#as you can see I’m still in awe of Kris’ pics
If Jan was picking the aesthetic for a photoshoot of Nace, what would he choose?
Something subtle, I guess. White, almost translucent shirt, underwear, shower. Subtle at the first glance, but with strong contrasts of every single look in the camera (and tattoos popping through).
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fasa-umich · 6 months
Sofia Gestiada || FASA's 2023-2024 Co-External Chair
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POV: my dear Tito Jason throwing _ _ _ (you get it) at PCN 2014 
Hi! My name is Sofia <3, if you’re thinking, “hey that’s not sofia”, well you would be correct! This is my Tito (uncle) Jason. He is the reason I wanted to go to UMICH, the reason I’m in FASA, one of my favorite people and my role model. If you know me, you know that I get quite stressed out easily and if there’s someone that’s gonna hear me complain about something, it’s him. So here’s a look into our conversations because I think it really showcases my journey through FASA!
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POV: Sofia is going through it (she has taken a bio172 quiz 21 times with harley… in the picture on the right) and doesn’t really think things are going to get better
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POV: Sofia and Ate Irene after Tagalog class 
The transition to college was rough to say the least. I was so excited to go to college but I didn’t expect to feel so alone. I didn’t know how to gauge what organizations to be involved in, what questions to ask, or what people to talk to. I just wanted to surround myself with good people. Coming into UMICH, I knew about FASA through my Tito Jason, but I was honestly too scared to go to anything on my own so I never did. But, one day in Ate Irene’s Tagalog class she said that if I went to a FASA event, that I would get extra credit. So, being the academic weapon I am still waiting to be, I jumped at the chance of helping my grade and with some pushing from my future Ate Kris who was also in class with me, I begged the Filipino girl that lived down the hall from me to go to FAM/Lin with me. 
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POV: Sofia with $wag and the girl down the hall (to my left) at FAM/Lin
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POV: freshie girl from down the hall and Sofia confused because they’re being told they should try tinikling
Tito Jason told me that everyone in FASA would be good people and that I would find my people there, but I was unsure if that would be the case. Fun fact, I really thought there was gonna be Filipino food and told Taryn that surely there would be food at the event  (even though no one told me there was going to be food) so I was extremely hungry when I got there. Shoutout to my Ate Emily for giving me half of her No Thai tho. Anyways, I got sorted into the best fam, $wag (which my Tito Jason was in bye) and into KIKILAN <3!! 
Fast forward to PCN, because I became inactive for a while oops (the BIO sequence hit me like a truck what can I say)…Anyways, I went to PCN impulsively because Mikey told me that getting PCN tickets was a bloodbath. I remember I set an alarm and tried really hard to get tickets, and I honestly didn’t know what PCN was but again I told Taryn that we HAD to go together (we came as a package) and that our families should sit together. At PCN I got my first lin pic with my beautiful favs. Ate Kris was sadly not there so I photoshopped her in. 
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POV: me and my Kikilan girl bosses at PCN 
Real quick imma do a shoutout to Ate Kris. Having you in my lin, in tagalog class and as my $wag fam head was so fun. I never would have been so comfortable and open to going to things if it weren’t for you. Whenever I decided to show up to things it was never as daunting because I knew at least you’d be there. Also, thank you for always inviting Kendra, Jenny and I to 815. It really felt like home there during my first year away from home and I will always remember the many nights we stayed up doing random things.
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POV: Kendra and I hugging Ate Kris after our Senior Farewell speech (fishtail braid and bow by THE elias atkinson)
Back to PCN. My Tito Jason watched PCN on Facebook live and texted me asking me if I went and you’ll see how that went. Okay, so hear me out PCN was the first time I heard the FASA chant. I remember Taryn and I did not want to get up because we were like uhhhhh but let’s not talk about that. 
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POV: Sofia didn’t do the FASA chant cuz she’s lame
After that night I had the best time and I was in awe of so many of the performances. I laughed, I cried, I had fun, but I also felt a little out of place. From that night I knew I wanted to be more active and put in more effort into getting to know everyone. 
My first steps into becoming active were to go to more events and become an intern. One of those two didn’t quite work out womp womp lol, can you guess which one??? Yah. I didn’t get to be an intern lol. But it’s fine!! Why do you ask? Oh, because I got really close to two people that also didn’t become interns, my lovely beautiful best friends Kendra and Taryn (AKA RAHFIRYN). 
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POV: sofia n da gorls 
Anyways fast forward again, I decided to rush DEM since I didn’t become an intern. And I GOT INN woot woot. And megdalinda became my pinsan (cousin). Now fast forward to the moral of this whole story and it starts with Battle. 
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POV: Sofia is RiRi from the Superbowl at Big Little
Now, minutes before leaving for battle I texted my Tito Jason that I wouldn’t do a dance like ever. But I was wrong. Somehow Taryn convinced me to sign up like 30 minutes before the deadline to sign up for GENAPA. 
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POV: Sofia don’t wanna dance 
Post GENAPA, I realized that I loved every minute of going to practice and doing tinikling with everyone and performing. Every chance I get, I try to sign up to do it and I’m even doing it again this year with miss Taryn <3, and I will every year. 
