you're all beautiful writers and i'm having so much fun writing with everyone
I think you don't need to be afraid to reach out to people and also admins and try to get involved in plots. Being active and offering ideas is always a good thing to feel more included! And also picking up a new character to expend your horizon and give you a chance to interact with more people
i wish people stopped contacting me for plots and then expecting me to do the plotting😢 idm doing a plot with someone when asked but i mind being asked to come up with a plot when i barely have time to develop my current ones
Thanks for what you do!
flashbacks to my hshq defense post years ago ajksdf but i think everyone is a lovely writer and each brings something different to the group! everyone gets so in depth with their chara development and it's amazing to watch charas grow and even watch people develop as writers. we all start somewhere but we're all in this (not so) lil group together just world-building and causing chaos. what more could u ask for?? idrk what else to say atm more head empty jaksdf ily all
i love it here and all of you and i'm sorry my activity sucks sometimes bc i love writing with yall and reading what yall write and come up with and just interacting in general and teaching each other about people
as for xee’s suggestion:
idk if this would be considered mini event or what but what if there were little activities “scheduled in the program” for the royals to take part in if they choose? i’m trying to make this make sense
say at the beginning of the month, a post is made about events/classes/tours in the city they’re in for the royals and participation is optional (no major dash interruption by pausing regular threads). the timeframe would just be “available any time this month” or however long u wish.
say, for instance, we’re in tokyo: a class could be sushi making or an attraction could be a go kart tour through the city. if members want to have their chara attend, they could have an open starter stating it’s taking place at xyz, which might open up opportunities for threads between charas who might not interact normally?
less mini event more so list of potential starter topics ig??? the more i try to flesh it out, the more i’m meh which is why i deleted it at first ok bye
so we were thinking that we’d have BIMONTHLY activities, posted every other monday as long as you guys send us suggestions. we thought it was a fun and easy way to inspire organic threads but we thought it was a bit too much work for us to do research for your threads when everyone who cares can do it themselves too skgdjgkdsn. so starting TOMORROW, we’ll start posting those lists of activities. pls send us ideas !
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Seventeen
Previous Chapter Here
Warnings: Strong language and an air of discomfort.
Notes: I hope this reads OK as it’s quite dialogue-heavy.
Tags: @kelbabyblue @jennmurawski13
The night shifts weren’t all bad. From time to time, they were even as good as “pretty straight forward”. They proved especially useful when trying to finish patient notes and random admin that always got left to the very end of the shift. Perhaps they’d endure a tidy-out of the stock cupboards if the crew was feeling generous. Since O’Brien had taken up his post at the hospital years earlier, he had insisted upon mandatory training updates for the ER units every three to four months (the national average was about once a year) so the team were regularly reminded not to set fire to their computers and not to leave boxes in places people could trip over. You’d be surprised how often both those things happened in an emerging crisis. 
“I swear he thinks we’re idiots half the time.” Complained Jack, his head now glued to the palm of his hand. Jack was hurtling towards an early retirement thanks to an ever-increasing distrust of the corporate environment ER departments found themselves in. We trained to save lives, he’d say, not file stat reports. He was so right, it hurt. 
The crew was sat round the reception desk. The ER was empty except for a local homeless man the team allowed in from time to time to sleep off his latest drunken adventures. 
“Who doesn’t know how to bend their knees when lifting something heavy?” Jack asked again. 
“Ryan for one.” Sarah joked, pointing her cold cup of tea towards the fellow nurse in question. Ryan was a tall and skinny guy, not dissimilar to Alexander Skarsgard in the right light but with less charm although he had left a few of the interns swooning of late. Shanna quite liked him, too. 
“One time, Sarah. One time and I suffered for it greatly.” Ryan remarked, spinning a full 360 in his swivel chair. “Did you tick ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ for question eleven?” 
“Oh, if you don’t tick ‘strongly agree’ even if you only ‘agree’, they mark you down a couple of percentage points.” Entered Audrey, slamming down a pile of files on the desk beside Sarah. Their nightly routine just got more interesting. “Just get it over with. It’s not worth the effort. It’s just O’Brien being obsessed with stats again. He turns everything into a competition. I swear it’s unhealthy.”
Ryan looked momentarily confused before returning to face his computer screen. He re-read the question for the fifth time and rubbed his eyes in resignation. Something about 3am made this far too complicated. 
“When did you even find time to do this, Aud?” Jack asked, turning back to Sarah and Audrey in time to witness their shared look self-satisfaction. “I’ve been sat here for half an hour and am still only part way through the first section.” 
“I logged in at home earlier.” she responded before catching Sarah’s quizzical look. “Well, Michael did most of it for me.” 
“Fucking hell!” exclaimed Jack, chucking his pen on the table, giving up. “Got no chance then, have I? Michael’s a bloody genius. Hey, how much for him to do mine?” 
“Normally I’d say $100 but he’s pretty cheap these days.” shrugged Audrey. “Probably a fancy cigar would do.” 
“He still grumpy about the you-know-what?” whispered Sarah to her friend when the guys started joshing between themselves. 
Audrey leaned back on the desk beside her and took the mug from Sarah’s hands to take a sip, grimacing slightly at the sweetness. For some reason, Sarah had to have at least three sugars in her tea if she was drinking it post-midnight. It helped to keep her more alert apparently. She didn’t drink it like that at any other time of the day. “No more than usual. Seems like we’re both unlucky in that department at the moment.” 
Sarah smiled at her in acknowledgement, lips thin before biting the inside of her cheek. 
Following their last meet-up, Chris had been decidedly quiet. Too quiet almost. It was weird. He hadn’t messaged her. He hadn’t called or visited their apartment except to collect a parcel he had left. Sarah has been out for a run at the time and had felt silently glad to have missed him. He hadn’t updated his twitter and there had been multiple sports events occurring that would have guaranteed a humblebrag or five. Shanna had pledged to buy rib-eye steaks for a Saturday night meal during a Celtics game and he had cancelled at the last minute citing an interview he had conveniently forgotten. Even Audrey thought it was weird. If anything was guaranteed to get his attention and bring him out of whatever funk he was in, it was the promise of sports and a ‘Grade A’ barbeque. 
Shanna merely put it down to his laziness or him having something better turn up. Scott had started replacing Chris around their apartment, wanting to get some of his own distance from the tricky Zach situation and it helped her feel better knowing he was at least in touch with him if Shanna wasn’t. He was evidently still alive. 
Sarah decided to swap a couple of daytime stints to partner up with Audrey for the nights. She needed the comfort of working with a good friend to calm her down from whatever ledge her anxiety had placed her on. 
“You know that he’ll come back, right?” Audrey interrupted her thoughts. Maybe Sarah spoke too soon. “Haven’t you got that birthday thing for Lisa coming up?” 
That trip was a couple of weeks away yet. She was trying to bank some reasonable excuses but everything sounded lame in the cold light of day and Lisa was never going to accept her not coming as well. Surely things would have smoothed themselves out by then? 
“This won’t just fix itself, hun, you’ll need to speak to him eventually. And the sooner the better.” 
It was like Audrey had a hotline straight into Sarah’s psyche. It was unnerving at the best of times. Sarah knew she was right of course. It’s just, a little bit of distance would be a good thing, right? Even Chris himself had offered that advice from time to time, and stressing herself out at this point almost seemed counterintuitive. 
“I reckon you could go in an hour or so if you wanted.” Audrey offered, nudging her friend with her elbow to bring her back into the room. “It’s dead out there.”
“I hope not.” Sarah joked, trying to lighten the mood. “We’d be shit at our jobs if that was the case.” 
Audrey laughed for the first time since Sarah could remember that day. It was moments like this that reminded her of why she enjoyed working alongside her so much, and why she didn’t mind if it resulted in overtime. 
“You wanna take patient referrals while I take the EPRs?” 
“How can I refuse an offer like that?” Sarah picked up the dozen or so documents sat in front of her and grabbed the nearest chair. Audrey told her she’d put the kettle on and nudged the guys still glued to their screens. Ryan had pretty much given up logical thinking and was now ticking random boxes. Jack was cursing under his breath. O’Brien was going to be in for a real treat when he could finally tabulate the responses. 
It was nearing 6.20am when Sarah and Audrey finally packed up to go. Matt and Stephanie had just arrived to take over for the morning, bringing a fresh perspective for the day. There wasn’t much for them to catch up on so it should be a smooth few hours at least. Sarah even ran a mop through the staff locker room as an added gift – Steph was a notorious clean freak – nearly tripping Greg up in the process. 
He’d been on leave for the past fortnight and his hair was a little longer than she remembered. A five o’clock shadow graced the lower part of his face and it suited him more than she thought it would. He had kept up with the informal tie-less attire and he seemed to be, dare she it, enjoying himself. 
“God, I’m so sorry.” She held her hands up in a mock mea culpa. “I was just gonna put it away before heading out. It was a stupid place to leave it.” 
“Did you not take the Health and Safety refresher?” he joked, rebalancing himself and trying to play down the redness creeping into his cheeks from the embarrassment of temporarily losing his footing in front of her. 
“You gonna rat me out to O’Brien? ‘Cos you know as well as I do that he doesn’t need yet another reason to know he’s right.” She shifted the mop and bucket and placed them back in the supply closet before reaching for her bag again. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” He moved passed her before turning to face her again. “Tell you the truth, I ghosted the last couple of tabs myself. Who knew there were so many ways to ask questions about standing in elevators?” 
Sarah rolled her eyes in acknowledgement. “Yeh. I can’t wait to have the team meeting when he realises we’ve all pretty much done the same thing. That’s gonna be fun. I might finally take some of my holiday.” 
“Yeh, good plan. Hey listen,” His words stopped her in her tracks, feet from the exit. “Um, I know it’s been a while but I was wondering if you might want to reschedule that tennis match some time? Or if not, we could get some dinner or something? There’s that new sushi place on Reagan Street. It’s meant to be really good if you fancy it?” 
She was indeed familiar with that very restaurant thanks to the glowing reviews she had been unable to avoid since it opened. Audrey had only mentioned it a mere thousand times in her presence. Word was that bookings were now months in advance so she wasn’t sure how Greg was hoping to find a table unless he wanted to make plans with her in November. Given the number of commitments he always appeared to have going on, it wouldn’t be completely outside the realm of possibility. 
“Wow, I thought that place was fully booked?” 
“Yeh, it is, but I went to college with one of the investors and he’s promised me a one-off.” 
Of course he did. Sarah bit her bottom lip to stop herself from chuckling out loud, imagining Audrey’s face when she would inevitably find out. To be honest, she was genuinely surprised he was still showing a minor interest in her. When she finally made eye contact with him, his earnestness was practically shining. Had he always had perfect skin?  
“Um…” That was a good start, she thought. 
“Honestly, it’s not a big deal if you’d rather not.” He helpfully pre-empted her awkward rejection but she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “I’ve been meaning to go is all and I knew you liked sushi and figured it might be fun? They have live Jazz on Sunday nights.” 
When did he find out she liked sushi? And live Jazz? Just how much had Audrey told him about her? 
Realising she probably looked perplexed, she shuffled her shoulder strap back up onto her shoulder and tried to relax the awkwardness setting in between them. It was still quiet and no one was within earshot that she could figure out of her peripheral vision. 
“It’s not you, Greg, I promise. It’s just, I’m not really looking to get into anything right now. With anyone. Plus, we work together and…I’m sorry. I hope that’s OK?” 
“Hey, look, I promise it won’t be awkward. There’s absolutely no expectations from me and if you change your mind, just let me know, yeh? I literally know no one else who likes Sashimi so I can’t waste my only chance to get a table.” He chuckled and she felt more at ease. 
“If it’s any consolation, I’m a pretty crap date.” She smiled at him as she edged herself down the hall, putting space between them both literally and figuratively. “You wouldn’t be missing out.” 
“Oh, I doubt that somehow.” He returned her smile. “I’m serious, though. Just let me know. Anytime. No expiration date.” 
And with that, she had been left dumbfounded by two men in the space of a single week. 
It would have been easier to get the early morning bus home at this time, as tired as she was starting to feel. She hadn’t slept well in the last few days and she had a creeping nausea from the lack of proper rest. The walk and crisp, fresh air might do her some good. It was practically full daylight even at this hour, and it was sometimes fun to watch people on their own way to work, huffing along, trying not to drop their coffees. 
The out-of-town school bus passed her a few minutes out from her apartment and as she rounded the corner, she got this weird sense that someone was watching her. Another corner turned and she could see her building in the near distance. Still, she couldn’t shake it. She stopped, pretending to fumble for her phone in her pocket and turned around swiftly to see a sweaty Chris stop a few steps behind her. 
It took her a moment to register it was in fact him, his beard fuller and a Red Sox cap pulled down low over his eyes. He had sweats and sneakers on and looked like he was on a run. Honestly, if someone else had spotted him from this distance, they would have worried he was going to attack her. 
“Hey,” she said, turning to fully face him. “What are you doing out at this time?” 
He didn’t respond at first. He shuffled from one foot to the other before grounding himself and taking a couple of steps towards her. Again, he shuffled back a step like he was rethinking his move. She didn’t appreciate seeing him like this, so unsure of himself. 
“Five months out from filming some pre-shoots so figured I’d make a start.” He finally spoke. Not a really a smile but he at least sounded OK. 
“Cool.” She said, nodding back at him. “Um, I’m not sure if Shanna is awake yet but do you want to come inside for some water or coffee?” 
“Yeh, that’d be great. Thanks.” 
She turned to continue walking on. For a few long moments, he stayed walking slightly behind her. A couple more strides and he had decided to catch up. The last time it had taken this long to walk this same street, she had been so drunk she had narrowly avoided falling into her neighbour’s front garden. 
“Five months? You’re not that out of shape.” She tried to make a joke. It was the only thing she could think of. Audrey would be eye-rolling like a champ if she could see them now. 
Chris knew she was trying to make small talk now so he decided to indulge her. It was a fair response, he thought - he was doing OK - as he followed her up the stairs deliberately keeping two or three behind her in an effort to keep it casual. 
“Oh, y’know. I fluctuate pretty easily. A few pizzas here and there and it’s game over.” 
They walked into her kitchen and she had been right in assuming Shanna was still asleep. Unless she had awoken really early but that was highly unlikely, unless there was a sale at Ted Baker she didn’t know about. 
He lingered in the doorway while she searched the fridge for a bottle of water. Grabbing one from the back, she turned to hand it to him expecting him to be within an arm’s reach from her but he had been distracted by something down the hall before turning back to her. Gratefully, he accepted it and walked into the kitchen to take up his usual spot leaning against the counter. 
“Sorry, did you say you wanted a coffee?” She offered. 
“Nah, I’m good. Can’t really take caffeine until this afternoon.” 
“Sorry. I always forget how strict it is.” She apologised, offering him a sympathetic smile. 
He took a long swig from the bottle, not breaking eye contact from her. “No need to apologise. You OK? Night shift?” 
“Yeh. Pretty quiet, thankfully.” 
“I’ve always meant to ask but what is it like, a night shift? I can’t work out if it would be worse or not.” 
She understood what he meant and laughed. “It can go either way to be honest but it’s been quiet the last few nights. Nothing crazy. I caught up with some paperwork, so…” She shrugged again, acutely aware of how boring she must sound. 
He nodded at her. “Aren’t people supposed to be crazier in the summertime?” 
“Well, kids are around more and families tend to spend more time together, so…” 
The apartment was unnervingly quiet now which was weird. She could hear the uptake in traffic outside which provided some relief that perhaps he couldn’t hear her heart beating out of her chest. She could make out some small sweat patches on his hoodie and it did something to her that she wasn’t expecting. Shaking the thought from her head, she turned to switch the kettle off. 
“What?” He asked. 
She jerked her head back around to face him. “Huh?” 
“You were thinking of something. Your neck just went red.” He smiled, tilting his head at her and relishing the look of surprise making its way over her features, knowing he’d caught her out. 
That was news to her. She knew she had “tells” but a red neck was not usually one of them. How come no one had ever told her about this? 
“I can’t tell if you’re joking with me or not.” She inquired, playfully narrowing her eyes at him in an effort to lighten the mood. 
He shrugged a shoulder at her, a smirk starting to cross his fine features. Joshing with her was good. She’d take that. A small step in the right direction. 
“Sometimes, it’s really obvious. You get it when you’re embarrassed about something, or when you try to lie. I’d never really noticed it before, but...” He paused. His expression started to turn more thoughtful and she wished he’d just continue to make fun of her instead. 
“Guess I won’t be playing poker anytime soon.” She finished the thought for him. 
“Yeh, no, you’d be rubbish at that. Just terrible.” He took another swig from his bottle and waited for her to throw something at him. 
“You’re welcome.” 
The room went quiet again. She stirred her mug of coffee and offered him another chance at one which he politely refused although his discipline was waning slightly now he could smell it. 
“So this is fine.” He said after a couple of minutes, nodding in a slightly exaggerated manner. He looked out of the kitchen window. “We can do this, right? No awkwardness. No embarrassment. Just normal, everyday conversation.” 
“’Course,” she nodded in agreement. 
“Start as we mean to go on, right?” 
She nodded again. This felt like a trap and she couldn’t put her finger on why. Chris had a knack for saying and doing two different things at the same time, an intimidating ability that often put people on edge if he thought it would serve his purpose, whatever that may be. Probably the actor in him. When you called him out, he would aggressively defend himself which only served to prove the point you were making in the first place. 
Scott was the only one, truly, who knew when it was happening. It had taken Sarah years to get to a similar position but now, she wasn’t sure she was remotely close to it. 
“It’s as good a starting point as any, I guess.” She shrugged again, sipping from her cup. 
“So there’s no need to ignore me then.”  
“I haven’t been ignoring you, have I?” 
“You tell me. I’m just pre-empting it is all. I’m just saying we can still interact, you and me, if we need to. Like, it doesn’t always have to be in social settings with other people around.” He took a final drink from his bottle and turned to locate the recycling pot stashed away in the corner. Even with a mundane task, he always looked cool doing it. 
“So don’t worry about it.” 
“Alright then. That’s good to know.” She shot him a raised eyebrow which he caught and returned with a sly smirk. “I’m just trying to be sensible. We have to get this right or else there’s no point.” 
“I know, I get that, too.” If he wasn’t attempting to be serious before, he was now. He had a hand on his hip and seemed to have grown a few inches in height. “What do you think I’m trying to say?” 
“I…think I’m on the backfoot again and it’s weird.” She held a hand up in defence. 
“Hey, I’m just doing what we agreed, OK? I’m just following your rules.” 
“They’re not rules.” She struggled to regulate the volume in her voice in case she disturbed Shanna. “And you’re making it sound like I’m controlling the situation when I’m not. We both agreed on this. There’s no point being difficult about it.” 
Was he being difficult? Yes. Obviously, he was. He wasn’t happy. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling but happy definitely wasn’t it. Things were out of sorts and he hadn’t been able to eat carbs or sugar for four days so the withdrawal symptoms certainly weren’t helping. He should go easier on her. She was doing the thinking for the both of them. He should learn to be more grateful for that. 
He scratched the back of his head and let out an audible sigh in frustration. “I’ll try harder, I promise. We’ve got that cabin thing coming up with Mom, so…I promise I’ll be good.” 
He imitated the scout salute and she smiled at him, a smile not quite reaching her eyes. 
Another night shift and Audrey and was starting to get suspicious. No one willingly switched for a night shift. For one thing, there was a disproportionate amount of recovery time. A couple of night shifts often took in excess of a week to recover from; a week that a nurse definitely did not have to spare. 
“He been buggin’ you?” she asked, finally growing tired of the silence. 
“Who?” Sarah looked up from the cabinet. “No, not really. We haven’t really spoken.” 
“So why are you ignoring him?” 
“I’m not ignoring him! Why does everyone think that?” 
“Who’s everyone?” 
Crap. Audrey had her there. Sarah open and closed her mouth without a sound coming out. She took a breath. “He’s not bugging me. He’s not. I’m just trying to limit the times we’re in the same place at the same time.” 
“Huh, you’d think he would at least allow you to have peace in your own home.”  
“Well, to be fair, he hasn’t been around all that much, but…at least I don’t have to worry about him showing up unannounced. It’s stupid but I feel way more awkward about him than I thought I would. It’s like I can’t even stand to be under his gaze.” 
