#asahina will tease him and he's VULNERABLE!! so no
togamicrying · 2 years
thinking so much about how criminally underutilized the idea of a togami/hagakure friendship is. togami hates him sooo so much but hagakure without fail is justlike. "haha looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! do you wanna hear about this dream i had about you last night"
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 9 months
Chapter 3
Some pre-chapter notes:
Chapter alternatively titled 'Sayaka's plan delayed because Makoto decided to introduce Byakuya to Shin Ramyun.' Sorry Sayaka this scene was too funny to take out.
This Byakuya is a lot less antagonistic than canon Byakuya. But mostly because he's too busy dealing with some other stuff to worry about being the biggest asshole on the block.
He's also an unreliable narrator. Not just because he's blind here, but also because his thinking pattern is sometimes wildly out of the realm of usual logic, thanks to his upbringing.
Content warning tags: mild panic moment (I hesitate to call it a panic attack because I did not write this with that in mind, but Byakuya gets spooked by the lights going out and feels vulnerable)
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Against his better judgment, he lets Naegi lead him to the cafeteria.
The halls are more or less empty, but some people are occupying a table when they arrive. He watches the dark-brown dollop of Asahina's head bob up as they walk in, and sees Ogami raise one of her heavy arms to wave. "Hey Makoto! And-" Asahina cuts off suddenly as she sees Byakuya behind him.
He’s not surprised by the sudden aversion. He hadn’t exactly been trying to put himself in the good graces of everyone around him. But he hears Ogami say "Byakuya," in polite acknowledgement, so he jerks his head back in a stiff nod.
"Hi, Hina. Hi, Sakura." Makoto greets back warmly. "Is there any soup left?"
"Well, it's just a little bit. It was really good, so we came back for seconds...and also thirds. And I think so did a few other people." She gives a sheepish laugh. "Sorry, if we knew you wanted any, we would have saved some more."
It takes Byakuya a moment to realize she's addressing him. "...It's fine." It's not like he was planning on eating from the same pot as everyone else, definitely not tonight when tensions were so high.
"What are you guys still doing here anyways? I thought everyone would be back in their rooms by now."
"I got antsy just waiting in my room, so I came out here to have some tea until curfew. Sakura happened to be here at the same time, so we figured he'd hang out together." How casual. That easy-going attitude was bound to get her killed if she wasn't careful. "Oh yeah. Sayaka came by a little earlier for some water."
“O-oh, really?” There’s a note of relief in his voice that was so pathetic it was almost funny, if Byakuya was in the mood to laugh. “I’m glad, she was really shaken up earlier. Thanks for letting me know!"
"Remember! Ishimaru said it's unwholesome to stay in opposite-sex dorms!" Asahina calls after him in a teasing lilt as they walk towards the kitchen, and Makoto stumbles, stammers something in denial in reply, and then picks up his pace, the back of his neck turning obviously pink.
Byakuya snorts when he notices. As if what Asahina was teasing about would ever happen; even with his reduced senses, he was well aware of Maizono's relation with Naegi from their interactions during morning meetings, and how that girl was jerking him around like a fish on a hook. The only person too stupid to realize that was the fish himself.
He pauses suddenly, standing in the middle of the kitchen. Maizono was someone who was deceitfully innocent, and a dangerous person to be around. The way she subtly took over during morning meetings with her polite, pretty demeanor and gentle gestures wasn't something that had escaped him. Sure, it was likely that Makoto was of the same type as her, deceptively clever and disingenuous in his friendliness, but he was also dancing in her palm. The two went to the same middle school, Byakuya had overheard, and Makoto was clearly nursing a crush on someone out of his league.
And yet, here was that girl, beyond his reach, playing at being his friend, sticking to his side. Right after the revealing of the first motive, she had been the first one to run from the room in a fit of anguish; there wasn't any doubt in Byakuya's mind that she was probably one of the most desperate to leave right now. And someone clever enough to actually have a chance at succeeding.
"Byakuya? What are you doing?"
"...Nothing." He says shortly. And moves to stand behind where Naegi was crouching, in front of a low pantry shelf stuffed with a mess of colored packaging.
"These are the instant meals. It's mostly noodles, but a lot of it is pretty high-end stuff. There's also some microwave stuff for curry and rice, and this Italian-rice thing...ri...rizz-oh-doh? I think?"
