#ash randomly watches star trek
t-rina · 2 years
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you better not mess with him when my boi has sand in his shoes
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celeste-i · 5 years
Discovery is a good show if you separate it completely from Star trek, but within the actual star trek universe it feels very out of place. Everything looks far too high tech, some of the technology isn't even invented for that timeline (the full body holograms?). The ship itself is also wayyy too high tech for the time as well. Running on a spore drive? Having the ability to teleport? Having dozens and dozens of shuttlecraft and fighters even tho NX-01 had 2 shuttles?
Technology aside, bc I don't care a huge amount about it, it also disappoints in terms of characters. It's insane how little character development there is for everyone. Also the ties to TOS are getting annoying; having Pike be captain was enough of a tie in, they didn't need to give Spock a secret sister and write a new backstory for him. Even Michael is getting a little annoying since it's turning into the Pike show. Ash's whole character was completely ruined and so was his romance with Michael (but hey, what about that super rushed, out of nowhere kiss at the end, huh?). Paul and Hugh being the only gay characters and Hugh, the brown one, dying randomly and then being saved by his white partner is shit. White savior trope and bury your gays trope. (But hey, what about their super rushed, out of nowhere break up, reconciliation, and getting back together that lasted about 5 mins in total over the course of half a season, huh?). Tilly and Phillipa are honestly getting annoying as well; I know they're the comic reliefs but you have to eventually give your comic reliefs some development or else they will get boring!
There's also no social commentary at all. Other star treks had a couple episodes or character arcs that were very hard hitting and impactful. Data's whole question of is he alive. B'Elanna hating her Klingon half so much she tries to genetically modify her child in the womb to not look Klingon. TOS and that episode with the species that was half black on one side and white on the other and oppressed the people that had the colors reversed. T'Pol struggling with drug addiction. There were so many bottle episodes and character based episodes throughout every series bc the story didn't matter that much bc the characters made it good.
Disco is plot plot plot plot plot. Too much plot. So much plot they don't have any time for characters. So much plot I get bored in action scenes now bc they happen so often. Its an action show which star trek is not at all. Star trek is a show you put on in the background while doing something else. It takes about 30% brain power to actively watch it and occasionally spikes up to 60% for certain episodes. It's funny, it's light-hearted, it's intelligent, it's hopeful. It's always been about humanitys exploration and it's been a beacon of hope for the future. Disco is a good show, not star trek tho.
Better star trek plots include: showing how humanity fell into the third world war, impacts of it, and how society advanced after warp drive and the Vulcans help. Some far future thing with the 25th century- could feature Crewman Daniels from ENT and his adventures. Life aboard a cargo ship or a colony. A shapeshifter who is just really curious abt humans and keeps sneaking into ships just to hang out. I could go on..
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stoplookingup · 7 years
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @liz-squids, and glad she did. Hello again!
1. Nicknames: Tweets, but it goes back decades before Twitter, and only my husband uses it. 2. Gender: Female 3. Star sign: Capricorn, a fact that has no meaning to me. 4. Height: 5′2. I used to be 5′3″. It’s a sensitive subject. 5. Time: 8:42 EST (US) 6. Birthday: Dec 29 7. Favorite bands: Talking Heads (I keep coming back to them), Beatles (they live in my brain and defined my childhood), Velvet Underground, Clash, Ramones, Devo, Kraftwerk, Cigarettes After Sex (just discovered them, don’t know anything about them), Crash Test Dummies. That’s what randomly comes to mind.  8. Favorite solo artists: Joni Mitchell, David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Donovan, Patti Smith, Billie Holiday, Hoagie Carmichael, David Byrne, Grace Jones. Again, just off the top of my head. 9. Song stuck in my head: “Common Disaster,” Cowboy Junkies 10. Last movie I watched: Lady Bird. 11. Last show I watched: DS9, but I’m also going to say Ashes to Ashes, because I don’t really sit down and watch DS9, it’s more something I put on in the background while I’m doing other things, whereas I’m in the middle of a serious LoM and A2A binge. 12. When did I create my blog: August 2010. Like @liz-squids, I was wondering where all the LJ people had gone. But I didn’t start using Tumblr regularly until sometime in 2014, and I still think it’s the most annoying blog format ever. 13. What do I post: Mostly whatever fictional world is consuming me at the moment; I also make gifs that amuse me. At various times I’ve posted about Star Trek in every iteration (my first and forever fandom), Doctor Who, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Farscape, Babylon 5, Valerian, Life on Mars, Sleepy Hollow, X-Files, Murdoch Mysteries, Grantchester, Endeavour, Agents of SHIELD...etc. 14. Last thing I googled: Star Blecch Mad Magazine. Because that’s what The Orville reminds me of. I read the Mad ST spoof a thousand times when it first came out, because rereading favorite bits of Mad Magazine a thousand times was something one did in the dark days before bringing a smartphone into the bathroom was a thing one did, or a thing that existed, and because back then any mention of Star Trek in pop culture was a big fucking deal. For the record, Mad Magazine is clearly where Seth MacFarlane learned everything he knows, and that’s not a good thing.
15. Do I have any other blogs: Not on Tumblr. I was posting so many words on Tumblr about ST Disco, and Tumblr is so bad for words, that I created It Started With Trek. Maybe I should move it to Dreamwidth? I don’t know, that seems like so much bother. Also for more serious topics I occasionally use the blog Smoking Toward New Jersey.