Audrey glanced at her friend, wishing she could offer some words of comfort. Even for someone as verbose as she normally was, she was finding it a struggle. Sarah wasn’t much looking for words of comfort at the given time either. She was all too aware of the predicament she was in and how much responsibility laid at her feet. In her mind, waiting it out was the only logical solution she could come up with. The only logical solution that didn’t require more conversations with someone who could feasibly run rings around her “theory” that if they just stayed apart for a little while, they would suddenly and magically forget about the past couple of months. 
They stayed filing documents in silence again, the air seemingly getting thicker. 
“You ever spoken with someone and it’s like they’re thinking the complete opposite of what’s coming out of their mouth?” Sarah huffed while shoving the cabinet drawer closed. 
“Not really. That person’s usually me.” 
“But why?” she asked. “Why can’t you just be normal?”  
“I mean, it’s not my go-to response of course. It’s normally reserved for occasions when I am trying to indulge someone because I know they’re talking bullshit. Like, when I know Mike has been gambling but he tries to deny it? It’s just easier to figure him out that way.” 
Sarah froze to the spot, looking at her friend. She breathed a heavy sigh and turned to lean back on the table behind her and crossed her arms. She stared at her shoes for a second. 
“Chris is a smart guy. I’ll give him that.” Audrey muttered loudly so she was sure Sarah could hear. 
“Give me something! I’m your friend here.” She implored her before chuckling to herself at Audrey’s face and her own apparent lack of self-awareness. 
“You know what I think? You’ve probably got withdrawal symptoms from the all the amazing sex you’ve had and now you’re sulking. I think you should get back on that horse and let him fuck you again. That’s what this is.” 
Sarah eyed her friend again. For once, she would love to hear someone tell her that she was right. “That’s really not helping, y’know.” 
“And this is?!” Audrey’s shriller tone cut through the dry air, smacking Sarah right in the face. “Honey, this isn’t healthy. You hiding out in the hospital and treating it like your own solace is not healthy at all. I love you but you are your own worst enemy.” 
“Alright, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for your unswerving efforts to be honest with me at all times and not, like a normal pal, be comforting in any way.” Sarah comically bowed to her friend before considering leaving the office. She would have followed through with the idea as well if it wasn’t for the cosy warmth of O’Brien’s office versus the coldness of the ER department thanks to a leaking pipe. “It’s difficult. I’m sorry. I don’t wanna fall out with you, Audrey.” 
Audrey just smiled at her. “I don’t know why you think you have to be the beacon of morality all the time, Sarah. Take a look around. No one else is. We all out here just trying to live our lives as best we can and a part of that is taking advantage of moments of happiness when we find them.” 
Something about what Audrey was saying did resonate with her but comparing two months of happiness with Chris to ten years with Shanna was not something she could in good conscience do. Shanna was her security blanket. She provided a comfort of living with someone with shared life experience, of knowing how little you thought about yourself because you were given up as a baby. Honestly, from the very first day they had met, Sarah felt lucky to know her. 
Yes, Shanna could be immature at times. Maybe a little selfish. She would often get carried away with trivial things and wasn’t the most reliable person, but what Sarah got in return was worth that and more. Her family enjoyed highlighting the maternal care Sarah would have to provide to someone who was seven months older than she was, but honestly it didn’t matter. 
Maybe this was one of the rare occasions where Audrey was wrong. 
Chris was a fling at best, Sarah told herself, when she was lying in bed struggling to fall asleep. When she was cold and missing his arms around her. They were both having shitty times and they both got something out of it. That was what Chris had said himself at the very beginning. 
Chris 08.15am: You home? Shanna said you were working late again 
It was like he knew she would be thinking about him. 
Chris 08.17am: I really dont want u ignoring me all the time. This is hard for me right now as well 
Sarah 08.21am: I kno. I’m so sorry I made you feel like that :(
He didn’t respond. She thought she saw the tell-tale three dots of him writing something but nothing appeared. Giving up on sleep, she got up and headed into the kitchen. Shanna had left her some bacon in the fridge and a fresh bread bun on the side so she turned on the grill and set about making some coffee. 
She felt strangely awake for this time and the apartment was nice and warm from the bright sunshine streaming in from all corners. Maybe a run would help. Or a cold shower.  
Chris 08.44am: I wanna be honest with u but I dont think u want that 
Chris 08.45am: so what do i do?? 
Fuck knows. 
Chris 08.51am: Can I come over? 
Sarah 08.54am: that’s not a good idea 
Chris 08.55am: cos you know what will happen? 
Chris 08.56am: what does that tell you?? 
She was sure he was nursing some kind of hangover or, quite possibly, he was still a little bit drunk. There were two responses she could give, she figured. The first would be her usual denial and perhaps an excuse that she was busy or working later than planned. The second, and ultimately the one she opted for, was to agree with him. 
Sarah 09.05am: I know what it tells me. That’s why I’m saying you shouldn’t come over 
Another three dots followed. There was only so many times they could go around and around in circles and as much as Audrey’s words made sense to her, it felt like she had to make the effort to regain some normality. 
He didn’t respond. She stared at her phone for an age but nothing came through. Maybe he got the message? Maybe he had fallen asleep. She was both relieved and suspicious; Chris wasn’t someone who backed down from an argument when he thought he was right. He had said as much himself. 
She turned the grill off, having lost her appetite. A run might make more sense and could help clear her head. 
She couldn’t sit around waiting for Chris to make his next move. 
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eryiss · 4 years
Chapter Two - The Handyman
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Summary: Freed and Laxus live incredibly different lives. Freed is a corporate lawyer in the capital city, and Laxus works as a handyman in a countryside hotel. Despite their differences, their lives collide when Freed inherits a house in Laxus’ village, and hires him to make the derelict building liveable. But the closer they get, the more they seem to offer each other. [Fraxus Multi-Chapter]
This was written as my admission for Fraxus Day 2020, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. This is the second chapter, and from now on it’ll be updated weekly. Hope you enjoy it.
You can read this under the cut, on Fanfiction, or on Archive of Our Own. You can find the chapter masterpost here.
Chapter Two – The Handyman
"Fucks sake. Fucking bitch."
"That's not the way to talk to a lady, Laxus. Damn."
"I ain't talkin' to a lady, I'm talking to this piece of shit."
With an angered huff, Laxus slammed down the screwdriver and allowed it to clatter against the small tray of tools. On the table was the industrial toaster that Laxus had been attempting to fix for the better half of the morning, with an only slightly warm piece of bread resting pitifully on the wire rack, practically mocking Laxus with its lack of any toast-like qualities. It was the sixth time that year that the machine had decided to work, and Laxus had grown to have a vendetta against the fucking thing.
But he wasn't going to let it win. He had singlehandedly fixed practically every electric device in Fairy Tail since becoming the handyman, and he would be damned if the fucking toaster was his downfall. He'd conquered faulty boilers, crappy wiring and, on one condition, a disgusting issue with sewage backup over the past year alone. A toaster was nothing.
"Just make your grandad buy a new one," Cana laughed as she walked further into the hotel's breakroom. "It's like twenty years old, probably only makes the bread darker because of an oil leak."
"I ain't getting it replaced," Laxus snapped, glaring at the open circuitry of the machine with probably too much hatred for what the situation deserved. "If it gets it replaced, then the fucking things knows that it's won."
"It's a toaster dude," Cana deadpanned.
"Don't give a shit," Laxus groaned, leaning back in the chair so the forelegs left the floor, resting his arms behind his head. "You meant to be working today?"
"Yeah. Apparently there's some big group coming for lunch and they need extra wait staff, so Gramps called me. And I'm working the bar later," Cana shrugged, taking out a chair and straddling it; because of course she did. "You?"
"Room seven had a flickering light, needed fixing," Laxus sighed. "Thought I might as well work on this thing while I'm here."
The blonde looked around the small room, eyes flittering towards the clock and sighing. He'd been drinking the night before and had it not been for his grandfather's seven AM phone call worrying about the supposed 'lawsuit waiting to happen' he would probably only just be getting out of bed after nursing a light hangover. He'd been able to wrangle a free breakfast from Mirajane, at least, but he would trade that in for his covers at that moment. At least when he was planning to feel sorry for himself about his hangover, he had something to do. Now he just had a day of nothing.
His work was fine, but inconsistent. He did any repairs that was needed at his grandfather's hotel, be that plumbing, electric work, or just helping out when it was understaffed. But Makarov kept a tight ship, and had good relationships with his staff so absences only happened when needed. So, Laxus was often left with little to do.
It was a nice problem to have, but Laxus didn't intend to be impartial.
This was the issue in living in a small town for all of your life, being forced to either thrive there or break free from it. He liked Magnolia, the area was beautiful and his childhood there had been good, but he was limited by living there. A degree in electrical engineering wasn't worth much when the only relevant job available was at a mechanics shop where he'd once bashed in the teeth of the owner's son. The miserable old bastard should have forgiven him by now; it'd been six years.
Which was why he was grateful for his grandfather giving him the job. He got to put his degree to use, even if on crappy toasters, and made a living. But it was a boring existence, and the reason why Laxus found himself on job searchers websites at least twice a week.
"You gonna eat that?" Cana asked, going towards the warmed but not toasted bread.
"No," Laxus furrowed his brows. "Are you?"
"I'm poor, man," Cana laughed, picking up the bread and eating it.
"I've seen the cupboard where you keep your booze, you ain't 'stealing warm. crappy bread poor' yet," Laxus deadpanned, and Cana laughed as she ate her bread; she didn't even put fucking butter on it. "And you get twice the number of tips than me when we work the bar together. Where's it going?"
"Booze cupboard," Cana grinned.
"You'll fuck up your kidneys, you know."
"I'll get an operation and replace 'em," Cana laughed, swallowing a bite of bread. "Speaking of being split open and things going inside, you fucked anyone lately?"
"Fuckin hell!" Laxus exclaimed, wide eyes darting towards the woman who was now openly laughing.
This was something that his friend brought up often, and as such she had lost all tact about it. The two of them were some of the only openly gay people in Magnolia – at least to their knowledge – and therefore had some annoying kinship when it came to their relationships. It had started as them both feeling sorry for themselves, as they had nobody to date. Somehow, it had devolved into a friendship where Cana felt perfectly comfortable talking about what Laxus was planning on doing, or had done, in his bed.
Worse still, Laxus didn't have the same opportunity to make fun of her. Cana was openly besotted with Mirajane, and had long since lost any shame about it. Cana could joke about Laxus falling in love with any man he saw, but Laxus couldn't do the same because they both knew Mirajane was the only woman for her.
Selfish asshole.
"You're gonna fuck all of hell? You must have more time on your hands," Cana laughed, and Laxus stood up with a groan. "Aw, come on man, don't leave."
"I'm gonna go see if one of the toilets needs to be unblocked," Laxus grunted, walking towards the door of the breakroom. "Seems more pleasant than talking t' you."
"Oh how you wound me, I think I might cry," Cana spoke in possibly the most sarcastic voice possible.
"Go suck on yer crushes clit," Laxus muttered.
"Had a good few dreams about that, my man," Cana grinned, before adding in a less teasing tone. "And Lisanna said she wants to talk to you later, so find her once you're done scrubbing the shitter," A smirk formed on her features again. "Maybe she wants to set you up with her brother. You'd be a hot ass couple."
"Fuck yourself."
"Imagine the carnage though. The two of ya could break beds faster than an over eager lumberjack."
Laxus didn't respond, and lifted his middle finger to the woman as he left the room.
There had been no toilets in need of being cleaned, thankfully, but Laxus had been able to keep himself busy for the morning. It had been mainly small and inconsequential jobs, such as removing leaves from the guttering before a build-up formed and checking that supply of complimentary soap wasn't running low, before he ended up back in the break room and working on the toaster.
It wasn't going well, and the patrons would have to deal with the break rooms single slice toaster for at least another day, but at least Cana was working the restaurant for the lunch shift rather than being there to annoy him. He hoped that the table was full of obnoxious people who didn't know what they wanted and refused to tip.
He gulped down half a can of Red Bull, and groaned as he fought the urge to check toaster prices online.
After cracking his back, he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. He quickly checked himself out in the mirror to make sure he looked presentable before leaving the break room; he may not be part of the service-staff, but he still needed to look good to represent the hotel. Normally he wouldn't have to worry about this – his contact with guests was limited – but if he was going to speak to Lisanna, as Cana had claimed he should, then it was almost definite that he'd be in the public eye for a few minutes at least. He didn't look too bad for someone who'd nearly vomited over a plate of cheese fries the night before.
Lisanna was working at the office attached to the front desk, doing some kind of admin that Laxus didn't care enough about to understand. He walked in and, once she looked up from the monitor, she grinned at him. Laxus didn't frown, but the urge was there. The two of them weren't particularly close.
"Hi," She greeted, annoyingly cheerfully. "I didn't know if Cana had passed on the message."
"Well, here I am," Laxus shrugged.
"There you are," She said with a smile, then waved towards one of the other desk chairs populating the cramped room. Laxus took a seat. "So, I've got something I thought you could help with. A proposition I guess."
Laxus paused for a moment. She wasn't actually going to try and set him up with Elfman, was she? That would be weird, Elfman wasn't Laxus' type.
"There's this guest, you see, who checked in yesterday," She began, before stopping herself. "No, that's not important. Well it is, but not right now," Laxus stayed quiet. Lisanna was a talkative person, and could probably have an entire conversation with herself. "You know Albion house, the old cottage on the outskirts of town that's' all run down."
"Yeah," Laxus nodded, confused. "Think I made up some crap about it being haunted when I was a kid."
"That's the place- that was you! Mirajane told me when I was eight and I had nightmare for weeks, you asshole," Lisanna chastised, and Laxus didn't hide the smirk at the admission. "Whatever, we can talk about that later. Anyway, it recently got a new owner, you see. And I was talking to him last night and a bit during breakfast. So he doesn't know what to do because he can't knock it down and sell the land, and the house is kind of crappy so nobody's actually gonna wanna pay any real money for it, right. So he's kinda stuck; I think he needs the money for something, I didn't wanna ask."
Did she talk to the guests this much?
This was why Laxus always booked into big corporate hotels whenever he stayed away.
"Getting off topic, sorry," She shook her head. "So, I was talking to the new owner, and he thought maybe he could get it sold for more money if it was more functional. Not a total refurbishment or anything, just making sure the lights work and the floorboards won't crumble underfoot. And he's not from the area, so he doesn't know any builders or plumbers or anyone he'll need."
She then stopped talking, and began grinning at Laxus expectantly. "And?"
"Really conforming to the stereotype of strong men being dumb," She muttered, and Laxus found himself happy that his ghost story had apparently given her nightmares. "And I said that we've got a kickass handyman working here part time who could probably help you out. I told him about all the stuff you do around here, and he said he'd be interested in meeting with you!"
"You got me a job interview?" Laxus said, taken aback slightly.
"Well, I don't think it's that formal, but kinda," She grinned. "I heard you're looking for a project to work on, and he said he's willing to pay you for your time if you're any good."
Laxus leant back in the chair, closing his eyes slightly. He didn't have a reputation for reacting particularly well to surprises, and this was rather a big one. Because a woman he barely actually knew had done something pretty damn big for him.
Working on property was something Laxus had been curious about, and it had seemed to be plausible for him. It was essentially what he was doing in the hotel, just on a larger scale and possibly with more of a challenge, which Laxus liked the sound of. There had been a few months where he'd watched house renovation shows when he could, to see if he could get a better understanding on how the field worked. He very quickly learned that, to do what he wanted, he needed the money to buy some run down property to renovate. Money which he didn't have, given he was a handyman working part time in a hotel.
So to have an opportunity given to him out of nowhere was a little overwhelming.
Because it could really help him out. He was more than qualified to modernise a house's inner workings, and was willing to put the work in. And if it went well, he would at worst end up with more experience, some extra money and perhaps a good reference he could give to some other housing developers. It could actually be really good.
Of course, that meant Laxus was immediately distrustful of the offer. Because things didn't just happen.
"So this guy is just gonna trust some random stranger?"
"I think he's kind of desperate, really," Lisanna laughed, a pitying expression on her face. "I think he wants to get out of here as quickly as he can, he's a city boy. But that doesn't matter. He seems like a nice man, and it's not like you can't do the work he wants. You might as well talk to him, see if it works out," She shrugged. "He's in the restaurant I think. I said I'd bring him over if you were interested."
"Erm," Laxus mumbled. "Fuck it, why not?"
The majority of the walk towards the restaurant was spent with Laxus trying to rationalise exactly what had just happened. He glanced at his reflection whenever he could, because if this was as much an opportunity as Lisanna seemed to think that it was, Laxus needed to make a good first impression.
When they walked into the restaurant, Lisanna seemed to scan the room before spotting the person she was looking for. She started to walk again and Laxus followed, eyes eventually settling on the man sitting at the window table.
He wasn't what Laxus expected.
Having expected a stuffy old man, in his fifties and balding, Laxus felt wrongfooted. The man was almost certainly a few years younger than Laxus. He had long and green hair, tied high in a ponytail. He was wearing a sharp looking suit that Laxus didn't recognise the brand of. His facial features were sharp and well structured, no doubt the rest of his body just as maintained under his clothing. As Laxus got closer he could smell a mix of some sharp and cool cologne, and the floral scent left by the clothes' steamers put in every room. When he looked up to Laxus he had sharp and inviting blue eyes, and a somewhat enigmatic expression.
Laxus might be inclined to call him a pretty boy, had his expression been a little less intense.
Just his type. Aesthetically, anyway.
"Mr Justine," Lisanna said in greeting. "How'd your lunch?"
"Very pleasant," The man said, glancing for a second to the chicken salad he was eating and then back to Laxus.
"This is the man I told you about, our handyman," Lisanna explained, nudging Laxus. The blonde stepped forward and offered his hand to shake. The man did so, with a firm grasp.
"Laxus," The blonde said. "It's nice to meet you, sir."
"You too," The man replied, and Laxus couldn't help but notice how smooth his voice was. But it wasn't the time, so he retracted his hand as the other man spoke. "I'm Freed, as you've perhaps been told. I expect your colleague has explained why I wish to speak with you?"
"The Albion House, right?" Laxus asked. "You got lumbered with the place and need help with the electrics."
"Essentially, yes," Freed nodded. "The only thing that's actually remained intact is the building's structure. The wiring, the plumbing, the heating system, and I'm sure there's a lot more that I'm not aware of that has also been destroyed. I wish to get the building to a point where it's functioning so I can sell it. It doesn't need to be nice to look at, just work. Is that something you think you can do?"
"Well, I'm good with all that shit- stuff," Laxus winced, glancing at the table, and missing the amused expression on Freed's face. "I've done a lot of work here, and in some other houses when they need it. Unless there's some really unusual crap, I should be fine."
"Take a seat, Mr Dreyar."
At the sudden request, Laxus found himself doing what he was told. He sat opposite Freed, and waited a little awkwardly while Freed ordered another tea for himself. He thought about telling him that Lisanna wasn't actually part of the wait-staff, but she smiled and said it'll be right out before retreating to the kitchen. He frowned as she walked away, only to quickly turn back and give him two thumbs up and a large smile. He almost rolled his eyes at the stupid action, but looked back to the man who might soon employ him.
"I think it's best we be honest with one another," Freed continued, and Laxus nodded slightly. "I have no interest nor practical skill when it comes to homeownership and renovations. I can learn, and I'm not an impractical man in general, but a lot of the work will be done by you."
"I can do that," Laxus said with a nod. "How would that work with the, erm… payment, if that ain't too forward?"
"No, that's fair," Freed said, pulling out his phone from his breast pocket. "I haven't had long to look into it, but I plan to pay you by the hour; I don't know how long it will take, so I thought that made more sense than a single payment. I'll clarify how much you get each hour when I find out the average pay a skilled workman gets. Of course we can debate this if you don't think it's fair, but I expect it'll be a good wage"
Laxus probably looked a bit stupid for a moment. He was expecting either a vague answer or a simple 'I'll pay you a grand and expect it to be done by the end of the month.' Not a lot of… legal sounding crap.
