#as what? well wouldnt you like to know weatherboy
claratyler · 1 month
Welp this is it. I guess im coming out in the funniest way possible. A clarinetist friend asked me to write a piece for him for a program he's putting together for 2025 thats all about contemporary repertoire by lgbt composers. Soooo. Yea. Im not going to say anything but i guess i if i say "hey come to this concert! Its all contemporary clarinet repertoire written by lgbt composers, and theyre playing one of my pieces" well. I guess the cat will be out of the bag
The funniest thing is ive never even told this guy that im whatever it is i am, he just knew since he met me back in my first year of uni and it used to give me so much anxiety 🥲
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nezumasa · 2 years
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I’m like halfway-3/4s through with that Dimilethshez fic? It’s Explicit and im like…man…
I gotta finish so I can do that MMO Shezleth AU where M!Byleth is a top ranking player on the Fodlan World Server of critically acclaimed MMO “Fire Emblem” (with a free trial up to “Skyward,” something that is definitely not “Heavensward”) and Shez is a newbie player who malds because he’s a topranker in a different MMO but kinda sucks ass at Fire Emblem PVP because the mechanics are different and he keeps getting Pk’d by the Ashen Demon.
And Byleth ends up befriending Shez on his low level alt which is F!Byleth, and no matter what Sothis says, it’s not catfishing if Shez just assumed his sex.
Shez, bitching about the Ashen Demon again: “What a fucking asshole.”
Byleth, on his F!Byleth alt and too horny to care that he’s insulting himself: “Yeah what a fucking asshole. I could beat him to death if you want.”
And Byleth also streams and gets Twitch sub and streaming money/donations and Shez hate-watches and uses it to stream snipe (he dies ofc and has to respawn).
And implications that past Fire Emblem games are just different servers with their own setting and laws and unique traits and major events.
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baba-the-yagaa · 1 month
"#The dynamic between two paladins would be INSANE#and so fun" Hello , I saw your tags, tell me more about your Ideas about the TTRPG Amis -slash-Les Mis?:D
dear god im sorry i let your ask marinate its been a Time man anyway
(im a mathematician) so we gotta look at two cases: Les Amis play a ttrpg like dnd together, or we make ttrpg based on Les mis/and Les Amis
case 1: oh my god dont get me started (well you did, so here we go) we all know how dramatic ttrpgs can get, so maybe a modern au where the barricade is ttrpg and everyone is playing various characters, except for marius who is new and very obviously playing himself. which is why he like that. anyway!! this can also give rise to the two paladins dynamic i was yapping about, so lemme yap some more. The tension would be unparalleled. Courf and Enj arguing about who serves whos god better and being the same kind of divine but different would be bonkers. Grantaire would try to roll so many times to seduce Enjs character and fail and Enjolras is oblivious so its Courf who confronts him about it and is like 'yo. whats up with all that' and R is just like 'wouldnt you like to know, weatherboy' etc the other half of the table (Combeferre, Joly, Lesgle, Jehan, Feuilly) (Bahorel is more partial to the above mentioned drama) is on about something more sciency and shit (except for the occasional glances and giggling about the rest) which all begs the question, who dms? and the answer is simple. Gavroche. he would be a very, very good dm i feel like. kid's got crazy ass ideas they're perfect (also dm candidates are: Valjean) this au is generally very on point to the book i feel like because of how most characters are symbolic and extraordinary but also its just fun
case 2: again, right after i got the ask i started ruminating on this. came up with stats even! so regular dnd 5e has 5: strength, dex, int, wis, and charisma. Les Mis ttrpg: decided to merge strength and dex into one, but maybe we split em up, dunno. Charisma we obviously keep, and add two more stats: religion and revolution. religion works kinda like wisdom/int, bc les mis is heavily influenced by religion and its fairly self explanatory revolution is a scale of 0-20, with 10 being 'i dont give a shit', 20 is Enjolras and 0 is Javert. other than that, mechanically i have no idea lol but it should be also very fun
thanks for coming to my TED talk lmao hope this wasnt too long
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linabirb · 7 months
The funny thing is you made a milgram x reader blog at the EXACT time I just finished my self insert :3. To not make this a slog fest to read, I'll tell you about his name, Voicelines, and his possible song covers and what they mean.
Name: Varian Invidia (latin name for envy)
Age: Wouldnt you like to know weatherboy? (16)
height: not short but not tall
Weight: ....fuck you. (Answer he actually gave the guard)
nationailty: British
T1 Vlines:
"Varian invidia. I'm 16 and a highschool student. and the cutest gremlin you'll ever meet 😘"
"LAMO YOURE A GUARD??!! You're barely older then me! Major L."
"You're here to judge my........crimes?" which one sweetie? I've committed like fifty and i havent even had my lucky charms yet :P"
*secret voiceline* "(I jUsT WaNTed tO Be pretty................WAS THAT REALLY SO IMPOSSIBLE TO ASK?????!!!!)