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POV: Pip and sofia humbly doing tinikling for PCN
Now if you remember earlier I also said I was unsure about finding my people in FASA. Well, I’ll say that I was wrong. Again lol. Because look at my little support system. 
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POV: serving face post PCN 
Now fast forward to me becoming external chair. If you’re still here you would also remember that another thing I said I wouldn’t do was the FASA chant. Wrong again. Cuz I lead the chant with Therese at external PCN’s and I say it loud and proud (even the body roll guys) with Therese <3. 
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POV: Sofia and Therese cold af but sitting pretty
Now I’m going to shout out my lovely co-chair Therese. Therese it’s been one of the best experiences to work with you, I don’t think I could have accomplished so much without you. You were always there for me, made me laugh hella, listened and lifted me up when I was stressed. But at the same time you made sure to handle things with grace, patience and professionalism. I loved that we pushed and supported each other to do better in FASA but to also do things outside of FASA too. We have met a lot of people and I have admired how genuine you are to everyone and how you take the time to appreciate every interaction. Most of all, I have appreciated that throughout this whole process, we became such good friends. And just know that I will continue to support you even after FASA. I am not gonna lie, you and I are going to have to hangout because man Therese I miss you already. (Let’s make taho to pretty isn’t pretty!)
Now here’s a mini run through of our year together: 
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POV: Sofia and Therese’s first PCN together at FASOU PCN
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POV: Sofia and Therese at Ricebowl (one of my favorite events we put on)
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POV: Sofia and Therese’s last PCN together at PASS Halo-Halo
I’m so proud of the work that Therese and I did this year. We accomplished everything that we hoped for and I’m so glad that I had Therese by my side through it all. The one thing about the external position is that you get what you put into it, and Therese and I really poured our hearts into making sure that we worked with as many orgs and said yes to as many things as we could in order to open the doors for FASA to make connections. I would say that we truly did make FASA an org that was open to working with others and a presence inside and outside FASA. 
For my future external chairs, make meaningful connections, I promise it’s fun. Also, while I think it’s important to be realistic, find the balance between being ambitious and realistic. Don’t be afraid to ask your board for help and to show your excitement and passion for something that you are planning or want to plan. Your passion will rub off on other people. Also, while it is important to be independent, take the time to know when to depend on others. You don’t have to do everything alone. Especially in a co-chair position, it is important to communicate and work as a team. Grow together, learn from each other, and never forget to have fun. This is not a job, this is an opportunity. 
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POV: Sofia fell
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POV: Sofia is still goin (barely)
So, after reflecting on these photos (i think they really showcase my journey) and my previous messages to my Tito Jason I have realized that I shouldn’t be too caught up in thinking I have everything figured out, I clearly don’t know what I am doing all the time but that’s okay. Stay open minded, try new things, and meet new people, and keep pushing forward. Some of the most unexpected things can become some of the most important or fun things in your life. 
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POV: me and $wommy meesh smilin after a good day
To everyone in FASA, thank you for cultivating a community full of good people that reminds me of home. And thank you for making college more bearable, and for giving me the opportunity to reconnect with my culture. <3 sofia
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tyonfs · 3 years
🤧: okay but l was so frustrated for a hot minute cause I could not click the link to your account and see your Dunk Shot series update until now.
But YAY JOHNNY’S TURN IM EXCITED !! I need to catch up tho still haven’t read Yuta’s oof I’m so sorry 😥 but I will read it before the Johnny fic I swear
Also it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been here as 🤧anon — what’s up? How’s life? still mourning over Renjun’s two-toned hair cause sameee
lmao I’m joking on the last one hehe but I missed talking to you like this 💞
Did you hear about the Kris Wu case? What happened and what he did? I don’t want to type it out honestly cause it is just awful
But moving on to brighter thingsss ✨
Also when is your birthday? If it’s private you can just dm me if you want but I wanna make sure I’m ready you know?
And as always if you ever have extra Renjun pics to spare that you wanna drop down below 👇🏻 feel free too haha
I have so much energy today lmaooo
welcome back !! missed having you here as 🤧 anon 🤲🌷 i’ve been doing good !! it feels like summer’s passing by so fast and i’m feeling kind of bittersweet?? idk if i’m ready to go back to school LMFAO but i need to get back and interact w ppl face to face so :/ BUT I TOO AM MOURNING OVER RENJUNS HAIR <//3 but now my head is all on yangyangs rainbow hair ♡
AHH BUT DONT WORRY AT ALL AB CATCHING UP OR ANYTHING HAHA TAKE UR TIME but yes !! excited to publish johnny’s part 😮‍💨 especially after that jcc episode he’s been wrecking me so hard
oh god kris wu….. hearing about the victim’s ages just made me feel even more sick. i can never understand why men have no problem traumatizing girls 😐 i’m glad he’s actually being held accountable though and i hope he gets sent to rot in prison.
i’ve actually logged out of my kpop tiktok account because i’ve just seen so many people use the kris wu situation to fuel their fan wars. it’s just so sick to me that people can’t draw the line between a kpop scandal and serious cases of actual assault
also my bday is october 15 !! same as heeseung from enha 😈 also YES i always got u with the renjun pics (how is he Real)
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
if you’re taking requests- if not that’s totally fine of course- but could we see bby Leo make a goalie goal and the team celebration and then the *o’knutzy c e l e b r a t i o n* if yannowhatimean 😏💦. idk i just really wanna see leo make a badass goal and his bois being fucking ecstatic abt it lmao
Well haven’t written much lately but here’s a little bit for you :) got a few o’knutzy prompts so and some team prank as well.