"That sounds good," Laxus said after a moment, nodding. "How bad's the house, if y' know? The outside ain't great but I'd like to know what I'm getting into."
"The outside is the best part, I'm afraid," Freed chuckled a little bitterly, and Laxus glanced up at his face again. On his handsome features – and damn, up close they were pretty handsome – there were slight lines of worry beside his eyes. "I didn't take many pictures as I wasn't in the best of moods, but this is fairly reflective of the entire place."
Freed flicked on his phone a few times, and then showed his screen to Laxus. It took a few seconds for Laxus to actually understand what that was, and when he did he let out an almost impressed sigh and leant back in his chair.
"That's the circuit box?" He laughed, and Freed nodded. "It looks like…"
"It had a violent orgy with a jackhammer, baseball bat and a box of explosives?" Freed completed, and Laxus let out a short bark of laughter, shocking himself.
"Fuck, sorry. I shouldn't laugh," Laxus winced, though he was grinning. When he glanced towards Freed again, he openly saw him smirking at him. If nothing else, at least this proved his boss had a sense of humour. "I didn't expect it, sorry. It does look pretty bad though, if the rest of the house is like that then it's probably gonna take a while to get the place in a liveable state."
"I assumed as much," Freed said with a sigh. "I only intend to stay here for a week, I should clarify. My office may allow me to extend that for another week. I'm hoping that, by then, you'll have begun work and can do so without me. I'll keep in regular contact of course, but I won't be here in person often."
"That's okay. I can deal with that," Laxus nodded as he spoke. He liked working alone. "What do you do, if you don't mind me askin'?"
"I'm a lawyer," Freed waved his hand as he returned his phone to his jacket pocket.
"Fuck. That's pretty-" Hot. "Impressive."
"Thank you," Freed nodded a little. "I don't mean to be abrupt, but I've got to clear some details up with my office, so I'll have to leave you," He pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket. "Here's my card, call me in the evening. We'll discuss things further then. Good day, Laxus."
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "Speak later."
Freed nodded, and left the restaurant. Laxus allowed his eyes to trail over his retreating figure, roaming over his broad shoulders to his taut waist, then, for a split-second, to his ass. He glanced away, only to see Cana watching him with a judgmental, shit-eating grin.
"I'm gonna fix the fucking toaster," Laxus muttered with a slight blush, standing abruptly. Cana kept smirking. "Fuck off."
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
Time and Time Again
Idol: Nako (IZ*ONE)
Prompt: Hi!! Can I request a scenario where you are a traveler, so you and Nako always coincidentally meet up while travelling and you eventually decide to travel together. + a kiss
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I love travelling so I was excited to write this AU. I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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The first time you met her, you were in Bangkok, Thailand, taking shelter from the sudden rain in a cafe on the hottest summer day you’d ever experienced in your life. As you stepped inside, your wet hair clung to your face and a welcomed chill went through your body as a blast of cool air hit your damp clothes, momentarily cooling you down. The cafe was crowded with other people just like you, rushing in to get away from the rain, and you looked around for a free table, shifting the weight of your backpack from shoulder to shoulder as you ordered a coffee in broken Central Thai.
Once the coffee was in your hand, you slipped further into the cafe, dodging larger groups and cursing the rain for pausing your day of exploring Rumbuttri Road. There were no tables open, but you spotted a single bar stool at the window and quickly walked over to claim it before anyone else could. As you sat down, placing your backpack on the floor underneath you and hoping nothing inside was wet, the woman on your right turned to look at you with a smile.
“Did you get caught outside too?”
You jumped a bit, not expecting anyone to talk to you, and glanced over, only for your heart to skip a few beats. The woman was small, with her wet hair pulled back into a low, messy bun at the back of her neck, and had the cutest dimpled smile you’d ever seen. A backpack similar to yours, just smaller and more purple, sat at her feet, and you collected yourself, realizing that you were talking to a fellow traveler.
“O-oh, yeah, I did. I totally forgot to bring my umbrella because it looked so sunny today. You’d think after years of travelling I’d learn better.”
She let out a soft laugh. “Same here. I’m usually better prepared than this! I’m Nako, by the way.” She held out a hand, and you took it, smiling back at her.
“I’m (Y/N). You’re a traveler too, I take it?”
“I am. I work out of Japan writing travel guides and posting photos and tips to Instagram. What about you?”
“I write guides as well. I go places that my followers are curious about and give them tips as well as photograph and sometimes video my experiences. It’s a great job.” You gestured out the window, where the rain was still pouring down. “Although sometimes I’m forced to take unwanted breaks.”
“It’s kind of fun though, isn’t it?” Her bright smile didn’t fade as she looked out the window, stirring her drink. “Even though I have to be inside, I get to meet other travelers or locals. It’s nice to try local places, relax, and chat a little. Plus, I love a little spontaneity!” Her positivity made you glance back outside, watching the rain with a new gaze. The street was now mostly empty, but inside of the cafe was cool and bustling with activity and chatter. You might have never stopped here if you didn’t get caught in the rain, and you had to admit that you liked the coffee. Plus, you might not have met her without the rain.
“I like that outlook,” you said with a smile, pulling out your phone. Maybe the rain wasn’t so bad. “You said you were on Instagram, right?”
A few months later, you found yourself wandering around the Amalfi Coast, trying to find a certain ice cream and yogurt shop a few of your followers had asked you to visit. It had recently been featured on a travel show and people were eager to see if it lived up to the hype, but you could hardly tell them if you couldn’t find the shop. Usually, you would be grumbling by now, but the scenery, the fried seafood you’d just eaten, and the feeling of the cool ocean breeze on your skin kept you in high spirits as you wandered through the pretty side streets, your eyes peeled for a little yellow shop sign.
As you walked, you looked at your phone, using the tagged photos of the outside of the shop as reference. You had the feeling that you were close as you stopped to study to roofs of the houses around you. They looked familiar, and when you turned a corner, you saw a sign that made you smile. You’d found the road the shop was on. Proud, you went to turn off your phone, only for a username in the tags to catch your eye.
It was Nako. And she’d just now posted.
“The ice cream already looks so good, I can’t wait to try it!”
Well. This was a pleasant surprise. Smiling, you made your way up the street and quickly found the yellow sign, hanging over an old yellow door with a bell at the corner. When you pushed the door open, you were met with the smell of fruit and she sight of Nako at one of the small tables in the corner. She looked up at the sound of the bell and her eyes widened.
“I saw your photo and figured you would still be here,” you said with a grin, waving at her. She was more tanned than she had been a few months ago, most likely from her recent trip to the Bahamas, but she still looked just as cute as she had when you first met her, especially in her loose floral sundress. A smile spread over her face as she jumped from her seat (just as tiny as ever) and waved you over.
“What are you going here?” She asked, opening her arms for a hug. The two of you had been talking over Instagram since Thailand, so it felt like hugging an old friend.
“I’m doing the same thing as you are, I’m sure,” you said as you pulled away, holding up your phone. “Travelling for my followers.”
“I guess I should have known that.” She giggled, and you remembered how much you’d loved the sound of her laugh when the two of you first met. “Oh, you should order something! The ice cream here is amazing!”
“So I’ve heard. Mind if I put my bag down here?”
“You know I don’t.”
Soon, you came back with your own order, only to raise your eyebrows in surprise. She’d already finished half of her cup, and you were impressed.
“How did you eat all of that without getting a brain freeze?” There was a playful lilt to your voice as you sat down across from her and she flushed, tucking her long brown hair behind her ear.
“I like ice cream and I eat it a lot, so I can eat it really fast.”
“That’s impressive.”
She giggled again, much to your delight. “Thank you!” After you took your first bite, she spoke again. “How do you like it?”
“It’s incredible,” you said truthfully. “It tastes so fresh.”
“Right? This place is totally worth the hype.”
“I agree, even though I had a hard time finding it.”
“Same here, but the walk is worth it, don’t you think? Such a beautiful view.” She sighed as she looked out the window. The shop was angled so that one could see the ocean out the front window, past the other buildings on the cliff side. “It’s romantic, don’t you think?”
It was your turn to blush as you glanced out the window and nodded. “Yeah. I bet the sunset is nice around here.”
“Want to see if we can find a spot after we finish? My followers are always looking for secret spots to watch the sunset.” She smiled widely, her dimples showing, and you couldn’t help but smile back, knowing that your review of this spot would be especially sweet.
“That sounds like a great idea!”
That night, you returned to your lodging with the sweet taste of fruit ice cream on your tongue and a photo of you, Nako, and the sunset on your phone.
And maybe you were biased, but the sunset had been especially beautiful from where you stood at Nako’s side on the cliff’s edge, staring out over the sky blue ocean.
A month later, at the night market in Kenting, Taiwan, you weren’t even surprised when you saw her familiar figure in the crowd, ordering food at a stand. Instead, a rush of happiness went straight to your heart and a smile came to your face as you approached her.
“I think our followers overlap,” you said, making her jump and spin around before bursting into laughter. It was somehow pretty when she did it, running her hand through her hair while the other held her skewer of fried milk.
“You surprised me,” she said, her face bright under the streetlights. “But I kind of had a feeling I’d see you again soon.” She held out her arms and again you accepted a hug, feeling like you were seeing an old friend. “Try some fried milk,” she said as she stepped back and gestured at the stand. “Seriously, it’s amazing!”
“I never thought I’d try something like this,” you responded truthfully, “but I trust you.” Pulling out your wallet, you stepped up to the stand, amazed as the cook pulled out a skewer of frozen milk, coated it, and dropped it into the fryer. The smell was amazing, and you were excited to try it when you picked it up, blowing on it as you stepped back over to Nako and started to walk with her.
“Thoughts?” She asked as you bit into it, giggling at your face.
“Hot,” you said, sucking in air to try and cool it off. After you got over the heat, though, the cold milk hit your tongue and your eyes widened. “It tastes like ice cream! So that’s why you like it!”
“Bingo!” She happily took another bite, humming at she ate, and you found yourself admiring her satisfied expression. How was she so beautiful?
“Are you headed anywhere after this?” You asked, hope tinging your voice, and she shook her head, sending you a grin.
“No, why do you ask?”
“I was going to invite you to spend the rest of the night with me. I know a great place for drinks nearby. Only if you want to, though.”
She giggled again and took your arm, making your heart go wild as she looked up at you. Did she know how cute she was? “I’d love to.”
-I saw your followers asking you to go to Kyoto. I know Kyoto really well, I can show you around if you want!
When you woke up to Nako’s message over Instagram, your heart started to pound. She was inviting you to travel with her, that had to count for something, right? Especially with the time the two of you had spent together, most recently accidentally meeting up in Australia and going on an outback tour together. The two of you had been talking nonstop since you met, and the feeling of friendship you felt for her had developed into something... more. You couldn’t help being hopeful that this invitation and the way she had smiled at you before the two of you parted ways in Australia meant that she felt the same.
-That would be awesome! I have a feeling we’d run into each other anyway 😂 so we might as well travel together.
-Right? That’s what I thought! Plus, I’ve been wanting to travel with you anyway so it’s a win-win for me!
Butterflies started up in your stomach and you grinned like an idiot, now fully awake.
-Same here. When are you free for Kyoto?
-I get back from Korea two weeks from now, does that work for you?
-Works for me! Just send me the details and I’ll book a ticket. Your wish is my command!
-Lol just put your trust in me, I won’t let you down!
The string of emojis she sent afterwards just further brightened your day and you got out of bed with a spring in your step, daydreaming about Kyoto. You had never been so excited for a trip before.
Even though the flight to Kyoto was long, the bubbling excitement in your chest wouldn’t go away. Nako had told you a few things, such as where you’d be staying and how long you’d be there, but she’d left most of her ideas up in the air, answering with a little “hm, I don’t know!” when you asked about the trip. If it was anyone other than her, you might have gotten annoyed with someone else planning a trip for you. With Nako, though, you found yourself having fun. You trusted her and knew she would make a trip you enjoyed.
When you finally got off the plane, dragging your luggage with your eyes searching for her, your mind was full of possible spots she would take you to and your body was almost vibrating with anticipation. It took you a moment to spot her in the huge crowd, but when you found her, she was standing on her tip-toes and waving, and you felt a smile spread over your face. You had never seen her in a autumn clothes before, but the oversize pink sweater she had on somehow made her look even cuter: probably because she was already so tiny.
“(Y/N), you made it!” She called, throwing her arms open as you walked over to her and pulling you into a tight hug (you were starting to really like her hugs). “I’m so happy to see you again!”
“It’s been a whole month,” you said playfully as you pulled away and gave her a once-over, butterflies going crazy once again. “Did you hair grow even longer? How does it grow so fast?”
She giggled and tucked her hair behind her ears, a flush on her cheeks. Cute. “I think I just use the right products. I’m thinking of cutting it soon, since it’s getting in the way when I try to free travel.”
“I’d miss your long hair, but I know you’d look good with short hair too.”
“For sure.”
For a moment, the two of you just grinned and stared at each other, before bursting into giddy laughter, amused at the situation.
“You’d think that after seeing you once a month I’d stop feeling nervous,” she said, and your heart rate spiked. What did that mean? You didn’t have time to ask her, though, because she quickly turned and gestured towards the doors. “Come on, I have a car waiting for us and we have a long day ahead!”
Nako knew how to plan a trip. Every minute was accounted for, and she’d chosen the spots that she knew you’d enjoy. Kyoto was beautiful, especially in the fall, and her hand in yours as she showed you around warmed you from the inside, keeping you warm even when the wind caught at your hair.
The first day consisted of a tour of the city: Nishiki Market, street shopping, the perfect view of the Kyoto tower, hidden cafes, a river walk, and dinner at one of the oldest restaurants in the region. By the time she brought you back to the ryokan you were staying at, you were exhausted, your feet hurting in the most satisfying way.
Half of you had hoped that she would stay with you, but of course, she said goodbye and gave you a hug, telling you to meet her outside bright and early in the morning.
As excited as you were, you fell asleep as soon as you laid down, a smile on your lips as you dreamed about the possibilities tomorrow might bring.
The second day started with a walk through the bamboo forest that left you breathless. By the time you left, you were sure you’d taken a hundred photos: of both the bamboo and of Nako, who blended right in with her light green sweater. After that, you found yourself on a train ride and doing a blur of other outdoor activities that made your well-earned dinner taste incredible.
The days seemed to blend together in a rush of wonderful moments, of beautiful scenery and Nako’s sweet giggle and foods you’d never tasted before. You walked through temples and visited a sea-side village and laughed as you rode a lift up a mountain, watching Nako whine about the height. Everything was just perfect in every way, but before you knew it, it was the last night of your trip and you were sitting across from her on a train towards an smaller traditional town outside the city.
“The scenery out here is so beautiful, I don’t think I’d ever be able to get used to it,” you commented as you looked out the window, watching as splashes of orange, red, and yellow appeared on the countryside.
“It’s a beautiful place,” Nako agreed, a smile on her lips. She’d been smiling this entire time (aside from when she got splashed by an octopus while the two of you were at the seafood market) but you still couldn’t get enough of it. She was so cute that your heart squeezed every time she sent that dimpled smile your way. “But I think all of the places we visit are beautiful in their own ways. We live in a beautiful world.”
“We do,” you said, gazing at the way the evening sun cast shadows over her small face. For a while, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, enjoying resting your feet in the warmth of the train and watching the scenery go by. As you watched, you thought back over the trip and wished it would never end. You’d had more fun with her in the past few days than you’d had in a long time, and you found yourself not wanting to leave her side. In fact, you kind of wanted to spend forever with her, and that feeling was kind of intimidating. Especially since you didn’t know how she felt about you.
“Where are we headed?” You asked, finally breaking the silence to get away from the thoughts that were beginning to make your heart pound.
“We’re headed to Kinosaki. It’s a beautiful town. There’s a ryokan there with private onsen baths and the food is incredible. I thought I’d treat you since it’s your last night here.”
“Haven’t you been treating me this entire time?” You joked, making her laugh.
“I guess so, but shouldn’t we go out with a bang this time?”
She was right about Kinosaki being beautiful. You could smell the sea as you stepped off the train and the air was cool and crisp: perfect for bathing in an onsen. Like you’d been doing since the beginning, you let her take your hand and lead you as you enjoyed the scenery.
It was only when the two of you reached the ryokan that it hit you: was she suggesting that the two of you get into an onsen together? Your face flushed and you gripped your backpack, suddenly feeling light-headed. You weren’t ready for this.
“Here we are! The best ryokan in Kinosaki.” She grinned and waved her hand, apparently oblivious to your plight. “Tonight is going to be a treat, just you wait!”
“I-I bet.” You followed her inside, in awe at how beautiful everything was. There was a garden outside, and when you went inside, you saw the spa sign. This place really was high end.
“Hello, I had a reservation for two rooms with private open-air baths under the name Yabuki Nako.” Ah, so she had reserved two rooms. That made sense. You weren’t sure whether to be disappointed or relieved.
“Of course, we’ve been waiting for your arrival. Just follow me.” The clerk stepped out from behind the desk and guided the two of you down the long hallway until you reached two sliding doors, side-by-side. “Here are your rooms, Ms. Yabuki. Please let us know if we can help you in any way.”
As he walked away, you raised your eyebrows at her. “How were you able to get two rooms side-by-side? I’ve heard of this place, it’s really hard to get any rooms here!”
“I might have flexed my ‘famous travel blogger’ muscles to encourage them to get us the rooms I wanted,” she said, a mischievous grin on her cute lips, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I figured as much.”
“Go in and explore your room! We can eat dinner together and since the baths are right next to each other, we can talk without it being awkward.” She opened her door and stepped inside and you followed suit, stepping into your room and glancing around as you took off your backpack.
It wasn’t the biggest room you’d ever stayed in, but it was nicer than most, immaculately decorated and spotless. At the back of the room was another sliding door and you could see the steam of a private bath through the panels. Curious, you walked back and opened the door, taking everything in. It was small and definitely meant for a one person bath, but you couldn’t help chuckling to yourself as you thought about how small Nako was. With her, it was definitely a two person bath.
There was a knock at your door, and you walked back to see her standing outside, her face bright and expectant. “Well?”
“It’s beautiful. I love the private bath. This is probably one of the fanciest places I’ve ever stayed.”
Obviously proud of herself, she grinned. “I knew you’d like it. Do you want to eat or take a bath first?”
“Honestly I’m not hungry yet, and the bath is calling my name.”
“Same. Meet you outside?”
You flushed despite knowing there would be a barrier between the two of you. “S-sure.”
Once you were ready, you sank into the warm water and let out a content sigh. Your sore muscles immediately felt better, and the chill from the air kept you from overheating. It was perfect.
A splash and similar sigh told you that Nako was in too, and you moved so that your back was towards the barrier, as close to her as you could get.
“This is amazing,” you said, “thanks for bringing me here.”
“You’re welcome. I wanted to try it too, after all.” She let out a giggle, and you tried not to imagine what she looked like in the bath, her face flushed from the heat. “So did you like my itinerary?”
“I’ll give it to you, you know what you’re doing when it comes to travelling. Everything has been great. I can’t even chose a favorite spot.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” She paused for a moment, and you could hear more splashing. “It’s sad that you have to leave tomorrow, though. It feels like this week has gone to quickly.”
You leaned back and watched the steam curl up into the sky. The stars were beginning to come out, twinkling and winking down at you as if they knew something you didn’t. A wind blew through the trees, rustling the leaves and causing some to fall to the ground, and somewhere in the ryokan, you could hear people laughing and talking. A dog barked somewhere far off and a bird returned its call as the nearby sea brushed against the sand, loud enough for you to hear but still faint to your ears. Your heart squeezed in your chest and you closed your eyes, sinking further into the water.
Was the world always this beautiful, or were you just in love?
“I almost wish I could stay forever,” you said truthfully, voice loud enough for only her to hear. “I never want this night to end.”
There was a soft splash on her side of the barrier, then a sigh. “Yeah,” she said, her voice equally soft. “Me too.”
After the bath, it was time for dinner. You let her into your room, breath catching in your throat at the sight of her in a yukata, her hair in a loose bun and her face still slightly flushed and damp from the bath. You were reminded of the first time you met her in Thailand, and the thought made your heart squeeze.
