block-swing-perry · 2 months
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laughed so hard at my hair line when i took a pic of my head for an above reference pic
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epictheymer · 11 months
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adjacentspook · 1 year
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alpacamaca · 5 years
if i see a coco cosplayer at ax i will probably combust and walk the complete opposite away like last year
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s-leepingsoul · 7 years
test post
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dragonzair · 7 years
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old op is so funny bc zoro and sanji were still pretty good at not getting carried away by luffy’s stupidity and ASDFASFDASDF ZORO HAS TEARS IN HIS EYES FROM FEAR
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marshmellonew · 6 years
good morning! 🐞🌼
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this1neguy · 11 years
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I know the vid was bad I just needed and excuse to procrastinate studying for an exam asdfasfdasdf
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dragonzair · 7 years
im watching the worst witch on netflix, and its got that lil girl from got and and it looks p cute so far but???? literally???? maud not being able to see without her glasses was written by someone who’s never had glasses before ASDFASFDASDF
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doctordisaster · 13 years
The Senate has crammed a provision into next year's defense spending bill that redefines every square inch of American soil as a "battleground", in an effort to give the military the same powers of detention/assassination/what-have-you in Topeka as in Kabul. The President has promised to veto the bill if it retains the provision, but opposing the annual defense bill is considered political suicide (which is presumably why the goddamned cowards in the Senate passed it 93-7).
This is flagrantly unconstitutional on so many levels that I'm actually having trouble figuring out what to boggle at first. Circumvention of jury trials? Indefinite detention of U.S. citizens? No defined standard for differentiating a "terrorist" from other criminals?
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