16. Do I get asks: Almost never.  18. Following: 277 19. Followers: 293 20. Free space: We really should.  21. Average hours of sleep: 7-8. 22. Lucky number: No. 23. Instruments: I wish. I live vicariously through the musical talents of my kids. I tell them that music is magic to me because I can’t make it but I love it, so I feel like the muggle parent of wizards.  24. What am I wearing: PJs. Shit, I really need to get dressed and go to work. 26. Dream job: Astronaut. I have given this same answer nearly all my life, but never did anything about it. Another sensitive issue. 27. Dream trip: Anywhere and everywhere that’s not a war zone. (I have lived abroad for a year at a time three times in my life, though not recently: Jerusalem, London, Bucharest.) 28. Favorite food: Really good sushi. 29. Nationality: Do I have to answer this? Because I’m deeply ashamed of my country. 30. Favorite song right now: This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody). At my funeral I want everyone to hold hands and sing this.
I tag @bluecityrose, because she appreciates Harpo as much as I do.
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kedreeva · 7 years
it’s... weird and novel having friends in real life again. I haven’t really had them since college. I mean, I hang out with The Guys on Fridays occasionally, and if I message them about needing construction help for a day, at least one of them will usually have nothing better to do. But I haven’t had like... chatty friends, the kind that randomly Do Things and invite me or that actually turn up when invited for Hanging Out Time.
And I get it, that I have mostly been avoiding people and I’m not very good at actually GOING to things when I am invited, particularly if it involves crowds of people or public drinking around strangers or (light frobid) dancing and loudness. And it was weird, the first time I said hey you haven’t seen star trek, come over and we’ll watch some, and actually had not one person show up, but a bunch, and bring food, and seem interested in coming back (and actually came back). And like. I dunno. I left the team, I got rotated to a new one where there are almost no people (I moved from a team of like 25-30 to a team of 5 including me and the supervisor), and I guess I just... I guess I expected things to go back to how they were. Like we had fun while it lasted but I’m not in proximity, so I figured I wouldn’t be... you know, outta sight outta mind is what I figured I guess.
Except they’ve checked in on me, and despite my socially broken ass, continued to offer friendship and support. It’s very... strange. It’s not bad. But it is strange. Maybe bewildering is a better term, or maybe daunting. I am not used to people I meet in meatspace first being... like this. By all appearances actually wanting to be friends even after I show them things like feminism and fandom and nerdy things. real things.
I have a really, really difficult time asking for help, even when I need it. I do not like feeling like... feeling incapable, or vulnerable, I guess, in admitting that I just don’t want to have to be strong enough to do everything all the time. Even from being a tiny child, I clearly remember instances of refusing help even when i needed or wanted it, because I also didn’t want to feel like I owed anyone anything. If I did it all myself then no one had any power over me. And I think that, you know, living with Sark and being taught slowly but surely that i can actually lean on another human being, that it won’t end up in me getting hurt, it won’t end up in that person holding it over me as a debt, has allowed me to let go a little bit more with friends too.
One of my friends from my old team, Christy, caught me privately on Hangouts to ask me if I was ok, if I needed help, and requested I let her drive me to go pick up Beep’s ashes. And I didn’t think I would take her up on it, since I just... it’s so... incredibly personal and I knew it was going to be a moment in time when I was just going to be vulnerable and hurting and not in control and I guess I just... i dunno. I realized maybe that’s actually the time to get help. So I texted her to see if she’d meant it, and she had family over, but she asked if it was ok to come get me after. And that’s... where I am now. Chilling on the couch crying with the cats and thinking, like, how’d I get here, you know? I didn’t have people like this, I remember not having people like this, and I’m not 100% sure how I got here.
Anyway I just wanted to write that down for myself, somewhere. I thought that... you know, this side of grief was going to be a lot lonelier than it is turning out to be. It has been before.
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callunavulgari · 7 years
Scrapbook for the second half of 2017, because tumblr doesn’t like it when you have a million links on one post.
Italicized titles = enjoyed muchly, bold titles = love, titles with an asterisk* = OBSESSION and titles in (brackets) are re-watches/re-reads. And lastly, strikethough = DISLIKE.
Goals are: read thirty-five new books this year (yikes, way behind), finish four video games (definitely on track here), finish writing and publish the Sabriel AU (eh heh), and write something original (does coming up with the idea count?). 
Wonder Woman
(Doctor Strange)
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Tristan and Isolde
Power Rangers
Spiderman: Homecoming
Mona Lisa Smile
Baby Driver
Ouija: Origins of Evil
(Star Wars: Rogue One)
Atomic Blonde
King and I
The Sixth Sense
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
(The Princess Diaries)
(X-Men: Apocalypse)
(Silent Hill)
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer 
The Secret History | Donna Tarte
A Wrinkle In Time | Madeline L’Engle [Fin]
The Archived | Victoria Schwab [Fin]
Scythe | Neal Shusterman  [Fin]
Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Siege and Storm | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Less | Andrew Sean Greer
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer
A Wind In The Door |  Madeline L’Engle [Fin]
The Bright Sessions Eps 31-32
Alice Isn’t Dead Eps 3-4
Welcome to Night Vale 1-3
Alice Isn’t Dead Eps 4-5
EOS 10 Eps 1-3
Grace and Frankie
American Gods
(Stranger Things)
How to Get Away With Murder s2
Black Sails s2
Black Sails s2
Grace and Frankie
Stargate SG-1 s2, s3
Doctor Who s8
The Strain
Boku no Hero Academia 
Voltron s3
Game of Thrones s7
The Strain
Jerry Springer  (Vacation w/ boyfriend’s family. Brother and friends are awful.)
LoZ: Breath of the Wild (Definitely more than 40 hrs; Fin)
Dishonored 2 (Corvo Playthrough, 7 hrs)
Witcher 3 (15 hrs?)
Witcher 3 (15 hrs?)