“You look nice,” she commented, looking you up and down, and you blushed, glad you’d put on the yukata hung in your room.
“Thanks, so do you.”
“Thank you!” Her giggle echoed in your ears as the two of you sat at the table, waiting for dinner to be brought up. “You know,” she said after a moment, “we could always do this again.”
You were caught off guard. “Do what again?”
“This. Travelling together, I mean. Our destinations usually match up anyway. And it’s nice to travel with someone else for a change.”
“It is.” You’d been thinking the same thing, but until she brought it up, you weren’t sure if she’d want to. All you wanted was to see her again, and the two of you hadn’t even separated yet. “Where were you thinking of going next?”
“I’m not sure. You know, I’ve never been to Austria, but I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place.”
“Should we visit, then?”
She smiled and opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Dinner was served.
She had been right about the food being amazing. Not only was it served course by course, making you feel like royalty, but it looked and tasted incredible. You almost didn’t want to swallow as you ate, wanting to savor the tastes forever. By the time dinner was done, you were full and happy, knowing you would rave about the place when you got around to your review.
“Did it live up to your expectations?” Nako asked as she finished the rest of her tea, and you nodded, glancing at the photos you’d taken of the food.
“I already want to eat it again, it was that good.” You grinned at her. “Thanks for this, Nako. I had an amazing time.”
“You’re welcome.” Her smile was soft and affectionate, and it made your heart skip a beat as she reached across the table to give your hand a quick squeeze. Just as fast as her touch was there, it was gone, and she was standing up. “Well, we have to be up early to get back, so we probably shouldn’t stay up too late.”
Words lumped in your throat as you stood up with her, and you were overcome with a feeling you’d never felt before. You weren’t sure how to describe it, but it was like a chill, telling you that you had to say something now, or you’d forever regret it. Your hand moved without your permission, and you gently grabbed her wrist, making her eyes widen.
Immediately, nervousness washed over you, but you swallowed and steeled yourself. You had travelled the world and encountered all sorts of situations, you could tell her that you liked her.
“(Y/N)? Is something wrong?”
“N-no.” You took a deep breath. “I just wanted to tell you something. Since I have to leave tomorrow and I might not get to say it again.”
Her cheeks turned pink as she looked up at you, her eyes wide with expectation and... hope? “W-what is it?”
“I like you.” The words tumbled out on their own, and you were almost relieved that they did. “Actually, I might love you. I’ve realized my feelings even more while traveling with you and I just wanted to let you know. It’s okay if you, um-.”
“I might love you too,” she said, her dimples appearing as she cut you off and stepped closer. Your heart raced and relief washed over you as you smiled so wide your face hurt.
“Really. I’ve liked you for a long time, actually. I just never knew if you felt the same way.”
You were breathless again, staring down at the woman in front of you. She felt the same way. It wasn’t just you. “Well, I do.”
“I see that now.”
A rush of confidence washed over you as she giggled, and you took her other hand in your own, a thrill rushing through you when she squeezed your hand in return. “Will you stay with me tonight? Since I have to leave tomorrow? I don’t mind if I don’t get any sleep. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can.”
She stepped in, closing the space between the two of you, and as her lips met yours you allowed your eyes to flutter closed. It was a short, chaste kiss, but a promise of more to come as she hugged you, pressing her racing heart against yours and speaking in a light, lovestruck whisper. “I was hoping you’d ask me to stay.”
43 notes · View notes
Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x OC
Warnings: Torture
A/N:  This story is consuming me.  I’m currently just starting Chapter 14, so that means if I keep my schedule the way I am, y’all gonna have this for the next month.  Also, I have been having a lot of fun with the Agent/Non-Agent/Admin Staff code name stuff.  Maybe a little TOO much fun.
Reminder: I haven’t seen Kingsman: The Golden Circle, so I’m just using the Wikia, IMDB.com, some gifs, and my own weird ass brain to make up this whole ass story.
Tag List:  @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @tarrevizslas , @coolmaybelateruniverse , @the-feckless-wonder, @lavenderl3mons , @pascalisthepunkest [please message me to be added or subtracted]
[PART 1]  [PART 2]  [PART 3]
 Part 4 
In the wee hours of the morning, Ginger ran through the halls of HQ and jumped into the elevator, willing the damn thing to hurry up.  When it finally dropped her off on the eighth floor, she rushed down the hall to Jack’s apartment, using her master key to open the door.  When she ran into his room, she started calling his name.
“Whiskey!  You have got to get up!  GET UP NOW!” She was practically screaming in her panic and she shoved at his shoulder.  The sudden noise startled Jack and he shot straight up in bed as if he had been launched by some unseen force.  When he turned to Ginger, confusion mixed with a little irritation sprang up on his face.
“What in the hell, Ging?  It’s what? 3:00 a.m.?  What the hell are you doing in my house?”
“No, it’s 5:00 a.m., but that doesn’t matter, you have got to come with me!” She was pulling his arm and he was forced to throw his legs over the edge of the bed, thanking the lord he was wearing pants for once. He stood up and Ginger grabbed his hands and kept pulling.  But he wasn’t taking another step until he got an answer.
“GINGER!” He shouted and she stopped when he put his hands on her upper arms.  “What in the damnation is going on?!”
“Its Sirah!  She’s gone! She’s gone!  Oh god, Whiskey, she’s gone!”  Her tears started up again and a small part of her was ashamed at her behavior. But her best friend was missing, possibly dead, and the hole in her heart ached terribly.  She wanted her back.
Jack yanked his hands from her arms and stumbled back.  Ginger’s words stole his breath and he wasn’t sure if his heart was even beating anymore.  He had been punched in the gut thousands of times, but not even one felt as terrible as this did.  Without a second thought, he ran from his apartment and he could hear Ginger running after him.
He made a left in the hall and headed for the stairs – the elevator was going to be too slow – and taking steps two and three at a time, he ran down to the fifth floor.  A few times he stumbled but caught himself with Ginger’s loud gasp ringing in his ears.
When they made it down, he slammed open the door and headed right for the board room, passing agents and staff who stopped and stared.  The normally put together Agent Whiskey looked a damn mess. When he ran into the room, he noticed that Tequila and Champ were already there, flanked by two other agents. Normally one for manners, Jack ignore them in his haste.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN SHE’S GONE?!”  He bit back the rest of his comment when he realized he was yelling. He took a deep breath and then a second when he felt Ginger’s hand on his forearm.  He had to get himself together if he was going to save her.  He had to listen.
“Whiskey, well over four days ago the safe house West Coast was using on the California case was blown up.  The tracking devices confirmed that Malbec and Sirah were the only agents in the house at the time and since the explosion, Sirah’s device has been silent. West Coast dispatched agents immediately and they found Malbec dead from a single gunshot wound to the head. Sirah was nowhere to be found.” Champ struggled to speak as he gripped the back of his chair until his knuckles were white.  She had been gone almost five days and West Coast just notified HQ on the situation.  He wasn’t sure what was driving him more now, his grief or his anger.
Like Whiskey, he took several deep breaths to remain professional and to get through this, but it was damned hard.  All three men had grown fond of Sirah in their own way – Tequila felt brotherly affection, Champ saw her as a daughter, and Jack. . . .  Well, Jack loved the hell out of her.  
“We found Agent Sherry dead, also from a gunshot wound.  Same gun was used in both shootings.”  Tequila added.  “Everything at the house and in Sherry’s car was destroyed, by fire for the former and by a person for the latter.  Evidence shows that both women left the house with files and paperwork, but nothing was found on the scene when agents arrived.”
Both HQ and West Coast believed that the suspect in the California case was behind all of this because reports from the three agents indicated they were narrowing their list and were close to identifying them.  But without all the new information from this phase of the case, any chance they had of finding Sirah in time was slim.  The room grew heavy with negative thoughts until Ginger gasped.  They turned to look at her.
“No, not nothing. . .“ She turned on her heel and started towards the door. “Sirah uploaded reports and some additional stuff to a database every other day like clockwork.  It’s not everything since they couldn’t completely secure the safe house, the rest of it she kept on a microdrive.  
“She’s always been so regular about it, I’ll admit I stopped checking her reports about a week ago, just having Kefir process them directly.  But I bet everyone one of you that he has everything organized and we can start from there!”
She ran from the room and the rest of the agents followed her.  Tech specialist Chai jumped a mile in her chair at the sudden explosion of noise and people in the office.  Without a word, Ginger sat at her computer and let her fingers fly across the keyboard.  Multiple file windows opened and her eyes darted left to right as she read the dates on the screen.  Tequila was right behind her doing the same thing when he spotted the most recent date.
“There!”  He pointed, “wait, it says she last uploaded information last night!”  Ginger clicked on the file and opened the report. It was sparse and contain no attachments like her others had.  Together, Ginger and Tequila skimmed the writings before he stood backwards with his mouth agape.  Jack and Champ looked at him curiously.
“I don’t think Sirah wrote this and I don’t think she uploaded it.  There is something about this that don’t sound like her at all.”  Tequila leaned back down and read the entry again and he looked at Ginger, who nodded in confirmation.  “Yep, someone’s fucked with this.  I don’t know if they did anything to the rest of her reports, but someone’s trying to throw us off her scent.”
Chai spoke up suddenly, “All her old notes through five days ago were printed out for physical records by Kefir.  He would process them weekly, so we have her originals.”  She pointed at the box sitting on the specialist’s desk.  Tequila walked over and grabbed it.
“Chai, call Saki, Toddy, and Pisco.  I don’t care if you wake their asses up, I want them down here immediately.” The even tone Tequila normally sported was replaced with a hard glint and he looked at Champ and Jack with a single question in his eyes.
Champ squared his shoulders; his agent was out there, and he was going to find out who took her and kick their ever-loving ass from the Sierras to the Blue Ridge.  He looked at Tequila and Jack and both nodded back to him.  They were heading to California.
Sirah woke up groggy, barely able to see anything through her swollen eyes. The shackles binding her wrists dug deeply into her skin as she moved, and she struggled to open her mouth it was so dry.  Suddenly she was drenched in water and she gasped loudly before crying out from the pain jolting through her body as she jerked forward.  It was almost too much to handle.
“Where is it, agent?”  The voice was back.  She wasn’t sure how long she had been where she was, but she knew in between her bouts of unconsciousness that his voice was always there.  She struggled to stay awake, to listen, but the fight was so hard. If she could just sleep a little longer. . .
A fist suddenly slammed into her face and she could feel the back of her skull crack against the wall.
“WAKE UP!”  The voice screamed.  Her head lolled forward in response and he grabbed her chin, yanking her head upwards. “Fucking tell me where the microdrive is at and I’ll let you go.”
Even through the fogginess of her brain, she knew he was lying.  She shook her head and croaked, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Like hell you do, you stupid bitch.  You’re going to tell me where the hell that goddamn drive is at and then I’m going to kill you like I did that bitch Malbec.”  When she didn’t respond, her captor drew his leg back and kicked her in the ribs.  Her breath and the voice both left her.  Before she could even recover from the most recent abuse, hands began to take the shackles off her wrists.  She felt herself being picked up and dragged away to another location.
They entered a room with a blinding single light and a long table. They threw her down on the hard surface and handcuffed her legs and arms to the edge.  She couldn’t help the whimper that escape her mouth as searing pain shot down her leg and throughout her back.  She didn’t want to show weakness, but whatever grasp she had on her actions was weakening.
“Now, Sirah, tell me where the microdrive is at.  I’m done playing around with you.”  The small part of Sirah that hadn’t given into the circumstances suddenly rose to the surface.
“Oh, we were having fun?  I hadn’t noticed.”  Her voice held a smirk even if her face didn’t.  If she was going to die, then so be it.  At this point, death would be a welcomed end to this ordeal.  The voice didn’t respond but she heard the snap of fingers.  Suddenly, her face was covered in cloth and before she could react, water was being poured on her head.  She was so weak she could bare fight back.  When her captor realized this, he demanded the procedure to stop.
“Take her back, I’ll find another way to get it out of her. Besides, it’s no fun if they just sit there and take it.  Torture should be fun.”  He laughed and she could hear the cruelty in his voice.  The cloth was removed and so were the handcuffs.  She felt herself being dragged back to wherever they were holding her and suddenly, one of the captors stumbled as they entered her jail cell. They nearly dropped her, and the jarring movement brought fresh waves of pain.  She was once again shackled to the wall.  She smiled wryly over that.  She can’t even move, what was the point?
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dashielldeveron · 5 years
Viper VI: Suppressio Veri
Summary: Reality continues to ruin your life. This jackassery will not stand.
Warnings: violence, swears, the law. Severe injury.
You reached towards your holster and silenced your phone. “I’m here to see Judge Le,” you said, sliding the papers across the check-in counter. “She’s expecting me.”
The receptionist hardly glanced at you. “Have you visited her before?”
“Yes. She’s on the third floor. Room 310. I’m dropping off gifts from her co-workers,” you said, shifting your bag up your shoulder.
“She should be awake by now. I doubt you’ll get much conversation out of her, though; she only just got out of her second surgery this morning.”
“I don’t mind,” you said, “and I won’t be long. I’ll just be glad to see her again.”
“Go on, then,” she said, “Elevator’s broken. Take the stairs.”
You nodded and strode in their direction—not directly, though, because Judge Le wasn’t your only target this time at the hospital. You were doing a run checking up on the doctors and admins who took care of members of the mob and kept it under wraps. A thank you, if you will. Judge Le was going to be the recipient of direct evidence you were going to deliver regarding an upcoming trial—and you’d had time between the Davey’s run and physically seeing Ms. Pham today, so you’d picked up more biscotti than usual for the doctors. Security and common courtesy, really.
And Tom wouldn’t stop fucking texting you, yet he wasn’t quite saying anything. You unlocked your phone.
Tom: You’re late. I thought I told you I wanted you in my office at 9:00 sharp?
Tom: Where are you?
Tom: I want you now.
Stopping in your tracks, you (with a rather dry throat) twiddled your thumbs uselessly over the keys before typing out a response.
You: Chill. I’m at Central Hospital. What do you need?
You stowed your phone away, determined to make him wait, and you swung open the door to the stairs. The doctors’ break room was on the second floor, so you’d run by that first. You counted five stairs before checking your notifications.
Tom: You. In person.
You: What do you need me to check out?
Tom: Give me a second, and I’ll show you.
Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Second floor door, here we are.
Does he not have anything else to do? He actually had a meeting scheduled at 9:00 this morning, so that was why you weren’t there. Tom should be meeting with the D’Aleo underboss, but he apparently wasn’t, if he had the time to text you back. You opened his message, and your heel curled in, making you stumble.
Tom: Don’t be gentle with me.
[image attached]
Tom had sent you a picture of another polaroid, this one of you and Tom exiting the sewer, both grimy as all get out. However, he had taken a picture of it lying flat on the edge of his desk, and the bottom third of it showed his clenched left fist resting on his upper thigh, his pants so tight that you could make out the hem of his tucked-in shirt through them, and his belt pulled snugly around his hips with the end unlooped, probably intentionally loosely curled around half of his cock—the view you would have if you were resting your chin on his shoulder and looked down.
You leant against the wall outside the break room and held your phone to your chest. Fuck. Fffffuck. This manipulation, this—charming—of you. 1) He didn’t know you knew about it. 2) What exactly did he want? You didn’t have any ulterior motives.
3) You wanted it. Oh, God, did you want it. 4) But you wanted Tom to treat you like this out of genuine feelings, not to get something out of you. So, 5) you couldn’t exactly respond well, because you’d be doing exactly what he wanted you to, except 5a) you didn’t haven any information he wanted [5b) except where you lived, your social security, etc.].
6) You were a little insulted that he thought he could charm you through basic shit like hot dominance and a pic of his lap. 7) You hated that it was working.
So, 8) how do you handle this?
Mulling it over, you allowed yourself to leave the letters to the doctors on payroll and to arrange the biscotti (traditional, lemon wedding, and chocolate almond) and crumiri in the doctors’ lounge before you responded.
You: Am I supposed to be impressed? I can’t make that out for shit.
Tom: Come back to Osseous to get a better look.
You: I’m busy, Holland.
Tom: Oh, yeah? With what?
You snapped a picture of the biscotti, pausing to bite out of a crumiri, and held it up in front of the rest.
You: Want a bite?
You moved to stow away your phone, but he responded immediately.
Tom: More than one.
Time to stop. Time to fucking stop. Shoving the crumiri into your mouth, you left the doctors’ lounge, fuming. You had made it halfway back to the stairs before he sent you another text, and you scowled, stopping in front of an open hospital room and tapping your heel with aggression.
Tom: It’s time to stop fucking around and come home, V.
Your fingernails tapped against the screen as you tried to figure out what to say, and from the open hospital room, you heard a weak voice call your name—your real fucking name.
Hand on your knife, you treaded lightly into the hospital room, completely void of personal effects, where on the bed lay a body heavily shrunken by severe burns. Months ago, you would have winced and shied away, but now, you merely grew closer towards the red and white flesh, twisted, scarred, and barely healing—second and fucking third degree, oh, my God, primarily around the upper body, and disfiguring almost to the point of non-recognition the face of—oh, gross.
Your old boss, Polson, scowled at you from his hospital bed and pressed a button so that it tilted into a sitting position. Tendons around the bones in his hand quivered when he did, and he let out a deep breath, like the action had been too much for him. “If it isn’t the bitch who left my firm without even a two-week notice. What do you want?”
If that’s how it’s going to be. “What happened to you, Mr. Polson?”
“You weren’t hard to replace. There are thousands of desperate receptionists out in New York, but it pissed me off to go through the hiring process again,” he said, “Got someone who doesn’t complain, though.”
You crossed your arms. “That poor woman. Why are you in the hospital?”
“I bet you’re making your new boss’s life a living hell, right? Unless you’re working for yourself now, which would make sense why I haven’t heard a damn thing about you.”
Polson glared at your hip, and you silenced your phone again. “My new boss can be demanding.”
“Is that him?”
“It’s none of your business.”
“You bothered to sleep with him, right?”
“Mr. Polson,” you said, “You, of all people, should know that I will never compromise professionalism and justice for the sake of my own personal advancement or enjoyment, and I will never use anything other than my brain to move forward. With all due respect, sir—” Shit, you shouldn’t’ve called him that; old habits, you guessed. “—I’d like to move on to why you’re lying in a pathetic, empty hospital room, looking like you’ve been frying in bacon grease for the past four hours. Care to elaborate?”
Polson shifted in his bed and tugged his sheets farther up his chest. “Someone lit my house on fire. I was sleeping. Didn’t realise until it reached my bed.” He licked his lips and the burnt skin surrounding them.
“How do you know it was arson? You could’ve left your stupid gas stove on—”
“Roscoe’s and Jennings’s apartments burnt down this past two weeks, too,” said Polson, “Or are you too big and important nowadays to remembers your co-workers?”
No, you remembered. Roscoe worked with child custody cases, and Jennings was Polson’s co. Jennings liked talking about superhero movies with you, and Roscoe was the first one to show you the town when you moved here. Roscoe was the one who had helped you move into your own apartment, along with another co-worker, Harriet, who lived below you. “Someone’s…targeting members of your staff? You don’t think they’re accidents?”
“Firefighters say all the fires started at the front door,” said Polson, “and whenever I get my hands on whoever did this fucking shit—” He made a choking motion, his hand shaking with tension. “We’re all staying at a hotel until we can find new places, but you know how the market is.”
Nodding, you moved to leave, but you, with doubt and pity, backtracked to give Polson a pack of leftover biscotti. He wouldn’t look at you.
Tom: You do as you’re told, understand?
Tom: If you don’t get your ass to Osseous within the next thirty minutes, you’re on sentry duty in Brooklyn for a month.
Tom: I don’t care about traffic. The deadline stands. Come here.
Tom: I get it. You’re ignoring me because of how much of a hardass I’m being, yeah? Well. Show me you can follow orders, and I’ll be a lot kinder.
You: Say please.
Tom wasn’t in his office, even though his schedule said he’d be there, so you took the elevator to the lower floors and checked them, culminating with your coming to a halt when you stepped into a conference room permeated with smoke and sweat. You wiped your nose with the back of your hand.