"'Risotto.'" Byakuya corrects him.
"Right, right. There's also ingredients for a sandwich or something. And I think there's some chicken nuggets in the freezer, too..." He must have seen the look of disgust on Byakuya's face, because he hurriedly says: "But, probably not that, right?"
None of it sounded particularly appealing to Byakuya. But he was hungry, and it wasn't like he'd never eaten commoner staples before. "Anything is fine. Pick for me."
"Wait, really?"
"Yes. I don't care." He waves his hand dismissively. "Ah, but if I don't like it, then I'll be suing you as soon as we get out of here for attempted poisoning."
He smiles inwardly as Naegi sputters, fumbling the packets in his hands. He doubted that there were any good sources of poison here, and trying to concoct something completely undetectable out of the few resources available to them was highly improbable. Besides, after enough assassination attempts, he had a decent tolerance for most poisons and was capable at detecting most of them, so he doubted such a thing would actually kill him; though as it was, he resolved to watch Naegi closely through every step of the cooking process.
"Here-um, how about this one?" The boy holds up a packet, black with red accents. "This one's pretty popular. Its flavor is spicy, uh...puh...pot aow fool?"
"...It's pronounced 'pot-au-feu', you half-witted buffoon." Byakuya rolls his eyes with a scoff. "I'm not sure how you've lived this long without a lick of French."
Naegi just chuckles awkwardly, sounding abashed. "Well...whatever it's called, I think it tastes pretty good. And it's supposed to have bone broth in it, which is supposed to be healthy? I'm pretty sure, at least." He stands up with the packet, and holds it out in Byakuya's direction.
"...What?" Byakuya asks, bemused. "Don't tell me you expect me to prepare this myself."
All he gets is stunned silence. If he had to guess, Naegi was probably confused, and Byakuya sighs, exasperated.
"All my food is prepared for me," He says, slowly, like explaining it to a child. "I'm not sure how you peasants have to deal with fending for yourself in that regard, but I have never had to prepare anything for myself in my entire life."
"...So, you don't know how to make instant noodles?"
"...I never said that." Even at his lowest points, he had never had to worry about going hungry. That had always been someone else’s concern. "But 'knowing' and 'doing' are entirely different things, you know."
"It's just boiling water and the noodles, though. And adding the flavoring packet."
"I fail to see the point you're trying to make."
Naegi makes a small sound, something between a sigh and a chuckle, and Byakuya feels irritation flare up, his ears beginning to warm. "Don't look at me like that."
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Here, I'll make it for you."
He hovers over Naegi's shoulder the whole time, watching him do everything from boil the water to opening the noodles, but also chopping up green onions and cracking an egg (which, as he explained to Byakuya's questioning, was how he preferred to eat his noodles, though he could leave them out if he wanted. Byakuya decided to leave it). "Do you want chili-garlic oil in it? Junko added a lot to tonight's dish earlier, but it was actually a little too spicy for me."
"No. I'm not interested." Byakuya replies, before suddenly finding himself feeling irritated at having a similar preference as Naegi, of all people.
The end result is a rather hefty bowl, fragrant and swimming with color. Despite it being just a hastily whipped-up dish of cheap, scattered ingredients, Byakuya finds his mouth watering at the mere smell. Naegi hands him a pair of chopsticks.
"We should probably carry that to your room. It'll be ten o'clock soon." Naegi says, and Byakuya nods as he accepts the utensils, wrapping them in a napkin and placing them in his pocket. They click against the screwdriver, and suddenly he’s reminded of the situation they’re in.
He frowns, curling his hand around the handle. It’d be pointless to try and stab Naegi hare, but for a moment he had been forgetting himself. Forgetting the wariness he should be practicing at all times.
"Carry it for me." He orders, and Naegi, perhaps used to hearing his commands at this point, picks up the bowl without protest, holding it delicately between his hands. "If you spill, you're cleaning it up."
"Yeah, yeah, I know..."
He follows the shorter boy out of the kitchen. Asahina and Sakura are still there, though in the process of cleaning up and leaving - they wave as Naegi passes, and Byakuya ignores them - and then they're out of the cafeteria, walking in the direction of the dorms.