(Final Fantasy XV, 2 hrs)
(Final Fantasy XV, 2 hrs)
Running on Air by eleventy7 (HP; Drarry; 75k;  Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.)
Slithering by astolat (HP; Drarry; 27k;  Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.)
Bitter Honey, Green Night by Faith Wood (faithwood) (HP; Drarry; 14k;  An inn, an Auror, a criminal, a mystery.)
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi (HP; Drarry; 93k;  'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.)
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (HP; Drarry; 57k; Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.)
stranger things than polyamory by trepan (Stranger Things; Jonathon/Steve/Nancy; 3.5k;  Somebody spray-paints NANCY WHEELER HAS TWO BOYFRIENDS on a wall she walks by on her way back from school in May. There are a couple of other students watching her as she passes. Nancy gives the sign a long look, then smirks at them politely.)
the heart its own rough animal by trepan (Stranger Things; Jonathon/Nancy/Steve; 21k;  “Where’s her daemon,” says one of the boys urgently. “Guys, she doesn’t have one.”)
in the bone by patho (ghostsoldier) (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 2.8k;  It all began when Corvo started kissing the Mark for luck.)
The Sea and Stars Are Yours, My Dear, But the Moon Would Not Cooperate by NeverwinterThistle (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 25k; The Outsider explores the murky seas of human courtship while Corvo watches in bemusement, and in the background Emily draws, Callista takes charge, Piero sulks, and Cecelia accidentally becomes indispensable. There's also a plague, a vase of asparagus, and about a hundred singing whales who randomly showed up in the harbour one evening.The squid is still wriggling.)
apocrypha by aerynlallaboso (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 95k+; WIP;  The Eighth year of the reign of Empress Emily Kaldwin, First of her Name, the second year without a whisper from the Outsider, is the year the Void chooses to mark the end of an era.)
a small soft death by patho (ghostsoldier) (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 2.8k; “The finest steel,” the Outsider says, “is forged with true purpose in mind. Elements that enhance the strength of the weapon are carefully chosen, and those that make the metal brittle and weak are burned away. It is an exacting process. The most beautiful dagger will be of no use at all if the steel is not properly tempered. Do you understand?”)
in·car·nate by bygoneboy (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 21k; The Void’s Chosen have loved him before.)
The Crown of the Summer Court by astolat (Merlin; Merlin/Arthur; 24k;  "The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court.")
the king of oak by saltpans (HP: FBAWTFT; Credance/Percival Graves; 38k; The first thing Percival Graves does after being released back into the world is buy a new wand.)
Hi, You Were My Husband in Another Life, Professor by littlebirdtold (Star Trek; Spirk; 48k; Um, hi. I'm Jim. Jim Kirk. You don't know me, but I know you. Well, sort of. It's a long story.)
  Bluebird by waldorph (Star Trek; Spirk; 7k; Jim whipped around so fast most of his drink ended up on Spock, who was reaching for the phaser that wasn’t there. The Enterprise crew was parting like the biblical seas before Moses, and Jim could feel the temperature dropping. “Mom,” Jim croaked.)
Misethere by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 46k; Emhyr was looking at him for once, with a strange expression. “I have misjudged you,” he said, sounding irritated actually: how dare Geralt surprise him.“I get that a lot,” Geralt said.)
Blooded Crown by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 24k; “You need not thank me,” Emhyr said. “I have an ulterior motive.”It annoyed Geralt to be surprised. He should’ve known from the start. “Yeah?” The words came out with a little bite. “Have another daughter you need me to track down?”“If I wished to hire you, I would hire you,” Emhyr said. “No: I want you to come to my bed.”)
Cursed by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 8k;  Geralt was reasonably sure this was the worst damn day of the worst damn month of his life, and it hadn’t hit bottom yet.)
The War of Silver and Ash by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 15k; He hadn’t come here with a contract. He’d come here to get the faces out of his head: the bloodless dead sprawled in heaps through the streets of Beauclair, the morning after the rampage Detlaff had unleashed; the blank eyes of the boy in the orphanage tilting his head to let Orianna drink from his throat, with the lullaby she’d been singing him still hanging in the air.Wasn’t working that well so far.)
A Year In Toussaint by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 30k; Geralt had no damn idea what to do with a vineyard when Anna Henrietta gave him Corvo Bianco, but he figured it couldn’t be that bad.)
circling by xpityx (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 5k; Emhyr sighed, as if Geralt’s lack of immediate understanding was a fundamental failure of his character.)
Running Behind by Asidian (FFXV; Prompto/Noctis; WIP;  There's a tag hanging on his storage pod, instead of the clipboard that documents his progress. On that tag, there's a single word stamped in red: defective.)
Toys by astolat (Lucifer; Lucifer/Chloe; 2k; “You want to fuck me!” he said gleefully.)
Emblazoning by astolat (Merlin; OT4; 19k; Morgana turned away from the high, barred window and rubbed her arms, chilled and bare. Arthur was sitting in the dirty straw at the very limit of his chains, which kept him a few inches too far away to touch Merlin's limp body. Outside they were putting up the stake.)
Redemption Merry Go-Round by astolat (Lucifer; Lucifer/Dan/Chloe; 8k;  Dan was deeply sorry for whatever he’d done in his life that had landed him in this mess, and also reasonably sure that despite all the shit he’d pulled in the last couple of years, he still didn’t deserve this.)
wild peaches by notbecauseofvictories (The Labyrinth; Sarah/Goblin King; 3k;  The morning after Sarah Williams defeats the Goblin King, she gets up and makes toast.)
where the weeds take root by beenghosting (Supernatural; Destiel; 30k+;  “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.”)
damnatio memoriae by temporalDecay (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 12k;  “May I walk the estate?” Emhyr repeated, and his nose crinkled in that familiar twitch of displeasure that Geralt had always secretly delighted in causing, despite how downright suicidal it was to invoke it on purpose. “I'm not going to run away,” he added, with a slight glare. “I'm merely bored.”)