“Viper,” came Tom’s voice through the haze, “Good of you to finally show up.” He must be at the head of the conference table, judging from the direction of his voice; how many others were present? Motion, motion—from both sides, multiple pairs of hands, cigars, cufflinks—the suits. Funding. They weren’t supposed to be here until tonight (that meant there were six of them, because Taylor cancelled). You rubbed the fog off your watch—they were hours early, and you were late for Ms. Pham.
You got out your phone to text her that you’d run into a snag, but Tom’s voice came through the smoke, sharper this time. “Ah, ah, Viper, put that thing away. You don’t need it here.”
You glanced at Tom, his figure becoming clearer as he waved the fog away. “Try to stop me.”
The air thinned as the suits fell silent. “Is that a challenge?” Tom asked coldly, snuffing out his cigar in the ashtray. “You’ve always had a mouth on you—and I can think of a few ways to shut you up.”
Laughter from the suits. One of them (Cristo, from the files) grabbed your hand and jerked you towards him, one of your hips pressed against his shoulder. “A girl like you shouldn’t be so disobedient,” he said—and when he tried to nuzzle his nose against your hip, you flinched out of his grip and struck the back of his head.
“Don’t infantilise me,” you said, brows downturned and heat rushing to your face, “A girl is a child, punk. That’s not me. And I’m not here for you to touch.”
When another suit reached for your hand, Tom said, “Enough.” He was staring you down, his eyes not quite angry, but you couldn’t label what it was exactly. He beckoned you with two fingers, his golden watch slipping down his wrist and into his shirtsleeve.
Tom yanked you down to his level (his hand was warm from holding the cigar) and said into your ear, spit flicking onto you from the harsh consonants. “Listen. I can’t have these people all over you, and these morons are old-fashioned. If they see a woman dominate me, they’re not gonna back me anymore.”
“Don’t you trust me?” you said under your breath.
“You’re not the one I don’t trust,” said Tom, and he licked his lips, the tip of his tongue grazing the shell of your ear. “You know I’m on your side, right? You’ve got to do this for me.”
Hell to the fucking no. If Tom thinks you’re going to sacrifice your dignity and reputation that you’ve built over the past year, then he’s got to—
Oh. Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, fuck. You held your breath for a moment, and then you said aloud, shrinking away from him, “Yes, sir.”
“That’s what I thought,” said Tom loudly, shoving your hand away, “If you think that was bad, just wait and see what I’m gonna do to you once I get you alone. Go wait in my office for me.”
“Yes, sir,” you said, nodding once, and you skirted out of the room, a final laugh from a suit erupting before you shut the door.
What now? You guess…you guessed you go wait in his office.
Once there and mindlessly assigning via email capos territory scouting overnight, you had time to think. That whole interaction was weird as hell. Who were these guys Tom was keen on keeping an image with? They weren’t anyone extraordinary. Just businessmen. Yeah, there were loads of people you had to work with in this business who didn’t treat people right, let alone women, whom they didn’t consider to be people—it was like they were straight out of Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata: misogynistic, violent men apt to jump to conclusions about deception and sex.
Was this a sex thing? Were they under the impression Tom was fucking you? (You shook yourself; the bluntness of that thought shocked you. Sleeping with. Under the impression Tom was sleeping with you.) You supposed that most of them would think that a don would only be keeping a woman around for sex, but as Viper, you were clearly Not the Mistress. So, why now?
Tom had better have a hell of an explanation.
And then seeing Polson again, all burnt and pathetic, made your stomach lurch. That man—you didn’t want to say that anyone deserved to burn, but Polson made you want to bend what you usually thought. The burns, it seemed, calmed him the fuck down and made him a lot nicer, but his nice was still not how you deserve to be spoken to. You didn’t like having a part of your old life resurface. Hearing your real name said aloud made your heart palpitate. Polson still didn’t respect you and called you a bitch first off, so why did you give him…? He didn’t deserve that. Polson’s a jerk. He shouldn’t…whatever.
You started typing a reply to Haz’s email. Told him that it’s taken care of. That the men killed off today would disappear legally. That you’ve got it under control.
Three fires connected to your former co-workers. Should you be concerned? You’d check the files on arsonists later, yeah, when all of this was over. See who’s out and about. You’ve already got one pattern, but maybe there’s another.
Hours ticked by. Fucking hours. At least there wouldn’t be much plant recording to listen to tonight. You advised a group of soldiers and their leading capo about their boundary crossing mission tonight (“Take the train; although the tickets mark your presence physically, fewer people are likely to be watching underground.”) and dug out the arsonist files. No one with a pattern had been released from prison in the past two years.
You jumped when your phone rang, but thank God; it was only Zendaya talking about a series of screeching noises coming from the sewers in the heights, and she just wanted to report it to you. She also made sure you logged Harrison’s latest injury that he hadn’t written on the last write-up (his ankles are going to be fucked up when he’s older). You thanked her.
When the clock hit 5:00, you stopped doing mob work and moved onto an Epiales article. You were ahead of your deadlines by three weeks, now, so you didn’t really concentrate too hard. You wrote half of another article and decided to check that fake-o’s twitter account. The past few days had been strangely apolitical.
Epiales (@Epiales): Pasărea în văzduh.
Epiales (@Epiales): L'Oiseau dans l'espace.
Epiales (@Epiales): Bird in Space.
Each image was a new angle of Bird in Space. You’d never heard of it. Apparently, it was a marble and bronze series of sculptures by Constatin Brâncuși, but only the bronze ones had been posted. But it was, like, parts of the bird instead of the whole thing, mostly looking like single feathers on stands. The captions had been the title in Romanian, French, and then English. The sculptures themselves were actually in the city, housed at the Met and MOMA.
What the fuck.
Epiales (@Epiales): A night in. The world out.
This picture was, strangely, a normal Instagram-type picture of someone’s (a liar’s) coffee table, with an open wine bottle, a glass, and—oh, how fucking clever—a copy of Catch Me If You Can propped up against four corks. Dumbass. You wrote a note to review the plot. Maybe this identity thief is also into forgery? Maybe that’s a stretch.
Four corks, one bottle. Why…why the fuck would that be featured? Are other bottles off-screen? Oh, there’s an update.
Epiales (@Epiales): Just heard from Central Hospital. James Polson has passed away. Tragic. Burns that severe can often turn deadly.
Your stomach plummeted.
That’s…that’s a little too personal for your tastes. A little too close. You locked your phone and tucked it between the cushion and the arm of the chair, and you brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them.
Your identity thief was the arsonist, wasn’t he?
Fucking fuck, did that mean he knew your real name and who you were? He hadn’t known when he wrote that note for you and Tom to retrieve Isadora (you felt a pang in your chest at the thought of her), but, you guessed, you’re not perfect. You could have slipped somewhere, and he could have found you out. But when? You’d been scrupulous. If you fucked up somewhere, it had to be minor, something so small that you wouldn’t notice it. Who the fuck are you dealing with? God. Where’s your panic medicine? You felt a panic attack coming on.
It’s at the bottom of your bag, baby. Just dig through your shit—that’s right, under your laptop, your flash drive pocket, wallet—you’re doing so well, honey; that’s it—where’s the damn pill bo—
“Oh, thank fuck, Viper. You’re still here,” Tom said as the door slammed open into the wall, shaking the nearby frame, “I thought you might leave after I treated you like that.” C’mon, unscrew the cap slowly; nothing’s wrong. Nothing’s wrong. Is there a liquid besides liquor in here?
“But I have to say, you did all right. They licked it up, so the rest of it went well.”
Guess you’ll have to dry swallow them. Fuck, you could never get used to the scratching of the pill capsules as you choked them down your throat.
Tom raised an eyebrow when you threw back the pills. “Need anything?”
You swallowed again, but your throat was too dry. Focus on your breathing, honey. You can’t hyperventilate now.
“The fuck’s wrong with—?”
You gasped and cleared your throat. “Fuck all the way off, Holland.”
Tom’s face snapped into a grimace with hard, cold eyes, and he reached behind himself to lock the door. “You can’t talk to me like that.”
“You,” you said, tossing the bottle back into your bag, “You can’t fucking behave around me like you did down there. I don’t deserve that.”
“Then what do you deserve?” He crossed his arms and leant with most of his weight on the door.
“I don’t have to justify myself to you. I don’t have to explain anything,” you said, and you closed your laptop and slid it into its case, “I have the right to say no. I’m not your dog. But I’m still human, in case you haven’t fucking noticed.” You looped your portfolio closed and slid everything into your rucksack. “And I will not stand for the way you’ve been treating me.”
Tom scoffed. “I’ve been more than kind.”
“Not—not really.” You slung your rucksack over your shoulder. “You’re trying to manipulate me into something. The way you’ve been talking—all this, the inflections, the innuendo—I don’t want it if it’s not real.”
Tom moved away from the door as you approached it, his arms still crossed but his gaze on his shoes.
“You think I can’t spot a change in behaviour?” You think I don’t have a listening device in your cactus? “Think again, bucko. I’m not gonna tolerate maltreatment, jackassery, or anything I don’t deserve.” You gripped the doorknob and turned it, but you didn’t pull it forward. “I cordially invite you to braid your rectum, since you’ll need something vaguely aesthetically interesting to draw attention while you’ve got your head up your ass.”
You paused to swallow again, and Tom took the opportunity to ask quietly, “Are you gonna be in for work tomorrow?”
Rubbing your eye, you took a deep breath and a moment. “Yeah,” you said, “I’ll be in. Just don’t talk to me until after lunch.”
Tom nodded once, and you eased the door shut behind you.
You took a taxi home; you couldn’t bear the subway tonight. You just couldn’t. You leant your forehead against the cold glass and ignored the cabbie’s attempts at conversation, your eyes fluttering shut (the city lights still flashed through your eyelids).
At least you still had your job.
Well, it’s not like he could get rid of you at this point, anyway.
Whatever. It was all so fucking exhausting. If Tom were completely honest with you, that would take a load off of your shoulders. You don’t need near-gaslighting anywhere in your life right now; you needed someone in your corner. You supposed that was part of why you were exhausted: you didn’t have a local support system for your mental health. Sure, you had Dr. Prine on speed dial, but she was miles and miles away; Grace at the women’s centre needed more help than you did, and Ms. Pham didn’t seem to have feelings. Zendaya was cool, but you didn’t exactly know the nature of her relationship with Harrison and whether or not you could talk to her honestly without her relaying some of the information back to Haz or Tom.
Haz? Forget it.
Tom, though, he really screwed with your mind. You hated it. You could see the potential in him to be your main confidante, if only he would do the same with you (You were on a level of that already, but somehow, even though you had a lot of his dirt, it was like it wasn’t personal to him, like it held no weight. Dumbass). Tom must relax around Haz, right? They were friends before the mob, so there’s got to be some sense of genuine comradery about him, right?
He can’t be all bad. He’s got a dog, and pretty much everyone speaks to a dog in a high pitched voice.
You brought your knees to your chest, your heels on the edge of the torn leather, and you scrunched your eyes shut more tightly—the lights were getting brighter and harder to ignore; you dipped your head between your knees.
The cab driver gave a low whistle. “Holy motherfucking shit,” he said, and you dragged yourself up to look out—as he came to a stop.
No. No, it couldn’t—fucking fu—your apartment building was on fire. The flames blazed from a corner room on the third story and licking up towards yours—your own damn apartment. The worst of it was coming from the…the apartment right below yours. Harriet.
Paying the cabbie took way too fucking long, and you grabbed your bag and immediately dumped them on the sidewalk; where was Harriet? Moreover, where was your fucking cat?
You were turned away from the entrance. You manoeuvred your way through other tenets, calling for Trout, skinning your knees when your dropped to the pavement to scan the bushes for her, and by the time you found Harriet, your face was all red and blotchy, and the front of your shirt was soaked.
“Oh, my God. It’s good to see you safe,” said Harriet, gripping your shoulders and also crying, “I just got off the phone with my mom, and. And I don’t know what to do. The fire department said they’d be here soon, but it’s fucking five o’clock traffic, and—”
“Have you—” You hiccupped. “Have you seen a cat?”
Harriet shook her head. “Want me to help?”
Harriet looked so sincere and willing, with her wide eyes and strong voice, even with her hair already in its bonnet for the night. Harriet had always been kind when you’d worked with her; she’d always been—so why wasn’t she already in your corner? Why had you shuffled her off for the most part?
You looked her in the eyes and then back up at the burning building, your life flaking away in wallpaper ashes. Her life, too. “No,” you said, “You have enough on your mind right now. It looks like the fire started in your apartment, anyway, so there’s got to be a lot of damage you’re gonna have to deal with.”
Harriet nodded. “How’d you know it started in mine?”
“I—” You closed your mouth and frowned. “I didn’t. Did—did you leave the oven on, or?”
“I was downstairs in the laundry room facetiming Roscoe,” she said, “We started dating since you left, by the way. I was down there forever, but I can’t remember if I left anything on or any incense burning or anything.”
“Uh-huh,” you said, snapping your head in the direction of low movement, but it wasn’t Trout. “Have you heard about Polson yet?”
“Polson?” Harriet crossed her arms, her phone in her armpit. “No, why?”
“I’ll tell you later. You still have my number, right? I—you should find the landlord, talk to him about this. Ask him about renters’ insurance. I’ve got to—I’m gonna keep looking for my cat.”
“You do that,” she said, “I’ll check up on you in a few hours, all right?”
“Yeah,” you said, “Thank you.”
She walked off towards the admins, and you stood frozen for a minute, your eyes glazed over, until a spark flitted down to your arm. You flinched and swatted at it, your gaze falling to a smoking leaf at your feet.
You’re really going to do this, aren’t you?
Backtracking to your bag on the sidewalk, you found your found and found his contact with shaky thumbs. It rang once.
“Viper?” His background was silent.
“Tom?” You forced your jaw to stop quivering. He can’t hear your fear.
“It’s me,” he said, and his voice sounded more urgent. “What’s wrong? What do you need?”
Fuck it. “You. I need you,” you said, your eyes watering again, “Are you that far out in your commute? I need you to come to—to my apartment. It’s on fi—fire, Tom.”
You heard him slap the leather of his chauffer’s seat, a familiar gesture for him to pay attention. “Address, now.”
“I don’t want to inconvenience you if you’re that far out—”
You gave it to him, and he cursed with his mouth away from the speaker before barking it to his driver. “I’ll be there as soon as I possibly can, okay? I want you to stay there. Can you do that for me, V?”
You nodded, remembered he couldn’t see you, and said, “Yes. I’ve, uh. Thank you. Thanks, Tom.”
“Stay there. I won’t be long.”
“Okay. I’ve got to keep looking for my cat, so, um, I’ll be close. See you in a bit.”
“See you.”
You hung up and wiped your eyes. What’s done is done.
You were searching the bushes on your hands and knees when his car pulled up and parked behind the firefighters. When he tapped your back, you jolted and gave a shout, but you recovered slightly and shifted back to sit on your knees.
“Hey,” said Tom, crouching next to you, his tie still tight around his neck.
“Hey,” you said, “Her name is Trout, if you don’t remember, and she’s beautiful and stubborn, and I love her, and I can’t find her.”
“Is she in the building?”
“They wouldn’t let me inside to look.”
“If we don’t find her, someone else will. Does she have a collar?”
“Why would a cat whose entire world is a two-room apartment have a collar? No, I mean,” you said, rubbing your nose with the back of your hand, “She doesn’t.”
“Hey, that snark,” said Tom, “That’s how I know you’re gonna be okay. You haven’t lost it. We’re gonna find her before we leave.”
He let you cry in peace while the two of you searched, sirens and the water hoses too loud for further conversation, anyway. He couldn’t even hear your sob of relief when you discovered Trout licking drops from a hose faucet on the opposite side of the building, and you scooped her up and kissed her little forehead.
Tom scratched her neck before directing you towards his car, jogging back to your bag himself. But you stood outside his car, staring at your reflection in the window. Part of the building groaned and collapsed behind you, thousands of sparks flying upwards.
Your mind blanked.
That was your whole fucking life.
Crumbling to the ground.
Holy shit.
Where do you go from here?
You supposed the answer literally was the closest hotel, which was that stupid Holiday Inn, but it probably didn’t allow pets, so you’d have to go farther, which means a higher fare for the taxi, but now you need to conserve as much money as possibly to find a new place, and since Polson couldn’t even find one, then you were probably sunk, which meant—
“Were you waiting for me to open the door for you, darlin’?” Tom jogged to his car and opened the door to the backseat. “Go ahead and get in. It’s gonna be okay, I swear.”
Staring at him for a beat, you stiffly climbed into the back and released Trout once Tom had thrown in your bag and slammed the door shut behind him. Trout was freaked out by the sudden movement of the car, but once it became constant (or as near constant as it could get in New York traffic), she began exploring the car, starting with burrowing under the driver’s seat.
You wanted to touch him. If there were ever a time for it, it was now, when you were weak and gross and now possibly destitute. He’s seen you cry, now, so it’s like he’s seen too much of you. No one ever sees you cry, and you just wanted for once to have physical comfort from someone? You’ve never had someone there for that sort of thing, and damn it, you wanted Tom to hold you.
His suit’s wet and dirty, and he’s stuffed his tie into a pocket. He tapped his fingers on the leather seat between you as he scrunched his face up, lost in thought. Tom glanced at you, and his face softened, his eyes flickering from your blotchy face to your trembling hands. “All right, you’ve made deductions. Tell me what you think.”
“I don’t—” Deep breath. “I’m unsure I can talk right now.” What to say except Hold my hand, bitch?
“V, I swear, when you wake up tomorrow, you’re gonna be all numb. You’re gonna try to distance yourself from reality. I know you will. So, please,” said Tom for the second time that day, “Tell me what’s going on in that whirling brain of yours.”
You ran your tongue over your lower lip. “Is there any water in here? I haven’t—thanks,” you said, accepting the water bottle when Tom pulled it out from under his seat, “I haven’t ingested anything since this morning. I’m running on empty.”
“Bet you are. Take your time,” he said, leaning on his elbow against the window, “There’s no rush. We’ve got a bit of a drive.”
Nodding, you watched Trout loaf on the seat between the two of you. She let out a low meow.
You placed a hand on her back and scratched her lightly. “I really was angry at you this afternoon. How you spoke to me. How you made me wait.”
You paused to take a sip from the bottle, and Tom simply watched you, his gaze slipping to your neck when you swallowed. “But other stuff happened today that’ve put me on edge. I’m, uh, I’m not doing too hot right now.” Really, now? “I went to the hospital earlier, and you were texting me all those—strange things, which were already unnerving me. But then I ran into my old boss. From the law firm. He said some pretty awful things to me. Reprehensible, really.”
“I’m gonna fucking murder him,” said Tom, shifting in his seat.
You reached out a hand to his shoulder and pushed him back down, letting your touch linger (although there was still ash on his jacket). “He’s already dead.”
His lips parted. “What?”
“Polson was in the hospital for burns. Someone had burnt his house down. Told me it happened to some of my old co-workers, too.”
Licking his lips, Tom said, “Then your apartment building was arson. They knew about you.”
“I don’t think so,” you said, working through it yourself, “One of my co-workers lived beneath me. She’d recommended the building to me in the first place when I moved here, and although there’s not an official report yet, I’m pretty sure it started in her place. I’m not certain, though; I’m judging by the fact that her apartment was completely doused in flames and that fire climbs. It hadn’t engulfed mine entirely yet.”
Tom folded his arms and unbuckled; he turned to face you and crossed his leg over the other at the ankle. “You said Polson was dead.”
Sighing, you picked up Trout and put her in your lap. She did not want to settle. “I was doing research while I waited in your office. I ended up on that fake Epiales’s twitter account, and he announced it. Whoever the fake Epiales is is probably behind the arson, too. Targeting Polson’s employees, for some reason. I don’t know; I haven’t thought about it too hard yet. It was too personal for me, uh, to handle.”
“How do you know that?” Tom said, leaning in, “How do you know they’re the same? How do you even know that Epiales is fake, anyway?”
“Grammar. Syntax. The fact that the real Epiales wrote that it wasn’t him on his website?”
“You said that last time. What’s the real reason?”
You closed your eyes. “Please, Tom. Please trust me on this. I just know, okay? I can’t elaborate.”
“Will you eventually?”