And it should have been - would have been - all fine, if the lights in the hallway hadn't suddenly dimmed in preparation for the nightly curfew. Immediately, Byakuya's vision drops, the colors washed out by gray, and even Naegi's movements become vague and less obvious besides him, blending in with their surroundings as just a slightly darker blot on the monochrome background. It's not as if the lights had gone completely out, or if his vision had been completely obscured; but for an instant, Byakuya has the irrational feeling of being entirely, totally alone.
Before he can stop himself, Byakuya's hand reaches out, and his fingers hook into the soft fabric of the other boy's hood.
"U-uh? What?"
Naegi stops in his tracks, and he turns, the cheap cotton dragging through Byakuya's fingers. "Byakuya? Is something wrong?"
He can't respond. That brief moment of anxiety was still thrumming through his veins, and he finds himself unable to speak, still working through the sudden burst of dread. Every single morning, he had woken up and found himself afraid to open his eyes, worried that his vision had worsened overnight, and every morning he found himself both relieved and disgusted when there was no change. He thought he had gotten used to it, at this point, adapted to it, and hidden it well, but…
That clearly wasn't the case. The sudden plunge into darkness had brought him back to when he first woke up in this twisted school, blind and helpless and stumbling. Utterly alone.
"Byakuya, hey. I'm right here."
Something warm presses against his front. It’s Naegi, leaning into his chest. He can feel the shorter man’s hair rustling against his shirt. "Take a deep breath, okay? I'm right here."
Deep breath? He acts as if Byakuya was panicking, which was preposterous. And the assumption that his presence was comforting was stupid and absurd. "I'm fine." He says, but his voice sounds rougher than he intends.
"Yeah, I know." Naegi replies, and his voice is soft, and a balm on Byakuya's nerves. "I'm gonna walk towards your room, okay? You can keep holding onto my hood."
"I don't need to," He mutters back, but it's a useless protest. His hand stays wrapped in the hood of Naegi's jacket as they start moving again, this time slower than before. 
The screwdriver is still in his pocket. Byakuya closes his eyes, letting everything fall to complete darkness, and finds he can still hear the sound of Naegi's breath, calm and repetitive.
"We're here."
He opens his eyes, and reaches out to his left, his hand meeting the wooden plane of his door. He releases Naegi's jacket to fish the key out of his pocket, and it only takes him two tries before he manages to slot it into the keyhole, and he pushes his way inside.
Here, the lights are on, and it's a relief to be able to recognize things again, however murky. He turns just in time to catch Naegi, once more a mass of earthy colors, setting the bowl on his nightstand with a quiet sound.
"Wait," And again, he was acting before he was thinking, before he could stop himself. It was something that was unbecoming of him, something that should only be done by the primitive and uncivilized, and yet he couldn't feel disgusted about it just yet. "Makoto."
The forest-colored shape stops at the door. "Yeah?"
"Stay." It's meant to be an order, but it doesn't sound like one, not even to himself, too soft and desperate and pleading. But Naegi turns away from the door at least, and Byakuya lets out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "We need to talk."
The insufferable commoner makes him eat first, before talking. Makes him sit on the edge of the bed with the bowl in his lap (because for some preposterous reason, their rooms all lacked chairs, of all things), and tells him to eat as much as he can, and he'll be back soon, he needs to 'go check on Sayaka, she'd been asking after me earlier...'
That woman is using you, Byakuya's tempted to say. But instead, all he said was: "Hurry up, then. Don't leave me waiting." Before the door shuts behind him, and he was gone.
It was rather infuriating. For once, Byakuya had made a request (he won't call it a plea, because he never made pleas, not even for his own life) - and that senseless, dim-witted fool had prioritized her over him. As if Byakuya wasn't the smarter of the two options, the one who could offer more, anything - the one Naegi should have been trying to get into the good graces of, as he had been earlier. And yet, all it took was a foolish, half-formed infatuation with Maizono, and now Byakuya was alone again.
At least the food was decent. It was salty, certainly, and a little overpowering in the spices, but it was warm and filling and acceptable enough, and he finished it surprisingly quickly. After which point, Naegi still hadn't returned, and with nothing else to do he took it upon himself to start preparing for bed.