Heart and Home by lc2l (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 97k; In an alternate Paris, werewolves occupy the majority of the ruling classes, making and adjusting policy to suit their interests. The punishments for a human attacking a werewolf can be brutal, unless they have the protection of a wolf pack.How this translates to 'claim Grantaire as your mate to get him out of prison' is something Enjolras is still trying to get his head around, but he's never been one to give up on a cause even when it's sleeping on his sofa.)
How the Future's Done by barricadeur (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 12k;  "Grantaire," he says slowly. "What do you have in that box?")
vocal ink by sarahyyy (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 3k; “Officially, we don’t have a leader, everyone here is equal,” Courfeyrac says, keeping his voice low as Enjolras starts his speech, “but if we did, and we don’t, it would be Enjolras.” He looks over to Marius. “Do not approach him. Let him come to you, let him be the first to initiate conversation, and for the love of God, do not mention soulmates.”)
Years Since It's Been Clear by lady_ragnell (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 10k;  Grantaire really doesn't expect Enjolras to force him to move in with him when he hears how shitty Grantaire's apartment is. And he definitely doesn't expect Enjolras to want him to stay, or how easy it turns out to be, or the way Enjolras has a habit of doing his studying in the sunshine on the living room floor ...)
Tolerable (Inuyasha; Sesshomaru&Miroku; 30k; “The scent is not entirely unpleasant.”)
Silence Is the Speech of Love by lady_ragnell (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 50k; Grantaire's life has a pattern: he pays his respects to Aphrodite, he goes to work, he loves Enjolras and provokes him because he can't bring himself to do otherwise.)
The Five Year Plan by Neery (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 16k;  Enjolras loses his memory. Thankfully, nothing unexpected seems to have happened to him in the five years he can't remember. Well, except for the boyfriend. The boyfriend's kind of a surprise.)
dance this silence down (the emergency room remix) by Fahye (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 54k;  He's sitting in a car with all of his belongings in the back seat and his hands wrapped around the steering wheel, admitting to himself that a stupid, dizzy firework of a one-night-stand with a man he'd barely known is one of the only bright memories he has right now.)
World Ain't Ready by idiopathicsmile (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 185k; Enjolras presses his lips together. He already looks pained, and Grantaire hasn't even opened his mouth yet. That's got to be a record, even for them."I need a favor," he says at last)**
  The Ghost of You by luchia (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 25k; Grantaire moves into an apartment inhabited by a poltergeist. Enjolras haunts him, and Grantaire should really win an award for most complicated relationship status ever.)
box of secrets by nightswatch (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 53k;  Grantaire leaves his doodles all over the place. Enjolras collects them without knowing who drew them.)
Yes, Sir by mikkimouse (Voltron; Sheith; 8k; "Are you all ready to get started?""Yes, sir!" twenty voices answered in unison.Shiro's stomach flipped at the words. Oh, no.The soulmark on his right wrist burned, confirmation that his soulmate was one of the twenty people who'd just uttered the phrase.)
despite what you've been told by caseyvalhalla (Yuri On Ice; Yuuri/Viktor; 14k; When Victor falls, he goes down hard.)
these things take time by sonhoedesrazao (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 63k;  He’s always wary of making assumptions; even more so when Grantaire is concerned. He knows he’s not the easiest person to deal with. People either like him or can’t stand him, and it’s easy to respond to those reactions, but Grantaire—Grantaire is hostile and mocking, Grantaire scorns his beliefs, and Grantaire stays.)
In the End We Have Each Other by samyazaz (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 50k; what startles Enjolras the most is that he manages approximately half a step through the door into the back room where they all meet before Grantaire rattles his glass down on the table in the back that he's taken for his own and drawls, "Is there something you forgot to tell us, Apollo?"That silences the room, predictably enough. Everyone breaks off their conversations and swivels to stare at him. At him, and at the baby carrier that he's got hooked over one arm.)
True Colors by lady_ragnell (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 4k;  The first thing that catches Enjolras's eye when he enters the Musain Cafe for the first time is the walls. They're a dull black that it takes him a moment to realize must be chalkboard paint, because near the tables there are words and doodles, and all over, even the erased sections are stained with faint colored marks like the walls have soulmarks.)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by tellthemstories (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 10k; Fourteen times Grantaire tried to kill Enjolras.And one time he fell in love.)
RSVP (+1) by tellthemstories (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantire; 21k;  When Enjolras is invited to Marius and Cosette’s wedding, he fully intends to ignore the ‘plus one’ on the invite. He’s busy at work and he has a lot on - he doesn’t have time for relationships. What he doesn’t expect is for Grantaire to invite himself along and then hit it off immediately with all of his friends.)
always there to remind you by estora, taywen (Dishonored; Corvo/Daud; 8k;  Later, after he had killed a number of people for coin, but before he killed so many that he lost count, Daud was glad he had no mark. No soulmate deserved to have his words marked on their skin.)
( Watercast by Fishwrites (Voltron; Lance/Keith; 96k; WIP;  Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!))
Multifandom || Tessellate (TYS: round2)
Multifandom || Bleeding out (collab w/ KatrinDepp)
Multifandom || Is this Real?
Multifandom || Insane Like Me (TYS: round1)
Multifandom │ Warriors
the beast of america | percival graves
Get You Killed || Percival Graves
Percival Graves - Hit & Run
► Graves (+Credence) | Are You Insane Like Me?