Fair warning. This is 💦🍆🍑.
Business as usual. Thank you @lumosinlove - You’re amazing. All her characters.
Nado is late. There’s a prank involved. Kuny is a gremlin. Blizzard flirts. Logan is loud. Finn needs to get to it. Dumo is in denial. Sergei is in charge of fines. Kris is a poet.
Nado: hey man on my way. Get my stuff?
Kuny: can’t couch on door
Nado: what? Are you drunk. Please speak English
Kuny: no i mean. Couch front of door see?
*pic of all furniture moved into hall, in front of room door*
Nado: +}<$~€€\^]^]>! I’ve got like -2 minutes to get my stuff. I’m gonna kill James and dumo.
Kuny: bus leave soon. Sergei fine u.
Nado: get your lazy ass in here and help you gremlin
Kuny: I not help u when say mean thing
Nado: I hate you.
RussianGod: Nado say he on way
Ollibear: didn’t he just get back like 25 minutes ago? Why even bother.
Timmyforrealz: he’s just getting his stuff back but apparently someone moved all his furniture in the hall so he has to deal with hotel staff
LeWilliam: hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah
Prongstar: well. I am a genius
Ollibear: how did you get his room key?
Prongstar: out of his pocket. You know, with his salary and history with pyramid schemes and having his identity stolen about 7 times, he ought to be more careful with his jacket
Dumodad: wasn’t it 6 times and one time where sunny and walker cat fished him?
Ollibear: well with the, quite frankly, disturbing amount of dick pics he already sends, I never saw the joke in that
DamnFoxy: how much should we fine him? Bus was supposed to leave 7 minutes ago
DumoDad: Sergei is In charge of the fines. What you say bud?
Sergei_81: i say $100 per minute? Captain??
Siriusly: what about $100 per minute and then additional suicides as well? Can’t leave your team hanging just for a one night
Nadotheman: you all ducking suck. Where’s my wallet?
Sunnysideup: that’s very pretty. Is that Shakespeare?
KrisVolley: @sunnysideup wouldn’t that be “would thy sucketh my cocketh?”
Talkiewalkie: what a poet you are kris. Love you
Blizzard: let the boy be. Also ducking? Going all vanilla on us?
Nadotheman: fuck off I can’t leave before I pay for that fucking furniture. Someone get back here and give me my wallet
Prongstar: I only took your room card. Sure girlie didn’t rip you off?
CarbO’Hara: who’s got nado’s bank on their phone? Need to block his account. Again.
Ollibear: already on it.
KrisVolley: I’ll go and help him.
Talkiewalkie: who’s going to tell them to stuff a gag down Logan’s throat?
Dumodad: so happy I have the corner room.
Blizzard: I’m more intrigued as to where the yeehaw fit in? Are they doing a rodeo thing? I mean leo is from Nola and all. But still. Kinky.
Nadotheman: aw come on let them celebrate. He’s got his first goalie goal.
DamnFoxy: why are you creeps all listening?
Ollibear: well honestly we were in the middle of settlers of catan. And at first we thought someone was hurting leo. And Logan. Until Finn cackled like a madman and it clicked.
Timmyforrealz: also I’m winning this campaign. Not giving up on my troops even if it means listening to the unholy trinity bang
Blizzard: @sergei_81, @dumodad @sunnysideup @damnfoxy @bradygunzz you should come listen. It’s very entertaining and educational
Eliascookie: I can never pass to Logan again. He shouldn’t use “gimme” for sex and when asking for the puck
Kaneyoudigit: whoa Logan is a loud little dude. Are we even sure leo is in there?
Krisvolley: should we write an ode to the goalie goal? They got a solid rhythm going there.
Talkiewalkie: the refrain is clearly “just get on with it finn”
Nadotheman: woah well if that wasn’t romantic
Blizzard: what do you mean? Nothing is more romantic than asking your winger to choke you with his dick
RussianGod: I choke you with my dick blizzard😘
Blizzard: well Natalie would be fine with that my friend. When we’re back home?
RussianGod: 👉👌🏻👅🍆🍑🌭
Tyler the mighty: now that’s a vision. Is Natalie there too? Like is she watching or?
Sunnysideup: you’re breaking olli. Stop. He’s making moomin sounds
Ollibear: I already have to live with the sight of Logan shoving his hands down finn’s pants when I came back for my hat. Don’t make this one for me 😭
Timmyforrealz: I can shove my hand down your pants if it helps?
Ollibear: god knows where they’ve been last. Ew.
Timmyforrealz: oi. They’ve been handling a hot stick 😜
Siriusly: one assist timmers. Calm down.
Prongstar: this escalated while I was getting snacks. 100$ on Finn coming first
Sergei_81: we need to think chirps.
Prongstar: hahah sure thing Sergei. Also I think Finn just did. And oh there’s leo too.
LeWilliam: holy fuck Logan’s got a set of lungs on him.
Dumodad: I need to fumigate my basement. And my ears. I hate you all. I was blissfully happy pretending they were just reading books.