It's as he's brushing his teeth, and staring at the yellow smudge of his head in the mirror, that he realizes the deplorable state he'd fallen into. First he let Naegi, of all people, wheedle him away from the safety of his room to go eat of all things, and furthermore, he let that peasant prepare his food in the middle of a killing game. Then, as if that wasn't enough, he put on that trembling, pathetic display in the hallway, freezing up just because the lights went out, like a child-
And then, letting Naegi help him. Letting him offer that simple, stupid reassurance, and then feeling comforted by it. By that ugly, underhanded pity that Byakuya hated so much.
It disgusts him so much he could puke.
It's this cursed blindness, he thinks, and not for the first time, he presses fingers to his closed eye, a pointless motion. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so helpless, so dependent, and so easily manipulated by such cheap tactics. If it weren't for this, his existence as a Togami wouldn't be as perilous as it is now.
He needed to resolve this as soon as possible. By any means possible.
I can't let him get the better of me again.
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fluffomatic · 4 years
Danganronpa Tickle Headcanons
Makoto Naegi
. Literally the most ticklish person in the group!
. Has the cutest, squeakiest laugh ever. If tickled for long enough eventually he'll start hiccupping.
.Veeeery squirmy! Tries to hold back tho because he's accidentally kicked his sister when she was tickling him whoops!
.This boy cannot hold his laughter in. Just saying you're going to tickle him will start him giggling, and after u start? Boy is he a giggling FOOL!
.Teasing causes his brain to shut down. Like he gets flustered easily when teased even if it's not about tickling. Someone calls him cute? Face is red af
.Worst spots are his belly, knees and the arch of his feet
.This little guy LOVES tickling people as much as he loves getting tickled.
.He is quick and nimble and can luckily find peoples worst spots very fast
.Will tickle pretty much anyone at anytime but mainly targets Byakuya and Kyoko because of their attitudes.
.Despite not being able to take teases himself he can still dish em out! Tends to lean towards more cute softer teases like calling their laugh cute, commenting on how ticklish they are or just giggling along side them
.Though he is average in build and strength he is able to pin people down! Well most people at least. Or the lee just fears if they try to get unpinned they'd hurt Makoto and no one wants that
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Byakuya Togami
.You may not think the Ultimate Afluent Progeny is ticklish but you'd be DEAD wrong! This guy is crazy ticklish. Because of his childhood and lack of positive contact from his family he didn't even know he was ticklish for a long time. In fact he didn't know what if felt like. So the first time he was tickled in the academy he was so confused lol
.He tries to hold his laughter in but is trash at it. Since he's not used to the feeling he breaks in less than a second.
.His laugh is wild and frantic but still has a sense of poise to it. When tickled he just can't control himself!
.Squirms quite a bit tho not as much as Makoto.
.Tickling is the only way to get this man to beg. His egotistical nature goes out the window!
.His worst spots are his ribs, hips and spine
.This boy can tickle y'all. After his many encounters with people tickling him he eventually picked up on what to do!
.He is ruthless! He likes the control he can have over people. He starts slowly with torturous slow tickling to ready his lee for the absolute wrecking that is coming their way.
.He won't stop until he gets what he wants from his lee which is usually either them begging or paying him a compliment lmao
.His teasing is more stern. He likes to make his lee admit to their own ticklishness or comment on how dumb they are for not seeing this coming
.Typically goes for a soft to hard tickling approach
Kyoko Kirigiri
.She is moderately ticklish. Kyoko isn't normally peoples go to target but when she is they go all out! Hearing her laugh is so uncommon that people just tickle her to hear it.
.Her laugh is soft and elegant but jumps in pitch and pace when tickling her worst spot
.Doesn't squirm much because she sees it as giving in and will try her best not to move
.She is very weak to surprise tickles! They catch her off guard always and it's the only time you will get her to jump!
.Her worst spot is her lower back
.Doesn't tickle people that often but when she does she goes all out!
.Her main targets are Makoto, Celestia and occasionally Byakuya
.When she's bored she'll sit next to her lee and trace shapes and words on their back, belly or palm. It surprisingly helps her concentrate. Usually it's Byakuya because he has the most ticklish back out of the group and he hates it but let's her since it helps in the case
.Since her hands are covered in scars she likes not to use them that often so she uses a lot of tools. She likes using feathers and paintbrushes the most
.Her teasing method is what you'd expect from a detective. Likes to ask questions and can easily tell when someone is enjoying being tickled, which she quickly points out
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Aoi Asahina
.Extremely ticklish! This girl is the second most ticklish person in the group
.Will kick and squirm when tickled and doesn't hold back like Makoto so her ler better watch out!