Credence Barebone/Percival Graves || And I wanna fight, But I can't contend
[FIREFLY] - She always did love to dance
[Multifandom] - Dance with me
The Last of Us || Can't Pretend
The Walking Dead || Bottom of the River
Multifandom || Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight
Doctor Who (Logan Style)
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) // Everybody Loves Me
Iron Man (Tony Stark) // Gold
In The Flesh | we're gonna die, die, die
In The Flesh || We're Alone Now
Fantastic Beasts || Step into the light
Stranger Things|| Knocking On Heaven's Door
Jonathan & Nancy|| Tighten Up
Multifandom|| Stuck.Broken.Dead.
[Multifandom] - One Word
Marvel | Human
percival graves | can't hold us
Hela // Castle
grantaire & enjolras - help me kill the president
Game of Thrones || Blood of My Blood (for 60k)
(GoT) House Stark | The North Remembers
(GoT) Jaime Lannister | Oathbreaker
Jonathan Byers || I'm not like everybody else
Uptown Funk || Marvel Universe
MARVEL || Can't hold us
GLITTER & GOLD || Multifandom [HNY●2017]
I'M SO SORRY | Marvel Cinematic Universe
David Haller [Legion] | Dysfunctional
(Legion) It's Better When it Feels Wrong
unless you make it real [Legion]
not today [yuri on ice]
Haikyuu!! || not today
Multifandom | Tame Your Demons (w/SnowLightxx)
Six Of Crows - Trouble
marvel || battle royale
(GoT) Jon Snow | The Targaryen Wolf
Arya Stark // See What I've Become
(GoT) Jon Snow || The Wolf With Dragon's Blood
MARVEL/DC || BORN ready 
Johnny Hollow - Boogeyman
Sia - To Be Human feat. Labrinth
Lorde - Green Light
The National - "Don't Swallow the Cap"
The Growlers - "I'll Be Around"
The xx - I Dare You
Phantogram - Fall In Love
alt J - In Cold Blood
And I Waited All Night For You To Come, But You Never Did
Sia - The Greatest
Hopeless Fountain Kingdom - Halsey (Album)
History - Monakr
Wildcat! Wildcat! - Relentless (feat. Wynne)
Ingrid Michaelson - In the Sea
Cities in Dust Lyrics- The Everlove
Prides - Messiah
ODESZA - It's Only (feat. Zyra)
Metric - Breathing Underwater
Purity Ring - Sea Castle
Hundreds - Fighter
Labyrinth Ear - Urchin
Rasputina - Dig Ophelia
Sóley - Fight Them Soft
Soap&Skin - Boat Turns Toward The Port
CocoRosie - R.I.P. Burn Face
AURORA - Nature Boy
Hamilton Soundtrack
Karen O - I Shall Rise
Miracle of Sound - Lady of Worlds 
Annie Lennox - I Put A Spell On You
Woodkid - IRON (Sara cover)
Peronal Yeezus By Chambaland (Atomic Blonde Trailer Music)
Kesha - Praying
twenty one pilots: Screen
Lemaitre - Higher
Regina Spektor-Blue Lips
Zaz - Les Passants
Katie Costello - Stranger
Arctic Monkeys - Knee Socks
Silversun Pickups - The Pit
If I Apologized - Mirrormask 
Les Mis - One Day More
Les Mis - Red and Black
Les Mis - Do You Hear the People Sing
Les Mis - Epilogue
Sleeping At Last - Mars
Hozier - Take Me To Church
Lynrd Skynrd - Freebird
You - Keaton Henson
Radical Face - All Is Well (It’s Only Blood)
Valerie Broussard - Trouble
Erutan - The Willow Maid
Imagine Dragons - Gold
Imagine Dragons - Thunder
Which Witch - Florence & the Machine
Paint It, Black - Ramin Djawadi
Honor For All - Dishonored
Daniel Licht - The Return
Patrick Wolf - Teignmouth 
Ballet Breakup - RvB
it's warm, this skin i'm living in (SGA; Rodney/John; 1,170 words; When he is thirty-seven years old, John Sheppard thinks about the universe.
it's good to be in love, it really does suit you (KH; Sora/Riku/Kairi; 1,694 words; “We’ve done dangerous before.” Sora shrugs. “Getting a mortgage was dangerous, but we did it anyway.”)
a hazy shade of winter (Stranger Things; Steve/Nancy/Jonathan; 1,863 words; In November, they build a tree house.)
can't deny your appetite (SGA; Rodney/John; 4,031 words; John finds out that there’s a vampire in Atlantis the day after they’ve stepped through the gate.He finds out that the vampire in question is Rodney McKay four weeks later, when they’re all hunkered down in the yawning shadow of some crumbling ruins and Rodney looks at him, his eyes eerily bright in the darkness, sees the blood on John’s face, and says, “Oh.”)
caught off guard by you (FFXV; Prompto/Noctis; 1,671 words;  “I just got you back,” Prompto says quietly, words muffled into the curve of Noctis’s neck.)
take me to church (Teen Wolf; Sterek; 3,129 words;  Derek scoffs. “You want to take me back to Quantico.”)
the salt water sting:  wor·ship | noun | the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
The Flash | Fire Fire [Vid]
love has no heart: A mix for those with no hearts.
i believe in you: You love him. The story still ends.