Blizzard: well if it helps, I can share nado’s latest leaked porn?
Nadotheman: I’m not even naked in that. Also you all saw the last one. Not news anymore
Siriusly: that shouldn’t make you proud
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red-sterling · 5 years
thanks for answering!! i hope you don't mind if i send more charas...how about green and/or lillie?
fhgjkfdg aw yea thank u!! hopefully this doesn’t publish before i’m done typing lol
also this definitely needs a readmore bc i got emotional abt Green oops
favorite thing about them
first of all: the fact that Green canonically has a rivals to best friends arc with Red fills me with so much joy and YES they are on their alolan honeymoon you cannot convince me otherwise
okay like. gen 1 Green just perfectly encompasses what it’s like to be a ten year old in a way? like ofc he’s written like a kid bc he is a kid, but i feel like the writing on him just feels so genuine as compared to some of the other 10 yr old rivals you get in other regions. even though he’s kinda a brat at the start, he kinda eases up a bit as you go along your journey and starts giving you progressively nicer/more praise-y end lines when you beat him (going from “i picked the wrong pokémon!” to “so, you are ready for boss rocket!”) but still retains this childlike rivalry and competitiveness and i love that about him
and like. fucking beating him at the Indigo League still completely breaks my heart because even after he did become the champion at age 10 the first thing that happens is you beat him and Prof Oak just yells at him for being bad at things and like. ow. 
this is why i headcanon that Red actually took awhile longer to get to Green like please. please give my boy a chance to be happy and proud
also Red was caught up with Team Rocket anyway so i imagine he must’ve fallen a little behind at some point? anyway
the development on him across regions is so choice!!! he’s so much more mellow and even kinda melancholic when you find him in gsc/hgss, like he’s calmed down over a few years and he obviously misses Red so much but like, it’s clear that Red is kinda the reason Green does settle down and he seems to have worked on his character and become a nicer person - and he still has that sassy flair to him! he’s just got that gradual slope from asshole rival to kinda aloof gym leader to friendly/sassy battle legend and aaaaa i love my boy so MUCH
also huge point: he’s so fucking driven??? he’s got the most drive and the most passion for battles/pokémon in general out of all the rivals i feel. he’s only closely matched by Silver, but Silver seems to be more aggressive than passionate, and somewhat out of necessity too (like, Giovanni abandoned him what was he to do), whereas Green just really like. he genuinely just cares so much about battles and about pokémon in general! he literally calls you in hgss and just rants about how many different kinds of pokémon there are in the world!!!
also in Alola he’s like???? just so sweet?????? he congratulates you and is like hey you’re really strong lets battle like!!!!!!!!! supportive boy!!!!! he has come so far over so many generations and i cry
also on Four Island when you play frlg he legitimately says “Be smelling ya!” when he leaves and how do you not love this idiot
least favorite thing about them
i mean. while i get that you beat Green right after he becomes the champion in the kanto games i feel like there should’ve been more pomp and circumstance for him and i’ll never forgive gamefreak for giving this boy his dream, then making you rip it away from him, and then watching his own gramps yell at him for fucking up like. again it’s that drive, i get why Red keeps such good pace w Green but i just feel like he worked so hard and he deserved so much better than that
also while i’m very biased towards him bc Big Emotions, i feel like if i knew this boy irl who was constantly i’m so great and you’re a loser i would probably punch him eventually lmao. in theory it’s kinda endearing but as a real person that’d be grating 
favorite line
on one hand, “smell ya later” is so fucking iconic, but on the other - 
“I’m Blue. Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven’t seen him in a long time…I wonder where he is and what he’s up to… Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just…Just a little bit. Whatever…”
my namelessshipping heart
for long elaborate headcanon reasons, i see him as being a good brotp with Kris - i headcanon her as also being really driven the way Green is, but more quiet about it, she’s kinda a good balance to him and they probably do pokemon research together. i also feel like she kept him sane while Red was still missing/before they found him on a fuckin mountain
do i really need to tell you that i’m 100% namelessshipping
like they perfectly balance each other. Green has all this energy and all this spunk and Red is just like… so opposite of him y'know? he’s quiet and he’s more measured in his behavior i feel, he doesn’t really rush into things as much, and yet they both really just took Kanto by storm when they were kids, and i like how they have this foil dynamic and are both still so successful? they’re so different and they complement each other in that way, and they both find success in their own ways
like one of the reasons i hate that Green’s championship gets undersold so much is that he did beat you to the punch, and he has been one step ahead of you, and there’s so much passion there and it’s so loud - and yet you as Red are just as driven, you take down Team Rocket, you’re always right on his tail, so close but not quite there, you’re the only one who can keep up with him and you’re the only one he cares enough about to slow down for
so like. idk with even all my headcanons about namelessshipping aside (and i can infodump those another day lol), i feel like the in-game representation of them just works. they just work so well together, they balance each other without ever holding each other back, and there’s something really beautiful about that in a relationship y'know