.Her laugh is full of cackling and snorting and is very cute! (Tho she doesn't like it)
.She likes being tickled as a form of exercise and/or motivation! If she feels she hasn't preformed well enough she will ask someone to tickle her as punish (usually Sakura)
.Her ler cannot touch her knees. With how many sports she does her knees are a little messed up so even if their careful it'll still hurt her
.Her worst spots are her hips, belly and armpits
.She is the group tickle monster! She is so ruthless and gets into ler moods constantly. Tends not to stop until her ler mood is satisfied
.Will target anybody at anytime but especially during vulnerable moments. If she sees someone reaching up, stretching, stuck somewhere or holding something breakable she will tickle them
.Is the only one who knows Sakura is ticklish
.She is strong and can easily pin her lee down. The only people she cannot pin are Sakura and Mondo
.Despite how ruthless she is she can give softer sweeter tickles! (I headcanon that she acts like a big sis to Makoto and if they're hanging out she'll gently tickle him but tracing his back or scribbling over his belly)
.Master teaser! Even can make Sakura flustered. She uses the classics a lot "tickle tickle tickle!" or "coochie coochie coo!!" But can also pick up on what teases work the best on each person
.Typically goes for a mean and aggressive tickle style
Sakura Ogami
.Barely ticklish but most of the group doesn't know she is at all. She does have a few spots that'll get her giggling tho!
.Her laugh is rough and low
.She's only tickled by Aoi so she usually just takes the onslaught. Despite that she does tend to squirm if her ler finds the right spot!
.Her worst spot is her lower back
.Another ruthless ler
.When her and Aoi are together and in ler moods the others have to watch out. They're unbeatable together!
.She is likes to tickle people to get them up and moving, sees it as another way to exercise like Aoi does.
.If she sees someone misbehaving she will take it upon herself to punish them with tickles!
.It's no suprise she can pin everyone down. Even Mondo isn't strong enough to stop her. She likes to pin her lees hands above their head with one hand and use the other to tickle all over!
.Her main target is Aoi obviously. She loves hearing her laugh and thinks her laugh is adorable
.Not a teaser and tends to just watch her lee the whole time
.Typically goes for pinning her target and hard tickles
Yasuhiro Hagakure
.Weeeeeak to tickling!
.He's pretty ticklish and laughs almost immediately. His laugh is loud and wild! He also tends to snort a lot!
.A kicker but he tries his best not to. When being tickled he will bang his hands against things and pull at his hair
.If the others plan to tickle him they either have to pin him down or tickle in groups because he is fast and will grab at his lers wrists to get them to stop
.Claims he gets visited by tickling ghosts
.His worst spots are his inner thighs, belly button and right underneath his toes
.Not a very active ler due to his lazy nature
.Tho when he is in a ler mood he's very playful!Likes to play tickle games a lot. Like pop quizzes where if his lee gets the answer wrong he'll tickle them or he'll test to see how long they can last
.Basically the big brother of the whole group and will tickle the others to embarrass them
.He teases occasionally. Goes for a lot of "oh woah man! You're like, craaazy ticklish!!"
.Typically goes for a laid back kinda tickling style
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
.Oh ho boy he's a ticklish little guy!
.Thinks it's super embarrassing being tickled
. His laugh is so loud, he has no filter on it and tends to lose control when tickled
.Is really good at holding his laughter back
.When he's being tickled he tends to bounce and shake a lot. Tends to hide his face in his hands to muffle his laughter and hide his blushing
.Mondo targets him the most and loves to give him tickly kisses. This only flusters him more.
.Weak to teasing
.His worst spot are his ears
.Loves tickling people as a motivator!