4 notes · View notes
My Year review, for my own reasons, starts from March 7th.
though what I will say about pre then is, it is an honour to be known by the creator (Cassandra Clare) as the first person to ever admit to being a fan of the Starkweather family after asking about them when she and Holly Black came to Manchester in February. And that I owe that little meet for making me properly look at Holly “Folk of air.” series.___________________________________________________________________________________________
I pick 7th of March to start this review because it is the day myself, Heather and Ally went to see Freya Ridings who had the week before had her song “Lost Without you.” played in an important scene on the final half of the final season of Shadowhunters. I didn’t get to meet her this time, so her song card is still in my folder to be signed one day, and I have hope it will.
As seems to be my song recently, I didn’t get to many gigs this year, though a lot of my fave people toured (some even reformed, but that was over in the US)Due to funds we didn’t even to any Whitby this year (any as there are 4 now may I remind the reader)
Don’t ask me why but I went to see John Barrowmans Christmas show in Harrogate. I love the man but.. I’ll stick to the normal stuff.. if you can call anything Barrowpants does as normal.
What I did get to, was see Counterfeit the week before my birthday with Ally, Jaime and co were on top form and so what I needed after a perfectly ghastly couple of weeks leading up.
*Liverpool Comic Con The same weekend at the Frey Ridings gig, gave me more time with my pack on a bad week. But I’m not talking about that here.Anyway, my reason for Liverpool Comic Con this year was the chance to meet Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen, Twilight / Max Lord, Supergirl)I am a after all a Twilight and a Supergirl fan and also S.W.A.T fan (but he left in s1)Peter told me he hadn’t been written out of SG to make way for the LGBT storyline, he’d asked to be left out as the show had to move filming locations and he didn’t want to be so far from his family all the year. I didn’t gloat to the Sanverse lot but it was tempting.
I also got to speak with Paul (Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy) who played Bulk from Bulk and Skull in Power Rangers, thought Jason waved. They are both sweethearts and while, as mad as their on-screen counterparts, not as annoying, I walked past Paul a few times before finally deciding to ranger up and tell him he was the first person I saw on screen and considered a role model for the “bigger” person. He told me an awesome story about another girl who because she was big had been stuck playing him until he’d fronted up to kids making her and she got to play one of the rangers.I saw the duo again at “Wales” in December and Paul remembered me when I said hi.
*Survival 4 - 2019-04-05 to 2019-04-07 -Ren, London: the first Starfury of the year, the convention I’d given an entire show a 3rd look for after finding out Sean was actually inviting the Seelie Queen herself Lola Flanery (Maddie Griffin, The 100), I’m still not sure if she was amazed, saddened or sickened by the fact me and Heather had come to the convention just for her, but it got a few laughs from Sachin Sahel (Eric Jackson, The 100) who seemed to be her escort for the weekend.I dropped to my knees in the proper greeting of the queen that Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) had taught me the year before at the first Pancon, gave her the fanmade cookbook (don’t ask) and.. I like to think we impress her with our Seelie court cosplay despite being rushed by Sean's announcing.
* Last Wales Comic Con in Telford I looked a tit. I left my shoulder piece at ally so ended up looking like some Roman surf.Meeting David Wenham didn’t go to plan in the slightest, he is my fave actor from Lord Of The Rings and yet somehow, telling him that seemed to bore him.
Russell Tovey (George, Being Human/ Ray Terrill, The Flash) was polite, but colder than I’d have expected, especially when he was so animated and nice to everyone else.
While I have Amanda Tapping auto twice from a friend, finally standing beside her (Capt Carter, Stargate / Dr Magnus, Sanctuary) was an honour, especially When she seemed to like Martouf the Symbiote, as I said my Tok’ra costume had gone to hell but her smile made it bearable.
Alexander Ludwig ( Bjorn, Vikings) was wearing a shirt from Descended from Odin, he laughed when I recognised the logo he is so far the nicest OG Vikings cast member I’ve met.
* Starfury Ultimates 4 - 2019-05-17- 2019-05-19/20 - Hilton, Birmingham:
I got to meet the love interest of my favourite Coluan, Nicole Maines (Nia Nall/Dreamer, Superigrl) and the last reason I have to watch Legends in the form of the amazing Amy Louise Pemberton (Gideon), me and Louiza did our first duo cosplay as Jareth and Sarah from The Labyrinth, though I forgot the Goblin King wears Make up, I seemed to do okay as far as the SF peeps thought.
well, I’ve said all I am going to say about the lies and lack of organisation and care from the stewards. so. The con....I died, visibly, slowly, but with a lot of translating from my long suffering Parbatai Heather I managed to meet, greet and speak with BOTH Greyjoys,First I had to face them for a photo shoot, in a uniform that was smaller than it was supposed to be, I felt daft not only because it was a Starfleet uniform but because I’d dreamed of cosplaying a greyjoy and my size made it if nothing else monetarily impossible, so I threaded my OBO necklace under my collar, totally against Starfleet regs, and stepped, up, Gemma said hello and Alfie went to before seeing the octopus, I wanted the ground to open up till he beamed“its like a Star trek Greyjoy crossover!” you can guess how happy I was he liked it.At the Autograph table Gemma (Yara) revealed she’s actually a Wessie like me. When I told her she was the best actress in all of Gentleman Jack for even attempting the accent and giving her character believability she said “yes..well.. I grew up in Headingley.” to which If I hadn’t already been falling a part I would have gone to pieces, as was I think I croaked my way through “what.. seriously. Someone cool.. from my area?” or something along those lines.Facing her on-screen brother was possibly the most Fan-squee moment I can ever remember having, and that include quiet a few awesome meets in my conlife. We cued, and I suddenly found my breath was short, his PA miming asked me if I’d had a drink I nodded, he then mimed I was breathless because of Alfie and not him and that he’d fight Alfie which got me laughing, I faced Alfie, took as much concentration I could muster, telling him I’d been there since ep 1, loved the Greyjoys through everything, it was amazing, he is so sweet and so shy, more so than when we’d met him a few years ago backstage for that brief moment, thinking on it it did explain a lot, also why he had his dog Ata with him and had randomly walked past us before taking him for a walk, but standing there in front of him its..indescribable.