…..i feel bad abt not putting as much infodump about isshushipping now but oh well
i don’t really have a notp with him? i kinda like. i basically just do namelessshipping, but i don’t get a visceral eugh when i see other ships with him, just kinda a well it’s not nameless so i’ll be on my way. idek what other ships w him are popular?? i’ve been in nameless hell since 2012 so 
random headcanon
while Red is still living on Mount Silver, Green is not coping well with having him so far away, and so Green massively overworks himself to the point that he keeps just not being in his gym sometimes bc he’s bouncing between the gym, training multiple teams, pokémon research, and ofc going to visit Red whenever he can. this leads him to be kinda temperamental after he’s been working on 2 hours of sleep a day for like a week until he just has an emotional meltdown and crashes, and then he gets right back into it because he has no self preservation
…….. nicer headcanon; Red can only cook two (2) foods, so Green cooks all the food for them when they move in together. he has attempted to teach Red how to cook, but Red pretends not to understand so Green will keep making him food. Green knows Red is faking it and doesn’t call him out bc he thinks it’s cute
unpopular opinion
look i’ve played through classic red version a few times and when i say he wasn’t that much of a jerk, i do genuinely mean he was not that much of a jerk. he’s like ten. ten year olds are just Like That. i guess this isn’t too unpopular anymore but it was Back In The Day and in some parts of the fandom he’s still seen as a jerk and like Bro He Is Ten In RGB/FRLG cut him some slack
also genuinely unpopular - Green is taller than Red. i know namelessshipping has fallen into the bara Red and twink Green trope but i refuse to let go of tall Green/short Red fuckin fight me why dont you
song i associate with them
a lot of the Pray For The Wicked album by Panic! at the Disco gives me Green vibes, more for the sound than for lyrics necessarily, but for some reason Roaring 20s just like. has the sound of Green to me. it’s somewhere between flamboyant pride and underlying insecurity that i think really encapsulates Green (or at least his subtext)
favorite picture of them
i genuinely love his let’s go concept art he’s such a sweet good boy?? 
and for the life of me i cannot find the op source on this but this is my fave pic of Green/namelessshipping in general that i’ve had saved since like 2012 maybe???
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yeah if anyone can help me source that i’d appreciate it bc reverse image search only brings me to pinterest and random wattpad links :/
update: source seems to be the artist くる (pixiv id=982894) on pixiv, even though the original post got taken down (ty anon!)
favorite thing about them
by now i guess you know im a sucker for character development, but i think they did a really good job with her!! i feel like her turn is a bit more in moments than it is with Green, who gradually evolves (lol) over the course of Kanto/all the gens overall. you see more discrete moments where Lillie starts to shift and gain confidence in herself and i am so proud of her ???? like the way she gets excited when she sees Olivia doin’ her z-move stuff, she starts buying her own clothes and getting ahead of you, etc etc
and like, she still has moments where she’s scared, there’s still some fundamental Lillie in there yknow? you don’t lose any of that softness that characterizes Lillie, she just like… she gets better, she develops without losing her Lillie vibe and i love that abt her. she overcomes a lot of the shit she had to deal with when she was stuck with Lusamine, she stands up to Lusamine eventually, and ghfdkjsg gah she’s a sweet gorl i love and appreciate her
also like. the writing on her backstory is so subtle in-universe. like yeah she literally looks like Lusamine’s daughter and you see her in the opening cutscene leaving Aether, but as the protagonist - like as Selene lets say, there’s little hints about where Lillie came from, and if you suspend your disbelief and put yourself in the pc’s shoes, there’s subtly to her character arc that i like 
also like. when she changes her outfit and starts being more protagonist-y, like more confident and kinda bubbly instead of shy??? love that shit it’s so cute can i have custody of this child pls
least favorite thing about them
i like. sometimes feel like she’s too soft of a character for me to really get into? like i love her and Hau, they’re sweet good friends, but i tend to personally gravitate towards characters that create a little more tension (ie Green and N)
(though on that note, Hau can be kinda savage. he just calls Faba out and sarcastically calls Gladion “a ray of sunshine” at some point i think?? Lillie is just very tender and i will support her forever, but i think that also makes her almost too soft to keep me fixated on her yknow. it’s not even a flaw in her character but just not something i fawn over as much)
favorite line
“I’m so glad I got to meet everyone. I’m so glad I got to meet you.”
like that ending kills me but that line almost feels like. I Feel That So Much like i feel so happy to have met all these new characters and to have played these games, and i feel like some of the player’s energy and enjoyment of the game is channeled into this last line of hers 
probably her and Hau?? idk, i don’t have a specific brotp for her but i like her just hangin around w the other Alola kids, so like her, Hau, Gladion, and the protag kids. they’d raise hell together and Lillie continues to be the only one with some impulse control
(Gladion also has some impulse control but keeps getting annoyed by Hau and so he gets dragged into their nonsense anyway)
Selene and Lillie is. Good. idk what the ship name is but it’s canon
i dont even know if people ship her with Gladion but incest is a big no-no in my house
random headcanon
when she goes to Kanto, i bet she’d pick Bulbasaur as a starter if she was given the opportunity - and if not, she’d probably catch a wild Vulpix 
unpopular opinion
idk if have any unpopular opinions for her?? 