.Sees it as a good way to bond with his friends despite him being embarrassed by it
.He's very no nonsense however so he tends to only tickle people when he sees it's appropriate
.He's the most merciful ler out of the group and stops immediately when asked. People actually like to go to Taka for tickles because of this
.If he's tickling for long enough he will ask how his lee is doing and of they need a break
.He also is an accidental teaser. Tends to ask his lee of their enjoying themself, not to tease them but he's genuinely curious
.His main targets are Mondo and Chihiro
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Mondo Owada
.Holy crap this guy is a scary lee
.Sounds weird right but he is so ticklish it's dangerous. Super strong so he tends to throw people of of him
.He punches to. He accidentally punched Taka once and felt horrible for the longest time. Which is why Taka and Chihiro are the only two who are safe when tickling him. He will try his best to stay still when they tickle him so he doesn't hurt them
.Will NEVER admit it to the others but he really enjoys softer tickles. When cuddling with Taka he (very nervously) asks him to lightly tickle him cause it helps him relax after a hard day
.Taka thinks this is adorable which flusters Mondo more
.His worst spots are his armpits and feet
.Just like he's a scary lee he is also a scary ler
.Because Taka yelled at him for using violence to solve everything he switched over to tickling
.If someone pisses him off he will knock them down and destroy them with tickles
.Once he starts it's impossible to stop him. He's too strong to knock off and too stubborn to just give up
.His main targets are Taka, Chihiro and Byakuya (he's only on here cause he pisses Mondo off the most)
.If Taka is being too strict he will lift him from behind and tickle his sides until he promises to relax. If Chihiro is being hard on herself he and Taka will tickle her until she promises to give herself a break
.His teasing is very aggressive like "Hey punk you want me to tickle you more huh? Better watch your mouth then!" "Come on! You can't be that weak, or are you just gonna sit there and take it?"
.Typically goes for a aggressive and hard tickling style
Chihiro Fujisaki
.Somft girl. Very ticklish.She squirms and giggles so much. Doesn't kick at people but does kick her legs when tickled
.Ger laugh is so tiny and soft. Its the sweetest thing you'll ever hear. Covers he face when tickled and sometime bites on her knuckle to stop her giggling
.it doesn't help her
.Despite her squirming she doesn't need to be pinned down since she never fights her tickler
.Too soft for teases! Gets flustered so quickly
.Her worst spots are her toes, arches and belly. Surprisingly her hands are also super ticklish
.Not a great ler but when she does tickle people she's very sweet about it
.Most of the group knows she doesn't get into ler moods often so when she does they just let her do her thing
.She likes to tickle bellies a lot! She loves tickling Makoto, Aoi and Leon because of their very ticklish tummies. But her prime targets are Taka and Mondo
.She love hearing them laugh! Especially Mondo because of his normally crass and hardass nature
.She can't tease for shit tho. She tries but ends up fluttering herself!
.Typically goes for a soft tickling approach
Leon Kuwata
.Fairly ticklish dude!
.His laughter is pretty average but it jumps octaves alot based one where he's being tickled.
.He is also a grabber so group tickles are a must or he needs to be pinned
.He's decent at holding his laughter in but once he breaks he goes down hard. This dude erupts with laughter it's almost startling
.The others like to target him when he's singing! Hiro likes to see how good he can sing or how long he can sing when he's being tickled
.He can not take teasing well and will yell at his ler the whole time to shut up
.His worst spots are his hips and belly
.Tho not as bad as some of the others he is still a rather mean ler
.His go to move is to sit on his lees legs or hips and poke all over their torso. Will also lean down into his lees neck and nuzzle, using his goatee as a tickle tool. He loves giving raspberries funnily enough, he thinks the sound and reaction it gets is funny
.He likes to target Sayaka, Makoto, Kyoko and Byakuya the most
.He doesn't tease very often but if he does he goes for basic teases "ooo someone's ticklish!" "Tickle tickle ya big softie!!" "Can't get away from me!"
.Typically uses a mix of softish and harder tickling and also raspberries
Celestia Ludenberg
.Tickling Celeste is hard. She is moderately ticklish but had everyone convinced she wasn't for the longest time
.Is so good at holding in her laughter and fooling the others it took them forever to get her to crack. And the person to do that was Aoi! She refused to give up and eventually she broke. (Aoi was so proud of herself). After that she decided there was no point in holding back much anymore unless it was a competition
.Her laugh is elegant and smooth. Unless you tickle her bad spot! Than it gets higher and squeaky
.She's able to sit still for the most part but her ler can tell when she starts to break if they see her playing with her hair
.She's practically unaffected by teasing. The only ones who were able to fluster her were Aoi and Kyoko
.Her worst spot is between her shoulder blades
.Wicked ler but doesn't tickle often
.She mainly only targets Kyoko cause she loves her laugh
.Likes to use her pointed finger ring as a tickle tool
.Uses slow but hard tickling on her lees
.Is a very teasy ler! "Oh dear what I'm Into do? I can't just not tickle you now can I?" "Please someone as sensitive as you are deserves this! Now just sit still and let me have my fun dear!"