Also at LFCC were Zachary Quinto ( Kelvin Timeline Spock) who seemed very taken by Alfie's dog Ata, he wouldn’t do LLAP in photoshoots, at first I thought that was because of the way I approached him, I was unable to keep my breath and looked like I’d been crying, but apparently he just doesn’t do it. Lends itself to the old rumour that for the movies he had to glue his fingers to get it right doesn’t it? He was sweet, I can’t really say much else because I didn’t get the time thanks to ‘things’ to spend time talking with him.
The reason for my costume choice was Shazad Latif (by then Commander Ash Tyler, Star Trek Discovery) I’d met him the previous year but had not had the money to get a photograph with him, so that's what I did, he’s a nice lad, and doesn’t mind goofs as I remembered from last year. I saw him again at DST and told him about a scene in a recent show he did where he didn’t realise someone had accidentally mimicked his accent.
*Starfury Highlanders 4 - 2019-08-09 to 2019-08-11 - Hilton, Birmingham:
Met David Berry and finally met the Queen of Hearts Maria Doyle Kennedy.Made a fool of myself. Got told I ask to many questions and saw Sean so drunk he left hie wallet/card on top and cigars on the bar in public.Also this was the convention that determined a new personal rule. I am not doing 3 day cons for any less than 3 interesting guests. Shadowhunters cast being the exception to the rule only if its someone I’ve not met before.I try to keep to the same rule with Day cons but sometimes there's just someone who makes that impossible (Tom Burke back at a Newcastle comic con a few years ago being my go to example)
* Pandemonium con2:
3rd Shadowhunters con I’d attended.I know I shocked Matt (Alec), Luke (johnathan) and Kat (Clary) as the Owl.I’m told Dom (Jace) was shocked to and said the mask was better than the one he’d worn which we all know is just him being kind to broke overweight untalented fan.Luke is a gent, think I wierded him out asking for him to go full Johnathan in the photo, but he seemed to forgive me when I told him me and my friends Carla and Michelle had dreamcast him as Spike in the Buffy revival (and Jade as Willow obv)Chai (Jordan) is always madness, all the time. And didn’t mind getting scolded for spoilering one of his own charectars deaths to a fan (me) who’d only agreed to watch the show because of him and Lola (Seelie Queen) being in it. He took it with good humour and began discussing spoilering and its limits. He was wierded out by me A.L.I.E photoshoot idea, when most people want hugs and high fives and stuff.
my season 2 Seelie didn’t get the reaction from Jade (Meliorn) my s1 did in Milan the previous year, but I think by then he knew I was mad enough to try it, and it wasnt a direct attempt at him (not for lack of trying)He loved the Buffy notebook set and Hufflepuff hat I got him, was even wearing it at closing, though I didn’t get pics as my camera died. Wasnt surprised apparently, that I’m Hufflepuff too. Which most would have taken as a barb but just kept me grinning.I gave him Tomato crisps but he has yet to tell me the answer to the question he asked had asked me when I first found them over here “are they the real thing?”I also brought a little dragon to meet its name sake, I did considering giving him it but I think I overloaded him, he was a flattered by the likeness though, also by the smell? Guessed it was a boy angel knows how because I don’t.
I met Nicola Damude (Maryse) in Milan, but because of stuff and thangs I didn’t get to talk to her for long, so when she got announced it was heaven for me,I gave her a jar of Pontefract cakes from the Castle (still not sure why) and she asked if she could give them to her dad who loves black Liquorice, I was pleased as anything, and she asked me where Pontefract was and I for some reason said“famous for Liquorice, racing and hot pokers.” to which Ally explained and got nick laughing.Ally cosplayed Maryse which had Nic smiling like a chesire cat and her picture where Allys brought out Biromantic heart flag will go into her wall of pride flags which she puts in her window during pride week at home in Canada even when shes away working.
*Destination Star Trek 2019:
I met up with Villiana and Sarah at DST, still surprised Sarah was a Trekkie, but it made the con more interesting, intop obviously of my 5 reasons for attending despite cash flow Shazad Latif (Commander Ash Tyler), Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp (Dr Hugh Culber and Lieutenant Paul Stamets), Alan Van Sprang (Commander Leland/Control) and Ethan Peck (Liuetenant Spock)
When I met Wilson Cruz I gave him the picture I’d got last year to sign and told him it was for my friend who was a nurse and couldn’t attend, he said “theirs always next year” adding quickly “if we’re asked.” to which I grinned, I explained how she was a Cardiac nurse and couldn’t rearrange shifts when they (he and Anthony) got announced, how she’d binged both seasons and they were her faves. He was proud to be playing a doctor liked by a nurse.
First photo was with Ethan, I was nervous as hells. Despite the fact it seemed only I remembered the significance of Alice in Wonderland to Spock I went through with my idea, he leant over my shoulder looking interested, I was so happy even after I realised the book was facing to far right for the cover to be readable. Ethan asked about the pic when I went to his table to get his autograph and I said it was awesome,turns out I was so annoyed at myself for the way I held the book, I’d not noticed he was giving the book the Spock eyebrow till I scanned it.I asked him if he’d do me a favour when he went back on the set of Penny Dreadful and told him about Live Dom and Prosper to which he laughed and said he’d only seen Dominic the day before.