You opened them. His face seemed relaxed, but his knuckles were pinched white. “I can’t promise you that. Please, trust me on this one thing without explanation.”
Tom glared at you, the city night lights not even reflecting in his eyes, and he dropped his arms, moving to tap his fingers on his thigh. He edged a hint closer to the window. “I can do that,” he said, smiling too widely.
He’s lying.
He’s so lying.
He’s still going to be constantly vigilant, waiting for you to let something slip. You cannot afford to let your guard down around him, even now that you’re beyond vulnerable: no house, no possessions, and no composure. You’ve got to be even more careful, now.
“Oh, and Viper?” Tom didn’t even look away from the window. “If they’re targeting people associated with your old workplace, don’t you think you had better cut all ties with them? Erase evidence you were connected?” He put your phone on the seat between you.
“I guess so.”
Deleted pictures. Emails. Harriet’s cheerful picture smiled up at you from her contact. She’d offered to check on you tonight.
You blocked her number.
There, you thought, setting your phone aside, That’s the end of my old life. Completely gone. Trout squirmed out of your grip, and she stumbled over to his lap and headbutted his lower chest. Now my life is nothing but Tom fucking Holland.
And there’s nowhere else to run to, only him.
Out of all the thoughts churning inside, one question bubbling to the surface, and another, you bottled-up.
“Where are we going?”
Were you safe?
suppressio veri: suppression of the truth.
taglist: @hollandroos @starksparker @pparkerwrites @qxeen-of-hearts @stealth-spiderr @presidentbttrflyfreak @parsleysbaby @madmadmilk @paradoxparker @bi-writes @astronomyparkers @bornsickbutilove @infamous-webhead @laurfangirl424 @softspideys @gryfinpuffs @plethoraofpuppies @laucontrerasv @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @spiderboytotherescue @cassiopeiaskies
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monstaxscenario · 5 years
❖ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ 
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 ❖ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪ  
Paring: Im Changkyun x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.9K
Synopsis: When you were a cub, your pack was hunted. Luckily you survived. Years later, you made a new pack, one that is different than most. Your pack was living normally as you all could. However, when the rare full moon came about, your pack is put in danger. A pack of seven comes to your aid, claiming to protect you. Within that pack, a certain male intrigues you. You feel something you’ve never felt before. You’re smitten but are quickly drawn back to reality. You remember that your time is running out, as well as your self-control. Your inner wolf has had enough and decides to make you choose; either you give in on the night of the rare moon or die.
~Admin Angie (๑>◡<๑)
No one in the room spoke. Everyone just stared at the sleeping male lying in the bed of the guest room. You and Chachi took him into the house after he gave his name so that Jia could patch him up. It took her about an hour but she did her best. Since Jia was healing Jooheon, you examined Chachi’s shoulder. She said that it had been dislocated. Lucky enough she popped it back into place before the healing process started.
“What do we do with him?” Phoebe broke the deafening silence. She has her arms wrapped around her waist. A habit, you notice that she does when she’s feeling nervous or anxious. You let out a sigh, thinking of options
“If he has a pack-” you began.
“He does,” Hazel states as she lets go of the curtain, now covering the window. She takes a look outside before closing it. “I saw a glimpse of them.”
“Alright, he has a pack. His pack will come looking for him any time. Could even be as we speak.” You don’t take your eyes off of him. You wonder if his pack will have good intentions or bad ones, you hope for the first. You didn’t need to fight another pack, they would be the third one this month
“Should we prepare for a fight, just in case? My shoulder has healed already, I’m good to go and-”
“No,” you interrupt Chachi, turning your head to the right to look right at her. “No more fights. You already got into one this morning. What I want to know right now is why did you bring him back here? You could have left him there to die, but you didn’t. Why?” You ask her. It may have come out strongly but she isn’t someone to do this kind of thing. Not when it could potentially put her pack in danger.
Chachi avoids your gaze, taking a liking to the carpet underneath her. She bites the inside of her cheeks, keeping her mouth closed. Phoebe nudges you, a way to tell you to relax and give her time. You close your eyes and take in a deep breath.
“I’m not angry at you, nor am I scolding you. I just want to know why. I know that you have a justified reason for this,” you gently voice to her. Chachi’s eyes roam around the room before settling on Jooheon. She had a look in her eyes that you couldn’t distinguish. A small gasp was heard from next to you.
It was Phoebe. “You know of him,” she whispers. Chachi sends a glare towards her but doesn’t deny it. Chachi isn’t the type to express her emotions casually, she especially doesn’t like to get her feelings read out loud, however, Phoebe couldn’t help herself in this case.
“Is this true?” Jia asks nervously. She glances between Chachi and Jooheon a few times, not believing it. You may have not been an empath like Phoebe, but you could tell that Jia became slightly jealous of this news.
Chachi lets out a sigh and she nods her head. “Yeah, I know him. He . . . he used to be part of the old pack I was in as a child,” Chachi confesses. “He tried to help me control my anger countless times before I was banished. He was a friend of mine.”
You slightly raise your eyebrows as you look back at the sleeping Jooheon. Processing what she had said, it would make sense, you’d do the same if you were in her place. But you immediately wondered one thing that popped into your mind. You look back at Chachi.
“Do you know if he’s still part of your original pack?” You ask. From the stories that Chachi told, her original pack was not the nicest. If he was a part of that pack, that meant big trouble.
A low jumble of words was heard coming from the left of you. You turn to look at the source and see Jooheon slightly stretching his body. He let out a groan as he stretched too far, the bite mark was healing but slowly. Your members close in around him. Jia and Chachi standing by the foot of the bed, Phoebe and Hazel were on the left side while you stood on the right side. It might be threatening, in a way, but that’s what you all wanted.
“What?” Chachi asks out loud, directing it to Jooheon. He took in a deep breath before opening his eyes and looking at Chachi.
“I’m no longer part of that pack, I left a few years ago,” He confessed. “Now, where am I? Because this does not look like my room, though the color is very similar.” He looks around, observing the decorative items, courtesy of Phoebe.
“A place where we took you in to heal you. More so I did,” Jia elaborated, not taking her eyes off of him. “You’re welcome by the way. Was a gnarly bite mark you received.”
Jooheon slowly sat up on his own, his face grimacing when he felt the soreness from his side. He mutters out a thank you. He lays against the headboard and looks over all your member’s faces. He felt the intimidating presence from all of your pack but did not show it. He takes the longest to observe you when his eyes land on you. It seemed like he was trying to figure you out, but couldn’t. It was the same expression all other werewolves gave you when they encountered you. They didn’t understand you, but you knew why. However, they were never going to figure it out.
“Why are you all still here? Shouldn’t you all be hiding somewhere, especially with the super blood moon in a couple of days?” Jooeheon asks, directly to no one. Your members give glances at each other, not fully understanding. He could not have known about your situation, right?
“What are you talking about, we’ll be fine on that night,” Jia assured him, but quickly took a glance at you. Jooheon shakes his head, a light chuckle escaping his lips.
“You five don’t know, do you?” Jooheon questions again. You raise an eyebrow to signify for him to continue an explanation. He understands your silent message. “Your pack is wanted and I’m not talking about just hunters. I’m talking about other werewolf packs.”
“Why? Just because we’re a pack of ex-rogue werewolves?” Hazel proclaims as she steps closer to Phoebe. Feeling her emotion, Phoebe brings her closer, by wrapping an arm around Hazel’s waist.  
“No, though it’s interesting. But what’s more interesting is what you have within your pack,” again he looks around each one of you. “From what I heard, your pack consists of an empath, a seer, a great healer, who does a lot better than my member Shownu, might I say. One who has anger issues, but could be equally as strong as an alpha,” at this description he looks directly at Chachi. She looks away from his gaze.
“And someone that no one can understand and that itself intrigues everyone. You,” his gaze whips towards you. Your heart stammers, knowing the reason why. “A few packs know that you lead this pack, yet you're not an alpha. Also, your scent alone is confusing to many, including I.”
“So what? Other packs want to destroy us on that night?” Phoebe interrupts, trying to deflate the attention on you. She knew other packs didn’t need to intervene with your situation.
Jooheon shook his head, chuckling. “No, anyone that tries to kill you is considered stupid. However, major packs will come and make you a part of theirs, preferably all five of you.”
Chachi shifts her body weight to the left and crosses her arms. “How is it that you know all this? Is that why you tried to help me earlier? So that you could ask us to join your pack? Pfft, as if we’d-” Chachi began but was cut off by Jooheon.
“No, it does seem like it, but it’s not like that. I helped you out because I wanted to. I know all of this because a member’s grandmother prophesied that there would be a unique pack that would need to be protected. That’s why my pack will come here,” he explains, but before he could continue, loud howls and growls were coming from outside the house. Hazel runs up to the window and takes a peek outside. She gasps, eyes wide.
“Uhhh, guys. . . there’s about seven werewolves outside,” Hazel averts her eyes away from the window and back to everyone else. She makes her way back into Phoebe's arms, scared. Hazel doesn’t like fights and she’s also in the midst of training in her werewolf form.
Chachi rolls her eyes. “Seriously? Do you think we need protection? We can take care of ourselves, thank you very much,” Chachi argues, when he said they would need protection, it made her feel weak. Which she did not like. “I’ll go tell your pack to pick you up and then you can leave.”
Chachi stomps out of the room with an annoyed look in her eyes. She let out a huff, just like when she was getting angry. An angry Chachi was not what anyone needed after hearing the recent news. Jia gave you a nod before she hurriedly followed after Chachi.
“Seven? Are you sure there’s seven?” Jooheon’s eyebrows crease together as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed. His eyes are focused on the floor.
“I may be the youngest of the pack but I’m pretty sure I can count to seven,” Hazel responds sarcastically. It was something she had picked up from Chachi . . . and well you. Jooheon stands up from the bed and walks to the window, his stride being a bit wobbly.  
“Are you okay? Your anxiety is rising,” Phoebe says, keeping an eye on him. Jooheon looks behind the curtain. He stares outside.
“Good to know that you’re the empath. But,” he flings back the curtain and slightly limps towards the door with speed. “Those werewolves outside . . . they aren’t my pack.” he leaves the room. You look between Hazel and Phoebe before running out the door.
You run down the hallway and turn to quickly go down the stairs. You had to get to Jia and Chachi before anything could happen. You hear more growling come from outside. You knew this growl, it was Jia’s. If Jia had shifted then Chachi would already have as well. You run through the back door and are met with werewolf Jia and Chachi. Jooheon stood in front of them, in a protective stance, still human. You walk forward to stand in-between both of them. Your chest is rising heavily, due to the anxious feeling in your stomach. You look at the pack in front of you. Seven werewolves stood there, baring their teeth. Four of them were different shades of brown, two of them have gray and brown fur, and the last one has black fur.
You assess the situation. Even with Jooheon here, your pack would still be outnumbered. You cautiously walk closer to Jooheon, even despite the protest growls coming from your pack. The pack in front of you watches your every step. You show no expression, maintaining a nonchalant persona. You couldn’t afford to show how nervous you felt.
Jooheon feels your presence and leans down to whisper in your ear. “That is the iKon pack.”
ᴛ���ɢɢᴇᴅ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ @kpop-choco
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and you thought we would have less angst~! lol nope!
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel 
Grifter left briefly and returned with Sefter and Grifect, taking them over to where Grian and Mumbo had taken Jrum. “Oh I had the best idea! Since you have your kids and Sense and I have ours, they could be best friends! I’m sure they can get along great!”
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea right now.” Mumbo said, keeping Jrum close to him. “Jrum is very vulnerable right now and-”
“I kinda do want to play.” Jurm spoke up, tugging on Mumbo’s pant leg. “It was something nice I got to do when I was with d- uh… Bad.”
Mumbo hesitated, but then nodded. “I guess it probably wouldn’t hurt. But if anything happens to Jrum-!”
“Oh calm down, I won’t do anything to him.” Grifter replied. “Besides, I’m sure he wouldn’t let me.” And he pointed behind him to a doorway where Xannes was just coming in, followed by NPG.
“Jrum’s okay!” NPG smiled, before moving behind Xannes when he locked eyes with Grifter, the hels admin crossing his arms.
“You’re out of prison.”
Grifter smiled and pulled himself close to Sense. “Of course. Wouldn’t want to leave this hot stud alone for too long, now would I?”
“Well, You’ve had time with him, now it’s time for you to go back.”
Grifter pouted. “But my kids are having a playdate with Jrum. You wouldn’t want to upset a child, would you?” Grifter’s pout turned into a sly smile and he moved closer to whisper to Xannes. “And Sense has said you’re such a softie when it comes to kids. Before you can do anything to me, I could do whatever I want to that robot. I could create a fun little feedback loop and break them like that. And you couldn’t do anything about it because you decided NPG is better to protect, hmm?”
Xannes wasn’t sure what to say that wouldn’t cause some problem, so he just glared. Grifter’s evil smile quickly turned to one that was much sweeter, and he pulled Grifect over, letting the child talk to Xannes. “Hi Mistew Xannes! Awe uwu weawwy the best hackew evew?”
“I… am known as the best hacker, yes.” Xannes gritted out after another smirk from Grifter.
“Wow! Thawt's so coow! Cawn uwu teach me how tuwu duwu stuff wike thawt?”
“Don’t you want to play with… whatever Jrum would be considered to you? Cousin or some shit?”
“Yeah! But cawn uwu teach me watew?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Xannes growled, rolling his eyes. Grifect went back over to Jrum and Grifter tried pushing Sefter to play as well, but the older sibling refused to join in.
“Hmm, it looks like Sefter doesn’t want to play. I guess I should take him back to Prof. Sense, you can watch Grifect, right dear?” The evil scientist nodded and Grifter gave him a kiss. “Now Grifect, remember what I told you.”
“I wemembew!” The young bot replied, getting a pat on his head from his dad. Grifter left with Sefter after that, but Grian and Mumbo watcher where they had been.
“You’ve got a bad feeling about that too, right?”
Mumbo nodded. “After what we’ve heard about him, of course I do.”
Sefter twirled a sword in one hand while holding an axe in the other. Behind him, Tommy was tied up and stuffed in a large chest, muffled sounds being the only thing to escape the box. 
On the other side of the room, Grifter dragged Grum along, who was doing his best to resist. “P-please. I d-don’t w-want to g-go.”
“I don’t care! I need you for this, so you’re coming with me. No one will even notice!”
“N-no. I w-want to s-stay with T-Tommy. P-Please!”
“Stop complaining or I’ll rewire you for what I need. I’m sure it can’t be much worse than a lobotomy.” Grifter threatened in a cheerful voice. “Now let’s go!”
Grum was scared by the threat and then stopped resisting. Grifter found it much easier to move the robot now, though the screen changing to a smiley face confused him. He hefted the bot onto his shoulder, quickly sent a message to Grifect, and then they were gone.
The_Grifter left the world
Sefter left the world
The_Grifter joined the world
Grumbot_System joined the world
When they arrived in the SMP, Grumbot jumped off of Grifter’s shoulder and pulled out a sword. “Alright, I’m guessing that means you can also find Theseus from here, right?”
“Theseus is likely to be with the admin. The admin also has a needed item. That item must be retrieved.”
“Good.” Grifter smiled. “Take us there!”
Grumbot hesitated, buffering for a few moments. “Console commands have been disabled. Locating Theseus is not available. Reinstate programs before trying again.”
“Ugh, well how do I do that?” Grifter huffed, smiled gone. 
Coordinates appeared on Grumbot’s face for a few moments before it spoke again. “If it has not been moved, those should be the coordinates. There will be people around it.”
“And they know my ‘good’ copy?” Grifter asked, using air quotes.
Grifter sighed and pulled on his new outfit, replacing it with a standard red sweater. He cleaned up his hair a bit, resisting the urge to mess it up again and then showed himself off. “How do I look?”
“You look like bzzt.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Grifter asked. Had the robot just censored a word. “I look like what?!”
“Was that not the goal? To look like bzzt? You did change into what looks like bzzt sweater.”
Grifter calmed down. “Oh, you were trying to say Grian’s name hmm? And people say I’m the bad one. He won’t let you say his name.”
“Incorrect. That is a recent addition as protection against the Admin and Dream.”
That got Grifter’s attention. “Oh really? So it’s something you’re doing on purpose?”
“Also incorrect. It has not been turned off and knowledge about the program is recent. It also cannot currently be turned off.” Grumbot explained in a deadpan voice, starting to walk to the quartz mansion, leaving Grifter to follow behind.
“Well now I’m curious. Why can’t you turn it off?”
“Another component controls that program.”
“Hmm, I see.” The helsmit nodded. “So, where are we headed?” He paused as Grumbot pointed to a building in the distance, far enough that Grifter needed to squint. “Over there? Pfft, why walk. I can get us there quicker.”
He grabbed Grumbot, and greenish magic swirled around them, teleporting them next to the building. “If you are attempting to mimic bzzt, that is not helpful for the image.”
“Pfft, it’s fine. No one saw. And if they did, I would deal with it. Now let’s go inside. I already know what I’m going with. Oh, and you better play along, or else.”
Grumbot nodded, making Grifter frown about that fact that it didn’t seem even a little scared from his threat. The helsmit picked Grumbot up before walking into the building, putting on a smile. “Hey, we’re back. Mumbo’s still back in Hermitcraft with Jrum keeping Tommy company.”
“Did you not figure out how to help him out? His body’s still here and obviously he didn’t come with you.” Philza spoke, having returned and Techno gone once again.
The helsmit didn’t need to worry about figuring out an answer because Grumbot quickly answered. “The revival process for those from this world requires an extra step in the form of an item that the admin was in possession of. He will need to be found.”
Those there glanced at each other, which obviously didn’t mean anything good. “What’s wrong?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Fundy held out his communicator, letting Grifter look at it before showing Grumbot. Grifter held in a smile when he saw that Theseus was here, and it looked like his old admin was here too. The errored message was interesting though.
“Obviously it isn’t good news. Dream was bad enough, I don’t want to see what an evil version of him is like. Unless of course it’s an opposite version and he’s nicer.” Phil spoke again.
“From what I’ve heard? He’s not really that nice.” Grifter replied. Not nice to most people that is, at the very least. But he wondered if this Nightmare person would want to be on the good side of a Listener. In fact, he had already lost his server, hadn’t he? So what more could he possibly lose from some sort of partnership. “And while it probably isn’t a good idea to go near him, it looks like we’ll have to.”
“I’m not sure how long it would take to gather people up to help with that.” The hardcore player said. “A lot of people are still injured from the banquet and-”
Grifter cut Philza off. Grian would probably be concerned for his faaamily~. Ugh. “I’m sure I can do fine on my own. Even an admin can’t do much against a Watcher. And while extra help would be nice, you getting close could just end up being more harm than good if you end up in the crossfire. I don’t want to need to revive anyone else just trying to get this thing.”
“He will also be getting some assistance already.” Grumbot spoke up, and Grifter held in the urge to roll his eyes. 
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea.” Grifter tried his best to sound genuine. He’s pretty sure calling the robot by its name would be more effective, but to be completely honest, he had forgotten it at this point.
“There is to be no discussion on this matter. You will be getting assistance.” Grumbot replied, pulling out an axe. “And the sooner travel is started towards the new admin, the better.”
Grifter looked over the people in the room. Obviously getting Philza to look after the robot wouldn’t be a good idea. Even if he wasn’t like his own dad, the helsmit was sure he would be equally as experienced. The demon was off the table too. No way the robot would escape from that. The enderman thing could just teleport around.The fox hybrid might also be too quick on the draw, though he did look young. But no, the fluffy haired boy with little nubs of horns poking out, he seemed like the best option.  He even already had a kid attached at his leg, so adding another would make things tougher on him.
Grifter took Grumbot over to Tubbo and put the robot in the teen’s arms. “Here, try to keep him occupied. I’m sure those two could even play together.” Though Grumbot didn’t react, it looked like the ziglin liked that idea, making it even more likely for the teen to respond positively. And that he did.
The helsmit sent a little wink to Grumbot before giving it a hug and leaving the building. As soon as he was outside, Grifter leaned against a wall and waited for the robot to come out. In a few seconds, there was a commotion from inside and then Grumbot rushed out of the building. Grifter immediately pulled the robot into his arms and teleported them away before anyone could follow outside. “I’m hoping you got what you needed?”