song i associate with them
i have no reason to associate this with her but the Rainy Day theme from acgc just. has a vibe about it. i think a lot of ac music feels like it suits her
favorite picture of them
i found this art of her through a lofi remix of her theme awhile back and it’s so pleasing to look at? her hair is nice and the colors are so warm n happy gjhkfdgf
if you read this far, congratulations!!! and i’m sorry
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vertigoambrosia · 6 years
it’s the last shotgun and that’s bullshit and sad
it’s weird that they’re cancelling shotgun only like, two months after their ~sick new motion graphics intro~
real talk these road to shows better have backstage segments or i’ll riot
i wish roku were popular outside the states so we could get a wxwnow roku app
but alas
i blame jurn’s stank face
shit tag league is this weekend
lmaooooo andy’s agent must be miserable
‘or the hairy ones’ uhh who?
this is practically like phone sex for him
ilja: i was really pissed off...but then i got fans from two other promotions to love me and i realized i’m cooler and better than you :)
lmaoo ilja’s reaction to bobby showing up
david starr implying body hair is included in this
camera seems to be having focus issues
it’s always the same lil crew dude
didn’t we see this match like, last week?
whatever its our bois!
‘caused a lot of commotion in the US’ makes it sound like they got into fights and a police chase or something
~and we went together to bola~
oh wxw why did you show that terrible codebreaker botch again
‘...wanna share?’
yeah you can’t bring kris wolf and not have backstage segments
oh man femme fatales is gonna be sickk
emil still reminds me of the boss i hate even though i don’t think he looks that much like him?
jurn looks hella bored
yeah wreck him emil
(i have a feeling he’ll lose but i can stil enjoy jurn getting beat up)
jurn’s hair looks nicer than usual....though i think maybe just cause it’s dry?
a shame it will be gone by this time next week
(real talk if david loses we riot)
hope david shaves that awful mutton chop goatee too
wtf does the wxw app do?
remember when jurn hit tas with the massive kick and he like, died?
i’ve been hard on jurn lately but that was fun
i miss when jurn was fun tho
but it’s gonna be fun to see him bald
something inside me says david will lose because he actually used to be a buzz cut hairless boi so it’s far from unknown territory and he knows it doesn’t look so goofy
but i choose not to believe that because jurn having to be bald is too fun of a thought
will he cry?
hi where are my rise boys please show me them
still upset tim and jeff cobb won’t interact
omg did you see lucky’s tweet about how he’s staying with brooks and aussie open?
oh no i can’t take these old young lions pics
real talk though lucky’s such a good looking boy
omg these garbage children
omg jay mocking ilja boy you are signing your death sentence
*andy voice* get in there! you can do it! cause otherwise i’d have to!
i like how tim goes for jay’s ankle again even as he’s tagging to andy
i’m kinda surprised they’ve went with jay fk vs monster consulting again instead of ringkampf vs jay fk
ilja promised avalanche and julian he’d get some chill
i...would not chop walter
omg tim was bouncing on the apon after that chop
how can a man be so fearsome yet so cute
holding hands spots are great
oh no!
damn that was one hell of a ddt sell
i love how much jeremy is annoyed by jay fk
“you don’t piss off ringkampf!” indeed, jeremy
wait timo was the legal man? pretty sure he wasn’t?
that 619 clotheline is fucking great
and it wouldn’t be an ilja match without a suicide dive
omg i didn’t know german commentary called ilja ‘the sun king, the god emperor’
i am very hoping ilja wins but something tells me he might now
i don’t think bobby’s getting it yet either
how old is konstantin now? he’s probably talking by now, right? or at least that adorable babble toddlers do that’s not actual words
....and julian never got his rice and peas
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funface2 · 5 years
Graham Norton reveals some A-list actors are ‘annoying’ and complain his show isn’t funny, but he loved Mark W – The Sun
CHAT show king Graham Norton is the go-to guy for Hollywood stars eager to plug their latest movie in the UK.
But keeping company with Tinsel Town’s beautiful people isn’t all its cracked up to be, according to the man himself.
Graham Norton reveals some of his A-list guests can be ‘dull’Credit: WARNING: Use of this image is subject to the terms of use of BBC Pictures’ Digital Picture
Indeed, in one of his most candid interviews yet, the Irish presenter claims some A-listers are “annoying” and complain his show isn’t funny when they’re the fun sponge.
Speaking in one of a series interviews in the US to promote his novel A Keeper, he says: “There’s the guest sitting on the couch thinking, ‘But I love this show. Tonight just, I don’t know, it’s just not that good tonight,’ and you’re like, ‘Because you’re on it. Because you’re here. You’re ruining it’.
“It happens quite often where people are like, ‘Normally this show is so fun,’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, but you’re here. You carry this with you. You kill every room you enter.’”
It’s the fear of a glum A-lister which prompted the regular booking of a comedian, usually British, sitting at the end of the sofa to come to the rescue if his star name is bringing nothing to the table.
Mark Wahlberg appeared to fall asleep on Graham Norton’s couch in 2012Credit: WENN
Graham adds: “That is the joy, because if I’m getting nothing, if that is a bloodless stone then you turn to someone else, or I might be lucky to have a comic at the end.
“They can do 20 minutes, so off they go. And actually sometimes, it’s as illuminating to see a really kind of stern actor who is not really good at telling their stories to see what makes them laugh, to see the comic is really tickling them.
“That’s, in a way, more revealing than the answer to any question I could ask them.”
He says he appreciated the comedic distraction when action star Mark Wahlberg appeared and fell asleep on his couch.