Offical Mv song: Cheshire by itzy
Offical milgram amv song: Tear Drop
Offical milgram cover: Liar dance
Non d27 cover: gira gira by ado, abnormality dancing girl, or anthropophobia. (I couldn't decide on one)
"UNDER, I live to put on a show, but if you look to close then you'll leave as well"
OHHH a milgram self insert sounds really fun.. :o i've thought about making one as well, but honestly all of my milgram ocs are self inserts in a way, especially the high school gang, so.. also my self insert would just be a way for me to traumadump or something 😭
YESSSS A TEAR DROP COVER I BELIEVE IN TEAR DROP SUPREMACY 👏👏👏 and liar dance is one of my fav deco songs too!!
varian shares one of the non deco covers with akio.. inch resting :O
and the undercover line sounds really cool!!
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carnival-core · 5 years
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I have a project involving Trivia Murder Party, specifically it’s host, in the works! Whether or not I’ll get it done is left to be seen. But...
I decided to redesign my original design for him into smth that’d be easier for me to draw
Bastard !
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muirneach · 2 years
well since i’ve apparently decided to be angry tonight here’s something that’s bothered me for a while. not sure i love the whole pronouns movement(?) these days. like yes they are important and though i don’t exactly hate being misgendered i can understand why other people do hate it duh. but hmmm the asking people for their pronouns… it’s a little strange in my opinion. it REALLY feels like asking what someones gender is/whats in their pants. like you wouldn’t be asking me this if i was cis presenting! you know i’m trans but you are just woke enough to know you can’t ask me what my gender is. ugh idk where i was going with this but i wouldn’t need pronouns if bitches weren’t talking about me behind my back!
#like girl you’re meeting me once and you’ll probably never think about me again#sorry the first bit makes me sound like a boomer lol sorrryyyy idk how to phrase it#this is not about me getting ‘whats ur pronouns’-ed today ive felt this for a long time but it did reawaken it#<- though the first thing i said was ‘wouldnt you like to know weatherboy’ out of instinct but i was right. wouldnt you like to know#idk ive heard stories from people pre meeical transition to being read as cis and how people stopped asking them#and also stories from like. a gnc-ish retail worker who got asked this by a random customer which is really what i was getting at in#the second half yknow. like it really feels like they just want your gender backstory#it is none of your business! quite frankly i dont care if you read me/refer to me as a woman because my gender identity doesnt hinge on#how cis people view me. they have nothing to do with me#trans#this isnt about trans people sharing their pronouns. we can do that all we like#well anyone Can share their pronouns thats fine thats chill i dont mind#its the expectation that i have to give you mine but Only because you view me as trans (derogatory)#also even if youre like ‘well im sharing mine but you dont have to share yours’ theres still a certian expectation now that you bring it up#and ofc its always either do i out myself or do i closet myself. neither one is preferable#because saying he/him WILL out me because i DO look like a girl#and yes yes i like being trans i like looking trans but i dont like my safety being compromised#anyways. im going to bed
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viva-1a-resistance · 2 years
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*cracks my knuckles* here we go
probably vampire, pink, hk&$2/ without the 4th one, neon fruit without the second one and oldest sibling
mm yeah i think thats it
- well yes
- i look hot wanna see
-im not creative im tired of life sometimes i draw inspiration from that
- i wish it were the 80s i wouldnt be alive then
- both. both is good
- *look at you over the tops of my heart shaped sunglasses*
- bitch (affectionate)
- what does this mean
- *bows* thank you
- wouldnt you like to know WEATHERBOY
- yep
- why arent you afraid you should be afraid
- im not getting paid for some reason
- thank you
- *curtsies* my queen
- bc youre cool and ily
- okay if you say so
- why are you afraid you shouldnt be afraid
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15-40 for the “nice asks” if you’re free?
it is 12:34 am and i cant sleep so define free
but hells yeah lets go
15. personality description
chaotic, loveable, friendly, stupid
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
17. opinion on insecurities.
everybody has them. keep you humble. dont let them get the best of you.
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?
sure i do, but that doesnt mean i dont enjoy now
19. have you ever been to New York?
i fuckinsh. live here.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Still My Girl by Jon McLaughlin (makes me cry, so beware)
21. age and birthday?
do you want my address as well
22. description of crush.
tall, cute, funny, pretty eyes, good music taste, talented, i could go on...
23. fear(s)
spiders and student loans
24. height
not tall enough (5′6)
25. role model
lin manual-miranda
26. idol(s)
clint barton
27. things i hate
myself. also you know those like postcard things where if you look at it from one angle it shows an image, but if you look at it from a different and it moves or shows another picture? those 
28. i’ll love you if…
you love me back
29. favourite film(s)
too many to count. 
30. favourite tv show(s)
daredevil, the punisher, rottmnt, brooklyn 99
31. 3 random facts
i thought earth was the 4th planet in our solar system for a majority of my life. it is not. it is the third.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
bold of you to assume i have friends
33. something you want to learn
boxing. m gonna be like battlin jack, babey!
34. most embarrassing moment
wouldnt you like to know, weatherboy
35. favourite subject
american history
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
be an extra in a zombie movie, visit the grand canyon, have someone pronounce my last name right on the first try
37. favourite actor/actress
i cant. 
38. favourite comedian(s)
bo burnham
39. favourite sport(s)
hockey. wrestling. soccer
40. favourite memory
laying on my bedroom floor when i was 8 with the door closed and all the lights off listening to the thunderstorm outside
thank you so much for asking! i had so much fun answering these! 
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