.Typically uses a slow and torturous tickle method
Toko Fukawa
.Have mercy on this girl. Not as ticklish as Makoto or Aoi but she cannot handle it
.She's a giggling fool right away. Her laugh is full of snorts, squeaks and screaming and she absolutely hates it
.Will try desperately to get away, squirms and is not afraid to slap
.The others like to tickle her when she starts getting annoying or too self depreciating. They have to be careful tho cause if she switches personalities when being tickled the ler could lose their fingers. The more she learns to control Jack the more the others tickle her
.She wants Byakuya to tickle her but he refuses
.Komaru however tickles her all the time. (I know she's not in the first game and not on my list but I love these two very much)
.She's weak to teasing
.Her worst spots are her armpits and the backs of her knees
.Not a great ler since she struggles with social situations
.When she does tickle people it's soft and quick. Unless it's Komaru since she's very close to her
.She gets over Byakuya and develops feelings for Komaru instead. She thinks her laugh is adorable and loves being close to her
.Only when she stops obsessing over and creeping out Byakuya she was able to get close enough to tickle him. Tho he didn't let her do it for long but it was a way of showing her he's beginning to trust her more now that's she's not being a creep
.She doesn't tease. She thinks its childish
.Typically she uses a softer fast tickling method
Sayaka Maizono
.Fairly ticklish!
.She thinks tickling is fun, likes being on the receiving end of it
.Squeals and laughs loudly when tickled. Has a surprisingly loud and chaotic laugh when tickled
.Is the only one in the group not even remotely embarrassed by tickling
.The others like to sneak up on her when she's cooking and poke her sides
.Squirms a bit but mostly just let's her ler have fun
.When she's had enough she'll lightly swat at their hands
.She likes being teased! She likes the attention and being told she's cute
.Her worst spots are the back of her knees and the sides and back of her neck
.She loves tickling people as well!
.She has long nails she likes to keep painted which make for nasty ticklers! She loves using them to scrape and scribble
.Usually when she's in a ler mood she'll just walk up to someone and be like "I need to tickle you! I know you want me to! I'm psychic". If she's set on tickling that specific person and they put up a fight she will either whine until they let her or just knock them over and pin them down
.She can be a mean ler but is fairly merciful
.Her teases are sweet and she loves to pepper her lee in compliments
.Typically goes for a moderately mean tickling method and uses her nails a lot
Junko Enoshima
.Crazy lee! No like she's crazy. Will trash and scream when tickled and threaten her ler
.If she's not pinned your screwed cause she will hurt you
.Out of everyone in the group she hated being tickled the most. Hates the lack of control but likes the despair the lack of control brings
.Her laugh is loud and crazy. She screams, snorts and swears a lot
.She hates being teased
.Her worst spot is her hips
.The most vicious ler
.Loves to tickle people until they vmbeg for mercy
.She doesn't always give it to them
.Uses tickling as a punishment and/or torture
.The others are frightened of her when she's in a ler mood
.She's also referred to as a tickle monster but she's more of a monster than Aoi is. She's ruthless and merciless
.She also wears long stiletto nails which tickle like crazy
.She targets everyone. If one of them piss her off the others won't see them for hours because she is absolutely wrecking them
.Typically goes for an evil torturous tickling method
Mukuro Ikusaba
.Isn't really that ticklish
.Trained her body to fight against the feeling for the military
.There is only a couple places she's ticklish but only Junko knows of them
.If she's tickled there she'll release soft bubbly laughter!
.Covers her mouth when laughing
.Kicks a lot but can control it for the most part
.The only teases she can't handle are compliments
.Her worst spot is her jawline
.Not as mean as Junko but tends to be her sidekick
.Will mainly pin down lees for Junko but will occasionally join in
.She's not that good at tickling so she mainly focuses on her lees death spots because no matter what it'll usually tickle
.Doesn't tease because she thinks it's foolish and dumb
.She sometimes laughs along tho cause she thinks it's funny
.Typically tries to go for a rougher tickling method
This took like 2 and a half hours oml
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