While I was cuing for Ethans auto there was a girl behind me talking about asking Shazad who was sat next to him to sign her s31 badge she’d just bought, I’ve had mine since they came out and com badges before that so I turned round and told her it would be impossible to keep in tact, she said it wouldn’t matter just because she’d been up to him to get it signed, and I looked where she’d positioned it and tried to keep myself from saying anything else, someone gave her a pen they thought would last better, a group gathered trying to talk her ionto it, and while they were talking Shazads cue wass empty so I wandered over, got my friend Michelle is auto and talked about Departure where he didn’t know for a few moments in one scene a Canadian playing a Brit hadn’t been able to help mimicking his London accent, he found it funny and couldn’t believe I noticed, I shrugged and said “two of my fave actors in one scene, I notice these things.” I told him where to look and he wrote it down. I then asked if there was any plans to try and get Ash into the section 31 show even as a hologram and he said there was a discussion going on which got me grinning, I turned round and the girls thought I’d told but I shook my head, I wanted none of it. But when I got back in Ethans line she stepped out of and went to ask him, he didn’t look very bothered about where she had it, he just liked the idea.
From day 1 There was no question I was walking out as Section 31 again, but this time, instead of being the only black badge I was one of a sea, I was however the only one to give Alan Van Sprang a 3d print copy of the ship, his ship, the NCIA-93 which he loved, said I’d out done myself (after the rune com I gave him last year) and took another Selfie I’ll never see lol
my friend Ashley took photos of the whole encounter, from Alan thinking I’d given him a box of bubble wrap to the shock on his face, he said getting the ship was 2nd in awesome only to stepping onto the set of the ship itself.We got talking, I asked him about something Nicola had said at pancon, that when he’d had his first and only scene with her he’d called her Marsee instead of Maryse and he said its true and that she’d told him she’d told the story at a con the previous month, I said it was only last week, to which Ash from over my shoulder said that I am and I quote “the number one fan in the UK and universally known in the con community as the biggest fan and a lot of people only knew of Shadowhunters because of me,” apparently that's a consensus as I found out later, and as much as I don’t think its strictly true I was honoured never the less,he wasn’t took keen on my writing, apparently Lisa looked like Lisa am or something? don’t ask.So we were chatting and suddenly I noticed this head bobbing up and down behind him, Wilson Cruz had left his place and was using a chair to do raised push ups because he was bored.I realised that I’d stood chatting to Alan longer than was strictly polite for other fans so I bowed out, Saw him again for photos, where he and Shazad made me very happy
I do feel a bit of dope, I brought my asexual flag for my photo with Wilson and Anthony, but when Anthony asked me what the colours meant my brain went blank, I have to agree to tweet him a link. At least with him and Wilson I know they check twitter lol.
When I went up to get Anthony's auto on the Culmets photo for Ally I told him the same as I’d told Wilson how about Ally binging the show and loving them, how I’d pretty much known who’d she’d go for as faves, how she's a combo of the two and how..well what I said was “Paul rocks.” to which he grinned and said “of course he does.” LOL
* Miracle Day Returns (5) 2019-11-15 to 2019-11-17 - -Ren, London: Seeing the old crowd was perfect for the last Starfury of the year (Destiny never counts)hearing from Gareth on the future potential for music, getting ribbed by Kai, and of course watching the two of them taking the piss out of John is always a riot.Seeing Kai and Eve handing Sean a peition for a 5th Miracle Day was awesome, and we know it will happen.. somewhere down the line
*Wales Comic Con Telford Takeover December: I am not standing on Aidan’s foot in the picture!That I have to be clear on, I am getting fking sick of people joking that I am. He is still laughing from a previous person in the booth and her kid., I would have gone back and asked about reshoots but door were closed and I figured Aidan had left as he was on a schedule.
Colton loved his Pokeball even if I did get them mixed up and have to get him and Adam to swap.Told me Roy end up with his arm back “sort of.” and there's no plans for him to be in the spin off but “its the future, you never know.”
Dean O’Gorman (Bragi, Almighty Johnson's) loved the fact I’d brought the cover of young Herc to be signed, and told me that it was the Pilot which explained why Ian didn’t continue as young Herc (scheduling)
Tyler confirmed he is the Superman in the spin off. I knew it was but just hearing him say it :DTyler and Colton both recognised us, it was awesome!
While I am Ify on the new location due to travel funds and things, generally the convention was awesome as always. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
TVWith the end of Shadowhunters I have seriously been lacking new shows.I’ve tried different things and nothings stuck.Star Trek Discovery aired at the same time as Shadowhunters and was over nearly at the same time.The In-Between was interesting but isn’t getting a season 2,The Expanse s4 only started last week,Shadowhunters, TVD, Teen Wolf, Grimm, Torchwood, Xena, Bad Girls The Tribe, True Blood, Andromeda, American Horror Story, Merlin, B5, Stargate, its a short list but a special oneso I’ve started rewatches : my go to’s (see above list^) till something sneaks up.
MusicPretty much the same deal.J4de released some awesome songs, but that’s 4 songs, the EP is out ‘later’.but no new band has really grabbed me.
Upside? In November we learned that My Chem have reformed, just gotta wait and see if they record or tour outside the US. _______________________________________________________
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” - C.S. Lewis
As always I have to have to mark those people who have made this year bareable,the good thing is this year there is no need for a piece on those who've also made it unbearable.
you know who you are, and if you don't.. assume i'm talking of you, because likely hood is I am.
"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens." - J. R. R. Tolkien
And that is.. or was it. Goodbye 2019
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t-rina · 2 years
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Me: Chakotay, your jealousy is showing...
Q: I do believe you're jealous.
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t-rina · 2 years
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they KILL me
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t-rina · 2 years
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sassy b’elanna
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t-rina · 2 years
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what about the shuttle replicator tho?
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