He explains: “If they’re disruptive then that is a bore and annoying. Like Mark Wahlberg, I think Mark got a bit confused about the jet lag and wine.
“He fell asleep — that was the good bit. When he fell asleep, that was like we were able to tell stories. The show’s going a bit better now, I wonder why? Oh, he’s asleep.
‘At one stage Mark Wahlberg climbed on my lap and was pinching my nipples. . . I was like ‘get off me’’, Graham opens upCredit: WENN
“And at one stage, he climbed on my lap and was like pinching my nipples, and I remember afterwards thinking, ‘wow, my 20-year-old self, my head would have exploded if someone would tell me he would do that’, but my 50-year-old self was just like, ‘Get off me.’”
Graham, 56, has been hosting his chat show on BBC1 for a decade and enjoyed huge success, which is why he is one of the Beeb’s highest earners, pulling in more than £600,000 a year.
He’s graduated from stand-up comedian, to comedy actor to presenter of cult Channel 4 chat show — So Graham Norton — to become the daddy of Saturday night TV on the Beeb.
But he admits away from the cameras he’s nothing like the bubbly character you see laughing with alongside the celebs on telly – especially when he’s walking his dogs near his London home. He explains: “I’m so unfriendly. My face is like thunder. So I’m out with the dogs and I try to give off the vibe that I’ve just received terrible news, or a member of my family has just died, so best not to talk to me.
The chat show host says: ‘Occasionally you get a guest who doesn’t care if someone likes them. . . like Lord Sugar. I really like him for that’Credit: PA:Press Association
“And also, I’ve got a really vicious dog. I mean I didn’t choose that, she’s a rescue dog and it turns out she is my spirit animal and she hates everyone.”
But despite his moody exterior, A-listers continue to flock to his red sofa. This year alone Graham has hosted Hollywood royalty including Charlize Theron, Keanu Reeves, Chris Hemsworth, Madonna, Tom Hanks and Gwyneth Paltrow. Yet no matter how many awards they’ve won or box office records broken, the Irishman has little time for any actor who suffers from nerves.
Graham says: “I find actors being nervous so annoying. Like you know that thing: ‘Oh, I was so nervous, I was vomiting in the wings. I needed a bucket in the wings before I could go on stage. I was so nervous.’ You’re in the wrong job! If a bus driver is afraid of his bus, get a new job. Just don’t do that. So I have no patience for actors being nervous. I just think, ‘Oh shut up. Okay, don’t go on. See if I care. We’ll all go home.’ Nerves annoy me.”
And worse still, he gets infuriated by big names who cannot even pretend or act like they’re having fun. He says: “They’re an actor. Now some of them can’t (act). Some of them it’s not in their wheelhouse. They’re good at learning words and saying them aloud.
Graham reveals: ‘Will Smith produced the Fresh Prince segment. . . he flew in Carlton, got the DJ, he did it all. He was amazing’Credit: PA:Press Association
“And it is terrible, because sometimes you’re thinking I’ve got quite a funny story about that, but I can’t tell it, because it’s supposed to be about the stupid guest.”
He does have some favourites, however. Graham cites George Clooney and Bill Murray as his “biggest gets” because they’re both so hard to book.
Tom Cruise was a hit because of his impeccable manners and warmth backstage, he loved Madonna for “just being Madonna” and enjoys Russell Crowe’s appearances, suggesting he “only comes on the show so he can flip the chair”, in a nod to his Red Chair segment in which an audience member tells an intimate anecdote.
And he highlights Will Smith’s rendition of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme, along with former co-star Alfonso Ribeiro who played Carlton Banks and pal DJ Jazzy Jeff, as one of the stand-out moments in his show’s history – made more special by the fact he “didn’t have to do a thing”.
Graham explains: “Will Smith produced that whole segment. He flew in Carlton, he got the DJ, he did it all, so it was an amazing moment.
“And to see an audience that happy over a sustained period of time, it was like a drug. It was like Oprah giving away a car to everybody. It was that atmospheric.”
Yet his all-time favourite isn’t an Oscar-winning star or legendary music act – he’s a grumpy billionaire business mogul whose catchphrase is “you’re fired”.
‘When I’m out with the dogs I try to give off a vibe that I’ve just received terrible news . . . so best not to talk to me’, the TV favourite saysCredit: Louis Hollingsbee – The Sun
He says: “I think with most people in this industry, the ‘wanting to be liked’ gene is quite strong in them, so they’ll just fake it.
“Occasionally, I’ll get a guest who doesn’t have that gene.
“They don’t care, but it’s so unusual it takes your breath away. Oh wow, you really don’t care, and I quite like it, like Lord Alan Sugar. I really like him — he’s really funny and great.”
Graham reveals there are a few star names who’ve yet to appear on his show he’d like to interview, namely Julia Roberts, plus Prince Harry and Meghan. He says: “If I was looking after Harry and Meghan right now, I’d say, ‘Do that.’”
The former Father Ted star says one of the secrets behind his success is he knows he’s not at the top of the pecking order — despite the fact his name is in the title.
He sees himself as the “comedy butler”, which he’s fine with, but he believes British chat show rivals who’ve failed to match his longevity may have struggled to deal with not playing top dog on their own show.