“That could not be obtained.”
“Well then what the fuck was all that noise?”
“Attempting to reconnect programs followed by a necessary escape.”
“Ugh, well I’m sure everyone’s out looking for you now. I’ll take us back and you can do whatever the hell you need to.”
“That would be a good idea.”
Grifter teleported them back. The Fox hybrid unfortunately stayed behind, but the helsmit quickly bashed him over the head, letting him fall to the floor unconscious. “Hmm, I think I could have gone a little harder without killing him. Normally there’s more blood. Maybe I’m just out of practice?”
Grumbot didn’t respond to the banter, just staring at the replacement console. It didn’t need all the programs, but it would be so easy to just add them all back. Its arm reached to plug itself in, but the other arm’s hand stopped the first. Its screen flickered for a moment, and then it released its arm and plugged in. Just a copy of the coordinated program. That’s all that was needed.
When Grumbot unplugged again, Grifter picked it up. “I’m guessing that means you’re ready. Where are we headed to?”
Coordinates appeared on Grumbot’s screen and Grifter smiled before teleporting them there. They reappeared in a large field of snow, the helsmit glad he had changed back into a sweater. “You’re not going to freeze in this, right?”
Grifter nodded and then looked around. “I’m not seeing them. Are you sure these are the right coordinates?”
“The coordinates were altered slightly based on movement, positioning and terrain. They will be four chunks in that direction in a number of ticks.” Grumbot answered, pointing towards a hill.
“Alright, sounds good enough!” Grifter shrugged and then started dragging Grumbot along in the pointed direction. When they reached the top of the hill, the helsmit looked around, smiling when he saw the people he was looking for. Theseus was following behind what was presumably Nightmare. Then the helsmit’s gaze drifted to a few blocks behind them and the extra set of footprints following the pair. It looked like someone was using an invisibility potion.
Grifter pulled out a bow and arrow, attaching his signature TNT to the end of his arrow, and then fired it so it would land in front of the pair. Not enough to hurt either of them, but enough to startle them at the very least.
When it exploded, Grifter teleported closer, leaving Grumbot behind. “Hi there. I don’t really want you going much further.”
“Who the hell are you?” Nightmare spoke as Theseus glared.
“Mmm… I’m sure you’ve heard of me. I’m a Listener. Grifter to be precise. I’m sure Theseus has talked about his much better older brother. If not, well I guess he’s just more of a little shit than I thought.”
“Nope, he never mentioned you. But I’ve heard of your kind.”
“Aww, that’s too bad.” Grifter pouted, pulling back another arrow and firing it at the invisible figure. “Anyway, nasty tail you’ve got there.”
Nightmare and Theseus turned around to see an arrow floating in midair, footprints being created in the snow with nothing visible making them. Immediately the invisible figure was pulling armor on, ready to fight. “Thanks for the tip.”
“Anytime! Anyway, I need Theseus. Apparently Dadza really likes him still and is upset he’s gone. I wouldn’t do anything, but he kinda cursed someone that I actually care about, so if I don’t do this, it’ll end badly for me.”
“Well tell him Theseus is staying with me. There’s still some training he never finished.”
Grifter’s eyes lit up briefly and the implications, but he still frowned. “Can I at least have him long enough to take back to Dadza? It’ll take five minutes, ten tops. If he doesn’t let me bring bitch boy back, I can just try killing him.”
“Try killing death?” Nightmare asked, sounding skeptical.
Grifter nodded. “Yeah, we’re pretty sure I’m the only one who can actually do it. It’s why people really prefer being on my side.” The helsmit’s smile shifted to something darker. “Which is why you should probably… you know… Listen. Besides, being on my side has plenty of perks!”
Grifter couldn’t see Nightmare’s expression because of his mask, but eventually he nodded. “Fine. But you better be back before those ten minutes.”
Grifter nodded, giving a beaming smile before grabbing Theseus and disappearing. Nightmare put his arms behind his head, acting bored, before pulling out an axe and shield at the last second, blocking an attack. “I know you’re still here idiot.”
The invisible figure didn’t respond, so Nightmare just threw their axe at the person, the blade digging into the armor, deep enough to break through it. “I guess the durability was low.” Was all Nightmare said as he popped his arm back into place, having dislocated from the amount of force he used in the attack. “So, got a na-” Nightmare continued before being cut off as he was grabbed from behind.
“You are in the possession of a needed item. It must be handed over.”
“And what are you supposed to be?”
Grumbot buffered for a moment before answering. “Console. The admin used a console for various jobs before he was taken away and replaced by you. You likely still have an Item needed for the revival process of this world in your possession. The surrendering of that item would be appreciated.”
Nightmare kicked Grumbot away. “Not a chance.” He then pulled out a sword, hitting away the invisible figure. “Not like I can do it with this person fighting me.”
“Then they will be eliminated.” Grumbot replied, booting up its combat program. It pulled out a sword, ready to attack, but then was pushed to the ground.
“Nah, you might be useful later. Get out of the way.” Nightmare said before pulling out a trident and stabbing it into the ground, impaling Grumbot’s arm and nailing it to the ground.
As Nightmare and the invisible person fought, Grumbot looked at the trident. Fortunately it only injured one arm, and as a robot, it was ambidextrous. It pulled the trident out and held it in its hand. With the combat program active, Grumbot angled the throw, adjusting for movement from the other combat, and then threw the weapon.
In a moment, Nightmare was the one stuck to the ground. The invisible person tried to take advantage of the situation, but Grumbot managed to push them aside. The face flickered and then changed to its normal self, though even then it still flickered a bit. “Look, I’m just after my book. Give it here and you can be on your way.”
No one moved, Nightmare wasn’t even struggling, so Grum pressed his foot into Nightmare’s chest. “Give it up, or we could just stay here.”
“Who are you?”
“I think you know.”
There was quiet for a bit, but then Nightmare pulled out a book. “Fine, but I’ll be getting answers.”
“No you won’t.” And Grum pulled the trident out again before smashing it down on Nightmare’s face, shattering the mask he wore before the body disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Immediately Grum closed his combat program and curled into a ball. He started crying at what had just happened, everything quickly catching up with him. But the danger was gone now, right?
The sound of armor moving drew Grum’s attention to the now formerly invisible person, the piglin now looking down at Grum. The bot immediately regretted closing his combat program and tried to boot it up again, shakily drawing his sword. He didn’t want to die again, especially now he had the- the book! Grum dropped his sword and grabbed the book, shoving it into one of his extra inventory slots. It was just in time too as Techno grabbed him.
“D-d-don’t kuh-kill m-me ple-please!” Grum stuttered out. He was lifted up, which he thought was a curious way to kill him, but he also didn’t expect fireworks as a weapon, so anything was on the table with him. 
Instead, Techno just moved Grum onto his back before leaning down and grabbing the dropped sword. “Already made the mistake of killing you once. Besides, you’ll get rid of my ghost problem.” And then he started walking. Grum was still a bit scared of getting killed, thinking the piglin could be lying, but he was also tired. He was glad he still had the trident, which was channeling at the very least, so he wouldn’t necessarily need his charger, but conserving power would be good right now, so he went to sleep.
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haiky-u-lously · 4 years
Mimi’s Gift--Chapter 2
 It is said, that on your 25th birthday, one of your soulmate’s most embarrassing moments will appear to you in the form of a dream where you view as though being a fly on the wall. It is the night before your 25th birthday, and you are nervous because not everyone remembers the dream they have when they awaken. Will you?   
Fluff, Humor, Soulmate AU
Embarassement, Teasing between friends, Self-judging (reader judges themselves on how they think about others).
Word Count:
~7,300 words total
-Admin Red
While eating your breakfast, your mind focused on trying to figure out just how to bring up what happened in your dream to your friends, well at least what you remember from your notes. Holding the phone in one hand and rereading the simple phrases over and over again as your mouth blindly searched for the spoonful of cereal held in your other hand.
You were trying to think of details about the dog instead of the boy, hoping that a not so important detail might trigger something with deeper meaning, and felt the milk from the hovering silverware splash over your lap before you realized you had tipped the spoon so far.
Chiding yourself as you put the spoon back into the bowl. “Man, why’d I have to be this stupid. Today of all days too!” You grumbled as you went to change yet again.
Buttoning up your fresh jeans, you checked yourself out in the full body mirror hanging off the door to the master bathroom. Chuckling as you checked yourself out for good measure, “Well, at least all my effort into this look wasn’t wasted by having to change pants...That’s a plus!” 
As soon as your uplifting comment was spoken out loud, you could hear your phone start buzzing from where you left it back in the kitchen. Racing to pick it up in time in case it was something important.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!!!” Yama yelled from his end of the line.
You cracked a smile in between huffs for air after your quick sprint. Taking a deep breath to calm down before responding properly, “Thanks Yama! I’m finally 25 hahahaha!”
“YES! Now you’ve joined the old people’s club officially. I am here to welcome you to long working hours and even shorter periods of fun for the foreseeable future.”
Face starting to hurt from the grin you’d been sporting since the call began, you teased right back, “Well then we just gotta make those short periods of fun even better than anyone’d expect.”
Both of you laughed for a few minutes after that.
“Well, now for the serious bit.” He sobered up quickly and got to his point, “Did you remember your dream last night?”
Thankful for your friend being the absolute best, and realizing you should not have worried about how to bring up the topic at all, you explained your situation. “So, I’m not as bad off as Hinata was, or how we thought Tsukki would be without his recording...But at the same time, I am not nearly as lucky as you and Kageyama. I recalled a few things. And...Well...Actually….uhhhh how do I put this?” You were dragging it out, you knew, but you couldn’t just say, ‘Well, hey, I don’t remember my soulmate at all but apparently you know him and were there so if I tell you what few details I do remember can you be an even better friend and put the pieces together for me? Thanks.’ Like, no. You can’t just use your friend for your own personal gain, how rude would that make you.
“(Y/N)!” He yelled to cut off your murmurs and mumblings, “just spit it out. Actually what?”
Taking yet another deep breath to calm down, and managing to take a seat back at the kitchen table, you visibly relaxed a smidge. “I don’t remember much, but I know you were there, and it looked like your old high school gym for the most part.”
“Wait! Your soulmate went to Karasuno?!” He sounded so excited, “(Y/N)! That’s awesome. Whatever you remember, tell me I can help you figure out who it is! I mean I was captain for a year. I should be able to tell you who was on our team no matter which year it was for.”
You really did want to ask him for help, but you also felt you’d just be using your friend. “I don’t think he was on your team. Sorry, Yama, thanks for the offer though.”
He seemed to think about that before responding. “Not on my team? Hmm, well depending on the team I may still know them. Come on. Hit me with the details. Stop dillydallying.”
“HAH!” Releasing a sound somewhere between a scream and a laugh, you quickly moved your free hand to clamp over your wide-open mouth. You had to shake your head a few times before you could answer his pushing, “Fine, fine! I didn’t want to make you help me cause I really don’t remember much and it’s not your job to figure out my soulmate for me. And I feel like I am just using you, but if you are going to throw around words like ‘dillydallying’ I may as well.” It really hadn’t taken much pressure from him to make you crack, you thought a moment about how to strengthen your resolve for next time before finally telling him what other little you knew about the dream. “I remember the most blindingly beautiful smile, a dog, chicken...as in like the food chicken, not the live animal chicken...that was probably obvious though. I mean, obviously, if I had meant a live chicken that would have been weird right? I mean--!”
“(Y/N). (Y/M/N). (Y/L/N)! Just tell me the rest already!”
“Oh right!” You stopped rambling yet again, “the only other thing I can remember past that is a red uniform.”
He went silent there.
You waited.
No comment.
Waited longer, checked to make sure the call was still connected.
No comment.
Checked again and saw he had been silent for 2 whole minutes, “Hello? Yama? You still there?”
“Are you kidding me?!!!!” He legit screamed so loud you dropped your phone out of shock. You could still hear him shouting while you reached to pick the device off the floor. “A red uniform, a dog, chicken, and a smile? That’s all you remember?!”
“Well, that and that most of it happened at your high school gymnasium and that you were there of course.” You corrected.
Despite not being able to see him, you could just hear the fed-up look on his face as he whisper-counted to 5 to calm himself down. A trick you learned he developed when he was captain of the team and had to deal with Hinata and Kageyama. “(Y/N). We didn’t play too many schools that had a red uniform. So I can pretty much guess what school your soulmate is from. But...And I mean this in the nicest way possible...IF YOU DO NOT GIVE ME ANY ACTIONABLE DETAILS ABOUT THE PERSON THEMSELVES HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU AT ALL!????”
“And this is why I really didn’t want to bother you with it. I told you I didn’t remember much.” You tried to skirt your way out of trouble.
“You all are going to be the death of me.” He said as you imagined him rubbing his hand down his face. “Are you sure you don’t remember anything else? Like what was so embarrassing about that moment in their life that your dream was what it was? Nothing?”
Thinking about the dream some more, and remembering that Yamaguchi’s sport was volleyball you remembered an additional detail, your hand shot up with the pointer facing the ceiling, “WAIT! I did just remember something!”
“That’s great!” He exclaimed alongside you, “what’d you recall?”
“He got hit in the face with a volleyball.” You were so proud of yourself for remembering.
“He,” You could hear Yama repeating to himself, “he got hit in the face with a volleyball?”
“Yepp!” You were so proud of yourself, the pure joyous feeling would be shown to anyone who chanced upon you at that moment.
The audible sigh from the other end of the line of course made you backtrack your excitement.
“Is that not helpful?” You questioned, now not so happy with your development.
It wasn’t possible to imagine how he was physically reacting this time, but thankfully his silence was short-lived. “That depends on your answer to this question. Did he get hit from a serve or hit, or was the ball on his side when he got hit in the face?”
This brought your happy mood back right away because you actually could give full detail about it now that you remembered this part of the scene. “OH, his side, definitely. Because, and now that I remembered it happened I remember this whole bit of the scene. He was going to hit it and I guess something had been wrong because the ball flew in front of his arm before he’d even started really swinging and it hit him in the face and he fell onto his buttocks! Hahahahhah!” Your giggling continued as the images played out in your mind.
“OH!?” Yamaguchi yelled, reminding you you weren’t talking to yourself that time around. “I know exactly who it is then! Yes! I remember that whole day actually! Man, that was a bad day for him.” Yama also joined in laughing, though you knew it was because he remembered more than you. “It actually makes sense why you’d remember a dog and chicken now, yea hahaa.”
“Wait!” You interrupted him this time, “So if you remember the event and you know who it is, then you can just tell me, right?!” You were so hyped.
Waiting in anticipation.
Waiting for him to confirm your thoughts.
“Right, Yama?”
“Sorry, sorry, I am messaging about his whereabouts and to see if he is free today. I don’t have his number but Hinata does. So just be patient.” Apparently he put you on hold because you didn’t hear anything again.
Taking the time to rinse out your bowl from the now soggy cereal, you wondered what your soulmate was like. Thinking how great it was that he is already connected to your friend group. Washing out the bowl, you tried to generate his image in your mind, but you couldn’t see anything past red sportswear and a blinding grin.
“Okay, sorry about that.” Yama’s voice caught you off guard and you almost dropped the bowl, thankfully you got a better hold on it right in time to set in on the drying rack without incident. “Hello? (Y/N)?”
You respond with a yell since you were drying your hands off, “I’m here, just drying my hands. One second.” And legit one second later you held your phone once more. “So, what’s up?”
“Great, so he’s actually in town today! But doesn’t want me to share any details if you don’t remember anything hahaha.” You sulked at his teasing but listened with determined intent as he continued, “So basically it’ll be like a blind date for you for lunch. We decided 1, is that okay for you? I can also get him back and tell him you need to go later? But we have dinner at Kusa No le at 6, so you don’t want lunch to run too late. Hmm...”
“Yama, 1 is fine. Thank you so much for being such a great friend and helping me despite how difficult I can be.” You smiled as you said your piece, hoping he really understood how grateful you were.
“It’s what best friends are for. Now, I told him you’d wear red because you remembered that, but I also told him you’d wear a crown because it’s your birthday and you should get to be a royal sometimes.” He meant it as a tease, since you made him wear a crown on his 25th birthday as you took him on a scavenger hunt around Tokyo. But, you were so grateful you gave no mind against it.
“Sure, I have that tiara we stole from Kuroo still anyway. I can just wear that.”
It was nice talking with him about random things after that. Just being able to chill and enjoy your friendship was one of the things you’d learned to love the most since meeting Yama and Tsukki at university. You’d been super stressed, moving to a new area and not knowing anyone? Starting a new way of life away from friends and family and the support system you’d created for yourself up to that point? You’d been scared out of your mind. But that first day of classes, you happened to legit run into the nicest guy possible, who helped you up with a smile highlighting all his freckles as his friend asked after your well being. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship and you couldn’t believe how lucky you had been.
“Yama,” You accidentally interrupted his comments about some television show he’d been hooked on recently, “I just want to thank you for helping me back to my feet all those years ago at Uni. I don’t know what would have happened or where I’d be today without you, and Tsukki and even Hinata and Kageyama too. But none of these past few years would have happened if it wasn’t for how kind you were to me back then. I am very grateful for your friendship.”
He seemed to hum back before speaking, “Well it wouldn’t have happened at all had you been watching where you were going, as Tsukki likes to remind you.”
You laughed at his tease. And he joined in.
This is what a good friendship was. You knew it.
“I wonder if it’ll be anything like this with my soulmate?” You questioned yourself out loud while contemplating the outfit choices laying on your bed.
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waltrp · 4 years
Tumblr media
BIDDI BOPPI BOOP A SPECIAL MESSAGE ADMIN ZULEMA: bre this app was simply stunning. I am so happy to see you take up Meg once more. You know her character inside and out. Your sample was...so freaking good. I had to re-read it not gonna lie. It was a mini-movie on its own and really shows just how much of a a understanding you have on this character. I’m excited to see what you do, my dear ! Please refer to THIS PAGE for your next tasks. We can’t wait to roleplay with you. Welcome to our Ohana xx.
It’s a pleasure to meet you…
It’s ya boi Bre
Are you positive you can be active?
My full time job is a stay at home mom now, and while that’s challenging I have more time than I used too.
How did you stumble upon Walt?
A few years ago through a friend and I’m happy I did!💘
Did you read the rules?
Are you sure?
Yes ma’am
Character you want?
Megara Dimitriou (okay, so i can explain😂) So I know it hasn’t been long since I dropped her but I’ve felt the beautiful spark of muse again! And I’ve always held sort of guilt that I never got to develop Meg the way I wanted too. I felt like a bad nun honestly and I wanted to give my baby more so I dropped her. But I want to try again being I have less characters now. I want to start completely fresh with her and explore her more since she deserves it and I love her. Okay sorry for the long explanation. (also i’m writing this at like 4 in the morning i apologize if there’s spelling errors i didn’t catch.)
Please describe the character for us
I’ve always felt a strong connection with Meg more so than any other female in Disney. Plus Hercules is my favorite Disney movie as well, but that’s besides the point. Meg is extremely stubborn and independent, which are two dangerous traits when you put them together. Because she’s too stuck in her own ways to ask for help when she needs it. And being Aries I can relate. When you’ve done things on your own for so long you kind of forget how kind and willing people can be to offer help. But like Meg she doesn’t want to feel like a burden. If she’s got a problem than she’s going to be the one to find a resolution. She’d hold too much guilt if she asked for guidance, it’s just easier for her to do stuff on her own. Which is unfortunate really because of that she has a hard time making friends or companions. Her vibe coming off cynical and cold, and while she means no harm it’s hard for her to act any other way. And as for the love subject? Ugh, that’s too touchy for her. She’s been hurt one too many times. By family, friends, partners…she’s decided it’s best not carry those feelings around at all. She’s rather be deemed as bitch than for one more person to hold power over her heart again. So uh, good luck getting her guard down.
Second character choice
None atm.