Graham first found fame on comedy show Father Ted in the ’90s
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Discussing why there are less chat shows in the UK compared to across the pond, Graham says: “A lot of British comics in particular think they want to do a talk show.
“They think, ‘I’m going to like this,’ and in fact they don’t, because they get confused, because their name is in the title of the show and because you walk out and everyone is clapping and it’s great, it’s all about me, look at you, you love me, I’m the big man, and the minute you get the guest out, it’s not about you.
“You’re low status and I think that doesn’t suit a lot of people, particularly a lot of performers, because they were bred for stardom, not to be some sort of comedy butler handing people feed lines.”
Fame got me the book deals, sorry
GRAHAM Norton apologised to jobbing writers for landing a book deal thanks to his FAME.
He published second novel A Keeper last year, having seen his debut Holding become a Sunday Times bestseller.
The tome is “a twisted tale of secrets and ill-fated loves” set in Ireland. The presenter says he “always wanted to write” but finally did it after turning 50. He adds: “I thought, ‘Stop talking about this book. Write one.’
“So I got myself a book deal. To any authors out there, I’m sorry. It is awful that a bloke off the television can just go, ‘Hi, I’d really like to write a novel,’ and they let me.”
Graham says it feels “gratifying” his books are being talked about in the US where he has little profile. He adds: “If you have watched my show, or know anything about me, the books aren’t what you expect.
“They’re not funny, they’re not set in media, they’re not in London, none of those things. They’re sort of romantic, but kind of darkly romantic.”
A Keeper is out now, published by Coronet.
Madonna was ‘rude’ and ‘vain’ in Graham Norton interview
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Bài viết Graham Norton reveals some A-list actors are ‘annoying’ and complain his show isn’t funny, but he loved Mark W – The Sun đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-news/graham-norton-reveals-some-a-list-actors-are-annoying-and-complain-his-show-isnt-funny-but-he-loved-mark-w-the-sun/
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shedpuns · 6 years
R.I.P. Turtle boi- I mean Gerson. He will be missed.
Well, I guess I wrote six hundred words of Undyne and Gerson Feelings?? Consider it an excuse for not having the art for that one ask done
I know I know I’m working on it
Undyne shoved past Sans and grabbed the prototype Dimension Phone, breaking off his BORING discussion of where Kris had seen his creepy dad. “Hey, punk, just wondering--what’s Gerson doing in your weird universe?”
“You know, Gerson Boom. Turtle guy? Big hammer? Loves collecting old junk?”
“He died before I was born.”
“Oh. Did he, um, do anything cool while he was alive? That I could tell him? ‘Cause my Gerson’s still alive.”
“He wrote a book I really liked when I was little. About the Hammer of Justice and a human called Will. They were rivals, a heroic knight and a sneaky, kind-hearted, little nonbinary kid. I was Will for Halloween once. I’ll send a pic.”
The Kris in the picture had traded their typical green-and-yellow sweater for a black hoodie with a handful of silver stripes on the shoulder, and they fixed the camera with a red-eyed grin and displayed a tinfoil kunai in a black-gloved hand. The hood had been fixed with fabric paint to look like a grim helmet, and their left eye had been carefully painted with a four-pointed purple star.
“Glad you like it. Pass me back to the nerdlord? I think I have another Gaster incidence.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Huh, an author. Who’d’ve thunk.”
“Hey, ol’ man! What are you up to these days, anyway?”
“Aaak!” Gerson flailed in Undyne’s embrace, lifted bodily off the ground. “Put me down and I’ll tell ya, wahahaha!”
“Aw, come on, can’t the Hammer of Justice take a friendly little hug?” she said, spinning him around before setting him down.
“Aargh, it’s been a long time since anyone’s called me that except the little human. Frisk, was it? Wahahaha, I heard they got under your tough old armor.”
“You’re the one with the shell, old man,” Undyne said, sitting on top of a box of crabapples. “Anyway, I heard you had a story to tell.”
“‘Bout old Fluffybuns? Ach, you’ve heard that before, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah. No, somebody told me you had, uh, made up stories.”
“Wahahaha, all stories are made up if you give ‘em long enough. Why’d you come here today, anyway?”
“So, um.” Undyne picked at her teeth with a splinter of a box just like she had when she was younger. “Have you heard about other universes?”
“Like Sans is always on about? I’ve heard of them.”
“Well, we actually made contact with one. Frisk was having these crazy dreams, and Alphys scanned them and figured out that this punk Kris was trying to get their attention, and. Well, long story short, everyone’s somewhere different in their world. Like I’m a cop, can you imagine?” She pulled an exaggerated disgusted face. “And, we were chatting, and I thought I’d ask after you. But turns out you, uh, died a while ago. It got me thinking, I was so worried about not making you all sad if I fell in battle, but I never thought how sad I’d be if somebody died and I hadn’t gotten to know them because I was too worried about them being sad when I stacked it. So, well, uh, I came over.”
Gerson looked her over with his good eye. “Huh. Well, color me shocked, I thought you just weren’t the type to get to know folks.”
“Well, that too. But I’m trying to get better! Being all shut off is just another challenge for me to CRUSH!”
“Wahahaha, there’s my little pipsqueak! Alright, grab a seat and I’ll see if I can make you up a story. Hmm, long ago, two races ruled over Earth…”
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