It’s time to see that sample para.
the past…
This was the first time in Megara Dimitriou’s life that she truly felt out of her element. Here she was completely vulnerable in front of a total stranger. Not any stranger–a powerful one. Well, that was what she heard though the grapevine anyway. She heard rumors of a man who could conjure up such a powerful spell that it could bring back the dead. People giving him the title of King of the Underworld, and if only Meg knew then how fitting that title actually was. While Meg lived in a world surrounded by magic she never paid much mind to it. A part of her never wanted to open up to the idea of it. It was easier just to ignore it, the temptation of it all. Ignorance was bliss after all. Meg was content with just being normal.
Meg wouldn’t have gone out of her way to seek such magic if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Which was what led her to be standing in front of the man who went by the name of Hades Vasilakis. It took some favors to even gain the information to locate where she could find the man. Leading her to a darker part of Elias that she had never encountered before. It felt cold and empty even though lost souls wandered the streets. Meg stood lifeless in front of Hades. Crystals still falling from her already tear stained face. Her hair tangled into a mess of a scraggly bun. She was looking rough and she didn’t even care. Meg had never been good at expressing her emotions, but this instance was different.
“So can you do it?” Meg asked shakily, feeling fainter by the moment. Any longer she was sure her legs would turn to mush.
Hades cold laugh echoed throughout the room. He was silent for a moment and stood up from his desk. He was dressed in an all navy blue suit as if this was normal business venture for him. He moved towards her in such a composed manner that it looked as though he was floating. Once he was only a few feet away he leaned in close enough that Meg could feel his icy breath against her cheek.
“The real question is if you can afford it?”
Meg’s stomach immediately dropped. His voice sending the most unsettling shiver down her spine. She cleared her throat taking a small step back. She didn’t know what his quota would entail. She only knew from others that he asked for a hefty price. But that didn’t matter. She would do it, whatever the cost She wanted Leo back, no matter how selfish that felt. The dead were supposed to remain dead, but she couldn’t live with that. Not when she had finally found love for the first time. If that damn driver was watching where he was going–she couldn’t even finish the thought. Shutting her eyes tightly as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
“I’ll do anything.” Meg responded when she finally caught her breath.
“Good.” Hades straightened out his posture showcasing a triumph smirk. Moving back to his desk he sat down pulling out a single sheet of paper. He slid it across the desk in one swift motion. “All you have to do is sign the dotted line.”
Meg was confused by this in her hysterical state. It couldn’t be that easy could it? Surely this was a scam. Inching closer to the desk hesitantly Meg’s fingertips grazed the paper. With her free hand she used her sleeve to wipe her tears away. It didn’t help much, her vision still felt clouded. “That’s it?”
Hades leaned back into his seat. A smirk still ever present on his lips. “Well, yes. But if i were you i’d read it first. You’re not much of a bargainer are you?”
Meg huffed at the comment. Trying to take this more seriously with what little energy she had left Meg squinted and began to read the document. It wasn’t until her eyes made it halfway down the paper she saw what she’d be selling. Shocked Meg scrambled to find her balance using the mans desk as support. “My soul? Are you fucking delusional?!” Meg squeaked out.
“And personal assistant from here on out.” Hades replied calmly.
She shook her head wanting to crumple up the stupid fucking contract and throw it against his dumb head.”That’s outrageous. I’d never–the price is too high–”
What happened next caught Meg completely by surprise. Hades held his arm out, his palm cupped. Two miniature smoky figures of a man and a woman danced together in the palm of his hand. Meg was completely speechless. Her throat becoming dry- she wasn’t sure how she was still breathing.
“Now how would you be able to see Leo again?” He asked as the figures continued to waltz in his palm.
“How did you know–?” Meg asked, not even realizing her hand was beginning to reach out towards the figures. And just as fast as the magic appeared Hades snapped his fingers and the figures vanished in a cloud of black smoke. “I know many things dear. Now are you going to sign? Because if not you’re wasting my time.”
Meg looked down upon the contract once more. The words soul standing out in bold. Meg swallowed hard feeling as if there was no other choice. Leo would surely have done the same for her, she was so certain of it. She was desperate. There was no other choice. She’d sell her soul–her freedom just to bring back him back.
“Fine. I’ll do it. Just bring him back, please.” She practically pleaded, before picking up then pen and signing her life away on the dotted line.
“Then it’s a deal.” Hades grinned. “Welcome to hell Megara Dimitriou. We’ve been waiting for  you.”
Anything else, love?
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theyellowcurtains · 5 years
I deeply apologise for people who are not involved in this issue who are seeing this post on their dashboards. I have posted a majority of what has happened under the cut so it’s easier to just scroll past and ignore this if you aren’t directly involved.
Okay I’ve had enough of the spreading of half truths from third parties so here is the full story of what has happened;
One of the people in the DOD was skeptical about a concept for a fic being taken and within right reason, this was brought up and discussed in private away from the main server. After one of the server moderators found out they put in action the zero tolerance policy. 
After this happened a few members of the server went over to the fic in question and left comments about it being stolen. At this point in time none of us knew that it hadn’t been but we were right to believe it had as the concepts and content were really similar so we had suspicions. Everyone directly involved in the situation were encouraging these people to not to that because we didn’t want there to be any more drama and wanted it to die there and we thought it had. 
But then a few days later the fic was replaced with the author telling half of the story, not knowing what had gone on behind the scenes and the discussions about how we knew that au’s are not to be claimed, but how it was more about etiquette. How we had tried our best to stop the drama going forward and into the public. This author claims to have messaged us only to no response, but during this time many of us were sleeping and away from out tumblrs so we couldn’t have replied and then they deleted their blog so the messages were deleted too. I made the choice to go and comment on their ao3 rant asking if there was a way to message them and talk about everything that had happened but I got no response. 
A few days later, after the drama had died down again and we were ready to move on. Then one of the previous members of the server came on and made it known that they had inserted themselves into the situation with only one half of the story and not talking to any of us otherwise. They then went on to harass one of our moderators at a ridiculous hour of the morning and when asked to talk to the people involved they ignored it. 
Today they have been posting screenshots of our conversations on tumblr, again only showing one side of the story. Us telling them to drop it as it had been dealt with and we were moving on from it. They ignored us and started to try to pick a fight, saying we had to make an announcement on the server which was something no one involved had the ability to do. Both of our admins were away and realistically making an announcement would only bring the drama back up when it had already been put to rest. 
This same person has been making claims that we have been bullying a minor. To our knowledge they were an adult, when they joined they told us so. This person posting about us posted a screenshot from another server we aren’t a part of where the “minor” posts their age as a different one to what we were told. Admittedly this was at a different time and people do get older and have birthdays so it’s quite probable that this person turned 18 and stopped being a minor in the gap, it is also possible that when they joined that they had lied about their age. We all assumed them to be an adult, they had simply stated “I am not a minor” when asked. We also weren’t out there bullying them, the only incident where it could be read as bullying was when some other members of the server went to comment on their fic, but we had encouraged them not to and told them that it was not the right thing to be doing in that moment. 
Now this drama has been unnecessarily dragged out into the public and this person has been childishly putting their posts into the druck tag. As well as claiming that the people who were trying to calmly explain the situation were lying and didn’t know what was happening, when they were the people who were directly involved in the situation. I’m hoping that this can die down now because it really is unrelated to other things on this website and the people who were causing the drama are no longer in the server. We tried to reach out to the originally affected person but they did not respond so we had thought it was best to just leave it then, it was immature of this other person to bring it up again when they really were not involved.
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staytheb · 6 years
Pairing: TBZ’s Sunwoo x OC [Seul] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 2,658 Summary: Seul feels bad about yelling at Sunwoo after learning he wasn’t being lazy and disobedient during the preparations for the school festival.
Warning: the mentions of a curse word, twice. lol
i’m really bad with summary, so sorry if it doesn’t appeal to you. lol also i again didn’t know how to title this and just went with what’s been mentioned a lot of the polaroids. lol other than that i’m just happy to have written another story with a TBZ member. so happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"What's wrong with you?" Yeon asked her younger sister upon noticing Seul going through a bunch of polaroids while mumbling to herself as Yeon had walked passed her sister's bedroom.
"Huh?" Seul asked while glancing up.
Yeon entered Seul's room and took a seat at the desk chair while watching her sister sift through more photographs on her bed. Yeon waited for Seul to talk.
"You remember that one guy in my class I usually rant about?"
"The Sunwoo kid, right?"
"What about him?"
"Well, he took a bunch of photos of us while we were prepping for our school's festival that's happening tomorrow and and I ended up yelling at him out of frustration and annoyance because I thought he wasn't doing anything."
"So you thought he wasn't doing anything, but he actually was?" Yeon asked with a curious look.
"Yeah. Like he was supposed to help build and decorate the stand, but he kept wandering around and bothering the others. I mean, everyone was doing their part and actually participating, but from my point of view he wasn't doing anything and just kept looking over people's shoulders."
"So you basically told him off for not doing anything."
"He was the one that took all of these and wanted to do a collage of sort for the other classes to see how we were mingling and what not, but I didn't know that and now I feel bad for yelling at him for not doing anything when he was doing something that I didn't assign him for."
Seul groaned as she fell back against her bed with eyes close. Yeon lightly chuckled as she sat on her knees by her sister's bed to skim through the photos.
"And because you have pride issues, you don't know how to apologize even though in a way it doesn't seem like your fault or his, but still some fault elsewhere."
"Yeah, something like that."
"Did he tell you about the polaroids after you yelled at him?"
"No. Eunbin showed them to me after school once I made sure everything was all set for tomorrow."
"Oh. How come he didn't?"
"He had soccer practice."
"So, what you gonna do then?"
Seul continued lying on her back with closed eyelids as Yeon finished going through the polaroids.
"Hey, how come there's none of you?"
"Hmm?" Seul asked while rising to an upright position. "What do you mean?"
"I don't see any of you in any of these." Yeon stated while picking up several images. "There's like fifty of these yet I see none of you in them."
"Maybe he hates me because I yelled at him."
"That's kinda dumb if he did."
"Who knows."
At that moment Seul's phone dinged indicating she got a Kakao message. Her eyebrows furrowed upon seeing it was from Sunwoo.
"He messaged me." Seul told Yeon as her older sister smiled. "Okay. And?"
"He never messages me."
"Maybe he wants an apology."
"Or maybe he wants me to return the polaroids to him."
"Then opened it and you'll find out. Let me know what happens." Yeon said to her sister while standing back up.
"Where are you going?"
"I gotta get ready for my date with Sangyeon. He's gonna teach me how to make fried rice balls."
Seul cast her older sister a look.
"Don't you know how to make those?"
"I do, but that doesn't mean I can't let my boyfriend try to teach me things he likes to do."
"Isn't it just like how you always let him win in Jenga?"
"Yeah, but he found out how good I'm actually am after witnessing me beat Changmin and Chanhee the other day."
"Then why don't you actually have him teach you how to play the guitar since you suck."
"Hahaha, you're so funny, but nah. Musical instruments aren't my thing. Anyways, reply back to that Sunwoo kid or you guys are gonna graduate on bad terms."
"We won't graduate on bad terms. Go away and enjoy your date."
Yeon bid her sister a goodbye as she left Seul's room. Seul returned her attention onto the Kakao notification that she still hadn't opened yet.
Seul was back in her class of 3-B of Creker High School as Sunwoo wanted to talk to her after soccer practice. She was going to wait outside the school's gates, but his practice was running longer than expected and so Seul told him that she'll be in their classroom re-checking the things for the festival tomorrow. Seul passed the time by actually using Sunwoo's photos and putting them to use as she was going to return them back to him.
Some time later Seul didn't notice Sunwoo entering the classroom as she was too focused on the project before her. Sunwoo quietly watched Seul tying loops within the string she was using and hooking paper clips within them before attaching a polaroid in-between the paper clips. After completing the set she was working on she held it up and admired her work. She had to admit that Sunwoo knew how to take pictures and that the memories could be seen within them.
"I wondered where these should go." Seul mumbled to herself as she looked about the classroom before setting her sight on Sunwoo. "Oh. Hi."
"Hi." Sunwoo greeted and smiled at her. "I see Eunbin told you about the polaroids."
"Oh, yeah, she did."
Seul picked up the other finished sets she had done and offered them towards Sunwoo.
"I dunno if this was what you were planning to do, but I couldn't help myself and started to do them already."
"Oh, no, no. They're fine. I didn't know what to do with them either. I actually was going to ask you about them."
"Ah, okay, well here you go." Seul said as she set them the items onto the desk. "I'm sure you'll find a good spot for them to hang tomorrow."
"Hmm, I'm sure I would."
Silence fell between and Seul waited for Sunwoo to tell her what he wanted to talk about, but he didn't say anything. He just played with the ends of his bag.
"Um, you do remember that it was you who asked me to talk to you after your practice, right?" Seul reminded.
"Ahh, yeah, yeah, I did." Sunwoo said as he recalled. "Right, right. I did."
"I mean, I understand if it was to get back at me and all, but this is such a waste of time to do so. Don't you think, Sunwoo?"
"Nah, Seul, nah. It's not what you think. It's not like that." Sunwoo dismissed with a laugh. "I'm sorry, but I was just surprised by you doing that whole string thing that I totallly forgot what I wanted to say."
"Really? Okay, sure, whatever, Sunwoo." Seul responded sarcastically while picking up her bag with a roll of her eyes. "I was gonna give you these juice extracts as an apology, but I change my mind."
"Juice extracts? What flavor?" Sunwoo moved closer to see the flavors that Seul had, but she backed away from him.
"No, no, no. I don't think so."
"Aww, c'mon. Be nice to me at least this one time."
"What are you talking about?"
"To other people you're nice, but not to me."
Seul shot Sunwoo a judging look while the male slightly pouted and casually sat on the edge of a desk with his back towards her.
"I'm whatever to people, Sunwoo. Don't get all salty or whatever."
"I'm not."
"Sure. Anyways, good job on the photos. You did well. I'm sure the others will love it when they see it during the festival." Seul told him while coming up to him and then placing two juice extract pouches on the desk in front of him. "See you tomorrow morning, Sunwoo."
Seul cast him a small smile before making her way towards the door and leaving the classroom. She hadn't gone far until she heard the door opened from behind her and Sunwoo calling out her name.
"Hey, Seul, wait."
Seul turned around to face him with a curious expression.
"How come you didn't ask?"
"Ask what?"
"About there not being any photos of you."
"Does it really matter?"
Sunwoo didn't answer her right away not thinking Seul would respond that way. Seul spoke again not wanting the silence to fall upon them again.
"It's fine, Sunwoo. I know I can be a bit of a bitch a majority of the time and nag a lot so it's fine if there's no polaroids of me." Seul sincerely told him. "As long as you guys had fun is what really matters in the end."
"Although that's highly true, Seul, you're really not a bad class representative." Sunwoo admitted. "If it wasn't for you who knows if we would've gotten anything done this whole school year."
"Yeah, I guess and thanks. Anyways, hope you like the flavors because I don't know what you like. I just took whatever my sister had in the fridge." She admitted with a laugh before speaking again. "Anyways, Sunwoo, have a good evening. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"Let me walk you home." Sunwoo offered as he exited the classroom with his bag slung over his shoulder and making his way towards Seul.
"Um, I can walk home by myself, thank you very much." Seul stated as she turned away from him and began walking on ahead.
"Don't be so hard-headed." Sunwoo said as he matched her strides. "Besides, it's gonna get late soon and girls shouldn't be walking late at night by themselves."
"I mean I wouldn't have if someone didn't asked me to talk to them after soccer practice."
"Well, you could have declined."
"Yeah, but that would've made me a bigger bitch if I didn't come visit you after yelling at you earlier today."
"I would have let you slide since you worked so hard as class representative."
Seul glanced over at Sunwoo while walking and talking at the same time.
"Is this just an excuse for you to walk me home and see where I live and probably ask for more juice extracts?"
Sunwoo also glanced at her while walking and talking at the same time.
"Do you really think of me like that?"
"I have no idea what to think of you since we're not that close."
"We've been in the same class for the past three years."
"Doesn't mean we're actually friends."
"Wow. I was gonna give you this, but I guess I won't."
Sunwoo held up a small book for Seul to see, but he held it back at his side from her view a second later.
"What is it?" Seul asked as she tried to peek at it, but Sunwoo hid it well.
"I'm not telling you. You're being mean to me."
Seul rolled her eyes as she pushed open the door to exit the building.
"Okay then. Bye."
Seul shot Sunwoo a half-wave before walking ahead faster. Sunwoo hurried to match her pace.
"Are you mad?" He asked curiously.
"I'm sure you're mad."
"I'm not mad."
"Are you sure?"
"No. I'm not sure that I'm mad." Seul answered sarcastically as Sunwoo eyed her a bit annoyed. "I was just asking."
"Mmhmm. Why are you still here?"
"I'm walking you home, remember?"
"Not that I recall, so no."
Sunwoo let out a sigh.
"Do you really hate me?"
"Mmhmm." Seul answered in a nonchalant manner causing Sunwoo to stared at her in shock.
"You do?"
Sunwoo cast her a suspicious look.
"Are you just answering without really responding to my questions?"
"Uh huh."
Sunwoo frown upon her response as Seul just continued on nonchalantly. Somehow this made Sunwoo want to test something out and so he decided to admit his feelings wondering what her response will be.
"I like you."
"Yeah." Came Seul's response with the same neutral tone and nonchalant manner.
"Did you hear what I actually said?"
"That hurts."
"Don't care."
"You're lying. You heard me then."
"So what?"
Seul said casting him a neutral look as the duo exited the school's gates with her making the opposite turn from home.
"Don't you live this way?"
"I do."
"So where are you going?"
"Away from you."
She answered him while casting him a wave as she continued to walk on even if in the opposite direction of home. Sunwoo debated if he should follow or not as he was unsure of her actual personality since they've only been in school together. Still he had a feeling that there was more to her, but she just chose to separate her school and home life. And Sunwoo wanted to get to know them both. He ran after Seul and matched her strides.
"You don't give up, do you?" Seul asked once she heard Sunwoo's footsteps alongside hers and glanced in his direction.
Sunwoo flashed her his signature smile in response.
"You must really like me, huh?" Seul said in a nonchalant manner yet there was a teasing smile gracing her lips.
Sunwoo's face turned to one of shock.
"I thought you didn't hear me?"
"Oh, I heard you, but I just didn't really care to respond to you."
"Wow. Here then."
Sunwoo handed her the book she had briefly saw earlier.
"What's this?"
"Open it and you'll find out."
Seul casually opened the cover and turned to the first page to see a polaroid photo of herself. It was when she was handing out their assignments for the festival. She flipped a few more pages and saw that they were all images with the focus being on her. Seul glanced up and over at Sunwoo, but he kept his attention ahead of him while drinking the pear juice extract she had given him.
"Don't tell me you're a stalker now?" Seul teased as Sunwoo whipped his head towards her with an annoyed look.
"Is that all you can say?"
Seul laughed at his response and reaction.
"I mean, thanks, but you didn't have to make a little album."
"Then give it back."
Sunwoo tried to reach for the photo album, but Seul moved it out from his grasp.
"No. It's mine. You gave it to me. Besides, I thought you liked me."
"Clearly it's one-sided."
"How do you know?"
"You haven't said anything about if you like me or not. Plus, you've been mean to me."
"You're kinda easy to teased that's why. Also, Eric was right."
"Right about what?"
"You liking me because I didn't think you'll actually like me since you never listened to me."
"Because you always ordered me around."
"It's only because you either kept sleeping in class or showing up late. It's not my fault that I had to be the class representative and do my job."
"Fine, fine, Seul. I'll do better."
"You better or I'll make you clean the classroom all by yourself."
"Can you at least help me out?"
"I like you, Sunwoo, but I dunno if I like you that much."
"But you still like me, right?"
Seul didn't answer as Sunwoo looked over at her.
"Right, right?"
Seul cast him a teasing smile before turning around and running away in the other direction not giving him a confirmation.
"Yah! Lee Seul!" Sunwoo yelled after her giving chase. "LEE SEUL! ANSWER ME!"
Seul shook her head as she let out laughs causing Sunwoo to call out to her again.
Seul giggled to herself as she picked up pace upon hearing him draw nearer although she knew full well that he would catch up to her eventually, but she wanted to tease him a bit longer before then. Also Seul needed another reason for her racing heartbeats that kept thumping loudly against her chest due to the polaroids that Sunwoo had captured of her unexpectedly the last few days.
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